HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0628TCSM.MinutesTOWN 01F FOUNTAIN HILLS MIND ES OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS 'TOWN COUNC.II. ,JUKE 28, 1990 special session of the Fount sin Hill Town Council. opert t,., the public, was conrened and called to order. tY Ya-Nor John Cutilio at appro_imatelc• 6: 1 p.m.. Thitr. d_tc. June 28. 1990 lri the Fountain Hills School Admiuistrat ion Puildir�r located at 14 0` N. Del Cambr" eve., Fountain Hi11s. Ari ona. ROLL CALL - Before t_rkint:- roll call , ', ie flag has pledged and an invocation r::;s -)ft red b-,- Rey. Steve Gilbertson from the Fountain Hills Community Church. Present for roll call were the following• members of the Fountain Hills Town Coutic 11: Y'19 °or John Cutillo, ox and Councilmc,mbers Frank Clark. Kali' 12ttdson. Pei, Iiblot�tis and Nike .Absent wa`- l,oun_limari O Brien. also present wore Tol,�r '77an.:igeI- Paul �+ord1n, Tot,7n Attorney Bill Farrell, inter rr, Town �,_ari:a er N.ike and Town Clerk Lassie Hansen. _AGFND.A ITEM #? - ACCEPTANCE DI. THE JUKE 14, 19 and 21 1990 MINTITL'S irncilman l�l.irt::trsic-h made a MOTION tc> accept the meetir:g minutes of the .14th of June, the lath of June and the 216t of June. SECONDED by ;ourlcilman Hudson. Counciliwin Clark asked that the recc:rd she>w that on the minutes of the Tuesday, June 19 meeting, page. 3, a ferc Imes down where rt. starts out by saying "on page =t� 7-1-1-A-,, he said he beli,- -ed that the cour.c.il also discussed 1-1-A-5 wtric•h a• : shown a c^de datf�•(j ir, ? )'s2 .-ind ^'cNiulty said it shc;u.ld be 1988. �U, -v Said a ne•j pa-r 5-: hate ,o be added in the code book show' tllE C'Jrr['('t1'�rt bE?C7uSe it Nag on theCh.9n,;E`� that !t'ed .S11pj�C'd throtl�Ti1 the cr.s:cl.s. Ity further _.tat_ud th when rile council msd their motion evening t,, adept tlip rodo. this would be oriE, of rho changes that they would include in the motion to be made prior f—I the codes, Adoptlotl. CounCi.1woman Tibbetts said th_tt a n:+rnr-, t;ef-'Jed to !-vivp it s speIiin; changed in the minutes of 6'21,1'90 in the c�y11 rn the public:. Helen name ..as misspelled. The motion CARRIED trnsnirnousl�•. ---- AGENDA ITEM #3 - CLOSING TOWN HALL, FOR 171E, JULY 4TH HOLIDAY ti'tycr Cut11-In made a _MOTION that tht- for the JuIv 4th holiday. SECONDED by CounciIwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unan1mousI V;VNDA ITEM #4 - ESTABLISHING A PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CutiLlo elp.lained t[i:1�, the r��v.on f:�r t.hr� atend-; item and thr_� .:{tt:iched 3ri71't e Gf at; yi'! J at 1C'1? tGrIG fi [ E?rt- t".l_ t put l tl MCI Jrt the j rOCf'Ss for `tt1 n�� i'; plannln�; andC1 he f Ir 1 t a eud 1de 1 to �t a d�te r;hert the council s+JU_l b�>.�~In acceptln_� .ap-.lrCatlOns and interyier,ing ipp.l �.arrt:� for the cOnunisr;ion. ,ice �',av( Fol, —,iid he tt-lt it was .si -ood idea t-: let_ a couple weeba go bY so the I:al:er could inform the public that WpllCatlons -,erf be] [I,, tl l7t. ?r. YcNult_v 3'lyised that the Cotlncll. also consider choesin�- the Board of Adiustment since them had already- been a few rf--hosts for varisnce1' roquesred that there be :,A i,or•k studv 2sslOn Or the subject prior to mating a decision since it wa t:nrlenr hog; Minutes of the, Town Council 6/28/90 Page 1 of 0 familiar the council was with a board of adjustment. it'_ power _3n-+ responsibilities. He said these are formidable and the council should b_ nn r- of the scope involved. Councilwoman 'Tibbetts felt it important for the work/study to include the P & Z Board so they could get an idea of what qualifications would be needed for the people who will sit on this board. Councilman Clark suggested the application form be firmed up at this cticrk'study session also. Mr. McNulty told the council that if this was going to become a long selection process, the council should consider appointing themselves the initial Board of Adjustment at the next regular meeting so there will be a vehicle in place to handle variance requests. To expedite the application process. Councilman Clark suggested that the Mayor and the Town Manager sit down and revise and condense the sample application to a form that would be appropriate for Fountain Hills. Vice Manor Fox made a MOTION that the Town Manager and the Mayor take the Gilbert application, modify- it to best suit the Town of Fountain Hills and at the same time, go forth and put an ad or art.i.cle in the paper, stressing the desire for applicants to come forth and get these applications at Town Hall so that the application process can go forth as soon as possible. SECONDED by Councilman Clark. Mayor Cutillo suggested there be a deadline date get. Vice Mayor Fox AMENDED THE MOTION to say that applications should cease on or before the 25th. with the close of business, which is a Vednesday. Councilman Clark SECONDED the amended motion. The amended motion CARRIED unanimously. The original motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM # - AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EX£:CU7E AN IANTERGOVEILNMEN'lAI AGREEMENT WITH MARICOPA COUNTY TO COVER BUILDING .INSPECTIONS AFTER DULY 1ST Mr. McNulty explained that the council had voted some time ago to authorize the county to continue inspections after July 1st: on projects started prior to July 1st but that an IGA was required. Councilman Hudson made a MOTION to .adopt the intergovernmental agreement with Maricopa County regarding building inspection services. SECONDED by Vice Ma; -or. Fox and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #6-_CON7R_ACTING WITH _THE CIVIC ASSOCIATION FOR LEASING MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER A.ND PURCHASE OF COMMUNITY CENTER ASSETS Councilman C.larl, made a MOTION that the council approve entering into an agreement with the Civic Association for the management services. Councilman hinarsich SECONDED the motion to get it into discussion. Major Cutillo said the contract price was more than he had last been told and Vice Mayor Fox concurred. Councilwoman Tibbetts explained that there was some up to date information that Councilman Minarsich had on his copy and Councilman Yinarsich then explained that the contract price had been scaled down to $8.400 and that amount should be plugged into item 6 on the contract. He said they would need to get a break down to plug into the monthly cost section. He added that in item 11, all copies should have been corrected to show a change from oO .lals to 90 days .and that item 12 should read "by the Association, or contract arrangements". He further stated that the contract had been approved by the attorney. Councilman Hudson expressed concern, for the wording of paragraph 10 and that it could be taken care of by saying "bodily injury including personal injury". He also felt the dollar amount should be one million to cover both liability and property damage. In order to make the necessarl changes in the motion, Counc.ilmembers Clark and Yinarsich Minutes of the Town Council 6128190 Page 2 of 9 withdrew the motion and second. It was then discussed if purchasing tr- ;sets should be included in the motion and some of the members had reservation ✓ith approving the purchase of the assets without seeing; the li: t ahead o± time. Councilman Minarsich explained that the list showed all the items which made the Community Center work and the price for all the items was figureJ at 50 rents on the dollar. The price on the list was replacement value and the sell price was half that amount. Councilman. Hudson expressed concern at haven_- to act on_ something without having the materials to review ahead of time and asked if the contract could be voted upon at a later date. Mayor Cutillo said he felt the Civic Association was anxious to get it done and Mr. McNulty stated that something needed to get put in place because the building was being maintained and managed without benefit of any agreement whatsoever. Vice Mayor For suggested temporarily approving the agreement pending a _ week review. Councilman Clark made a MOTION that the council approve the a-greement with the corrections and changes as discussed. SECONDED by Vice Mayor For and CARRIED unanimously. In response to a question by Councilman Hudson regardin; the forms being used at the Community Center, Councilwoman Tibbetts :s-tated that the Civic Association was working with the attorney on the forms presently being used, making necessary changes and at the next printing, the forms would reflect the town's position. AGENDA ITEM #7 — ACCEPTING THE ROAD DISTRICT DEEDS AND _AUTHORIZING THEIR RECORDING Mr. Farrell said the final deeds woulJ be reviewed the following day at 10:00 (W a.m. and that staff was recommending that the council authorize the acceptance of the deeds and their rc,-:ordation .+:; soon .as they're prepared. He said that 2 of the 4 districts have executed all of their deeds and that he hoped by next `ond_ay or Tuesday they would have all of the deeds back, signed and ready to take to the County Recorder's office. He said their were very few discrepencies and missing .legal descriptions and they would give the council a complete report at the next meeting showing where the few discr.epenies were found. A motion could be made now to .accept the deeds and authorize the recording of the deeds :✓ith the receipt of the signed documents from the road districts. (Mayor Cutillo made the MOTION as stated previously by th, attorney. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Fox -arid CARRIED unanimously. _AGENDA ITEM #8 — APPROVING THE CONTRACT WITH MARICOPA COUNTY ANIMAL. CONTROL "r.:cNulty explained that this was a standard agreement that all the cities in the county had executed if they wsnted the county to handle their -leash lai•,- and r t;icz control. Mayor Cutillo commented that there was no price an the contract and hr. McNulty- explained that an established amount had been ,set at $3, 500 which was a maNimum amount for the year. That amount is figured by anticipated fees and revenues the county will take in on licenses, etc. If the_% -take in more, the county will charge the town a lesser amount at Che end of the ,year so the $3,500 amount could be less. The option to contracting with the county is for the town to perform this function itself c;hich requires a"kennel or some other holding facility pursuant to state law. Councilman Minarsich made a MOTION to approve the contract with the ^Nfaricopa County Animal Control as attached. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts. Barb Y-unginger expressed her concerns because the county Minutes of the Town Council 6/28/90 Page 3 of 9 has done little to enfnrce the leash jaw, !q. to ;nP point And nht tlv existing town staff should he able to handle this area of enforcpmpnt keeping the revenues solely in the town. Mr. VNuity explain-d to have snm,-n- out here. patrolling the streets anj enforcins animil control evpry dal wwN& cost $30,000 a year from the county. Bob Hickey asked if the town had don,(- studies on how murh it would cost to set up their own animal conorn! cippartmvvt . Yr. YoNtilty replied that no studies had bean donz por !;e but that. in sodon;, tj`ic� had to hire their own and had to pay $27,000 to the Humane Society Nr Lent, l facilities alone, staff and other --sts p"aing the total cost t- nvor 10,901 A 5-ear. Barb Yunginger complained that the council was moving too fast anj To - reiQ to spend money on a service that the count- has never satiifactoril% performed in the past. Erna Charles asked it the contract could be cancelled in the future if we were not happy with the services received and was told rhAt there was a 90 day cancellation clause in the contract. Mayor Cutillo said h,--, felt it necessary to have some sort of dog control in pince And recommended rnnt the 7ouncil approve the contract anj use it for 90 days but in the meantime, he asked Barb hinginger if she would serve on n committee to investigate the tuturp development of our own system. After 90 days the council could then act on the committees findings and recommendations. She said She would be happy, to but that shp still felt the council Fhould not act on the contract before them. Alien members of the audience became our of order, the Mayor restored order by stating that all comments must be addressed to the chair. HP declared that there had hoen enough discussion and called for 'he vote. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGEIND. TEM 9 - APPO A - PROS ECUTER FOR TIIP Mr. Farrell stned that an ad had NYN run in the local paper about a month ago 5HPhing possibip candidates for the office of Town Frosecuter but no local re-punses had been received. Hn said they did have a response from the firm of faravino and Kay-ler from Scottsdulp which currently has the contract Kith both thy towns of Caretrep and Gave Croak. He said tho rare is $55.00 per hour with � n�nhly miniumm rerainpr of $500.00 per mruch against whicb the town would be billed. Both attorneys are experienfed in this area and Mr. Farrell recommend& thit as long as no one romp Ent-th locally far th& position, thqt the town retain the firm of lacovino and Ka3ler to handy prosecution in the town 7curt . Yiyar C"ttl to stated that one parson had applied but that he was fulli employed it) another community. The Mayor made a _KffrION to accept Mr. Farrell's reroanendstion. SECONDED by Councilman Yin arsich and CARRIED "nanimousiv. ACPNOA UPM #10 - RICONSIDERTIr 11HP, �R TRA17TjC -,M RAj,M1, - WAY PROBU Councilman Qark went over the memo he had distributed to the council thn day - before (attached). He 0arified Qu !hn 'Q linip in tn- second paragraph 0ould rnw! "--- mould allow 30" to thy 'co ef an! r2aNr&g-_. To aisn saij that Q the third paraKrnph, third line, ''Hsieh brnkor strip,w in Nsween- Should h" -paint brwhpn xLripps insi& to form A earn pnchrr". He then made a NCT70N that the council recind the motion m3de several waw eeks g- `hat ould eliminArn Uy Jett hand turn using diagram F and instead. loss a motion to removp any remaining shrubbery and trees in the right of way tc Hagen Wash, Parcel D. and to Lot 7, Plocl; 4. Plat 101-A. which is it thy' c-rnpr of Saguaro and Indian VPINS, and relocarp UP 35 MPH speed limit Pign to a point scnrb of Palmer Kay in shown an Minutes of the Town Council 6/2B/90 Page 4 of 9 A luf tration 2, that point an Sapunrc south if Pnjm�-r KA, [in "Id he it vhp r, IL lot line of that erne.~ lot. SECONDE-D b! CuunAIN-man Tihbett, 7 jr. qjvoc 5 Said he f­!� it ,-cuIA L)�� b- council was expected ro vote on recinding something. Hy said ho would ha, - vote no unless he knew what they were 'going W. Ca"noilman c!' ry n,jj h, f,!t this mction would stand on in 's own and would solv- the situation bat ther, ,nothev step thAr 00111i he WeL iS Le rqm9ye the Wand in nhe middi, nt nquart,, an! reglarr it with pavpmen Onj Proper strip ilk M Norm a turn po&w. For n rpeommends def9rring thp second pirt to 1 to 0 months because he doenor feel that it's essen7inl LhAt that bo dono until thE first step" are taken and -- detprminwion made is to host wo:l the prabOm has been resolved. He snA it No! - been estimated that removing the island and forming the turn porker an"ll be don? Eat: " ut �omprhing less that $5.000 And S&Lv thO COSt WIS Minimal, there wo-,. no rensan to rush to have it Ann at this tjm=, Yaror QtAlo roncurred with Visa Yaror Fox that he oculd not icto for the motion unlos-, it 'n­ll led 1 j, 4 -1 remo,.­,! of the island median. Oro k9yor For stressed that his reasmng wad ju,� to the fact that the county enniNeering department had adlised that a sater;- hazard existed and would continua to esist it shrub removal was the on1v step taken. Mayor (_utille said thit Aning lar months waiting for an accident tc) happen before taking out the median is asking for trouble and he would rather proceed with it 's removal immediately. Cnuncilman Clark said that if there was a concensus to do all the work at the same time then he would certainly not oppose it and amend his motion to include that portion. Councilman Clark Wn anAMF..NDE,_DJNI(XrrOJN to recind the motion alimin,aring the Oft hand turn usinf- diagram E and pass a motion to remov, any remaining shrubbery and trees in the right of way to Hogan Wash, that 's ray, door to that lot, and to Lot 7, Block 4, PIAt 101ni. hhich 0 the lot at the corner of Saruarn and IndOn Kellen and re locate the 35 ?:PH spaq! limit sign to a point south of Palmer Hay is indicared on UP map fattAchodi and to runmp tha island And the median it Palmer hit nnl Saguarc and replace the parem-nr and corip ing to form a turn pockct. YO,or (htlllu SIOMPEP the motion. Are Mayor Fay n,sid h- had again talked to the --way Pngiuper regarding the turn p"cker plan.. The rounty engineer nould not Pnjorse the plan although h- m7reed it would by satpr chin it is noN, Cauncilm3r, R"cls"n asked the strorrivy it thorn Tvys an), suph requirtinn"t in On, stat- of Arizona requiring an engineer ra make a study and recommendation in cases such .IS this. Nr. Farrell replOd An, l)-ol !r`Pi Fio -­nlrol is Wt t-o eAch Adividual mayor and council thrcueh their -odes. Rhea cirins and towns all the National Traffic Stindnrls, an rwwt do. than J) have traffic engineers determine, through nuirvey and stvh" whether or not enough rli­ various criteria listed in the National Ptandarda or- pr-s-nt to warrant traffic runtrol dnices . This generally refers t- anrual signs and Uvireq used to control traffic, rather than removal of 7hruby, trees and limbs re improve line of night probjymq ,.'hick d- not fall Afn tho Na7inntl Stindarl c,st-paries. Th- Cnpnri] wen h&ard from residonra Q th- Pilmor Eju nriA including Evarett Smith, LAdjQ Pstroff, Eric Nelm5, Bpvprl- Finnoy, Oin; %rCollnm. Posemarie k0rov, Barb Vun,tz,anger, NAe N'r. Thompson. Ron VriChr, Iuqrin AAOrork, airy P-troff, Roy Kinsey. Dale Zingg and Sally FedprnpieJ. Comments from these residents ranged from "an ' vth4ng but a no left turn-, stop signs would be a bwtpr solution, Councilman Clark's recommendations fit their needs compler 03. 3 light would be dangerous amf the ncommendarion in a M"rh batter ilternat_vreiidea that L: Uld be expanded upon later vith a rrnffic light, spoed will still be a problem Minutes of the Town Council 6/28/90 Page 5 of 9 and something aWs to be d,-.'- about tip` sp,wders, disdain that: t)ri_ t- unci t idn t heed the neighbors wishes for a tr9`tic signal to a request of Mr. 20g,- i,�)t: to lt't his company park in his driveway. On the whale, In 1 ieu W. i stoplight. the resid nzs were more satisfied with the proposed motion than: wiNI the no left: turn ;alternative. Danny Tancredi asked about rho liability sit r- the• county engineer did not endorse the proposed action. "r. Farrell snared that if there was to accident, before the !_'iQ , town or count[' wouli ben me li:ibie, in addition to the actions cf the driver, _,Om-0ne would have to . lle' ge and ho ;K to prove that the road was either negligently constructed or ne_!igontl?- maint:ained. A. pothol°es, chips, etc. The action7 of the drivers would by t feut into account firs+ And if neither of the driver's setlons was the cause of EN accident, then they start to loop- at negligent design, construction. U-I maintenance. :is the town accept:• the deeds to the roads, they start to incur Liability for maintenance. A time goes by, liability- for the sigl,.g aw construction of nek roads which the t:owIl has approved will be added. Fr f 1. .:.rn" reiterations of the above resident comments, Vic? n%gor Fay ._.3uK ua ? tho audience, that if the council passed the motion, t" be aware that due to lire Curve in .Saguaro, one could not sit in the turn pocket and see oncoming traffic in their reir view mirrors. He also ;aid that that was the reavon the courq AV-1 not endorse the plan bec use in order to see oncoming tratfi: from the rear, 'I person !Would have to turn their head and actually look t;.acR to se" 1%hat 4.as coming. The motion, C:9RRIP.D unan imcu5l,. . AGENDA TT N #11 - RESOLU'1'TON199()=171__DE(_I�1FING-__TIfP_TQWP� ('l1nES OF F(}tJNTAIN )iILI,S TO BE A PI,BLTC RECORD At. McNult.y explained that:. this was tl"u time le make wnT .:hivges to rho code', p. i nr to adoption. The changes were as f of l ow , . `' uncilman Hudson: Page 3, Section 2-2-1. The rnupc.: ng! that the wards "who hill norve at the Eieasure of the council" would he added. Pay! 37, Section 5-14-1): Af*sr the warde, rollected by the courtr' should be t& cords and paid to the tom& . After further dis,ussion, it was decided the _. Kon was acceptable as written. In response to Counwilmai1 Hudson s 1 1 NquLr_ . W. FaNulty s Atej that information an the civil preparedness program hoi been given to the no" tu"s manager. Councilman Clark: P.ag(- ')-+, St-rtion 7-1-1-AR The Fire Codu d _ gust_ on Pdoultl be chiilt�"c-1 to the f33 Page 70, Section 8 -10: The gPcona nvnCeNcy, +hr_ Chief of Police" should have t ann changed to the Law Enforce"•men; A eI i_ . Councilman Fox: Page 93, erection 12-3-8: Hn rr,�t'-oanenjed , hang'6 '- in rho first lira' tram I")� ton to 5.O00 pounds, gross vehicle weight-. Page 93, Section 1?-3-8-s: llc r•ecommendod the s.nt n: e nd aft, r• the )cord "baggage". He _,-lid the residential roads aren't nnstructed W thr se large - x o hi: lvto he using on a regular basis to drive and park ;u. After discussion an to how long Minutes of the Town Council 6/28/90 'age 6 of 9 a cormT!ercial vehicle could be part:ed, i t i,as c:etermined. after Vr. Farr recommendation that a specific length of titre r!eF:}ec to be se,. that the c* n ;could read During the unloading of person.il b:!gg.zr temp,,rar� st•_�t 'lot t.. exceed hours Page 91, Section 12-2-12-A: The first line will read "ten thousand pounds. gr:.,�:;:- vehicle weight". Yr. McNulty said th•:it at the end of Section 1A, p<ige 110, the adopting the uniform drainage regulation. He .al s�i:; there r:oula t-. :i covering the subdivision regulation which would be Chapter 1S and they b,:r adopting the regulation currently- a-ed by the The council moved on to page 62. the buy inF>s re—!ul.ati- �r.s. >uncilm:rn ti'inr!rsir_i: made a MOTION to limit the business liccl:s- fees to '35.00 for both in torn and out of town bus;nesso . SECONDED b: C;)uncilwom.arl Tibb :tt ,. Cour!r 1Imor! 17!_!,'L :r, he fElt this amOtltlt was riot enough c!ncl tEi.at out of Lui:n btls.inesSes ti'_r'll, be R charged 5�)� more SiI1Ce It might CO;t n!i?rE to admlrilste�' th_:�e btrslilece,.=:c. LCe N-ivor Foy: agreed that the fees should b,� higher' arld for thf, first Fear, with a $'S.00 renrrcal fee and also that ou' of, town Shaul -Al b higher since the-.- might be more expensive to : c=rye. 4°a�+;r Cut.ill a;rc<ed thKit the-' fc •- should be $50.00 i,-ith a -35.00 renewal fee and that out of town .should be $50.00 initially .and for rene,,:il . Councilman C'lsrl: corrcurrcrd. Colin cilm:arl Nirarsich said tie, felt verb- strongly about keeping the fee loic for the first year in all attempt: to. nurture the economic grol:f h of tho tOr n spice mt ne,' ;,,.,is tight right now for 3C man)' businesses and tl;at the fee could .%!;t- •s b-1 adjusted up;tiards. 'nuricilman Hudson requested a roll call vote which c,{s ar ol.lows: Councilman Clark '1,sv :;ounciIwoman Tibbette A� e Councilman! O'13rier, .1c�' s_nt va�'or C'utillo Nav Councilman Hudson va Vice Y:avor Fox Nai C,-r.!r:�ilrn.3n "?inarsirh ro Th, motion FAILED, vote-'s to 2. ,-4 Cuti11 m:ld : MOTION to ch rgr, 1�50.00 to both ins ld'' and outside buslries,, c�:st ib i l ShrnE'I!tS , a .r ..� . �/) hC'ni�i..'�l fE :�r I n town businesses and a continual f(,- of $50.?( E-,ut -ide bus. ne-SECONDED b_, Vice Navor Fox. The motion CARRIED "r to 2. '•.-unc•ilmerr!bers Tibbetts and t:lal's2ch voted nay. The could "CId_d li.,'_ t!!e rr'ma;.!,l1-r of the bu:->iness 1 i cerise fees were acceptable as Cocrncilmar Hudson made a MOTION to .adc,t~t R—; ;i <'r !'�'�;.' 1' :i;-; Pr, p•ir �:1 b� th-' :ittorn(,v arid Inar ar,er for the adc 't ion of tht ('i7jt' �, I'.1 nr, .:a .I I J t-he CrlangPs ;made tonight. SECONDED b� uur!cilmrin ar�_ h :!n-.1 A.r''RIED ,:ri._in-_rw! ii.- _!GFNDA ITf'M #12 - ORDINANCE 90_8zDOPTI;NG_171E CODE OF_THE _TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILL:; BY REFERENCE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Vice ^":avor Fox moved for the MOTION as rea_i, SECONDED h;- Counc.i lman Yinars ic.h and CARRIED unanimously. Minutes of the Town Council 0//-9'/90 Page 7 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #13 - RESOLUTION_ 1990-18, NOTIFYING THE COINTY OF THE IN'I1?,tsTT:1 ASSUME FLOOD CONTROI, RESPONSIBILITY Y'r. _'cNu?t,- said this was necessitated bv state statute r•equirii am emit: w.ish.ind to assume flood control rr,. nagement to notify Lhe county ' , re.sc 111t i _... Ya*vor Cutilio made- a MOTION to .accept Rc.sulution 1990-18 as writtc... SECONDED b,;- Ccunci livoman Tibbetts and CARRIED un �;lirrou ,i - AGENDA ITEM #14 - ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF THE VICE MAYOR AND RE -_.,ELECTION OF A VICE MAYOR :ZS PER THE NEWLY ADOPTFD TOWN CODES T�'ice Y'avar Fo explained that he wa:, w1112r1g1}' I'PS1c n1I111 ::,, th_iL: :il.l coup; miber�' could serve as V' ce Y-1al er fcr an 8 month cycle as per the no'H town codes. To a(r_omplish tI11 ;, Lhe three counc1lmembers with ,,.Judd nor-_; to serve first. Councilman Clark suggested using the card method of selection 1-1) ChOOse :imOnust the J and to dererml;le_ all termL thl:. evening, the highest card serving f.irst, th _e:conra highest servinb nett and the Iowest -'ard serving last. The drai,, was as follows: Councilman Hudson Jacl: Councilman Clark 8 Councilwomar, Tibbetts 5 y-,Y-1r llnds n received the cr,n�;ratulations of the council. AGENDA. ITEM #1.5 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC Frr1a Ch,rles abouL having t0 1i numbers. V, ry IE-trJff S il. S17r^. 1i:<d .li:tc�nciFda, transportation, mr,e.tin^ :.;n_t would report on that at ._1 .later date. Y'r. NcNulty received a going away 'tI: ni•: _ :u" crustal pia:,tl< rind s.Iid a fern words cf p-?.rrirlh. AGENDA ITEM #16 - ADJOURNMENT Cour.cilr.omati Tibbetts= made a 11.,(_'['I0t7 1 ;Idlp.urn, SECONDED bi Councilman Minar.s.ich and CARRIED urlanimousls•. Thy, couric.i.l:I j;;rrrned :�t ypp; n�:im.��tE�l� 9:02 p.m. i T-)V" OF ni'_V�_ 1r�iir, n---�utll Io. hiaZ'Or----------- ATTErT: Cass.ir Hinsen, Town Ci_erl- Minus L�s of the 'Town Council 6 28/90 Page 8 of 9 CERTIFICATION 1 r hereby certify that Ae foregoing mi.nates :arp ;a true and correct copy" of i k, minutes of the special meeting of the Town Council of Fountain Hills held on the 23th dad- of June, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly c ;lled .aW held and that a quorum was present. DATED this ."AL day of Ams t , 1'a` 0. C.assie Hansen, Town Clerl•: _ Minutes of the Town Council 6/28/90 Page 9 of 9