HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.0430.TCSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN SILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL APRIL 30, 1992 A Special Session, open to the public, and possible Executive Session of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor Cutillo at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, April 30, 1992, in the Fountain Hills Council Chambers located at 16836 E. Palisades Blvd., Building C, Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL - Following the pledge to the flag and the invocation by Councilman Fox, roll call was taken. Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Peg Tibbetts and Councilmembers Mike Minarsich, Frank Clark, Charlie Fox, Bill O'Brien and Wally Hudson. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Town Engineer Randy Harrel, Town Attorney Nick Dotterman, and Peter Putterman for the Town Clerk, Cassie Hansen. AGENDA ITEM #2 - CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING THE BID FOR THE STREET PAVING PROJECT CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCTION 70, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,882, 736.90. THE COMBINED PROJECT EAST AND WEST OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BOULEVARD IS FUNDED BY GENERAL OBLIGATION AND HURF BONDS AUTHORIZED BY THE VOTERS OF FOUNTAIN HILLS IN MARCH OF 1991. Councilman Fox made a MOTION to approve the request. SECONDED by Councilman Lor- Clark. Mr. Cisak asked if the bid included all originally planned roads or would some roads be cancelled. Mr. Harrel said before the bond election there were 120 streets listed and all of them were included in the paving project. Ms. Charles asked if Fountain Hills Boulevard was included and Mr. Harrel stated it was not. He added that there was $200, 000 included in the bond issue for maintenance. Mr. Harrel said they planned to begin design work on it and the construction time frame depended upon what they did with the design. Mr. Cisak asked what happened to the other $1.4 million saved. Mr. Nordin stated that they would consider using the money for Fountain Hills Boulevard. CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1992-10, A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PURSUANT TO ARIZONA REVISED STA'iumS SECTION 9-232.01 AND TOWN CODE SECTION 2-1-5 AMENDING THE TOWN CODE CHAPTER 2 MAYOR AND COUNCIL ARTICLE 2-1 COUNCIL SECTION 2-1-5 COMPENSATION BY ADDING A SECTION 2-1-5-A ESTABLISHING A SALARY OF $300 PER MONTH FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS AND A SECTION 2-1-5-B ESTABLISHING A SALARY OF $400 PER MONTH FOR THE COUNCIL MEMBER SELECTED TO SERVE AS MAYOR. Councilman Minarsich read the motion and made a MOTION as requested. SECONDED by Mayor Cutillo. Councilman O'Brien asked how to avoid a conflict of interest. Mr. Dotterman said that would not be the case and if so, all seven members would have the same conflict. He stated that the statute provided that the Mayor and Council make that situation known and they would all be able to vote on it. Councilman Hudson asked some questions that pertained to the wording of the Resolution. Mr. Dotterman stated that the changes were all right, but not necessary. Councilman Hudson AMENDED the motion to change the language to read "proportionate portions thereof" in both sections A and B. SECONDED by Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 4/30/92 Page 1 of 3 Councilman Minarsich. Councilman Hudson said he preferred to see the salary based on attendance at an amount per meeting attended. Councilman Hudson AMENDED Neg) the motion to show section A to read compensation for meetings called by the Council and attended by Councilmembers would be $50 per meeting and $60 per meeting attended by the Mayor. Motion FAILED due to lack of a second. Mayor Cutillo called for discussion to the original amendment, there was none. Amendment to change the wording from portion thereof to proportionate portion in sections A and B. Amendment CARRIED unanimously. A roll call vote was taken and the results were as follows: Councilman O'Brien aye Councilman Hudson aye Councilman Clark aye Mayor Cutillo aye Councilman Minarsich aye Councilman Fox aye Vice Mayor Tibbetts aye The results of the roll call vote on the Amendment to the Motion were seven aye to zero nay votes. Councilman O'Brien stated he disagreed with the Resolution, that it was too soon. Mayor Cutillo stated the community was in good financial condition and he felt it was the right time. Councilman Hudson said he surveyed thirty-five people and one said absolutely no, five said they thought there was already pay involved, and twenty-nine said it was all right. He stated he received two phone calls and one letter in opposition to paying the Council. Councilman Minarsich said he justified the fact that it was the expense as well as the time involved. Councilman Clark stated he had not gotten one comment that the Council should not be paid until the day before. He said he had received one phone call and one letter in opposition. Councilman Clark stated he did not think that Councilmembers should put in the number of hours involved and be *4011) expected to finance all the travel and expenses. Vice Mayor Tibbetts said she agreed with Councilman O'Brien and she felt most comfortable with remaining a volunteer. Ms. Petrov said she thought the Council was being compensated and asked when the issue was originally presented. Mr. Nordin stated that it was during his five year plan presentation, the night the bulb burned out on the overhead, at a regular Council session. Ms. Petrov said when a person runs for this type of position, they should understand that a large number of hours would be involved. Mayor Cutillo stated that was a given, they were requesting compensation for money out of pocket. Councilman Clark stated he felt it was an individual matter regarding how well they chose to do the job. Mr. Yadon, a three year resident, asked if Mr. Nordin didn't do most of the Council's work for them. Mayor Cutillo stated that Mr. Nordin did not do any of his work for him. Mr. Yadon did not agree with the proposal. Professor Larson stated he was a volunteer for the Planning and Zoning Commission and did not want to see the proposal pass. Mr. Sparks said he thought the Council did deserve the money. He said the pay would help the Council realize their jobs did have some value and the Town owed them that much at least. Mr. Stavely stated he did not have a problem with the money, he had a problem with the timing and the way they went about it. Mr. Stavely read a copy of the letter he wrote to the Council, indicating he felt there was a conflict of interest. Councilman Clark responded. Mr. Minarsich responded also. Ms. Charles said the Council was doing a good job, however, did not agree with pay. She stated that there were many other better places to put that money in the community and asked where the money was coming from. Mayor Cutillo stated the money was coming from the General Fund. Mr. Evancho said the Detroit Free Press published Council pay of towns throughout Michigan and they ranged from no pay to $175.00 per month. He stated he felt each should be paid more and have them do all the work. Mr. Songer said the Town needed elected officials running the Town and to do that, they should be paid Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 4/30/92 Page 2 of 3 because it was a full-time job. Ms. Sercue stated the average Council pay across the valley was much less than the proposed pay and the towns were larger. Ms. Charles asked if the Council was allowed to use any money for places for school bus riders to stand. Mayor Cutillo replied they could but it was not an agenda item and would not be discussed further. Mr. Gendler stated he had three reasons that the Council should enact the proposal, it was an investment, there were unreasonable demands made on the Council's time that most people did not realize and they should be rewarded. He said there was not a conflict of interest, it was their obligation to pass ordinances and make changes and since they were not in the positions permanently, there was not a conflict. Motion CARRIED with a vote of five aye votes to two nay votes, Vice Mayor Tibbetts and Councilman O'Brien cast the nay votes. AGENDA ITEM #4 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Mayor Cutillo made the call to the public. Ms. Sercue said the Planning Department was quick to respond to a complaint she had the previous week. She requested that there be something included in the ordinances addressing graffiti. AGENDA ITEM #5 - ADJOURNMENT. Councilman O'Brien made a MOTION to adjourn. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. The Town Council adjourned at approximately 7:35 p.m. B TOWN OF F TAI`10, S Lr, y: John Cutlk11p, Mayor ATTEST: eter Putterman for Cassie :. Han en, Towns�Clerk / �h.A.) PREPARED BY: ' � ear' ari L. Bratcher, Secretary CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 30th day of April 1992. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this ca, — day of May 1992. Pe r Putterman for Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 4/30/92 Page3of3