HomeMy WebLinkAboutWorkstudy Packet 8-08-06NOTICE OF THE WORK STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Wally Nichols Councilmember Mike Archambault Councilmember Ginny Dickey Vice Mayor Ed Kehe Councilmember Henry Leger Councilmember Keith McMahan Councilmember Jay Schlum TIME: 5:00 – 7:00 P.M. - WORK STUDY SESSION WHEN: TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2006 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ NO ACTION CAN OR WILL BE TAKEN.ALL WORK-STUDY ITEMS LISTED ARE FOR DISCUSSION ONLY.The primary purpose of work session meetings is to provide the Town Council with the opportunity for in-depth discussion and study of specific subjects. Public comment is not provided for on the Agenda and may be made only as approved by consensus of the Council. In appropriate circumstances, a brief presentation may be permitted by a member of the public or another interested party on an Agenda item if invited by the Mayor or the Town Manager to do so. The Presiding Officer may limit or end the time for such presentations. 1.) CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Mayor Nichols 2.) DISCUSSION of possible funding options regarding local not-for-profit community service organizations. 3.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 21st day of July, 2006. By: Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to attend this meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk’s office. Z:\Council Packets\2006\WS8-8-06\Agenda Work Session 8-8-06.doc Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF FINANCE DIRECTOR INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Mayor and Town Council DT: August 4, 2006 FROM: Tim Pickering RE: Funding for Not-For-Profit Agencies EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over the past several years the Town of Fountain Hills has received and granted requests for funding from not-for-profit agencies during the annual budget process. However, the process for agencies to request and the Town to approve funds has been very informal. During the FY2006-2007 budget meetings the Council requested that the Town develop a formal process that will establish the amount and process for funding not-for-profit agencies. A review of other municipalities and how they fund not-for-profit agencies was conducted which assisted the staff in staff preparing the following draft options for the Council’s consideration. See individual city program details attached. Three potential options to handle non-profit funding for your consideration are: 1. Keep the same. Town receives a letter; places money in budget; and amount approved. 2. Recommendation by committee. Agencies submit proposals; dollar amount recommended; and Council decides somehow. 3. Contracts for services. Council decides needed services; proposals received; measurements in contracts; and Council approves contracts. OPTION 1 - KEEP THE SAME The Town receives a request for donation around January and February. The following dollars have been awarded for the past four budget years: Page 1 of 11 SUMMARY OF PAST NOT-FOR-PROFIT AWARDS Name of Group 2003-04 %* 2004-05 %* 2005-06 %* 2006-07 %* Boys & Girls Club of Scottsdale $130,000 1.1%$145,000 1.0%$160,000 1.0% $100,000 0.6% Chamber of Commerce/Tourism Bureau $105,500 0.9%$155,000 1.1%$125,000 0.8% $125,000 0.7% Fountain Hills Theater $40,000 0.3%$50,000 0.4%$50,000 0.3% $50,000 0.3% Senior Services** $40,000 0.3%$55,000 0.4%$0 0.0% $0 0.0% Other $0 0.0%$0 0.0%$0 0.0% $50,000 0.3% Total $315,500 2.6%$405,000 2.9%$335,000 2.1% $325,000 1.9% * As a percent of the General Fund budget ** Senior Services incorporated as a division of Town in FY05/06 During the 2006-07 fiscal year, the Extended Hands Food Bank requested $50,000. OPTION 2 - RECOMMENDATION BY COMMITTEE Suggestions have been made to return to a process that was used in Fountain Hills’ past. Procedures, reporting requirements and required documentation for all applicants for funding, similar to other municipalities, would need to be approved in resolution or ordinance form. The ordinance could include the following: • An article creating an ad-hoc committee that could review applications for funding, conduct interviews and make recommendations to the Council. The committee could be selected through an application process within the community, similar to our commissions’ election process. Applicants could have a financial or non-profit background and the committee could consist of one council member, two citizens and two staff people (PIO and Finance). The selection could be done annually to ensure complete fairness. • Funding could give priority to “start-up” monies, not annual funding for an infinite period of time (continual requests make it difficult for new agencies to also obtain funding). • An application could be good for one year – a new application would be submitted each year. • All Town funds allocated or granted to any non-profit agency shall be by means of a written contract based upon services to be provided to or work to be performed on behalf of the Town of Fountain Hills and its residents in compliance with Article IX, Section 7 of the Arizona Constitution regarding the use of public funds. • Funds allocated or granted under the provisions of the ordinance would be released only after such time that the receiving agency has provided all of the required documentation for the previous year. Page 2 of 11 • A spokesman for those requesting funds could put the request in writing and appear before the council in person to explain the benefits of the donation. Donations for a political party, a specific candidate for an office or an obvious political cause will not be approved. Option 2 - Guidelines If a committee is formed to review the not-for-profit funding applications the following factors can be used as guidance when making a choice among all the requests: • Does the application demonstrate human or cultural services essential to enriching the health and well being of the citizens of Fountain Hills? • Does the application demonstrate the ability to implement strategies and policies identified in the Town’s overall general plan and strategic plan? • Does the application demonstrate a measurable positive impact to the Town of Fountain Hills? • Does the application demonstrate the potential to enhance economic development efforts? • Does the application demonstrate the capacity to manage funding properly and the ability to deliver programs in a cost-effective manner? • Does the application demonstrate a reasonable and viable method of providing service? • Does the application demonstrate evidence and ability to secure additional matching funds to support the proposed service, including sources from other political jurisdictions and the private sector? • Does the application demonstrate the ability to fulfill public desire as identified in public meetings, surveys, strategic plan, etc? • Is the proposal technically correct and presented in the order and format requested by the stated deadlines? • Has the agency completed the application process and the application has been determined to be accurate and complete? • Does the agency provide a service consistent with an existing recognized Town need, policy, goal or objective? • Does the application demonstrate the ability to address and/or partner with the Town in assisting with the needs of the Town of Fountain Hills residents? Needs categories that could be considered a priority to the Town are as follows: Tourism Arts/Culture Youth Services Social services Option 2 - Establishing Level of Funding Each year the staff will provide the committee with the amount of funds available for next fiscal years funding for not-for-profit agencies based on percentage of budget. An established budgetary percentage of the Town’s budget that will be used each year for Page 3 of 11 donations. Currently, the amount if 1.9% of the General Fund budget. Fountain Hills Resolution 1996-83 will have to be repealed. The attached Resolution 1996-83, passed in November 1996, designated the first $50,000 of bed tax to promote retail trade, tourism, the hospitality industry, and parks development. Funding levels and requirements would include the following: • Matching funds – the agency shall demonstrate that they have collected 50% of the amount requested from other sources and the Town will match twice the amount as matching funds. • When the total amount of funds that are appropriated are awarded no further requests will be considered. • First time awards will be capped at $5,000 • No more than 10 percent of the grant may be used for staffing costs. Option 2 - Other Criteria • A written agreement could be completed for each recipient of Town General Fund monies for the fiscal year as soon as the Council makes award. These funding agreements would be signed and returned to the Town before any Town funds will be released. • Programs would benefit the citizens of the Town. • A policy statement on not-for-profit funding would have to be added to the Town’s financial policy “as a component of the budget process and when fiscal resources permit.” • Documentation that could be required from agencies: - Agency’s most recent audit report including certified financial statement - Detailed expenditure statement showing an accounting of all previously received and expended/not expended town funds - Name of source and amount of funding received from all other sources such as non-governmental agencies, membership dues and fees, private contributions, etc. - Internal Revenue Service determination of non-profit status - Line item budget for the current fiscal year - List of any additional pending applications for funding to include funding source and dollar amount requested - Proof of corporate status - Names and addresses of current board members - Report outlining the agency’s performance and accomplishments Page 4 of 11 Option 2 - Recommendation by Committee Schedule of Key Dates The following timetable is the proposed schedule for the not-for-profit funding process for the upcoming fiscal year. Task Responsible Party Date Funding level determined Town staff September Applications released Town staff November Publish Ad in Paper Town staff November Advertise for ad hoc committee members Town staff December Proposals Due Proposing Agencies January Ad hoc committee members appointed Town Manager January Proposals delivered to Not-for-Profit Review Committee Not-For-Profit Review Committee January Committee Recommendations delivered to Council Town staff February Award by Council Town Council March Not-For-Profit Grant agreements initiated; after award by Council Town staff May Page 5 of 11 Option 2 - Committee Funding Application An application such as the following could be utilized: APPLICATION INFORMATION: Applicant Organization Mailing Address Site Address Telephone # Fax # Chief Administrative Officer Contact Person Federal ID Number FUNDING REQUEST: Program Name Program Description (1 sentence) To provide: Staff Salaries $ Employee Related Expenses $ Supplies $ Equipment $ Capital Outlay $ Other (Specify) $ $ $ Total Funds Requested $ SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Please attach no more than two (2) pages providing brief statements indicating: 1) What service(s) are proposed and how the service(s) will be provided 2) The number and characteristics of the individuals/families expected to be served. Please use the enclosed Attachments Checklist to ensure all required documentation and supplemental information is attached to this application. Incomplete application package will be rejected and returned to applicant. _______________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Official _______________________________________________ Print Name of Signature Page 6 of 11 Option 2 - Application Package Checklist An application packet checklist could include the following: Please return the following information. Application Form – (Original) Summary of Proposal – not to exceed two pages. (Original) Date and proof of Incorporation – (Copy) Internal Revenue Service letter of non-profit eligibility status – (Copy) Current list of Officers and Directors – (Copy) Brief statement in your own format (not to exceed two pages) that contains the following: History of organization, description of current service(s), information on current staff, location(s) at which services are provided, and future goals. – (Copy) Most recent financial audit of organization – (Copy) – (See Note 2) Agency fiscal year – (Copy) Most recent IRS Form 990 – (Copy) Fee structure for agency service(s). (Copy) – (See Note 1) Note 1: Information may not be applicable to your organization or program. Required only if such information is available for the agency or program requesting funding. Note 2: If the requesting agency does not have an annual financial audit, please enclose the most recently completed fiscal year unaudited financial statements. Option 2 - Summary As you can read, this method becomes quite encompassing. Another method to provide citizens with services they desire is to contract with non-profit agencies to provide these Council-decided services. Page 7 of 11 OPTION 3 - CONTRACT FOR SERVICES Another method of determining the proper funding for services the Town wishes to provide through non-profits would be to contract for the needed services. As we do with many services, be it developing a survey or coordinating a strategic plan, desired services are written and interested parties are asked to submit proposals to provide those desired services. With this method, the Council decides the priority services. The non-profits are responding to your needs, not vice-versa. This also will eliminate an onslaught of multiple non-profits requesting donations for services that should not be provided by the Town however worthy those services may be. This procedure would ensure all Town funds allocated to any non-profit agency are in a written contract based upon services to be provided to or work to be performed on behalf of the Town of Fountain Hills. This ensures the Town complys with Article IX, Section 7 of the Arizona Constitution regarding the use of public funds. Funds allocated under the provisions of the ordinance will be released only after such time that the receiving agency has provided all of the required services outlined in contract. Option 3 - Service Categories Requests for proposals could be written to ask non-profits to submit proposals for the following service categories. In developing the list of examples of services, I contacted our existing providers to assist me. The Council would need to finalize the following examples of service needs before requesting proposals from entities to provide these services: • Tourism - Provide tourism marketing and advertising for the Town of Fountain Hills. - Distribute media releases and cultivate stories in various publications to publicize the amenities of Fountain Hills. - Produce 40,000 Fountain Hills/Ft. McDowell Visitor Guides on an annual basis. • Arts/Culture - Offer children of Fountain Hills the opportunity to participate in live theater productions. - Produce two musicals a year at Fountain Park Amphitheater. - Provide an outreach and social awareness program with a youth theater program. - Provide workshops and summer theater camps for the youth. - Provide an outlet for youth community service hours. • Youth Services - Teach youth life skills. - Provide youth education and career development training. - Provide youth character and leadership development. - Provide before and after school services for children. Page 8 of 11 - Offer computer training for Fountain Hills children, including internet safety training. • Social services - Accept and handle requests for food to low-income applicants. - Provide an annual report showing number of Fountain Hills residents served. - Provide an outlet for adult community services hours. Option 3 - Establishing Level of Funding Level of funding would be proposed by the entity submitting a proposal to provide the service and would be one factor in determining who would be awarded one of the four service contracts. Option 3 – Additional Information • A written contract will be completed and signed by the agency before submission to Council for approval. The contract could be for multiple years, which is beneficial for both the agency and the Town. • Additional information may be requested after proposals are received as required from individual applicants. Documentation of sources of agency revenue and other information that is difficult to verify would not be needed under this method of funding. Option 3 - Advantages • Town is outsourcing services deemed by the Council to be beneficial to residents. • Control of funds is determined by written agreement by parties. • Town receives measurable outputs. • The process is fair, as any agency can submit a proposal for a needed service category. • The Town can compare cost of providing same service in-house or between other agencies. • Service contracts can be written for multiple years, thus stabilizing both Town and agency budgets. Option 3 - Disadvantages • More contract oversight needed. • Cost of contract legal review. Page 9 of 11 Page 10 of 11 Option 3 - Service Contract Schedule The following timetable is the proposed schedule for outsourcing services: Task Responsible Party Date Decide service categories Council October Publish ad in paper requesting proposal for services Town staff November Proposals Due Proposing Agencies January Review of proposals Town staff February Contracts negotiated and signed by agency Town staff March Contracts presented for approval to Council Council April Contracts go into effect Town staff July 1 Page 11 of 11 DECISION MATRIX To assist the Council in making a decision on this difficult subject, a simple decision matrix of some success factors has been provided. Keep Same Committee Contract Accountability Low Low High Political Medium High Low Simplicity Low High Medium Fairness Low High High Elasticity of Cost Known, but rising each year Unknown, and each year could rise Known, and held by contract at time of approval SUMMARY As you can read from reviewing other cities’ policies, this issue of non-profit funding is not easy to solve. At the workshop, it would be most helpful if the Council provided direction to the staff as to which option, or combination of options, the Council wishes to pursue. E:\My Documents\Word\Pickering\NonProfit Funding Policy 080406.doc