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January 14, 2010
Mayor Schlum called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone.
Fountain Hills Town Council present:
Mayor Jay Schlum, Councilmember Dennis Contino, Councilmember Henry Leger, Councilmember Dennis
Brown, Councilmember Mike Archambault and Councilmember Ginny Dickey. Vice Mayor Hansen arrived at
8:40 a.m.
Town Staff present:
Town Manager Rick Davis, Deputy Town Manager Julie Ghetti, Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, Planning
and Zoning Director Richard Turner, Public Works Director Tom Ward, Parks and Recreation Director Mark
Mayer, Community Center/Senior Services Director Samantha Coffman, Human Resources Joan McIntosh,
Community Affairs/Media Relations Administrator Katie Decker, Economic Development Administrator Lori
Gary, Judge Ted Armbruster, MCSO Captain John Kleinheinz, Fire Chief Scott LaGreca, Assistant Fire Chief
Randy Roberts, Executive Assistant to the Mayor/Town Council/Town Manager Shaunna Williams, and Town
Clerk Bev Bender. Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) Chair Audra Koester Thomas was also
Town Manager Rick Davis also welcomed everyone and provided an overview of the process that would be
followed. He stated that the idea was to approach goal setting by identifying desired outcomes from the
Strategic Planning focus areas. He stated that the Council’s proposed suggestions would be listed under each
area and then provided to staff to provide more specific goals for the next year. The proposed goals would be
provided to the Council for discussion and formal ratification by adoption at a subsequent Council meeting. Mr.
Davis introduced Audra Koester Thomas as the first speaker.
Audra Koester Thomas, the Chair of SPAC, addressed the Council relative to the status of the Strategic Plan
update process and the Phase 2: Visioning Report outcome. She stated that the Commission would be providing
the finalized Phase 2 –Visioning Report to the Council next week.
Chair Thomas noted that the strategic vision plan focused on eight areas: Civility; Civic Responsibility;
Environmental Stewardship; Education, Learning and Culture; Maintain and Improve Community
Infrastructure; Economic Vitality; Public Safety, Health and Welfare; and Recreational Opportunities and
Amenities. She stated that once completed the plan would add definition to what each value statement meant
and provide raw feedback to the Council, which was a good resource for broader public representation. She
provided a brief overview of each of the eight and referenced documents that had been distributed to the Council
(information on file in the Clerk’s office).
Discussion ensued with regard to possible goals proposed by the individual Councilmembers under each of the
eight focus areas (lists on file in the Clerk’s office).
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The lunch break began at 12 p.m. The afternoon session resumed at 1:05 p.m.
Mr. Davis thanked everyone for their hard work during the morning session noting that the clearer we were, the
more effective we would be (the Good to Great – “hedge hog” concept). He asked the Council to contact him if
they had further suggestions so that those items could be included on the lists.
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Captain John Kleinheinz addressed the Council relative to information contained in
his a presentation (copy on file in the Clerk’s office) regarding community policing options. Captain Kleinheinz
discussed the current contract with the Town including staffing detail and service costs, their 6-year goals,
quality of life issues and a proposal for the creation of a community policing squad to deal with those changing
quality of life issues.
Discussion ensued relative to the need to clearly define a community policing squad’s role, what resources could
be used, if there would be any potential cost impact, and Captain Kleinheinz’s comment that it should be a wash
relative to cost; the fact that the Sheriffs’ Office was patrolling more miles in town and that they looked at crime
trends as a performance measure; how placement of a speed trailer was coordinated with Public Works; and the
fact that block watch had been helpful in resolving the speed issue on Trevino although there was one person
who still had concerns. Fire Chief La Greca commented on the uniqueness of the Town’s Fire/Police
department relationship and how great it was that they were able to talk car-to-car.
Vice Mayor Hansen asked what posse members could do legally and the Captain responded that the posse was
remarkable but that they worked under the deputy’s authority and did not have enforcement authority, which
limited their assistance to vacation watch and fairs/events. Captain Kleinheinz commented that they were
looking into putting together an ordinance that would address alarm calls and it might be possible to utilize the
posse further in that capacity. He addressed a question from the Vice Mayor related to if the posse could be
used for wellness checks stating that was not a possibility as they would be entering into uncertain situations.
He noted that the posse worked for donations and that they were also used to transport prisoners to booking in
downtown Phoenix.
Mr. Davis called for a break at 2:20 p.m. and the meeting resumed at 2:40 p.m.
Fire Chief Scott LaGreca addressed the Council relative to information that would be contained in his joint
presentation with Asst. Fire Chief Randy Roberts (copy on file in the Clerk’s office).
Asst. Fire Chief Roberts reviewed the challenges associated with a mountain rescue in the Town’s preserve and
how they were trying to mitigate those challenges though mutual aid agreements, signs, and operational
standards. He also discussed various types of rescues describing the resources that would be required and plans
to address such needs ( i.e. increased training, more equipment and personnel).
Fire Chief LaGreca provided a snap shot of Station #2 and a proposed Station #3 as well as a polygon of the 3
minutes response time. He explained that he liked the idea of having a back-up plan and talked about the
possibility of a joint facility (with Parks & Recreation) as there were positives, which he shared with the
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Asst. Fire Chief Roberts discussed the progress of the Fire Station project, noting that the building design was
almost complete, that they had the building permit, that the project was shovel ready, and that they were waiting
on FEMA to find out if they had received the grant award.
Chief LaGreca gave an update on the ambulance station stating that the agreement was with the attorneys; Rural
Metro was committed to getting into that site as the temporary location had improved EMS response times.
Discussion ensued with regard to ARRA funding and the probability that another round of grants would be
awarded and the fact the Town had not received a FEMA rejection letter.
Discussion continued relating to the C.A.R.E.S. program and if there was anything that could be done to
enhance it; the fact that the Fire Department said it was working well, was actively looking for volunteers, had
received grants over the holidays, was a true volunteer organization, which was a valuable health asset for the
Fire and Police Departments and program for the community, that it needed time to continue to grow while
developing its relationships, and that the funding committee was looking into how to fund a van or ambulance
for their use, the suggestion by Councilmember Dickey that this could possibly be another ongoing contract
similar to the other community service contract.
Chief LaGreca summarized that Fountain Hills had a world class hiking trail system and that they needed to be
ready to deal with the challenges that would be presented in the future. In response to a question by Vice Mayor
Hansen, Chief LaGreca confirmed that individuals currently did not get charged for the cost of a rescue but that
could be facilitated if the Council was interested.
Mr. Davis called for a break at 3:35 p.m. and the meeting resumed at 3:45 p.m.
Deputy Town Manager Julie Ghetti addressed the Council and provided a six month review of the budget
(presentation on file in the Clerk’s office), which covered the various funds, revenue and local sales tax
projections, a comparison of last year’s position to this year relating to sales tax, various fee collection by the
town, and expenditures by department, noting that expenditures had been revised down (to $400K).
Discussion ensued with regard to whether the Town could charge tax on gas, the fact that HURF revenues were
down slightly; the possibility that the HURF fund and State Shared Revenues might be at risk although State
Shared Revenues were tied to a past compromise with the Legislature relating to the prevention of local income
tax; the fact that staff would try and clarify if HURF was protected; possible strategies that might be used if
revenues funds were swept by the Legislature, and the fact that sweeping of funds could happen at any time but
the Town would plan as best they could; the collection of Development Fee revenues vs. expenditures.
Ms. Ghetti provided an overview of the Capital Projects Summary. She discussed the current year outlook: the
Town would continue to proceed with caution before approving expenditures, would conduct research and
analysis on privatization vs. in-house and vice versa; the fact that State sales tax and building permit activity
would continue to be questionable areas; that staff anticipated continuing mid-year adjustments and monitor the
annual threat of the Legislature’s sweeping a portion of the State Shared Revenue fund. In response to a
question by Councilmember Archambault Ms. Ghetti confirmed that originally the crossing of revenues and
expenses had been projected to take place in 2016/17 but with the development of the Ellman property stalled
and the economy situation, the time table had moved up. Ms. Ghetti also provided an explanation of the process
followed to resolve delinquent dog licenses in response to a question from Councilmember Contino.
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Ms. Ghetti summarized that the economic slowdown gave the Town an opportunity to re-engineer for more
efficiency and better service; that the Town needed to continue reducing operating costs while minimizing the
effect on citizens, and that expenditures were monitored continuously to ensure that there were sufficient year
revenues to pay for the expense.
Mayor Schlum adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.
Mayor Jay T. Schlum
Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Annual Council Goal
Setting Workshop held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town of Fountain Hills Community Center
on the 14th day of January, 2010. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was
Dated this 18th day of February 2010.
Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk