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March 4, 2010
Mayor Schlum called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers.
Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Vice Mayor Hansen ,
Mayor Schlum, Councilmember Leger, Councilmember Contino, Councilmember Brown, Councilmember
Dickey, and Councilmember Archambault. Town Manager Rick Davis, Town Attorney Andrew McGuire and
Town Clerk Bev Bender were also present.
(i) A review of upcoming community events (PowerPoint on file in the Clerk’s office).
Mayor reviewed the following upcoming events. He commented on the fact that at 12 p.m. on St. Patrick’s Day
(March 17th) the fountain would turn green.
Thursday afternoons Art on the Avenue & Farmers Market - Downtown FH
March 3-6 The Memorial Disc Golf Tournament - Fountain Park
Sat., Mar. 6th 8 AM Guided Hike -Desert Survival - Eagles Nest Trail Head
Sat., Mar. 6th 9&10 AM Docent-Led Art Walk - Community Center
Sun., Mar. 7th 4PM Concert in the Park –Country - Fountain Park
Tue., Mar. 9th 6AM-7PM Primary Election –vote - Your Polling Place
Sat., Mar. 13th 8AM Guided Hike -Geo Cache & Map Reading - Eagle Ridge Dr
Sat., Mar. 13th 10AM-10PM St. Patrick’s Day celebration - Fountain Park
Sat., Mar. 13th Noon & 5PM G R E E N F O U N T A I N - Fountain Park
Sun., Mar. 14th 4 PM Concert in the Park –Irish Fountain Park
Fountain Hills High School Athletics Baseball, Track & Field, Tennis, Softball & Golf
Sat., Mar. 6th 10AM & 2PM Baseball & Softball Games FH Middle School/GEP
Tue., Mar. 9th 4PM Baseball & Softball Games FH Middle School
Wed., Mar. 10th 3PM Track & Field FH High School
Fri., Mar. 12th 4PM Baseball Game FH Middle School
(i) Presentations by the Honorary Consul of El Salvador, Enrique Melendez (Annual Report and status of
the country); the Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bernard O. Otremba-Blanc,
Ph.D.; the Honorary Consul of Belgium, Reginald Winssinger; and Fountain Hills Sister Cities
Organization President and former Fountain Hills Mayor Sharon Morgan.
Mayor Schlum welcomed the Honorary Consuls and mentioned that they had just attended a reception hosted by
the Sister Cities organization at the Community to get acquainted.
Former Mayor Sharon Morgan (President of the Fountain Hills Sister Cities) introduced each of the Honorary
Consuls and provided a brief biography on each who in turn addressed the Council and expressed their
appreciation for this opportunity to present an overview of their country. Honorary Consul of El Salvador,
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Enrique Melendez, addressed the Council stating that this presentation was the annual report of the Country that
he was required to make on behalf of El Salvador Foreign Ministry to each of their Sister Cities. He referenced
a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Clerk’s office). He highlighted the country’s election of January 2009,
the ranking of the El Salvador economy in South America, the social investment, the Millennium Challenge
Account, its strategic location, the La Unión Port project, El Salvador’s North Highway, the Country’s legal
framework, and the anticipated increase of foreign direct investment.
Ms. Morgan, on behalf of the Fountain Hills Sister Cities Board of Directors, thanked the Council for their
support, not only verbally but monetarily. She said they were proud to have the three Sister Cities flags a
permanent resident of the Town Council Chambers here in Town Hall in Fountain Hills.
Mayor Schlum extended his thanks to the organization and stated that he wished to recognize the Honorary
Consuls by presenting them each with a fountain pin and logo pen. He thanked the Sister City organization for
helping to reorganize the Town Hall window displays. He encouraged everyone to check out the displays that
held items representing each of the Sister Cities. He acknowledged that this was a great partnership and that the
organization did great work. He recognized and thanked the attending former mayors who were in attendance
(Jerry Miles, Wally Nichols, and Sharon Morgan) as they were integral in establishing the Town’s Sister Cities.
Councilmember Archambault wished Mayor Schlum Happy Birthday, which was March 5. Everyone sang
Happy Birthday to the Mayor. Mayor Schlum thanked everyone.
Richard Platt reviewed his family’s story that had recently been in the Times relating to his daughter’s drug
abuse, addiction, and treatment. He stated the opinion that there was a major drug problem in Fountain Hills.
Elizabeth Espiritu spoke of her two daughters and Christian family life noting that as much as they had tried to
keep drugs out of their environment, her 18-year old had fallen victim to heavy drugs and had been struggling
now for about two years. She spoke of the turmoil that this problem had brought to the family, overdose
situations, and various treatments. Ms. Espiritu noted her daughter was now clean but struggling with cravings.
She stated that kids were getting their drugs at school but that she had been told that there was not enough
funding for school officers. She indicated that she had brought information forward to the Sheriffs’ office but
was told that they did not want the small dealers; however, she pointed out it was the small dealers who were
killing our kids. She discussed the importance of believing in the kids instead of belittling them. She spoke of
the movie theater and how she felt it was bizarre that the prospect had been turned down, as it would have
provided kids with jobs and something to do yet they have allowed smoke shops to come into town (where
drugs and paraphernalia were available). She expressed that priorities needed to be set and noted that there were
no treatment facilities, no 12-step meetings for teens, no decent drug counselors, nothing in Town. She asked
for help with getting the drugs out of their Town so everyone had a better future.
Mary Walsh addressed the Council relative to this issue and referenced the newspaper article that Carol had
written about the Coalition to stop the alcohol and marijuana usage. She indicated that she had responded via e-
mail regarding her experience with her son and his use of heroin. She indicated that her son was 19, had
attended Desert Mountain (Scottsdale School District), and that she personally knew 20 boys in his class that
had become addicted to heroin. She indicated schools sent out notices warning of sexual predators and illness
outbreaks, but no one had told them about this. She requested help in getting information out to the parents on
this issue and indicated a willingness to speak more at future meetings on what to look for.
David Elson, Ridgeway Dr., addressed the Council relative to a safety concern on the trails at the Botanical
Gardens. He discussed his conversations with staff regarding an eroding trench and a meeting held between
staff, the Town Manager and Bruce Hansen. He provided photos of the trench and expressed his concerns
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relative to safety stating that with each successive rain the eroded area widened. He stated that it was the
Town’s responsibility to fix the problem (safety issue) and that it had been six months since the problem had
been reported and no corrective action had been taken. He commented that some of the free rip rap received
from MCO could have been used to fix the problem. He reminded everyone that it was just a matter of time
before someone would be injured if it was not remedied.
Mayor Schlum indicated that the substance abuse issue would be agendized in the future and encouraged
everyone to stay engaged. He stated his appreciation to those individuals tonight for their courage in sharing
their stories in order to benefit the community. The Mayor commented that the Town did not have its head in
the sand, every example was appreciated, and that the Sheriffs’ office appreciated detailed information
whenever they could get it. He pointed out that the Town was not stopping a movie theater from coming
forward that it was the economy; the Council was doing everything they could to allow a movie theater to come
SCHEDULED TO BE HELD ON MARCH 13, 2010, FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 11:59 P.M.
Councilmember Contino MOVED to approve the Consent Agenda as listed (Items 1-2) and Councilmember
Brown SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Councilmember Dickey Aye
Mayor Schlum Aye
Councilmember Leger Aye
Vice Mayor Hansen Aye
Councilmember Contino Aye
Councilmember Brown Aye
Councilmember Archambault Aye
Mayor Schlum asked Mr. Mayer if he wished to speak to Mr. Elson’s inquiry. Mr. Mayer stated that the area
referenced was an area that was downstream from where the parking lot was established and he acknowledged
that the water did drain down the hill. He stated that what was constructed was the pipe beneath the access to
the Botanical Garden. He pointed out that the parking lot had been moved and a trail had been constructed there
which staff has attempted to obliterate and that was part of the reason for the barricades (to keep the public from
walking back there). He stated that was not the entrance to the Botanical Gardens as the entrance was where the
trailhead had been established. He stated the ditch ran along the side of the road and that was why the Parks and
Recreation Department had not taken any corrective action in the area. He commented that he would get
together with the Street Department and Town Manager and take a look at that.
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Mayor Schlum stated that this would be a request of the Town Manager to follow-up on this.
Director of Parks and Recreation Mark Mayer displayed a picture of the bronze bust and addressed the Council
relative to this item, stating the official acceptance was being sought on behalf of the Town for a piece recently
donated to the Senior Services from the Senior Services Foundation and Senior Services Inc. in memory and
commemoration of John O’Flynn. He commented that Mr. O’Flynn had been very active in Senior Services and
in establishing programs for seniors so this was their way of recognizing him and his contributions to the
community. He stated the artist was Scott Penger and the bronze had an estimated value of $1,750. Mr. Mayer
stated that the bronze was not an official piece of the public art program as it did not come through that
particular organization and was simply a donation. He commented that it would be added to the Town’s art
inventory and placed on the Town’s insurance. He indicated his willingness to answer any questions.
Councilmember Contino asked if there would be any engraving, as people coming in would not know what it
was for. Mr. Mayer stated that he would raise that request with the group, although he was unaware of anything
being specifically provided.
Councilmember Dickey MOVED to accept the bronze statue as presented and Councilmember Contino
SECONDED the motion.
Mayor Schlum commented that this was great as Mr. O’Flynn had been a huge part of the senior program and
community. He noted that when you saw Jaba, who was still around, you thought of John as well. In response
to a question by the Mayor, Mr. Mayer stated that this bronze piece would be placed in the offices of Senior
Services, pointing out that the piece was relatively small.
Town Manager Rick Davis addressed the Council relative to this item stating that this was the second draft with
those changes previously requested inserted. He asked for the Council’s continued discussion and consideration
of the proposed goals, which were on the agenda for adoption tonight.
Mayor Schlum reviewed that at the last meeting the Council had read through all the goals. He suggested
starting at the top and going through them and having the dialogue first before a motion and a second since there
may be changes or additions.
In response to a question from the Mayor, Town Clerk Bev Bender responded that there were no speaker cards.
Councilmember Dickey stated that having these goals as they move forward was great as reinforcement because
they could actually point to a specific goal. She reiterated that this was not an exclusive list. The Mayor
concurred that the list was not all-inclusive.
Mayor Schlum started with Goal #1.
Councilmember Dickey mentioned as she went through the list she had thought something was missing only to
find that it was listed under another goal. She stated that she saw a lot of interconnections. She noted that the
public art was not specifically mentioned and she wanted to ensure that they were aware of the public art and the
art walks under Goal #8.
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Councilmember Leger said in light of the prior presentation tonight he was suggesting that they add a goal,
unless it was in the refined portion of the document: Collaboration with the Drug Coalition to create education
on drug abuse. He stated the opinion that the Town should engage in a partnership with any coalition that was
out there to see if we could share ways through our media and authority (at the dais) to communicate about this
issue and problem in Fountain Hills. He added that he did not know specifically what that was but he felt it was
an opportunity and that they should join the partnership. He said it might be appropriate to incorporate a goal
under Goal #1 (Education, Learning, and Culture) or Goal #7 (Public Safety, Health, and Welfare) and asked for
the Council’s consideration. He indicated that he had not seen that in the refined document.
Mayor Schlum concurred and said it would work under Goal #7. He said that the public was probably aware
that the Town Councilmembers, staff, Sheriffs’ office, Fire, and others were all a part of the Fountain Hills’
Youth Substance Abuse Coalition already, but he noted more challenges would be uncovered in that area as
more information was looked for to best understand and address it as a community not just as a municipality. It
was a responsibility of the entire community. He asked that they keep in mind that there were about a thousand
items that could be added to these goals. He noted the subsets to these goals gave structure and flavor to what
the goals actually were. He requested they not go too crazy by adding sub-goals, but reiterated that was a fine
goal to add.
Vice Mayor Hansen spoke to that goal under #7 and suggested additional language: actively participate in
creating a safe, healthy and drug-free Town. She stated that would be a firm statement about being drug free.
Mayor Schlum asked Town Clerk Bender if she was capturing these statements to which she responded yes, the
meeting was being recorded. Ms. Bender suggested that the Council’s motion be to approve the goals as
Councilmember Dickey indicated that she too had written substance abuse under Goal #7. She stated she could
literally add a number of things under this item so she suggested that some of that could be incorporated with
that as they had also talked about Domestic Violence, intolerance type crimes, etc. Those items had been on the
bigger list. She suggested that perhaps those could be incorporated in the community policing so that might be a
way to address it without having to delineate every single thing that they knew was very important to do. She
referenced the Cattle Guard Alliance that had existed years ago and one of the women at that time had spoken
about “sitting in secrecy”. She said that was a great thing for a small town because we pulled together, but it
also created a challenge in a small town, as there was a reluctance to come forward. She said they would need
to address the fact that people were reluctant to come forward because of being a small town as then everyone
knew what you were doing. She indicated that the woman had also mentioned the various ways abuse could be
concealed. She stated her support for moving forward with this in any way that they could fit it into Goal #7.
Mayor Schlum moved on to Goal #2 (Environmental Stewardship).
Councilmember Dickey noted that water was not mentioned anywhere on the list and suggested that the water
conservation be included in Goal #2, just by the nature of where we live. Mr. Davis proposed the Town’s
continued support and participation in the Water Wise program.
Councilmember Dickey reiterated that they had also talked about effluent use at some of the schools and had
expanded to one of the parks and along those lines. Mayor Schlum asked Councilmember Dickey to consider
how she would word that and said they would come back to that.
Mayor Schlum moved on to Goal #3 (Civility).
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Mayor Schlum moved on to Goal #4 (Civic Responsibility). He stated that Councilmember Dickey had
suggested ensuring that civic responsibility also reflected that we support things on a regional and state
perspective. He suggested the following: Fountain Hills will remain engaged and supportive of regional and
state partnerships with other municipalities.
Councilmember Dickey referenced that Strategic Planning Advisory Commission Chair Audra Koester Thomas
had stated the definition of civic responsibility was voting. She indicated that this went along with the Goal #3
(subset #3) that stated we get out factual information. She stated that it was a coincidence that the Morrison
Institute had come out with their study defining that the number one issue of civic responsibility was “to vote”.
She asked that also be included.
Mayor Schlum suggested that the word “and” be inserted between “information to”. He stated the mission was
to make sure that there was good information out there and that we have the ability to address misinformation.
Councilmember Leger interjected the possible use of the term intergovernmental relations; the continued
nurturing of municipality to municipality or government to government relationships.
Councilmember Dickey asked the Mayor if that helped the Mayor in his position with GPEC. She felt that
meant regional presence and that Fountain Hills was involved with the decision making. The Mayor responded
that he preferred to keep it broader; as regional and state items that were relevant to our community.
Vice Mayor Hansen stated that on Goal #3, subset 3, that it indicated information with the community and she
suggested adding the wording “within and without Town Hall”, so that it was just not with the community. The
Mayor questioned if she meant to add internal and external communications and the Vice Mayor clarified the
wording as “within and outside Town Hall”.
The Mayor read the revision as: Develop and execute a program to proactively distribute factual information
within Town Hall and outside Town Hall and... The Vice Mayor clarified the proposed wording as: “within
Town Hall and within the community”. The Mayor stated that was good.
The Mayor moved forward with Goal #5 (Economic Vitality).
The Mayor stated that on Goal #5, subset 4, one thing that had been discussed was to strike the word
“community” and leave it as just college and add directly after it “or other educational outlet”.
Councilmember Dickey requested that theater be added as well. The Vice Mayor suggested adding
entertainment venue as they did not know what it might end up looking like. Councilmember Dickey suggested
adding the verbiage “and entertainment venue” after the word “hospital”.
Councilmember Dickey said that under Goal #5 (Economic Vitality) and since this was for years 2010/11 she
commented on the fact that she had gone to the recent Governor’s Centennial Summit and although there were
too many amazing things to bring up at this time that she had looked at this time and had seen many things in
the goals that related to some of the ideas that were discussed there. She pointed out that there were ideas that
would not cost a fortune and some were what we were doing now only with a different theme or in a different
way. She pointed out that the greening project would be a natural fit and that they had encouraged city
representatives to look at what they were all ready doing. She noted that the economic impact of a special event
like this would not be for one month as it would continue from September 2011 till December 2012 and she
expressed the opinion that there were many opportunities. She indicated that other cities were forming state
centennial committees, although she did not know how that would look yet. When talking about civic
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responsibility and the Town’s recent “Make a Difference Day”, that they had proposed a similar one, “Take
Care of Arizona Days”, which was not that different. She commented this could be as huge as they wanted it to
be or just the greening portion, but it had an impact for next year and she wanted to bring it up under Economic
Vitality. She did not know if they could say pursue it or do committees or participate in the Arizona Centennial
as it was starting in 2011.
Vice Mayor Hansen added that at the last Tourism meeting Rory (Fort McDowell representative) had brought
that up, had indicated they were very interested in partnering on this and really making it a joint effort. He
proposed that they should come up with 100 things and what should those 100 things be and the greening did
come up with the planning of the Town’s first 100 trees. The Vice Mayor spoke of the enthusiasm and the fact
that an Ad Hoc committee had been started (which included Katie Decker, Rory and a few others) and suggested
that they be contacted. Mayor Schlum asked the Vice Mayor and Councilmember Dickey if they felt that fit
within Goal #5 and they concurred.
Mr. Davis advised that he, Councilmember Dickey, and Katie Decker had spoken about this Centennial
Committee one day this week and Katie was in the process of contacting Avondale, Prescott, and Goodyear to
see what the committees are composed of and what kind of groups were represented on that committee. He
indicated that he had spoken to the Mayor this morning about what the Town’s composition might look like as
well. He said they would move forward with that.
The Mayor stated that the Town would definitely address the Centennial but he had not been sure where it
would fit but now felt it would work under Goal #5 as subset #7, “Centennial projects partnering with local and
regional efforts and organizations”.
The Mayor moved forward with Goal #6 (Maintain and Improve Community Infrastructure).
The Mayor proposed inserting language at the end of this Goal and Goals #7 and Goal #8: “to provide
opportunities to encourage and empower our local organizations or citizens” to cooperate and not just to make it
enrich our community by investing resources (not the Town actually doing things, but also encourage other
organizations and partnering with other groups). He expressed that he did not want it to be centric upon the
Town in doing things as the Town would be doing less monetarily over the next several years. He noted that it
would take continued effort by the entire community in partnering and leveraging each other’s resources as a
Councilmember Leger suggested the following language: Enrich our community by investing resources and
volunteerism to improve and enabling volunteers, right after “resources”.
The Vice Mayor proposed that if they wanted to include the civic organization to that it should read “Enrich our
community by investing in combining Town and community resources to improve and preserve…”. The
Mayor stated the purpose was to encourage and empower local organizations and citizens to be a part of this and
concurred that covered that.
Councilmember Dickey asked if Energy or electricity was considered infrastructure because they had talked
about public/private partnerships and performance contracts. She asked if they did weatherizing or something
like that, would it be considered infrastructure (i.e. energy efficiency)? Mr. Davis responded that infrastructure
was usually defined as that which enabled municipalities to deliver a service and he described it as hardware,
cement asphalt, pipes, connectivity, etc. Councilmember Dickey commented that delivery would be something
like that and stated that would be something that they could talk about later.
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Councilmember Archambault suggested that could be added to subset #4. The Mayor concurred stating that
language could be added there such as “Evaluate our Town’s energy, technological and connectivity potential”.
He felt that solar could be included with that (using less energy).
Councilmember Dickey stated the whole idea was paying for it out of the savings; so if solar was installed, the
private entity doing it could pay it back with the savings. That way if savings were not realized, they did not
The Mayor stated that as part of technology and connectivity a couple of citizens had brought forward the
Google effort, which was an example of something that the Town might want to pursue. He noted that this was
one that the Town was pursuing (Google fiber initiative) and that Lori Gary (the Town’s Economic
Administrator) was working on that and was a potential partnering situation with a neighboring municipality.
He added that they needed to continue to realize that as they look at actual examples of activities that might fall
within these goals that the Town had fewer staff people to do things because of the requirement to keep a
balanced budget. He reiterated that the Town would need more and more citizens to step up and assist with
these efforts as well.
The Mayor moved on to Goal #7 (Public Safety, Health, and Welfare).
Mr. Davis stated that he had noted an initiative (subset #5) related to drug abuse – “Continued support and
participation in the Youth Substance Abuse Coalition and actively participating to help make our community
drug free.” Councilmember Dickey requested that it state substance abuse so that alcohol was included. Mr.
Davis confirmed that it was listed.
The Mayor requested that the phrase at the end of the main Goal be added “…to provide opportunities to
encourage and empower our local organizations or citizens” or the language as provided by the Vice Mayor to
ensure that we work with the local organizations (not just the Town doing) as well as what Mr. Davis just stated.
The Mayor moved on to Goal #8 (Recreational Opportunities and Amenities).
The Mayor mentioned the earlier reference by Councilmember Leger to add public art and asked for
clarification. He asked if it was the awareness of it? Councilmember Dickey stated that she had mentioned it
and she mentioned that she had sent the letter boxing information to commission.
The Mayor asked Mr. Davis to clarify the language on Goal #8, subset #2. Mr. Davis stated that the intention
had been from the very beginning to develop whatever activities that we can at the community center in concert
with and in cooperation with the Boys and Girls Club in a cooperative way so as not to duplicate programs but
enhance the offerings to our youth. He added it would not serve anyone if programs were duplicated. The
Mayor recalled that there was interest by the Council and Staff to have more youth at the Community Center.
He mentioned a program by name (Serendipity) whereby the seniors served the youth. He said it was a great
concept although it was a one-day event held once a year. He thought the Council’s idea was to ensure that the
Town’s youth were engaged in a part of the Community Center and in use of the Center, but not to be in
competition with or duplicate the efforts of the teen center.
Councilmember Leger questioned if the language should be clarified on Goal #8 (subset #2). Mr. Davis stated
that he had added language and it now read: Begin to develop and present programs in cooperation with the
Boys and Girls Club…”. Councilmember Dickey asked if Fort McDowell would also be involved to see if
there were programs that they would be interested in coming here for, which would alleviate program
duplication. She wanted to ensure open communication. The Mayor interjected that they hoped to continue
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everything they were doing in conjunction with Fort McDowell. He expressed they wanted to be inviting with
our Fort McDowell neighbors. He mentioned that staff was meeting with them occasionally and hopefully the
Town was communicating with them to be involved with everything that we do in our community as they were
a small membership and the Town benefited from them by the sharing of their culture with us. Hopefully they
were involved and invited to everything the Town was a part of not just the one item. It was a practice he
wanted to see continued going forward as a whole.
Councilmember Dickey reiterated the duplication factor and the Mayor agreed resources did not exist to
duplicate. The Vice Mayor stated that staff did a good job of ensuring that did not occur.
The Mayor requested that the phrase be added at the end of the main Goal “to encourage and empower our local
organizations or citizens” to be a part of the efforts as well, not just the Town.
Vice Mayor Hansen MOVED to approve the Goals as amended and Councilmember Archambault
SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0).
Mr. Davis said the revised document would be provided to ensure the appropriate changes were captured as
intended and then staff would move forward.
Items listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such items on a future agenda for action or (ii)
directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council:
A. None.
Mayor Schlum recapped that staff would follow-up with Mr. Ellson and inclusion in the Youth Substance Abuse
Coalition relative to comments made by the parents this evening.
Councilmember Contino thanked everyone for the Chamber event, the volunteers. He felt they needed to
congratulate them as they made it a great fair and everyone worked together. He thanked the Sheriffs’
Department for handing out the parking tickets. The Mayor commented that the fair had a little rain on Sunday
but that it went well on Friday and Saturday. He expressed his thanks to the tons of volunteers (and the Mayor’s
Youth Council) that helped make it a success.
Councilmember Leger MOVED that the Council adjourn the meeting and Councilmember Archambault
SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
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Mayor Jay T. Schlum
Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session held
by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 4th day of March, 2010. I
further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present.
Dated this 18th day of March 2010.
Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk