HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0118.TCRM.MinutesMINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS N January 18, 1990 The Town Council of the Town of the Town of Fountain Hills met in regular session on Thursday, January 18, 1990, at 6:30 p.m., at the Fountain Hills School District Administration Building, Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., followed by the pledge to the flag. Roll call was taken and the following council members were present: Harry Barber, Marti Lemieux, Joe Bill, John Cutillo, Mike Minarsich, Charlie Fox and Dick Haugen. MINUTES Dick Haugen asked that the minutes be changed to reflect his nay vote to the motion made on page three under agenda item #8. Charlie Fox wanted to clarify the resolution passed regarding agenda format. He thought the resolution adopted the entire order of business as written in Lake Havasu's town code. It was verified that the resolution covers only the section on petitions from the public. Dick Haugen made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Charlie Fox seconded. The amended minutes of the January 16th meeting were accepted. NEW BUSINESS Agenda Item #3: Charlie Fox suggested to expand the scope of the subcommittee investigating banking services for the city to include all areas of financing as well. Joe Bill agreed that the council was running the risk of forming too many subcommittees and that it would be beneficial to combine some of them. Charlie Fox made a motion that a subcommittee be formed to investigate the financial issues before the town., the first item being to investigate the local banking services, and to report to the council. Dick Haugen seconded and the motion was unanimously passed. Charlie Fox will chair this subcommittee. Harry Barber and John Cutillo will also serve on the committee. Agenda Item #4: Discussion ensued regarding forming a citizen committee to look into creating a town logo. This logo could eventually be worked into a town seal. Joe Bill thought it was good to involve the schools in some sort of a contest but that a graphic artist might be required in the development of a town seal. John Cutillo felt it was good to appoint a citizen committee to help take the burden off of the council. Charlie Fox made a motion that the council act upon investigating appointing a committee to investigate and develop a logo for the town. Marti Lemieux seconded. The motion passed. Agenda Item #5: John Cutillo said the present contract with Dimension Cable expires June first. Marti Lemieux said that according to Frank Landino, since we were now incorporated, there was the possibility of extending the contract. The general concensus was that many people in the community are unhappy with the present cable situation and it should be addressed soon. John Cutillo felt that this committee could totally be a citizen committee. Charlie Fox felt there should be one member of the council to be a liason. Marti questioned on how to go about selecting citizens to serve on the committee and suggested putting something in the paper. John brought out that a citizen committee is not bound by the rules of a council subcommittee. He said that they could hold meetings with the cable company at any time but if the council was involved, the meetings would have to be public meetings. He also suggested that five people serve on the committee. Charlie agreed that the flexibility of a citizen committee was a good point because they could move right out and gather all the information without being bound by the restrictions of the council. He struck his suggestion of a council liason person. Marti Lemieux moved that the council accept a citizen committee of five to be appointed by the mayor. Mike Minarsich seconded the motion. Joe Bill said he would like to amend the motion to reflect greater flexibility in the number of the people on the committee so if only four people came forward, a number less than five could serve. Mike Minarsich made a motion amending the first motion to show that the committee could have less than five people. Charlie Fox seconded. Bruce Hansen came forward and suggested that there be public meetings on the cable problem and said he would like to serve on the committee. Peg Tibetts offered all backup information in the MCO files on this topic. The motion passed unanimously. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Vern Peckham, president and Chairman of the Board from the Fountain Bank, came forward and said the Fountain Bank stands ready to support the council and town at this time in getting the town started. He would like to offer their services during the next few months while state shared revenues are still unavailable to the town. Peg Tibetts offered her assistance if any more information was needed to help expedite the transfer of the the civic association property. EXECUTIVE SESSION Dick Haugen made a motion that the council go into executive session. Charlie Fox seconded. Unanimous vote to go into executive session. an.7nTTPMMT?Nrr After coming out of executive session, the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Co ncil of Fountain Hills held on the (_^.day of I q0 I further certify that the meetingj was duly called and held and that a quorum was present. Dated this day of �Q 1Q 0 Town Clerk ib, CokkA� Jwvj"n CD 5