HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0416.TCSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL APRIL 16, 1990 A special session of the Fountain Hills Town Council, open to the public, was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cutillo at approximately 5:03 p.m., Monday, April 16, 1990 in the Town Hall offices located at 16836 E. Palisades Blvd., Bldg. C, Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL — Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Mike Minarsich and Councilmembers Marti Lemieux, Joe Bill, Charlie Fox and Dick Haugen. Absent was Councilman Harry Barber. Also present was Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. AGENDA ITEM 4f2 —.RENTAL AGREEMENT WITH MCO FOR TOWN HALL OFFICE SPACE Vice Mayor Minarsich briefly- went over the terms of the rental extension which had been modified to include the mayor's office in the square footage that the town was currently paying for. The rent would continue to be $7.50 per square foot, plus 5.5Z sales tax, and would cover the time period of April 15 thru May 31, 1990. The Vice Mayor also said that MCO was having a problem with meetings being held in the back area which the town was not currently paying for but it was undetermined if and how it would be enforced. The council agreed to schedule meetings carefully to try and avoid a situation where the back room would be needed. Vice Mayor Minarsich made a MOTION to accept the temporary rental agreement thru May 31st from MCO Properties for the current space that the town is occupying. SECONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #3 — VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS TOWN MANAGER CANDIDATES Councilman Fox made a MOTION to go into executive session, SECONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #4 — GO INTO EXECUTIVE. SESSION The council went into executive session at approximately 5:18 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #5 — RECONVENE SPECIAL _ SESSION TO DISCUSS AND ACT UPON REINTERVIEWING CANDIDATES FOR TOWN MANAGER The council returned to special session at approximately 6:35 p.m. Councilman Bill made a MOTION that Mayor Cutillo proceed with reference checks on the two finalists and that he ask the questions that were previously outlined in an attempt to determine if both continue to be interested in the position and if both continue to seem to be excellent candidates and are interested, to proceed with arranging for a second interview, spouses included. SECONDED by Councilman Haugen and CARRIED unanimously. Town Council Minutes 4/16/90 Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL APRIL 19, 1990 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cutillo at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 19, 1990, in the Fountain Hills School District Administration Building located at 14605 N. Del Cambre Ave., Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountair. Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo and Councilmembers Marti Lemieux. Charlie Fox, Joe Bill and Dick Haugen. Vice Mavor Minarsich came in at approximately.- 6:34 p.m. Councilman Harry Barber was absent. Also present were Town Attorney Bill Farrell and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. AGENDA ITEM #2 - PRESENTATION BY TERRY SAVERSON ON THE GIATHLON Terry Saverson was not present so the council went on to the next agenda item. AGENDA ITEM #3— - AUTHORIZING THE CLERK TO POST NOTICE -OF -HEARING TO_JOIN THE COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT Councilman Haugen made a MOTION to authorize the clerk to publish a notice of public hearing on the question of joining the County Library District. SECONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #4 - DISCUSSION OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Councilman Bill referred to the Personnel Subcommittees proposed list of benefits (attached) and thanked committee members Norman Lash and Wally Hudson for all of their work in formulating the list:. .-fter requesting comments and directives from the counc.iI on tha list, Councilman Bill asked Mr. Lash to go over the .list with the council. Mr. Lash explained that the committee had used the nodes of 8 other cities and towns, similar .in size to Fountain Hills, to formulate the list of employee benefits. They had also looked at the benefit packages provided by the road and sanitary distracts. The committee felt that what they had come up with was in the b.tll park with ;-,.ii the entities they had used for comparison. Mr. Lash then went over the iis:, of benefits, giving the council an idea of how their list compared with other cities and towns and why they made the recommendations they did. Councilman Bill commented that the committee's plan was somewhat conservative to allow for fixture enhancement. How to handle the transfer of benefit,,; of the road district employees was also discussed. Mr. Farrell cautioned the council i rotn creating a si tuat-ion u!here all employees coming in would expect to brink; their carried ove- benefits with them. He said it was necessary to separate benefits from personnel rules where at all possible. He said it was a good idea to differentiate between probation time periods and qualifying for benefits time periods. Mr. Lash said other cities and towns range from 9 to 12 days for paid holidays and the road district is on the very high end with 13. Ile said the committee felt comfortable recommending 10 for the town employees. Moving on to pension Minutes of the Town Council Page 1 of 4 plans, Mr. Lash said they could find very little information on what other cities and towns do. He explained the idea that they were recommending which involved contributions to individual IRA accounts. Mr. Farrell said there were 2 Arizona state retirement programs that are open and available to municipal employees. He said the Arizona State Retirement Program is a mandatory 6.20 of the gross annual matched by the participating governmental entity. He said there was also a Public Safety Retirement which is similar to the military, a 20 vear vested and once in is mandatory for all employees, not optional. He said the council would find in the future that the town could miss out on qualified municipal employees who would choose not to come to a town to which their pension plan would not transfer. Mr. Lash said he had found out that the road district was a member of FICA. Mr. Farrell said the ability to opt out of FICA went out in 1982 and urged the council to give consideration to the AZ Retirement Plan, to at least investigate it before deciding. Councilman Bill asked if the decision on the pension plan could wait until the new town manager was on board. 'The concensus was that it could but that the benefits, when they start, be retroactive for existing employees. He also said that legislation was under foot to allow pooling for benefits amongst municipalities. Major Cutillo said he preferred to see the trial period moved from 3 months to 6 months and discussion ensued as to just when benefits would start accruing. The Mayor reiterated that the town manager should have 6 months as opposed to 3 months to evaluate new employees but that those employees could still start accruing benefits from the time they start working. They could not utilize these days until after 6 months, but they could be accruing them during the evaluation period. Vice Mayor Minarsich requested a copy of the State Pension Plan for the council to review. Mr. Hudson suggested getting a list of the stats on the road district employees combined with the current town employees and see if health insurance could be obtained for the combined number of employees. The council contemplated splitting the benefits package, acting on the health insurance as soon as possible. Vice Mayor Minarsich suggested that the benefit items that don't tie in with the group insurance or the pension plan be placed on next week's agenda. RETURN TO AGENDA ITEM #2 Terry Saverson presented information to the council on the Giathlon, a Chamber sponsored health and fitness event, which would be taking place on Saturday and Sunday, April 28th and 29th. She said the purpose of the event was two fold - to bring families to Fountain Hills and to establish an identity for Fountain Hills as a health and fitness conscious community. The Mayor commended the Chamber for all their activities and accomplishments of the past few weeks. AGENDA ITEM #5 - SELECTION OF ELECTION BOARDS Vice Mayor Minarsich made a MOTION to accept the election boards list (attached) for the May 15th general election. SECONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #6 - VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION, _PURSUANT TO A.R_.S. 38- 431.03.A.1., AT 12:00 NOON ON _SATURDAY. APRIL 21, 1990 AT THE TOWN HALL OFFICES TO INTERVIEW CANDIDATES FOR TOWN MAGISTRATE Minutes of the Town Council Page 2 of 4 Councilman Fox made a MOTION to accept the above agenda item as i%ritten. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Minarsich and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 4f7 - VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION, PURSUANT TO A._R.S.38- 431.A.1.. AT 1:00 P.M. ON SUNDAY, APRIL 22. 1990 AT THE TOWN HALI, OFFICES TO RE - INTERVIEW CANDIDATES FOR TOWN MANAGER Councilman Bill made a MOTION to accept the above agenda item as read. SECONDED by Councilman Fox and CARRIED unanimously. Before going to the call to the public, Mayor. Cutillo asked the record to show that Councilwoman Elect Peg Tibbetts was in attendance. AGENDA ITEM #8 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC Tom Graff asked how vendor permits were going to be handled for the 4th of July Celebration. The Mayor said no decision had been made. Norman Lash asked to know how much money had been expended up to this point. The Mayor said the budget committee was working on that and it would be available soon. Fred Fleener questioned the cost involved in adopting the planning and zoning ordinance because he had heard a quote of several hundred dollars and it should not be costing that much. The Mayor said Vice Mayor Minarsich would be able to explain where the cost figures had come from but they could not get into a discussion of it in a call to the public. ADJOURNMENT Vice Mayor Minarsich made a MOTION to adjourn at approximately 7:55 p.m. SECONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED unanimously. TOWN OF - !NTAIN H. S By: Joh Mayor ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Fountain Hills held on the 5th day of April, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and Minutes of the Town Council Page .3 of 4 that a quorum has present. DATED this 1 g+K day of May, 1990. Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Minutes of the Town Council Page 4 of 4 F.