HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.1018.TCRM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
OCTOBER 18, 1990
A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to
order by Mayor John Cutillo at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, October 18, 1990, in the
Fountain Hills School District Administration Building located at 14605 N. Del
Cambre Ave., Fountain Hills, Arizona.
ROLL CALL - Following the pledge to the flag and the invocation by Reverend Steve
Frazier of the Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church, roll call was taken. Present
for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council:
Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Wally Hudson and Councilmembers Frank Clark, Mike
Minarsich, Charlie Fox, Bill O'Brien and Peg Tibbetts. Also present were Town
Manager Paul Nordin, Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Director of Community
Development Gary Jeppson and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen.
Councilman Clark made a MOTION to accept the minutes. SECONDED by Councilman
Minarsich and CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Mike Petrone, President of the Fountain Hills Civic Association, presented
to the Town, plaques, trophies and awards that the community had received over
the last 15 years. He expressed appreciation for Paul May who had been
instrumental in helping to build the floats that had received the awards.
Mayor Cutillo presented certificates to Mary Petrov, Irene Leckman, Bob Brown,
John Mahin and Dick Froncek and expressed appreciation for all of their efforts.
A.a. Mr. Nordin referred to the updated program of work and reported that there
were 16 completed projects, 31 projects in progress, 7 projects not yet begun and
9 new projects added. Mayor Cutillo explained to the public that discussion and
review of the program of work had taken place at the Tuesday night work/study
session where most of the questions and comments had been made.
A.b. Mr. Nordin asked for direction from the Council as to whether or not they
wanted staff to begin the search for Board of Adjustment members. Councilwoman
Tibbetts said that in this area she felt the councilmembers could learn alot
about the comity and some of the other challenges that they will be facing in
the coming months. Vice Mayor Hudson said that the Board of Adjustment operates
under state statute and its decisions cannot be appealed to the Council. The
Vice Mayor then made the MOTION to table this item until the first meeting in
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January, 1991. SECONDED by Councilman Fox. Councilman Minarsich voiced his
opposition and said he felt they should begin to seek out a Board of Adjustment
as soon as possible based on the fact that he felt there were many more people
more qualified to make those kinds of decisions. Mayor Cutillo agreed with
Councilman Minarsich in that he felt the search should begin immediately because
the Council had enough to do and that it would be good to get people that were
qualified for the job. The Mayor said he would like to see the Council instruct
staff to begin the search for a Board of Adjustment and that the Council would
gain plenty of experience in the meantime. Mary Petrov asked what a Board of
Adjustment was. Mr. Farrell explained that a Board of Adjustment is a creature
of state statute that is allowed to give a property owner relief from the
hardships of the strict enforcement of the zoning code. He said if physical
conditions or other hardships prevent a piece of property from being fully
developed under the existing zoning code the applicant can come forward and
request a variance from the terms of that zoning code for his or her particular
piece of property. The Board of Adjustment does not change the use within an
area of the zoning code but can give relief such as relief from front or side
yard setbacks, height of fences, or the location of structures on the property.
Because it is a quasi-judicial board, it's decisions are only reviewed by the
Superior Court rather than by the Mayor and Council. The motion CARRIED, 5 aye
votes to 2 nay votes, Councilman Minarsich and Mayor Cutillo casting the nay
A.c. Mr. Nordin referred to Cynthia Wharton's proposal on an adopt a street
program and stated that he felt such a program would be a good idea at this time
since we were such a new community. The Town Manager did say he felt the
proposed program, modeled after the county program, needed revision to customize
it for Fountain Hills and that he was, therefore, recommending that the item be
tabled to allow staff to do further research and work on the document. Vice
Mayor Hudson said that the program needed revision with respects to insurance,
who's liable for what and who is going to hold who harmless. He said as it reads
now, as it is written for the county, an individual would be put in the position
of having to not only hold the county harmless in case of some injury or
accident, but he would have to get his own attorney and defend the county as
well. He said some of the provisions in this insurance seemed very extreme. The
Vice Mayor also said the Pool was going to send us their suggestions as to a much
more modified hold harmless insurance clause. Councilwoman Tibbetts agreed that
there were many areas where the document itself should be streamlined and
simplified and adapted for our own community. She went on to say she was very
much in favor of the goals of the program. Councilwoman Tibbetts made a MOTION
that staff be instructed to proceed as was reported to present the Council with
a modified agreement along these lines. SECONDED by Councilman Fox. Councilman
Clark said he would like to add support because he thinks this is an excellent
program and that the Town is the ideal sponsor for such a program. Mary Petrov
asked what kind of trash was involved and Mayor Cutillo clarified for her. Dick
Froncek said he felt this was a chink in the armor of personal responsibility and
that the Town should get the people that do it rather than cleaning up after
them. Councilman Minarsich said there was an existing litter ordinance that the
Council was seeking to perhaps strengthen. He said it was difficult to enforce
and that in the meantime, the adopt a street program was an effective way of
getting citizens involved to handle the problem. Mayor Cutillo agreed with the
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program and said he would like to see a large committee, something like
metermaids, that would be deputized and able to issue citations to people that
do litter. Councilman Fox reported that the Town Marshal was looking into a
marshal reserve program as well as a start up grant from DPS to start a town
marshal auxilary that would broaden the arm of the Town Marshal. The motion
CARRIED unanimously.
A.d. Mr. Nordin reported that he had spent an hour touring the town with Pat
Harvey to see what the road crew had been working on. He said they were
installing truck route and no truck signs as well as their continued projects of
brush and dust control, patching, sweeping and clean up. Councilman Fox
expressed concern over the signs that had been installed that said no trucks and
asked if that took into consideration that trucks were allowed if they were
making deliveries. Mr. Nordin said they had considered adding language to that
effect but that adding something like "local deliveries only" could be
interpreted or legally construed as a local delivery by other folks that the Town
specifically wanted to keep off the streets, such as someone going through and
delivering some rock, etc. to certain facilities. Councilman Minarsich suggested
informing people in town who routinely take large truck deliveries such as Bashas
that trucks making local deliveries are allowed. Mayor Cutillo suggested signs
that say no thru trucking because "no trucks" means no trucks. Councilman Clark
suggested asking how the Sheriff's Dept. would enforce that sign. Cindy Sawyer
from the Sheriff's Office said if the sign indicates no trucks, which that sign
does, then the deputies could stop and enforce the failure to obey the traffic
control device law. Mayor Cutillo said that was not the intent and Mr. Nordin
said appropriate wording would be added to alleviate any problem. Councilman Fox
asked when the Council would be presented with the fine schedule for those
ordinances. Mr. Farrell replied that there would be a new one only if the
Council wished to change what the Magistrate had already adopted.
B.a. Mr. Nordin said that staff had reviewed the contract for the Meals on
Wheels program and that the Life Care Center of Scottsdale would prepare the
meals and the Town would act as a receiving agent of the monies paid for those
meals. The Town would then write a check to the Life Care Center for the money
that had been received. He said that the accountant had checked with the Town
Auditor who said this would cause no problems. Mr. Nordin said staff would
recommend this program as a positive community service that the Town could
perform. Councilman Minarsich made a MOTION to approve the Meals on Wheels
contract. SECONDED by Councilman Clark. Councilman Fox asked who the contractor
was as mentioned in the contract. Mr. Farrell replied that it was either the
Life Care Center or the Town because it was a two party agreement. Mayor Cutillo
said the contract listed the Life Care Center as the contractor. Councilman Fox
asked if the Town needed any insurance and Vice Mayor Hudson said the Town was
covered. Councilwoman Tibbetts said we would be listed as an also insured on
their certificate. The motion CARRIED unanimously.
B.b. Mr. Nordin discussed the budget review. He explained that one of the
reasons it was necessary to take our fiscal temperature was because we are a new
town with no financial history, making it more difficult to estimate revenues and
expenditures. He wanted to see if we had enough money to operate at the same
level that we are currently operating at and make it through the rest of the
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fiscal year. He said the exercise would also help in future fiscal planning.
Mr. Nordin said another reason was to restructure the adopted budget per the
auditor's suggestion of eliminating the non -departmental category. He further
stated that the bottom line of the whole budget review was that we could do it
and recommended that anyone concerned about that to look at the numbers. He
showed the Council new revenue estimates based on what had been received to date.
He also showed them new estimates of expenditures, based on what had been spent
to date, and based on a status quo operation for the rest of the fiscal year.
The Town Manager clarified that the figures were based on the 1985 population.
He said the exercise was a helpful tool because it showed how much money the Town
has to work with outside of the funds that are being used for the current level
of operation. This money could be used for future staff, etc. Mr. Nordin
explained that a portion of his salary, Cassie's salary, the accountant's salary
and Diana's salary was being charged against the HURF fund and that it was
perfectly legal, moral and ethical to do so. He explained that doing so made
more of the general fund available for other things. If the Council chose to
have more of the HURF available strictly for roads, etc., those salaries could
all come out of the general fund. He said it was perfectly legal for the general
fund to subsidize the HURF and those numbers between the two funds could be
played with all year long if desired to do so. Mr. Nordin said that included in
his budget figures were provisions to support the merit pay system that the
Council adopted a few weeks ago and that he would like the Council to authorize
the use of $18,000 to be spent this fiscal year for the award of merit raises to
employees who were deserving. Councilman Fox made a MOTION to approve the
appropriation for merit increases of $18,000. SECONDED by Councilman Clark.
Councilman O'Brien asked if this was something that would be re -requested as more
people were hired. Mr. Nordin said he was sure this would be sufficient for this
fiscal year and if approved, would not be brought up again until next year's
budget. Mary Petrov asked if transportation would be addressed in the budget at
this time. Mr. Nordin said the bulk of the HURF and LTAF funds would be used on
streets and roads. He further stated that there were some contingencies in these
funds which could be brought up as the fiscal year goes on. He reported that he
is in the process of preparing a lengthy report on street paving and the issue
of transportation could most effectively be addressed when he presents that
report. Norman Lash asked who was eligible for merit increases and Mr. Farrell
said the road employees and Paul's staff would be eligible for consideration.
The motion CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Nordin told the Council that the change would enable the Council to use the
lottery funds for any legal, authorized purpose. The funds could be used to
their full extent including cultural, educational, historical, recreational or
scientific facilities or programs. He said approximately $77,000 has been
received to date and the balance is expected in November and that 107. of the
total could be used for the previously listed purposes. He further stated that
he was also in favor of opening the door for the Council to do whatever they
legally can do. Councilman Minarsich made a MOTION to adopt Resolution 1990-30
amending Resolution 1990-16. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED
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%W Mr. Nordin announced that Val Stasik and Ginny Chin were present to address the
Council. Ms. Stasik read the proposal that had been prepared for the Council
(attached), which stated that the monies received would be used to pay the rent
on storage space. Councilman Fox made a MOTION to grant the Community Theater
the grant requested of $5,000. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. Councilman
O'Brien asked if any other funds were authorized by budget or any other funds
existed that could be given to this type fund. Mr. Farrell explained that the
specific matching fund program that is authorized by statute under LTAF is the
only statute that gives direct and specific authority to cities and towns. Any
other gifts from the general fund are generally prohibited by the constitution,
however, there is a long series of cases that do allow the non -matching fund
contribution when the town receives, in value or services, something of value in
return for their funds. Most typical of this is membership in the Chamber of
Commerce, distribution of a portion of sales tax to the Chamber for advertising,
or membership in the Arizona League of Cities and Towns, rental space from the
school district, rental for the public library, etc. He said generally there are
pretty stringent constitutional limitations on gifts using public funds. Mr.
Nordin reminded the Council that funding from the LTAF required a dollar for
dollar cash match from non-public money. Councilman O'Brien MADE AN AMENDMENT
to the motion to limit the funds to 50Z of our available LTAF which would be
$4,100. He said he felt that was only fair to other groups who may wish to
apply. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Hudson who then said that this type of a program
was apparently not considered to any depth at the Town Hall activity and was
certainly not high on any of the priorities that the Town has for expenditures
and funds. He said it was not considered by the Coucnil in their budget hearings
or any other time until last Tuesday. He further said that although this $5,000
was really insignificant in the total picture, it was really road building money.
even though the Council had the right to use 10% on this type of thing and it
really was taking it from the project that most people in the town were concerned
about. The Vice Mayor further said that this is not the time for this much of
an expenditure and should be considered next year in the budget and if the
Council deemed so, set aside these funds to be used for the various items that
the law permits such as recreation and the other items that were mentioned. Vice
Mayor Hudson then MADE AN AMENDMENT to the motion to read that the amount that
the Town contributes to the request by the Community Theater group be $1,000 in
lieu of the $5,000. Councilman Clark SECONDED Vice Mayor Hudson's amended motion
so that he could discuss it. He said that the Vice Mayor had expressed his
sentiments very strongly and that although he supported changing the resolution
to allow expenditures on this type of thing, he felt very strongly that the
Council needed to pave the roads out of the HURF and lottery funds before doing
anything else. Councilman Clark went on to say that he felt it was a good PR
gesture to allocate this 10Z for the type of thing being requested and that he
would support some amount being given to the Theater. Councilman Minarsich said
that he agreed that road paving was the number one or two priority in the
community but that man did not live by paving alone. He further said that since
$689,000 of these funds were allotted towards paving, highway administration
maintenance, etc., the expenditure of $5,000 for a group like the community
theater group was a good investment in the community. Mayor Cutillo said he
supported the theater and felt that $5,000 was appropriate at this time. He
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further said he wanted the arts and humanitarian board formed that could review
all these requests and bring recommendations to the Council. He also wanted it
made clear that this would not be an automatic $5,000 every year. Councilman
Clark stated that people who live on paved streets may feel that man does not
live by paving alone but that those who live on unpaved streets want paving and
that he spoke for those who want paving. Councilman O'Brien commented that even
though the Community Theater was probably the Town's premier organization, he had
concern that if there was a finite amount of money, there were no ground rules
established as to how that money should be applied for. He was concerned that
so much was being given to one group because they applied first. Councilman
Minarsich replied that he did not feel it was because the Theater group had
applied first, that it was more because of all they had done for the community
on a volunteer basis. He said he did not feel there was any other group in the
community that would qualify for these funds that had done as much for the
community. Paul May said he had been in the community since 1973 and commented
on how they had effectively reached out to the community. He said that the
accomplishments of the group really shows that they have something and that it's
our duty to support them for what they have done and will do for the community.
The Council vote was as follows:
On the second amended motion limiting the contribution to $1,000:
Ayes 1 Vice Mayor Hudson
Nays 6
The amended motion FAILED.
On the first amended motion limiting the contribution to $4,100 or 50Z of
the LTAF:
Ayes 2 Councilmen Clark and O'Brien
Nays 5
The amended motion FAILED.
On the original motion to support the request of $5,000 to be given to the
Community Theater, roll call vote requested:
Vice Mayor
Mayor Cutillo
Councilwoman Tibbetts
The motion CARRIED, four votes to three.
Jack Schuler asked if this funding was just for this fiscal year and the Mayor
replied that it was.
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Councilman Fox made a MOTION to table this as recommended in the work/study
session on Tuesday in order to get a recommendation from the Mayor's Youth
Council since that age group is affected and also to give it time to be
publicized in the local press to have any interested party available to speak
upon that at the next Council meeting. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich and
CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Jeppson used the overhead to show the Council and the public the two possible
alternatives. He said alternative A would prohibit any vehicle to be parked on
any public street between the hours of 3:00 and 4:00 a.m., except by special
permit. Alternative B would prohibit any non -motorized vehicle, trailer,
construction equipment or any motorized vehicle which is primarily designed as
temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use from parking
on a public street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., addressing
nothing about passenger vehicles, etc. Mayor Cutillo made a MOTION to accept
alternative B, ordinance 90-17, as written. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich.
Councilman O'Brien said that he thought it was an attempt and better than nothing
but that he didn't think it was very logical and that he thought something better
could be done. The motion CARRIED, six aye votes to one nay vote, Councilman
O'Brien casting the nay vote.
Mary Petrov asked about the work/study sessions.
Pat Mahin said they had noticed that there was a used car lot on Saguaro Blvd.
near the detailing lot and wondered if that was the image our town wanted to
present. Mayor Cutillo advised her to speak to Mr. Jeppson after the meeting.
Mr. Farrell said it was necessary to readdress agenda item #10 and set a time and
effective date for the ordinance, possibly longer than the normal 30 days, to
give people time to move and find appropriate storage for any vehicles that might
be in violation. Councilman Fox MADE AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION to put a date
of December 1st with the instructions to the Town Marshal and staff to prepare
warning notices so they could start notifying the public that there will be a
December 1st conception date. SECONDED by Councilman Minarsich. Norman Lash
asked how this would be policed. Mayor Cutillo explained that it gave the
ability to do something about complaints of this nature. The motion CARRIED
Councilman Minarsich made a MOTION to adjourn. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts
and CARRIED unanimously. The Council adjourned at approximately 7:53 p.m.
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Joh Cutillo, ayor
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the
minutes of the regular meeting of the Town Council of Fountain Hills held on the
18th day of October, 1990. I further certify that the meeting was duly called
and that a quorum was present.
DATED this 1 N^ day of November, 1990.
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
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