HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0621.TCRM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
JUNE 21, 1990
A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called t,-
order by ,Iayor John Cutilio at b:30 p.m., Thursd.av, June 21, 1',90, in the
Fountain Hills School District Administration Buildi,l,- located -It i4('10 X. Del
antbre Ave., Fountain, FIil.Is, _lr17ona.
ROLL CALL - Follow.ing
the pledge to
the flag and the invocation by Don L.awrenc•c,
of Christ's Church,
roll call was
taken. Present for
roll call wr,re thc,
following members o
the Fountain Hills Town. Council: Mayor John Cutilln and
Councilmembers wally
Hudson, Frank
Clark, Peg Tibbetts
and Ylike I'"in,r�=ich.
Abscnt were Vice r`a,•or
Charlie Foy:
and Councilman Eill `'Brien.
.Also preser.*
were Town �1:3nager ti'ike
McNulty, Town
Att•arnet Bil.I Farr•c,F1
and Town Cl.-rk
Councilman Hudson made a MOTION ghat the minutes be tabled until the next regular
meeting since he had jrlst gotten them and hadn't had a chance to read them.
SECONDED by Councilman Clark and CARRIED unanimously.
Vendv and Dorri Voods supplied the council with a handout e.r-plain_ ru.r the
purpose of the youth council, ideas for pro_.iects, set up, members and meetings
{.attached). The girls. who lice in Fount-l.in Hills, have been membirrs: of the
Scottsdale Mayer's Youth Council ,i-hich they feel has done alot for that
cummunit:v. The would like to see ,t :similar group formed in Fouut.lir Hills to
d,, the same type of things for our community-. Thee further said that the purpose
of thc- group is to help promote youth le,�idership a_,: wolf get troubled teens
back on track. The youth group would help the- existin, events in the town,
sponsor a clean up dav, tutor elementar•i and junior high school ,;t:udetits and
fulfill the community's needs .as they ari-6 To set up, the, -must: have an adult
,idvisor .and then- would appreciate the council 's help in finding orle. In
Scottsdale, the advisor was the Director cf youth Sor%lces f^r the -itv. Members
of the group would be 9th thru 1?th gr;iders who are residents of Fnuntain Hills.
Meetings would be twice a n,ontll :and mpmbers 1.•ould have to fill out
an application i Kplaining why they Mint to be on the coCnct'1. In. Scottsdale, the
c_iti-provided the council with .? .sm. li arrount: of f,:nd..n lccr posters, etc. t!- let
tht> communit-v know what the j;rnup tG:t�- �IGIn,.;. 6Ul"1CLi:i1."111 Ln."lrs].^.h requested that.
this be put on the agenda as s:)on as possibjl the council could vote on
forming the Yavor's Council.
Mr. McNulty referred to his list of furniture needs (attached) to make Town Hall
operational on July 1st. He explained that since the list had been compiled, he
had been informed of an office going out of business in Tucson that was selling
Town Council ^?mutes 6, 21,'90
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all of their furni Lure. He went to Tucson the d.a-v bc4ore ;and focu.d nrar}
that Town Hall could use at prices that woulJ cut his original ti";urc; c`
$2,545.00 to $1,521.00. Yr. McNulty pointed out that the furniture that he ::ould
get from Tucson would include items not on the original list but included in nett
year's budget and needed soon such as a drafting table, flat files, work tables,
a counter to be used at the door, a desk and credenza for the planning director,
boot: cases, etc. He said the price n .a11 the items he was interested ir,
purchasing from them would come to $1,221.60. He said this price would include
all of the desks needed at present. all of the chairs except the side chairs and
many items in addition to the original list. The only items remaining to be
purchased from the original list are the side chairs for $200 and some odd
dollars and the 3 telephones for $660.00. It was explained to the council that
the second page of items (attached) was for the court and separate from the
totals Mr. McNu1tTM• was discussing. Councilman Minarsich asked if there was a
bottom Line fi;ur•e available for all items needing to be purchased at this time.
Mr. McNulty replied that there was the $1,221.60 for the used furniture plus the
$92.1.00 for the side chairs and phones that have to be purchased new totalling
around 52,100.00 which includes all the extras not on the original list. He said
the $1,22.1.50 includes the 4 executive desks, 1 credenza, 1 secretarial desk, 3
executive chairs. 4 side chairs for the waiting area, 1 secretarial chair, 2 work
tables for computers, 3 folding work gables, 3 book cases 42" high, 9
wastebaskets at .80 each, 1 drafting table and chair, 1 drafting lamp, 2 work
cabinets, 241i36 flat plane 4 drawer files, 1 30X42 flat file, 2-4 drawer filing
cabinets at $40.00 less 2010. Including the amount requested by the magistrate,
Councilman Clark said that the total amount requiring authorization was $3,225
while Mr. McNulty came up with a total of $3,126. Mayor Cutillo made a MO'lIQN
to authorize payment in the amount stated by 1TM_'r. McNulty which was $3,142.00.
SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously.
J'Avor Cutillo reminded the group present that under the law, the council could
riot respond but only listen to what the public had to say. The council then
heard comments, complaints aril concerns from residents living on and around
Palmer Play including Sara Smith, Rot: Kright, Rol Kinsey, Helen Iviclosie, Eddie
Petroff, Austin Sandrock, Everett Smith, Ylike Stevens, Kent .tilartinsvn and Ken
Sparks. Complaints included not knowing when a decision was going to be made on
this issue, riot knowing the posting places, the ironvenience of a right turn
only, the council'c7 perceived disregard for the straw vote where a majority of
the neighbors present at a subcommittee meeting voted in favor of a stop light
at that corner, the feeling that removin the bushes would improve the situation
.arloquateiy enough to make a right ttarn on],,- unneces sarv, the fact that nothing
has been done about the bushes Yet, the feeling that having to make a U-turn to
g`t to one's home is hazardous. that making right turns at that corner is more
dangerous than turning left, that going by the clubhouse is too -inconvenient and
would make dangerous conditions ut. in that: area and th.5t a comprehensive traffic
safety plan should be developed before lights start going up on a case by case
basis. I'Vike Murphy spoke on what he, felt was mishandling by the interim
government on the inspection services REP and that he hoped this new council
would do a better job of handling jobs coming up for bid.
Town Council Yinutes 6'21%90
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Councilman i'inarsich made a MOTION to Adjourn, SECONDED b2 Councilwoman TibberL ; .
One woman asked if the council had ev-r con.- idered putting .in a c:autiun 1 ight and
Mayor Cutillo explained that the count- had only giver them -+ options and :i
caution light was not one of the options. Khen asked it this issue - uld not be
readdressed, Mayor Cutillo told the group to feel free to weal; to an.�-
councilmember or himself regarding their connern3. The motion CARRIED
unanimously. The council adjourned at approximately 7: 10 p.m. and to.A. a start
break before going into the work study session.
Town Council minutes 6121 90
P gp 3 A 6
JUNE 21, 1990
The Mayor called the work/study session to order at approximately 7:30 p.m.
The council began their review of the codes by hearing from Shirley Kright, the
President of the Chamber of Commerce. .She gave the council the results of a looll
the chamber took which represented 122 of the membership. 63 members responded
yes and 59 responded no to the question do you think a business license fee is
needed. As far as what the membership felt the fee amount should be, the results
were :as follows:
$100.00 16
50.00 24
25.00 26
10.00 1
no fee 35
undecided 20
Mrs. Fright then read a resolution stating that the Chamber opposes the adoption
of a business license fee as written in the proposed Fountain Hills Town Code at
this time. They further recommended that a subcommittee be appointed by the
council in cooperation with the Chamber to further study the matter of a business
registration license and reach a viable solution to benefit all parties
concerned. She went on to state that there were many struggling businesses in
town at this time and many have trouble paying their Chamber dues and that she
hopes the council considers their resolution. Cedes Subcommittee member Norm
Lash explained that they studied 7 different town codes to come up with the final
code for. Fountain Hills and the business license section was taken from Sedona.
He said the $100.0 license fee is in line with other cities and towns and this
would come out to less than twenty seven and a half cents a day to be licensed
to do business in Fountain Hills. !Ken Sparks said the licenses should be revenue
neutral and cover only the cost to administer the fees, which $100.00 should ,just
about cover. Councilman Minarsich made mention that there are .it. least 700
business listings in the phone book, probably about 500 of those falling into the
category of businesses required to be licensed in Fountain Hills. He said based
on a fee of $35.00 that would bring in $17,500 a year in revenues and almost
cover the amount plugged into the budget. He does not feel the budget
requirements would fall short based on a fee of $35.00. Mayor Cutillo said he
is not opposed to a license fee, is not sure of it need but: that it might: give
the town a way of knowing who and what kind of businesses we do have. He further
:Mated that the $35.00 fee seemed reasonable to him. Bruce Hansen said he didn't
feel the idea of a license was to keep businesses out and charging out of town
businesses twice as much would do just that +nd th.:it -c of r100.00 would *ive
us the distinction of having the highest license fee in the state. Councilman
Minarsich said one of the benefits of a .license foe and registration would be
statistical analysis - categories of businesses could be examined so the town
could solicit types of businesses that were ,scarce_ or non-existent. Councilman
Hudson said that citizens would now come to Town Hall with complaints about
Town Council mutes 6/21/90
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businesses and it would be necessary for the town to be apprised A what tht :,_
businesses are. He also felt that the nouncil could ._.tart with a higher fee a1•:a
over the next q mouths have the town manager monitor th(costs involved _ :N
Tees could be re-evaluated for the foll,nin g year and adjustpd accordingly. Mr.
Farrell explained if someone did not comply with the license requirement: that
a complaint would be filed with a zoning inspector or a business: l0pnt:p officer:
the town clerk would obServp Or take th- complaint ann1 file it in Jow Nrm And
it would be settled in the magistrate court. "r. Yr-Nulty- that: any -
violation of a town cede is a misdemeanor and punishable by up to .a $1,00P fice'.
H, further stated that a businenz tet t.az is a regulatory measure and was no!
intended to be reienue generating. The council further discussed the pros and
nns of hiding higher fees for out or tons businesses. Councilman ^inarsich
raid he felt economic: development was the botCom line and higher fees would not:
encourage businesses to come here. The reuncil unofficially polled themselves:: -
Councilmembers Tibbetts and Minarsich supported .a $35.00 fee and Counci loran
Hudson supported a $50.00, Councilman Clark supported somewhere iIn between ti 35. UU
and $50.00 and Mavnr Cutiilo said he could go with either one because he could
see valid concerns on both sides. It was decided to think about it and come up
with .a revommeridation when adopting the codes. This concluded the discussion, on
business license fees and the council went back to the beginning of the section
to review the codes page by pago .
Tl?e icouncil d_ismmsed the licen.ar- fee for boxing exhibitions and it was
recommended to drop the entire item since the only times admission was charged
for boxing vxhibition� In the past, the money had gone to a charitable cause.
Ken Sp3rLs advised that if yon doWE care if something in going on then: drop it
off th:' fee sch"-dule' if _;"ou want to lie all:are of it and want to b- able to
control it, leave it on. In section 8-2-1U, police was to be changed to law
enforcement .authority. Yr. Nc':ult,v brought up that r4nv were 3 different
dp `init i-ns for abandoned vehicle, Appearing in JO-2-1 and 11-1-1.
He further st ated that: when you viel, an ,abandoned vehicle, there is a specific
_ rocedurn in the law to abate, to `et rid of them and anything else that says
that, you will be e1pPcted to enforce what your definitions are. if you have _'
different definitions of what an abandoned vehicle is you are only going to be
able to do what the state law vv_, And that nonyvals. fir. Farrell said thv,
Noll. ,clean up the dt—fivitionq and re-Krite fur consistency. The dlfferen ee
betns n inoperative and abandoned was di.sru; sed. The council discussed Soction
10-2-Q, prohibiting the distribution of handbills and after much discussion,
do ,-idlfrd to .leave .t in. Section 10-2-15, Councilman Qark said Se come" should
be 1 word. Section 10-3-2, ghould be law enforcement ag-nry instead of authorip-
lust as on page W On page 30, the number of _allowable days was contr.adictory
it was decided to star with 15 days barore an offenr:e ,-c,,,urr.ed. Section IJ-1-
13restricting ribe water flow on town Wreets, was discuss:rd ::is well as
apitting on streets. Both werF left as written. lien Sparkq brought up a no
smr'i�ing crdiranCe with very littip .support. :1 d eietND in sect -ion 12-2-2 on Vio-
85 was discussed and "?r. Farrell explained that it had been done because the
sheriff's department will not site criminal misdemeanors under the town uudc and
v.iclators will have to be charged under Title 2S. Once Fountain Hills has it's
own police department, the deleted spcti.on would then be replaced. On page 88,
section 12-2-12 B, Mayor Cutillo felt that garbage-: trucks should be e-ccluded from
thu restrictions and Mr. McNulty concurred. Councilman Clark brought up the
Town Council Minures 60100
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problem of one
of the trash companies tr.ansferri.n trash between _' truck— o,;
toil'n streets and it was decided Le.
to the new malla er to handle.
n .
McNulty said that Section 12-2-12 Ttias lntenjed
t�, prevent. ;'eh1:"1e5
. *' •;r_
parking on the
residential streets by
prohibiting iftem frC?Iti drii ink, on
t ,_.
streets. Mr.
Farrell said the council
will have to designate some rout'
as a
truck route.
Mr. McNulty- said the torn
engineer: will act the flood conr.rol
inspector who
will check the applicants
calculation,. N'r. Earr:I? i-
cotinc i l :aouI d
be adopting the Mari copa
County- subd i vi s i or. regular I i 5
L N-
reference and
it will be a chapter in the
Mayor Cutillo adjourned the meeting at 9:22 p.rr..
By-: -- -- '------------
.Toftil A tl
Cas ie B. Hansen, Toi,:n Clerk
I hereby certify that rho foregoing minutf _ are a true ,and contact copy of the
minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Fourltairl Hills held an the
21st day- of June, UUU. 1 further certify that the meetint; was duly called and
that a quorum was present..
DATED this day of Aine, 1900.
L . H-inen. Town Clerk, -----
Town Council �linut��s 6 `'i ?0