HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.0318.TCWSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
MARCH 18, 1997
A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor Miles at 6:30
P.M., Tuesday, March 18, 1997, in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers, located at 16836 E. Palisades
Blvd., Building B, Fountain Hills, Arizona.
ROLL CALL- Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Jerry
Miles, Vice Mayor Bill O'Brien (late) and Councilmembers Don Lawrence, Marianne Wiggishoff, Sid Apps, Al
Poma and Penfield Mower. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin,Town Clerk Cassie Hansen,and Marshal
Steve Gendler.
Mayor Miles reversed the agenda items to allow Deputy Chief Sheridan to make his presentation prior to accepting
public questions and comments. He anticipated the Council would start the decision-making process regarding future
law enforcement options starting with the second Council meeting in April.
Deputy Chief Jerry Sheridan presented a computer-enhanced video display of the services and benefits provided by
the Sheriff's Department for the Town of Fountain Hills. He pointed out that the Town was the largest contract for
law enforcement services in Maricopa County and that the Sheriff's Office was committed to continue to provide
the best possible services with the least amount of expenditures. He said the County Board had affirmed the
relationship with Town officials because of the contract. He gave a brief overview of the many bureaus within the
Sheriff's Office, the fourth largest in the nation. He stated because the MCSO has been providing law enforcement
services in Fountain Hills for many years, his officers know the area, know who the criminals are and how to deal
with issues relating to crime trends. He said community-orienting policing was used by the MCSO as a familiarity
practice to involve officers with residents and property owners as well as business people throughout the town. He
pointed out the liability issues was a major concern. He referred to a case in South Tucson where one of the police
officers had shot an investigative officer who was trying to serve a search warrant. The resultant suit almost
bankrupt the city but terms with the officer had been reached to permit annuity payments rather than a lump sum.
He pointed out that the liability for such an issue would have been the responsibility of the MCSO rather than the
Town. He said the contract amount did not have hidden costs but provided for full services from MCSO if needed.
Some of the auxiliary services included in the cost of the contract were enhanced 911 communications,investigation
officers, investigative support, and enforcement support such as search and rescue volunteer personnel as well as
posse and reserve members. He explained that when a vacancy occurred due to the training schedule of an officer,
another officer was assigned to fill the vacancy until the regular officer returned. Other support agencies included
aviation support, scuba divers, canine officers and bike patrol.
Deputy Chief Sheridan suggested the Town select a Town Law Enforcement Manager to be the command officer
responsible for patrol operations and offered to supply candidates for this position. He reviewed a chain-of-command
spreadsheet which included accountability levels of staff. He pointed out the contract included additional
transportation services of prisoners from the jail to the courtroom which normally would prevent police officers from
performing their regular duties and/or incurring additional costs to the Town. He said the cost model had worked
effectively for the last two years and that all benefits, overtime costs and paper supplies were included. He said the
squad cars had traveled over 100,000 miles in the town in the past year and in the event of a decommissioned patrol
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car,replacement would take place the next day per the contract. He displayed survey results of the costs of a police
department based on population. The Town of Fountain Hills paid $74 per person as compared to $309 per person
in Paradise Valley which has its own police department. He said other items to consider were the existing radio
equipment communications system that MCSO presently used as well as their plans for improving the system by the
year 2000. He said the regional staffing, the inclusion of personnel training expenses and the evidence security for
the storage of stolen or confiscated property were additional reasons to consider the continuance of services from
MCSO. He stated that even if Fountain Hills did not contract with the MCSO, the Sheriff's Office would still help
in various matters such as investigations, but at a different level of service. He supported the Fountain Hills Posse's
efforts in the community which included over 9000 hours of service during the past year. He explained that the
Sheriff's policy had always been that there was no dedicated posse to a community when the Sheriff's office does
not provide contract law enforcement service to that community. He said the maintenance of quality of life issues,
preservation of a low crime rate, and conserving costs were important considerations. He offered to assist in the
interview process, if desired.
He recommended a full time MCSO contract be approved and that current town employees would be considered for
Mayor Miles asked about the county-wide 911 service. Deputy Chief Sheridan said it was provided throughout the
county but individual communities had experienced problems with communications. Councilman Lawrence asked
how many calls were answered which provided search and rescue services. Deputy Chief Sheridan answered that
there were no calls but that services were available. Councilman Lawrence likewise asked about aviation support.
Mr. Sheridan said there were no records kept but that there had been some instances where the helicopter had
Councilman Lawrence asked Town Manager Nordin how the Town handled the liability issue if the town were to
organize their own police department and if the town would go bankrupt if presented with a large lawsuit similar
to South Tucson's tragedy. Mr. Nordin said he was familiar with the 1984 incident and felt that the situation would
not have bankrupted the city. Wally Hudson, the Town's risk manager, said the Town of Fountain Hills currently
carried five million dollars of liability insurance and additional insurance could be purchased. Mr. Nordin said a
tragedy resulting in a court settlement would not bankrupt the town. Councilman Apps asked how much of an
increase in premiums would occur if the town decided to form its own police department. Mr.Nordin said he would
have revised figures in four to six weeks with respect to increased insurance costs. Hudson said he had approached
the risk pool with a request for estimates. He said if 6 cars were purchased and ten additional officers were hired
for our own police department, an additional amount of between $22,000 and $30,000 per year would need to be
allocated for insurance premiums keeping with the $5 million dollar policy limit.
Deputy Chief Sheridan explained that the current Fountain Hills Posse also performed work in other communities
but was primarily based in Fountain Hills and would still be available to the Town, but not as the highest priority.
Mayor Miles asked if a community paying real estate taxes to the County for Sheriffs services, such as Rio Verde,
pays more than a municipality under contract with the Sheriffs office. He also asked whether Fountain Hills
residents should be entitled to the same support services because they also paid the same real estate taxes for
Sheriffs services. Mr. Nordin stated a volunteer posse would be perpetually supported and pursued in the event the
Town decided to form its own police department. He said they had always played a vital force in the community.
He further stated that the estimates for the formation of a local police department had been determined by the level
of services currently provided by the Sheriff's Department but that the cost for additional levels of service was not
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Residents in the audience who addressed the Council were James Jeselun, who presented examples of the costs for
various levels of service and supported the MCSO contract; Admiral Rohleder, who supported the continuity of a
local police department; Chris Graca, who also supported continuity; Bob Travis, who supported the establishment
of a local task force; Al Crowley, who supported a local department; Linda and John Kavanagh, who supported a
local department, and Keith McMahan, who supported a local police department. Charlie Fox, who asked to make
a presentation, offered information which supported the startup of a local police department. Stan West supported
the continuance of the MCSO contract and Loren Schroeder, a member of the Sheriff's Dept., also expressed his
approval for the Sheriff's Office contract for the future.
Councilman Lawrence MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Poma SECONDED the motion which
CARRIED unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Jerry Miles, May
A 1"1'hST: C '
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
PREPARED BY: S..CY.L.."..-Aro.ik
Linda D. Lemm6, Administrative Assistant
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session Meeting
held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 18th day of March, 1997. I further certify that the meeting was
duly called and that a quorum was present.
DATED this 3rd day of April, 1997.
CAVId-AA.. /6 /4•Lt.4"--)
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
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