HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.1016.TCWSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
A public work/study session of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and
called to order by Mayor John Cutillo at approximately 6:30 p.m., Tuesday,
October 16, 1990 in the conference room of the Fountain Hills Town Hall Offices
located at 16836 E. Palisades, Building C, Fountain Hills, Arizona.
Present for the work/study session were Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Wally
Hudson and Councilmembers Mike Minarsich, Frank Clark, Bill O'Brien, Peg Tibbetts
and Charlie Fox. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Director of
Community Development Gary Jeppson, Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Town Clerk Cassie
Hansen and Town Accountant Julie Ghetti.
Mr. Nordin reported that he and Ron Dean had received what was the beginning of
the report from the Department of Public Safety regarding the possibility of the
Town having it's own police department. Included were requests for various types
of information to assist them in compiling this report and Mr. Nordin said the
Council would be receiving updates on this over the next three to four weeks.
The Town Manager touched on the packet he had received at the GPEC presentation
and told the Council that the primary purpose of GPEC was to bring industry to
the Valley. He said the Chamber wished to join this organization and were
willing to pay the initial first year fee. Councilman Minarsich added that even
though the Chamber was willing to pay the fee, Council action would still be
required, showing the Town's support.
The National Conference of Regional Mobility was discussed and the possiblity of
sending a member of the Transportation Committee was suggested.
Mr. Nordin reported that Mr. Jeppson had received a copy of the Felker conceptual
master plan and the first copy of the developmental agreement. He said they
would be reviewing both and coming back to the Council with a report and possible
A.a. The Town Manager referred to the updated program of work and said that a
status column had been added as well as a few new items. He said that he didn't
think Council action on the additional items would be necessary. Mr. Nordin then
asked the Council to let him know if there were any items they would like to add
to the list and clarified that the next list would have deleted all the items
that had been completed. Councilman Clark asked that item #46 be changed to
priority 1, that it was something that needed to be developed as soon as possible
so the Council would know how to react to all new items that may come before
them, particularly those items with a price tag attached to them. Councilman Fox
said he wholeheartedly agreed with Councilman Clark and said that a capital plan
was necessary before anything could be put together and stressed the importance
of a five year plan. Councilman Clark suggested taking a first cut at it, with
no changes, nothing but economics. Then there would be a base to do all sorts
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of "what ifs" from ..... what if we had our own police department, what if we had
our own town hall, etc ...... then look at how these things would be financed.
Councilman Minarsich said he thought two things were being discussed, one being
a financial plan and the other being future goals. Councilman Clark said he
thought it would be necessary to see the first spread of the five year plan,
without adding anything new into it, to see what there was to play with. Mr.
Nordin explained that what he was trying to show the Council in terms of the
budget printouts was the current level of expenditures and whether or not those
expenditures could be supported by the current level of revenues. He said he
would be able to tell the Council how much money would be left over in year 2,
year 3, etc. based on status quo. Councilman Fox said he didn't think the
Council should act on anything having to do with a five year plan until they had
the whole thing put together before them, including the four key big items that
they had all talked about, that would be major projects from a financial
standpoint. He said they would need to know what impact each one, from a cost
stand point, would have, when it could be implemented, legal ramifications, etc.
He said he repeatedly heard at the conference that a common problem experienced
by small towns was moving too fast.
Mr. Nordin then said that he felt it was a foregone conclusion that roads would
be a part of the five year plan and that he would like to proceed to analyze the
road situation as a separate issue from the five year plan and that it would then
become one of the first givens when he puts together the five year plan.
Councilman Fox said he disagreed because he felt it necessary to have the five
year plan first so that it could be determined how to fund the road paving.
Councilman Minarsich said if a plan could be devised using HURF monies and HURF
bonds then he would be in favor of beginning as soon as possible. Mayor Cutillo
stated that he felt it important to have the road study done to find out what the
cost would be and if it would be affordable. He said that once they had that
information and it became evident that it was not affordable with just HURF
funds, then it would be necessary to look at the five year plan with relation to
the road paving. Councilman Fox said that the road study was alright with him
but before the time came to act on it, he would want to know how it would impact
the five year plan.
Vice Mayor Hudson requested that the priority be moved up on the business license
program and that the forms go out December 1. Mr. Farrell said that most cities
and towns issue on the calendar year. Councilman O'Brien suggested bumping items
22, 23 and 24 up to #1 priority; item 31 changed to #2 priority; item 42 changed
to #4 priority; item 45 changed to #4 priority. Mayor Cutillo reported that the
post office plans were that construction would begin in '91-'92, finished in '93.
They have not yet found or settled on a site. In response to an inquiry by
Councilman Minarsich, Mr. Nordin reported that bids were due back on the roof
repair/replacement on the Community Center properties on October 26 and that we
would have some updated figures at that time. Councilman Minarsich asked if
there were any update on item 50 and Mr. Nordin responded that there was not but
that he had had a conversation with the Reverend Von Lanken regarding the Town's
inability to sell the property at this time. He further said he would be
negotiating for their continued presense in the building but that they did not
yet know what the new rate was because he had not wanted to give them all the
"bad" news at once. Councilman Fox asked to instruct the town staff to notify,
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in writing, the increase to $5.00 a square foot ASAP. Councilman Minarsich
commended the staff on the outstanding job that had been done on the program of
work projects thus far.
A.b. Mr. Nordin asked if the Council was interested in beginning the process
establishing a permanent Board of Adjustment or if they wanted to continue acting
as their own Board. Councilman O'Brien said that if they were appointing a Board
just to relieve the Council of an unpleasant task, that they would be shirking
part of what they were elected to do. Councilwoman Tibbetts said it was part of
their education in viewing the whole development of the community to deal with
some of these things, that this would be how they would really learn the rules
that apply, the things people are concerned about. Mayor Cutillo said that if
they were going to keep doing it they might need to consider doing it at meetings
separate from the council meetings. Mr. Farrell said there had to be a quasi
fixed schedule so that there could be cut off dates for the legal publications.
Councilman Minarsich said he disagreed and that standard operation procedure on
the Board of Adjustment was that it was an appointed body by the Council and he
would like to see that happen here. He further stated that it would bring more
citizen involvement, that there were many qualified individuals in the community,
and that the Council needed to spend it's time directing and making policy. Mr.
Nordin said staff was asking if the Council wanted them to proceed in the
recruitment procedure as had been followed for the Parks and Recreation
Commission and the Planning and Zoning Board or continue acting as the Board
themselves. Councilman Fox said he agreed with Councilwoman Tibbetts, that it
was a learning process that the Council owes itself. He further stated that the
community may be "applicationed out" for boards and commissions. Councilman
Clark said he would welcome the relief of the responsibility but that for a
period of time to come, a matter of months or a year, he felt the Council should
hang onto it, for reasons as stated by both Councilmembers O'Brien and Fox.
Councilman Minarsich said he felt that the Councilmembers were not the most
qualified for the job and that there were others in the community who would be
more qualified. Vice Mayor Hudson suggested that if applications did go out,
every applicant should get a copy of the state law to study so that when the
Council asked them questions, they could find out if the candidates knew what
they were doing. Mayor Cutillo suggested putting the item on the agenda so the
Council could vote on it. Mr. Jeppson pointed out that the Board of Adjustment
answers to the Town Council in that the Council could remove members of the
A.c. Mr. Nordin introduced Cynthia Wharton and explained that she had a very
distinct desire to see the Town become cleaner, as exhibited by the proposal she
had provided the Council. He said he was looking for a directive from the
Council so that he and Ms. Wharton could work together on the adopt a street
program. Ms. Wharton said that now was a very good time to make the environment
a number one priority of the Town since it was so new. She explained that her
intent is to see what we have in Fountain Hills preserved, maintained or
improved. She futher stated that the adopt a street program was a good place to
start and that she had modeled it after the adopt a highway program as
implemented by Maricopa County. Ms. Wharton said that on any given day on her
drive into Scottsdale, she counts no less than 1,000 pieces of trash and this
disgrace needs to be addressed immediately. She volunteered to do all the leg
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work that would need to be done. Councilmembers Tibbetts and Clark heartily
endorsed the idea and Mr. Farrell pointed out that the only legal concern was 1J
providing adequate protection to the volunteers from tort liability as a result
of any accidents and a clear understanding of workman's compensation. Councilman
Minarsich added that this program, along with some of the other proposals, would
be beneficial from an economic development standpoint. Mayor Cutillo suggested
strengthening the litter ordinance. Vice Mayor Hudson said that he had many
serious objections to the policies and procedures document in it's current form
and that if he were a parent he would never sign the indemnity provision. He
said there were other items in the document that would just not work for Fountain
Hills. It was the concensus that the Council would not be adopting the specific
plan that had been given them, but the concept of the plan. Vice Mayor Hudson
said there had been concerns expressed as to how many signs would spring up
around the Town and that people would not be pleased with alot of adopted street
signs all over the place. Mr. Nordin suggested having Ms. Wharton meet with the
Vice Mayor and himself to go over the Vice Mayor's concerns and suggestions.
The Council jumped ahead to this item since Val Stasik and Ginny Chin had been
waiting to address them. Councilman O'Brien requested a 90-91 budget and Ms.
Chin explained that there really wasn't one because the only budgets they've had
are for each production they do. She further stated that due to the sets they
have built they now had a storage space/office which would start being a regular
administrative expense. They had never had the need to have a budget reflecting
fixed expenses up to this point. Mayor Cutillo asked how the Town would be
helping the theater if they did give them funding, would they put on more plays,
or how would the money be used. Ms. Stasik explained that the storage space they
currently had was in essence being donated to them but if a real renter came
along, they would be out. She said the money received from the Town would enable
them to actually rent -the space so they would no longer run the risk of having
to move their things elsewhere. Councilman Minarsich commented on all the other
things the group has done for the community aside from their productions.
Councilman Fox suggested that the group put together a list of some of the things
they would use the funds for, leasing, lighting, etc. Councilman O'Brien said
the Council needed to establish some sort of policy on how to respond to requests
such as these. Mr. Nordin suggested dealing with it on a case by case basis this
year until the allotted money has been depleted. In future years, a deadline
date could be set by which time all applications would have to be in from any
organization that wanted to apply for the LTAF funds. Staff or a three member
commission could then make recommendations to the Council on the level of funding
for each of the applicants. Vice Mayor Hudson commented that this was one of the
dangers of the study sessions because the Council would vote on this item
Thursday night, the public would see this as road funds going to a private group.
He said the Council should be careful at regular meetings to show why they are
voting a certain way and that voting in favor of the request would mean that the
Councilmember saw this request as more important than paving someone's street.
Councilman Clark stated that the amount of money being kicked around would put
paving on half the road in front of three houses. Mr. Farrell pointed out that
if the resolution passed, it would take 30 days to go into effect and that the
stated wide limit would have to be met before any monies could change hands.
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A.d. Mr. Nordin reported that the street department was involved in their usual
projects including brush control, road patching, repairing median curbs, street
sweeping and installing no truck signs. Councilman Fox asked when plants would
be installed in the planter at Palmer Wy. Mr. Harvey- said they were still
discussing what kind of plant they wanted put in there.
B.a. Mr. Nordin introduced Marti Lemieux and Karen Veahman, Executive Director
of the Life Care Center of Scottsdale. He further stated that the proposed meals
on wheels contract had been reviewed by the Town Attorney and Vice Mayor Hudson
for it's insurance content and the concurrence was that it was in adoptable form.
Ms. Lemieux explained that the Life Care Center would supply the meals at a cost
of two dollars each, a staff of volunteers would deliver the meals and the Town
would act a collection agent for the Life Care Center. Ms. Veahman explained
that the amount of the meals could vary and go up as high as needed. She further
stated that the Town was not responsible in any way except for collecting the
money and that they did not have the staff available to collect money.
Councilman Fox expressed concern on the administrative end and what would happen
if someone bounced a check or failed to pay. Mr. Nordin said that he felt there
wasn't enough exposure or liability on the Town's part in this to recommend
against doing it. He also said if it did get to be a problem, staff would bring
it to Marti and Karen's attention, see if it could be corrected, and if not, get
out of the contract with 30 days notice. Ms. Veahman said if it not work out
with the Town, she would cancel and not press the situation at all.
B.b. Mr. Nordin presented the Council with his revised budget and review. He
emphasized that in order to spend a dollar, we had to have the dollar and have
the permission to spend the dollar. He said that permission to spend is the
budget which the Council has already adopted for this fiscal year and that the
budget document was not amendable. He further stated that the revised estimates
on the computer printouts were in no way an attempt to revise the adopted budget.
Mr. Nordin told the Council that the State Auditor General was concerned with
whether or not the Town exceeds the total bottom line of the entire budget. They
would also be concerned if the bottom line of any fund had been exceeded unless
the Council had acted, by motion, to change the budget authority from one budget
to another. He further said there was alot of flexibility in handling our
finances during the fiscal year. The Town Manager said that one of the reasons
for doing the budget review was to see how we were doing, if we were exceeding
any of the bottom lines. He stated that one of the premises in preparing the
estimates was to insure that our present level of activity, staffing, expenditure
configuration, etc. could be supported by our revenues. He further said this
activity would help us to see how much money would be left over at the end of the
year that could be used for additional projects during the remainder of this
fiscal year. He assured the Council that the current revenue stream would more
than adequately sustain our current level of activity. Mr. Nordin said he
included in the salary and wage projection a salary amount equivalent to 87o of
base salary for the establishment of a retirement program for estimating
purposes. He said he also came up with an $18,000 amount for merit increase
money for the balance of this fiscal year and that he would like to get Council
approval on that number so that he could begin to administer the pay for
performance plan which they had already approved. Mr. Nordin then answered some
questions the Council had on the budget.
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Councilman Clark suggested using the lists compiled by Mr. Harvey which show the
work done by the street crew and how many hours spent on each type of activity.
He said they might be helpful in working up the next budget and that maybe until
other Councilmembers become more familar with the street crew activities, it
might be helpful to distribute those lists on a monthly basis. Councilman Fox
asked if the format before them would be the same one used as a tracking
mechanism and Mr. Nordin replied that it would be and that it was one that the
auditor would be happy with. Councilman Fox requested having the Town Marshal
broken out of the Administration category and putting the Sheriff's contract into
the Town Marshal category. Mr. Nordin said it could be done but that there would
be very few line items there. He further said that he was tracking it in a
separate line item anyway, in terms of the Sheriff's contract.
Mr. Nordin said that the original resolution was done wrong and that if he had
been here he would have recommended the wording as it appears on the proposed
resolution. He said it should have been originally adopted to allow the Council
maximum flexibility in doing whatever it wanted to do during the year with the
lottery funds. He further said it would give them the ability to give funds to
the Community Theater if they so chose.
The Town Manager said the Town Marshal had suggested adopting this ordinance,
modeled after the ordinance in Scottsdale. Mr. Farrell suggested tabling this
item until some of the Mayor's Youth Council had been given the opportunity to
offer input on the ordinance. Councilman Fox asked to give his recommendation
up front so that it would be clear which were his opinions and which were the
Youth Councils. He said he had broken it down to when school was in session and
when it was not in session. His recommendation was as follows:
AGES TWELVE AND UNDER 8:00 P.M. - 6:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. - 6:00 A.M.
AGES THIRTEEN TO SEVENTEEN 9:30 P.M. - 6:00 A.M. 10:15 P.M. - 6:00 A.M.
He didn't feel that anyone under twelve years old had anything to do out on
public streets after 8:00 p.m. unless accompanied by a parent. The concensus of
the rest of the Council was that this recommendation was too restrictive. Mr.
Farrell suggested running Ordinance 90-18 passed the County Attorney's Office to
see if they felt it would be a reasonable ordinance for the Sheriff's Department
to enforce. The Council discussed some of the recent problems with minors and
the need for a curfew ordinance in order to have a vehicle to use when a problem
did arise as well as a tool to involve the parents.
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Mr. Jeppson reported that he had spoken to a number of Councilmembers who had
made comments before on a parking ordinance and that he had developed two more
drafts in an attempt to hit on the right combination. He said that alternative
A prohibits parking of trailors, motor homes, construction equipment at any time
on the streets and also prohibits all traffic on the streets from 3:00 a.m. to
4:00 a.m. Alternative B was to only restrict motor homes, trailors, construction
equipment on a limited basis from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. Problems of policing
were discussed. Following additional discussion on the pros and cons, the
consensus was that most of the Council could support alternative B.
The Council adjourned the work/study session at approximately 8:30 p.m.
John,,M. Cu illo, Mayor
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the
minutes of the work/study session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on
the 16th day of October, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly
called and that a quorum was present.
DATED this %S + \ day of November, 1990.
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
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