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JANUARY 30, 1991
A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to
order by Mayor John Cutillo at 4:30 p.m. , Wednesday, January 30, 1991, in the
Fountain Hills Town Hall Conference Room located at 16836 E. Palisades Blvd. ,
Building C, Fountain Hills, Arizona.
ROLL CALL - Following the pledge to the flag and the invocation by Councilman
Charlie Fox, roll call was taken. Present for roll call were the following
members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Wally
Hudson and Councilmembers Peg Tibbetts, Mike Minarsich, Charlie Fox, Frank Clark
and Bill O'Brien. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Director of
Community Development Gary Jeppson, Town Attorney Bill Farrell and Town Clerk
Cassie Hansen.
Councilman Clark made a MOTION that the Council appoint the five people listed
on Mr. Jeppson's memo to Mr. Nordin -- Paul Kolwaite, Joel Katleman, George Bard,
Earl Stavely and Roland Britten. The motion was SECONDED by Vice Mayor Hudson.
Mr. Farrell recommended that the motion be modified to include the selection of
staggered terms for the members of the Commission. Mayor Cutillo made an
AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION as suggested. The amended motion CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Dale Gardon stated that all appropriate documentation would be presented to
the Council the following day and said that they were hoping the Council would
vote on annexation at their next meeting. Vice Mayor Hudson expressed his
concern at how these documents could be analyzed in the short time before the
next meeting. Mr. Gardon stated he hoped that by presenting the final
documentation to the Council in the Special Session, that issues could be
discussed and changes made so an addendum to the documents could be produced.
He said that the next step would be to impose zoning on the sites. He further
said that the next step would be working with Town staff to create new zoning
districts. He elaborated that the Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission
would have control over every site plan developed in the Felker project.
Mr. Gardon stated that the Felker group had considered all the existing
categories originating with the County zoning districts. He displayed that the
project covered five residential zoning categories: R1-6, R1-7, R1-8, R1-10 and
R1-18. He stated that within each zoning category guidelines concerning front
yard set-backs, rear yard set-backs, side lot set-backs and coverage would be
provided. Vice Mayor Hudson commented that he felt the proper approach was to
Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 01/30/91
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have very low density in a hillside area and observed that the opposite was the
strategy for the Felker project. Mr. Gardon explained that by putting more
people into a "smaller foot print" area there would be less disturbance and more
natural open space.
Mr. Gardon discussed issues concerning project access. He explained that the
Felker group had met with Rural Metro in order to discuss their concerns and
access needs. He stated that ultimately he was anticipating a road which would
hook up and eventually lead from the Parkway back up to Palisades making the
ultimate circulation route complete. He stated that they were considering a dual
lane divided median road as a means to provide potential emergency service
access. He pointed out that they had planned dual lane roads in many areas of
the project. He said that in his discussion with the fire department they
indicated an unpaved road would be satisfactory for emergency service, although
was not aesthetically preferable to the Town. Mr. Nordin stated that he felt the
Town would not desire having any more unpaved roads.
Mr. Farrell stated that when the Council determined the final number of housing
units for the project that the Town would place a moratorium on building permits.
He said that at that time the developer would reach an agreement with the owner
of the property concerning width and location. He commented that if after a 30
day period the owner of the property refused to meet with the developer, the Town
would exercise its right of eminent domain and condemn a road right-of-way. He
stated that the cost would be paid for by the Felker group. He further stated
that the Felker group would then make a provision that if, the development
occurring on either side of the road was built within ten years of the
condemnation, then the Town would collect from the developers on either side ofNom)
that new roadway a street development fee.
Mr. Gardon stated that the amount of roadways proposed for the area was supported
by statistical data and traffic studies. He stated that most problems occurred
at intersections and anticipated that the Shea Boulevard intersection would
create the most difficulty. He said that this intersection would provide for 880
units in the Felker development but when more than 880 units were built, the
level of service diminished.
Mr. Gardon discussed the need for a fire department site within the project. He
stated that at first the fire department would be housed in a temporary facility
and explained that they were working with MCO to find a suitable location.
Mr. Gardon explained that 208 acres, almost half the size of the entire parcel,
was to be used as open space. He commented that the open space was comprised of
both the golf course and natural areas. He stated that initially the golf course
would be owned by the developer. Mr. Nordin mentioned that he and Mr. Farrell
had discussed the possibility of placing a deed restriction on the open space
areas in order to maintain them in their natural states. Mr. Gardon explained
that the golf course size was limited by state requirements and that they would
leave much of the area natural. He explained that they did plan to utilize
"buffalo grass" in order to ease the transition between the grass of the golf
course and the natural desert.
Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 01/30/91
(,, Mr. Gardon described the amount of grading necessary to put roads in the area and
to increase the resaleability of the parcels. He explained that after grading
the area would be hydroseeded.
Mr. Gardon discussed the manner in which they determined the density of the
Felker parcel. He stated that initially the property had been approved by the
County for a population density greater than that being currently proposed by
Felker and had been purchased based on that density. He stated that after
evaluation, he and his associates determined the initial density was too high and
reduced the number of proposed housing units by 400. He stated that this was
done in order to meet market demands. He commented on and made comparisons to
several other Felker projects with high density parameters to the current
project. Mr. Jeppson stated that currently the greatest density area in Fountain
Hills was approximately 26. Mr. Gardon explained that the parcel with the
greatest density was parcel 7 and was similar to the Pavilion at Gainey Ranch.
He stated that the remaining parcels would accommodate everything from single
family detached homes to the small lot products.
Mr. Nordin commented that the Felker group had proposed the maximum number of
units to be 1,169 and stated that in all probability less would actually be
built. He said that he was willing to agree to this density as Felker had
guaranteed the open spaces would remain open and natural. He also commented that
he felt the developer should allow a certain percentage of flexibility for
altering the density in each parcel. Councilman O'Brien expressed concern
regarding emergency access should density transfers occur. Mr. Nordin stated
that this was a point needing further discussion.
Councilman Fox expressed his concern over the ambiguity of the parcel zoned as
resort property. Mr. Dick Felker commented that, as an example, the Hyatt at
Gainey Ranch helped stabilize the entire development and felt a resort would do
the same for Fountain Hills. He maintained that it was in Fountain Hills ' best
interest to pursue development of a resort. He commented that should several
year's time pass without development of a resort the parcel may be rezoned as
residential for financial reasons and recommended a 2-year period. Mr. Gardon
explained that a time limit may be written into the development agreement stating
that if a resort was not built on the property within a certain amount of time,
the Town could consider rezoning. Mr. Felker stated that he had discussed sale
of the resort parcel with a resort operator who desired placing a "destination
resort" in the area.
Mr. Felker stated that they had decided not to initially develop a signature golf
course because they had selected Scott Miller, the chief architect for Jack
Nicholas ' courses. He said that they had an agreement with Mr. Miller where they
could later buy a signature of a top name player if desired.
Mr. Gardon mentioned that concerning the issue of the roads being minimal, he had
met with the fire district and submitted a great deal of information for their
perusal. He stated that he would attempt to draft the development agreement by
the next day so the Council could discuss it in their next work/study session.
Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 01/30/91
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No one came forward to address the Council.
Vice Mayor Hudson made a MOTION to adjourn. SECONDED by Councilman Clark and
CARRIED unanimously. The Town Council adjourned at approximately 6:25 p.m.
John utillo, Mayor
Ciu.z &_4_ATTEST:
C B. Hansen, Town Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the
minutes of the Special Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the
30th day of January, 1991. I further certify that the meeting was duly called
and that a quorum was present.
DATED this oDI -+ day of March, 1991.
6tfa.a..L„. iL
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 01/30/91
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