HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.1203.TCRM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL DECEMBER 3, 1992 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor Cutillo at 6:30 p.m.,Thursday,December 3, 1992,in the Fountain Hills Town Hall, located at 16836 E.Palisades Blvd.,Building C,Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL-Following the pledge to the flag and the invocation by Vice Mayor Fox,roll call was taken. Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Charlie Fox, and Councilmembers Mike Minarsich, Bill O'Brien, Peg Tibbetts, Wally Hudson, and Frank Clark. Also present were Community Development Director Gary Jeppson,Town Engineer Randy Harrel,Town Attorney Bill Farrell,Town Manager Paul Nordin,and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen. Town Clerk Cassie Hansen introduced her new Administrative Assistant, Marcia Jewett, to the Council. Mayor Cutillo said that all items listed with an asterisk(*)were considered to be routine,non-controversial matters and would be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. There would be no separate discussion of those items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requested. If a Councilmember or member of the public wished to discuss an item on the consent agenda,they could request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item would be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Typical items on the consent agenda include minutes, special event requests and easement abandonments. All materials and prior approvals received from the Town Marshal and Fire Chief(for special events) and all utilities and the Town Engineer(for abandonments)have been provided to and reviewed by the Council prior to the consent agenda vote. Mayor Cutillo asked if anyone would like to remove any item from the consent agenda prior to voting. Consent agenda items included: Item #2, Consideration of the liquor license for the new Chinese East Fortune Chinese Restaurant;Item#3,Consideration of the Chamber of Commerce Special Event Request for the "Holiday Preview" on December 12 and Item#4,Consideration of Gene Glasgow's application for an extension of premise/patio permit at the Alamo Saloon on Saturday,December 5, 1992 for a barbecue during the Army/Navy game. Councilman Clark MOVED approval of the consent agenda. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbetts and CARRIED unanimously. A roll call vote was taken and the results were as follows: Councilwoman Tibbetts aye Councilman Minarsich aye Councilman Clark aye Councilman Hudson aye Councilman O'Brien aye Vice Mayor Fox aye Mayor Cutillo aye Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 Page 1 of 10 L The roll call vote results were seven aye to zero nay votes. AGENDA ITEM#5-PRESENTATION BY CRAIG TRBOVICH OF THE 1991/92 FISCAL YEAR AUDIT. The Town's auditor,Craig Trbovich of Cronstrom and Trbovich,reviewed the audit report and answered questions. He pointed out that the independent auditors report on page one was the opinion of the auditors on the financial statements of the Town for the year. Mr.Trbovich said that the auditors opinion and the general purpose financial statements presented the financial position of the Town of Fountain Hills Arizona as of June 30, 1992 and the results of its operations for the year that ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, commonly referred to as a "clean opinion". Mr. Trbovich briefly reviewed the balance sheet of the Town for June 30, 1992 and explained that it was a"snap shot"of everything that the Town owed or was owed as of June 30. Mr.Trbovich reported that as of June 30 the Town's fund balances were as follows: the general funds fund balance was$746,000; the special revenue funds (mainly the curb/street fund) had a fund balance of$283,000; debt service fund(used to pay the street bonds that are being paid by property taxes)had a fund balance of$4,500;capital project funds(bond proceeds being used for the street projects) had a fund balance of $4,200,000; the agency fund (deferred compensation plan for the employees) had$84,000 as of June 30; general fixed assets of the Town (property and equipment owned by the Town) was $3,750,000. General outstanding long term debt at June 30 consisted of outstanding bonds and capital leases and a small amount for vacation liability. Mr.Trbovich brought to the Council's attention that during the year, fund balances of the general fund increased by $317,000 mainly due to increased revenues and the expenditure budget being under what was expended for the year. In addition,because of the CDBG grant, (a federal grant the Town received during the year) the auditors had to perform a "single audit" which appeared in the back of the audit. Mr. Trbovich stressed a couple of points: all of the reports were clean and in compliance and in compliance with the strong internal controls of the Town. There was one minor compliance on page 27 dealing with the drug free work place act. This act states that any governmental entity receiving federal funds must have an adoptive policy stating that all employees will be notified that they must work in a drug free work place. Town Clerk Cassie Hansen stated that the policy was being incorporated. Mr.Trbovich stated this was a new regulation last year but because the Town didn't have a single audit that year,it wasn't brought to the Town's attention. Mr.Trbovich continued with the final item on page 37 of the report. All the recommendations listed were corrected by the Town during the year. Councilman Hudson asked if there were any suggestions for corrections this year. Mr.Trbovich stated there were some minor items that weren't required to be in the single audit report which he had reviewed with Mr.Nordin and his staff. AGENDA ITEM#6 -MANAGER'S REPORT 6.A. PROJECT UPDATE(WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION FROM THE COUNCIL FOR APPROPRIATE ACTION) (1111.9 Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 Page 2 of 10 6.A.1. TOWN'S 1993 STATE LEGISLATIVE LOBBYING STRATEGY/RELATIONSHIP WITH DISTRICT 28 LEGISLATORS After noting the current republican majority in the state senate,Mr.Nordin pointed out that Sen.Ed Phillips had been assigned a committee chairmanship and would be in a leadership position. Mr. Nordin said he would like to be at the legislature one day a month when he attends his MAG meetings. At that time he would meet with the State legislators and perhaps others. Mr. Nordin stated that it was now required that staff would have to be officially registered as lobbyists. Registration has been completed for Mr. Nordin and consideration was being given to registering the Town attorney also. The Mayor and Council members do not have to be registered. If Mr. Nordin takes one of the legislators out to lunch that will have to be reported. Councilwoman Tibbets asked if there would be another meeting with the legislators like last year. Mr.Nordin suggested having a breakfast meeting earlier on followed by a lunch meeting sponsored by the league. 6.A.2. REPORT ON THE MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATES INSTITUTE Councilman Hudson stated that three Councilmembers and the Community Development Director attended a meeting that was hosted by the City of Tempe and sponsored by an organization called Community Associations Institute(CAI). He reported the number of homeowner associations in the country in the last ten years had gone from 45,000 to 150,000 and was expected to increase to 225,000 by the year 2000. The subject of this meeting was how they operate and how they affect municipal government. Councilman Hudson stated there were three broad classifications of homeowners groups: a condominium group established by law in Arizona (if you have a condominium you must partially adopt state statutes and partially adopt items you may want yourself)a formal homeowners association(such as is being organized in Fountain Hills to take care of deed restrictions);and a neighborhood block watch or organization for any purpose. The lecture and discussion at the meeting emphasized that all groups have an active role in city ',44) government. Working with the town they have been able to organize community organizations to help beautify,create local pride and develop programs for neighborhood improvement. Although Fountain Hills would not be anywhere near that stage for years,Councilman Hudson noted that we do have condominium organizations and that others were being established. The Town can help through cooperation which it had already started by not taking any kind of an adversarial position. Seeking cooperation and working with these citizens groups by providing information on how to start such an association, maintaining a file on the existing organizations i.e. their officers, who they are and what their position, outlook,and purpose is would be helpful. A town-wide informational meeting could be coordinated for all such organizations. The Town staff and elected officials should be available to these organizations. Councilman Hudson further stated that Tempe has gone to great lengths and has hired an assistant to the City Council solely to handle their 150 organizations. Mr. Nordin stated his Arizona City Managers Association sponsored an in-service seminar which talked about this very thing. Councilwoman Tibbets said she was glad to hear of the cooperation that municipalities were beginning to direct homeowners associations. She has been involved with CAN community associations and feels they are a wonderful,professional source of information, advise and counsel to any organizations belonging to their group and have a high reputation and she feels that is a very positive move. Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 Nerir Page 3 of 10 Councilman Clark said Tempe feels so strongly about the need to maintain close communication with all of the organizations that they have mailing and telephone lists facilitating notification of something that is happening in the town that would be of interest or possibly need potential action of the staff or Council. Councilman Clark was very impressed with their results. Councilwoman Tibbets said there are many of this type of organization already in Fountain Hills. She feels there are more than 25 so we would have a good basis right here in town. 6.B. DISCUSS AND POSSIBLY ACT UPON THE FOLLOWING: 6.B.1. CHANGE ORDER#13 OF THE STREET PAVING PROJECT Mr. Randy Harrel the Town Engineer,explained this change order, which involved a section of Palisades Boulevard. He stated that change order#13 in the amount of$27,513.00 to construction 70 for the street paving project is for a section of Palisades Boulevard involving the center strip paving that goes from the west end of Bashas to approximately the east end of Park Palisades. After the street department had patched this area a number of times, they found it was underlined by clay and needed to be redone due to deterioration. It was originally thought the patching would correct the problem but after constructing the two side pieces they felt it would need to be removed and replaced and should be done while they have a good price on it and the construction contractor was here. The question was asked by Mayor Cutillo if they would be forced to take up the new pavement that was just put down. Mr.Harrel explained that they would be saw-cutting at the edges but it would be relatively minor. Councilwoman Tibbets asked Mr.Harrel if the construction company would be done with the school paving project at the end of December as well as the work done by Four Peaks School. Mr. Harrel said it would probably be the end of December before they were done paving out. The only projects they hadn't started were Cerro Alto Drive and the two rehabilitations. Councilman Clark questioned the extension of the five days on the contract and asked if that meant January 5. Mr.Harrel said their actual contract date was the end or mid-January and that the construction company wanted to complete the project as quickly as possible regardless of what the completion date was. Councilman Clark MOVED for an approval of the street paving project change order #13 on Palisades Boulevard as described in the report and memorandum supplied by the Engineer. SECONDED by Councilman Hudson. Mayor Cutillo wanted to point out to the public that even with this work order we are still within the budget. Mr. Harrel explained the Town had allocated about$300,000 in contingency amounts between construction contingency,additional work at the very beginning and a budgeted amount for rehabilitation. This change would exceed the budgeted amount for rehabilitation. He said there was approximately$1.5 million in the budget that was allocated as an overall contingency to avoid running out of money. Vice Mayor Fox asked about completion dates. Mr. Harrel stated the original completion date was November 22, 1992. About 45 days had been added due to various change orders,additional work that was added in, as well as rain days that had occurred. The MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 Page 4 of 10 ,q,„)6.B.2. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE SANITARY DISTRICT FOR USE OF DISTRICT PROPERTY AS A MAINTENANCE YARD FOR THE TOWN. Mr. Nordin stated that the approval of this IGA provided the street department the ability to put an expansion structure on that property. The lease amount was $1.00 per year. The Attorney had reviewed the agreement and found it appropriate. It already had been signed by the Sanitary Board. Mr. Nordin recommended approval of this agreement by the Council and explained that it would take us one step closer to obtaining the building that was budgeted in this years budget. Councilman Hudson MOVED that the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town of Fountain Hills and the Sanitary District of Fountain Hills be approved. SECONDED by Councilman Clark and CARRIED unanimously. 6.B.3. AWARD OF EQUIPMENT BIDS FOR THE STREET DEPARTMENT INCLUDING AN AIRLESS LINE STRIPING MACHINE AND A VIBRATING ASPHALT COMPACTOR AND TRAILER. Mr.Nordin said they recently received bids for two pieces of equipment for the street department,a striping machine and a vibratory compactor. Mr. Nordin asked Mr. Harrel, the Town Engineer, to explain to the Council. Mr. Harrel explained the striping machine was originally in the 1991-1992 budget but was not purchased at that time because an analysis of whether it would be more cost effective to do striping in house versus contracting out,was requested. It was determined to be substantially less expensive to do the work in house. Two bids were received - one from Unimasco for $54,500 and one from Morton International for$54,747. The specification stated the bids would be evaluated not only on price but also on delivery, warranty and conformance to specifications. Unimasco had a slightly lower bid, both met the delivery requirements,and both specified a one year warranty. Unimasco conformed to the specs almost perfectly. Morton International did not meet 12 out of the 30 requirements, some of which were very substantial downgrades. The Street Department demoed both pieces of equipment and preferred the Unimasco product over the Morton International. The staff recommended they purchase the Unimasco product. Vice Mayor Fox asked what the expected life of the machine was and Mr. Harrel stated 10 to 12 years. Vice Mayor Fox then asked what the subcontract price was to have this striping done in town. Mr. Harrel stated some budgetary quotes were obtained from a number of different contractors and they anticipated between their price and the contract administration inspection they would be looking at about$.09 a lineal foot for striping on a contracted basis. On an in house basis, the analysis showed $.05 a lineal foot including labor, equipment and materials. Mr. Harrel said there were about 47 stripe miles the road district had striped. When the street paving project was completed, there would be up to about 25 stripe miles and it was anticipated that within the design life that would be up to about 190,approximately four times the striping that the road district did. Mayor Cutillo MOVED to accept the bid from Unimasco Incorporated in the amount of$54,500 for the striping machine. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbets and CARRIED unanimously. Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 Page 5 of 10 L Two bids were received for the asphalt roller and trailer for the roller. Empire Machinery(for a Caterpillar product) submitted a bid on a trailer only for$23,600 and Canyon State (for a CASE product) had a bid of$19,848 for the roller and$3,950 for the trailer. Neither bid included tax. Approximately two months ago the direction of the Council was informally sought to go out for bids on rollers since the Towns had basically died. Originally it was intended to be included in the budget because one wasn't expected to be purchased until the next fiscal year. CASE came in with the low bid. Both bids complied with the 30 day delivery time and both had a one year warranty. The Caterpillar bid also included a four year power train and laboratory system extended warranty. The Caterpillar conformed to the specifications; the CASE product had a thinner steel drum size,had a less extensive water filtration system and didn't have all the gauges on it. Both units, as well as several others, were demoed. The Street Department preferred the Caterpillar unit for a number of reasons. Based on this information, the staff recommended that Council award the bid to Empire Machinery for the Caterpillar roller and that they would go out and get bids on the trailer. The Street Department felt they could utilize a less expensive trailer than was specked out. Councilman Minarsich asked if they would go out to bid again on a trailer or just simply shop for an appropriate trailer. Mr.Harrel said quotes would be obtained on a trailer and if the price was under$5,000 they would not come back to the Council nor go out on a formal bid proposal. The Street Department felt they could get a non-tilting,flat trailer for about half price. Councilman Minarsich MOVED to accept the staff's recommendation to approve the $23,600 for the purchase of Empire's Caterpillar roller. SECONDED by Councilwoman Tibbets. Vice Mayor Fox asked if that included tax. Mr. Harrel said tax was not included. Councilman Minarsich included in the above MOTION $23,000 plus whatever taxes. Councilwoman Tibbets SECONDED the addition and the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Vice Mayor Fox asked Mr.Harrel how much money was spent on equipment for his department in the last two years. Mr. Harrel stated he didn't have the specific figures but thought it was over$300,000. 6.B.4. ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR NAMING PARKS IN FOUNTAIN HILLS. Mr. Nordin called on the Parks and Recreation Director,Robin Goodman, to explain this item which had been given to Councilmembers prior to the Council meeting. Ms Goodman stated that a study was done in neighboring communities. After researching what they successfully used, and looking at the Town's own particular needs, the proposed policy was being recommended for the Council's approval. Councilwoman Tibbets asked what towns were researched. Ms Goodman answered they looked at what Scottsdale,the City of Mesa and the City of Glendale had and this recommendation conformed most closely to what the City of Mesa had. Councilman Minarsich asked for clarification of naming parks after people. Ms Goodman stated that it was not a generally accepted policy to name parks after people but allowing such circumstances gives the commission opportunity,as well as the Council,to formally approve an individual organization at a future date. This particular policy allows for more flexibility for what may be future circumstances. Councilman Clark pointed out the key words were not "encouraged" but "provide for". Ms Goodman stated the intent was to be able to write a policy for the people to adopt something that was flexible. Councilman Hudson asked if this affected parks in subdivisions since builders could name them what they want. Ms Goodman concurred that this did not apply to parks the Town didn't own or manage. Councilman Minarsich pointed out in Item #4 in the policy,that in order for a park name change to take place they would have to be approved first by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Ms Goodman said the intent was to go to the Commission first for approval and then to the Council. Mr. Nordin suggested the word "approved" be changed to "recommended by". Councilman Hudson MOVED to accept the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission relative to naming the parks with the amendments that have been made. SECONDED by Councilman Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 Page 6 of 10 Clark. Mayor Cutillo asked for discussion from the public. Mary Petroff,El Pubelo Boulevard,asked that the final statement be read the way it would appear. Mayor Cutillo answered it was item #4 in the procedure that says, "Although not encouraged, park names may be changed if properly justified and reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by the Town Council." Ms Petroff asked Mayor Cutillo if that left the final decision up to the Council and if that would be open to public review prior to a decision. Mayor Cutillo said it would. Wil Drabenstot said he had sent a letter to Councilmembers last week and that he had read the policy statement several times, found it accomplished absolutely nothing and felt the comments made tonight underlined that too. Mayor Cutillo made the statement he would vote in favor of accepting this recommendation. He said he loved Ruth Collins, felt she had done an awful lot of work for the community and deserved some recognition. He said he hoped someday that she got recognized in the proper way. Mayor Cutillo said there would not be many parks in the community and there were an awful lot of people who do deserve some recognition and hopefully,at a future date,a way to honor her and the many others that deserved it would be devised. Councilman O'Brien added he felt we should start gathering a list of the people who deserved recognition. Councilman Clark agreed and suggested this should be done and made a matter of record for future use before the information was lost and the people that remembered the details were gone. Councilman Minarsich added that there was a monument sitting in front of Town Hall that a private citizen had dedicated to someone in this community and that he favored those types of monuments or a flagpole located in the park. Vice Mayor Fox added many communities have a memorial park, proper dedication of a plaque with names on it,and suggested maybe someday we could have a Town Hall of Fame where we have portraits of people that deserved recognition for their outstanding service. Mayor Cutillo asked for further discussion. Mr. Collins, from the public, had two thoughts. He hadn't had a chance to review the policy but hoped whatever the policy, consistency would be used in applying it. Secondly, Mr. Collins didn't think of honoring them so much as recognizing the tradition of community service. He said these people had contributed to Fountain Hills as it now stands but that the job wasn't done. Other people would be needed to make the same kind of contribution, to do the same kind of work that had been done by the pioneers. We need to think of it not only in glorifying individuals but also the need for service continuing to the community. Councilman O'Brien suggested inviting someone from the Fountain Hills Historical Society to get involved in this effort. Mr. Collins further stated the Town did have responsibility for all public facilities and their names whether they had been developed or not. Streets were probably the biggest thing to be named in this town,and that had nothing to do with parks and recreation. Town Attorney Bill Farrell said that at the time a property owner brings forth a subdivision plat and dedicates a public street, the Council would have the right to approve the streets for continuity purposes. Until dedication occurs the Council would not participate in the naming of privately owned property. If it's dedicated to the Town and the deed is accepted, the Council would have the ability to name it. Councilman Clark said his understanding was that the Town had no say in naming parks and streets without first holding the title. Councilman Hudson asked if there was a master program of the county to get approval for street names. Mr.Jeppson stated MAG had set up a street naming and addressing system that towns could internally participate in but that we had the authority to name the streets whenever we decided to name them. Mayor Cutillo asked for further discussion. Mary Rairigh,Deerskin Boulevard, suggested that the idea of naming streets, localities, and monuments after certain people was a good idea to Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 Page 7 of 10 commerate and honor the pioneers. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a group of people connected with the historical society that would be able to recommend these names to the Council. Mayor Cutillo concurred with this idea but stated it could not be acted upon at this meeting because it is not an agenda item and suggested we put it on the agenda in the very near future. Councilman Clark recommended that it could be a subcommittee of the Parks and Recreation Commission with at least one commissioner on the committee,the balance to be made up of appropriate citizens in the community. Mayor Cutillo stated again that a decision would not be made tonight. Mr. Nordin assured the Mayor and the Council that such an effort would be made through the Parks and Recreation Commission and the directive would be given to Ms Goodman and be brought back to the Council. The motion CARRIED unanimously. 6.B.5. NAMING GOLDEN EAGLE PARK Mr.Nordin again called upon Ms Robin Goodman to discuss this item. She stated the vote was nine to zero to name the property donated by MCO Properties, Golden Eagle Park. Mayor Cutillo MOVED to accept the recommendation to name the park, Golden Eagle Park SECONDED by Councilman Clark and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM#7. CONSIDERATION OF REPLATTING LOTS 1- 11 AND 25,BLOCK 3,PLAT 507-B TO 510. Mr.Jeppson gave a thorough explanation of replatting of lot 1 - 11 and 25. The staff had been able to take care of all the conditions that were stipulated in the report presented to the Council last Wednesday and had no further concerns. Mayor Cutillo MOVED to accept the staffs recommendation to approve Plat 510 as recommended. Councilman Minarsich SECONDED. Councilman Clark said that in the memorandum to the Council it was mentioned that all utilities were in but the reference to cable was absent and what happened to the cable. Mr. Jeppson answered that under the license agreement, Dimension Cable was to provide service in accordance with that agreement. Councilman Clark stated that if a developer opened for the electric.and it would be in our interest to see that the cable was laid in too to avoid a street cut a month or two later. Mr.Jeppson said the cable would be going behind the curb. Councilwoman Tibbets asked if Dimension Cable was notified when trenches were opened and it was told they were. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 Page 8 of 10 AGENDA ITEM#8. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT 415, FIREROCK RIDGE. Mr.Jeppson stated that MCO Properties and Mr. Larson were the owners of plat 415. This was now the flat plat of the subdivision of the Firerock Ridge subdivision. The staff had worked with the developer and resolved issues included in the memorandum. Still in the process of negotiating was the insurance agreement for the development at the end of the subdivision(the northwest portion at the end of the wash that dead ends). There was no current activity beyond that point so access was not needed but there was potential in the future of that being developed. Mr. Bill Farrell drafted an insurance agreement that would assure the developer would complete this structure to go beyond and would like to be able to negotiate further on this. The staff would like approval of complex 415 with the stipulation that the insurance agreement and land drainage improvements from Tombstone to the north side, be executed by MCO Properties. Financial assurities would be in place at such a point that would be agreeable with the Town staff. Another mylar that included the easements the Town desired, as well as eacements on the plat regarding lot drainage issues,would be designed and it was Mr.Jeppson's understanding from the Engineer, that it had been approved. Mayor Cutillo asked if this was privately owned land beyond the platted area. Mr. Jeppson said yes. Councilman Minarisch asked why we would require someone the ability to get to their own land. Mr. Jeppson stated plat 414 was being dedicated to the Town of Fountain Hills,but not the bridge. When both properties were developed, the wash would then be the property of the Town and if a bridge was to be placed over the wash in order to continue the streets,it would be done from the general fund. It would be difficult making a condition of the rezoning of the property to the north and east since it wasn't in those two subdivisions. So the opportunity to determine who would pay for the bridge was the issue. Councilman Minarisch asked if this first draft was the final draft and it was clarified that it was considered a first draft and there hadn't been a second draft yet. Councilman Minarisch then asked if we were asking for a stipulation that an agreement to build a bridge be done sometime in the future and it was confirmed that the agreement would be part of the approval process. Councilman Hudson MOVED the approval of final plat 415 with the stipulations presented,be approved. SECONDED by Councilman Clark and CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #9. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1992-35, APPLYING FOR FEDERALLY SPONSORED FLOOD INSURANCE, PURSUANT TO A.R.S. 48-3609. Councilman Hudson MOVED that consideration of Resolution 1992-35 applying for federally sponsored flood insurance as written be approved. SECONDED by Councilman Clark and CARRIED unanimously. Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 'NJ Page 9 of 10 Mayor Cutillo publically recognized of some special people that had attended this meeting and thanked Boy Scout Troop 245 from the LDS Church for coming. They were working on a communication merit badge which in part, required they attend a Town Council Meeting. Mayor Cutillo made the call to the public. Mr.Drabenstot filed with the Town Clerk,the petitions he had collected regarding naming Golden Eagle Park. Mayor Cutillo called for a motion to adjourn. Councilman O'Brien made a MOTION to adjourn. SECONDED by Mayor Cutillo and CARRIED unanimously. The Town Council adjourned at approximately 7:55 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By: J/n M. Cutillo, Mayor ATTEST: ( i&A.& I . l�J1nA.l,�� Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk PREPARED BY: A \-<i '? � , ,ti);1/ Marcia M. Jewett, Admin. Assist. CER 1'1HCATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 3rd day of December 1992. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 1+4.. day of December 1992. &_,..L„ 4 . Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Minutes of the Regular Session of the Town Council 12/03/92 Page 10 of 10