HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.0712.TCSM.Minutes�w OF POUNT'ArNT Flurs MIN1.7FS OF SPECTAI. '7FcSI0-N OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOVAT COLWMI JULY 12, 11990 A special Sess1011 of the Fountq_in Hill- Council �-)n,-eripd and callpd I1,­ioirtar X, ma !'Ountal" Hil_lfl -j m d a N. D e I a zmb 1- C, I r) C 1 11 i J1 1 -A r i . ? r) nn ROLL CALL - Eefor(, taki n,, rot! .':ill. r i,, t 1, 1 , 1,,j Ind q" " ­­ , � ...... 'red by RE: Chur(jl of Fount.-i.in Hill!-,. Pi-es�ait !',)r members Of thA FI-14-inta1ti Hills Town Ccu,irll: v c, John -I 1[: 7:1 r j_f I Iftwint)e r--, Fr. -ink C r"o,, T_4t)betts, t-h and E 17 Tow;i I I a r Si I .%'ordin. Tr,wri At tornt,, AGENDA ITEM #2 - TOWN MANAGE-'S REPOPT r him .9n 11'r,11-1dual to the ro f,, ept 1 t)t) jj -i rij hlz: should be r ed w_i t h i v .,I f �?w d.-j vs .7 "1-- t_L '_-]J -;f r;IIIJidate--, tnr 1-Intilling J.ir,ecrc�r dr-1'7, 11., its b!-, _Idde,] .2fter he hw; had .-a chnnce r o talk I nd' I II' He rri-v-4 updqted pro_-raiii Of i,orl-- and went c �.0 r,,- L' i 1.-ii'I tv ng thrar anyrt'.1 . n - x Ith 'Iesigriar-101) ir at: un-('j, n g TilA I- thd ov JiEl il,dot1111tel y or, Llnril the projiec. �w w"I omp ­JJ f-hl;Ad �J I -:- r� f- t: the I I;? w Lfl:� : -- ­'m I .�_- I'-, I- tj the t .3 j) for the ulreaL_.t;r tit' 7, (71"! li4,`:hilt cnie K0111d by c J t 11,7AL a policy would be J'.,! placo - it '_ 1 %t ti._ - I -, Cut i I I o s the E? j �r-jorltv tor a Posr --'e iv, -is reall-i o s t Office -it rhi_s point. 1 -1 p "I I s o z S k- e d abcut the status on paj mt: j- 17a N -111,1 cA id then- h :_i d be en i some lll(Slln(Ier S t:a n d -,,' n c_)n n L i, i -i t j r I,- doiAo- The ­­!nty Ara nOl, Lh,it _fcq,jyj..Aj F­ Out I* 21_, r 11-, -11 AM A' -Le bed, 'Ifl 1�,, 1,4 t,41,- Care Cf- it depondit-I., q, rcur,,,; r jjj,-e pr P!- ;o ; -y. s,­­ Lh- 1 1 ies a L -a t Lce Y",-oor. Hudson n1do --I MOTION e ef Ills C -inrl CARRIED dI I I "r-. Nc1,t-,1,:rj a.!Njf_')rj 1S tf'(' to and to ser*ve Iii It He ;'4 h i-) C P -0 in this F. o tiol, and r.- V., c e T' avor- Hudson th,0 repcosenii-At.1vu or -is on.r. t, an !-be Bo,,.jr-d of Pi I-e-2 tor— of the Al:' Ri -11 Rote!t 1'C:.­, F"11, 1 P­.--i,, J olincllm.-,in F,::1- madc-.- the -MOTION . ,id CARRIED unanimously. Minutes of: the Town Ccitrici] 7/1219C) Pa-(! I ("1 3 1 AGENDA ITEM #3 - ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE 13WE 1VORTHE 1990-91 FISCO 1"YEAR ajuncilman Fox pointed not a mistak" oa Pw- DnP ,J the category of expenditures. He said the subtotal amount should be $2, 04.271 and asked the council to correct their copies. Councilman Tinarn=L iqj i V provisions had been made in the budget for street ltNX LA:nr":WWV An"' Councilman Fox sai i it was covered in th- Highwa- DavarrnwM budgE 1 YOVP Y4 "d. and traffic controls repairs and mainrenapre f�r 1200,000. In. N-rdir nvi4 h. had the names of 3 iendars who will supply emery_ pncy s&rvicn if the n0n; wouli go down in the immediate future. He said hv iovild be pre} nring an RFP rn Ourjd� this service in the not too distant f"turn. Mr. Farrell stated that the town ha,­ nj obligation to take over th.., e-,:isting street lights, in any subd-.­iSIOL- (7ouncilman O'Brien made a MOTION to accept Q& rontativp buds et, SEC t—T 1- _ouncilwoman TibbetO and CARRIED unAntmously- ALENVA TTFM 16 - ACT UPON THE _LIQUQR_LICENSE APPLICATTON ;&OR_TI1R CACTUS BARRPt, C It, U13 Yayor Cutillo nude a MOTION to grant the application tor the 1 iqAar W-nn- for the CaCLUZ Barrel CC ' ub as sabmitted. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #5 - ORDINANCE 90-9 - APPQ'I?VTT F MAYO THE COI-WCT AS -THE 1N1T1Afh_B0ARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND PE QLAR 1NG -ANEMEWNCY Yr. Nordin reported that there had been ? requPsts for variances to date and that in order -serve the Pub!& A a timnly fashion unvil a permanent Wrl & adjqstment is selected, the council should sonsiohu7 naming themselves Qw! initial board. He said it would also b- i gDoo lyacning -spoLinnc- to better help them understand what the board of adjustmpnr does as wall an prepare them for choosing the permanent board. Councilman No; mado tip, _110TIM as pi—viously stated, SAWMED by Vice M.-,tyor Hudson. In 1 7 t.,-) rt i a, A Va"ncilmau O'Brien, 11. Farrell explained that a board of adjustm,no was 7r?3twd K rp,onsw in the aLaumpLion that zoning ordinances, in ihpir apFli-nion. waL "omwtimt- rysult in n hordship or a harshness that i� not th" Kait of QL FTem nwE?r and is usually due to terrain, lot size, g-oVraphy or -cpcgrnrnv. in -rc-r t" give -I property owner relief from the harNhnF of A q cnio, a iNrjan­ moshanisal was fet up. The granting of a vnrlanc,. anlRe any cthey 17t the coun:jl Kill Jo, is considered a quasi-judicial act Awl P; n-E i IWAIA, ivv 1_t. Wry .-trirl_ records must be kept. A decision made tT the Nua& of variabue in the last word it the local level and a person MUSL tile 0 laUSUit in th- Sup-risr Court within 30 days to contest this decisicn. Stan im yokel awAn the comottv. of 1Y011w-rure :and Mr. Farrell rn,"&Q !W, : fr; :_ th,�. v;. Adjustment and the Committee of Archirectqro i-! jiv separate, nai-her fan over ride the other. The land awnau wn"la hivo Lo spek rKirf in court it the to bodies differed in their derisionn. TAL Compirtet. of Architecture has ,onLrawtuai power where the Council has legisinliv; power. The= motion -CARRLEF-I-) unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #6 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC Minutes of the Town Council 7112/90 Page 2 of P] !,est a --Jed that an a fount i could not respond to an emergemci- on the Ee� Lin, Hl at - tha', Ole T,roi�-rwri ct work bt, priiic,-d T' I th"it itist-all 1;-,? Shea Blvd. to shoil;- where the Fountain Hills bjund.-,iries that staking out the boundaries on '7hea current Sharrii-1, recommended remc,,,-Ing the old road dl-Strict 51-:E ACFNDA ITEM #7 - ADJOURNMENT Councilman Yinarsich l;iado t-,,,(, MC)TIGA., to SECONDED b.-v Ccujcjl7rjjj7 —CARRIED unanimous Ly. The council .1d 'ourned at api?rvly 7:12 Y1 7'01p-'V CA:' "Ll-VE H1-LL John N. ',-'a 'o r ATTEST:_ -�w Cass-1p Hgnsen, Town Cierj- CPRTIFTCATION I hereby certify that the foregoing T,,)i . nutas are. � truo and COI-I"e('l cope of the of L?j Ccuticil Of FDul.L-4 'I,' ot,, the 12r:h dal of A!lv, 1990. 1 ""urthc-7 meeting tells dull, r.,illed and held and that a quorum t;zjs pi-esellt DATED rhis day of August, 19")0. -assie Fan<:e.n, Town Cle-,!. Minutes of the Town Council 7112190 Page 3 of 3 F.