HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0125.TCSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
JANUARY 25, 1990
A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to
order by Mayor John Cutillo at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, January 25, 1990, in the
Fountain Hills School Administration Building located at 14605 N. Del Cambre
Ave., Fountain Hills, AZ.
ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain
Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Mike Minarsich and
Councilmembers Harry Barber, Marti Lemieux, Joe Bill and Dick Haugen.
Councilmember Charlie Fox entered the chamber shortly following roll call. Also
present were: Town Manager Mike McNulty, Town Attorney William Farrell and Town
Clerk Cassie Hansen.
MOTION made by Councilman Minarsich to approve the January 23, 1990 special
meeting minutes. SECONDED by Dick Haugen and CARRIED unanimously.
Mayor Cutillo proceeded to announce the subcommittees that had been formulated
in the work session on January 23, 1990. He explained that a suggestion had
been made in the work study session to have two members of the community sit on
each one of the subcommittees. Councilmembers verified that this would be a
workable suggestion. Mayor Cutillo listed the subcommittees as follows:
1. Personal Staffing Subcommittee, consisting of Joe Bill, Dick Haugen and Harry
Barber. This committee will investigate and recommend to the council
staff positions required, a benefits and salary plan, hiring vs
subcontracting and the formation of potential boards.
2. Town Magistrate and Court Subcommittee, Marti Lemieux, chair.
3. Planning, Zoning and Ordinance Adoption Subcommittee, to include interfacing
with the Committee of Architecture, Dick Haugen, chair. Councilman
Haugen named citizen Lari Bratcher to serve on the committee.
4. Town Master Planning Subcommittee, Mike Minarsich, chair. This committe will
talk with MCO about their Master Plan, investigation into the possible
annexation of the 1200 acres and looking into future district
5. Police Protection Subcommittee, Charlie Fox, chair. This committee will
investigate and make recommendations on the best police protection for
Fountain Hills.
6. Town Road Planning Subcommittee which will deal with MCO and the county to
see what needs to be done and what can be done on our roads before July
1, 1990. Mike Minarsich will chair along with Charlie Fox.
7. Town Codes Subcommittee will investigate and make recommendations on what
codes might be best used by Fountain Hills. Harry Barber will chair.
8. Intergovernmental Subcommittee will act as a liason between the school
district and the library. Joe Bill will chair.
9. Citizen Planning Subcommittee will act as a liason between the citizens
formulating the town hall to be held later in the spring. John Cutillo
will chair.
Councilman Fox asked to verify that these new subcommittees were in addition to
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the committees previously formed. Mayor Cutillo confirmed that all committees
previously formed would still remain in effect.
MOTION made by Councilman Fox to accept the above named committees. SECONDED by
Councilman Barber and CARRIED unanimously.
Joe Bill began discussion on the work/study session saying he felt it was a very
productive exercise and a good tool to identify new goals. He felt they should
be scheduled on a regular basis, though not overly frequent, and would be a good
opportunity to get updates on projects underway. Councilman Fox would like to
encourage more public participation, a little lessening of the rules.
Councilman Haugen feels there is a problem of space, finding places to
accommodate all the meetings coming up as well as the people wanting to attend.
Councilman Bill proposed scheduling the work/study sessions on the same night as
regular council meetings but when the agendas were relatively light. Mayor
Cutillo asked if that meant twice a month. Councilman Haugen suggested that the
committees meet on Tuesdays until such time as they had completed their areas of
study and were prepared to make recommendations to the council. Councilman Bill
clarified what the council was trying to schedule. Councilman Barber suggested
that the work/study sessions be held following one of the two regularly
scheduled monthly meetings. This idea was favorable to the council. He felt
that two meetings each month was plenty.
Mayor Cutillo introduced Mr. Mike McNulty at this time and asked how other
councils scheduled their work/study sessions. Mr. McNulty said some councils
schedule work/study sessions the day before the regularly scheduled meetings
but that the open meeting laws make this cumbersome since they are still public
meetings and have to posted and follow the general rules of regular meetings.
Mr. McNulty said public participation is up to the council's discretion as to
how much or how little they will allow but that since it is a public meeting the
public should be allowed their input. Items addressed must be items listed on
the agenda. Vice Mayor Minarsich said the "load" of an agenda should be taken
into consideration when picking which meeting to include the work/study
session. Councilman Fox suggested making the agendas heavier on the Tuesdays
prior to the Thursdays which would include the work/study sessions. Councilman
Fox made a MOTION to use the first Thursday of every month for the work/study
session. Councilman Bill pointed out that scheduling the sessions for the first
Thursday would have one coming up very soon and that since the council had just
had a work/study session it might be a better idea to schedule the work/study
sessions for the third Thursdays of every month. Mayor Cutillo suggested
having the work/study session on the first Tuesday of every month, allowing the
council to put items on the agenda for the following Thursday. Mr. McNulty
clarified Councilman Bill's question regarding agendas for work/study sessions,
if no voting was being done, were agendas required. He said the agenda could be
looser but still must meet the confines of the law. Councilman Bill asked
Attorney Bill Farrell for a legal opinion who clarified by saying that
work/study sessions can have general agenda items such as discussion of the MCO
Master Plan while agendas for regular meetings must show the action that the
council is considering taking on any given item. Mr. Farrell also said the
council would have problems with trying to set agenda items for a Thursday
meeting on the Tuesday before. He suggested using the alternate week for
work/study sessions ie. the second or fourth Tuesday of the month and limiting
the meeting to a specific time frame and one or two agenda items. He suggested
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spacing meetings one week apart. Mr. McNulty warts to supply the coun.ci_mem.ber,
with agendas at least two days in advance to allow time for research and
Councilmembers discussed if there was a motion on the tattle and Councilman Fox
said there had been no second. Councilman Bill suggested meeting weekly, on
Thursday nights, the second and fourth focusing on work/study sessions but
giving themselves the flexibility of adding agenda items if need be. He
reiterated that regular meetings would be on the first and third Thursdays and
alternate Thursdays would be work/study sessions and other items as necessity
dictated. Vice Mayor Minarsich agreed with the exception of the fourth
Thursday. He felt the second Thursday, with a time frame, would be sufficient.
Councilman Fox SECONDED Councilman Bill's motion of two Thursdays because if the
council was going to cut back from two meetings a week, one a week would be
necessary. Councilman Bill wanted to know if they would be bound to meetings
every Thursday if the motion was passed. Mr. McNulty said to add to the motion,
"as needed". MOTION made by Councilman Bill to schedule work/study sessions for
the second and fourth Thursdays as needed. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich and
CARRIED unanimously.
Councilman Haugen asked to return to his question regarding when and where all
the subcommittees would meet. Councilman Barber suggested that it would be up
to the discretion of the committee chair. Mayor Cutillo agreed with this and
said that each chairperson would be responsible for setting the time and place
and could even hold a meeting in his home as long as it was posted properly and
open to the public.
Vice Mayor Minarsich suggested that the Mayor and Town Manager exclusively be in
acting capacity in contacting the Town Attorney. Councilwoman Lemieux add that
the Vice Mayor should be able to contact the attorney in the Mayor's absence.
Vice Mayor Minarsich clarified his statement to say the presiding officer.
Mayor Cutillo asked Mr. Farrell if this needed to be in the form of a resolution
or a code. Mr. Farrell said it could be worked as a policy issue. He suggested
that councilmembers have access to legal council in the area of conflict of
interest and that in this area, the time clock for billing would not always be
running. He said this included calls from the citizens - he always accepts
calls from citizens and does not bill for it. Councilman Fox would like to add
the Town Clerk to the list of people that can contact the Town Attorney in the
absence of the Town Manager and it was left as an either or situation.
Councilman Fox made a MOTION that the contact with legal counsel be done by the
Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the presiding officer of the town. SECONDED by
Councilman Haugen. and CARRIED unanimously.
Vice Mayor Minarsich attributed credit for this idea to Mr. Farrell and stressed
the importance of all citizens being counted in the census since our portion of
the state shared revenues depends totally on our population. He suggested that
a subcommittee be formed to promote the census and requested Councilman Barber's
help on the committee. Councilman Fox objected to forming another committee
since there were already so many. Councilman Bill wanted clarification of the
purpose of the committee. Vice Mayor Minarsich said it was to make sure people
respond to the form they receive in the mail. Mr. McNulty reiterated the
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importance of making the public aware of the importance of their cooperation.
Vice Mayor Minarsich volunteered to chair the subcommittee to promote public
awareness and participation of the 1990 census with the provision that
Councilman Barber join him in the endeavor. Vice Mayor made a MOTION that a
subcommittee be formed for the specific purpose of creating publicity and
awarenes of the upcoming 1990 census and that he will volunteer to chair that
committee. SECONDED by Harry Barber who added that he felt the committee
shouldn't stop at the census but continue to work at promoting Fountain Hills.
Mr. McNulty said that in many communities the Chamber of Commerce does most of
the promoting of a town and the town can support their chamber in this endeavor.
He added that it's not a bad idea to have a committee "looking over their
shoulders" as it were. Councilman Fox made a MOTION TO AMEND the motion on the
table to call the subcommittee the Public Relations Subcommittee and he said the
council would have to vote on the amendment. Council Haugen SECONDED and the
amended motion CARRIED unanimously. The council CARRIED the original MOTION to
form the committee.
Frank Clark, Joint Powers Chairman, Fountain Hills Road District, expressed his
concern over an article in the Scottsdale Progress in which he felt that
Councilman Fox was acting as spokesperson for the road district and that is not
the case. He said it is not the position of the district and he hopes it is not
the posit -on of the council.
Mayor Cutillo asked Mr. Farrell if he had a few words he would like to say. Mr.
Farrell said he would have a report at the February 1, 1990 meeting on current
status on the litigation involving the road districts.
There being no further business to come before the Council, a MOTION was made by
Councilman Haugen that the meeting be adjourned. SECONDED by Councilman Fox and
CARRIED unanimously.
Mayor Cutillo declared the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
John CVtillo, Mayor
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Cassie Hansen, Town Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the
minutes of the special meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills
held on the 25th day of January, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was
duly called and held and that a quorum was present.
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DATED this c�ncL day of February, 1990.
Cassie Hansen, Town Clerk
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