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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011.1103.TCREM.Minutesz:\council packets\2011\r11-17-11\111103m.docx Page 1 of 9 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL NOVEMBER 3, 2011 EXECUTIVE SESSION AGENDA CALL TO ORDER Mayor Schlum called the Executive Session to order at 5:01 p.m. in the Fountain Conference Room at Town Hall. AGENDA ITEM #1 – ROLL CALL AND VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION: PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(4), DISCUSSION OR CONSULTATION WITH THE ATTORNEYS OF THE PUBLIC BODY IN ORDER TO CONSIDER ITS POSITION AND INSTRUCT ITS ATTORNEYS REGARDING THE PUBLIC BODY'S POSITION REGARDING CONTRACTS THAT ARE THE SUBJECT OF NEGOTIATIONS, IN PENDING OR CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION OR IN SETTLEMENT DISCUSSIONS CONDUCTED IN ORDER TO AVOID OR RESOLVE LITIGATION (SPECIFICALLY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DINA GALASSINI VERSUS THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS); AND §38-431.03(A)(1),DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYMENT, ASSIGNMENT, APPOINTMENT, PROMOTION, DEMOTION, DISMISSAL, SALARIES, DISCIPLINING OR RESIGNATION OF A PUBLIC OFFICER, APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY PUBLIC BODY (SPECIFICALLY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVIEWING TOWN MANAGER CANDIDATES' APPLICATIONS). ROLL CALL: Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Schlum, Vice Mayor Dickey, Councilmember Brown, Councilmember Contino, Councilmember Leger, Councilmember Hansen and Councilmember Elkie. Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, Town Clerk Bev Bender, Jim Mercer with the Mercer Group and Human Relations Administrator, Joan McIntosh were also present. (Note: Mr. Mercer left the meeting at 6:10 p.m. and Interim Town Manager Julie Ghetti entered the meeting at 6:11 p.m.) Councilmember Elkie MOVED to enter into the Executive Session at 5:15 p.m. and Councilmember Brown SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). AGENDA ITEM #2 – ADJOURN TO THE REGULAR SESSION Without objection, the Executive Session adjourned at 6:25 p.m. REGULAR SESSION AGENDA * CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Schlum called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers. * INVOCATION – Mr. Roger Owers from Four Peaks Community Church. * ROLL CALL Present for roll call were the following members of the City Council: Mayor Schlum, Vice Mayor Dickey, Councilmember Brown, Councilmember Leger, Councilmember Elkie, Councilmember Contino and Councilmember Hansen. Interim Town Manager Julie Ghetti, Town Attorney Andrew McGuire and Town Clerk Bev Bender were also present. * MAYOR’S REPORT i) NOVEMBER 8, 2011 ELECTION REMINDERS z:\council packets\2011\r11-17-11\111103m.docx Page 2 of 9 A ballot box is located at Town Hall (on the 2nd floor) for those voters who do not wish to return their voted ballots by mail to Maricopa County Elections. Town Hall will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on November 8th (Election Day) to assist voters. Mayor Schlum advised that tomorrow night is the first Fountain Hills High School football game out in Buckeye -- the Mayor said "Go Falcons" and cautioned residents to bring an umbrella because rain is in the forecast. * SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS i) RECOGNITION OF SERVICE TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BY RICHARD SCHULTZ AS A COMMISSIONER ON THE STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION (SPAC). Mayor Schlum stated that Mr. Schultz and his family are present in the audience and welcomed them to the meeting. He said that Mr. Schultz was appointed to the first Strategic Planning Advisory Commission (SPAC), following the adoption of the Strategic Plan in 2005. He added that as a Charter member of the SPAC, Mr. Schultz was actively involved in all of the Commission's strategies and initiatives including the development and adoption of the Strategic Plan for 2010. The Mayor said that his dedication to the SPAC and the Town has been evidenced by many hours of community service and said that this is sincerely appreciated by the Council, his fellow Commissioners and all Town residents. He stated that the Chair of the Commission would have been here if she was able to and she too is so very grateful for Mr. Schultz's service. He added that he knows that Mr. Schultz will stay involved. Mayor Schlum presented a plaque in appreciation for Mr. Schultz's service, thanked him for his many contributions to the Town of Fountain Hills and photographs were taken. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Town Clerk Bev Bender advised that one citizen wished to address the Council. Linda Bellenir addressed the Council and said that as a Fountain Hills resident she was disturbed and embarrassed after reading an e-mail sent by Town Councilmember Ginny Dickey to a resident. She stated that the e-mail contained her thoughts about a meeting held in the Community Center and sponsored by the Governor's Council on Aging. In the e - mail, she engaged in partisan attacks against the four State le gislators who were invited to address the senior citizens and even implied that one of them was nauseating. She noted that the e-mail, sent in response to someone's question about the road bond, is now spreading rapidly around Town and read the contents of that e-mail (Copy is available in the office of the Town Clerk). Ms. Bellenir stated the opinion that Councilmember Dickey should apologize to the four legislators for maligning them and to all Town residents for misrepresenting them in that manner. CONSENT AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #1 – CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 20, 2011. AGENDA ITEM #2 – CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE BARBAGALLO ELECTRIC CONTRACT (C2012-101), IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,316 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF FIRE STATION EMERGENCY GENERATORS. AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION FOR THE TURKEY TROT 5K RUN AND FITNESS WALK PRESENTED BY THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ON NOVEMBER 24, 2011, IN DOWNTOWN FOUNTAIN HILLS. SECTIONS OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD, PALISADES BOULEVARD AND LA MONTANA DRIVE WILL BE CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT. z:\council packets\2011\r11-17-11\111103m.docx Page 3 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4 - CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION FOR THE THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE, PRESENTED BY THE FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ON NOVEMBER 24, 2011, IN DOWNTOWN FOUNTAIN HILLS. SECTIONS OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD, PALISADES BOULEVARD AND LA MONTANA DRIVE WILL BE CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT. AGENDA ITEM #5 - CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION FOR THE STROLL IN THE GLOW, PRESENTED BY THE FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 3, 2011, ON THE AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS. SECTIONS OF THE AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS WILL BE CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT. AGENDA ITEM #6 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING A SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY CARLOS ENRICO ALVAREZ REPRESENTING THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS, POST #7507 FOR THE PURPOSE OF A FUND RAISER. EVENT TO BE HELD AT SAGUARO BOULEVARD AND AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, SCHEDULED TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2011 AND SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2011, FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. Councilmember Leger MOVED to approve the Consent Agenda as listed and Councilmember Elkie SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Mayor Schlum Aye Vice Mayor Dickey Aye Councilmember Leger Aye Councilmember Hansen Aye Councilmember Contino Aye Councilmember Brown Aye Councilmember Elkie Aye The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #7 - CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING ONE (1) APPLICANT TO SERVE ON THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2011 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 Mayor Schlum MOVED to appoint Gene Slechta to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission from Thursday, November 3, 2011, until September 30, 2012, Councilmember Brown SECONDED the motion. There were no citizens wishing to speak on this agenda item. Councilmember Hansen asked who was no longer serving on the Commission and the Mayor advised that Mr. Dick Holper had resigned. The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Slechta for his willingness to serve. AGENDA ITEM #8 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2011-13, APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SCOTTSDALE RELATING TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDEWALK/MULTI-USE PATH ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF SHEA BOULEVARD. z:\council packets\2011\r11-17-11\111103m.docx Page 4 of 9 Town Engineer Randy Harrel addressed the Council relative to this agenda item and advised that this project will construct a multi-use path/meandering sidewalk along the south side of Shea Boulevard, from 142nd Street in Scottsdale to Eagle Mountain Parkway in Fountain Hills. A $273,000 Federal Aid (CMAQ) grant will fund 70% of the construction of this project. The design cost and the construction local matching funds will be funded 70% by Fountain Hills and 30% by Scottsdale, proportioned based on the length of the project. He added that this project is shown in the Town's current Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with design funding in FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 ($35,000 Fountain Hills CIP and $15,000 Scottsdale in each year) with construction in FY 2013-14 ($65,000 Fountain Hills, $28,000 Scottsdale and $273,000 Federal Aid funding). The MAT TIP currently shows this project in FY 2012 so a MAG project deferral will eventually be needed for this project. He reported that when completed this project will be the first pedestrian connection between the Town of Fountain Hills and the City of Scottsdale. The project will be constructed on the south side of Shea Boulevard between 142nd Street in Scottsdale (where it connects to an existing 11 foot asphalt multi-use path) and Eagle Mountain Parkway in Fountain Hills (where it connects to an existing 8 foot concrete meandering sidewalk). He advised that the City of Scottsdale will be taking action on this item in the near future. Mr. Harrel requested Council approval on this item and indicated his willingness to respond to any questions. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Harrel for his presentation. Vice Mayor Dickey MOVED to approve an IGA with the City of Scottsdale for the "Shea Boulevard Sidewalk Project" and Councilmember Elkie SECONDED the motion. There were no citizens wishing to speak on this agenda item. Councilmember Leger thanked Mr. Harrel for his report and presentation and stated that he is all for entering into IGAs with the City of Scottsdale and enhancing the Town's connectivity. He added that in a different economic climate he doesn't believe he would question this but in looking at the numbers it appears that this will cost the Town $35,000 in Fiscal Year 2011-12 and $35,000 in FY 2012-13 and then the Town will have to pay for construction in the amount of $65,000 for a total of $135,000 for a $273,000 grant less what Scottsdale would benefit from that and in terms of looking at the Town's own benefit, it looks like they will be spending $135,000 for a grant worth anywhere from $190,000 to $200,000. He added that with that being said, he t hinks it is a high price to pay for a project that he does not consider a priority. He said that connectivity between that area of Scottsdale and Eagle Mountain is just not at the top of his priorit y list and he would prefer to see the Town spend $135,000 on sidewalk projects in Town, creating connectivity and buying more into the Swaback plan. He applauded Mr. Harrel for his work and for the report and said that although he has never been one to shy away from grant monies, it is questionable whether this amount of money should be spent on this project in this particular location at this particular point in time. Mayor Schlum thanked Councilmember Leger for his comments and asked Mr. Harrel whether Councilmember Leger's numbers were accurate. Mr. Harrel responded that those are the numbers that are contained in the budget and as they get into the design phase they would have to see whether those costs are accurate since construction costs have gone down substantially. He noted that the costs were budgeted a number of years ago when the Town applied for the grant. He said that if the costs are substantially less, there are two things they could do -- first, although the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) requires them to submit this as a 70% grant, they actually can build it as an 80% grant if the costs are there (the Federal funding is fixed although the Council may recall that in the past the Town has received additional Federal funding like with the Shea Climbing Lane project). He added that second, the costs may not be as high as previously thought. He agreed that prioritization has to be kept in mind but noted that this is the Town's opportunity to connect from the sidewalk multi-use path that goes along to Scottsdale to a sidewalk on Shea Boulevard and which provides "a missing link" along Shea Boulevard. In response to a question from Mayor Schlum relative to estimated costs, Mr. Harrel advised that they need to get into design in order to determine actual costs (but the costs for the Shea Climbing Lane were half of what had been anticipated and that was only a year and a half ago). He confirmed that this is a CMAQ grant and reviewed the associated costs. z:\council packets\2011\r11-17-11\111103m.docx Page 5 of 9 Mayor Schlum asked what portion of the Federal grant the Town would like ly gain versus the percentage that Scottsdale would get and Mr. Harrel replied that the IGA states that the local match would be paid as follows: 70% by Fountain Hills and 30% by Scottsdale, based on the length in the two communities. Mr. Harrel stated that if the project was $200,000, 80% of that would be $160,000 so that would be $40,000 between the two communities and the Town would pay 70% of that, which would be $28,000 total. He confirmed that $135,000 has been budgeted through the CIP and those are the numbers that Councilmember Leger was referring to. The Mayor said that until they obtain the bid, they really are not certain and asked if they had discretion once the bids have been received (will it come back to them?). Mr. Harrel stated absolutely and added that staff would come back to Council with an engineering proposal for the design and then come back again prior to sending the local match to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). He added that ADOT will bid it and award it but they will require the Town to pay a local match based on the final cost estimate. Mayor Schlum asked if the grant was for design and construction and Mr. Harrel responded that it can be for both and noted that design adds a number of different issues and staff would have to meet with Scottsdale to determine whether there is enough funding available and if they want to use it for design as well as construction. Councilmember Hansen said that she is beginning to agree with Councilmember Leger. She added that the segment of the sidewalk in Scottsdale is a multi-use path, which means that bicycles can travel on it as well and that is a good thing from a safety standpoint but because of the limitations on Shea, the report says that the Fountain Hills segment would shift the bike traffic back out into the bike lane so she is not seeing the benefit of the safety iss ue there. She stated that she is leaning towards prioritization and having sidewalks where people are really walking and she does not see them walking on Shea. Councilmember Brown asked if the Town has to do this in 2011 -12 or could they push it back another year (would they lose the grant?). Mr. Harrel replied that the Town would have had to apply for an extension at the current time and he would not recommend seeking an extension. Councilmember Contino commented that it appears that the Town has most of the construction on the sidewalk because they have the worst grade, etc. and in the times that he has been on that road (every day) he has only seen one person walk on that sidewalk and that was a lady last week. Other than that he has not seen anyone and he is talking about on the Scottsdale side coming up. He said that he wonders if they really need something like this at this time. Mr. Harrel advised that he drives that road every day and he rarely sees anyone walking there either and he wouldn't walk there because today that would constitute a hazard. He added that that is the purpose of the sidewalk and the multi -use path -- to eliminate the hazard and allow people to walk there. He said how many will do this after construction is difficult to determine but today no one walks there. Councilmember Contino said that on the other side of the hill where they put in the sidewalk going down no one walks there so they have a sidewalk sitting there that is empty. Councilmember Leger stated that he believes that the project is a creative one and he would like to see that connectivity at some point in time but he does not believe now is the time because of the current economic climate. He said that all he can go on is what is contained in the report and it reflects $70,000 in engineering costs and that is some pretty significant excavation and work that is going to have to be done on the Fountain Hills' side when you look at that particular terrain . He added that based on the report, the Town's share would be $65,000. He agreed that today construction costs are down but noted that construction on this project is not scheduled until 2013-14 and it is very possible that construction costs may go back up and the numbers that were projected a few years ago may not be accurate. He reiterated that the project is creative, he would like to see the connectivity and he doesn't like to shy away from grants but using the numbers which could go down or up, he believes the Town just has more significant needs. He sa id that $135,000 or even a reduced $100,000 (Town's share) could accomplish a lot in Town. z:\council packets\2011\r11-17-11\111103m.docx Page 6 of 9 Vice Mayor Dickey asked if there would be any ramifications as far as future grants and/or a relationship/agreement with the City of Scottsdale if the Council decides not to move forward on this. Mr. Harrel advised that there would not be any legal ramifications but the interconnections between the Town, Scottsdale, ADOT and MAG would be damaged but he cannot say to what extent but their partners in this projec t would see the Town as "fairly flaky" he would think. Vice Mayor Dickey asked if the bid would be for the whole project (would it matter if the prices went up in 2013 -14 or would this all be separate?). Mr. Harrel replied that the bid would be for the entire project (ADOT would bid it as one project and handle it that way). The Vice Mayor said this is the maximum amount and if they don't use it all, would it be reasonable to think that there would be money they could do other things with or is that not a possibility. Mr. Harrel responded that the funds are committed through MAG by the Town applying for a grant and MAG is committed to a specific project and if that particular project is not undertaken the funds simply go away or are reallocated to other projects at MAG's discretion. The Town could apply for funds, however, he doubts that any pedestrian projects outside of Shea Boulevard would be looked at particularly favorably by MAG. He added that he thinks they recognize the regional significance of Shea Boulevard and other than routes to schools he would doubt that the Town would obtain funding for a pedestrian project. Vice Mayor Dickey commented that if the Town does not move forward with this, they are potentially leaving Scottsdale in a position where they can't do the project. They (Scottsdale) applied for this grant with the knowledge that the Town was applying for the grant and she is concerned (unless someone can tell her differently) that they were not fully engaged until now to say "no, and is not sure exactly that we would want to do that." Councilmember Elkie said that Mr. Harrel stated previously that the Town would have to file for an extension of the grant and asked how long that extension would run if granted. Mr. Harrel replied that staff would apply for a one or two year extension and noted that Federal Aid is a very long process. Councilmember Elkie asked when the grant is set to expire now (without an extension) and Mr. Harrel said 2012. Councilmember Elkie stated that the extension then would be through 2014 (if they applied) and Mr. Harrel concurred. Councilmember Elkie asked if there was anything that would preclude or prevent Mr. Harrel from moving forward with an extension to have this project looked at next year and Mr. Harrel advised that he could do that but how it would be looked upon by MAG, if they haven't started and have no commitment to proceed with it in the future, is certainly questionable in his opinion. Councilmember Elkie questioned how Mr. Harrel would find out if an extension for this project was granted and Mr. Harrel stated that staff would apply for an extension relatively quickly and it would work its way through the MAG Committee process (he has the extension papers). He noted that they have done that on other projects. Councilmember Elkie asked if Mr. Harrel had done that on other projects when there was no prior commitment from Council relative to funding for it and Mr. Harrel said they did once and it was a first extension, which was bas ically an automatic extension, and so they didn't even look at it. He confirmed that this would be the first request for an extension on this particular project. Councilmember Elkie commented that in order to avoid sending the wrong message to Scottsdale perhaps this is something that the Council should look at next year. He added that he certainly does not want to damage the Town's relationship with Scottsdale or MAG and therefore he would WITHDRAW his SECOND to the motion at this time. Mayor Schlum stated that they have a motion from Vice Mayor Dickey and asked if anyone wished to second the motion. z:\council packets\2011\r11-17-11\111103m.docx Page 7 of 9 Councilmember Elkie suggested that procedurally they could make a motion to table this item. Councilmember Elkie MOVED to table this item for further consideration and for the purpose of obtaining additional information (have Scottsdale and MAG join in the discussion as far as the numbers) and Councilmember Leger SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). AGENDA ITEM #9 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2011-43, DECLARING A PUBLIC RECORD THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT FILED WITH THE TOWN CLERK AND ENTITLED THE AMENDMENT TO FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN CODE, CHAPTER 8, SPECIAL EVENTS. Mayor Schlum advised that Agenda Items #9 and #10 will be discussed at the same time. Recreation Supervisor Brian Hughes addressed the Council relative to this agenda item and stated that at the October 11th Work Study Session staff presented recommendations to the Town Council to help streamline the Special Event s process. He reported that the highlight of those recommendations included the formal creation of a Special Event s Committee (SEC) consisting of a representative from each Town department to review applications for compliance with the Town Code, policies and procedures. He added that the SEC would then make a recommendation for approval or denial of a Special Event, along with the Town Manager for administrative approval. In the event an event is denied by the SEC or the Town Manager, the applicant would still have the ability to appeal to the Town Council for consideration of the Special Event. Additional changes were simply text changes eliminating definitions or processes which wer e no longer applicable. Mr. Hughes advised that staff has also streamlined the application, which is much less detailed, but allows the SEC to get the basic information or gives them the ability to request additional information or clarification on specific items. The updated application will be available on the Town's website and can be downloaded and completed online, printed and submitted to the Town for consideration. He added that there is a reduced fee schedule, which was implemented following the Council's adoption of the overall fee schedule in August. He noted that the proposed revisions will streamline the Special Event process for the applicant, staff and the Town Council, allowing the majority of events to be approved quickly. He added that the proposed revisions are consistent with those of other municipalities in the Valley. Mr. Hughes indicated his willingness to respond to questions from the Council. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Hughes for his presentation. There were no citizens wishing to speak on Agenda Items #9 or #10. Councilmember Hansen MOVED to approve Resolution No. 2011-43, declaring the amendment to the Fountain Hills Town Code, Chapter 8, Special Events, a public record and Councilmember Leger SECONDED the motion. Councilmember Elkie thanked Mr. Hughes for his work on this and said that a lot of the groups and non -profits in Town certainly appreciate it. He referred to Section 3, which deals with anyone found guilty of violating the provision of Special Event regulations, and noted that it is a Class 1 Misdemeanor. He asked whether that has been modified from the previous Code. Town Attorney Andrew McGuire advised that it is still the same -- it is the default provision -- and staff will be bringing forward fairly soon an amendment to that section of the Code to try and give the same Civil penalties they have been talking about in other provisions as a general provision (they will hit some of these at the same time). Councilmember Elkie commented that that will be good because a Class 1 Misdemeanor is a bit harsh. Councilmember Contino asked how soon the Council will be able to look at that because he wants to get this thing moving. Mr. McGuire stated that he wants to get this out to the Prosecutor to take a look at and he can probably have something for the Council to look at within the next month or so. z:\council packets\2011\r11-17-11\111103m.docx Page 8 of 9 Councilmember Hansen commented that the people who remember the former application packet (almost a half inch thick) will quickly realize that the new process is both sl eek and easy. She held up a copy of the new application to show how much it has been streamlined. She thanked staff for their hard work. The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). AGENDA ITEM #10 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 11-13, AMENDING FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN CODE, CHAPTER 8, SPECIAL EVENTS. (For discussion, see Agenda Item #9 above.) Councilmember Hansen MOVED to approve Ordinance 11-13, amending the Fountain Hills Town Code, Chapter 8, Special Events and Councilmember Contino SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). AGENDA ITEM #11 - COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION TO THE INTERIM TOWN MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR JULIE GHETTI. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council. A. None. AGENDA ITEM #12 – SUMMARY OF COUNCIL REQUESTS AND REPORT ON RECENT ACTIVITIES BY THE INTERIM TOWN MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR JULIE GHETTI. Interim Town Manager/Finance Director Julie Ghetti advised that this week the Public Safety Advisory Commission met and started planning for the 2012 Public Safety Day, which will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at Fountain Park. She stated that this is a good opportunity for citizens to see their public safety department, equipment and staff. She added that next week the National League of Cities/Congress of Cities will be held in Phoenix and noted that leaders fro m across the country will attend this conference. She said that the conference includes mobile workshops where the attendees have signed up to learn about two of the community's beautification partnerships -- the Art Docent Program and the Greening of the Downtown initiative. She added that guests will be greeted by the Mayor and provided a "goodie bag" including an Art Walk flyer, a Greening of Downtown brochure, Community Center corkscrews, etc. and there will be a presentation by former Mayor Jerry Miles, Sandi Thompson and Jenny Willigrod at the Community Center. The presentations will be followed by a guided walking tour of the public art collection and the Greening of the Downtown project. Ms. Ghetti reminded everyone that next Wednesday will be the next Citizen Town Hall from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. She encouraged residents to come in and talk/pose questions to any of the staff members. She indicated her willingness to respond to questions. Mayor Schlum thanked Ms. Ghetti for her comments and said that the Big Fair is coming up next weekend as well as Veteran's Day events -- 9:00 a.m. at the Veterans' Memorial and 2:00 p.m. at Fountain Park. Councilmember Elkie announced that at 2:00 p.m. there will be a Veterans' Appreciation event at the performa nce pad and added that there will be flyover and the Fountain will be turned red. The Mayor said that red shirts are welcome. Vice Mayor Dickey stated that the National League of Cities & Towns is having a first attendee session on Wednesday. The Arizona League is going to have some events and activities on Friday. On Wednesday afternoon she is going to the Center for After School Excellence Awards Luncheon with Sandra Day O'Connor but the League itself is having a Your Cities Families' event and they too will be talking about after school excellence. There will be four concurrent conferences and she is hoping to attend as many as possible. z:\council packets\2011\r11-17-11\111103m.docx Page 9 of 9 Mayor Schlum commented that there will be thousands of people from all over the country in Phoenix and he is th rilled it is being held in Arizona. He asked the Vice Mayor to send back a report. AGENDA ITEM #13 - ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Contino MOVED to adjourn the meeting and Councilmember Brown SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By __________________________ Jay T. Schlum, Mayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: _________________________ Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Executive and Regular Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 3rd day of November 2011. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 17th day of November 2011. _____________________________ Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk