HomeMy WebLinkAboutpacket 8-16-07 NOTICE OF THE EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL TIME: 5:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. - EXECUTIVE SESSION (Executive Session will be held in 2nd floor Fountain Conference Room) 6:30 P.M. - REGULAR SESSION WHEN: THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2007 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 EAST AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL Anyone wishing to speak before the Council must fill out a speaker’s card and submit it to the Town Clerk prior to Council discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located in the Council Chamber Lobby and near the Clerk’s position on the dais. If there is a Public Hearing, please submit the speaker card for that issue prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing and the Consideration of said issue. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Clerk or the Mayor. At that time, speakers should stand and approach the podium. Speakers are asked to state their name prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Presiding Officer and not to individual Council Members. Speakers’ statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting, the Presiding Officer shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause, protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting. Personal attacks on Council members, Town staff or members of the public are not allowed. Please be respectful when making your comments. If you do not comply with these rules, you will be asked to leave. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Council. Time limits may be waived by (i) discretion of the Town Manager upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting, (ii) consensus of the Council at Meeting or (iii) the Mayor either prior to or during a Meeting. If a speaker chooses not to speak when called, the speaker will be deemed to have waived his or her opportunity to speak on the matter. Speakers may not (i) reserve a portion of their time for a later time or (ii) transfer any portion of their time to another speaker. Mayor Wally Nichols Councilmember Mike Archambault Councilmember Henry Leger Councilmember Ginny Dickey Vice Mayor Keith McMahan Councilmember Ed Kehe Councilmember Jay Schlum Page z:\council packets\2007\r8-16-07\agenda 8-16-07 .doc 8/10/2007 7:21 AM • CALL TO ORDER –Mayor Nichols 1.) ROLL CALL AND VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to §38- 431.03(A)(1), for discussion or employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee or employee may demand that the discussion or consideration occur at a public meeting. The public body shall provide the officer, appointee or employee with written notice of the executive session as is appropriate but not less than twenty-four hours for the officer, appointee or employee to determine whether the discussion or consideration should occur at a public meeting. (Specifically, for the purpose of (i) reviewing applications received for consideration for the vacancies on the Planning and Zoning Commission, and (ii) interviewing the Parks and Recreation Commission applicant.) 2.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION • CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Nichols • INVOCATION –Pastor Larry Finch, Four Peaks Community Church • ROLL CALL – Mayor Nichols • MAYOR’S REPORT (i) None. • SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS (i) Legislative update by Congressman Harry E. Mitchell. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Council and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during “Call to the Public” unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Councilmembers may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda. CONSENT AGENDA 1. CONSIDERATION of approving the Town Council MEETING MINUTES of August 2, 2007. 2. CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION 2007-44 abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in portions of the certain public utility and drainage easements located at the westerly property line of Plat 431, Block 7, Lot 7 (15225 Escalante Drive) as recorded in Book 151 of Maps, Page 43, Records of Maricopa County, Arizona. EA07-17 (Pickel) 3. CONSIDERATION of approving RESOLUTION 2007-40, a public utility easement with SRP along Tower Drive at Desert Vista Neighborhood Park. 4. CONSIDERATION of approving a CHANGE ORDER in the amount of $38,500 with Infinity Electric to provide electrical power to Desert Vista Neighborhood Park. 5. CONSIDERATION of a REPLAT of Plat 706, Block 1, Lots 3, 4 & 5 located at 17100 E. Shea Boulevard, AKA Redrock Business Plaza. (Case #S2007-10) 6. CONSIDERATION of approving a one year CONTRACT for street maintenance with Southwest Slurry Seal, Inc. utilizing the City of Chandler’s contract. Page z:\council packets\2007\r8-16-07\agenda 8-16-07 .doc 8/10/2007 7:21 AM 7. CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION 2007-32, amending the Town of Fountain Hills financial policies relating to designation of new construction sales tax collections. REGULAR AGENDA 8. CONSIDERATION of APPOINTING a one citizen to the Parks and Recreation Commission. 9. CONSIDERATION of accepting FOUR DONATED PIECES OF ART as recommended by the Fountain Hills Cultural Council for placement in the community. 10. PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for a Nursing Home in the R-4 Zoning District, located at 16655 E. El Lago Boulevard, aka Fountain View Senior Care Center, Lot 1. Case #SU2007-08. 11. CONSIDERATION of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for a Nursing Home in the R-4 Zoning District, located at 16655 E. El Lago Boulevard, aka Fountain View Senior Care Center, Lot 1. Case #SU2007-08. 12. PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for extended operating hours in the C-C Zoning District located at 11056 N. Saguaro Boulevard, aka Two Step Saloon, Lot 13. Case #SU2007-13. 13. CONSIDERATION of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for extended operating hours in the C-C Zoning District, located at 11056 N. Saguaro Boulevard, aka Two Step Saloon, Lot 13. Case #SU2007-13. 14. PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for Redrock Business Plaza, Lot 4, to allow “Chase Bank”, to provide a drive-thru window service to customers. Case #SU2007-10. 15. CONSIDERATION of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for Redrock Business Plaza, Lot 4, to allow “Chase Bank”, to provide a drive-thru window service to customers. Case #SU2007-10. 16. SUMMARY of COUNCIL REQUESTS by Town Manager. 17. COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the Town Manager. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council: A) NONE. 18. ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 10th day of August 2007. Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5100 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk’s office. Page z:\council packets\2007\r8-16-07\agenda 8-16-07 .doc 8/10/2007 7:21 AM TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: August 16, 2007 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Consent Submitting Department: Administration Staff Contact Information: Bevelyn J Bender, 480-816-5115, bbender@fh.az.gov Strategic Priority: Not applicable Council Goal: Not applicable REQUEST TO COUNCIL: CONSIDERATION of approving the Town Council meeting MINUTES of August 2, 2007. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): The intent of approving previous meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at that meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the Town’s website in compliance with state law. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s): N/A Staff Recommendation(s): Approve SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the consent agenda. Attachment(s): None Page 1 of 2 Submitted by: __________________________________________ Approved: _________________________________________ Town Manager Date Bevelyn J. Bender/Town Clerk 8/7/07/07 Approved by: ___________________________________________ Department Director Date TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: 8-16-07 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Consent Submitting Department: Engineering Staff Contact Information: Randy Harrel, Town Engineer, 480-816-5112, rharrel@fh.az.gov Strategic Priority: Not applicable Council Goal: Not applicable REQUEST TO COUNCIL: Consideration of RESOLUTION 2007-44 abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in portions of the certain public utility and drainage easements located at the northerly property line of Plat 431, Block 7, Lot 7 (15225 Escalante Drive) as recorded in Book 151 of Maps, Page 43, Records of Maricopa County, Arizona. EA07-17 (Pickel) Applicant: Morris A. Pickel Applicant Contact Information: 15225 Escalante Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268, 480-816-3685 Property Location: 15225 Escalante Drive Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Not applicable Staff Summary (background): This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon portions of the twenty (20’) foot public utility and drainage easements located at the northerly property line of Plat 431, Block 7, Lot 7, (15225 Escalante Drive) as shown in Exhibit “A”. The property owners desire the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 7 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. The Town needs long-term access to the unsubdivided area (former state trust land) (GPA 2006) to its open-space property, located north and east of this lot. SRP and Fountain Hills Sanitary district will need a viable access route to the current and/or probable future facilities north and east of this lot. A twenty (20’) foot Public Utility Easement and Town Access Easement should be granted across the west edge of this lot. The Town will allow fence(s) along and crossing this easement, provided that 10’ gate(s) are provided for access through the lot. The applicant has indicated that he does not currently wish to fulfill that stipulation. This abandonment will merely remain unrecorded until such time as the applicant (or a future lot owner) may wish to grant the easement and have the abandonment recorded. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Not applicable Page 1 of 5 Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): Not applicable Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s): Not applicable Staff Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2007-44, subject to the following stipulation: Grant a twenty (20’) foot wide Public Utility Easement and Town Access Easement along the westerly edge of Lot 7. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 2007-44, with stipulation. Attachment(s): Resolution, Exhibit Page 2 of 5 Page 3 of 5 Submitted by: ___________________________________________ Randy Harrel, Town Engineer Date Approved: _________________________________________ Town Manager Date Approved by: ___________________________________________ Tom Ward, Director of Public Works Date Page 4 of 5 RESOLUTION 2007-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN PORTIONS OF THE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AT THE NOTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF PLAT 431, BLOCK 7, LOT 7, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 151 OF MAPS, PAGE 43, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town Council”), as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town”), may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and WHEREAS, all present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain twenty (20’) foot public utility and drainage easement, located at the northerly property line of Plat 431, Block 7, Lot 7, Fountain Hills, as recorded in Book 151 of Maps, Page 43 records of Maricopa County, and as more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owner is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting there from or existing previous to any action by the Town. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, August 16, 2007. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: W. J. Nichols, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Timothy G. Pickering, Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney Page 5 of 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, GRANTING A POWER DISTRIBUTION EASEMENT TO SALT RIVER PROJECT AGRICULTURAL IMPROVEMENT AND POWER DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. That a non-exclusive power distribution easement is hereby granted to Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District through, over, under and across + 0.16 acres of real property, being the westerly 10’ of Lot 9, Block 1, of Plat 302 (also known as Desert Vista Park, and lying adjacent to the Tower Drive right-of-way), in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. That the Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps and to execute all documents necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, August 16, 2007. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: W. J. Nichols, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Timothy G. Pickering, Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney 755259.1 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2007-40 [Power Distribution Easement] See following pages. 755259.1 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FINANCIAL POLICIES RELATING TO NEW CONSTRUCTION SALES TAX COLLECTIONS. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town Council”) adopted written financial policies for the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town”) on May 1, 2003 (the “Financial Policies”); and WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that a change to the Financial Policies is necessary to address the Town’s significant capital improvement needs, which are expected to increase substantially in the near future; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Town’s Tax Code, the Town collects taxes for construction contracting activities at a rate of two and six tenths percent (2.6%); and WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the Town that eighty-five percent (85%) of the sales tax generated from construction contracting activities be segregated from other tax revenue, placed in a separate account and used exclusively for the purposes of capital improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. That the Financial Policies are hereby amended to modify the Revenues and Collections section therein (page 9), to include a new subsection 6, to read as follows: 6. Local sales tax revenues are derived from several sources with a significant portion from construction-related activity. To ensure that the revenues from growth or development are targeted to costs related to development, or invested in improvements that will benefit future residents or make future service provision more efficient, the Town will designate 85% of those one-time revenues to the Capital Projects Fund. At the end of each fiscal year these revenues will be transferred from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund for future appropriation. SECTION 2. That the Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. SECTION 3. That the effective date of this Resolution shall be June 30, 2007, and the amendments to the Financial Policies herein shall apply to the designated tax revenue collected for construction activity during Fiscal Year 2007-08. 741685.2 741685.2 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, August 16, 2007. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: W. J. Nichols, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Timothy G. Pickering, Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney