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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.0320.TCWSRM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE WORK-STUDY AND REGULAR SESSIONS OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 20, 2018 WORK-STUDY SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Linda Kavanagh called the Work Study Session to order at 4:32 p.m., in the Fountain Hills Town Council Chambers. Present for roll call were the following members of the Town Council: Mayor Linda Kavanagh, Vice Mayor Dennis Brown, Councilmember Art Tolis, Councilmember Cecil Yates, and Councilmember Alan Magazine Councilmember Nick DePorter and Councilmember Henry Leger. Town Manager Grady E. Miller, Interim Town Attorney Mitesh Patel, Dickerson Wright Phoenix Law Firm and Town Clerk Bevelyn Bender were also present. Councilmember Art Tolis was absent AGENDA ITEM #1 — DISCUSSION RELATING TO THE NAMING OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN THE TOWN AND A REVIEW OF THE TOWN'S NAMING POLICY. Town Manager Miller provided an overview of the proposal to rename the Avenue of the Fountains after a former Mayor. He noted that a suggestion was made by Vice Mayor Brown that there could be other naming opportunities by dividing the Avenue into sections since it was a large area of land to acknowledge other prominent and contributing members of the Fountain Hills community. Mr. Miller introduced Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin who provided a PowerPoint presentation (available on-line or in the office of the Town Clerk). Director Goodwin discussed the resolution that contained the criteria required for naming areas in Fountain Hills to recognize those who had contributed significantly to Fountain Hills. She stated these guidelines were used for the renaming the Avenue of the Fountains to acknowledge Former Mayor Sharon Morgan. Director Goodwin reviewed the map denoting the areas of the east and west end of the Avenue, which was broken down in six terraces with the potential for naming the eastern portion along Saguaro Boulevard as Morgan Plaza, or terrace, patio or another proposed name. Director Goodwin indicated five additional future designations would then be available on the Avenue of the Fountains along with other Town owned properties that could also be considered for renaming. She added that each named section would involve a fountain, clock or art piece within the designated areas, with an identifiable plaque added by the Town at their cost, for that particular location. Mayor Kavanagh asked what the process was to approach the Town with a recommendation. Director Goodwin responded that in the past the Town Manager had requested consideration or it could b e someone from the community who would then go through Council for approval as stated in the Town's Renaming Policy. Mr. Miller added that the Town would also have a dedication ceremony to dedicate the area. Councilmember Yates asked about the current overall name for the Plaza and Director Goodwin replied the Council named the area "Plaza on the Avenue" and that name was identified in Town maps and on-line. She commented that renaming the entire area would help specifically identify each section; Mr. Miller agreed and stated it was a challenge was to create the sense of identity. Councilmember Yates mentioned that Council needed to discuss what the entire area would be called other than "Plaza" to eliminate confusion since the Town already had a business location called Plaza Fountainside. Mr. Miller stated the Avenue area had turned into a linear park and suggested "Plaza Park" and Mayor Kavanagh suggested "Avenue Park". Vice Mayor Brown gave credit for the idea of sectioning the Avenue and noted Councilmember Leger was also involved in the discussion. Vice Mayor Brown expressed his preference to the name "Morgan Plaza". Mayor Kavanagh asked if Council's consensus was to give their approval for the six terraces, as presented with future Council discussion on naming of the Avenue. Mr. Miller stated Council would need to return and address this issue with a formal proposal and action. Mayor Kavanagh asked for further Council discussion and none was initiated. Mayor Kavanagh asked for a motion to adjourn. z:\council packets\2018\rl8050l\l80320m.docx Page 1 of 8 AGENDA ITEM #2 - ADJOURNMENT Vice Mayor Brown MOVED to adjourn the work-study at 4:46 p.m. and Councilmember Yates SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, by those present (6-0). 17X#111W.1=11&"18WFET410 ►1171 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Linda M. Kavanagh Mayor Kavanagh called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers. INVOCATION - Pastor Steve Bergeson, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Town Council: Mayor Linda Kavanagh, Vice Mayor Dennis Brown, Councilmember Nick DePorter (attended via phone conference call), Councilmember Alan Magazine, Councilmember Cecil Yates and Councilmember Henry Leger. Town Manager Grady E. Miller, Interim Town Attorney Mitesh Patel, Dickenson Wright Phoenix Law Firm and Town Clerk Bevelyn Bender were also present. Councilmember Art Tolis was absent. Mayor Kavanagh, on behalf of the Council and Town staff extended sympathies to Dominic LaBate, a Town employee, who recently lost his life partner of 39 years Vincent Volturo. Mr. Miller announced due to technical difficulties this Town Council meeting would not be steamed live or video recorded. MAYOR'S REPORT i) None. SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS i) MAYOR KAVANAGH AND/OR COUNCIL MAY REVIEW RECENT EVENTS ATTENDED RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. None. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Mayor Kavanagh asked if there were any requests to speak and Town Clerk Bevelyn Bender answered none had been received. CONSENT AGENDA AGENDA ITEM 41 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 8 AND FEBRUARY 27, 2018. AGENDA ITEM #2 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING A SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR THE FOUNTAIN HILLS CULTURAL & CIVIC ASSOCIATION (JEAN LINZER) TO HOLD A BEER GARDEN ADJACENT TO THE COMMUNITY CENTER, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FOUNTAIN HILLS DARK SKIES FESTIVAL, FROM 3:00 PM TO 10:00 PM ON SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 2018. AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING A FAIR/FESTIVAL LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR CELLAR 433 (JOHN MCLOUGHLIN) TO BE LOCATED ALONG THE AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FOUNTAIN HILLS ART AND WINE AFFAIRE, FROM 10:00 AM TO 5:00 PM DAILY, FROM FRIDAY, MARCH 23 THROUGH SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2018. z:\council packets\2018\rl8050l\l80320m.docx Page 2 of 8 AGENDA ITEM #4 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING A SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR THE FOUR PEAKS ROTARY FOUNDATION (SAMUEL COFFEE) TO BE HELD AT THE INTERSECTION OF AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS AND VERDE RIVER DRIVE, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FOUNTAIN HILLS COLLECTOR CAR SHOW, FROM 11:00 AM TO 7:00 PM ON SATURDAY, APRIL 14,2018_ Councilmember Yates MOVED to approve Consent Agenda items as listed and Vice Mayor Brown SECONDED the motion. A vote was taken with the following results: Mayor Kavanagh Aye Vice Mayor Brown Aye Councilmember DePorter Aye Councilmember Yates Aye Councilmember Magazine Aye Councilmember Leger Aye The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, by those present (6-0). REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #5 - DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING AN ART DONATION TITLED, "ALIGNMENT" FOR DISPLAY IN TOWN HALL; AN ART DONATION TITLED, "ORANGE SELLERS" FOR DISPLAY IN TOWN HALL AND AN ART DONATION OF A SOUTHWEST LANDSCAPE FOR DISPLAY IN TOWN HALL OR THE COMMUNITY CENTER. Mr. Miller stated that Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin would address this item and give further details on the three art pieces to be placed in Town Hall facilities. Mr. Miller added this item was presented at the request of the Art Committee who was also part of the Civic and Cultural Association. Director Goodwin used a PowerPoint presentation to display and discuss the three art pieces and their placement. Mayor Kavanagh asked what the plan was for the future for accepting additional art pieces. She noted the Art committee was concerned about offering future art exhibits if permanent art continues to be added. Director Goodwin replied staff had met with the Art Committee members and everyone agreed that the Town had acquired many pieces and would work with the Art Committee in the future to make sure the Town facilities had space available before accepting additional art pieces. Mayor Kavanagh said a plan was important as Town parks and the Avenue of the Fountains were utilized; Director Goodwin agreed and noted the Art Committee supported developing a plan. Mayor Kavanagh asked for any speaker cards and Ms. Bender stated none had been received. Mayor Kavanagh asked if there were any further questions and if not requested a motion. Councilmember Leger MOVED to accept the donations as presented and Councilmember Magazine SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANMIOUSLY, by those present (6-0). AGENDA ITEM #6 - CONSIDERATION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT C2017-096. WITH SOMERSET LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE, INC, FOR TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000.00, FOR AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $100,000.00. Mr. Miller addressed the Council stating there were a lot of palm trees that needed annual maintenance and staff was unable to perform this task in-house and must use a contracted company. Mr. Miller stated that Justin Weldy, Public Works Director was available to answer Council's questions. Councilmember Yates asked the name of the company the Town had previously contracted with. Public Works Director Justin Weldy replied Artistic Land Management; however, after finding a City of Scottsdale contract available to piggy back on and at a lower cost with less restrictive working hours during off-peak hours and at no additional costs, staff decided to move forward with a contract with the Somerset Landscaping Maintenance. Councilmember Yates asked what the cost savings were by changing companies and Director Weldy replied the contract was for $10.00 per palm tree for trimming approximately 280 trees located in the maintenance areas. z:\council packets\2018\rl8050l\l80320m.docx Page 3 of 8 Councilmember Magazine questioned the "aggregate cost". Director Weldy explained staff expected to spend $50K the first year with an additional $50K for the second year and not exceed that amount ($100K). Councilmember Magazine stated he did not support approving a two-year contract and requested Council consider approving a one- year contract. Mr. Miller pointed out the Town's contract language did not obligate the Town to continue with the contract if funding was not available. Councilmember Magazine pointed to optics, as residents may not understand and reiterated that he supported a one-year contract. Mayor Kavanagh asked if the Town experienced storm damage would Somerset remove any tree damage. Director Weldy replied the Town contracted separately for emergency situations with a different vendor who was on-call and a local company who met the response time requirements. Mayor Kavanagh asked why the Town needed off peak time service. Director Weldy replied there were challenges when trimming palm trees at certain locations when traffic was at its heaviest and doing so helped eliminate a lot of public's complaints. Councilmember Leger asked for an explanation of the company's scope of work. Director Weldy replied that all Town departments could use this vendor for minor trimming needed. He pointed out that Public Works primarily used Somerset for palm tree trimming and removal of growth in certain drainage areas. Councilmember Leger asked if the scope of work designated a certain number of palm trees to be trimmed. Director Weldy replied staff had an accounting of all palm trees and their locations that was updated annually. Councilmember Leger expressed the opinion that the cost was reasonable for 283 palm trees and their maintenance. Director Weldy added the Town's cost would have been $23.00 per palm. Mayor Kavanagh asked for any speaker cards and Ms. Bender stated none had been received. Mayor Kavanagh asked for additional discussion and if not requested a motion. Councilmember Yates MOVED to approve the first amendment to Cooperative Purchasing Agreement C2017-096 with Somerset Landscaping, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 for tree trimming and removal services and Vice Mayor Brown SECONDED the motion. Councilmember Magazine requested to substitute with a motion. Councilmember Magazine MOVED to approve a contract for Somerset Landscaping Maintenance, Inc. for up to $50,000.00 for one-year. Councilmember Yates questioned if Council approved a one-year contract what effect would that have on the cost of the contract and when would the City of Scottsdale's contract end with Somerset Landscaping. Director Weldy replied the cost would not change; however, the City of Scottsdale's contract would end next year. Councilmember Yates pointed out that Fountain Hill's may not have the same lower cost the second year and Director Weldy agreed. Councilmember Leger SECONDED the motion as there would not be any changes in the cost if the Town approved a one-year contract. Mayor Kavanagh commented that second year contract with Somerset could be more due to rising costs and Director Weldy replied he could not guarantee the cost would be the same. Councilmember Magazine questioned Council approving any multi-year contracts at this time. Mayor Kavanagh reiterated the Town could opt out if necessary. She and Councilmember Yates indicated they would rather approve the two year contract. Councilmember Magazine WITHDREW his MOTION. Mayor Kavanagh requested a vote on the first motion, which CARRIED UNAMIOUSLY, by those present (6-0). AGENDA ITEM #7 - CONSIDERATION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT C2018-093, WITH AMEC FOSTER WHEELER, FOR STORM WATER SUPPORT SERVICES, IN THE AMOUNT OF $33,270.00, WITH FOUR (4) ADDITIONAL 1 -YEAR OPTIONAL RENEWALS. Director Weldy explained this contract would help the Town comply with EPA/ADE, storm water requirements currently under the assignment of Raymond Rees, Facilities/Environmental Supervisor, who was allotted .25 staff time to manage the recently issued new requirements, which had increased his workload and also involved staff training to manage documentation for the ADEQ annual report. He added this portion could be considered a full-time job. z:\council packets\2018\rl8050l\l80320m.docx Page 4 of 8 Mr. Miller added that Mr. Rees had other responsibilities in addition to this role and last year he had requested to hire an additional employee, but now he was of the opinion that this contract was a better alternative. Mr. Miller also noted that Mr. Rees has expressed retirement plans in around 1-1/2 years and commented that finding someone with his experience will be difficult. Councilmember Yates asked if this was a mandatory requirement for the Town. Director Weldy responded it was. Councilmember Yates asked if a person with the necessary qualifications could be hired for $33K and Mr. Miller and Mr. Weldy both expressed that would be a challenge. Vice Mayor Brown said that general contractors working in Town currently filled-out the required paperwork requesting a permit and questioned what the value was for the Town to invest $33K. Director Weldy offered to provide additional information on the paperwork requirements; Vice Mayor Brown indicated he wanted to see more information. Mr. Miller added that staff was not obligated to spend all of the $33K since this amount was only the anticipated hours needed. Vice Mayor and Mayor Kavanagh asked if the staff report should have noted "up to or not to exceed" $33K. Mr. Miller suggested Council carry this item over to the March 3, 2018, Town Council meeting and request input from Mr. Rees. Vice Mayor Brown MOVED to table the professional services agreement C2018-093, with AMEC Foster Wheeler for storm water support services, in the amount of $33,270.00 with four (4) additional 1-year optional renewals and Councilmember Leger SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, by those present (6-0). AGENDA ITEM #8 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2018-21, RELATING TO THE SUBMISSION OF THE TOWN'S APPLICATION FOR THE ARIZONA LOTTERY FUNDS ALLOCATION AND USE OF PROCEEDS FOR TRANSIT RELATED EXPENDITURES. Mr. Miller introduced David Trimble, Administrative Services Director who presented the staff report for consideration of this resolution. Director Trimble discussed the two different funding sources beginning with the Public Transportation Fund (PTF), which was a restricted "Paratransit" funds used exclusively for the transportation of the disabled and individuals over 65-years old. He added that Fountain Hills used those funds for the "Ride Share Program" in the amount of $10K to $13K per year. Director Trimble stated the "Arizona Lottery" funding involved approximately $65K per year and required the submission of an application. He explained how the Town intended to use the funds distributed by Valley Metro that did not require matching Town funds. Director Trimble pointed out this fund was less restrictive and must be used for public transportation and connection to other valley transit. Director Trimble stated the application was due by March 30, 2018, and that the funds were to be expended annually. He commented that Fountain Hills had unspent fund carried over and that those funds were now at risk and may not be allocated in future years if not spent. Councilmember Yates acknowledged that Valley Metro was now addressing some of Fountain Hills' needs and asked how flexible would a plan be if the Town decided to go another direction and presented another plan other than what had been submitted on the application. Director Trimble replied he believed that would not be a problem and pointed out that the current application referenced the "First Mile/Last Mile" (Lyft) in the amount of $90K for public transportation. Mr. Miller added that "Lyft" already provides connections to the Mayo Clinic located on Shea Boulevard and to Gilbert Road to transport individuals into Fountain Hills. Mr. Miller suggested the Town should monitor the program cost since there was only commuter bus service in the morning and that returned at the end of the day. Mr. Miller stated the Town was not abandoning the "Ride Share" service, but looking to enhance service. Councilmember Yates stated that Fountain Hill's bus ridership had increase over the last year due to the convenience of this service. Councilmember Leger asked if Fountain Hills expended all the "Ride Choice" funding. Director Trimble replied that based on previous available information, Fountain Hills had not utilized all the funds. Mr. Miller added riders were required to pay a portion through connecting to the internet and older individuals were not always knowledgeable about the new technology but with some public education, ridership had gone up. Councilmember Leger questions what would happen if the "Ride Choice" funds not expended but rolled over. Director Trimble replied it depended on what was spent. Councilmember Leger asked for further details of the three projects listed on the application and what would they accomplish. Director Trimble replied the rationale was to expend the accumulation funds and place visual z:\council packets\2018\rl8050l\l80320m.docx Page 5 of 8 structures for bus stops. Councilmember Leger asked for further information on the proposed bus location and proposed infrastructure. Director Trimble described the bus shelter, trash can and bike rack that would be located in the area of the Community Center on La Montana Drive and discussed the parking area for a "Park and Ride" location. Mr. Miller added that with the new Park Place Development the bus service might be used more frequently. He mentioned that with Fountain Hills a member of Valley Metro, the Town might have more influence and receive additional services and assistance with the promotion of the "Park and Ride" program. Councilmember Leger expressed support for the bus location. Councilmember Yates confirmed that the first Valley Metro study showed a demand for additional bus routes but that currently there was only the Town's 6:30 AM and 6:00 PM bus service. He expressed this was one of the reasons for lack of ridership. Mr. Miller added the bus was not an express bus. Councilmember Leger asked if the bus facility location could be used for other services in the future and Mr. Miller agreed it could. Councilmember Yates proposed that other uses such as the "First Mile/Last Mile program could orientate from this area. Councilmember Leger asked if the ridership continued to be low, could Valley Metro discontinue the bus service due to economics and Mr. Miller stated that Fountain Hill's portion of Prop 400 covered the commuter bus for the Fountain Hill's connection. Councilmember Magazine asked if any of the funds could be used for advertising the Town's bus service and Mr. Trimble replied yes and could be used for advertising in "The Loop" for the "Ride Share" program. Councilmember Magazine suggested advertising in the Fountain Hills Times newspaper and the "Fountain Hill's First" newsletter that was delivered to all homes in Fountain Hills and Councilmember DePorter agreed. Mayor Kavanagh asked for further discussion Mayor Kavanagh asked for speaker cards and none were presented. Councilmember Yates MOVED to approve Resolution 2018-21, relating to the Town of Fountain Hill's Arizona Lottery Fund grant application submission for the fiscal year 2017-18 and Councilmember Magazine SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, by those present (6-0). AGENDA ITEM #9 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2018-23, AMENDING AND RESTATING THE TOWN'S PERSONNEL POLICIES. Mr. Miller introduced Director Trimble who presented the staff report summarizing the proposed changes. Director Trimble mentioned the last update was in 2013 and that the current updates involve three categories: Case Law/Statue Drug Testing Tuition Reimbursement Housekeeping/Clarification Director Trimble noted that all the changes were vetted through the Interim Town Attorney and were also used by other Cities and Towns. Councilmember Yates asked if a new Town Manager were hired was there protection from this person releasing currently employees and replacing them with his preferred employees. Director Trimble replied that the current process was left unchanged. Mr. Miller added those concerns from Town staff were heard and had not been included. Councilmember Magazine read from the proposed document: "Employees must not canvas the Mayor for appointments or the Town Council directly or indirectly in order to obtain preferential consideration in any connection of employment to a Town job. This does not apply to positions directly by Council." Councilmember Magazine asked if this statement was contradictory. Mr. Miller replied the Town had a "Civil Service System" where the Town Manager hired and oversaw direct report personnel and the Town Council oversees the Town Manager, Town Prosecutor and Judge positions. Councilmember Magazine asked for the language to be cleaned -up and clarified. Interim Attorney Mitesh Patel replied that he would review and vet this statement by his firm's Employment Attorney. Mr. Miller added more policy changes would be presented in the near future and this item would be addressed at that time. Mayor Kavanagh requested e -cigarettes and marijuana be added under the "smoke free work place" and she mentioned the State's "Smoke Free Arizona" program for consideration. Director Trimble stated he would review the Town's policy. z:\council packets\2018\rl8050l\l80320m.docx Page 6 of 8 Councilmember Leger asked how a new Town Manager could affect contract staff. Mr. Miller stated that positions listed in the Town Code are appointed by the Town Council. Mayor Kavanagh asked if there were any speaker cards and Ms. Bender stated none had been received. Mayor Kavanagh asked for further discussion and if not requested a motion. Councilmember Magazine MOVED to approve Resolution 2018-23, amending and restating the employee personnel policies, and Councilmember Yates SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, by those present (6-0). AGENDA ITEM #10 - DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF RELATING TO ANY ITEM INCLUDED IN THE LEAGUE OF ARIZONA CITIES AND TOWNS WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN OR RELATING TO ANY ACTION PROPOSED OR PENDING BEFORE THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Mr. Miller stated staff continued to monitor HB2333. He announced the Legislation Session was coming to an end. Mayor Kavanagh added HB2333 was on hold and had not moved. Mr. Miller indicated that he had submitted letters of opposition expressing Council's concerns relating to the bills as discussed. Councilmember Yates asked about Airbnb and Mr. Miller replied the State took away the ability for the Town to regulate those types of properties. Councilmember Magazine asked if there were other Town Codes that could apply to disturbances made during the rental. Mayor Kavanagh discussed the adverse affects on home values where transit people were involved in these rentals and added that she and Senator John Kavanagh were doing everything they could to address issues including having Senator Kavanagh read a letter from a Fountain Hills resident describing his problems with the transit rentals. Mayor Kavanagh pointed out that Homeowner Associations could prohibit this type of activity as well as the "Neighborhood Property Owners' Association" (NPOA), but they chose not to. Councilmember Magazine discussed possible ways to help the residents affected by these type properties and a Maricopa County Sheriff Lieutenant was present and stated he would research any current codes that could be enforced if there was an issued with any of these transit properties. Councilmember Leger and Mayor Kavanagh discussed the Golf Zoo law suit and the Town's failed litigation; however, it was noted that Golf Zoo owned the properties involved. AGENDA ITEM #11- COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION TO THE TOWN MANAGER. ITEM(S) LISTED BELOW ARE RELATED ONLY TO THE PROPRIETY OF (I) PLACING SUCHITEM(S) ONA FUTURE AGENDA FOR ACTION OR (II) DIRECTING STAFF TO CONDUCT FURTHER RESEARCHAND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL: i) None. AGENDA ITEM #12 - SUMMARY OF COUNCIL REQUESTS AND REPORT ON RECENT ACTIVITIES BY THE MAYOR. INDIVIDUAL COUNCILMEMBERS. AND THE TOWN MANAGER. Councilmember Yates acknowledged the Town's successful St. Patrick's Day event and he thanked Kevin Snips, Supervisor of Parks, for the lengthy and green fountain display. Mr. Miller reminded residents of the next public information meeting on the proposed Primary Property Tax meeting is to be held on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at the Town's Community Center. Mayor Kavanagh reminded the public about the upcoming "Eggstravaganza" that is to be held on March 24, 2018, at the Golden Eagle Park ballpark beginning at 9:00 a.m., which would include other activities and participation by the Fire Department along with the opening of the new playground. AGENDA ITEM #13 - ADJOURNMENT. Councilmember Yates MOVED to adjourn the meeting and Councilmember Leger SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, by those present (6-0). The Regular Session adjourned at 6:47 p.m. z:\council packets\2018\rl805Ol\l8O320m.docx Page 7 of 8 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor PREPARED BY: Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Work -Study Session and Regular Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 20th day of March, 2018. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 1St day of May, 2018. Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk z:\council packets\2018\rl8050l\l80320m.docx Page 8 of 8