HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0619.TCWSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN Hl[,LS
TUESDAY, JUKE 19, 1990
A public work-study- session of the Fountain Hills Town Council was aor rened .and
called to order by _'Mayor John Cutillo at approximaWy 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, June
19, 1990 in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Offices locatod at 16836 E. Palisades
Bled., Building C, Fountain Hills, Arizona.
Present for the work'study session were Mayor John Cutil.lo and Councilmembers
Mike Minarsich. Peg Tibbetts, i•all_v Hudson .;and Frank Clari:. Ahssr-r t- were
Councilman Bill O'Brien and Lice Mayor Charlie Fox. Also present were Town:
Manager. Mike McNulty and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen.
The council decided to go through the codes page by page. Councilman O'Brien,
on a list he had left with concern_; and questions on the codes, had expressed
concern with some of the definitions. Yr. NcNulty explained that these were
fairly standard definitions from a legal and governmuntai perspective. Since
none of the other councilmembers had similar concerns, they moved can to the next
section. Councilwoman Tibbetts questioned the effective date of the codes and
Mr. McNulty said it would be noon on the 29th of June because the codes, adopted
with the emergency clause, would go into effect immediate>Iy and using noon as the
designated time just means that it would happen during the day when people were
around to enforce the codes .:as opposed to midnight. Seloction of mayor was then
discussed, Councilman Hudson proposing a yearly- selection in June or serving at
the pleasure of the council. Mayor Cutiilo said he favored the direct election
of mayor to alleviate politicinh amongst the councilmembers. Councilman.
'tinarsich said he felt the council was in a better position to choose a mayor
amongst themselves than the public simply because they had the oppertuni.ty° to
work together in closer proximity. C'ounci.iwomnn Tibbetts said she did not like
the idea of changing the mayor every year because there was much to be said for
continuity. Mr. McNulty said serving at the pleasure of the council would cause
the mayor to be constantly politicing. looking over his shoulder to make sure he
wasn t Losing favor amongst the counciilmembers. He was not even sure if statute
would allow the yearly selection of the mayor. Councilman Hudson said he can
understand the concerns expressed by the other mombers but that he can also see
a potential problem of a major overstepping his nuthority. Mr. McNulty
reiterated the Mayor's concern that hoc,- the mayor votes, it he is ser; in,:; at the
pleasure of the council, can be affected becauso it he votes against i other
people on the council on an issue, those Name ; can vote him Dirt as mayor at the
next meeting. He further stated that the lay; makes pr- ision for the removal of
the vice mayor but not the mayor. He also sod there arcs enough problems as a
brand new council, finding out what government is all about, without asking for
problems nu the council. Mayor Cutillo said he wouldn*t h:avc ..a problem with
adding 'gat the pleasure of the cc-;uncil- to the code if that was the concensus of
the council. Councilman Minarsich was uncomfortable that there appeared to be
no provision for removing a mayor if it became necessary. Mr. McNulty said if
the law is silent. you can't do it and that is one of the benefits to having a
charter because if something isn't specifically denied .in the law or is silent,
Town Council Yinutes a 19/90
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it ,can be done. This is the big difference in a general cite and a chart er r rI N.
because a general law city- can only do what they- are specifically permitted to
do in the law. It was the general consensus of the council to add "who shall
serge at the pleasure of the council to the codes.
Councilman Hudson's concern that a councilman who resigns cannot be hired by the
town until after the completion of their term plus 1 year was discussed.
The council then discussed the selection of the vice mayor and decided to ge t,ith
month rotating terms. with the councilmembers with 2 year terms filling the
first 3 terms. Yr. McNulty said putting in the code "determined by lot- would
take care of how th- selection process takes place. The starting point wouid be
the first meeting in June.
It s clarified that the mayor does not. need permission to be gone over a
certain length of time, simple that he gives the council notice that he will be
In response to a concern of Councilman O'Brien's, Yr. YcNulty said that legally,
a cr;crr,cilmember can be compelie:l to attend a meeting to assure that membr-rs don't
boycott a meeting to affect a vote.
Consent agendas were discussed and clarified. Councilmembers were assured that
.an item could be removed from the consent agenda if one member wished to discuss
A before voting on it.
In Section 2-+-5, the council discussed how items should be put on the agenda.
Councilmembers expressed concern that as it reads, anyone, including citizens,
could put something on the ..agenda. It was the general consensus of the council
to modify the text so that the town manager and councilmembers can put items on
the agenda.
Powting and publ=ishing requirements were discussed.
Councilman O'Brien questioned the enumerated treasurer duties being removed from
the town clerk's job description. Mr. McNulty stated that :;rate law only states
th.it thy• town clerk shall be the treasurer but does not call out what the
:;ah7 quent Auties shall be,. He said it was probably better that an accountant:
WAIF thethe,y day to dafinancial accounting and finances as the clerk has other
duel. s to do.
Department heads and when they would be named ,;ere discussed, fir. McNulty
advised that the council may [,'ant Lo consider having the town mar•shall also serve
is the code WorrPment of `7 c'er because someone. WA have 4; be out there to
ntarre all the codes.
In Section 1-5, :after discussiai, on responsive and responsible, the Counci I
riL,sided responsive should be changed to responsible because all bidders that have
responded are not necessarily responsible. This: change also affects 3-3-7 where
respunsi ve heeds to be ch ange3 bads to responsible. Councilman Hudson pointed
o"t that there were more places this ch:angp would need to take place.
!" Wi`UILI ,said he has intotmarior for Paul Lo k',o o;er and mzal•:e .9 recewnTlendation
to the council on 3 civil preparedness pLAn.
un page 9, Councilman Clark found a typo ir. the duplication of town
`:r. Yc ulty su gest= 1 chat .suction _ -i-V shou .I rea+-i .as C' )nested by t'he court
and paid to the town as per rules and regulations or approved procedures.
On page: % Council O'Brien had a problem WA i, :section 5-5-1 because there was
no mention of compensation in th- section. Councilman Hudson read a sentence
Ohio was in the original coder stating that the court clerk shall serve for such
:salary as ma;- bp determined by the council and that that part was not supposed
to h9ve been left out.
Town Council Minutes b 1990
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Mr. McNulty clarified that Article 5-x c", tho public defender- was to- Uo -t.our;,
but that the council can male the judge aware of the procedure they want him r-
follow in determining indigency.
On page 42, Mr. McNulty said chy necrian an Anim"Is wculJ bp changed when
league had the update from the new county contract.
On page 50. 7-1-1-A-6, would probably be deleted - he's nei 2r qPen thit ode
we have no copies.
11. McNulty emplainpd that anything that -urr-Mll exists and is being used it
the time the codes are adopted will be grandfathered in after adoption ovun
they are non-confornAng. It has tG by out of use for A , par before it 104-S i t
right to exist.
The council
then came Lo Lhe business section and
expl.ii,,ied that
the �-*h,-Imbr has
asked for
a delay on this section until they
have chance
to p-,li r
Councilman Clark inl-d hhy the Nm ion
an vending machinps had been
removed and
Councilman Hudson said the committee
felt ohpr- was
no need at thj�--
time since
there did not Seem tO bu UaL Man) nenairy
in town.
The council adjourned the worK study sessioc at approximately 7:00 F.M.
Von N. V ta 1 m4yor
Cassie B. Hansen, --Town Clerl.-
I hereby certify that the toregoi . ng minAps :ire' a true anq rorrecr copy of the
minutes of the workstudy the Town CounTA of Fountain Hills held on the 19th
of June, JQ10. I further certify that rh, mectinn oaL duly : nll& npd that a
quorum was present.
DGED this 004--- day of June, 1000.
Massie R. Hansen,
Town GeV
Town � juncil hinat(A 0 IP 00
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