HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0607.TCRM.MinutesTOWN OF FOI. NTA IN H ILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOONTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL .TUNE 7. 1990 A public meeting of the Fountain: Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor John Cur.illo at 6:30 p.m.. Thursday. June 7, 1990. in the Fountain Hills School District Administration Building located at 1005 N. Del Camcre Ave.. Fountain; Hills, :Arizona. ROLL, CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mnycr John Cutillo. Vice Ylayor Mike _Nir,arsich and Councilmembers Marti Lemieux. Joe Bill, Charlie Fox, Peg, Tibbetts :and Lill O'Brien. Also present were Town nnager Pike ^1cNult , Town Attorney bill FarreLl and Town Clerk C.assie Hansen. AGENDA ITPM 0 - ,ACCEPTANCE OF .•APRIL 2G MAY 3RD LOTH &_ 24TH MEETING MINUTES Vouncilyoman Tibbetts made a M0_TID_N to adopt the minutes. SECONDED by Ccuncilman O'Brien: and CARRIED unanimously. -- AGENB!1_ITEM_03 - RESOLUTION 1990-17 - DECLARING THE TOWN CODE A PUBLIC RECORD Yr. explained that the Town Codes Subcommittee. chaired by Councilwoman Lemieux, had finished their work and were submitting the proposed code to the council for whatever action they wanted to take. Councilwoman Lemieux thanked the members of the subcommittee who she said did an excellent job - Fen Sparks, Dennis Regeski, Norm Lash, Wally Hudson and Harry Barber, who originally- chaired the committee. Councilwoman Lemieux then made a MOTION that the council :accept the Town Code Committee recommendation. SECONDED by Nayor Cutillo and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM OATH OF OFFICP ADMINISTERED TO NEW COUNCILMEMBERS Jim Bruner. Chairman man of the ?Ar•i copa Count- Board of Supervi ;ors . issued the oath of office to the sever; counci lmembers. Yr. . Bruner commended the interim council on the outstanding job they hAvo done- in or,*.anizin�; a young communit:- .and making thr Town of Fountain Hills something verb- special. AtL•'NDA ITEM %r`5 - PRESPNT.ATION BY JIM BRUNER Ar. Bruner presnr.ud Councilman ;uriliu Ath n set of Aticiat flags, the United Mates flag and the flag of the Store of Arizona. Before proceeding with the next ,agenda item, Councilman Cutillo thanked Joe Bill and Narti Lemieux for the great job they have done. AGENDA ITL'M Tf6 - SELECTION OF 2 AND 4-YEAR-TERMS BY COUNC.ILMEMBERS Councilman Cutillo explained that the council needed to decide how they would choose the terms thev would serve. Councilman Minarsich suggested drawing from .a deck of cards. Councilman Fox said he had seven slips of paper. 3 with number Town Council kinures 617/90 Page I of 5 2 and 4 with number 4. Councilman Cutillo said he had seven straws, Councilwoman Tibbetts said she would prefer the cards and made a MOTION to use cards for the selection process. SECONDED by Councilman Nin.irsich. Councilman Minarsich suggested that the method be that they c.ut the cards and the 4 highest cards draw 4 year terms and the nett 3 lowest cards have 2 year terms. He said jokers had been removed and aces are high — no wild cards. In the case of a tie he suggested a 'cut—off". Mr. Farrell said this method was perfectli -legal. The motion CARRIED unanimously. The clerk shuffled the deck and the draw was as follows: NA."1E DRAW TFP.Y Peg Tibbetts i _' yr Charlie. Fox 4 yr Mike. Ninarvich 9 4 yr John Cutillo 7 4 yr Frank Clark 2 "? yr Wally Hudson 5 2 yr Bill O'Brien 10 4 yr AGENDA_ITEM#7 — COUNCIL ELECTION OF MAYOR AND VICE MAYOR Councilman Fox NOMINATED Mr. John Cutillo, a man he described as working many long hours and who has done a good service to this community and done a good job as mayor. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts. Councilman Cutillo asked .if there waru any- other nominations. There were: none and the nominating motion CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Cutillo thanked everyone very much, said he appreciated the honor and would do the best job he could to continue to do whatever he could to make fountain Hills the best town in the state. Councilman Minarsich said it had been a great honor for him to serve as the Vice Mayor of Fountain Hills and he would like to see the remaining council members shire in that opportunity. He said he hoped with the adoption of the codes that a wav could be devised to rotate the position of Vice Mayor. He then said that he had been working with a man for _' and a half years who has contributed an undisputable number of hours, first in getting the town incorporated and theta ac an interim council member. Councilman Minarsich then NOMINATED Mr. Charlie Fox as Vice Mayor. _SECONDED byMayor Cutil-le and CARRIED unanimously. Thy. _Mayor then thanked Mr. Bruner for coming. AGENDA ITEM fl8 — APPROVING EXTENSION OF PREMISE._ PERMIT FOR (E BUENO Councilman _"dnarsich explained that this was a fund raiser for Michael. Monteleone. a six year old who requires a bone marrow transplant. He then made .(a MOTION to approve the ext:ensien of premise• porm.it for Que Bueno's Fiesta for Yichael. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. AGUHVk ITQM #9 — PREP ENTATION OF PINES AND PENALTIES BY MAGISTRATE Magistrate Shoob presented a proposed fine: ;:and penalty schedule for the magistrate court to the council. (attached) He said the proposed .fines are not wLitten in stone and that as all civil or criminal penalties, the fines are at Town Council Ninutes 617/90 Pace 2 of 5 the discretion of the magistrate at the time of trial and in the c_onrt. K. explained that certain traffic violations carry the right to attend school if the defendent is eligible A. has no; been to traffic school for _' rears prior. He said the cost to attend traffic school is $75.00 to the individual, paid to the school, in our case, the AZ Chapter of the National Safety Council. $25.00 of this amount goes to the school. 01.5.00 ;toes to the state and a $35.00 diversion fee comes back to Fountain Hills. Judge Shoob said if there are enough traffic violations in Fountain Hills and enough people who wish to attend traffic school then the course can be held out in Fountain Hills. AGENDA .ITEM #10 - POSSIBLE ACTION ON INVOCATION BEFORE COUNCIL MEETINGS Councilman Hudson said he asked to have this agenda item put on the agenda because he thinks having this connection is a good idea. He then made .a MOTION that the town manager be instructed to coordinate with the clergy of Fountain Hilts to establish a schedule for invocation at any regular or special meeting. SECONDED by Councilman Clark. Mayor Cutillo asked if Councilman Hudson was requesting that it be done at each meeting since some cities, such as Scottsdale, have it only once a month. Councilman Hudson replied that he was. The motion CARRIED with a majority of 6 votes. Councilman O'Brien cast I nay vote. AGENDA ITEM #11 - AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES Mr. McNulty stated that the FFP was jublished and Sent our and that there were 11 returns. He said he had put together a short list of 5 for the council and that he is stepping back on the recommendation (attached) because of his prior association with a number of the firms. He said they are all qualified. Mayor Cutillo made a _MOTION to accept O'Dell and Associates for engineering services because of the marked difference in fees. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. Councilman Clark asked if the checking of plans included engineering work. Mr. McNulty explained that no, it would only include that engineering work required to check structural details, footings, foundations, etc. He then explained that the "cost per hour" on his attachment was his calcul3t.i:-n, not an hourly rate proposed by the firms. There would be a fee schedule after each firm had performed the base hours of service as shown on his sheet. ^ayor Cutillo asked how many hours of engineering service. based on his experience, Mr. McNulty felt the town would need per month, 20 or 0. Nir. ylcNulty .said he felt it would be closer to 48 a month, especially at the beginning. Mayor Cutills said he had the advantage of looking at the bids and that when getting past the retainer amounts bid. O'Dell and Associates` fees were much lower. Councilwoman Tibbetts asked - :ghat the scope of engineering services were in the RFP sent out. Mr. YcNulty said it included getting the oper:KOE up and r0nni , assisting with the road maintenance program. functioning as a tnwu engiilr r which includes ipproval of plat maps that are filed and going over any engineerin;, wort: that comes in. Mayor Cutillo said O'Dell and Associates ran up to 50`a" lower than the others. McNulty read the fee schedules, following retainer, for O'Dell and the next - lowest bidder. Councilman O'Brien asked if there would be a benefit in the local experience and knowledge of Anderson -Nelson and Mr. McNulty replied there would be some. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Town Council Yinutes 6/7j9O Page 3 of 5 AGENDA ITEM #12 - AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR BUILDING _INSPECTION SERVICES Mr. McNulty said an RFP had been sent out: per the council request and hp T,-:e:s. recommending Carter Associates per his memo (attached). ffe said the` would charge 70% of the fees charged by :,Naricopa County. tie said he toss also recommending that the option to phase in the town's own service at the q month period be included in the contract. The contractor at that time would only take care of projects that they had started. the town taking any new permits. Councilwoman Tibbetts asked if the percentage would stay the same since we were going to a higher fee schedule than the county is using. Mr. McNulty replied that it would not. HP said the fse schedule charged by Carter would still be based on what the county is charging, regardless of what fee schedule was adopted. Councilman O'Brien asked what would happen if the county- changed it's fee schedule in the nett 9 months and ryir. McNulty -said the contract amount would be honored and the fee schedule would be called out exactly in the. contract. Stating that the local builders association strongly recommended contracting this service out :and that it looked Like the best way to go at this time. !Mayor Cutillo made a MOTION to hire the firm Carter Associates for a period of 9 months. SECONDED by Councilman Clark. Councilman Hudson said he believed it should be for i year with a 9 month option. Mayor Cutillo AMENDED THE MOTION to make it I year, SECONDED by Councilman Clark. Councilman Clark thanked the Builders Association for their assistance. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #13 - AWARDING THE CONTRACT_FOR AUDITING SERVICES Mr. McNulty, per his memo (attached), said that 8 CPA firms responded with the proposed amounts as indicated. Due to their proposed fee for the first 6 month audit, their proposed fee for the 2nd and 3rd year audits and their experience in municipal auditing, Mr. McNulty recommended Cronstrom & Trbovich. He said the end and 3rd year proposal amcunts are estimates and can vary depending on grants the town might receive, etc. rice Mayor Fos made a MOTION to accept the recommendation of the Town manager. SECONDED by Councilman Hudson. Mr. McNulty paid the council did not have to use the same firm all three rears but that it establishes a working relationship and makes succeeding audits easier. Councilman Hudson asked Mr. Farrell .if there was anything wrong with going into a three year contract of this nature. Mr. Farrell replied that usually the contracts of multiple nature require adoption of funds in chc budget to carry the c;ntr;:ect fori,ard and build and negotiate the contract. The motion CARRIED unanimously. At 9NUA ITF'.M #14 - ACTION ON RESOLUTION 1-16. REQUESTING LTAF hr. ^"c^;ulty explained that making a Krmal application for Local Transportation Assistance Funds is a yearly chore that every community must perform. He said that the resolution calls out the purposes for which the funds will be used and the town has the ability to designate 10A of it be used for culture and the arts but only if matching money of a non-governmenrAl nature is available. The fund has to trigger 23 million, the maximum that can be distributed to the cities and towns. If it doesn A hit 23 million then tho town cannot spend the 100'. Councilman Minarsich made a MOTION to adopt Resolution 1990-16 requesting local transportation assistance funds. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED Town Council Minutes 6%7/90 Page 4 of 5 unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #15 — CALL TO THE P(JBLIC No one addressed the council. AGENDA ITEM #16 — ADJOURNMENT Councilman y'inarsich made a MOTION_ t,-) adjourn, SECONDED by Councilman Clark -jnd CARRIED unanimously. The council adiourried at approtiwitcIs- 7:25 p.m. TOVIN OF HILLS John uti 1 _ tias o ATTEST: n Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the fcregoing mil.ut.os are a true and correct copy- of the minutes of the _regular meeting of the Town COLIIici1 04: Fou;:tain Hills held on the 7th dav of June, 1990. I further certift that th< was called and that :� quorum was present. DATFD this i7dti' of 1`%`�?. B. Hanen, Town Clerr. Town ::ottncll Yinutes 6 ' /,, 90 F:3gf• 5 OF 51