HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0510.TCSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCII, MAY 10, 1990 A special session of the Fountain Hills Town Council, open to the public, was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cutillo at approximately:31 p.m, Thursdar, hiav 10. 1990 in the Fountain Hills School Administration Buildin- located at 14605 N. Del Sambre Ave., Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL — Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Manor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Mike Minarsich and Councilmembers Marti Lemieux, Charlie Fos, Bill O'Brien and Peg Tibbetts. Councilman Joe Bill came in shortly following the pledge. 211so present were Town Attorney Bill Farrell. Interim Town Manager Mike McNulty-. Town Manager Paul Nordin and 'Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. AGENDA ITEM_#2_ — VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE_ SESSION TO GET. LEGAL_ ADVICE RELATIVE TO TV CABLE MATTERS Tice Manor Minarsich made a MOTION to go into executive session. SECONDEDb_v Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #3 — GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION The council went into executive session at approximately 3:33 p.m. AGENDA ITEM _#4 — RETURN TO SPECIAL SESSION The council returned to special session at approximately 6:3+ p.m. AGENDA ITEM #5 — INSTRUCTING THE TOWN MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BUILDING SAFETY S ER V ICES Mayor Cutillo announced at this point in the meeting that new "Town M:tiager Paul Nordin was in attendance. Mr. ":cNulty then referred to the RFP's that he had brought back for the council which included building ,atetti' services, plans examining services and engineering services (attached). Mayor Cutillo made it clear that these were strictly request for bids and the council was not committed in any way to accept or act on and- of them. Mr. McNulty asked for. direction from the council with regard to the RFP's. He said the RFP's would go out to all engineering firms in Fountain Hills, the general public and some firms that he kne%- of that performed these services. b-ice YaYor !tilinarsich stated that he had heard that some firms would sign for a 50`,, contract and based on estimated revenues of $350,000, revenues of .5175.000 would staff with the town and $175,000 would go to the contracting firm. He referenced the town managers estimate of $57,250.00 for the town's own building inspecting services. which would apparently allow more revenues to sta7 with the town. Mayor Cutillo said he felt what the council wanted at this point was for '�!r. McNulty to get the RFP's out so information could be gathered as to just what was out there and available so they could make an informed decision. Mr. McNulty said the proposals would be brought back to the council. Vice !`"avor Minarsich made a MOTION that the council Town Council Minutes 5;'10%90 Page 1 (Jf 5 instruct the town manager to advertise for building safety services. SFCONDV,,D by Councilman Fox and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #6 - ESTABLISHING A TRANSPORTATION SIJBCOMM177FE Mayor Cutillo explained that a transportation committee is currently- being organized in the valley and he felt that if they organized a subcommittee or commission now, they would be in on the ground floor :-vith that committee rather than trying to catch up later on. Councilman Fox said that it had been the recommendation of counsel not to appoint boards or commissions until the codes had been adopted and that the council should act as boards and commissions until that time. Mr. McNulty said he recalled that the town attorney had cautioned against forming any boards and commissions because there was no code or any formal operating procedures established and since these would be standing advisory committees, it was advised to wait until everything was in place. He further stated that it would be advisable to look at this a bit further because MAG has a number of transportation committees and subcommittees who deal with service transportation and the council may want to put someone on one of these to act as an observer and bring back information on what KAG is already doing in this area since the town already belongs to 11IAG. The Mayor said that was fine with him and the agenda item was tabled. AGENDA ITEM #7 - INCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL OFFICE SPACE Vice Mayor M.inarsich reported that the office property subcommittee had met yesterday to discuss whether or not to build additional office space at this Point in time for a separate mayor's office in town hall. He said their recommendation to the council is a compromise of using the current clerk's office as a shared use office for the mayor and jury room. According to an estimate by the magistrate, the jury room would be empty at least 80-0 of the time and could accommodate the mayor the majority of the time. He said this could be reviewed at the end of 6 months and if it was not working out and being used by the jury more than originally thought, the town could contract more space to be built. Councilman O'Brien asked if the jury could use the conference room but Mr. McNulty said the jury room needs to be close to the courtroom to keep the area sterile. Councilwoman Lemieux asked how people would get to the mayor if the court was in session. Mr. MchTulty replied that jury trials are scheduled well in advance and the mayor would not schedule appointments at that time and that most of the court business will probably be settled by mail. Vice Mayor Pinarsich stressed the importance of maximum use of the space we are paying for. Mayor Cutillo made a MOTION to accept the recommendation as stated by the office committee. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #8 - APPROVING NEGOTIATION OF THE PROPOSED PLBL.IC SAFETY CONTRACT Councilman Fos said the item was to allow a representative of the council along with the attorney to make some preliminary discussions with county representatives on the contract for police protection services. He said the only comments they had received thus far on the contract were from the attorney and they had made the recommended changes. Vice Mayor Minarsich made a MOTION to approve the negotiation of the proposed public safety contract. SECONDED by Town Council Minutes 5/10/90 Page 2 of 5 Councilwoman Lemieux. Vallv Hudson asked tiro iCouid be dcing the nE,t20tlatl'i� 3f7 Councilman Fox replied that tirst contact would be through the :ii:tOrne) anc' i,il(li;f then come back through the council. Tile mot ion CARRIED un;_rr.i meusl AGENDA ITEM #9 — CALL TO THE PUBLIC Bruce Hansen made a request of the council that election workers be paid mere monev for the next election and that tiince it 'vas too late to do an- Ci ink .�hor.�t, it for this election, that they' be provided r;i th lunch. Lisa F:emptcn that the new cable contract include access studios, especially if the school bon,! issue passed. AGENDA ITEM #10 — ADJOURNMENT Vice ylavor Minarsich made a MOTION to ad journ. SECONDED by Councilman Pill and CARRIED unanimously°. The council adjourned at appro_%imately 6:55 p.m. to t ke a short break before beginning their work. stud-v session. Town r;ouncil hinutes 5 10'90 Par-e 3 of 5 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE WORK/STUDY SESSh0N OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCII. THURSDAY, MAY 10, .1990 At approximately 7:08 p.m., the council returned from break and began the work/study session. AGENDA ITEM #2 — SUBCOMMITTEE. REPORTS CITIZEN PLANNING — PARKS & REC Chair Mike Scharnow reported that his corruaittee had put together a questionnaire that would be distributed throughout the community to get resident's reed�a,I.as to what recreational activities they would be interested .in participating in. CABLE Chair Dennis Contino reported that the cable ordinance was in the attornev'- hands for a final reviev.-. Mayor Cutillo asked that the cable committee suspend any activity until further report from the town attorney. OFFICE PROPERTY Chair ^linarsich said there was little to sdd to what was covered during the special session. He did say that they were in the midst of coming up with an agreement with the Civic Association for continuing to manage the Community Center property. He said it was in the hands of the attorney at this time and that they hoped to have an item on the agenda next Thursday to address that issue. Marge Schmoll asked if this included the old library building and the Vice �,`Iayor said it was still under discussion :as to whether it would be considered one single property or to divide the two. He. said there would be an update on that nest: week also. POLICE Foy said h,= had no more to Ladd except that the committee was gathering data on federal and state grants. FINANCE "hair Pox reported that the bud -tit caas virtually complete and that they have done all they can do on the budget until the-,- get some final numbers from the police contract negotiation, park and rec .:and thf- I?FI".- for building; safety :services t;; plug into the budget. He said a copy of what they currently had would be sent to Mr. Nordin. PLANNING &_ZONING Chair M.inarsich reported that t:he zoriing map had been published and that next Wednesday- evening, the committee would be meeting : gain to discuss and probably make the recommendation to adopt the 1985 UBC nodes to the council. The codes Town Council Minutes 5i10/90 Page 4 of 5 are in lrr. "IcNulty s office and they would be going, of e. them at then- mi etlil� ''r. McNultT added that at the next meeting they would also be talking about the subdivision ordinance and making a recommendation to the council that it b_ included in the town code. Dice "M-vor Mi—nars.ich also added that the ^faster Developmental Plan at this point in time has been tightened up and signed off by the county and will be presented to the town shortly also for possible adoption. PUBLIC RELATIONS & CENSUS iCllair Minarsich reported that the census was in phase 2 but no reports had come in as to how we are doing. TOWN CODES Chair Lemieux reported that her committee had finished the first revision last night and that Mr. McNulty had taken the codes down to Cathy Connolly to be put .into official revision form and returned to us In approximately a week or two. She said once they came back, the subcommittee would review one more time before turning them over to the council for review and final adoption. ROAD PLANNING Chair Fo,, said thee- ;,,ere gatherin.- information on the balance of the roadways after the road district had completed their maintenance and putting information together on the roaads still needing; maintenance. They will formulate a maintenance plan for these roads as ivell as a paving plan. Councilwoman Tibbetts said there was a color coded map in Town Hall shohing t.ho slurry seal schedule. -D vor "utillo annrunce;l that Councilman Elect Clark was in attendance. ADJOURNMEW Collrlci Iman Fo;v made a MOTION to adjourn, SECONDED by Councilman Bill and CARRIED uII:)nimousi.y. The council-,1djr)urn,-d the wort: study sessior; at approximately 7:20 p.m. TOWN Ol' FOU,"„ - IN ILL, . 1 i John "' l C fillo. Mavcr Cassie Hansen, Town. Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the fo: eg(D rr.inut, s .:rre a I:ru_ and correct copy- of thr minutes of the special meeting and work,'>tudi session of tht Town Council of Fountain Hills held on the 10th d.s of "Iay, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and held and that a .quorum was. present. DATED this �44A ' day of June, 1990. Q E- Cassle Hansen, Town Clerk Town C(.runc.il I~'inutes 5/10,'90 Page 5 of 5