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June 3, 2010
Prior to the scheduled meetings beginning, the Oath of Offices were administered to the individuals elected at the March
9, 2010, Primary Election, beginning at 6 p.m. in the Fountain Hills Council Chambers:
Fountain Hills Presiding Municipal Court Judge, Ted Armbruster administered the oath of office to Mayor-Elect Jay T.
Campaign Manager and husband, Jim Dickey administered the oath of office to Councilmember Elect Ginny Dickey.
Arizona State Representative, John Kavanagh administered the oath of office to Councilmember Elect Tait D. Elkie.
Fountain Hills Presiding Municipal Court Judge, Ted Armbruster administered the oath of office to Councilmember Elect
Henry Leger.
Each newly seated member took a few moments after being seated on the dais to thank their family members, those
involved with their campaigns and their constituents for their support now and during the election process.
The Council then convened first as the Board of Directors for the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District at 6:25
p.m. and then Cottonwoods Maintenance District at 6:28 p.m. before convening the Regular Session of the Fountain Hills
Town Council.
Mayor Schlum called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers.
*INVOCATION – Pastor David Felten, The Fountains, A United Methodist Church
Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Schlum, Councilmember
Contino, Councilmember Leger, Councilmember Brown, Vice Mayor Hansen, Councilmember Elkie, and
Councilmember Dickey. Town Manager Rick Davis, Deputy Town Manager Julie Ghetti, Town Attorney Andrew
McGuire and Town Clerk Bev Bender were also present.
(i) Rotation of the Vice Mayor position to Councilmember Dennis Brown.
Pursuant to Section 2-2-2- of the Fountain Hills Town Code, that each member of the Council, except for the Mayor, shall
serve an eight-month term (6-10 thru 1-11) as Vice Mayor and shall perform the duties of the Mayor during his absence
or disability.
Mayor Schlum said that they would now complete the rotation of the Vice Mayor position, which went to Councilmember
Brown. He stated that Vice Mayor Hansen had done a great job while serving in that position and thanked her for her
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hard work and continuing efforts. He added that he looked forward to Vice Mayor Brown doing an excellent job as well
over the next eight months.
Town Clerk Bev Bender advised that there were three speakers who wished to address the Council.
Rick Melendez addressed the Council and said that seven and a half years ago he took the Oath of Office and it was a very
proud moment for him and his family. He said that he felt it important to state this evening what an honor and privilege it
was to serve the community and added that the community was also very fortunate to have the members of the Council
who expended so much of their time and energy for the well being of the community. He congratulated the members of
the Council on their election/re-election and stressed the importance of always remaining positive, remembering to
compromise, respecting the staff and, most of all, having fun. He said that he believed most people took themselves too
seriously and stated that they were only here for a short while and must enjoy what they were doing. He stated that the
entire Council had a huge task before them and added that he respected all of them and prayed to God that He gave them
all continued positive help so that they continued the effort to bring the Town of Fountain Hills to the highest level of
Harris Deitch addressed the Council and said that there were certain areas of Town that needed improvement and he had
come up with a beautification program. He expressed concerns regarding the areas surrounding Circle K and
McDonalds and said that the Sunridge Canyon Golf Course had some wonderful bushes and plantings that enhanced
rather than detracted. He suggested that if the Council could require strip malls to plant similar plants/bushes to enhance
their appearance. Mr. Deitch added that Target and other strip centers in Town could greatly improve their appearance by
adding such landscaping. He thanked the Council for the opportunity to address them and congratulated the re-elected
and newly elected members of the Council.
Vincent Marsella addressed the Council and stated that he learned from reading a local newspaper that the Town was
looking to hire a Development Services Director and said that he had thought that there was a hiring freeze currently in
place. He added that if he was mistaken and there was not a hiring freeze at the current time then the Council might want
to consider looking at the Town's current staffing in an effort to identify someone who could carry out the duties of this
position. He said that he believed there were people with expertise currently working in the Engineering Department and
expressed the opinion that Randy Harrel would be an excellent choice for this position. He added that the money they
would save by following his suggestion could be put to better use.
Mayor Schlum thanked all of the speakers for their comments.
FROM MAY 12, 2010.
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Councilmember Leger MOVED to approve the Consent Agenda as listed and Vice Mayor Brown SECONDED the
motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Councilmember Dickey Aye
Mayor Schlum Aye
Councilmember Leger Aye
Councilmember Hansen Aye
Councilmember Contino Aye
Vice Mayor Brown Aye
Councilmember Elkie Aye
Accounting Supervisor Mary Martin addressed the Council relative to this agenda item and said that the action required
by the Council this evening was the adoption of the tentative budget and approval of a resolution setting the maximum
amount for the Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2010-11 budget at $33,627,020. She explained that the setting of this
maximum budget amount did not preclude the Council from continuing to request changes to the tentative budget beyond
this evening as long as the total amount of those changes did not affect the adopted maximum.
Ms. Martin, for the benefit of the public, displayed a PowerPoint presentation and reviewed the budget process that had
taken place to date (a copy of the presentation on file in the office of the Town Clerk).
Discussion ensued relative to reorganization of Town Departments (Community Services/Development Services);
reductions in staff from 81 FTE to 61 FTE; reduction in construction sales tax transfer to CIP from 85% to 50%; increase
in the hotel/bed tax from 3% to 5%; updating the comprehensive fee schedule and adding new fees; changes in service
levels, including maintaining the existing Fountain "Run Time;" eliminating the Public Information Division; postponing
all major capital expenditures; deferring preventative maintenance; providing custodial services in public areas only;
reducing park and median landscape maintenance; eliminating certain Town programs (e.g. Concerts in the Park,
Oktoberfest, Parking Lot Recycling, etc.); the inclusion of community service contracts in the General Fund; Park &
Recreation programs and the fact that the overall subsidy had been reduced from 63.2% to 41.7% (the net program
subsidy in FY 2010-11 is $106,905); Senior Programs and the fact that the overall subsidy had increased from 46.4% to
61.2% resulting in a net program subsidy in FY 2010-11 of $99,732; the fact that the Saguaro Boulevard Mill & Overlay
project had been rescheduled to FY 2011-12; and an overview of the All Funds Summary.
Ms. Martin reiterated that if the Council adopted the maximum this evening, any changes that they made going forward in
the budget were fine as long as they did not exceed the maximum budgeted amount of $33,627,020. She added that they
would still be able to make internal changes (increase some items and decrease others) as long as the maximum was not
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Ms. Martin indicated her intention to review the operating section of the budget and noted that the appropriate staff was
present this evening to respond to any questions that the Council might have.
Mayor Schlum commented on the fact that some of the subsidies were increasing while others were decreasing and said
he believed that some of those subsidies had changed due to the fact that they were now capturing actual program costs,
which they had not done in the past.
Ms. Martin concurred with the Mayor's remarks and stated that, for example with the Home Delivered Meals (HDM)
program, the cost of the HDM Coordinator was now included as well as all of the supplies that were necessary to carry out
the program and the cost of the meals themselves. She noted that the Town still did not charge overhead costs, these were
direct costs only.
Councilmember Leger said that prior to talking about the operating budget, he noticed a few inconsistencies in the prior
section. He added that he was aware of the fact that the numbers had been changed several times and stated that he would
like to point out the items he was talking about. He noted that on Page 28, on their slide they talked about the notion of
the 85% going to 50% and under capital projects it still stated 85% and he just wanted to point that out. He stated that he
knew they had not yet approved the resolution and that might be the reason why it had not been changed yet but he felt it
important to at least point it out.
Ms. Martin replied that the change had been noted but until Council acted on the resolution the staff maintained the 85%.
Councilmember Leger also referred to Page 45 and said that under Capital Projects Fund Overview, it talked about street
sidewalk projects. He stated that it looked as though the $4.5 million had not been taken out of the $10 million yet and
Ms. Martin concurred. He added that Page 46 talked about bond proceeds at $4.5 million and said that that too would be
edited. He noted that on Page 62, the numbers had changed a little since their last meeting and the chart showed $12.7
million and he believed it should be $12.6 million. Ms. Martin agreed and said that change would also be made.
Councilmember Leger referred to Page 94, which was part of the operating budget, and said he had an editorial change.
He reiterated previous comments relative to the importance of revising the Deputy Town Manager's position to read
Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director and was assured that the change had been made. He added that on Page 108 the
chart under Community Contracts, the number was $338,340 and said that the new adjusted amount was $357,140 and
Ms. Martin concurred.
Councilmember Dickey referred to Page 26 where it said "Reserved for Organizational Chart" and said that she was
assuming that that would be included and Ms. Martin confirmed that it would. Councilmember Dickey added that on
Page 28 under Development Fee Funds it said; "Development fees must be expended within six years of collection or
refunded to the taxpayers" and said that that sentence should be removed.
Ms. Martin continued reviewing sections of the budget and provided brief explanation on the various proposed changes to
the budget.
Councilmember Hansen referred to the Mayor/Council portion of the budget and asked what the Communications
Expense represented (graph on Page 86). Ms. Martin explained that the $476 charge represented cell phone service or
desk top service and internet.
Councilmember Elkie noted that in the Council budget there was a Communications Expense in the amount of $2,379, the
previous year's cost was zero and the year before that it was $550.00. He asked whether this charge was for cell phone
use as well or something else. Ms. Martin replied that the charge was for telecommunications costs in general and
included cell phone service, the hard-wired service at each person's desk, internet service, etc. She advised that in the past
they had an overhead department called Operating Support and all of the shared costs were included under that Operating
Support program. She added that this year the only item remaining in the Operating Support program was the Town's
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Councilmember Hansen expressed the opinion that the review/input discussion could be expedited if staff could highlight
those items that were previously at the zero level but now had costs associated with them.
Ms. Martin stated that one of the difficulties that staff was experiencing was that because of the change in computer
systems since last year's budget, all of the history associated with prior years was now defunct but said that staff could try
and provide a somewhat clearer explanation but to provide a one-on-one correlation might be somewhat difficult. She
advised that they could definitely do it from last year to this year and point out any significant changes.
Councilmember Dickey added that if the budget reflected a significant difference between last year's budgeted amount
and the proposed budgeted amount, it would be helpful to obtain a brief explanation. She said that on the Revenue portion
she had a question regarding interest income and said that the figure went from $125,000 to $10,000 to $10,000 and
another question had to do with the in-lieu payments on LTAF that went from $2,000 to $15,000 and asked why that
Ms. Martin explained that currently all of the investment funds were with the State pool and because of the State pool's
investment philosophy interest rates were significantly down and they had been averaging approximately two-tenths of a
percent over the last few months on funds, which was why Ms. Ghetti came before the Council a while back and
discussed revising the Town's investment policy to try and get a better return on the Town's investment.
In response to a question from Councilmember Dickey, Ms. Martin advised that the principle amount had remained the
same but the interest earned had changed significantly. She added that this was the result of the change in the economy
and said that with short-term investments the State pool almost acted like a money market account - there was no
commitment for holding the money any specific length of time - the Town could invest today and pull the money out
tomorrow and so, as a result, it paid a very low interest rate.
Town Attorney Andrew McGuire advised that he was not aware of any legislative changes that had occurred that would
have impacted the interest amount.
Ms. Martin addressed a question from Councilmember Dickey regarding in-lieu payments and the change reflected in the
budget and explained that these were revenues collected from encroachment payments.
Discussion ensued relative to the Administration portion of the budget and individual departments; a request to cover the
individual line items that covered primary reductions/increases; the fact that the Public Information Department had been
eliminated and remaining programs/costs would be shifted to other departments; various clarifications provided by staff
relative to the different departmental costs listed under the Administration portion of the budget; the fact that highway
signage costs were for signage anticipated to be added to State Route 87 and the 202; the Greater Phoenix Economic
Council (GPEC) at an annual cost of $10,000 and the fact that this regional cooperative group's goal was to bring new
companies into the greater Phoenix area and positive benefits gained as a result of the Town's membership in GPEC
(outreach, exposure, enhancing/marketing the area, etc.); the Mayor's opinion that the fees were easily justified; Ms.
Gary's comments relative to the visibility that GPEC provided the Town as well as services that the Town could not pay
only $10,000 to obtain (Costar, research expertise, website availability, leads as a result of their marketing trips, etc.); Ms.
Gary's willingness to request that GPEC representatives appear at a future Council meeting and discuss their efforts that
had benefitted the Town and the Council's opinion that that would be very helpful particularly during the budget process;
GPEC's efforts regarding Luke Air Force Base and securing the F-35 contract and associated benefits on a regional basis;
value received as a result of networking opportunities, the importance of job creation and the fact that GPEC was all about
municipalities; the fact that in the updated budget the Council would see a General Fund Summary, an Excise Tax
Summary and a Combined Summary; a request that staff itemize the various memberships, publications, conferences and
meetings and, rather than just listing a breakdown, provide additional information (across the board throughout the
budget); additional benefits obtained as a result of various membership dues associated with GPEC (Claritots, retail
directory, report subscriptions, etc.); staff's willingness to clarify all these portions of the budget; the Legal section
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including estimated Public Defender expenses and the cost of law books (updated Arizona Revised Statutes {ARS}) that
was allocated differently in last year's budget; a question from Councilmember Elkie relative to the possibility of
researching ARS statutes on line rather than purchasing the revised editions on an annual basis and Mr. McGuire's
response that a lot of the research could be done online and the fact that the current versions were annotated statutes,
which provided useful case law references; the fact that on-line services were not free and there were costs associated with
accessing West Law; Mr. McGuire's opinion that it would not be cost effective to move away from their current practice;
the fact that another set was being used by the Court and Mr. McGuire's willingness to comply with the desire of the
Council; Councilmember Elkie's comment that most of the research work conducted by the Town Attorney was being
done at his office in Phoenix and his suggestion that the Town eliminate this cost and have the Town Attorney use his set
of books for research conducted on Town related legal issues unless information could be brought forward justifying
keeping another set in the Town Attorney's office at Town Hall; Mr. McGuire's opinion that the law books were being
utilized and it was an efficient practice to have a set on site; Councilmember Dickey's concurrence with the Town
Attorney's comments; an option to let the Town Attorney's set of books elapse and maintain the current set at the Court;
the fact that this option would result in a cost to access the West Law website and would require staff to go over to the
Court to research issues; the Mayor's suggestion that staff consider this matter and bring back some suggestions to the
Council for possible resolution and the fact that outside counsel costs were based on need and hopefully would be zero
and Mr. McGuire's comment that although he would hope the same thing it was very unlikely to happen.
Ms. Martin continued her presentation by discussing Operational Support and said that this was a contingency reserve that
would be used if the Council decided to take on a project or the Town Manager identified a project that he would like the
Council to consider pursuing. She stated that the monies were there to utilize for those reasons and were mainly used in
emergency situations. She discussed the Development Services Department and explained that with the program budget
(Pages 108 and 109) staff had tried, under the Performance Measures section, to break each division into its component
services and so each program represented one of the services in a division (and included all of the costs associated with
that program). She explained that if they continued to print Strategic Plan brochures, that cost would be included. She
added that staff was hoping that as they developed the program budgeting process, next year the Council would see
department-based object codes and then division-based with object codes and program-based with object codes. She said
they would continue to see more and more detail at each level.
Additional discussion ensued relative to Development Services (Engineering Division); the fact that the bulk of the
reductions were the result of the consolidation and the movement of the Traffic Management Program and the Median
Maintenance to the General Fund or the Streets (HURF) Fund; Facilities Maintenance and additional reductions; the fact
that the HVAC represented the most significant costs and efforts to keep the equipment running as efficiently as possible;
a rumor that the Kiwanis Building was up for sale and staff's response that they had not heard that rumor; Mr. Davis'
comment that he was not aware of any proposal to sell the building; the Streets Department (funded out of the HURF
fund); the fact that the Town would save approximately $58,000 in median maintenance (less work and less man hours);
the fact that the significant increase in the water area was due to median maintenance that moved from Public Works to
Streets; Staff reductions in the Planning and Zoning area and the significant resulting decreases in salaries and benefits;
the fact that staff would provide more details on dues for the various memberships when they presented the next
discussion on the budget; Building Safety and again salary and benefit decreases as a result of staff reductions as well as
training costs; Code Enforcement and the fact that the department was no longer being pro-active due to staff reductions
so the decreases were the result of salary and benefit savings and other proportionate resulting savings; the fact that staff
would still respond to all complaints that were received but could no longer go out and actually look for violations;
Councilmember Dickey's concerns relative to the West Nile Virus/green pools and Senior Planner Bob Rodgers comments
relative to the fact that issues such as the West Nile Virus and green pools were going to be covered by the County now
and the fact that when the Town had to perform this duty it was an unfunded mandate and so they had put aside a little
money for that; the fact that the County was now being called upon to respond to green pool/West Nile Virus complaints;
the fact that the problems remained at a fairly steady pace and foreclosed properties were still a problem; Mapping &
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Graphics and the significant cost reductions that had resulted from a reduction in staffing; the fact that the cost for GIS
updates were programmed in each year but sometimes updates were not done depending upon what happened during the
course of the year; the Community Services Department (Page 135, Recreation) and the significant reductions that
occurred in staffing and programming; the fact that in the past staff supported a lot of the evening community service
projects for things such as the Little League and all of that had been reduced and, for the most part, eliminated; reductions
in Town-sponsored events, such as Concerts in the Park, and the Recreation Department's on-going efforts to locate
sponsors in an effort to maintain as many of those programs as possible; the Mayor's comment that he appreciated being
able to review their performance measures, what they had accomplished and what they were currently focusing on and a
question from the Mayor relative to where exactly the Council could look in the budget to identify exactly what was being
cut/reduced in the Recreation area; the fact that the information could be found on Page 135 and Mark Mayer's comment
that staff tried to focus on reducing events that they felt could be transitioned over to private sponsorships, with the Town
serving more as a facilitator and providing some staff support; Concerts in the Park and the fact that in working with Sears
they were able to obtain a $5,000 grant that covered staff time and the hard costs of putting on this worthwhile event; the
fact that staff would continue to put as much effort as possible into identifying sponsors and would participate as much as
possible in events such as the Eggstravaganza and other activities; Councilmember Hansen's recap of the Sears' event and
explanation that an individual from the Town's local store had wrote an essay and competed for a talent show to take place
in Fountain Hills (Sears Home Town event, which had occurred in only 24 cities/towns across the country – a talent show
in which Town Manager Rick Davis and his wife Aimee participated - and the Sear’s store in Town was chosen and the
Town was presented with $5,000 that would be utilized to its maximum; the fact that the Town was receiving quite a bit
of publicity about the contest and Councilmember Hansen’s comment that "Craftsman put them on the map;" Mr.
Mayer's comments relative to the fact that Sears' corporate staff also volunteered and performed some significant
community service work; and the fact that staff had expended effort to assist outside groups in participating in events in
order to save money and hopefully encourage others to become involved (attempting to streamline the process for events
and steer people in the right direction).
Ms. Martin discussed the Community Center portion of the budget and reported that a portion of the decrease was
attributed to staff reductions. She added that the Center had been delaying the replacement of audio equipment, tables,
chairs, etc. She reported that this time the budget contained an item for equipment replacement and so the Community
Center was going to be taking small steps towards replacing that equipment in this year's budget.
Councilmember Hansen pointed out that the Center's advertising budget was quite low and said she thought they might be
missing out on something by not having a little bit more in there for advertising. She emphasized the importance of
attracting people to the Community Center and questioned whether some Downtown dollars could be used for that
Ms. Martin advised that typically the Recreation Department and the Community Center participated in bridal shows
because they tended to draw a significant amount of rentals but said that this had been eliminated from the current budget.
She stated that this might be one of the advertising programs that the Council decided to add back in.
She also commented on the Senior Services budget and reported that there were no reductions in staff in that area and the
reductions came primarily from the discontinuation of trips because the cost of the trips was programmed into their budget
in the past and the discontinuation of programs requiring paid instructors. Mayor Schlum asked whether the cost of filling
the part-time position was included in next year's costs and Ms. Martin confirmed that it was. She also advised that the
entire trip program that the Town used to sponsor had been eliminated from the budget and added that Senior Services
was trying to work with local travel agents to encourage them to try to package the kind of tours that the Seniors were
interested in taking.
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Ms. Martin confirmed that over the last couple of years the Town underwrote the cost of all of the trips. Mayor Schlum
stated that the trips could still be scheduled but they might have to be packaged differently and Ms. Martin said that next
year's budget did not contain any funding for any Town-sponsored trips.
Councilmember Leger discussed the fact that the trips were being eliminated and said he knew that Kelley Fonville had
been working on this and asked for some input (he asked whether the Town was becoming more of a facilitator).
Ms. Fonville stated that funds were going away for staff to facilitate the trips but staff was working with a variety of
different travel agencies to ensure that members of the community would have trips available for them to go on. She
noted that they were working with Fountain View Village that offered pretty much the same types of trips that were
previously available and added that Arizona Trails Travel, a local travel agency, had also been contacted and so had Free
Spirit Vacations that handle larger trips with larger buses outside Maricopa County. She added that they had also met with
a new company, TJ's Travel, that offered trips for Seniors and Boomers and they were going to organize trips for the
members. She said that a program entitled the Arm Chair Travelodge would also be added and this would be a monthly
program whereby members who liked to travel could get together and pass on ideas to TJ's Travel so that trips could be
arranged. She stated that she was very confident that there would be trip options but they would be packaged a little
Additional discussion ensued relative to the Park area and Ms. Martin reported that Fountain Park's budget included the
return of the Fountain to 15 minute on the hour run times but added that it did include a significant decrease in the dollars
spent for overall park maintenance; the Mayor's comment that many citizens remarked on the wonderful job that staff was
doing at the Park; Don Clark's comment that staff was doing everything they could to save money on park operations
while maintaining the aesthetics and the fact park maintenance had been reduced at other parks but not Fountain Park; the
fact that bids had just been received on the annual landscape contract and the numbers came in pretty good so staff was
expecting to be where there were last year and perhaps a little under on the maintenance costs; the Fountain jet and
associated SRP increases and staff's opinion that they might have to run the Fountain a little bit more during the summer
to augment the lake water quality; Mayor Schlum's comment that citizens recommended that the Fountain not run at night
when no one could see it and said that as Mr. Clark stated it was important to keep that water moving for quality purposes;
and the fact that the lights still ran at night and staff's efforts towards adjusting the program to allow for the lights to be
turned off at night to realize a savings in that area.
Town Manager Rick Davis advised that recommendations were received from Councilmember Hansen and others on the
Council relative to a software modification that was being made that would pre-empt the Fountain from running on windy
days -- instead of going up and then sensing that it was too windy and then coming down -- so staff would report the
results on that to the Council. He asked the Council to keep in mind that although they did run the Fountain at night in
order to aerate the lake, the next stage that they would probably need to go to was the installation of an adequately sized
aeration system. He explained that the reason why this was not included in the proposed budget was because early cost
projections were way low compared to the actual costs. He noted that estimates showed that the actual cost would be in
the neighborhood of $100,000 and, in addition to that, there was a cost of about $50,000 a year for power to run the
system. He reported that as they moved forward, the water quality needed to be continually monitored and staff would
need to come back before the Council and discuss more significant adaptations to the aeration system (about four to five
months from now).
Councilmember Elkie asked whether staff had budgeted for advertising that the Fountain would remain running at the
same time intervals so that the word got out and people wanted to come to Town and see it. Mr. Clark said that his area
had not but he was sure someone else would be taking care of that. He added that park operations were going well and he
had a very good parks lead working there who had been helping the park to remain very green.
Ms. Martin discussed Golden Eagle Park's proposed reductions and the fact that Parks' staff had expended great effort to
find ways to reduce the costs associated with maintaining the parks with minimal impacts on aesthetics.
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Mayor Schlum referred to Golden Eagle Park, Desert Vista and Four Peaks and said that many of the organizations like
Little League and Soccer had spoken to the Council about the importance of having grass to run on. He stated that in the
past they had offered to pay for some of the costs and perhaps the cost of mowing the grass was not taken into
consideration. He asked where staff was at as far as working with its partners, those organizations, on maintaining the
grass. Ms. Martin reported that one of the partners had stepped up already and offered to pay for the over-seeding. The
Mayor stressed the importance of communicating with the various groups and letting them know the actual costs
Mr. Clark reported that the Soccer Club had offered to pay for the over-seeding and mowing at Desert Vista and at Golden
Eagle, the Little League had stepped up and paid for the over-seeding for the last couple of years. He said that most of the
mowing at Golden Eagle was done in-house as was the mowing at Four Peaks (reduced to once a week to reduce
maintenance costs). Mayor Schlum asked if next year Desert Vista would be seeded and Mr. Clark said it would be -- the
Soccer Club had offered to pay for that. He added that no one had stepped up and offered to assist with Four Peaks but
said that the facility was being used less than the other parks (it would not be over-seeded).
Councilmember Hansen referred to Page 140 (Four Peaks Park) and asked why the electric costs were so high. Mr. Clark
replied that in the past Little League practice and other events had taken place at that park and staff would monitor the
costs in an effort to determine why the cost was as high as it was. He said that he based the Desert Peaks cost estimates
on Four Peaks Park's costs the prior year and they both were pretty close.
Additional discussion ensued relative to the water used/associated costs and the fact that Desert Peaks used effluent water
and potable was being used at Four Peaks and whether effort was being expended to use effluent instead; Mr. Clark's
statement that staff was working with the Sanitary District to determine whether it was feasible to bring effluent into Four
Peaks; and Mayor Schlum's comment about the fact that in addition to the soccer field, the baseball diamond at Four
Peaks Park was a cost consideration as well as those lights were on for a variety of reasons; Ms. Martin's review of the
Law Enforcement budget (Page 149) and a proposed decrease of 3% in law enforcement costs as a result of the
renegotiation of the contract with MCSO; Mr. McGuire's comments relative to the fact that when the contract was
renewed several years ago, it included a provision that allowed it to automatically roll over if certain conditions were met
(if both parties did nothing, it would roll over from year to year with annual capped increases) and the fact that this year
MCSO was kind enough to say that the annual increase would not occur and that was very helpful in terms of preparing
the budget; discussions that had taken place regarding some operational refinement (just some minor language
modifications/clarifications); the fact that the contract was definitely in place; prison fees and the fact that they did not
include any transport costs but do included the actual incarceration costs (for both the night of the arrest and incarceration
time); the Fire Department's Budget (Page 157) and the fact that the contract with Rural Metro called for an automatic
escalation of 3% and in the first edition of the budget the Council saw those costs; the fact that the costs that the Council
was now seeing were without the escalation clause and so that represented a reduction in the budget (no escalation and a
reduction in the budget as well); the Mayor's appreciation to both MCSO and Rural Metro for assisting the Town in its
time of need and for the great services they provide; and Ms. Martin's statement that this concluded the operating
component of the budget and her willingness to respond to questions regarding other sections of the budget that the
Council would like to pose.
Mayor Schlum thanked Ms. Martin for her presentation. He asked the Council whether they had additional questions they
would like to ask at this time about what Ms. Martin has covered or any other parts of the budget.
Councilmember Hansen stated that additional input relative to the performance measures might be helpful. She added
that it was previously suggested that additional discussion could take place at a Work Study Session and said that input
relative to this would also be good.
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Councilmember Dickey advised that she did not have any questions relative to the performance measures and
Councilmember Leger said that he too felt comfortable with the measures but if others would like to discuss them further,
he had no problem doing so.
Mayor Schlum requested that Mr. Davis describe how the departments approached the various performance measures and
put them together.
Mr. Davis responded that they were a way to demonstrate the efficiencies that were either being realized or failing to be
realized and said that they utilized them in order to measure effectiveness in realizing Council goals. He added that if
they were participating in a broader benchmarking effort they might measure that as well. He stated that to date they had
not entered into a regional benchmarking effort but his experience in that area attested to the fact that performance
measures were a valuable tool. He said he would like to move forward with that in the future but it would require the
cooperation of other communities and was complex. He noted that right now a lot of performance measures were focused
on two areas -- efficiency motivation and goal realization.
Mayor Schlum asked Councilmember Hansen to what degree she would like to delve into this area and she stated that it
was not so much what the performance measures were but rather it was the goals expressed in those measures that
interested her. She referred to Page 186, Information Technology, and said it was pretty impressive with Mike taking on
Channel 11 and his broadcasted messages for last year were zero and it was going to be over 200 for the upcoming year
and he successfully brought the website in-house and had totally revamped it -- it was much more user friendly. She
stated that that was a goal brought up during last year's budget and had been successfully completed. She added that one
thought that came to mind regarding Channel 11 was possibly looking at what the Town's current policy was and look at
modifying it. She advised that she had mentioned to the Town Manager the possibility of video- taping substance abuse
coalition meetings because a lot of good information came out at those meetings and so broadcasting those meetings
would represent an educational program. She stressed the importance of looking at the performance measures and then
coming up with things that might be beneficial during the coming year.
Mayor Schlum advised that he was trying to move everyone through the budget process rather than encapsulate the entire
year's discussions. He agreed that Channel 11 and the website were topics that should be addressed by the Council in the
future at a Work Study Session and said that he liked the idea about having dialogue take place but right now he would
like to take a very effective timely approach towards reviewing and deciding upon the budget.
Councilmember Hansen pointed out that there were no performance measures listed for the Town
Attorney/Prosecutor/Defender and said perhaps they had never been put into place.
Ms. Martin stated her intention to obtain the measures from those various areas by the time the budget was concluded.
Mr. McGuire indicated his willingness to formulate some performance measures and said he had never been asked to do
so. He noted that he sends a 25-page bill to the Town every month that details in six-minute increments every single thing
they did and said he would be happy to somehow encapsulate how that works but added that it was difficult in terms of
prosecution because it was challenging to come up with a benchmark indicating how many people were going to be
prosecuted -- there was no control per se over that area. He said that they could "guesstimate" based on previous years'
Mr. Davis advised that not too long ago staff did an analysis and quantified the amount of services provided per hour and
created a ratio regarding how much was being spent in an effort to determine what the Town was receiving compared to
other municipalities. He said that some of that information might be helpful and it was the only way he could determine
effectiveness in measuring performance. He added that they might not be measuring the City Attorney's performance per
se but rather the overall contracting for legal services.
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Mayor Schlum stated that Councilmember Hansen made some good points and there were some performance measures
that they were going to have to add/measure. He added that some of the items she mentioned were ones that would be
covered at a Work Study Session or more broadly at a goal setting session.
Councilmember Hansen asked to mention one other item that she felt strongly about -- on Page 194 under Economic
Development, the activities and outcomes were just about cut in half from last year and one thing that did get removed
that she would like to see put back in was in last year's budget there was an activity to develop contacts and form positive
working relationships with the Chamber and other business groups in order to work together toward mutually beneficial
goals. She noted that the Chamber was specifically left out this time around.
The Mayor asked if there was a reason for that omission and said that obviously the Town was working with the Chamber
and staff met with Fort McDowell representatives on a regular basis.
Councilmember Hansen commented that it was just more specific last year.
Mr. Davis said that recently he had become the primary liaison with Fort McDowell and perhaps that measure should be
included in his section. He stated that this happened pretty recently and staff did not intentionally leave it out -- it just got
misplaced. He advised that he would be arranging those meetings and also meetings with the School District would be
managed by Ms. Ghetti.
Councilmember Hansen stressed the importance of having the Economic Development staff work closely with the
Chamber and the Mayor and Mr. Davis agreed but also noted that that was not noted under the measures. The Mayor said
that item should remain under Economic Development (working with the Chamber as outlined previously by
Councilmember Hansen).
Ms. Martin advised that she would work with all of the individuals involved and make sure that the measures were
appropriately updated.
Councilmember Dickey stated that they had talked about performance measures a couple of meetings ago and she e-
mailed some information to MCSO and brought up at a meeting that there would be changes and typo corrections. She
said that they had been graciously taken care of.
Ms. Martin advised that the Council would see the updated pages within the next week or so.
Vincent Marsello addressed the Council and asked the Council what the most important asset in the Town of Fountain
Hills is -- he answered The Fountain -- and said that that was what everybody who visited the Town looked at and the
beautiful areas that surrounded it. He commented on the Town's contribution of $129,000 to the Chamber of Commerce
for the Tourism Bureau and said that the best advertisement for tourism in Fountain Hills was the Fountain. He said that it
had been stated that a savings of $60,000 annually would be realized if they ran the Fountain for five minutes per hour
instead of the present fifteen minutes per hour and he knew that has been changed. He added, however, that all of the
negative publicity that the Town received from the possible reduction of the Fountain run times had not been very good.
He discussed the resulting negatives that could occur and stressed the importance of turning a negative into a positive. He
said that he spoke with Mr. Mayer today and confirmed that half of the electric costs were due to the Fountain's start-up
costs and recommended that they run the Fountain for 30 minutes per hour for an additional $45,000 and promote the
Town more efficiently and effectively. He added that the additional $45,000 could be taken out of the contribution to the
Tourism Bureau and said that this action would also improve the quality of the water and allow for better algae control.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Marsello for his comments.
Mayor Schlum asked the Council if there were any additional questions or discussion regarding the budget and there
being none, he asked Ms. Martin to explain the process.
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Ms. Martin stated that if the Council felt that the maximum dollar amount that had been established was sufficient to
accomplish what the Council would like to see accomplished next year, they could go ahead with a motion to approve the
maximum amount. She noted that staff would continue to work with the Council on making any minor changes they
would like as long as the amounts did not exceed the maximum. She added that additional meetings could be scheduled
to address line items in the budget.
Councilmember Dickey MOVED to approve Resolution 2010-22, adopting the maximum amount for the Town's Fiscal
Year 2010-11 tentative budget and Councilmember Leger SECONDED the motion.
There were no additional citizens wishing to address the Council.
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Mayor Schlum Aye
Councilmember Contino Aye
Vice Mayor Brown Aye
Councilmember Dickey Aye
Councilmember Hansen Aye
Councilmember Elkie Aye
Councilmember Leger Aye
Councilmember Hansen said that since the budget was a planning tool for the Council she thought it might be helpful to
schedule a Work Study Session for certain things that did appear in the document (i.e. taking the vehicle replacement fund
and possibly not contributing this year and using those funds to offset a portion of the transportation program grant, etc.).
Councilmember Hansen said they could further discuss fees and issues like that and it could be done at a Work Study
Session. She stated that the discussions would not affect approving the budget but would be useful, worthwhile
discussion to have.
Councilmember Elkie agreed with Councilmember Hansen's comments.
Mayor Schlum noted that they did talk about scheduling a Work Study Session for Tuesday so there was a placeholder for
that meeting.
Mr. McGuire stated that the only schedule that really had a statutory obligation attached was the gap between the tentative
budget adoption and the final budget adoption and the tax levy. He noted that the next agenda item was to cancel the
meetings in July, which meant that the tax levy issue would be placed on the agenda of the first meeting in August. He
said that the statutory gap was easily met there as it had to be done before the third Monday in August. He added that as
long as they had the final budget adoption at the meeting on the 17th, everything prior to that time was fine.
The Mayor said that they would hold the Work Study Session on Tuesday and asked that staff be prepared to discuss
issues at that time. He asked for Council input on what they would like discussed at that meeting beyond the fee schedule.
He requested that the Council let staff know as quickly as possible if there were any specific items they would like
discussed during the meeting.
JULY 2010 MEETINGS (JULY 1, 13 & 15, 2010).
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Councilmember Leger MOVED to approve the cancellation of the Fountain Hills' Town Council July 2010 meetings
(July 1, 13 & 15, 2010) and Councilmember Dickey SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-
Mayor Schlum stated that aside from the budget items that the Council asked Mr. Davis to follow up on there were no
additional items.
Councilmember Leger MOVED that the Council adjourn the meeting and Councilmember Dickey SECONDED the
motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Mayor Jay T. Schlum
Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session held by the
Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 3rd day of June, 2010. I further certify that
the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present.
Dated this 17th day of June 2010.
Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk