HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010.0204.TCRM.Minutes z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 1 of 12 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL February 4, 2010 * CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Schlum called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. * INVOCATION – Carolyn Goldberg, President of Temple Beth Hagivot * ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Schlum, Councilmember Contino, Councilmember Leger, Councilmember Brown, Vice Mayor Hansen, Councilmember Archambault and Councilmember Dickey. Town Manager Rick Davis, Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, and Town Clerk Bev Bender were also present. *MAYOR'S REPORT (i) A review of upcoming community events. Mayor Schlum requested that the citizens continue to support local restaurants, stores and other businesses. He noted the community's great food, merchandise, services and experiences that were available and emphasized that their support will help strengthen the entire community during these difficult economic times. The Mayor also announced the following upcoming community events: Thursday's Noon-Dusk Art on the Avenue in Downtown Fountain Hills February 4th - 7th - Great Fair Sr. Softball Tournament at Golden Eagle Park Saturday, February 6th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Fountain Hills Coin & Car Show at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Saturday, February 13th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Public Safety Appreciation Day at Fountain Park Mayor Schlum encouraged citizen participation at the various Fountain Hills High School sports events (Basketball, Soccer and Wrestling) and noted that High School State Tournaments were underway. He urged everyone to check the schedules for the games by going to www.AiAonLine.org. (ii) The Mayor will read a proclamation declaring February 13, 2010 as "Public Safety Appreciation Day" in the Town of Fountain Hills. Mayor Schlum read a proclamation into the record declaring February 13, 2010 "Public Safety Appreciation Day" in the Town of Fountain Hills and encouraged all citizens to recognize and honor the Town's firefighters and police officers for their efforts to keep everyone safe. *CALL TO THE PUBLIC None. z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 2 of 12 *CONSENT AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #1 – CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FROM JANUARY 12 AND 21, 2010. AGENDA ITEM #2 – CONSIDERATION OF A FINAL REPLAT FOR A LOT JOIN AT 10251 N. NICKLAUS DRIVE, AKA PLAT 401-B, BLOCK 3, LOT 8. (APN'S 176-10-031 AND 176-10-073A). CASE #S2010-02. AGENDA ITEM #3 – CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION FOR THE GREAT FAIR SPONSORED BY THE FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 26, 2010 THROUGH FEBRUARY 28, 2010, WHICH WILL REQUIRE CLOSURE OF PARTS OF AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, PARKVIEW AVENUE, VERDE RIVER DRIVE AND SAGUARO BOULEVARD. AGENDA ITEM #4 - CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION SUBMITED BY TAIT DANIEL ELKIE (VETERANS OF FOREIGN WAR POST 7507) FOR THE PURPOSE OF A FUNDRAISING EVENT (GREAT FAIR), LOCATED AT SAGUARO BOULEVARD AND AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILS, AZ, SCHEDULED TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 26TH AND 27TH, 2010 FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. AND FEBRUARY 28, 2010 FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. Councilmember Archambault MOVED to approve the Consent Agenda and Councilmember Dickey SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Councilmember Dickey Aye Mayor Schlum Aye Councilmember Leger Aye Vice Mayor Hansen Aye Councilmember Contino Aye Councilmember Brown Aye Councilmember Archambault Aye The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #5 – CONSIDERATION OF AN EXPENDITURE IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,269.00 (PLUS TAX) TO PRECISION ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE REPAIR OF FOUNTAIN LAKE PUMP #2. Parks & Recreation Director Mark Mayer and Park Supervisor Don Clark addressed the Council relative to this agenda item and noted that Steve Belt with Precision Electric and Ken Fairchild, an Electrical Engineer with Olsson Associates, were also present to respond to any questions the Council might have. He advised that several weeks ago staff noticed that there was a diminished capacity in the output of water from Pump #2 at the Fountain and, subsequently, a noise began to occur in the motor. A vendor came out on Tuesday, December 29th, and determined that the motor and pump would have to be taken to their shop to further troubleshoot the motor noise and low-water output of the pump. The equipment was pulled on December 30th to determine the problem and the total cost of the repair. The vendor provided a quote on January 6th for the total repair work at z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 3 of 12 a cost of $30,269.00 plus tax. The proposed repairs would include the following work: (1) Pull and reset pump and motor; (2) Recondition 600 H.P. turbine pump; (3) Recondition 600 H.P. 2300 volt motor and (4) Sandblast and repaint entire pump. The warranty on the reconditioned pump would be one year and the warranty on the motor, which would receive minimal work, would be ninety days. Mr. Mayer further advised that staff also investigated potentially replacing the pump motor with a new high- efficiency motor. However, based on the computations of the Town's Electrical Engineer consultant, Ken Fairchild, the payback for the new motor and pump at $101,604.00 plus tax would be between eighteen and twenty years. He added that both Precision Electric and Mr. Fairchild have advised that the problem experienced was mechanical and not electrical. The work and testing of the motor was being recommended as preventative maintenance and not as a repair with estimates of the run time for the equipment after the repairs considered to be up to another thirty years. Mr. Mayer stated that the Fountain was currently running on the two remaining pumps and said that staff recommended having the repair done as soon as possible in order to continue normal Fountain motor/pump rotation when all three pumps were available and have an additional pump for operation, if needed. The rotation allowed downtime for each motor/pump and reduced mechanical wear. The vendor anticipated a week to complete the repairs and reinstall the motor. Mr. Mayer noted that under the Town Code's Purchasing Policy, expenditures without bidding on amounts over $20,000 were permitted for Professional/Technical services under Section 3-3-10. Funds for the repair would come from the Fountain Park equipment maintenance budget. He noted that this expense was not budgeted and might result in a budget overage. Mr. Mayer advised that staff recommended approval of the expenditure in the amount of $30,269.00 plus tax to Precision Electric Company for the repair of Pump #2 and indicated his willingness to respond to any questions from the Council. Town Clerk Bev Bender advised that there were no citizens wishing to speak on this agenda item. Councilmember Contino said that when they pulled out the one pump, did they have a discussion on pulling the other two as well to inspect the shafts. Mr. Mayer explained that the Town did not have the funds for them right now. He added that they could certainly pull them, and he thought the cost to do so would be a couple thousand dollars, but staff felt that the likelihood of another pump rupturing within the next several months, after forty years in existence, was minimal. He said that staff had put in a request to do that next year and if the dollars were available then, the pumps could be pulled as early as July. In response to questions from Councilmember Contino, Mr. Mayer reported that the other pumps/motor were operating as efficiently as the newer ones and reiterated that it would be an 18 to 20-year payback should they purchase the new equipment. Mr. Mayer discussed rotations and said that staff monitored the run times on the Fountain to ensure that they were not running the motors/pumps a disproportionate amount of time on any of the equipment. He noted that based on the analysis that Mr. Fairchild conducted a couple of years ago for the Town, they had not experienced any issues with power surges. He added that the soft start technology was another part of the equation and explained that because they did not load both pumps at the same time (they start one and then the other one starts) there was not a whole lot of benefit as far as staff could see with the soft start technology. z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 4 of 12 Councilmember Contino asked whether the new motor would be more efficient when they first turn the pump on and Mr. Mayer replied that he was not sure that that had been analyzed. The consultant advised that there would not be any difference. Councilmember Dickey questioned whether the proposed warranties were typical and Mr. Mayer replied that they were and obviously they would obtain a longer warranty if they were purchasing new equipment, but that would be a lot more expensive. He added that based on his conversation with Mr. Belt, with the repairs the Town could get another 10 to 15 years worth of operation out of the equipment. Councilmember Archambault said he was pleased that staff intended to put money in the budget for next year to at least inspect the other pumps and stressed the importance of knowing what the Town's infrastructure was looking like and how it was aging so that money for repairs could be budgeted. Councilmember Archambault asked if they would also be looking at the bearings on the motor and was advised that the bearings were being replaced as part of the proposed repair work. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Mayer for his presentation and diligence in this important area. Councilmember Leger MOVED to approve the expenditure in the amount of $30,269.00 plus tax to Precision Electric Company for the repair of the Fountain Pump #2 and Councilmember Archambault SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). AGENDA ITEM #6 - PRESENTATION BY AUDRA KOESTER-THOMAS, CHAIR OF THE STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION, AND DISCUSSION OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE WORKING PAPER #2: VISIONING REPORT. Audra Koester Thomas, Chair of the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC) addressed the Council relative to this agenda item, introduced Rick Schultz, a Charter member of the SPAC, and thanked Shaunna Williams, staff liaison to the SPAC, for her continuing efforts and attendance at the meeting. She also expressed appreciation to Town Manager Rick Davis and his staff for their efforts and support. Ms. Koester-Thomas highlighted a presentation on the Strategic Planning Update process (a complete copy of the presentation was available in the office of the Town Clerk) and indicated her intention to specifically review the Phase 2 process - a review of the Vision & Values, and the next steps for the planning process. Ms. Koester-Thomas advised that the Strategic Planning Update process was devised as a four-phased program. Phase 1 was an opportunity to do an audit on the current and original Strategic Plan for the Town and noted the audit's various components. She said that they took the original values identified in the original Strategic Plan and initially saw strong support for a couple of them, including preserving Fountain Hills’ small town character, community participation, involvement and volunteerism, the environment and public safety. She stated that there were other issues that they did not hear a lot about in Phase 1: cultural diversity, recreational opportunities and education. At the end of Phase I, SPAC had also identified a number of other emerging values, including economic vitality, health and welfare and environmental sustainability. She emphasized that Phase II was really a visioning task and the product was the values and strategic vision. Ms. Koester Thomas discussed the extensive outreach activities that occurred; an on-line feedback session; questions that were asked during the process to obtain maximum feedback; issue forums; youth visioning, including a planning day at Fountain Hills High School and working with the Boys & Girls Club to obtain input from the Town's youngest residents; the group's meetings with existing organizations and groups; the Planning Team, composed of a group of citizens who came together and allowed the SPAC to "bounce their ideas" off z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 5 of 12 them at different important mile points; continuing meetings with Executive Staff and a presentation at the Council's fall Retreat and in January at the Council's Goal Setting Retreat; meetings held with all of the Town's commissions; the fact that the SPAC easily met with over 300 people during Phase II, which brings the total to over 1,000 to date; the fact that the newspapers' coverage of this topic greatly enhanced education and participation in the process; the extensive question/answer process that took place and the valuable information that resulted as far as the Town today and 20 or 30 years out; SPAC's Visioning Retreat; the participation of ASU planning students who helped facilitate table discussions and served as recorders for the event and the great ideas that were received from the youths in Town. Ms. Koester-Thomas stated that the eight values that the SPAC had identified include: Civility, Civic Responsibility, Environmental Stewardship, Economic Vitality, Education, Learning & Culture, Maintain and Improve Infrastructure, Public Safety/Health & Welfare and Recreational Opportunities and Amenities. Ms. Koester-Thomas provided a brief overview of each of the eight values listed above and efforts to develop a Vision Statement: "Fountain Hills is a distinctive community designed to invigorate the body, mind and spirit and strives to be stewards of this unique enclave dedicated to preserving the visual aesthetics and experience and to living in balance with the Sonoran Desert. We strive to champion the diversity of experiences our residents bring to our community and rely on this depth of experience to innovatively address our challenges. We strive to be economically sustainable and we anchor our vitality in an active, vibrant Town core that serves its Town culturally, socially and economically. And we strive to be civic minded and friendly, taking responsibility for our Town's success by building partnerships and investing our talent and our resources." Ms. Koester Thomas informed the Council that the next step would be Phase III (Draft Strategic Plan Development) and said that the goal was to construct a draft Strategic Plan, receive additional public feedback on the document and hold a joint Council/SPAC meeting in March 2010. She noted that Phase IV would be the actual adoption process. Ms. Koester Thomas thanked the Council for the opportunity to address them this evening and indicated her willingness to respond to any questions. Mayor Schlum thanked Ms. Koester Thomas and the other members of the SPAC for their tremendous efforts to date and also thanked staff for their hard work regarding this important endeavor. Ms. Bender advised that there were no citizens wishing to speak on this agenda item. Councilmember Dickey MOVED to receive and file the Strategic Plan Working Paper #2: Visioning Report and Councilmember Contino SECONDED the motion. Councilmember Archambault stated that he wished to publicly thank Ms. Koester Thomas for all of the hard work that she and the Committee put into this project and said that the report was so easy to read, concise and provided the vision that they had been seeking for quite a while. He added that the document puts into words what everyone wanted and the citizens of the Town, when they read it, would be able to "wrap their hands around it" much as they had the Downtown Vision Plan. He stated that he did not think that the Council could express enough appreciation for what SPAC had accomplished. He commented on the fact that the Town has the luxury of professionals such as the members of the SPAC who were willing to give so much of their time and expertise to enhance the community. Councilmember Dickey commented that the Morrison Institute had recently come out with a paper about civic responsibility and the importance of keeping that "on our radar screen." She said she wondered whether Ms. Koester Thomas had seen it and, if so, had any comments. z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 6 of 12 Ms. Koester Thomas advised that she was aware of the fact that the Institute had been working on that project but she has not had the opportunity to see the final product yet. She noted that the value of civility was truly unique to the Fountain Hill's community, coupled with the sense of responsibility and volunteerism that also existed in Town. Councilmember Dickey reported that the Institute defined civic responsibility as voting. She indicated people typically tend to think of it in terms of volunteering (what people give to the Town). Councilmember Contino thanked Ms. Koester Thomas for all her work as well as the other members of the SPAC. He stated that the one thing that impressed him the most this time around was the idea that the people in general all worked together to have a good time rather than just because they felt they had to do something. He commended the group for bringing that point out this year. Vice Mayor Hansen thanked Ms. Koester Thomas and the group for the extra effort they put forth to include all of the individual comments. She said that it was like being able to hear from individual citizens. She added that she particularly enjoyed the views expressed by the Town's youth. Mayor Schlum noted that the report was very extensive and lengthy and was available on line for anyone who wished to review the entire document. He reiterated his appreciation to Ms. Koester Thomas and the members of the SPAC for all of their efforts and the Fountain Hills Times for their coverage provided. He stated that he looked forward to the final output. The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). AGENDA ITEM #7 – CONSIDERATION OF A TEMPORARY USE PERMIT FOR A "FARMERS' MARKET," REPEATING OUTDOOR RETAIL SALES EVENTS FOR 2010. CASE #TU2010-01. Planner Gene Slechta addressed the Council relative to this agenda item and stated that the request was to consider a Temporary Use Permit for a Farmer's Market, repeating outdoor retail sales events for 2010. He noted that the applicant, Monique Lightner, was representing the vendors and was requesting approval for repeating Farmer's Markets in 2010. He noted that the events would be held from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. every Thursday from February 11, 2010 through April 29, 2010. The exceptions would be the week of The Great Fair and the Annual Wine & Cheese Fair. He pointed out that Section 5.16.B.4 of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance regulated Temporary Use Permits for outdoor sales allows for such repeating events and added that the request complied with all aspects of the regulations. Mr. Slechta advised that the events had been planned to occur in conjunction with the weekly Art on the Avenue events and the coordinators for both of the events were working closely together for synergy. He stated that this was part of the vision that Judy Yates had brought to the Council months ago. He added that the request had been posted and the notices had been mailed and no inquiries or objections had been received. He referred to a map depicting the exact location of the events and said that the initial focus area for the vendors would be in the median adjacent to Verde River Drive to the west and he pointed out that the Art on the Avenue event was to the east and closer to Saguaro. He stated that if the two events prove to be successful, their coverage would expand on the median. Mr. Slechta said that staff recommended approval of the Temporary Use Permit for the Farmer's Market repeating outdoor retail sales events for 2010 subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Slechta for his presentation. Ms. Bender advised that there were no citizens wishing to speak on this agenda item. z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 7 of 12 Vice Mayor Hansen MOVED to approve the Temporary Use Permit for a Farmer's Market, repeating outdoor retail sales events for 2010 as recommended by staff and Councilmember Archambault SECONDED the motion. Councilmember Contino advised that he noticed on the vicinity map that there were two sites east and west of Verde River Drive and asked if they moved it way up on the west end of Verde River Drive whether that would distract from the rest of it (the Art on the Avenue event). He asked if it was going to be too far away from all the action, because 99% of it was east of Verde River Drive. Mr. Slechta replied that this proposal was pretty much a pilot program and they were hoping that this would expand. He added that the Art on the Avenue was pretty much focused towards the eastern part of the median but said that it could expand to the west and so could the Farmer's Market depending on how that goes (could expand east or west as well). Mr. Slechta referred to the site diagram once again and pointed out the exact location of the Farmer's Market event (basically across from Chase Bank). The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). AGENDA ITEM #8 – CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAT FOR "FOUNTAIN HILLS ASLD," LOCATED ALL, OR IN PART, IN MARICOPA COUNTY TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST, SECTIONS 1, 2 AND 3. CASE #S2009-07. Senior Planner Bob Rodgers addressed the Council relative to this agenda item and highlighted a brief PowerPoint presentation (copy on file in the Town Clerk’s office). He stated that the proposal was for a 22 parcel, 50 tract master planned community on approximately two square miles of land with a maximum final residential density of 1,350 single family dwelling units. Mr. Rodgers noted that the property was located on the northeast corner of the Town, which borders the McDowell Mountain Park on the north and Fort McDowell Yavapai Community on the east. He added that the property was also the subject of three previous approvals, which would help govern certain aspects of the development. Resolution 08-12 established the zoning districts on the property, 08-24 established the General Plan's land use designations, and 08-25 updated the Pre- Annexation Development Agreement. Mr. Rodgers reiterated that the proposal was for a preliminary master plat, which was provided for in State statutes and showed the creation of large parcels that would be the subject of future development within the context of a much larger development proposal (in this case a master planned residential community). He added that a preliminary master plat was a conceptual level above the more familiar plat; it did not authorize any physical activity and was not recorded. A master plat's purpose was to provide a baseline reference that officially outlined the development's parcels, the non-developable parcels, major arterial roadway relocations and how they related to the General Plan, the zoning, the cut/fill waivers and the Development Agreement. He noted that it also provided the base for the developer and the Town to move the project forward to the next step, which would be roadway improvement plans, grading plans, parcel platting and ultimately building construction. Mr. Rodgers referred to a map that outlined the various proposed parcels and said that there would also be 50 open space tracts (permanent open space). He advised that the property would be accessible from eight locations and stated that the current location of McDowell Mountain Road would be relocated and become Fountain Hills Boulevard. Once the new road was constructed and accepted by the Town, the old road would be abandoned. He said that preliminary master plat approval was administrative in nature and was the first step in z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 8 of 12 the design process for developing this property. He added that due to the size of this project, the Town had encouraged the applicant to submit this preliminary master plat and said that it was actually an extra step in the normal platting process and allowed for additional up front scrutiny. He stated that the master plat defined the parcel’s boundaries, which had been designed to coincide with the previously adopted zoning district boundaries and general land use boundaries and it would not be recorded. He emphasized that approval at this stage was not approval to build - this was only step one and no dirt would be moved until roadway improvement plans or park grading plans were approved and no residential parcels would be subdivided until they received approval of their own individual, preliminary and final plats. Mr. Rodgers informed the Council that both the Water Company and the Sanitary District had noted that they did not yet have agreements in place for service to this development. In addition to stipulating compliance with the existing agreements and regulations, staff had required that notes be placed on the relevant plan sheets requiring master water and master wastewater plans prior to any preliminary plat approvals. He also reported that stipulations had been included in the staff recommendations to require that the utility agreements be in place prior to any final plat approvals. Mr. Rodgers stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval at their January 14th meeting and said that staff recommended that the Council approve the preliminary master plat as presented subject to the stipulations contained in the staff report. Mr. Rodgers indicated his willingness to respond to questions from the Council. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Rodgers for his presentation. Town Clerk Bev Bender advised that one citizen wished to address the Council relative to this agenda item. Glenn Panaro, Chairman of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District, addressed the Council and thanked them for allowing him the opportunity to speak on this item. He advised that the District had forwarded a letter to the Mayor and Council on February 2nd and requested that it be included as part of the public record (copy on file in the Town Clerk’s office). Mr. Panaro said that he wanted to make it clear that the District in no way wanted to be an obstacle or delay the process for this project. He noted that they were simply performing their statutory duties and added that the District had not yet formally agreed to provide sewer service to the Ellman property and pointed out that the property was not located within the District's boundaries. He advised that the District's approval would occur after execution of a pre-annexation agreement and if the Town was prepared to move forward with the approval of the preliminary master plat application, they respectfully requested that the Council's approval be conditioned on the property being annexed into the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. He said that otherwise the District felt that approval of the preliminary plat put the cart before the horse as it related to the approval of a wastewater master plan for this project. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Panaro for his remarks. Councilmember Dickey MOVED to approve the Preliminary Master Plat for Fountain Hills ASLD subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report and Councilmember Brown SECONDED the motion. Councilmember Dickey asked whether there was a stipulation in the staff report that related to Mr. Panaro's request or whether the Council would have to amend the stipulations to address his concerns. Mr. Rodgers explained that the stipulations did not require execution of a pre-annexation agreement and said he was not sure whether they could in fact actually stipulate that (a legal question). z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 9 of 12 Councilmember Dickey referred to a statement in the documentation that reads, "The applicant shall secure approval to provide domestic sewer service to this property prior to the final plat approval" and asked whether that was the same thing. In response to a request from the Mayor, Town Attorney Andrew McGuire advised that Stipulation #5 in the staff report was related to domestic sewer service and it was the same stipulation contained in the plat notes and in the previous agreements. He added that what they did not have any control over was annexation into the Sanitary District, but said that was everybody's goal. He stated that the Town did not have the authority to impose a stipulation that related to a different taxing entity. He said that he was not sure that was anything different than what was already required and emphasized that they could not approve a final plat for any of the lots until they had water and sewer provided to them. Even though the Town did not provide those services, it was the same effect as though they were issuing "will serves" for them and the Council could not approve the plats until they were authorized by the independent entities regardless of who they were. Mayor Schlum stated that Stipulations #4 and #5 ensured that before final plat approval was given domestic water and sewer would be made available. Mr. Rodgers concurred and reiterated that there were also notes on the plans that require that the designs be done for the preliminary plat. Vice Mayor Hansen pointed out that a number of the pages refer to "conceptual plans" and there was one for water and one for sewer. She questioned if either the water company or the Sanitary District had seen the conceptual plans. Mr. Rodgers advised that they had seen the plans. Councilmember Leger asked whether the applicant was present. Ms. Wendy Riddell with the law firm of Barry & Damore addressed the Council as the applicant’s representative. Councilmember Leger stated that he understood that they were “at the 30,000 foot level” with this plan and there was more work to be done particularly with the Sanitary District and Chaparral Water. He said that he had received an inquiry from a citizen today regarding connectivity between the proposed development and the McDowell Mountain Park. He added that he recognized that at this phase roads were not going in, etc. but said that the citizen was concerned that the group had not interfaced with the McDowell Mountain Park folks and asked for some input on this. Ms. Riddell replied that very early on they did in fact interface with the people from the County Parks System (at the time of the General Plan and Zoning). She agreed that was not part of the consideration this evening and she explained that those types of considerations (recreational opportunities, connectivity, etc.) were all items that would be considered at the appropriate time when the individual parcel lots came forward. Councilmember Leger asked whether the Parks officials had given any indication that they were interested in any type of joint ventures. Ms. Riddell replied that at that time they indicated that they were not interested in any type of joint ventures due to safety concerns as the southernmost part of that park was a high use bike facility (mountain bikes) and having people walking up there -- they did not consider that to be a complimentary use. Councilmember Leger noted that was an expressed interest of the citizens of Fountain Hills and asked if that was something that would be pursued further. Ms. Riddell responded that it was certainly something that conversation would take place about as they work on the individual parcel lots and plats. z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 10 of 12 Councilmember Dickey advised that the same gentleman also had a question about Parcel 8 and said she was just asking for confirmation that in general those things came later (not talking about that level of detail at this time). Ms. Riddell agreed and stated that they were not talking about individual lots on any of the parcels; they were simply talking about being able to take the approved land uses from the General Plan and zoning and create a baseline engineering document so they could work cooperatively with the Town in considering each of the parcels on a parcel-by-parcel basis. Mayor Schlum thanked Ms. Riddell for her attendance at the meeting and also expressed appreciation to staff for their hard work on this large, important project. He stated that they obviously wanted the project to move forward. He added that this represented the preliminary master plat and no lots were included on it, just the parcels themselves, and there had not been any zoning or land use changes. Vice Mayor Hansen noted that Richwood was identified on the plans as a minor collector and asked if by approving this were they "locked in" to the size that the streets were going to be (or will that be discussed further at a later date?). Mr. McGuire replied that the only thing that the plats do, when they get to a final plat, was establish the rights- of-way. The actual engineering of the streets would occur at individual plat time. He stated the opinion that there was going to be a fair amount of flexibility subject to the Town Engineer's discretion on what was a safe roadway for the amount of traffic. Vice Mayor Hansen said that the plan as it was approved contained a number of streets going through neighborhoods and that she still had concerns regarding the size of the streets going into those neighborhoods, cut-through traffic, etc. Mr. McGuire stated that that discussion would occur after lots of analysis and consideration by the Town Engineer to reduce the streets as much as possible. He added that there had been preliminary discussions about the Boulder connection but said that in the end it was an engineering discussion. He said that safety standards had been approved for the rest of the streets in Town and some of the older streets had a different standard and whether or not that standard could be applied could not even be guessed at this point in time. Councilmember Archambault said that the approval the Council was giving tonight did not define the roads; it was simply defining the property lines for the specific zoning areas and providing for the plats. Mr. Rodgers concurred with Councilmember Archambault's statement and added that tonight's approval was approving the parcels and the general locations of the roads -- not defining them or laying out any right-of-ways, etc. Councilmember Contino asked whether they had some hiking trails at the park and noted that they had worked with McDowell Mountain Park on trails that went all the way up into the park now. Mr. Rodgers responded that there were some preliminary discussions about that and the Development Agreement talked about working with them to create some connectivity. He explained that that would happen when they began to look at the individual parcels and the roadway layouts, etc. Mayor Schlum stated that there had also been a lot of discussion lately regarding the Town working as a partner with the McDowell Mountain Regional Park in connecting with their preserve and there were also the efforts by z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 11 of 12 the Sonoran Conservancy and the McDowell Mountain Preservation Committee to make that happen. The Mayor confirmed that discussions were still open regarding this issue. The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). AGENDA ITEM #9 – COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION TO THE TOWN MANAGER. ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE RELATED ONLY TO THE PROPRIETY OF (i) PLACING SUCH ITEMS ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR ACTION OR (ii) DIRECTING STAFF TO CONDUCT FURTHER RESEARCH AND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL: A. NONE. AGENDA ITEM #10 – SUMMARY OF COUNCIL REQUESTS AND REPORT ON RECENT ACTIVITIES BY THE TOWN MANAGER. Town Manager Rick Davis advised that he had a brief opportunity to attend the Arizona City Manager's Association conference and said that in his report to the Council this upcoming week he would recap some of the valuable things learned at the conference, particularly a clearer understanding of where they were going economically in the State as a community. He advised that the economy was described in this manner: "We used to be drowning in 30-feet of water but now we were drowning in 20-feet of water." He stated that things were coming back and he was optimistic about that. He noted that the presenter was an economist and he wagered with people that within three or four years we would be back to where we were before the great recession and even said that if we were not and we gave him our business cards, he would pay us each $20.00. Mr. Davis informed the Council that Mr. McGuire had attended the conference with him and they listened to the Secretary of State who had provided very valuable information. Mr. Davis said that he also had his first experience with Home Delivered Meals, as he had been out there delivering them, and stated that he had watched the entire process from beginning to end. He stated that this was a very valuable experience for him and helped him gain a better understanding functionally of how that program benefited the Town's citizens. Mr. Davis advised that staff was already working on the eight goals/focus areas contained in the Strategic Plan and said that the Council would have in their packets eight proposed goals and some initiatives that they would be able to work on next Thursday (a week from today). He stated that staff hoped to "wrap up that process" and get to work on it. He added that the department heads were also in possession of the initiatives and were beginning to formulate their budgets. He emphasized that staff was focused on obtaining the "biggest bang for the buck" in this coming year. Mr. Davis indicated his willingness to respond to questions from the Council. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Davis for the update and commented on the huge rainfall that the Town had experienced and the potholes located throughout the Town. He emphasized the importance of continuing to maintain their infrastructure. He noted that Saguaro has had problems that they had talked about and commended staff for all of their hard work to keep the streets as safe as possible for the citizens of Fountain Hills. He said that staff had addressed the situation to the best of their ability and their preparations prior to the rain helped immensely. He thanked the Fire and Police Departments for doing an excellent job. The Mayor reminded everyone that next Saturday was Public Safety Appreciation Day at Fountain Park. z:\council packets\2010\r2-18-2010\100204tcm.docx Page 12 of 12 AGENDA ITEM #11 – ADJOURNMENT. Councilmember Contino MOVED that the Council adjourn the meeting and Councilmember Archambault SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By_____________________________ Mayor Jay T. Schlum ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: _________________________ Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 4th day of February, 2010. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 18th day of February 2010. _____________________________ Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk