HomeMy WebLinkAbout110804P NOTICE OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL TIME: 6:30 P.M. WHEN: THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2011 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Council meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. § 1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Town Council are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. § 1-602.A.9 have been waived. PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL Anyone wishing to speak before the Council must fill out a speaker’s card and submit it to the Town Clerk prior to Council discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located in the Council Chamber Lobby and near the Clerk’s position on the dais. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Clerk or the Mayor. At that time, speakers should stand and approach the podium. Speakers are asked to state their name prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Presiding Officer and not to individual Councilmembers. Speakers’ statements should not be repetitive. If a speaker chooses not to speak when called, the speaker will be deemed to have waived his or her opportunity to speak on the matter. Speakers may not (i) reserve a portion of their time for a later time or (ii) transfer any portion of their time to another speaker. If there is a Public Hearing, please submit the speaker card to speak to that issue during the Public Hearing. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Council. Time limits may be waived by (i) discretion of the Town Manager upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting, (ii) consensus of the Council at Meeting or (iii) the Mayor either prior to or during a Meeting. Please be respectful when making your comments. If you do not comply with these rules, you will be asked to leave. Mayor Jay T. Schlum Councilmember Dennis Brown Councilmember Tait D. Elkie Vice Mayor Dennis Contino Councilmember Cassie Hansen Councilmember Ginny Dickey Councilmember Henry Leger Z:\Council Packets\2011\R8-4-11\110804A.docx Last printed 7/28/2011 9:32 AM Page 2 of 3  CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Jay T. Schlum  INVOCATION – Fred Widom, Temple Beth Hagivot  ROLL CALL – Mayor Jay T. Schlum  MAYOR’S REPORT i) The Mayor will read a proclamation declaring August 2011, as Drowning Impact Awareness Month.  SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS i) None. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Council and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during “Call to the Public” unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Councilmembers may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda. CONSENT AGENDA 1. CONSIDERATION of approving the TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES from May 25, June 2, and June 14, 2011. REGULAR AGENDA 2. CONSIDERATION of APPROVING (i) the final plan for the Centennial Circle and (ii) the expenditure of any remaining funds from the paver installation, which was budgeted at $75,000, to be used for irrigation and landscaping costs in the Centennial Circle. 3. CONSIDERATION of ACCEPTING a donated bronze sculpture of an eagle titled, America, for public display in the Centennial Circle. 4. CONSIDERATION of APPOINTING two citizen(s) to the Public Safety Advisory Commission for the remainder of a two year term beginning August 4, 2011, and ending December 31, 2012. 5. CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION 2011-31, adopting the amended and restated Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, policy and procedures for civic naming of streets, buildings, structures and recreational facilities. 6. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2011-30, approving the fee schedule for the various Town services for Fiscal Years 2011-12. 7. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION regarding appointment of an Interim Town Manager and potential temporary modifications to Town policies to facilitate the appointment. 8. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE SELECTION of an executive search firm to conduct the search for a new Town Manager. Z:\Council Packets\2011\R8-4-11\110804A.docx Last printed 7/28/2011 9:32 AM Page 3 of 3 9. CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION 2011-21, levying upon the assessed valuation of the property within the Town of Fountain Hills, subject to taxation a certain sum upon each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of valuation sufficient to raise the amount estimated to be required in the annual budget to provide funds for bond redemptions, for the purpose of paying interest upon bonded indebtedness; all for the Fiscal year ending the 30th day of June, 2012. 10. CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION 2011-32, regarding an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Scottsdale relating to traffic signal maintenance, including emergency services. 11. QUARTERLY UPDATE by the Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director Julie Ghetti on the progress of implementing the COUNCIL’S GOALS FOR FY2010-11 and other accomplishments. 12. COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director Julie Ghetti. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council: A. NONE. 13. SUMMARY of Council requests and REPORT ON RECENT ACTIVITIES by the Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director Julie Ghetti. 14. ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 28th day of July 2011. Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5100 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk’s office. 1546408.1 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, ADOPTING THE AMENDED AND RESTATED TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR CIVIC NAMING OF STREETS, BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town Council”) has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the Town of Fountain Hills to establish written policies that ensure a consistent procedure for the naming of streets and municipal facilities; and WHEREAS, the Town Council approved Resolution 2006-08 on February 16, 2006 (the “Prior Resolution”) which adopted the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, Policy and Procedures for Civic Naming of Streets, Buildings, Structures and Recreational Facilities, a policy to formalize the framework for the naming of streets, buildings, structures and recreational facilities (the “Original Naming Policy”); and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to refine and update the Original Naming Policy by replacing it with the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Policy and Procedures for Civic Naming of Streets, Buildings, Structures and Recreational Facilities, Amended and Restated August 4, 2011 (the “Amended Naming Policy”). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, as follows: SECTION 1. Resolution 2006-08 is hereby repealed, including the Original Naming Policy adopted therein. SECTION 2. That certain document known as the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Policy and Procedures for Civic Naming of Streets, Buildings, Structures and Recreational Facilities, Amended and Restated August 4, 2011, is hereby adopted in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution or any part of the Policy adopted herein by reference is for any reason to be held invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. SECTION 4. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps and to execute all documents necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. 1546408.1 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, August 4, 2011. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Jay T. Schlum, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Ghetti, Acting Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney 1546408.1 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2011-31 [Amended Naming Policy] See following pages. 612257.5 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR CIVIC NAMING OF STREETS, BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES (Amended and Restated August 4, 2011) In order to establish for the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona (the “Town”) a formal procedure and criteria for the selection of place names for any given building, street, public place, facility, or natural feature within the Town limits or otherwise owned and/or operated by the Town, the following Policy and Procedures (this “Policy”) is hereby adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town (the “Town Council”). 1. General Policies. A. Naming Facilities and Streets. The Town Council shall approve, by resolution, the naming of all municipally owned and/or operated buildings, structures, natural features and recreational facilities, whether in whole or portions thereof (hereafter referred to individually as a “Facility” or collectively as “Facilities”), and streets, roads or any public rights- of-way (hereafter referred to individually as a “Street” or collectively as the “Streets”) within the corporate limits of the Town. Portions of a Facility may have names other than that of the entire Facility and features may be dedicated to or in honor of a person such as “Smith Beach” or “Jones’ Amphitheater” at Fountain Park. B. Recommendations to Other Bodies. This Policy should also be followed in reviewing or preparing the Town’s official comments or recommendations to State, Federal, and/or intergovernmental boards taking actions regarding geographic names, naming or renaming of facilities or streets. C. Town Council Consideration. The Mayor, three members of the Town Council, or the Town Manager may request the naming or renaming of a Facility or a Street. Thereafter, the Town Council shall discuss the requested renaming at a public meeting. D. Public Notice. The Town Council shall provide appropriate public notice of any Street or Facility naming actions in conjunction with other agenda items for regularly- scheduled meetings. E. Changes to Approved Names. Once a name has been officially approved by the Town Council, changes should be strongly resisted. F. Town Council Discretion. In all cases, the Town Council reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal to name or rename a Street or Facility, in its sole discretion. G. Town Manager Duties. The Town Manager, upon approval of the naming or renaming action by the Town Council, shall implement names or name changes of Facilities or Streets. The Town Manager shall notify those who have submitted the suggestion as well as 612257.5 2 other appropriate offices and agencies. Upon Town Council denial of a name or name change, the Town Manager shall notify those who requested the name change. 2. Naming Criteria. A. For Facilities and Streets Generally. Recognizing that the naming or renaming of a Facility or Street should be approached cautiously with forethought and deliberation, the following criteria are hereby established: (i) To avoid duplication, confusing similarity or inappropriateness, the Town Council, in considering name suggestions, shall review existing Facility and/or Street names, as applicable. (ii) In naming of Facilities and Streets, consideration shall be given to geographic location, historical or cultural significance and natural or geological features. In the development of a Facility, the address designation shall be used until the formal naming of the Facility. Whenever possible, naming shall be made prior to the completion of construction of a Facility or Street. (iii) Facilities and Streets may be named only for a deceased individual or individuals if the individual or individuals has/have enhanced the quality of life within the Town, provided two years or more has elapsed between the consideration for naming and the time of death of the individual or, in the case of related individuals, two years after the death of one of the individuals. The deceased individual shall have performed outstanding service in one or more of the following categories: (a) Maintained involvement in a leadership role in civic organizations that are devoted to community improvement. (b) Provided assistance to the underprivileged, economically disadvantaged or physically and/or mentally handicapped. (c) Actively promoted and directed community events and activities that have clearly added to the enrichment of the quality and quantity of cultural life within the community. (d) Actively promoted and implemented effective programs and activities within the community for the Town’s youth. (e) Actively promoted and implemented effective programs and activities within the community for the Town’s senior citizens. (f) Assumed an active leadership role in developing and implementing programs directed to the improvement of the visual aesthetic appearance of the community at the commercial, public or residential level. 612257.5 3 (g) Assumed an active leadership role in developing programs and facilities directed toward the improvement of community social and health needs as well as programs directed toward humanitarian purposes. B. Additional Criteria Applicable to Streets. In considering the renaming or naming of a Street, the Town Council shall consider the following: (i) Street names, plats, specific sites and places and natural features indicated on general usage maps for 50 years or more (age criteria applied by the National Register of Historic Places) should only be changed under exceptional circumstances. Street names shall not be similar in spelling or pronunciation to a presently-existing major collector or arterial road in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. No Street shall be named by number only according to the street numbering grid (i.e. 150th Street) unless the Street follows a straight north-south alignment. (ii) Attention should be paid to maintaining sequential, numerical and alphabetical naming patterns when considering any Street name changes or additions. All Streets shall be named and numbered consistently with the County-wide street numbering system and no such name or change of name shall take effect until (a) the affected public safety agencies have been notified and (b) all impacted public safety dispatch maps have been amended. Any extensions of presently-existing Streets within or into the Town shall bear the same name as the existing roadway. No Street name shall contain a homonym. (iii) New Streets shall be named according to the following guidelines: (a) In most cases, the Street name will be proposed by the property owner, reviewed by the Town staff and approved by the Town Council as part of its consideration of a final plat for a development within the Town. (b) If an unnamed private street is dedicated to the Town, the name may be suggested by the property owners thereon, but the Town Council shall make the final determination. (iv) No Street shall be renamed unless: (a) The new Street name is not one already well known in the Phoenix metropolitan area. (b) There are no (or very few) buildings or another addressed facilities presently existing along the Street. (c) The new Street name will not be confused with other existing Streets in the Town. 612257.5 4 (d) The new Street name shall not be the same as a specific living person within the Phoenix Metropolitan area. C. Historical Reference. Changes of names for Facilities or Streets should only be approved when they do not violate historical or common usage names. Facilities and Streets may be named after research reveals that the area around the Facility or Street has been commonly, yet unofficially, named by the residents in the area. 3. Donations; Sponsorships. A. Donor Naming. Facilities and Streets may be permanently named for an individual (alive or deceased), organization, or business if that individual, organization, or business has made a donation of money, land or other goods and/or services to the Town equal to at least half the full cost of the Facility or Street, either for purposes of developing a particular Facility or Street or for the Town’s Capital Fund. Such arrangements will be called “permanent naming.” Permanent Naming proposals from any company or organization whose business is the sale of illegal substances or activities, or any product or activity deemed objectionable by the Town Council, will not be considered. B. Sponsorships. The Town may, at times, solicit sponsorship naming opportunities, at which time the Town staff will solicit bids for naming rights to Facilities or Streets from individuals, businesses and organizations. Sponsorship naming opportunities will be for terms less than 20 years, as determined by the Town Council and shall have a minimum value of at least $100,000. Funds collected from sponsorship naming may be either directly for the purpose of developing the particular Facility or Street to be named (if the Facility or Street is a new Facility or Street in need of funding), or the funds collected may go to the Town’s Capital Fund if the Facility or Street to be named is an existing Facility or Street. The procedure for sponsorship naming opportunities is as follows: (i) Town staff will determine if submitted sponsorship naming proposals meet the purpose and intent of this Policy and will rank its choices if more than one proposal is to be considered. (ii) Town staff will forward all qualified proposals along with its recommendation to the Town Manager. (iii) The Town Manager will forward all qualified proposals to the Town Council and make a final recommendation to the Town Council. (iv) The Town Council shall have the final authority to determine whether or not to accept a proposal, in its sole discretion. 612257.3612257.5 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR CIVIC NAMING OF STREETS, BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES (Amended and Restated August 4, 2011) In order to establish for the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona (the “Town”) a formal procedure and criteria for the selection of place names for any given building, street, public place, Facilityfacility, or natural feature within the Town limits or otherwise owned and/or operated by the Town, the following Policy and Procedures for (this “Policy”) is hereby adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town (the “Town Council”). 1. General Policies. a. A. Naming Facilities and Streets. The Town Council shall approve, by resolution, the naming of all municipalmunicipally owned and/or operated buildings, structures, natural features and recreational facilities, whether in whole or portions thereof (hereafter referred to individually as a “Facility” or collectively as “Facilities”), and streets, roads or any public rights-of-way (hereafter referred to individually as a “Street” or collectively, as the “Streets”) within the Town of Fountain Hillscorporate limits of the Town. Portions of a Facility may have names other than that of the entire Facility and features may be dedicated to or in honor of a person such as “Smith Beach” or “Jones’ Amphitheater” at Fountain Park. b. B. Recommendations to Other Bodies. This policyPolicy should also be followed in reviewing or preparing the Town’s official comments or recommendations to State, Federal, and/or intergovernmental boards taking actions regarding geographic names, naming or renaming of Facilities of Streetsfacilities or streets. c. C. Town Council Consideration. The Mayor, three members of the Town Council, or the Town Manager may request the naming or renaming of a Facility or a Street. Thereafter, the Town Council shall discuss the requested renaming at a public meeting. dD. Public Notice. The Town Council shall provide appropriate public notice onof any Street or Facility naming actions in conjunction with other agenda items for regularly- scheduled meetings. e. E. Changes to Approved Names. Once a name has been officially approved by the Town Council, changes should be strongly resisted. f. F. Town Council Discretion. In all cases, the Town Council reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal to name or rename a Street or Facility, in its sole discretion. 2. Facility Naming. 612257.3612257.5 2 a. In the development of a Facility, the address designation shall be used until the formal naming of the Facility. Whenever possible, naming shall be made prior to the completion of construction of the building or Facility. b. Changes of names for Facilities should only be approved when they do not violate historical or common usage names. Facilities may be named after research reveals that the area around the Facility has been commonly, yet unofficially, named by the residents in the area. c. G. Town Manager Duties. The Town Manager, upon approval of the naming or renaming action by the Town Council, shall implement names or name changes of public buildings, streets, places, Facilities, and/ or natural featuresStreets. The Town Manager shall notify those who have submitted the suggestion as well as other appropriate offices and agencies. Upon Town Council denial of a name or name change, the Town Manager shall notify those who requested the name change. 2. Naming Criteria. d. A. For Facilities and Streets Generally. Recognizing that the naming or renaming of a Facility or Street should be approached cautiously with forethought and deliberation, the following criteria are hereby established: (i) To avoid duplication, confusing similarity, or inappropriateness, the Town Council, in considering name suggestions, shall review existing Facility and/or Street names, as applicable. (ii) Consideration inIn naming of Facilities and Streets, consideration shall be given to geographic location, historical or cultural significance and natural or geological features. In the development of a Facility, the address designation shall be used until the formal naming of the Facility. Whenever possible, naming shall be made prior to the completion of construction of a Facility or Street. (iii) Buildings or Facilities and Streets may be named only for a deceased individual or individuals if the individual or individuals has/have enhanced the quality of life within the Town, provided two years or more has elapsed between the consideration for naming and the time of death of the individual or, in the case of related individuals, two years after the death of one of the individuals. The deceased individual shall have performed outstanding service in one or more of the following categories: (a) Maintained involvement in a leadership role in civic organizations that are devoted to community improvement. (b) Provided assistance to the underprivileged, economically disadvantaged or physically and/or mentally handicapped. 612257.3612257.5 3 (c) Actively promoted and directed community events and activities that have clearly added to the enrichment of the quality and quantity of cultural life within the community. (d) Actively promoted and implemented effective programs and activities within the community for the Town’s youth. (e) Actively promoted and implemented effective programs and activities within the community for the Town’s senior citizens. (f) Assumed an active leadership role in developing and implementing programs directed to the improvement of the visual aesthetic appearance of the community at the commercial, public or residential level. (g) Assumed an active leadership role in developing programs and Facilitiesfacilities directed toward the improvement of community social and health needs as well as programs directed toward humanitarian purposes. e. Portions of a Facility may have another name than that of the entire Facility or features may be dedicated to or in honor of a person such as “Smith Beach” or “Jones’ Amphitheater” at Fountain Park. f. Facilities may be permanently named for an individual (alive or deceased), organization, or business if that individual, organization, or business has made a donation of money, land, or other goods and/or services to the Town equal to at least half the full cost of the Facility, either for purposes of developing a particular Facility or for the Town’s Capital Fund. Such arrangements will be called permanent naming. Permanent naming proposals from any company or organization whose business is the sale of illegal substances or activities, or any product or activity deemed objectionable by the Town Council, will not be considered. 3. Street Naming B. Additional Criteria Applicable to Streets. In considering the renaming or naming of a streetStreet, the Town Council shall consider the following: a.(i) Street names, plats, specific sites and places and natural features indicated on general usage maps for fifty50 years or more (age criteria applied by the National Register of Historic Places) should only be changed under exceptional circumstances. Street names shall not be similar in spelling or pronunciation to a presently-existing major collectioncollector or arterial road in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. No streetStreet shall be named by number only according to the street numbering grid (i.e. 150th Street) unless the streetStreet follows a straight north-south alignment. b.(ii) Attention should be paid to maintaining sequential, numerical, and alphabetical naming patterns when considering any streetStreet name changes or additions. All Streets shall be named and numbered consistently with the County-wide 612257.3612257.5 4 street numbering system and no such name or change of name shall take effect until (ia) the affected public safety agencies have been notified and (iib) all impacted public safety dispatch maps have been amended. Any extensions of presently-existing roadsStreets within or into the Town shall bear the same name as the existing roadway. No streetStreet name shall contain a homonym. c.(iii) New Streets shall be named according to the following guidelines: (ia) In most cases, the Street name will be proposed by the property owner, reviewed by the Town staff and approved by the Town Council, as part of its approvalconsideration of a final plat for a development within the Town. (iib) if If an unnamed private street is dedicated to the Town, the name may be suggested by the property owners thereon, but the Town Council shall make the final determination. d.(iv) No Street shall be renamed unless: (ia) The new Street name is not one already well known, in the Phoenix metropolitan area. (iib) There are no (or very few) buildings or another addressed facilities presently existing along the streetStreet. (iiic) The new Street name will not be confused with other existing streetsStreets in the Town. (ivd) The new Street name shall not be the same as a specific living person within the Phoenix Metropolitan area. C. Historical Reference. Changes of names for Facilities or Streets should only be approved when they do not violate historical or common usage names. Facilities and Streets may be named after research reveals that the area around the Facility or Street has been commonly, yet unofficially, named by the residents in the area. 3. Donations; Sponsorships. A. Donor Naming. Facilities and Streets may be permanently named for an individual (alive or deceased), organization, or business if that individual, organization, or business has made a donation of money, land or other goods and/or services to the Town equal to at least half the full cost of the Facility or Street, either for purposes of developing a particular Facility or Street or for the Town’s Capital Fund. Such arrangements will be called “permanent naming.” Permanent Naming proposals from any company or organization whose business is the sale of illegal substances or activities, or any product or activity deemed objectionable by the Town Council, will not be considered. 612257.3612257.5 5 4.B. Sponsorships. The Town may, at times, solicit sponsorship naming opportunities, at which time the Town staff will solicit bids for naming rights to Facilit ies or Streets from individuals, businesses and organizations. Sponsorship naming opportunities will be for terms less than 20 years, as determined by the Town Council and shall have a minimum value of at least $100,000. Funds collected from sponsorship naming may be either directly for the purpose of developing the particular Facility or Street to be named (if the Facility or Street is a new Facility or Street in need of funding), or the funds collected may go to the Town’s Capital Fund if the Facility or Street to be named is an existing Facility or Street. The procedure for sponsorship naming opportunities is as follows: a.(i) Town staff will determine if submitted sponsorship naming proposals meet guidelinesthe purpose and intent of this Policy and will rank its choices if more than one proposal is to be considered. b.(ii) Town staff will forward all qualified proposals along with its recommendation to the Town Manager. c.(iii) The Town Manager will forward all qualified proposals to the Town Council and make a final recommendation to the Town Council. d. (iv) The Town Council shall have the final authority to determine whether or not to accept a proposal, in its sole discretion. e. Sponsorship naming opportunities will be for terms less than 20 years, as determined by the Town Council and shall have a minimum value of at least $100,000. f. Funds collected from sponsorship naming may be either directly for the purpose of developing the particular Facility to be named, if the Facility is a new Facility in need of funding, or the funds collected may go to the Town’s Capital Fund if the Facility to be named is an existing Facility. Document comparison by Workshare Professional on Wednesday, June 08, 2011 4:57:46 PM Input: Document 1 ID interwovenSite://GRPHX_SQL/Phoenix/612257/3 Description #612257v3<Phoenix> - POLICY - Naming Policy v3 Document 2 ID interwovenSite://GRPHX_SQL/Phoenix/612257/5 Description #612257v5<Phoenix> - POLICY - Naming Policy v5 (AJM 6.8.11) Rendering set Standard Legend: Insertion Deletion Moved from Moved to Style change Format change Moved deletion Inserted cell Deleted cell Moved cell Split/Merged cell Padding cell Statistics: Count Insertions 85 Deletions 77 Moved from 16 Moved to 16 Style change 0 Format changed 0 Total changes 194 1548706.1 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, APPROVING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR VARIOUS TOWN SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011-12. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The fee schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference is hereby adopted. SECTION 2. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, August 4, 2011. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Jay T. Schlum, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Ghetti, Acting Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney 1548706.1 2 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2011-30 [Fee Schedule] See following pages. Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Services Notarization$2.00 per signature Affix Town Seal$2.00 each Faxing Service - Local Only $2.00 First Page, $.50 Each Additional Page Faxing Service - Long Distance $3.00 First Page, $.50 Each Additional Page E-Mail Document Service $.50 First Page, $.10 Each Additional Page Campaign Fees Pro/Con Argument Fee$100.00 Campaign Finance-Late Filing Fee$10.00 per day Copies-Non-Commercial Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 11$.25 per page Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 14$.30 per page Photocopies (B&W) 11 x 17$.40 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 11$.50 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 14$.60 per page Photocopies (Color) 11 x 17$.70 per page Copies-Commercial Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 11$.50 per page Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 14$.60 per page Photocopies (B&W) 11 x 17$.80 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 11$1.00 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 14$1.20 per page Photocopies (Color) 11 x 17$1.40 per page Documents Town Code$25.00 (CD or hard copy) Zoning Ordinances$25.00 (CD or hard copy) Subdivision Code$25.00 (CD or hard copy) CAFR (Annual Financial Report)$25.00 (CD or hard copy) Annual Budget$45.00 (CD or hard copy) Land Use Analysis$25.00 (hard copy only) CD of Council Meeting$25.00 ea Other Materials on CD$25.00 ea E-Mail Service (Request for Public Information)$25.00 ea Reports Current Business License Report $25.00 (CD or hard copy) (Non-commercial Use) Current Business License Report $50.00 (CD or hard copy) (Commercial Use) Maps 8 1/2" x 11" Street/Index Map "Typical" (B&W)$0.50 8 1/2" x 11" Street/Index Map "Typical" (Color)$2.00 8 1/2" x 11" Street/Index Map "Typical" (Photo)$3.00 11" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (B&W)$0.75 11" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (Color)$3.00 11" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (Photo)$5.00 11" x 17" Aerial Site Plan (Photo)$20.00 24" x 36" Street/Final Plat/As Built (B&W)$3.00 24" x 36" Street/Final Plat/As Built (Color)$20.00 24" x 36" Street/Final Plat/As Built (Photo)$30.00 60" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (B&W)$35.00 Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Maps (cont.) 60" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (Color)$75.00 60" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (Photo)$125.00 Plat Map Book$25.00 Adopt A Street Fee, per sign$30.00 Dog License Non-neutered dog$42.00 Spayed/Neutered dog$17.00 Over 65 with neutered dog$6.00 Service DogNo fee Replacement Dog Tag$2.00 Late fee neutered dog (per month)$2.00 Late fee non-neutered dog (per month)$4.00 Business License Fees Providers of services, wholesalers and manufacturers $50.00/application and first year fee with a fixed place of business within the town limits Retail merchants, restaurants, bars, contractors $50.00/application and first year fee and rental of real and personal property with a fixed place of business within the town limits and persons engaging in the sale or rental of real estate Wholesalers, manufacturers and providers of services $50.00/application and first year fee without a fixed place of business within the town limits Retail merchants, etc. (as above) without a fixed place$50.00/application and first year fee of business within the town limits Annual renewal fee for business within the town limits$35.00 Annual renewal fee for business without a fixed place $50.00 of business within the town limits Temporary Vendor Permit (Special Events Only)$50.00/application and processing fee Peddlers, solicitors and mobile merchants$250.00/calendar quarter or fraction thereof Peddler investigation fee (per person)$25.00 Promoters of entertainments, circuses, bazaars, etc., $100.00/week who receive a percentage of receipts or other consideration for their services. Each such promoter shall also obtain liability insurance of a minimum of $1 million naming the town as insured. Animal Show$100.00/week Circus Parade Only$50.00/day Handbill Distributor$10.00/day Amusement Company, such as ferris wheel, merry- $100.00/day go-round,etc., not part of a circus Tent Show$100.00/day Wrestling Exhibition$100.00/day Road Show, Carnival or Circus$100.00/day Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Business License Fees (cont.) Practice of palmistry, phrenology, astrology, fortune $50.00/day telling, mind reading, clairvoyancy, magic or any heal- ing practices not licensed by the State of Arizona, or any similar calling without a fixed place of business Duplicate Business License$10.00 Verification of License Letter$10.00 Alarm License Application fee$100.00 Annual License fee$30.00 Criminal history investigation (per person)$25.00 Duplicate Alarm License$10.00 False Alarm Service Charges (per calendar year) First and second None Third$50.00 Fourth$75.00 Fifth and Sixth$100.00 Seventh or more$200.00 each Wireless Communications (Cell Tower on Town property) Application Fee, each location $100.00 Special Event Permits-Business Application Fee-Business$100.00 Permit Fee $50 per day (not to exceed $400) Special Event Permits-Non-Profit Application Fee-Charitable Organization$50.00 Permit Fee$25 per day (not to exceed $200) Special Event Permits-Extra Fees Special Event Liquor Application Fee$25.00 Utility FeesActual cost of usage Alcohol License Application Special Event Liquor Application Fee$25.00 Transfer Fee$150.00 Extension of Premise$25.00 Initial Application Fee 01-In State Producer$500.00 02-Out of State Producer$500.00 03-Domestic Microbrewery$500.00 04-In State Wholesaler$500.00 05-Government$500.00 06-Bar, All Spirituous Liquors$500.00 07-Beer & Wine Bar$500.00 08-Conveyance$500.00 09-Liquor Store$500.00 10-Beer & Wine Store$500.00 11-Hotel/Motel$500.00 12-Restaurant$500.00 13-Domestic Farm Winery$500.00 14-Private Club$0.00 15-Special Event$0.00 16-Wine Festival/Wine Fair$0.00 Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Adult Oriented Business License Application Fee-Business$500.00 Application Fee-Provider$100.00 Application Fee-Manager$100.00 Application Fee-Employee (per person)$50.00 License Fee-annual-Business$200.00 License Fee-annual-Provider$100.00 License Fee-annual-Manager$100.00 Cable License Initial License Application$2,500.00 Transfer of ownership$2,000.00 License modification, pursuant to 47 USC Sec 545$2,500.00 Other License modificationup to $2000 License fee-quarterly5% of gross receipts Late fee (after 30 days)5% plus interest of 1 1/2%/mo Excavations/In-Lieu Fees Base fee (per excavation)$250.00 plus: Trench cut fees: Newly paved or overlayed 0-1 yrs $55.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 1-2 yrs $45.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 2-3 yrs $35.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 3-4 yrs $25.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 4-5 yrs $15.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 5-6 yrs $10.00 per lineal ft. Slurry or chip sealed 0-2 years $4.00 per lineal ft. Pavement replacement greater than 600 ft in length$2.50 per sq. yd. Utility Pit fees: Newly paved or overlayed 0-1 yrs $5.00 per sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 1-2 yrs $4.50 per sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 2-3 yrs $3.50 per sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 3-4 yrs $2.50 per sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 4-5 yrs $1.50 per sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 5-6 yrs $1.00 per sq. ft. Slurry or chip sealed 0-2 years $5.00 per sq. ft. Adjustment (MH, valve, monument, etc)$500 ea. Striping$.55 per linear ft. Lane Markers$150.00 ea. Stop Bars$2.50 per sq. ft. Crosswalks$.79 per sq. ft. RPMs$7.00 ea. Encroachment Permits Base Permit Fee$50.00 2"/6" Paving A.C.$.35 per sq. yd. 1" Paving-Overlay or Top Course$.15 per sq. yd. 1" ABC or Select Subbase$.05 per sq. yd. Permanent Barricading$25.00 ea. Guard Rail/Hand Rail$.20 per linear ft. Survey Monuments$10.00 ea. Concrete Aprons$15.00 ea. Scuppers$15.00 ea. Review for Adjustments MH, etc.$10.00 ea. 4" Paving-PC Concrete$.22 per sq. yd. Decorative Sidewalk or Paving$.30 per linear ft. Sidewalk & Bikepath$.30 per linear ft. Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Encroachment Permits (cont.) Curb & Gutter$.20 per linear ft. Valley Gutter$.50 per linear ft. Sign (regulator, street etc.)$5.00 ea. Pavement Cuts$2.00 per linear ft. Driveway Cuts$30.00 ea. Utility, Water Line, Sewer Line Trench$.15 per linear ft. Drywells (maxwell or similar)$100.00 ea. Storm Drain Pipe$2.00 per linear ft. Catch Basins, Headwells$50.00 ea. Cutoff Walls$.35 per linear ft. Slope Protection$.30 per sq. yd. Rip Rap$.90 sq. ft. Retaining Wall$1.53 per linear ft. Cut/Fill (Materials Moved)$.40 per cubic yd. Box Culverts5% of attached estimate Miscellaneous5% of attached estimate Landscaping5% of attached estimate Irrigation5% of attached estimate Lighting5% of attached estimate Grading5% of attached estimate Utility Splice/Repair Pits (outside pvmt)$2.00 sq. ft. (minimum $50.00) Other5% of attached estimate In Lieu PaymentsCalculated for cuts greater than 600 feet in Length Traffic Control Plan Review$200.00 Engineering Plan Review Fee$350 per sheet Failure to obtain an Encroachment Permit$200.00 Failure to obtain a Final Inspection$100.00 Reinspection Fee$150.00 Investigation Fee for Work Done Without Permit$250 or the permit fee, whichever is greater, but not to exceed $2,500 for every day or a portion of a day from the time unpermitted work began until a permit is obtained. Public Works Fees Easement or Right-of-Way Abandonment$350.00 Revocation Administrative Fee$300.00 Engineering Plan Review Fee$350 per sheet Planning & Zoning Fees Area Specific Plans and amendments$3,000.00 plus $100.00 per acre ^ General Plan Amendments Minor $3,000.00 plus $100.00 per acre ^ Major $5,000.00 plus $100.00 per acre ^ Preliminary Plats $2,000.00 plus $50.00 per lot, unit or tract ^ Time Extension Fee$100.00 Final Plats $1,500.00 plus $50.00 per lot, unit or tract ^ Replats (lot joins, lot divisions, lot line adjustments)$500.00 up to three lots, more than 3 lots use Final Plat fees ^ Plat Abandonments$500.00 ^ Condominium Plats$1,500.00 plus $50.00 per unit ^ Cut & Fill Waiver$300 Final Plat Improvement: Plan Checking$350.00 per sheet (includes 2nd and 3rd reviews) Except water and sewer plans$175.00 per sheet (includes 2nd and 3rd reviews) Water and sewer plans only$200.00 per sheet with corrections (4th + reviews) $75.00 per sheet for addendums (changes made after approval) Tract Housing $500.00 per Standard Plan + $100 per House Facade Variant Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Planning & Zoning Fees (cont.) Recording Fees (subject to change without notice)$24.00 first page for plat filed for record, + $20.00 per page for each additional copy, and; $9.00 for each instrument, + $1.00 for each additional page over 5 pages. Concept Plans or Design Review$500.00 plus $200.00 for every 5,000 square feet or portion thereof ^ Time Extension fee $100.00 Site Plan Review $500.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof Hillside Protection Easement (HPE)$20.00 + applicable recording fees Land Disturbance Fee$10.00 per sq. ft. Rezones (Map)$2,000.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof plus notification *^ Ordinances (Text Amendments)$2,000.00 plus notification * Planned Unit Developments (PUD)$2,000.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof plus notification * Development Agreements$2,500.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof Zoning Verification Letter$200.00 Continuance at Applicant Request$250.00 Variances $1,000.00 plus $300.00 for each additional variance plus notification *^ Appeal of a Decision by the Zoning Administrator$2,000.00 plus notification *^ Special Use Permits and amendments$1,000.00 plus notification *^ Temporary Use Permits$200.00 plus notification * Time extension Fee$100.00 Comprehensive Sign Plans and amendments$200.00 A Frame Sign Permit$5.00 Administrative Use Permit/Grand Opening Sign Permit$25.00 Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $2,500.00 refundable deposit ** Saguaro Cactus Permit$90.00 Temporary Visitor Permit (RV Parking):$25.00 Change of Address Fee$25.00 Notification fee $5.00 per mailing label and $25.00 per newspaper posting as appropriate Schedule and is, therefore, subject to change. Development Fees *Note: New Development Fees go into effect January 1, 2012* General Government Residential (1)$993/dwelling Non-Residential (2)$0.622/s.f. Law Enforcement Residential (1)$472/dwelling Non-Residential (2)$0.295/s.f. Open Space Residential (1)$867/dwelling Park & Recreation Residential (1)$1,479/dwelling Fire and Emergency Residential (1)$106/dwelling Non-Residential (2)$0.066/s.f. (1) Residential includes single and multi-family dwelling units (2) Non-residential includes commercial and industrial square footage *Plus a notification charge of $5.00 per mailing label and/or $25 per newspaper posting as appropriate ** Deposit refundable upon landscaping approval by Town ^ All fees include up to 3 reviews by staff. Any additional reviews will be subject to an additional fee equal to 25% of the original fee charged. The "recording fee" is per Maricopa County's Fee Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Development Fees (cont). *Note: New Development Fees go into effect January 1, 2012* Library and Museum Residential (1)$174/dwelling (1) Residential includes single and multi-family dwelling units Streets SF-Residential$1,381/dwelling MF-Residential$819/dwelling Commercial$3.21/s.f. Hotel$1.61/s.f. Industrial$0.998/s.f. Office$2.35/s.f. Building Permit/Plan Check – Single Family Residential Single Family Homes (Includes Permit and Plan Review) · Livable Area with A/C$.75 Sq ft · Covered Area: Garage and/or Patio (non $.45 Sq ft A/C) · Single Family Addition$.75 Sq ft · Area non A/C$.45 Sq ft · Single Family Remodel$.23 Sq ft · Area non A/C$.14 Sq ft Specialized Permits (Includes Permit and Plan Review) · Solar Photovoltaic$140.00 · Fence Walls $70 plus $.15 LF (Linear Footage) · Retaining Walls$70 plus $1.53 LF (Linear Footage) · Pools & Spas Attached$290 plus $.90 Sq ft · Stand Alone Spas $235.00 · Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $2,500.00 refundable deposit ** Miscellaneous Permits (Plan Review Fee Extra) · One Discipline Permit $70.00 (building, plumbing, electrical or mechanical) · Combination Permit$210.00 Miscellaneous Plan Review · Minimum Plan Review$70.00 per hour (1-hour Minimum) · Revisions to Approved Plans$70.00 per hour (1-hour Minimum) Over the Counter Permits (No Plan Review Fee Required) · Plumbing-Water heater replacement/$70.00 solar (minor) · Mechanical-HVAC replacement (minor)$70.00 · Electrical-panel repair (minor)$70.00 · Demolition (minor)$120.00 Plan Review Add On (After 3rd Review)50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Reinspection Fee $150.00 per Trip Permit Extensions-Residential new $400.00 construction only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Permit Extensions-Residential remodel only $100.00 (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) Refund for cancelled Single Family Home 35% of building permit fee paid permit Penalty for failure to obtain a building permit 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Building Permit/Plan Check - Commercial Commercial Building Permit (Includes Permit and Plan Review) · Area with A/C$.75 Sq ft · Covered Area (non A/C)$.45 Sq ft Commercial Building Addition · Area with A/C$.75 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C)$.45 Sq ft Commercial Remodel (Existing) · Area with A/C$145 plus $.23 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C)$145 plus $.14 Sq ft Shell Only for Commercial & Multi-Family · Area with A/C$205 plus $.50 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A-C)$70 plus $.45 Sq ft Commercial Tenant Improvement · Area with A/C$145 plus $.23 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C)$145 plus $.14 Sq ft Apartments/Condominiums · Livable Area with A/C$.75 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C)$.45 Sq ft Apartments/Condominiums with 4 or more units & reoccurring floor plans (0-100,000 livable sq ft) · Livable Area with A/C$.60 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C)$.37 Sq ft Apartments/Condominiums with 4 or more units & reoccurring floor plans (Over 100,000 livable sq ft) · Livable Area with A/C$.53 Sq ft · Covered Area (non-A/C)$.33 Sq ft Specialized Permits (Includes Permit and Plan Review) · Solar Photovoltaic$140.00 · Fence Walls $70 plus $.15 LF (Linear Footage) · Retaining Walls$70 plus $1.53 LF (Linear Footage) · Pools & Spas Attached$290 plus $.90 Sq ft · Stand Alone Spas $235.00 · Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $2,500.00 refundable deposit ** Miscellaneous Permits (Plan Review Fee is Separate) · Minimum Permit (one discipline)$70.00 (or $210.00 for building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical) · Minimum Combination (all disciplines)$210.00 · Sign Permit, less than 32 sq ft (Face $50.00 per sign Replacement Only) Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Miscellaneous Permits (cont.)(Plan Review Fee is Separate) · Sign Permit, greater than 32 sq ft (Face $100.00 per sign · Replacement Only) · Sign Permit, less than 32 sq ft (New)$190.00 per sign · Sign Permit, greater than 32 sq ft (New)$240.00 per sign · Minimum Plan Review$70.00 per hour (1-hour Minimum) · Revisions to Approved Plans$70.00 per hour (1-hour Minimum) Over the Counter Permits (No Plan Review Fee Required) · Plumbing-Water heater replacement/$70.00 solar (minor) · Mechanical-HVAC replacement (minor)$70.00 · Electrical-panel repair (minor)$70.00 · Demolition (minor)$120.00 Plan Review Add On (After 3rd Review)50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Reinspection Fee $150.00 per trip Permit Extensions-Commercial new $400.00 construction only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) Permit Extensions-Commercial remodel only $100.00 (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) Penalty for failure to obtain a building permit $100.00 Refund for cancelled Commercial Building 35% of building permit fee paid permit (must be done in writing) Fire Safety Fees Residential Automatic Sprinkler System Plan 0.05 sq. ft. (minimum $25) Review/Inspection Commercial Automatic Sprinkler System Plan $.10 sq. ft. (minimum $50) Review/Inspection Com Auto Sprinkler System Modification Plan $75.00 Commercial Hood System Plan Review/Inspection$100.00 Commercial Fire Alarm System Plan Review/$100.00 Inspection Commercial Fire Alarm System Modification Plan $50.00 Review/Inspection Residential LPG Installation Review/Inspection$50.00 Annual Adult Residential Group Care Inspection$100.00 per year Annual Commercial Business Safety Survey$25.00 Tent Permit Fee (any tent over 200 sq. ft. & any $100.00 canopy over 400 sq. ft.) Reinspection Fee (beyond one re-check)$150.00 per trip Abatement Fees Inspection fee $70.00 per hour (1-hour minimum) Reinspection fee$150.00 per trip Park Facility Rentals Park Rental Fees-Resident Small Ramada-Up to 4 hours$24.00 Over 4 Hours$48.00 Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Park Facility Rentals (cont.) Medium Ramada-Up to 4 hours$30.00 Over 4 Hours$60.00 Large Ramada-Up to 4 hours$72.00 Over 4 Hours$144.00 Park Rental Fees-Resident Meeting Rooms-Up to 4 hours$24.00 Over 4 Hours$48.00 Multi Purpose Fields-Up to 4 hours$30.00 Over 4 Hours$60.00 Open Turf Areas-Up to 4 hours$200.00 Over 4 Hours$400.00 Performance Pad (Amphitheater)-Up to 4 hours$240.00 Over 4 Hours$480.00 Tennis Courts-90 minute reservation$5.00 (Day) Tennis Courts-90 minute reservation$7.00 (Evening) Park Rental Fee Extras: Athletic Field Lights (2 hour minimum)$10.00 Per Hour Athletic Field – Prep & Bases$25.00 Each Alcohol Permit with Park Reservation$10.00 For 50 Consuming Adults Fountain Operation$250.00 Per Half-Hour Park Personnel Labor$15-$30 Per Hour Park Rental Fees-Non-Resident Small Ramada-Up to 4 hours$30.00 Over 4 Hours$60.00 Medium Ramada-Up to 4 hours$38.00 Over 4 Hours$76.00 Large Ramada-Up to 4 hours$90.00 Over 4 Hours$180.00 Meeting Rooms-Up to 4 hours$30.00 Over 4 Hours$60.00 Multi Purpose Fields-Up to 4 hours$38.00 Over 4 Hours$76.00 Open Turf Areas-Up to 4 hours$250.00 Over 4 Hours$500.00 Performance Pad (Amphitheater)-Up to 4 hours$300.00 Over 4 Hours$600.00 Tennis Courts-90 minute reservation$10.00 (Day) Tennis Courts-90 minute reservation$14.00 (Evening) Park Rental Fee Extras: Athletic Field Lights$10.00 Per Hour Athletic Field – Prep & Bases$25.00 Each Alcohol Permit with Park Reservation$10.00 For 50 Consuming Adults Fountain Operation$250.00 Per Half-Hour Park Personnel Labor$15.00-$30.00 Per Hour Recreation Fees Program Cancellation Fee$10.00 Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Community Center Rentals Community Center Rental - Resident / Non-Profit (Tier 2) Any Meeting Room$15.00 per Hour One Ballroom (30-90 people) 4 hours$130.00 Per hour thereafter$25.00 Two Ballrooms *(91-160 people) 4 hours$260.00 Per hour thereafter$50.00 Three Ballrooms*(161-250 people) 4 hours$390.00 Per hour thereafter$75.00 Grand Ballroom *(251-450 people) 4 hours$520.00 Per hour thereafter$100.00 Lobby 4 hours$125.00 Per hour thereafter$25.00 Grand Ballroom & Lobby All Day Rate (Monday-Thursday 7:00 am to Midnight)$1,600.00 All Day Rate (Friday-Saturday 7:00 am to Midnight)$2,000.00 Kitchen Usage Fee per Ballroom$30.00 Weekend Rates: Friday & Saturday (no rentals on Sunday) Ballroom 3 (includes patio access and views)* 4 hours$150.00 Per hour thereafter$30.00 Ballroom 4 (includes patio access and views) 4 hours$150.00 Per hour thereafter$30.00 Tier 2 Groups meeting 6 or More Times per Year: 4 hours (with contract)$65.00/ballroom per meeting *Ballroom 3 not available as a standalone rental Community Center Rental -Non-Resident / Commercial (Tier 3) Any Meeting Room$35.00 per Hour One Ballroom (30-90 people) 4 hours$300.00 Per hour thereafter$65.00 Two Ballrooms *(91-160 people) 4 hours$600.00 Per hour thereafter$130.00 Three Ballrooms*( 161-250 people) 4 hours$900.00 Per hour thereafter$195.00 Grand Ballroom *( 251-450 people) 4 hours$1,200.00 Per hour thereafter$260.00 Lobby 4 hours$250.00 Per hour thereafter$50.00 Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Community Center Rental -Non-Resident / Commercial (Tier 3) (cont.) Grand Ballroom & Lobby All Day Rate (Monday-Thursday 7:00 am to Midnight)$4,000.00 All Day Rate (Friday-Saturday 7:00 am to Midnight)$5,000.00 Kitchen Usage Fee per Ballroom$60.00 Weekend Rates: Friday & Saturday (no rentals on Sunday) Ballroom 3 (includes patio access and views)* 4 hours$450.00 Per hour thereafter$125.00 Ballroom 4 (includes patio access and views) 4 hours$450.00 Per hour thereafter$125.00 Tier 3 Groups meeting 6 or More Times per Year: 4 hours (with contract)$120.00/per ballroom per meeting *Ballroom 3 not available as a standalone rental Community Center Extra Service Fees - Resident / Non - Profit Video Projector-Note Vission 3,000 Lumens$40.00 Overhead Projector$15.00 Slide Projector $15.00 TV/VCR (or DVD)$20.00 VCR or DVD Player$10.00 Small Screen $5.00 Large Screen (8' x 10')$10.00 Large Flat Panel Monitor$25.00 Internet Access Wireless$25.00 per day Hard Wire$125 per day Sound Reinforcement Microphones Wireless $5.00 Speaker Table* (Includes Mixing Board)$15.00 each Conference Phone $10.00 Portable Sound System (Includes Mixing Board and/ $25.00 or Portable Speaker) CD Player$10.00 Electricity (per booth) 110 V $15.00 220 V$40.00 Other Easel$5.00 Papers & Markers$10.00 Portable White Board$5.00 Walker Display Board$5.00 Items for Sale 25' Extension Cord $15.00 each Power Strip $15.00 each Masking Tape $5.00 per roll Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective 8/4/2011 DescriptionFee Miscellaneous Dance Floor- per 3' x 3' parquet square$3.00 Staging 6' x 8" section$5.00 Miscellaneous (cont.) Piano - Tuning Extra Upright $25.00 Grand $50.00 Coffee Service $5.00 per 8 cup pack Community Center Extra Service Fees - Non - Resident / Commercial Video Projector-Note Vission 3,000 Lumens$75.00 Overhead Projector$30.00 Slide Projector $30.00 27" TV$40.00 Large Flat Panel Monitor$50.00 VCR or DVD Player$20.00 Small Screen $10.00 Large Screen (8' x 10')$20.00 Large Screen Border$30.00 Internet Access Wireless$25.00 per day Hard Wire$125.00 per day Sound Reinforcement Microphones Wireless $15.00 Speaker Table* (Includes Mixing Board)$15.00 each Conference Phone $20.00 Portable Sound System (Includes Mixing Board and/$50.00 or Portable Speaker) CD Player$20.00 Electricity (per booth) 110 V $25.00 220 V$75.00 Other Easel$10.00 Papers & Markers$20.00 Portable White Board$10.00 Walker Display Board$10.00 Items for Sale 25' Extension Cord $15.00 each Power Strip $15.00 each Masking Tape $5.00 each Miscellaneous Dance Floor- Per 3' x 3' parquet square$5.00 Staging 6' x 8" section$10.00 Piano - Tuning Extra: Upright $50.00 Grand $100.00 Coffee Service $5.00 per (10) 8 oz cup pack NOTE: All Rentals Are Subject To Applicable Arizona Sales Taxes 1536631.1 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, LEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, SUBJECT TO TAXATION A CERTAIN SUM UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) OF VALUATION SUFFICIENT TO RAISE THE AMOUNT ESTIMATED TO BE REQUIRED IN THE ANNUAL BUDGET TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR BOND REDEMPTIONS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING INTEREST UPON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS; ALL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING THE 30TH DAY OF JUNE, 2012. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town Council”) is required by ARIZ. REV. STAT §§ 42-17151 and 42-17253 to adopt an annual tax levy based upon the rate to be assessed per each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of valuation of real and personal property within the Town; and WHEREAS, by the provisions of State law, a resolution levying the property taxes for fiscal year 2011-12 is required to be finally adopted on or before the third Monday in August and not less than 14 days after a hearing on the tax levy is held; and WHEREAS, the Town Council held a public hearing on the tax levy and adopted the Town’s annual budget on June 16, 2011; and WHEREAS, the County of Maricopa is assessing and collecting authority for the Town of Fountain Hills. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, as follows: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. There is hereby levied on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation of all property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the Town of Fountain Hills, except such property as may be by law exempt from taxation, a secondary property tax rate of $0.2230, or such other rate as determined by the Treasurer to be sufficient to raise the sum of $1,020,100, for the purpose of providing a bond interest and redemption fund for General Obligation Bond debt service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. SECTION 3. Failure by the county officials of Maricopa County, Arizona, to properly return the delinquent list, any irregularity in assessments or omissions in the same, or any irregularity in any proceedings shall not invalidate such proceedings or invalidate any title conveyed by any tax deed; failure or neglect of any officer or officers to timely perform any of the duties assigned to him or to them shall not invalidate any proceedings or any deed or sale pursuant thereto, the validity of the assessment or levy of taxes or of the judgment of sale by which the collection of the same may be enforced shall not affect the lien of the Town of Fountain Hills upon 1536631.1 2 such property for the delinquent taxes unpaid thereon, and no overcharge as to part of the taxes or of costs shall invalidate any proceedings for the collection of taxes or the foreclosure; and all acts of officers de facto shall be valid as if performed by officers de jure. SECTION 4. The Town Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the County Assessor and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Maricopa, Arizona. SECTION 5. If any provision of this Resolution is for any reason held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision of portion hereof shall be deemed separate, distinct, and independent of all other provisions and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution. SECTION 6. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, August 4, 2011. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Jay T. Schlum, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Ghetti, Acting Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney 1540308.1 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SCOTTSDALE RELATING TO TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE, INCLUDING EMERGENCY SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town”) and the City of Scottsdale relating to traffic signal maintenance in the Town, including emergency services (the “Agreement”), is hereby approved in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to cause the execution of the Agreement and to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, August 4, 2011. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Jay T. Schlum, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Ghetti, Acting Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney 1540308.1 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2011-32 [Agreement] See following pages.