HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0705.TCRM.MinutesTOVY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THP r0UN'TAP! VITH1,S TCFN COIJN,-Jl _ICILY f`, 1990 -1 Public meeting of the c rd o. - by John C•utlll^ at M, T.h U 2 �Z rl'* �4 J Z 11 2 n r -I s c h I t - r 1 c AJ,,ni li t itlUtt , f o u 11 r ROLL CALL fV L i p r,,: r e i r j of the i,ion] Christ_im 1--onter, r(,Il c,-ilf tv:il; I- o r - c, 1 7 Cal l ire r t h - fol 1 rl f- jjjrfjL)p r- - r,; i 1 1 c .-)I 1� 7 Yav,or Joh'] Cut, - 11c, Z ice oi2-111(1 M(-,n BI Nordin, Toym :-,wf ACTNTDA ITEM #2 - PRESENTATION OF AZ STATE' FLAG TO THE TOWN PY 'M,­l FT RY �'T` �',TATF ,TINT SHLFWAY' -�f State JIM E),hflMT-1- tY pl*psonl-od vc)l, i"Ut! J "A", r - F �a: 1 a rerr.; f i cat 1 cr, for f-!it f !a,- s ta L ing that it ol�­ r - .2, - t I J,� A. L o I S ta t o CaFitul on Jun- 15, 191 10 for r1he ll-,ount In . 1 . ,. j1!,,:,,­fj,_(,d 1',:a--isti-ate ;:hoop Kith -1 seal of. th.- tc. 4GEMIA !T17M #3 - PRESENTATION -l)F CFRTIFl�,ATES OF TON TO SUBCOM.M177FE ------------ - --- ----- ",MBER-c Or" TH!" FINAINCE. OFFICE � PrlWTPTY. PUBLTt- VELAMOW: SUBCOMYJTTEE`-' COD 10 _-E - --- - ---------- ----------- I` j.,i vcr Cur.i 'L [(:,, pr-o!-;ented C1 f_e)! I i!il, 11, WaI17- Hud,3rm D'em-l- 's Regesk' K (--! I f: ic k Q Eleanor B-ntscn P,ifn A i s t c r !',a rl. - R a i r ig h, Peg Tibbetts Eve,Jvn Ei—tin-, Fill O'Brien binn,v Tan(cedl Lilly Hudson ,T(Ait; Farl--. AGENDA ITEM P"i - TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT �_ tf-; crT'l-,;l ­�-t v "ubc �., to_. .Vr. Nordin r—por-ted that he wol-1.1"! . — i . I_ I ) : " f . , i- ,, h y_ r; 12 1 n-, director Position this comin-- MlonJalv, t lf�l t f-;- n. di r, for- the rec'-:'PtIonist -o.,3 ti,"n r) tho _hc :i,,tounant_ Position ii-ere being recelived i 1 Fj c,j) o- tj-Ti,,j U,- h.a I tw; _Cljlrlted now that fulAs had II i n the '.?,dgor He 7 r e cl I I e _s L e d ih,3the " ��,11 ­t, - �. �, I,,,- ml-t' I -*,. - I . , a' f . .1 10! - , ' L r-) P r-,'F-. A f r,- gr T"I tJ, mu�_.h be donc. anid I Lm e. -4 u I , c C's t c) .3c r C"mv i:Sh the !iorj_ Tlbbetlts MOTION rh:.!t. lh!, i"', just described. SFCONDED by Cotirn,ilm.-jn Yinar�:1,­!i avd CARRIED ii police protertI -1, is ongo.1'.11-, 14C- 1 (1 1-- ha filler 2 I f A,gu, h.%J s upp I' j ej I I I ri, T,- I rt, t hrF)r, po; ,ja c C-:3 ov?r the ne%, final", xvis On haild and Coll f irmed that poilce servi'(-cs ;%ould rem.--i1r, the Same ho had delivered tile first Citation-- our _Ourr that al-rernooll. tfl� or, burg iv�-,rp detectives work 1 -1 ri E--- 322,1 -mr-est-LI-atile lead.- at: this t 1-171- AGENDA TTEM #5 - PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE NAME rF COYOTE DR:T!,"F TO 1,1WWS J I nnn F 0 N spoke 0 Ll (2 for r BobT ri i oun c 1 0 Il.ad jiv;t got h o:-, F, a 1 He s a I' d t h, in- ' r . Tr.-) had assured h i a. ha had b e o ri (1 el i v e r p d to t h (, Y,-.i 37or. Ne further S 1, *_a t - - , i f I ho J b , a 11 "J 1;1:- 1 1 be i i o v ed aga I i i of -1 h r? Inc- c I j,� ri g, . _lworw.iri in he,,- previous e-410r,] . 1211ce tiith ncre c—tensive Changes of this JC1'11j, o,,(_,, tlP Count- h,-]d approved such they . the courl'y. r.1, - tif!e thutilities _,1 , Irld that Perhaps We should do cli it ili OUT— :)el. .1tv I -, c i lm:l I I Y'_,'narsich expressc-d concern fc:- sottin.c:,, pr(,cedenf- since therF, a,-, a litimL)e,- mice grouts it th,_, Cl-limull L, t Y. )r. Nordin .,.id he J i d n ' t 1: 1 t11.3t ;could b6, a pn7, 1-1 em m,:)!r3t of the c.t.hel-, serlice groups dr-n'r have pri'vat,'Joy mer'ririq p!ac,;�s. VL­e Y,ocr Hu,,!,lon rt-f. rred t­ t-he upfwpitit_ progr.-Jm C- �, Plc)�,, 1"ould th� rost t."rt -!- c,,'- rr-r.)ace the sleet. 1 t Otlll_ lma;i Fu_. in,,lde --, MOTION t [;,-,I the Toler, "ouncl 1 ap.­rr­!_ the proposal th' n"Ame ("17 e Dr' SECONDFIT) b-.- T ; �ie in, t CARbTED te rri*, Jm3ri ch AGENDA. T,TFM #6 - ORDINANCE 90­1) REPLtLING "E"TrON OF THE TOWN CODES AND REPLACINC WITH A ,YEPSECTION "-ij THE COUNCIL MEETINGS TO T14F FIVST AND THIRD TUFSDAY OF E`T.RY M0,N711 had been �7_, tc- the new and P 17 f 7 d U I C, . �'_l k e s r o n c,,7) n L; 3, 1 7 3l ; f he v be L t �7!vl t he I C h th�� F,1117,0so iw h.-, V I 'ne of his reason— for iJ th,'r" 1111c%jit be _w t ;--A-d LIe (111 Fr-,J,j�-. t c T-Ah o un c z 1 inembe L-." Le r(-,,-i . viN r !lt, 7111' TA-0111 d be mportqnt wIm-111 the council =ge i_F i nt'_' F ia,ltl_i n.,i- and zon i n c . c J I iL;(_, thee. L (i J :1 h tent' m 3 r (2 e i s 'n the issues. Councilwoman TibbcLt,; th_, ,;�hord t:e the is ._bailable orl th:it it Tia his intent --ir- th,_-, packets in at to prei ta. h_;orl so th.,", the couric, '1 would be able to din-uss th- aganda items in both Wnrmal And formal mpeting settings. 1. -v,, Curillo suggesEed th3t thv _re w btable j Unwi the availability of Q; Adm:!i building is detprmin&d. Vic" Y,-:p WK. a ugyccL-A m.i ina t. npr !n. mot,,n subject to the availability in order to find out: once and ror sil it the council is in favor of the idea. Vice Mayor Hudson made a MOTION to adopt thr Resolution changing th- daron of UP ryoul-r mpeAng. SECONUED by &uncilmjn f1!7g! Schmoll arkod how it would be rogalvad NAN th- newspaper and Xormn Ln., that he Kdr'; rVAL it nnn a g,uj iW V-uawse the -itiz-- jnndivicnW v-,- Thurndn.% night meetings ind a c;'ntinuitx his Wen -gtabli.W. Pau"y T�nrr-K' saij th, public migh; th- change as the council trying t. c -Lfrn- Da ohnin -wn Nhen rho paper can A ropon if aNd tWt som- people nould be "pNpr to real what was happ?Wng K tWr rown in the Rppublic beforp rhEir own ljcj'- papor. Tho me5nn YAMP A corps Lo 2 unes, Vice Yajor Hudson onj Foy -.�cKy 'he 1 Aye Q - .1-PPROWNG SPF VENT -1,'0 -ADF90 IT i7V E UFST_� --flY THt;�- N _TJWANJK_fQ J1 T ON ON SUNJPA'�' AUGUST 12. 19 Councilman Fox pipininvi that Uzi was an annu-1 evpnr, rim in "on jBanc tine with the Sunset Riwanis and the 011oy Plants Group thai W-s thin W�e a ycir nuh. It begins at 5:45 a.m. and is asu3lly done bl 8:30 a.m. He further stated that Palley Events pays for any oft duty police that are needed and that Lh,y wer,� currontjy warLing on supplying the c-rtificirp of insurance. Vice Mayor Hudson zaia it was necessary to have unre than a certificate Q insurance, that the insurance mun name the town as an additional insur-A. Councilwoman Tibbetts said she has a copy of their national insurance pnWcv that she keep; on !I L " ,and th it her experience with this grauF in ch. ppy, bar phon the event to bo well piannpd and cia-uted. She t-It all they were Kcklng tni tram the tcyn at this point was approval to use the town roads which they Ormerly got from the road cl&Lript. Quncilman Yinarsich math a 1010TTO 'N :--) apprcu- 1W sperAl �nmnl, r"queor mait by the Sunset Uhanin for 1 biat-ha-lan on Sunda!, A"gunt 12. IW. fPCONVED by Cguncilman Fox. 11. Qrrell vaid that A WAtian tn the nown's approvAl. the ripm needs the Kra! Xetr" and Wriff i bopt, ippraval ani will �Yqwire addirional items of Asuronry for t-hp Sheriff's Dept. such as Furkmar*�7, Qmm7ntioh. Th-• motion CURIED unanimounli. AOPIRI 1-Mr-LM - Uun'ilman Anarsirh aid the tr`,mnnt Jid mi. giie :i purrhAno rrian and Councilwoman Tibbetts verified that Q- pr-posaj -.w3 50n ct t& list price. She a0c said that MY the Civic Association held lhp builahng in over 17.09U north of lease hold imprTuements were made to thy properry that arn no, Wibil!oj for. 5,pnPilman YIPAYK'h; maAr j MOTYQY t- act LTOn jYUA"Ak; W-- awun:17 Pentor asnets as lisrej for the Tarchist pAne Gf $5,117 conlimen, --:L ii-- -tyuyhwirg tak,,v jwJ of! ir,vnUP K_! W&K vprifipd by staft. SECONDED by lice Yayor Hudson and CARRIEf nnAnlmo"sly. AGENDA TTFKq- 0 - BILLS TO BE PP --ID Vice ?Ayar HuWan made a MOTION to pay the bills an presented in the amount of 10,05.4. SITCOMPEWn C:-,HLCi 'YmwNT&bYtM. 0ouncilman O'Brien questioned why F-yn Council Nin"Vv� 7 5 90 FA, 3 A -.� Owu Win ran concurrentl'i Fr-w OF Awyer, rhi: 'It 41. r-QoAny [—': 14, s-emej to appareLrjy overlap. Er. Orrell exrlsico 1 thm bills K,i py.; it separately so that Limp spion on tiff iniad ±j 1 Ago ins 0 HOT monluf . He sail ins i iviul 1 .omWrr v n 1 contusion and 4orrect the two itemb that wpr- misclasmilipi TO ncr:wA unanimously. AGENDA ITEM "410 - CALL-M- TF1E�--VITITJC so Cne came for ;sari n AWOSA Lho nDun yij. AGEATA-ITEM #11 - ADJOURNMENT Prior toad Journment. the ic I j thiaNd Aw Thim; , r of . .ma; . y%, all the volunteers fcr making Or Ah A July Galebration such a uccov,, NrWON made by Councilman Olrien to adjourn, SECONDED by Councilman Yinarsinh and CARRIED unanimously. I The cou"Al adjourned at approximately 7:17 p.m. to take a break Wore going into the work1study session. ToNr TuunA! YINY7,v 7 5 A! pyce A A f,