HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.1115.TCRM.MinutesYONAII OF Ii7UNTAIN 1111ILLS NCNUTP- OF 7i11s' RRWAR XWFING OF 7711" 11OUNIA"f HILLS 7t" w CXiLlmm Nl)YLwf, R 15, 19,W P111'1iC= Illc'etli't,t of tl'7c F(.7r117C.1?IiJ 1j111.1;_ 1t71.77 L:i7t'•� 7 l _ "1 )+Tam C':ulv�l7f"C..' t_7jL?"I' 174' ! 1?S%C-r c%i71177 {,Lit .l_L(% ?t t'. 11 �•.... i11't.-;C: 7nta'117 N111S 11171t1ed 'hov1 Oistrict t?'_;1-.-_Zi7_-. tl':?t1017 BL711:. in,- !✓t'Citc_ :' -146'75 N. Pe1 Cxvbre Ave., F::)r117t i1. Ui11s, [tii'ZfC'I7L3. 1'Ci.11li;:"lp fi(7C7 'Ie'JO,'_' �-. t'I'_' 1 !~.' j f-1 n ` f-LL 1 Z% 7 c 7i.- 1, i%L7r' O17 Glenn A tC'hil7SO 7 of the FOLU7 to-:' 1 h_ 11 i I'c v.t%S'ter'1.:.717 i l7 7' '('7 , I'. -1 _1 _'1? ! 1 taken. Pr'e:=ent for roll Call wc-n-- the of tr.e 1 Oul1 taro jiil. .i'7f,77 C7Lil7C=Z1: �/iJcuvor• Joha7 Cut11i_, �`7C 4i'z`2 v'ii ?T' 1'11.7L7ett_�, l":Zfic' H-in rsich" c_71l:7I'11r= f ;.1. Fra,—i il'i1 cal7;.?r 3Z11 !' Li'Itli. jar^_-'. _?n t wove l uf,77 b,,,na--rer' 1-aLII NoYd ZI7 . 1`%?i,77 t t .I'i7 ?j-' 1 ' �' ^ I? t _ 1 zr'z'eI i z _ 1_ C%711'L:uni ty PeVE?.iCJj?Illel7t Cr'arj del--pson :-v7i ?<7W7 {..'ic'f'�i ?SSZc 1�ti17S ;17. }XT COL?7C1117t?7 N1I73r'SZCMad,--K1- tr'lt�}1�(N tLP -7 C'vcrnc�il;,-71nL�17 Tibbetts and-CAh'.R(Fd1 u17s-'y. AGINVA ITF _93 - 'Fl:S1=1VT/lT C1N C11% '711' 1)f T_.I�1:rJJt?N.9d._.TIc N.SF1')f�`('�T CiN pi, PI"t:GS NZ'. Kell Pi'I.9,9S t/7E tI':?l:=1?c7rti . Ztu7 I ,11 on .•r Ved by thet'.1t1.="'lr'Ilti o tit7f' P/'7Lten-b •C7�: Z?1.�J 1:'!'lltll7llel.l tlf�?t they had n.C7t ct.-d very f 1':iiii ti7r' Trif,?7. JI = C?.': •_1:z Ln6d thL?t thej- had been ,4t/1e 11-0 `T"?t a Se0UI'B tC, aui o .1-_-, C Government and, the Reg gI ona1 Put ' i ";317 ' '' %1.1:7 tZ t,17 n:.i t!7C ' . t cSt t T' ti I'E"liN, is C:el7t S?1PS ti?Y to r-l71ii�7�r?rt= 7t' 1_.:'c?t:f,:: t;ll Lv7c ii c:St i�;liti7l7 Z? .'t'Z?tiOn131't1e tn: 7s-it ;4 ;tE?:71 f:%1' ':17<' <:'rl! ? r'c 7 .' Jff: . ;7-i:_. '17 i' the dIStr'117LItiUn 0,t the sale tr; t, Jn wolil'd t0 tran'E'it and 5_ tC i I'F?ei,l'3Lji' . He commented tj7<?t thi f'_";I. t� 7_i _!v'r' ri7{=i1 1 t"r :11 ?i � t�l a%7 +_ltr:i_: 7LIS SerVI C'e cii7Ci tCj 1iilE%I'OL'%:' 'C"-,_.s• . v t '- c .c . rv_... c t Jl I'.z r'rr'ci771 t?ri t173t th-fS f,':7171C1 1706d to he 7iiil•1'=?i ` =7 ;?," ? :i.! t •i` ti t'i't7I'7 7 r' ;�' i7c i'C'tE "wi. He _tat-d that l oanto 'I, dills c,=:'t i i7 t;`i C%:r.� d _,` Jd .ram_ t;: did 17o" L'I'eOILldc? their' I'eCeiVji7.Q• bt-Ne11 t 1'c7iii 1ii17LItB::` D P = ?'a -1 of PI A. Project Update a. Street Department, update and street paving report update Mr. NC7rdin I'i?,?C?lied that the 1C?W17 had F60eiVed tll? 1--1-iJ iJr j,?I' :qf;�J !:)C?ti7 7 ;71 ;i tl:e A - :i,'C72' h_31 ?72L t?7e'1I' tilt- newspaper, NI'. rtiordiIl said that the Street 1)avji7 PI'U,7?r't well and that he iwaS doin., ,SUilie 'CUfi111111g Zl1 OrC:'^i' t 013tail7 his C:C%St eStZ111ates. He :,toted that he p1i71'7ed to hiz report to the public t--n DecembeI' b. Fxtending the due date of the RFP "s for cable T. V. service Mr. Nordin said that the RIFF 's for cable T. V. were presently due back on Dece111ber S 1. Ile said that the Town was ranllirl,5' into a little difficulty al7d requested that the due date of the R F's be move'd to JaI7Lla-;tr 4t?7 sC7 Ile could complete his nror,1i on tile road paving I'epC1r t. (~oL711C'i.Itil<3I) FoXQ. that the due date of file RFF "s for cable T. V. services be moved to January 4, 1991. M, by Councilnlal7 Clark a17d CAW, . 1 Lulaniluously. c. Presentation an establishing a permanent Building Safety Department ."fr. Nordin explained that the T%w.,7 COL11 -cif had 3uMCU-1-7ed the Use Of a trlTljiOI'aI',Y 1?L711'C1Z11.e'-s:a'ety' insper,, tZon ServicC'. :1th the ande.rstalldin,cr that eventually the Tc)w,7 would secure its orJ77 pe.I'111anent building Safety 117Spe<'toI'. HO Stated that the= TC7F77 had ef—N7 U.3117g- Cartel' ill the tel711102'ary capacity zv7d Was 17ow ready to be?i:1in to establish Zt.� ow17 tii)il'Qii7g Lzzafet,'r" C7ej�al'tJ11�'llt and -request cxi tha ` t:lle Council allow the T bwT7 L. o do L 71 s pi-1 ur to Jr j%,Y' /�%3.I'C'h. 1931. N.e said that l7t' Cvol7-C? ?'Zve i10tlt,' t%,Y' lreCe?IlIbt2l' 1, 19,90 to Carter & As�-:zo'i13te- of the CoL.,ncil's deciSZo17. Na Cuti110 IMAV that. the To;,77 e .f.a ,1is17 a pCI-manel7t >'afety Depart men t as p1"e-s en t od . 5-1-UMVW by zw7d CA(j%��J UI7a177I1110LIS. y. d. Report and update on the AG Municipal Risk Retention Pool Vice p'ayar I -A d_�,.711 t=: sj?1 3I17 ?d thR t;.'°I'.' C'(.%Llllci l "le/IIJE I' : wt I'P 111e.F 7&.Z's !)i tilt= ML11i_I('-ZL).g1 h'ISA' 'e-e17Li FC _>i M/7_i_'h %iaLl i'•ee-'J7 iil bTl.. 17r. 'v'7 -i 5ti SIl7('E' aj? �I'C? 1I111? t r i,l' �v He .; t ? t r i tl i.i t this eolilp•aJ7 jl hi?' ? Cyelled due to lack of avai 7abi li t % ' ii 3L 11.1 tY 1I1 �tii't3,'IC't iC>I' ML1171 e'Zpal Z ti eS. lie tjla t the l a tesi: t'Zllall '. Z 131 estilva tes for t:l7e Fovl for file past nine 1fIC717t17S SllofJed j?I'e?IIIIu1115 :,r ttE'17 in eXc:esS of $5 171i1Ii017 at7d after' expe17:7,es the fund b3lal7ce •showed an inc rea e of 78;; . He -ta ted t-h<: t the Le4gve of 1,71 ti es x7d Torals Millu tes of the Tow17 Fa.F'e= �,' of 7 hid .10!7-' berN7 3 SL? %471'tfmT Oi- i:l'i-Z-� pool u' 7' I -He. said that at the 17ext board, meet117, ' ther contract betwee17 the A' sii Re`_.-,tlCiil v %1 is . L oi<3,i', e of Cities and JUi j Is rvhiCh wculd Cie fil7C 6a—h Or' I i i du i6., x7d benefl is t0 be der1 v_?,.i fot' en,, j17 Ti tO c:ti7er. He SL31d that also at thc= next boarYi !ile'-LI!7 ti7=t `.r7r finance Committee wULlid c_ti.?.<<]i'c' t17c' pUS,+'Ii]111 ty O:r 1�i?.iYii1I7;� 13 f or the Ooverag' = Oi' wor:1161, S O0IIIJDE17SC3 tifon. Ho Poi l tt=d O : t th'a, t through the 7ssociat1017 Gf these true. tht?t'C= 3 ch7 u7g?e 117 their policy of II7VeStir?c'.t7t �'1V1,'7� taw77S 17d t.'lZ;tS th"' opp'ortunitLf to Invest fw7ds on a lon..�,- r•-ter'lll basis than Just u';::"- to-day. He also p0i"?te`7' out that rec:el tly the -,tale alerts hr.3i held that i/3I'iOL1S 11�1'et'111el7tS Were 170t L'1.1.7d ill A.1-12C]I7a for colwilerc al bL7�'1I7eSSc'-S, tow/7S adjO C'1 t1f'S .ill r'etpeL-t ti7 the11• 1-7;Z311—ili . ror C,i .'tajn t,Trl.-e Ui ;f )C rc: t 1Ons. Ht= �:1117 }ll C�I Fool had been able- to help the Tow17 with these release:~ in IVS,'Iec: t to the roe?ds.ido c lea,72-Lip progiam- He said that t,le 1'']Llnt 3i1, Hill- Z,a171 tar;V drStr'1C:i Ilad applied f o-r with this pool INIt 117 tli'.? P? iSt only tOW77S X7d Cit1eS hati bee17 aCcepted t'Or' ii1e1i7be2'Sf1.iE�. He the t thosO tOA61, 1 al7d Ol t l-; S Which dl:d 170 t hZi Ve z3 Safety department or colllmi ttee. paid much h--,gher' t 2'eltl i11l1I5 t.hC317 those which did. He recommended that the Town beg ill prepar•a ti ons ajid pl at2s to add a Safe ty c ommi t t e & . 13. Disc:uss and possibly act upon 111. Kytensi on of the Thank -'giving .Day Parade route b. Special event request by the Chamber of Comrelerce. for Ctu•istuas lights and luminaries Nordin explaintI 'Li that the 07�3liibrr of - OI7'1iIh'TOe "73-3 1'equ ,: t117.g. tha t the parade route he ch,7,"7,gr'G t1'URl fO i 1 owj,7g 11,3 i on toile to f ]llowil7g' Palisades to Bashes - rzr"ter .i t eoml,leted the lave avound IV17ta117 Fa2'li. LOLIIlL.11lilal7 fax �ftIVFZ) I.J7 be%tll Zterls 3. ar7d h. be aE?prL]Vac7'.F,t'NI?Fs7J by C,'crL117, 1lraalnt317 L7bC?tts �J7Ci� LUMU7111101ISl y. c. &Wistrate Shoob's re-*7uest for addit:_ional staff Mayor CUtilly 1113de 3 M(TIONY to 1:3c-cept the Magistrate 's regLl�st for a pet'111:.3I7eI7 t Pali - ti7ile: j)0,,3 t 1 Oil IcC71' the r : r 'St-1—ate by l.CiilI7C'i 1 WC]Iltl�I7 Tibbett.:7 al?(? {•' l�h'%ItT) LIi7 ��7L71011.51 y. ?l. C;twinci lmal7 Fox in tr•oduc:ed Mesa City Frosec-a tor Lowell Hamilton, DFI Member ,�te:%e Gendler, Retirel State? Pv1ice Officer Pill LLIOaS wid Deputy Marshal Ray Fe1I r aS members of the sulcotmni 11 ter' wor'1 iag' 017 13ry ellfOr'celllei7t Oij—iO17S. M.ZI7utF.S O the :�C]wl? C bi_117C'-11 1 Y, i 5/"cell of Deputy Feller explai/7ad trim the cn:Lmi t,: Ce ry aitt 7i tin to (!MAZY NY OWN: positive a-t?ots of law enforcement with their Tws-rv_� PrC;;i_?u to 7 lOW17 With Safety Prob l ems , He stated that lIcl Ies'? iG 1L3i71 ;�:r??„ the committee. He pointed out that _C:-lilr' of the f1.717i'.tZCill ci could per'fOr'm Wert' to pt;11ce .'.o oc ial events, `", naturaldisasters _._ a1' help :� elp� r. + search and rescue, He enNlamed th:i,I, the r•2sBr've' unit Wouly j-'rovli e TI"Co retipnnse when a police officer, wns nee -Jed. security far 'O:1%'t, '7c' /- Wri,. collections, enforce pst-ki 1,T and traffic controls, patrol constr'ilot on ._ 7 tsl of new schools While providing, sPt cavity to c'. ils tin7, -7 tr'ar7Sportation to people I7E'C'd117r l.»<%vt'Ci tC% the C:OUI7t,T' 7i11 ciI7C iilaiilt i 11 visibility to bake the residontS lives sect c?.also _:iiZ He illlpnr'tant C:0111171LInity prOgZ'a= which the reserve officer's would be able to te3,-,h the r'esiden ts. Hr. Steve (iendler staled that the purpose C'f law enforcement R3S to assist those people Who did ^t want to voluntarily comply with the laws. He said th_?t basi call y reserve un i is Were COAVIr i Se?d Of abl ie 1 indeC7' citizens Who vO1Llnteered their tilde. He discussed that the M 5 pro'g-r_ o provide.? a variet."- of people a7d' skills useful to the on1?Lili_yl i t L'" and stated that the reserve pr'OPI-8117 is sec and Only to the Sheriff's department at no cast to the town. He mentioned that DFS had pledand to assist local law enforcement on every level and that they were concerned with the safety and security of Town residents. Deputy Feller discussed the certification pro,�'rlarll. He stated that it was a "two -Masai pr'ogism - which produced either a certified reserve officer (of which there were three different levels) or a Avi_lian reserve officer. The oote,,Cgor'res of certified levels Rely a fully C'-'r'ti iet-1 ter%11r e 0tT—z:,e.:- „eserv=? hav117,I: the sarile power as a fL711-sworo Offict'r'. a Seer alty reserve Ofj cer Who could only enforce Specific Statute_ such a .Oil.?I?:` vio'lations, Or a limited reserve officer Who is restricted to riding- r+'Zth a -ful j- Certified officer, The civilial7 reserve level was ar7 entry 1eVel. Ile 0017911t'7tal that AlyOWac had I'f=.'qL112'Ements beyond the training such L3S a str'ZCt t?tJlvsical , guidelines Of conduct, a pol.vgr'aph examination, 3 �SVC.',hUl(.'�IC'?a1` t'Aarilinatr017 and a i-3C 4`VOUnd eXaIllin3tiC?17. He mentioned that the civi1iar7 of,,-; e.rs, did not have the same strict re,-7ui ovents L7>' Al•vowac and that th,7j,' did nct have aZ'r'est power's. He Welcomed the Current posse to join the reserve= of f 1 -er pr'c.?grxl1. Councilman Fax s tr•essad that the reserve pi' gnxll wCrc? 1 d he strictly an adJL!ne t t% the Torah Marshal departllrent an ao<ild be assisting, the, Sheriff's dQP 3r't1RFr7 t. He said he to i t that th.l-::� t%I'i_ll� r': 11:' wou Lr_i be a Wet1 t to the C'C7ilBilili7i ty. !.OL1170Z 1111cU7 FC7ti 1.r111de a 1 1TLQN tr�7l the TC F77 ..'C:11i1i'.i. L'� 1'C'rvt.' the LZC7({ 1 1i Of the TOw77 H31--hal ,s Reserve Officer �?i'r/, 311 and sot it into place as called for .c'17 oru.in;vIce 90-2:13. .5 'MM !.7% J,y ,'eta; 27r 0'? t 111 110. C,'OL717011woxan Tibbetts questioned the financial insPonsibility of the Towr1. Deputy Filler covered his revised engens.e,s and mentialed that a tentative 'rant in the 3111OUn t of $10, 000 was to be aw3r'dC-:r_7'. %fie stated that the cost for' training NOUld ho :'P. 2-0 )_?t?r per,-70!1, study materials would be J50 Woo tes of th6 a or,77 (7C.-U!7101' 1 i:''1 `;•' 1L7 Age 4 of 7 �?C'r' �•!=r'SCdl. the I0,W17 S 0(- 17L'-.z ;UU iC%Il C%I 1117 Z1 C/T.'111S 11701LiCi11157 i13'Bari7iS ailr;7 r•JOL71d be $469.50, 1iaC'Ifi'1'C?i.ind 1Ji'vt?'ti,KT:3i_Z(7/7S WOUICT exY:-wllnations Ze•-' ti17 l `CI !• � - - (-'!= •- !�." C. I'eCL�;771tI1=l� cin•L3rCZc, 4 S0, O fi ee egvi pnlel2 t $1, 5(40 and -pp 1 i cull t prOCeSS1Ji1, SOC). T Ile total for the pr(191- i would be $'1�', :"90, 317CY with the N,r�ycir' "s Ie, v, 7 itic?n fL,I• trainil - t11C' to tal would be $i , i%' �'_: , ✓'t'.i71i t F' Fe .i _iE'I' '0l1rllle n tt:C1 that cif tB2' I'rL''ci Virg' that the J' Wl7 's (-o s t w(%1'i�i i.'I?_ y be al _L.rL.�iluatel,y 2�i �, v9i.1. Vi C:c'. t"iC7y%JZ' Had-,7 n C'1ai'1 tied that each offi0e.' -wo ld pU2'Chas: e tllt'. !il<3 ilor'1 tV of hIL�:-'17er OW77 UI71 fL7l- l 317Ci that the above figluro f(-,I' ull.ifolnls w,3s only what• the Toren would col7tro1. Deputy Feller said that t7<= total oo., t for each ullif--u-m W:.?:�� `>11_, 0 4.40 and exj.)lained that the Torn 6,%Pel7ti 1 tL1Z'e Was $y16,S). 50. '1177,;-P 'f or p, the a v'C?I age e'. price for t'Zlch pe' i'SC :7 w_'al' ' be -P�4L/ f OI' 1. n fOIYLiS. He e:%vla_illed that the total cost Of train -ill, Was at that $5L)L.1 would b'e reimbursed by AlyowziC and the Torwn F'Culld 4-,_ " the t ema- i17 il7E:' $-' ZC). ce McayC%.I' HL1CI:�C�l7 C'Ol.+L71C'.!7ttC1 tl?13t zel7e2'a1 i1ab.11ity f01' t.71t? f1Z'St yeal' Of the L'i7�'r;ilrl would be at nO L:o�`t. 117 Jlrljr. Ile Said, the Z'eratll7�Y W011ld talsr? place and the t:ot,31 payroll and toga] bud 'eted capi ta] _ilupr'ovements would be C'on,-: Jdc?.t,e t in Ordlr r to Come Ut.? "i th one rate for each $1 ..Oft) payroll. He stated that the cost for Liabi11 tTr for the reserve Unit would be no more than )'500 per ,yea t' . He Said th;3 t if the TOF'll had its owl7 police force of 15 full- time police officer's, that the cost would be. betwe:::n $,',, 700 to $5, 500. He Of-VINIt-17 tC-d that for WOrli111a17 the p2'OlnjU117 W3S deterVined, by the sz:?L37-j" of a new officer. He Stated that if a ToF77 did not have a police drj-'artltent, that it C 9;' l.lp to the TOTW? COUnci] to establish the premium. He a1C7 th,:?t he 11ei1eve'd the rat fUr 4r1111ie1' WOtlld be L7J7Cit'.Z' $100 J?t'L' p0 1-son L-ul 1'0111111deCi tho C o,mCi l that there would be no oha rges. for either 1 _I abl .l i tV or Worker _ C 0II!,Ct'17S3 ti C?Il U t i l TLI _t 1,991. He St C3 ted that the rate fc-r Worker s Compensation wa.s 5. `/,5 :'1t)C7 317d Bald that a gUeStion arose when ,7ttOMJl til7t?' t0 deteZ'!1)Il7e the vo-r ct?t charge frr a perSOn Who iS 170t PeCe1YiRLr =.ily S7a131-V C0111pe1703ti017. Chas']eS L3Slil (1 .Z.f 17,? I-e? 'eZ'Ve LII7i t f.'Ould Z•P'p1LIt_7e the Sheriff s p0�"Sc? now in Fount-ain Hills. Ma 'or 6LIti.110 ,3n�we.Lr 1 t.173t it WOU1d, RiI 7a.t'd H317717t?. - 5t:iitE?Ci t`.hat he felt tll .d.it_ZC.'7 of `17e? r'eSc'.Yvte Off1Cf'r pr'tit?Z'i�ii1 i✓::;LI_Ii_i add COili u,5io 7 :3-" he ;'houik'ht there wl%ii id be two di ffei ent Organ-2.zations doil79 the? Sa!!2e ,70b. C.OWICilm317 FOX C'.131'ified that 017e of the fit?' iiijL'/ll� W-ith LltilZ:J111,E? the ti>hcr.iff (levurt111ent is that they would not e17tLI'C'. t.17L lC;C 11 T(7F77 _?r'C7'1n317:'e: - ol7ly ti]e ,7tat•e 1.3F:� `. He t'.Ypl17.ined that �1 t._)?C' :'�hc?i'.Zi .t •S C?'!-'pLl t'tifir=ilt :17:7�1 C:'C%/7 tI'C'.0 tS fl:i.r' i.Liw eil.!`-i.7L•Ce!;S:'P.t (vitl7 lli. t'7,' other t.C%h%lip' alld Cities tiles% fo,:)uld not: iiic'111C'.L'.ISt' a L1171yt1e -'yet O1` OZ'di1'7t3170-"c' fO1' e';aCl7. MI'. EU )r'r_%F;2 r:lUr=: tZC'il Ci W%lt'tli 1' t/ ClUtJ 0.=' thr? I't:SeI'i'e fOU-Ce F''L11Ci Over1a�� thL Sheriff's, Po Se 0 duties. C.•OLL C'-i.111C'J:z F:it�IC?.Il7=u' that the r''SL'I"ie Ll17it ?S auxil rar;?' to 1-he Torgi and acki-i t io17a % t0 tht; Sheriff *S department. He toted that COLI!7 ty pa.VkS al-e p0.11 Ced by they court t,v S heri.tf 's d%,artmen t but if the .),'7eriff' needed Z3S-SiStal70e that they WOU1d e311 Marshall Ron P.erm and the 1117it: WOtliii CC7C71'dinato through the �,1701'iff .- dej-131'tll7el7t. COU11011111317 Hinu tz�s of the F t' 5 of ;' Mlnrirsic,17 streso-ed that then T'oF+77 Cui'r'entiy pa.y 'v'eIhl-rh rites fU2' P• 3.v to the 17eriff lS devartjllel7t to wc-).r at S�%E?Cs 1 e-,`eI7tS al7d 3 could IiC? I'E?.31i�@L� (7Tr the TUwl7 if thi`: r600Z'Ve LLIit w,is U17 QyUt�' fort12t''t' eve]7t.S. .He fu2•ther Stated that the Tora17 mould soor7 desi-re its oFm po7 icc' fore XRJ that the reserve force woLlld provide full - cert.jfiei.j officer's ci'71-J tTI , e the TDF77 Li "head Start" 017 th1L� The MOt1O17 {�r'iRt' sa4! i.ln 3l]jI11Uilfiry. Ai�.l RlA-F _.ITV - P 4!i�vE __. 4 �._ -J6zXC!_t_-ffITI_Rn -SQL SI_t+s�.i� _4! _d.i�•i'�iC [ 1 +'_ tf.XLGS._. H±1(.(� fX;d 1Y YE.AS-17jWJU �V �3�:_ -0-T 1V At aj:)prox_im.-itel,v 8:03 P.M. M3y0I• C:LIti11v Oallei a brief recess before 'i'nVe12117t?' ?:� the Board Of Ai iLISL47le17t. ACTFiA``j#.� ANU # MW-IW-B L_I._C�IN�,�ARD OF' AL�TII�"LK Y?F_.- RI >f/f' VftlA1V4'?..UP1�(/R_V The TOW) 6'011170j1 acted aS the Board of A jLISt.71ent On thiS iteln 017d because of 1 te171S aFe reC,0-rXk Y Separati=,ly. XMI A .IM_44 - AS _77ff = 7C)h`N 1 'If:.�j . Fii(Ilv1AL1V GS. '!he '1 r1,77 C017170i 1 recoil vened in their capacity as the Town Council. NO 017e ealne 1 arward to address the COL112ei 1. L,M)A—j1A,P_i_-_#-tl.l_ - PU yff F'SSICIN _�f) _._1I ,541.E N. ANU_ SmATIOLY���fR - LL�AL- A/IVICE ffI7J Z ff--2L _ !il7�if�.�s'Y__(l1_V_GYIIVI'i�3c;'1'.N�,L)7'lA�1L�L11S sSIAA I.- i.•`CILli7t'.IIInLU7 .,larli M- 0—vw— to ge? Into eZ6011t1'lc? '�:SIol7, JY Liy Coun0 Inal7 Minaysich and C >._ unanimously. After' a brief recess, the Council went into e..'ecutive oesrjon. '177e C OLL 7Ci 1 re0027Ve/7ed in Ses,Si o17 at �): 40 p . m. Minutes of the .Town Council 111"'15"90 F4g e 6 of 7 '•'hNli��1�.�'�_tt.1,� - ,�L2�()l/,RNt_fF�y'T C Ir7UnC'11111k'J7 3�`'C�}: 1,,,laij7 -'. a bm—I .N to �L�7G?12'17. mil' C > 1'['-?LiI1C:111i1 i'1 i Z.l %i :v7<7 -CABWW unanimously. 1'he Coanoil ad foUrnc'(.i at lainProximately 9:41 p.m. TOWN Oi l'rri urr r -• T .LA 1111_i�i. ,7o1117 M. r431401' Cast, i e B . Hansen, Tor,77 Clerk I helebtr certify t.17at the ftu-�'oigs;' ruillertes area true alld corteCt cope of the Iilin"Ites, of the r•el tllar meet.il2,i' 17.�Zd tiv the Tows CCx7170il Cif FOuntain (tills or the 15th day' f November, Itii=1,), I further rert.il-;v that the llleetirig' fk3s dU1,3" called cUld that a quoralll Was p:'r=817t. r14TY) this q�+t' day of Narc:h, 19a1. Ca-s:ue H. Hansen, ToTm Clerk r "flnute-. of thf 7cra7 C•oun"i_t 11.%15,'CrCj 9