HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.0109.TCSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
JANUARY 9, 1993
A Special Session of the Fountain Hills Town Council open to the public was convened and called to order by Mayor
Cutillo at 8:30 am., Saturday, January 9,1993, in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Conference Room located at 16836
E. Palisades Blvd., Building C, Fountain Hills, Arizona.
ROLL CALL - Following the invocation by Vice Mayor Fox, roll call was taken. Present for roll call were the
following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor John Cutillo, Vice Mayor Charlie Fox and
Councilmembers Bill O'Brien, Wally Hudson, and Frank Clark. Absent was Councilman Mike Minarsich.
Councilwoman Peg Tibbetts came in at approximately 10:00 a.m. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin,
Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Director of Community Development Gary Jeppson, and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen.
The Council began discussion by making general comments on the overall plan. Councilman Clark began the
discussion by expressing concern over the documents current content. He said he felt that the suggestions and
subsequent changes made by the developer, MCO Properties, had replaced what the consultants had originally done
using the input gleaned from the public. He felt the intent of what the residents wanted had been altered. Mr.
Jeppson explained that the consultants had struggled with some of the desires expressed by the residents because
some reflected extensive variances from the current status. He described the difficulties and breakdowns which had
occurred during the process.
Mayor Cutillo commented that he did not feel the proposed plan represented any drastic changes from the original
plan and that most people had purchased property under the current plan. He said it would be very expensive to
make drastic changes at this point in time. Vice Mayor Fox observed that the original plan was for a built out of
80,000 people and that helped to explain the excess commercial. Mr. Jeppson added that during the input gathering
process that residents had pushed for a centralized commercial area. Councilman O'Brien felt that foresight was
needed and that 20 years from now when it took 15 to 20 minutes to get to the "downtown" area that a neighborhood
Circle K wouldn't look so bad to the residents.
Mr. Farrell pointed out that in restricting development, there was always the possibility of litigation. He said other
communities had found out that maintaining a pristine state in an area could be an expensive process because it left
the owners with no uses of their land. He said it was much easier to sue if any land use was denied. Mr. Farrell
summarized by saying that the most expensive community to run was a bedroom community with single family
homes and no sales or property tax.
Prior to beginning their page by page review of the General Plan, the Council decided to put the Economic
Development Element back in the Plan. They felt it could be adopted as is and amended after they received the
recommendations from the Mayor's Council for Economic Growth.
The Council then proceeded to review the General Plan, discussing areas of concern and making changes along the
way. The following is a summarized list of changes made during the extensive discussion:
Minutes of the Town Council Special Session - 1/9/93
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Pg 1-4, 1.3. Remove paragraph 1 under Finding of Facts, too subjective.
Pg 14, 1.3. Remove "In all cases" in the last paragraph.
Pg 2-1, 2.2. Change "form" to "formed".
Pg 2-1, 2.3.A. Leave in the first sentence RE topography.
Pg 2-2, 2.3.C. Remove the second sentence "As the community...".
Pg 2-3, 2A.B. Second paragraph, removed "will" and change 'open" to 'opened".
Pg 2-3, 2A.C. Change "The Family Health Care Center" to "A health care center".
Pg 2-4, 2A.E. Change "Fountain Hills Civic Association" to "The Community Center" and delete "at the
existing Community Center Building".
Pg 2-4, 2.4.F. Remove the first sentence; remove "two" in the second sentence; remove the third sentence
beginning with "One company..."
Pg 2-5, 2.5.D. Change all appearances of "franchised" to "certificated".
Pg 2-5, 2.5.E. Third paragraph, place period after Park and add sentence, "Excess effluent is transported
to various sites by agreement".
Pg 3-1, 3.0. Put Economic Development Element back in.
Pg 3-2, 3.1. Goal 2. Change "sensible" to "sensitive".
Pg 3-2, 3.1. Remove Goals 4 and 5.
Pg 3-2, 3.2. Goal 4. Change "provide" to "promote".
Pg 3-3, 3.3. Goal I & 3. Change "provide" to "promote".
Pg 3-3, 3.4. Goal 1 & 3. Change "create" to "promote".
Pg 3-3, 3.4. Put Economic Development Element back in.
Pg 4-3, 4.3.5. Add "Publically and" to third bullet.
Pg 4-5, T4-2. Add appropriate acreage to "Parks" to reflect Golden Eagle Park (88.1)
Remove C-3 from Fountain Park on Maps 4.
Remove Map 5, the Zoning Map - the map is too fluid to include in the General Plan but
a new Map 5 added "Major Planning Areas".
Pg 4-9. Change "27" to "18".
Pg 4-10. Under Eagles Nest, remove the second sentence. Under State Land Parcel delete first half
of second sentence through the word "but".
Pg 4-11. Remove the second half of the first sentence under Regional Access, "the town is close...".
Pg 4-13. Last sentence, delete "Like all communities,".
Pg 4-14, 4.2. In first sentence, fast paragraph, add "and" between conflicts and imbalance and remove
"or overall discontinuity".
Pg 4-14, 4.2. Remove "to the north" from the fifth bullet.
Pg 4-14, 4.2. Leave in the sixth bullet and add "commercial' before development.
Pg 4-15, A. At the beginning of the last sentence replace "It also..." with "The Town...".
Pg 4-15, B. Remove "excess" from the beginning of the last sentence.
Pg 4-15, D. Leave in the strike out verbiage.
Pg 4-16, G. There was Council direction to rewrite Section G.
Pg 4-17, 1.1. Leave in "within a defined scale, appropriate character and design theme.
Pg 4-17, 1.3. Leave "neighborhood identities" as originally written.
Pg 4-17, 2.6. Delete all after the word "areas".
Pg 4-18, 4.4. First paragraph under the bullets, last sentence, leave as "as well as open space
preservation priorities".
The equestrian center was removed from the General Plan map and left on the facilities
map #3.
Pg 4-24 Remove all use of "nodes".
Pg 4-24, 6. Leave as originally written, reinserting "which meet the daily needs of a multi -
neighborhood trade area".
Pg 4-25, 13. Strike second sentence and add to the fast sentence, "and school owned properties".
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Pg 4-27, 1.
After much discussion, it was decided to delete everything after the fast sentence.
It was commented to make sure that Table 4 agreed with all of the previous changes and
delete the words "community" and "two".
Pg 4-36, 8.0
Leave in but revise units.
Pg 4-38, 14.0
Change time frame to "one to five years".
Pg 5-4, 3.
Delete "and City Hall Civic Center" from the second sentence.
Pg 5-5, D.
Reword fast paragraph. In the fourth paragraph, place a period after "roadway" in the
second sentence. The next sentence to read, "The signalized Shea Blvd./SR87 intersection
has been relocated to the east some 300 feet. In fifth paragraph delete "...by mid 1992..."
Pg 5-6, 1.1.4.
Change "Develop a" to "Continue to".
Pg 5-8, A.
Put second paragraph back in.
Pg 5-9.
Put the last paragraph in A back in.
Pg 5-9, B.
Delete the third bullet regarding on street parking.
Pg 5-10, F.
The last sentence in the first paragraph was discussed. The word "signal" may be "single"
and would have to be checked out.
Pg 5-10.
It was discussed that the last sentence, the first half having been stricken, should be
replaced and that Randy Harrel should be consulted
Pg 5-12, T5-1.
Since "Private" and "Hillside" had been added to the Roadway Categories, discussion
would also have to added Also, "four" would have to be changed to "six" to reflect the
addition of the two categories.
Pg 5-14, A.
Put the stricken verbiage back in regarding a traffic impact analysis requirement.
Pg 5-15.
The top of the yellow page goes back into the document.
Pg 5-16, E.
Delete the fast paragraph.
Pg 5-17, H.
Remove the last sentence, "The number of special events and their attendance can only
be expected to increase in the future", from the first paragraph. Also remove the last
paragraph of Section H.
Pg 5-20, T5-2.
In 3.0, change "going" to "ongoing". In 4.0 and 5.0 change "city wide" to "town wide".
Pg 6-1, 6.1.
In the first paragraph, last sentence, add "beginning" between "park" and "in". In second
paragraph leave last sentence as originally written. In third paragraph change "of' to
Pg 6-2, C.
In the fast sentence, leave in "High School".
Pg 6-2, D.
Remove the whole paragraph.
Pg 6-2, E.
Change to "D".
Pg 6-3, G.
Remove "in" from the middle of the fourth sentence.
Pg 6-4, 6.2.B.
Fourth bullet, change "teen and youth" to "recreational" facilities.
Pg 6-4, A.
In the second sentence, change "completed" to "started".
Pg 6-4, B.
There was direction to change the title "The need for Long -Term Protection of Fountain
Pg 6-4, B.
Change the last sentence of the fast paragraph to "The park's current owner is M.C.O.
Pg 6-4.
Remove the entire second paragraph.
Pg 6-5, C.
In the last paragraph, remove everything after "An additional golf course is an example
of such a facility. Though likely to be developed by the private sector, a new golf course
will address to some degree, the overall park, recreation, and open space needs of the
Pg 6-5, F.
Put the section on effluent back into the document and explain how the effluent is used.
Pg 6-713, 6.0.
Remove objective 6.1 and change the number 6.2 to reflect the change.
Pg 6-8, 7.0.
Reword Goal 7.0 to go along with the new statement on effluent.
Pg 6-8, F.
Change to read, "Encourage development of....", and delete "two or three".
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Pg 6-9, B. Delete "Proposed" from the title. Remove the second and third sentences from the first
paragraph. Leave in the last sentence in paragraph two.
Pg 6-10, C. Delete the second paragraph.
Pg 6-11, F. Remove "two or three" from the title.
Pg 6-11, H After much discussion, it was decided to leave this paragraph in except for the last
sentence. Also, remove "community" from the first sentence.
Pg 6-11, I. Rewrite this section on reclaimed water.
Pg 6-13. Change Map 9 to remove the "donuts" and put the schools back in.
Pg 6-14 through Following a discussion on Table 6-1 many changes were made and recorded by Gary
6-24 Jeppson.
Pg 7-23. Councilman Clark identified some areas which he felt were unclear and required
It was reiterated that the Council would go with Chapter 7 on Economic Development until such time as the Mayor's
Council for Economic Growth completed their work.
After discussing possible dates for the public hearing, Mayor Cutillo MOVED to set the public hearing date for the
second meeting in February. SECONDED by Vice Mayor Fox and CARRIED unanimously.
Vice Mayor Fox MOVED to adjourn. SECONDED by Mayor Cutillo and CARRIED unanimously.
The Council adjourned the special session at approximately 3:15 p.m.
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
John Vutillo, Mayor
Marcia Jewett, Admin. Asst.
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Session held
by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 9th day of January, 1993. I further certify that the meeting was duly
called and that a quorum was present.
DATED this q+k day of February, 1993. L,
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
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