HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.0619.TCSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
JUNE 19, 1996
A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor Miles at 6:30
P.M.,Wednesday, June 19, 1996, in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers, located at 16836 E. Palisades
Blvd., Building B, Fountain Hills, Arizona.
ROLL CALL - Following the pledge to the flag and the invocation by Paul Nordin, roll call was taken. Present
for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Jerry Miles, Vice Mayor
Lawrence and Councilmembers Bill O'Brien,Marianne Wiggishoff, Sid Apps, Al Poma and Penfield Mower. Also
present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Town Clerk Cassie Hansen, Director of
Community Development Gary Jeppson and Town Engineer Randy Harrel.
Street Department
Town Manager Nordin stated the largest share of the Street Department budget was for street maintenance expenses.
He said there was a request for an additional street maintenance worker. He referred to a colored line map which
indicated medians, who maintained them and areas destined to be transferred to the Town. Town Engineer Randy
Harrel pointed out the various major street maintenance projects planned for the next fiscal year which included curb
repairs, crack filling, asphalt patching and reconstruction, overlays, minor drainage improvements and slurry seal
coating work.
Councilman O'Brien MOVED to approve the Street Department budget. Councilman Poma SECONDED the
motion. Mayor Miles pointed out several line items under the salaries and benefits which were found to contain
errors. Town Accountant Julie Ghetti straightened out the line items which contained errors where numbers had been
entered in the wrong lines. There was no change in the total figure. Mr. Harrel pointed out the increase in
engineering fees relating to public works projects from nothing to$45,000 because the residual funds had diminished.
Mayor Miles asked if the $945,000 transfer from the General Fund to the Street Fund was a typical figure for future
budget requests. Mr. Harrel said the transfer included monies earmarked from sales tax revenues. The motion to
approve the Street Department budget CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Nordin reviewed several clean-up items in the Administration budget. In response to Mayor Miles' suggestion,
he proceeded to explain the possibility of appointing former Councilman Wally Hudson as a volunteer Risk Manager.
This position, being volunteer, would only increase the workmens compensation line item amount by$200. He said
the Town Attorney had advised him this appointment would not violate any state statutes. Councilman Poma
MOVED to amend the Administration budget by including an increase of$200 to the workmens compensation line
item and to authorize the hiring Wally Hudson as a volunteer Risk Manager. Vice Mayor Lawrence SECONDED
the motion which CARRIED with a 6-1 vote. Councilman Apps cast the nay vote.
Mr. Nordin reviewed changes to correct figures relating to previously approved amounts in merit monies and the
adjustment in Magistrate Court salaries line item to include the wage increase for the Magistrate. He provided the
Council with budget sheets reflecting the corrections. The general fund expenditure summary sheet reflected all
amendments the Council had made to date in the budget. Councilman Mower MOVED to approve the minor
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changes as presented. Councilwoman Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously.
Peter Putterman, Information Systems, said he had analyzed five software packages he had requested regarding
computers for accounting packages which included modules to accommodate Parks and Recreation needs. He said
the prices for modules were approximately $10,000 to $17,500. He said interfacing was possible.
Parks & Recreation
Mr. Nordin presented an analysis of the existing salaries and explained the additions for the next fiscal year. Robin
Goodman, Director of Parks & Recreation, called attention to an error relating to the expenditure figure for the 14
new programs. She said it should appear as $33,181. She stated at present 29 programs were offered and that three
programs had been proposed to be cancelled. She explained that engineering consultant fees were for the high school
campus lights in the amount of$4,500.
Vice Mayor Lawrence MOVED to approve the Parks & Recreation budget. Councilwoman Wiggishoff
SECONDED the motion.
Director Goodman explained the procedure regarding the selection of new programs. Councilwoman Wiggishoff
stated the present programs only funded 68% of the costs and that self-funding programs were needed. She
suggested a future goal be implemented to improve the percentage to cover expenses. Councilman Poma suggested
fees for programs needed to be raised to cover costs.
Wendall Oliphant suggested childrens programs should be funded by adult ones and volunteers needed to be
expanded. He asked questions about expenditures for lights,continuing education expenses,conferences,and cellular
phones. He commended Brian Hughes for his dedication to summer programs.
Director Goodman replied to the questions by stating the cellphone expenses were included to enable children to call
their parents in the event payphones were broken or unavailable. She explained the various educational classes and
seminars for employees as well as certification in CPR and first aid.
The motion CARRIED unanimously.
Golden Eagle Park
Salaries & Benefits
Mr. Nordin explained that the budget amount for the line item Capital Outlay-Phase IV did not contain an amount
but would be funded by a combined $900,000 transfer from the Grant Fund to enable financial tracking. He said
a revised budget page would indicate this transfer mechanism. He reviewed the proposed construction plans for
Phase IV which included four lighted tennis courts, two lighted basketball and sand volleyball courts, three horse
shoe pits, paved parking lot, pedestrian foot bridge and landscaping. He stated the engineering fees line item was
divided between expenditures of$20,000 for completion of last year's contract and$20,000 for this year's inspection
services for the Phase IV construction. He proposed an additional person to assist the present maintenance worker.
Director Goodman referred to a memo which detailed the Golden Eagle Park budget and compared the number of
employees required from various communities.
Councilman Poma MOVED to approve the Golden Eagle Park budget. Councilman Mower SECONDED the
Mayor Miles asked for clarification of the increase in the salary line item. Mr. Nordin explained that the salary line
item for 96-97 provided for a full year's salary for the present worker along with an additional worker. The 1995-6
figure only represented a partial year's salary because the present worker was hired in mid-year. Mayor Miles asked
Mr. Nordin to provide more exact figures representing salary and benefits costs. Vice Mayor Lawrence asked what
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the completion date was projected to be for Phase IV. Director Goodman said the start date was for sometime in
November or December and completion date of April-May. He suggested the hiring of an additional worker be
delayed until the completion of Phase IV. Vice Mayor Lawrence AMENDED the motion to delete the request for
the additional park maintenance worker. Councilwoman Wiggishoff SECONDED the amendment. Mr. Nordin
assured the Council that in the event the park was completed prior to the end of the fiscal year, sufficient funds could
be provided for a worker from the contingency fund. Wendall Oliphant supported the amendment. The amendment
CARRIED unanimously.
Capital ExpenditureNehicles
Vice Mayor Lawrence AMENDED to delete the $17,000 budget allocation for an additional truck. Councilman
Poma SECONDED the amendment which CARRIED unanimously.
Mowing/Landscape Maintenance
Vice Mayor Lawrence questioned the annual mowing contract expenses of$15,000. Director Goodman stated the
mowing contract was approximately$12,000 with an additional$3,000 for miscellaneous expenses including seeding.
She stated the bids for the mowing contract were pending.
Park Equipment
Councilwoman Wiggishoff AMENDED the motion to delete the John Deere utility vehicle, spreader and aerator and
pursue renting of this machinery. Councilman Mower SECONDED the amendment. Vice Mayor Lawrence
suggested the acquisition of these items be delayed until the completion of Phase IV. He suggested a comparison
between leasing and acquisition of these vehicles and accompanying costs incurred over a 10-12 year period.
Councilwoman Wiggishoff AMENDED her amendment to include the deletion of the three items and direct staff
to do a more complete buy vs. lease analysis. Councilman Mower SECONDED the amendment to the amendment.
Wendall Oliphant made suggestions regarding park equipment. The amendment CARRIED with a 6-1 vote.
Councilman O'Brien cast the nay vote.
The motion to approve the Parks & Recreation budget CARRIED unanimously.
Town Marshal
Town Manager Nordin noted the largest increase in the Marshal's budget was for the Sheriff's Department contract
line item of$180,000 which covered the service change from 1.55 beats to 2 beats. Also included in the budget was
a replacement vehicle. Marshal Gendler stated that 68% of the Marshal's budget goes toward the contract with the
Sheriff's Department.
Councilwoman Wiggishoff MOVED to approve the Town Marshal's budget as presented. Councilman Mower
SECONDED the motion.
Marshal Gendler pointed out that this was the second in a three-year contract with the Sheriff's Department. Mr.
Nordin explained that discussion was likely to be held at the annual retreat sessions in September regarding the setup
and starting costs for a full time Police Department. He estimated July 1, 1998 as the official start date. Marshal
Gendler explained the quantity and quality of the present police vehicles in the department. Councilman Apps asked
about the expenses of acquiring a 24-hour dispatch operator. Marshal Gendler said his investigation into this
possibility had yielded a cost of$91,550 based on 27 dispatch shifts. Mr. Nordin stated Captain Sheridan of the
Sheriff's Department had been looking into providing more dispatch service. Councilman Apps asked if the officer
who was receiving training for the proposed gang task force could stay in the department. Marshal Gendler stated
it was possible.
The motion to approve the budget CARRIED unanimously.
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Debt Service
Mr. Nordin said the Debt Service provided for the approval of payments for obligations of the Town. Vice Mayor
Lawrence MOVED to approve the Debt Service budget. Councilman Apps SECONDED the motion which
CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Nordin explained that $509,500 be transferred to the Grant Fund to serve as matching funds for Phase IV for
Golden Eagle Park. The Marshal's grants were included as well as several other minor grants. Director Goodman
stated Phase V and VI for Golden Eagle Park would be included in the 1997-98 estimated at$450,000. Councilman
Mower MOVED to approve the Grants budget including the transfer from the General Fund of$509,500 to the Grant
Fund. Councilman Apps SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously. Mr. Nordin said the cost
estimates for Phase IV were based on estimates provided by the consultant, E Group. The project has not been bid
to date.
Community Facilities District
Mr. Nordin explained that the Community Facilities District was not a financial part of the Town's budget. He said
a separate budget would be published for the purposes of paying the debt for the bond issues of the District. No
action was necessary at this time.
There was no comment from the public.
Councilman Mower MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Poma SECONDED the motion which
CARRIED unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
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By: i
Je Miles, or
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
Linda D. Lemmen, Administrative Assistant
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session Meeting
held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 19th day of June, 1996. I further certify that the meeting was
duly called and that a quorum was present.
DATED this 11th day of July, 1996.
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
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