HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0705.TCWSM.MinutesTOVIV OF FOUNTAIN HUILS MIDW7ES OF THE WORK/S7UPY SLISSTON 01' THE FOUNMIUN HILLS TOWN CI)[jNt'jl JULY 5, 1900 �.'avr3r Cutilllo calleJ the wc-rj- rr, - 7: jjv se��- 'o!, to --I, m ­ t !(',.I.I._NPA_JT!W - REVIEW AND DISC.IUSS THE 1090-91 BuDGwIr th- projector. went ov­r the proposed hi:A,,Tet hr- thp _'W'(0-01 �i5c-a-I P,- e,F,!,-,Ilned th,_t: once tentativelyadclpt­�,j, t-h- l­)u_J)L-E­ be S.-.41,1 it would publifwd for 21 ,week c on iorms that were different from his format and that at the end c! therr- ]~Hold be a pyibl 11 i hear 1 * n- •-md then t.h(, bud;-.,(,�� wou Id b e [,)rml II v .'I j c. p t e b e c: -_-, I Li t: I' o;; t,-,, have rl"Is all doll- th" th.r_l .I.*oIA.­. .in HP rh.-_!r $500.000 had beer-, put in for boc:iri;e if It's tj,)7 p!t in th- and You get ariv grants, they- can't be spent. He i; f :-h,-- major chl.inl-e urid(,r the budf_n?-, for vhr, wiv)r and -211ty ,ounc-11 Tvhr-rtth- Line I te.ru fc,i- h,-id beef, $5,500. coun-Ilm'-In Fos MF?a1_1!11_1­ t:c aliow the ­ounc A the latitude to attend that ccyrr,�ur: duri:i_; the ve.-ir 1.,-i thoUr h-ii-Ing to com, �;efor-.? th(= action te., authorize e.,ppnd for such matters. Ht- further- 1 :1 Lh_- st-Aft In-vJ recoirunended adding a contingencv fc!- the funds. -iVer, ,Pith thof:,.- funJs in e: 71, t- r v . I;i- N c, ,- -1 1 saL h F' v.-o u 1 d I i I C: mal n ta 'n th2 -A m - r c .-I J, the es .-inJ F; oo 1 �w slt-u r jon whic.-P wo can I lot on_,v th,- protectinn that Co-s a I rim i,,Irh rhot but intre,.r­ t r h,' i t olrn- t I It. 1"r . ei-I 'n rlwn, J L s '2 1 "i I: a 1 6 1- e Xam I n 1' rig the budget at Some I eng t! i , hP f e e _! s s x,pr,.N- -oO4 and 11_1 ' rl.-a Lh I - -tit-1 the' adopt it vpr-,- S,-On. -FIVRA ITI:M #'3 - FORMING A MAYOR 'S YOUTH COUNCIL 71 1- r Pjx It t d that he Elan? n in 1- r) r a h the C " t r, f C, c) t t-da 1 t- and N, him (1:1 vhcli i- Yc"ut!) T H,- said he had sp(4,ev tit th Ed Poi,rno_v. the You-- S 1 ce- o 11.111 jjjLfjTr - , 11 . f.-> !;:iv .,tb� t-,,; d:i I,- TheY o I: t- I, it 1! ne)w f) afyl th�� group d c- s man? p o, I t I i - e 1-hi rig,:, in the, -P_JrillIIi.tt_ c ":u L i 11, ') I­Pf",JMMPTI�Ied t- Ila c the 0110C I I p rl-,,-"('d with form I ria .1 Yo!'th council ill Fountain 11i1I He further ,-, t c, J that f--he R.-creatlori DI -rector, ,,het, lie :orri-s ;)n board, j(­ _J,L, :I(jj th(_ -1 -'Lo acL uvorl I-rian r,! AGi",YDA TTFM #4 - WS(IJISS COI INC I'_T:_JIE.ETfN(; RUIXS Cut -xi3lained that bc -!I,i the had inei, ar-.1 discussed pul-rin;� moeting zriile=. ie. hov�- an. alien to --iJ(Irps thc- council, on the b.-icl,- of the to mi 'n ordei, in the nppet Councilman N!Iin�iz--:-ich to Aav I* t i,-'L- the j_,Ifi;J I - WhrAl vhc­ i,-ill be reco-nized I L 11, sls7; ha 11 111 t: 11 t- I L. I I t 1 'J i i 7 5 9," limitations by la%. The courcil Lelt good idea to include with each agenda. the propnso2 rules, with addiri,nT, AGENDA ITEM #5 - PROCERTV. OF P1717IN,'; ITEY"S ON THE AjEkTD:-' I Y. Wrain saQ rhar staff wanted ro ficilitaLc nhnn.il gri-ina Vm. s th- agenda and that: he felt in would be beneficial to rcute prcposcd inom. thrsug.: him in order to use stat f in the most functional way. Ho s ;a it i v K de:Po to have the pacLets prep. rod by Tuesday w& there nould bi given t� th- nuun,i: at a worPstudy Ensvion that samp day. This worUnudy would ni-e uh� zcwn.O the chant, to review the Aons and get biNground MaLwriah: and input tyin"F rh- regular meetings on Thursday. He suggostcd putting the entire ag,rin Py tht ni.-Lt meeting cn the work Yr%dy eg9nda to UK : the corne! 1 th, Otirmi- A0 luorrions an any of rho opcoming nation it:ms. It was K 11 1 hn! 7M Thnrs&T mvetiny- would not r-quire a KcPU study sesvion before hand and the Munri I would hav- "he a Kca of sopping the Tupsdiy sension. 'HO, CUUNA] initially leaned toward having the work stud_,,� Thursdays, Prior tc the bptiNuing of the reau!A" P7;i Un. But after fuzrher discussion, do, 1 - t im" Q waf decided to try the Tuesday, Thursday schedule. Nr. Nordin s.-,id he would prepare somc sort of a formal plopo,al for the counail w act on regarding this matter and thy_` new schedule could start in August. It ows AnriFied that the budget now allowed $13.000 for a Town Marshall and that Mr. Norlin would be_;A ON re,ruitmFU process for tha, position immediately. The woupnil adjourned the work'study session ir W:21 F,m. TOk'-N OF FOLW.ON HILIL�__ -L_�_ ���7 By: ____-__ ___ _ __ JUL 0 C" t i Mayor ATTEIT: Qws& B. Hansen, Town WerL CERTIFICATION I Ureby certify that the Kregoing minutos are a true and correct copy of the minwes of the regular meeting a work, stud, -ec:;:t�jon cif the T_)%-n CounCil. of Fountain Hills hold on thu nth jal of july, 1990, 1 Eurther cerLitv that the mqetini "as duly cnIled and than o qucyum van presEnj. DITED th-ij &.0— day of August, 1990. 6. Casnip P. Hansyn, To"L clerk Town Council Minutes 75,00 Page is of 6