HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0322.TCWSM.MinutesTOM OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE WORK/STUDY SESSION OF THE FO[AVTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1990 A public work/study session of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cutillo at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 22, 1990, in the Fountain Hills Unified School District Administration Building located at 14605 N. Del Cambre Ave., Fountain Hills, Arizona. Present for the work/study session were: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Mike Minarsich and Councilmembers Marti Lemieux, Charlie Fox and Dick Haugen. Councilman Joe Bill came in at approximately 6:34 p.m. and Councilman Barber was absent. Also present were Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Town Manager Mike McNulty and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. SUBCOMM[ITTEE Subcommittee chair Allison Varley gave Mayor Cutillo their recommendations for the top four logos and the top four slogans. She said they had 62 logos and 81 slogans submitted in the contest. Since she had only one copy of each of the submittals, it was decided that copies would be made and given to the council to discuss at the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM #3 - REPORT ON HOSPITALITY TAX Town Attorney Bill Farrell reported that the hospitality tax cap received a 46 to 15 affirmative vote in the house today but that amendments that took place earlier in the week excluded all cities and towns under 55,000. The cap had formerly been 500,000. He said the need to address the issue at this time was irrelevant so they were making no recommendation at this time. Councilman Fox asked for a clarification on what constituted a quorum, was it 50% plus one. Mr. Farrell stated that it was a simple majority, sometimes specifically enumerated in order to enact an ordinance in emergency situations. Mayor Cutillo asked what constituted a violation. Mr. Farrell said there must by a quorum to take action and if there were enough to do that they should abide by the open meeting laws. A violation is a subjective situation and he said considering the number of subcommittees it might be a good idea to instruct the chairs on the open meeting laws. He advised against a few of the members getting together and chatting after a meeting was over. He said it was a wise policy to adjourn and call it quits after adjourning because it is a perception to many that if you continue to talk to anyone after the meeting is over that the meeting is still going on. Councilman Fox said there was no activity at this time and it could possibly be removed from the subcommittee list since the area is covered under the town codes. It was then decided to leave this on the list until the council reviews the town codes because some of the procedures on setting agenda may need to be readdressed. Town Council Minutes 3/22/90 Page 1 of 8 Dennis Contino reported that they had proceeded in hiring the consultant and were busy working on the ordinance. CITIZEN PLANNING Mayor Cutillo reported that the only function he had had thus far was attending all the meetings of the steering committee for the Town Hall which was going to take place this weekend. He feels that many good ideas and directives will come out of the Town Hall. FINANCE & BANKING Councilman Fox reported that the Town Manager has put together a budget schedule, back scheduling to the present and setting milestone dates. The AZ League of Cities and Towns has provided them with some updated figures to replace the estimated figures from the last six months which said we would receive approximately $1,213,000 instate shared revenues. The new figure is $1,346,000, an increase of $31,000 over what had been originally figured. Mr. McNulty stated that the census certification had come in using the 1985 figure of 5,792. INSURANCE Councilwoman Lemieux reported that Wally Hudson was checking into benefits for town employees. Councilman Bill suggested that Mr. Hudson coordinate his efforts with Norman Lash who is currently on the Personnel Subcommittee and working on putting together a benefit package. PUBLIC RE.,ATIGNS & CENSUS Vice Mayor Minarsich said there was no report other than a correction that people with post office boxes will be contacted in phase 2 of the census. Councilman Fox suggested a calling committee to call people a few days after the flyers go out. Norman Lash reported that Councilman Barber was waiting for the compilation of codes for Fountain Hills from the League. He said it would require quite alot of editorial work and they should have it ready to bring before the council by late April. Dave Montgomery asked if the codes covered hillside ordinances and building ordinances. Councilman Haugen replied that they were covered by planning and zoning and they were currently waiting for the universal building code book. Councilwoman Lemieux reported that she had received 5 applications for town magistrate thus far, 2 from in town and 3 from out of town and this was a couple beyond the original apps. She said a few met the qualifications. WOO Town Council Minutes 3/22/90 Page 2 of 8 Vice Mayor Minarsich reiterated that this subcommittee has been combined with Planning and Zoning. Councilman Fox said there was a meeting set for next week with the county to review the list of concerns they have with line of sight problems due to shrubs on medians and concerns of the town such as left turn signals on Shea. He said he would report back following this meeting. He also said he was going to canvass the neighborhood around Saguaro and Palmer Wy. to see how they felt about a street signal. Councilman Bill said the following citizens had been named to this committee: Dave Gray, Keith McMahon and Walt Dunne. The committee will also have John Cutillo, Mike McNulty and himself. Councilman Fox said he felt the intergovernmental subcommittee should be prepared to deal with other governmental entities other than just the school and that was the original intent when this committee was formed. Mayor Cutillo said other governmental branches could come directly to the council. Vice Mayor Minarsich suggested that this committee should also be prepared to interface with the two other districts in the town, ie. sanitary and fire districts. He said the focus was currently on the school right now since that was a hot issue at this time but that the original intent of the intergovernmental subcommittee was to deal with all other governmental entities, not just the school. He further asked if other intergovernmental concerns could be brought before this committee or if another subcommittee should be formed to take care of it. Mayor Cutillo suggested to wait until the need arises. OFFICE FACILITY AND PROPERTY Vice Mayor Minarsich said they would be giving their report in the special session to follow. 1! D' Councilman Bill reported that they have received over 100 applications for the Town Manager position and the committee would be meeting on April 2 to select those that will be interviewed. He asked that the council consider reimbursement for the candidates who would be coming in from out of state. He also said they have tentatively set Sunday, April 8 to interview all the final candidates and they hope to have the field narrowed down to five. He would also like to work the interview process into a social setting following the interviews and have the participation of the councilmembers elect. Mr. Farrell said the new council could not participate in the interviewing process in executive session because they would not be sworn in at that time. Councilman Haugen asked to have this subject on the agenda at the next meeting so the council could vote on the arrangements. PLANNING AND ZONING Councilman Haugen deferred to legal council who reported that a copy of the town zoning ordinance in on the word processor and they were currently identifying Town Council Minutes 3/22/90 Page 3 of 8 all of the nomenclature changes. He said they hoped to have a preliminary copy back for the council by a week from this evening. POLICE AND LAW ENFCRCEMENT Councilman Fox reported that the subcommittee had completed a rough draft of 3 existing county contracts. He said they added words that best fit Fountain Hills and wanted to spend one more meeting to go over it before making a recommendation to the council. The committee is also checking on forming their own police department in the future and investigating the options, funding and all available sources of assistance in the process. Councilman Haugen made a MOTION to adjourn the work/study session and was SDOOND ) by Councilman Bill. The council adjourned the work/study session at approximately 7:38 p.m. and left to take a 5 minute break before resuming the special session. Town Council Minutes 3/22/90 Page 4 of 8 NOTICE OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF FO MAIN HILLS WHEN: THU SDAY, MARCH 22, 1990 iaIT, • • s. 1 • TIME: FOLLOWING THE WORK/STUDY SESSION Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council of Fountain Hills and to the general public that the Town Council of Fountain Hills will hold a special session open to the public on Thursday, March 22, 1990 following the work/study session beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Fountain Hills Unified School District Administration Building located at 14605 N. Del Cambre Ave., Fountain Hills, Arizona. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Acceptance of the March 8th and 15th, 1990 meeting minutes. 3. Discussion and possible action on accepting Resolution 1990-111 allowing the county to accept permit applications thru July 1, 1990 and following through on any current applications after July 1, 1990. (attachment) 4. Discussion and possible authorization to have the two office typewriters serviced and to obtain maintenance contracts on the typewriters. (bids attached) 5. Discussion and possible action on authorizing the Town Manager to purchase computer equipment. 6. Discussion and possible action on authorizing the Town Manager to purchase a copy machine. (memo attached) 7. Discussion and possible action authorizing the Montgomery Engineering Firm to produce plans and specs for the repairs to the old library. 8. Report from the Facilities & Property Subcommittee on their recommendation for town office space. 9. Discussion and possible action upon the Facilities & Property Subcommittee's recommendation for town office space. 10. Call to the public. 11. Adjournment. DATED this 21st day of March, 1990. TOWN COUNCIL =TAINHILLS By: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk TOWN OF FO(RrAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL IMMEDIATELY FUILMNG THE wOW/STUDY SESSION OF MARCH 22, 1990 The council returned from break and convened in special session with Mayor Cutillo calling the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #2 - AOLWTANCE OF MEETING MINUTES FROM MARCH 8TH AND 15TH Mayor Cutillo informed the council that they did not have the minutes from March 8th and would be voting only on the minutes from the 15th. MOTION made by Councilman Fox to accept the minutes from the March 15, 1990 meeting and SEOONDID by Councilman Haugen. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #3 - DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO ACCEPT A RESOLUTION, ALLOWING THE ( ",rrY TO A003PT PERMIT APPLICATIONS THROUGH_ JULY 1 1990 AND FOLLOWING THROUGH ON ANY CLNRENT APPLICATIONS AFTER JULY It 1990 The Town Attorney, Bill Farrell, told the council that it was originally thought a resolution would be necessary but found on further investigation that a motion authorizing the mayor and manager to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Maricopa County would suffice. He said it would allow the county to keep all building permit fees received up to June 30th and to continue through until the final inspection under that permit on all physical construction within the town limits. MOTION made by Vice Mayor Minarsich that the council allow the Mayor and Town Manager to enter into an intergovernmental agreement for the purpose of allowing the county to accept building permit applications through June 30th and allowing them to follow through on any current applications after June 30th, 1990. SECONDED by Councilman Bill. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 14 - SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ON THE TWO OFFICE TYPEWRITERS Councilman Haugen made a MOTION to have the office typewriters serviced and obtain maintenance contracts on the typewriters as per the attached quote (attached). SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #5 - AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO PURCHASE COMPUTER BOUIPt�I'P Mr. McNulty reported that 6 quotes had been received on the equipment described (attached). He recommended that the council accept the low bid from Software City which would be $4,401 for two machines. Councilman Bill made a MOTION that the council give the award to Software City in the amount of $4,401. SECONDED by Councilwoman Lemieux. Questions then arose as to the service contract included, response time on service calls, inhouse repair or carry in, use of loaners during down time, set up, training, etc. Dennis Contino responded that a unit would be replaced if something was wrong with it or equipment would be supplied to cover the down time. He also said that service can be handled either way, that the best way is to carry it in but it can be done on site. Peter Putterman expressed concern for the kind of equipment the town was buying as well as how the town would protect it's data if the equipment had to be carried in for service. Bruce Hansen reminded the council that each one of them had stressed the importance of doing business in town. The Mayor stated that Mrs. Contino of Software City was a local resident. Ed Schaeffer said he had never seen specifications and everyone was referring to a bid and if that was the case Town Council Minutes 3/22/90 Page 5 of 8 he was going to request a spec before a decision was made so he would be on equal ground with everyone else. It was explained that these had only been phone quotes and no specs had been given. Mayor Cutillo asked Mr. Contino if there would be a problem with transportation if a machine had to be taken downtown and would the town have to take it downtown themselves. Mr. Contino replied no, that we could take it down if we wanted to, alot of cities in the county do that right now, but that someone could come out and pick the machine up. Ron Fett asked for a clarification on the price of 2 machines, then said he still recommended that the town go with a network because of both ultimate cost and expandability ability. Vice Mayor Minarsich said he agreed that a network was the way to go because of how quickly the other machines can be outgrown. Mr. McNulty said he had advised against a network because the town was not sure of where it would be. The Vice Mayor reiterated that having to take a machine to town for repair and leaving it for a week was not a pleasant experience. Bruce Hansen recommended that the council formulate an RFP so they could tell vendors this is what we want rather than each one telling the council what they need with each one of those recommendations being different. Councilman Fox said that with all of the questions flying around he would like to make an AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION stating that any agreement made with any vendor is subject to a written statement provided to the council for those services covered. The Mayor asked Mr. McNulty if there wasn't anything in writing insuring certain services. Mr. McNulty responded that he didn't know of any warranty that didn't include on site service. Councilman Fox reiterated that he would like what is and what isn't included in writing. Peter Putterman offered to withdraw his proposal and act as a consultant for the town, going over each proposal and discussing with each vendor what is and what isn't included in their proposal and have this in writing for the council in a couple days. Mr. Farrell said that this is not an RFP or a bid situation but a quote situation and the council may want to reject them all and direct the manager to rebid with a formal request for proposal. He said he had a problem with people openly reviewing each others bids and that all had been put in a position of disadvantage and that the council was headed, in his opinion, in the wrong direction. Mayor Cutillo said there was an amended motion before the council but Councilman Fox said because of the direction they were now going he would WITHDRAW his amended motion. Mayor Cutillo said without further discussion he would call for a vote. The motion CARRIED 5 votes to 2, with Vice Mayor Minarsich and Councilman Fox voting nay. AGENDA ITEM 16 - PURCHASE OF A COPY MACHINE Mr. McNulty read his recommendation (attached) for the Mita copy machine which is currently in the office. Tom Graff said we could keep the machine that was presently in the office or they would replace it with a new one, although the one in there was new when it came to us. Councilman Fox asked what kind of service we would have. Mr. McNulty said there is a 90 day warranty and then a service contract for $107.50/month. Vice Mayor Minarsich made a MOTION that the council accept authorizing the town manager to purchase the copy machine as laid out. SECONDED by Councilman Haugen and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #7 - AL)THORIZING THE MONTOOMMY ENGINEERING FIRM TO PRODUCE SPECS AND PLANS FOR REPAIRS TO THE OLD LIBRARY Mr. McNulty requested this item since no authorization had previously been given to expend funds on specs and plans for the old library building. He said the price to do so was not to exceed $625.00. Vice Mayor Minarsich made a MOTION Town Council Minutes 3/22/90 Page 6 of 8 to authorize the Montgomery Engineering Firm to produce plans and specs for repairs to the old library, fee not to exceed $625.00. SECONDED by Councilman Fox and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #8 - REPORT FROM THE OWICL FACILITIES & PROPERTY SUBCOKU TEE Vice Mayor Minarsich reported that the committee was in the process of negotiating a tentative lease contract with MCO Properties but that it was not yet ready for the council's consideration. He said they were asking the council's authorization to continue occupying the space we are currently in from April 1 to April 15 paying rent at the rate of $7.50/square foot for a total of $533.75 (attachment). He said they would be ready within the next 2 weeks to make a recommendation to the council on a tentative lease agreement. AGENDA ITEM #9 - ACTION TO ACUPT THE PROPERTY SUBCOMMITTEE REOOWMATION FOR TOM OFFICE SPACE Councilman Bill made a MOTION to accept the terms of the lease from April 1 to April 15 for a total cost of $533.75 as outlined. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich and CARRIED unanimously. Councilwoman Lemieux requested to make a MOTION to place an emergency item on the agenda to place an ad in Sunday's AZ Republic for the town magistrate. Mr. Farrell explained that the first motion is just to get the emergency item on the agenda, not the item itself. He said that motion must be seconded and then another motion must be made addressing the item itself. Vice Mayor Minarsich SECONDED the motion. Councilman Fox expressed concern that the council not set a precedent in using the procedure to put emergency items on the agenda. Mr. Farrell said an emergency was whatevey 4/7 of the council said it was. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Councilman Lemieux then explained that there had been inquiries from qualified people outside of Fountain Hills and the committee felt it necessary to run the ad to explore all possibilities for the magistrate position. She then read the proposed ad and Councilman Fox made a MOTION to accept the committees request to run an ad for town magistate in Sunday's AZ Republic. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich and CARRIED unanimously A[EMA ITEM # 10 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one chose to address the council. AGENDA ITEM #11 - ADJOURNMENT MOTION made by Councilman Fox to adjourn and SECONDED by Councilman Bill. The motion CARRIED unanimously. The council adjourned at 8:30 p.m. TOWN O�7N HILLS ? By: / John illo, Mayor Town Council Minutes 3/22/90 Page 7 of 8 ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen Town Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the work/study session and the special session of the Town Council of Fountain Hills held on March 22, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and held and that a quorum was present. DATED this (D 4% day of April, 1990. Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Town Council Minutes 3/22/90 Page 8 of 8