HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0222.TCWSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1990 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cutillo at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, February 22, 1990, in the Fountain Hills School Administration Building located at 14605 N. Del Cambre Ave., Fountain Hills, AZ. ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Mike Minarsich and Councilmembers Marti Lemieux, Charlie Fox and Dick Haugen. Absent were Councilmembers Harry Barber and Joe Bill. Also present were Town Manager Mike McNulty and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. Prior to agenda item #2, Mayor Cutillo brought to the attention of the councilmembers the lists of names they had received for possible election boards. He directed them to review the lists and be prepared to vote on the boards at next week's council meeting. AGENDA ITEM #2 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE FEBRUARY 13, 1990 MEETING MINUTES MOTION made by Councilman Fox to accept the minutes from the February 13, 1990 meeting. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 13 - APPOINTMENT OF DICK FRONCEK AS CENSUS LIAISON The Mayor reiterated that it had been recommended at a previous work study session that Dick Froncek serve as the official liaison with the census bureau for the decennial census. MOTION made by Councilman Haugen to appoint Dick Haugen as said liaison. SECONDED by Councilwoman Lemieux. Wally Hudson asked if Mr. Froncek was to be paid expenses. Mayor Cutillo said he would fall into the same category as the other subcommittees, with a $100.00 limit on spending. Councilman Fox recommended that Mr. Froncek receive .26/mile to cover his expenses. Councilman Haugen AMENDED HIS MOTION to include the recommendation that Mr. Froncek receive .26/mile. Councilman Fox asked if the second still stood. It did and the motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #4 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC Eleanor Bentson said that she hoped that an extensive drive would take place educating the public on the importance of the census. She felt that a committee should be formed to go out and find streets that have been missed by the pre - census survey. She offered to serve on the committee and Vice Mayor Minarsich said they would be meeting next week. Peg Tibbetts said to check with the Committee of Architecture for updated lists of houses in the town. She said the latest version they have is from November of 189 and that the engineers are constantly updating. Bruce Hansen said to check with the Sanitary Board because they, too, keep a list of all new building going on in town. Councilman Fox asked to bring up adding committee reports as a regular addition to the agendas. He said he felt it would be beneficial for the board to get feedback from the subcommittees on their activities rather than reading about things in the paper. He said it would also be beneficial for the public Town Council Minutes 2/22/90 Page 1 of 2 attending the council meetings to hear these reports. Vice Mayor Minarsich asked if it was proper to be discussing this matter at this time because if it was he would like to comment on it. Mayor Cutillo stated that it was not and that it would be placed on a future agenda. ADJOURNMENT Councilwoman Lemieux made a MOTION that the council adjourn to the work study session. SECONDED by Councilman Haugen and CARRIED unanimously. The council adjourned to the work study session at approximately 6:42 p.m. TOWN F T N H LS By: John V. Cutillo, Mayor ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the special meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills held on the 22nd day of February, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and held and that a quorum was present. DATED this o:) n J- day of March, 1990. . 4'-r'� -etw� Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Town Council Minutes 2/22/90 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE WORK/STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1990 A public work/study session of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cutillo at approximately 6:43 p.m., Thursday, February 22, 1990, in the Fountain Hills School District Administration Building located at 14605 N. Del Cambre Ave., Fountain Hills, Arizona. Present for the work/study session were Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Mike Minarsich and councilmembers Marti Lemieux, Charlie Fox and Dick Haugen. Absent were Councilmembers Harry Barber and Joe Bill. Also present were Town Manager Mike McNulty and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. AGENDA ITEM #2 - DISCUSSION OF A MAYO CLINIC DAY Mayor Cutillo explained that the agenda item was a little misleading because the council was not going to be doing any planning for a Mayo Clinic Day but rather hear a presentation from Phyllis Kearn who was going to plan the event. Mayor Cutillo further_ explained that the council had no committment to assist, direct or participate in this proposed event and that since Ms. Kearn, the presenter, was absent from the meeting, there was little else that could be said on the subject. Peg Tibbetts said the former Mayo Clinic Day had been sponsored and organized by the MCO Realty, that the current one was not going to be handled that way and that nothing has yet been scheduled for the fountain park. Vice Mayor Minarsich reported that the Chamber of Commerce Board has heard the proposal and request for endorsement from Ms. Kearn and has turned it down. The council dismissed the item. AGENDA ITEM #3 - DISCUSSION ON SETTING UP A SUBCOMMITTEE TO WORK WITH THE CIVIC ASSOCIATION Peg Tibbetts said that if the council wanted to set up a committee at this point that two were present tonight who have been actively involved. She stated that Mary Rairigh has been in charge of the building and Evelyn Breting has been the on site manager for a number of years. The town manager said everything about the subcommittee could be discussed but not officially formed at a work study session, that it would have to be agendized. Evelyn Breting gave the council a report on all the things that go on in the Community Center. She said the Civic Association is responsible for all that goes on in the Community Center. They have a property committee made up of eight people who meet once a month and they are the ones who set up the policy which she carries out. She said they have different categories and the rents vary accordingly. There is a fee schedule worked out based on whether people are residents or non- residents. The categories are as follows: Community category (residents only) Fund raising category Personal category (weddings receptions, parties, etc.) Instruction category Commercial category Recital category Election category Town Council Work/Study Minutes 2/22/90 Page 1 of 5 The fee schedule is reviewed every year and adjustments made accordingly. There are presently 10 groups that meet on a regularly monthly basis (Woman's Club, Jazzersize, Noon Kiwanis, etc.) There is no charge for events if they are for the community and if they are sponsored by the Civic Association. Vice Mayor Minarsich asked if there were a set of rules and regulations which exclude any group from using the center. Mrs. Breting replied that there was not and that the only time she came up against anything like that was a group that wanted to come in for a New Year's Eve party. She said there is a fire regulation capacity of 150 in the center. Councilman Haugen asked how the rental cost is determined. Mrs. Breting said if a person is a resident, there is a 1 to 4 hour rental period and a 5 to 8 hour rental period. The 5 to 8 hour period for a resident is $120.00 with a $50.00 refundable deposit which brings the total to $170.00. For a non-resident, the 5 to 8 hour period rents for $240.00. Additional hours past the 8 hours are $20.00 each. In their present contract it states that the Community Center is not liable if alcohol is served but she is concerned how that will change now that the ownership is the town's. There are only 6 individuals who presently have keys to the building - Evelyn, Peg Tibbetts, Cassie Hansen, Mary Rairigh, Walt Brockman who is on the property committee and the cleaning people. There are 4 groups who have keys and they are the groups that meet more than once a week. They do not use their keys for any other times other than their regularly scheduled times. The other groups are issued a key - they sign out for it and deposit it in a locked box when they are finished. In the last 6 years, the door has been left unlocked only about 5 times. Councilman Haugen inquired as to the physical condition of the building. Evelyn stated that the last rains brought the worst roof leak they have ever had. Peg Tibbetts reported that when MCO turned the building over to the Civic Association for maintenance they continued to have the same person, Ronald Dilg, do work on the roof, etc. since he had been doing it for some time and was familiar with all the problems. The roof is the original roof and over 15 years old. She said he would be a good reference person to use to get information on the roof's condition. She said a new roof is in the future and that Winn Bird might have possibly gotten some prices on a roof a while back but she was not apprised of what those quotes might be. She said it was her understanding that the old library building was a different story and would require more than just a new roof due to structural problems. Mayor Cutillo asked when the rental rates were last increased and Evelyn reported that it was last July, 1989. She then clarified that they essentially stayed the same but had been reviewed at that time. She said you reach a point in the community that you can only charge so much. July of 188 was the last time the rates were reviewed and raised. Evelyn then interjected that the air conditioning was not commercial quality and would have to be updated in the future because the building had not been built for the use it is now getting. Peg Tibbetts said it was originally built as a builder's showcase building. Councilwoman Lemieux asked about lease arrangements. Evelyn responded that most groups go on a month to month basis but groups like the Road District and Woman's Club are long term. Peg said these are not lease agreements per se but more like contract agreements. The Woman's Club is on a 1 year agreement. Evelyn said they are running behind about $4,000 and that they need about $2,000 a month to break even. They said the tax bill was a big chunk and with the Town Council Work/Study Minutes 2/22/90 Page 2 of 5 elimination of that they will come closer to breaking even. Peg said they have been working over a long time period to make the costs and income of the building a wash. They have tried to make it a community service building while still meeting their bill committments. The town manager said he saw no problems in the way the community center was being run and that it was a pretty standard operation. The only potential problem was the serving of alcohol and how it affects the town's insurance. He said he didn't know if they would differentiate and say that as long as it was not being sold there, it wouldn't be a problem or not. Vice Mayor Minarsich asked if there was a problem with any state statute and Mr. McNulty replied that as long as alcohol was not being sold there was no problem with the statutes. He said liability was the problem with the insurance and alcohol being specifically excluded. Peg Tibbetts said that maybe a binder could be added to the rental contract requiring extra insurance. Mr. McNulty said we would do what we have to do to make it legal and brought up that some cities have their own liquor licenses. He said he thought Mesa had gotten their own license so they could have liquor in the Civic Center. Peg Tibbetts said it needed to be addressed and resolved very soon because the Community Center is rented in advance for functions which will be serving liquor. Mr. McNulty said we would probably have an answer by next week. Evelyn said that in Ohio they got around this problem by having a bar and changing the classification to a bar. Mayor Cutillo asked what kind of agreement or action would have to be taken to make the Civic Association the leasing agent for the Community Center and what would they expect of the town. Peg Tibbetts made reference to a letter she sent to the council when they were first appointed offering to continue their services and that it is the feeling of the board that they would be willing to N, do just that. She further said that they would appreciate having office space and that maybe some arrangement could be made on that basis. Mayor Cutillo asked if Evelyn would become a town employee and Mr. McNulty stated no she would not if the Civic Association were the managing entity - whoever they had would be their employee. Peg Tibbetts suggested that the Civic Association and the Council should discuss mutually how the expenses should be handled. Mr. McNulty said that normally, the managing entity would be involved only in the operation of the building and that anything else would be the town's responsibility. Mayor Cutillo said another subcommittee should be formed to meet with the attorney and get into drawing up some sort of agreement between the Civic Association and the town and stating that for their services as a management entity, the Civic Association would be given the office space. It was decided that the Office Facilities Subcommittee would be expanded to encompass other property as well and they would work with the Civic Association and the attorney to make a recommendation of how the management of the Community Center would work. Councilwoman Lemieux asked how the rent structure would be handled, would the Civic Association committee of eight still review and set the rent structures. Mayor Cutillo said he thought the committee of eight would probably no longer exist. Councilman Haugen said he thought as long as there was a self liquidating situation and that if the town was taking on $1,000 or whatever plus dollars that would be lost in a year that the rents should be a self liquidating fund. He suggested the Property Subcommittee look to the committee of eight for direction. Mayor Cutillo suggested that the authority of the committee of eight be clarified. Peg Tibbetts said the property committee is a standing subcommittee of the Civic Association and that they dealt primarily with the physical management of the building and working with the fee schedule. She said Town Council Work/Study Minutes 2/22/90 Page 3 of 5 she hopes the council reviews the fee structures in conjunction with this committee because they have been working on it for so long in an attempt to find a balance between costs and income. Mr. McNulty said there were two ways that the fees could be handled. One way is to pay the fees, when collected, directly to the town and budgeted and any consideration back to the Civic Association would be a budgeted item. On the other hand, it could be that the fees, that the town would take care of all the physical, the utilities and everything else and that the fees would be self liquidating, used by the Association in the management of the facility. If there was a surplus at the end of the year it would come in a miscellaneous revenue. Peg Tibbetts said that she would assume that during the year there would be close cooperation between the two groups because they are working for the good of the community. Mayor Cutillo said he thought keeping the Civic Association property committee in place would probably be a good idea but that the committee needs to go over their responsibilities and that some of those should probably be changed. Evelyn said that most renters outside of the community were wedding rentals and Peg said that many of the receptions were a result of weddings that she schedules in the park. Councilman Haugen asked about all the other items in the Community Center like chairs, coffee pots, tables, etc. and if they were in good shape or due for replacement also. Peg Tibbetts said most of the items had been replaced 2 and 3 times and that in the past few years a strict rule was made not to allow the tables and chairs outside of the building. It was decided that all of this property belonged to the Civic Association since they were the organization that paid for it. Evelyn said the only thing that would belong to the building that was part of the original furnishings is the piano. Mr. McNulty asked if there was an up to date inventory list and requested a copy. Mayor Cutillo asked if it would be a good idea to give the inside property to the town so it would be the town's responsibilty to replace things when needed. Evelyn responded to an earlier question that she had 18 weddings scheduled for this year and that about half of them were out of town people. Following a round of applause for the job Evelyn has done as a manager of the Community Center, the Mayor said he would like to see things continue just the way they are. Councilman Haugen made a MOTION to adjourn and was SECONDED my Councilwoman Lemieux. CARRIED unanimously to adjourn. ADJOURNMENT - The council adjourned the work study session at approximately 7:20 p.m. TOWN 0 rIN HIL By: John Cutillo, Mayor d,,,,i ATTEST: Lassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Town Council Work/Study Minutes 2/22/90 Page 4 of 5 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the work/study session of the Town Council of Fountain Hills held on the 22nd day of February, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this d-ncl day of March, 1990. COa.A,l1-tom 4""� Cassie Hansen, Town Clerk Town Council Work/Study Minutes 2/22/90 Page 5 of 5