HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.0630.TCSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
JUNE 30, 1997
A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor Miles at 6:30
P.M., Monday June 30, 1997, in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers, located at 16836 E. Palisades
Blvd., Building B, Fountain Hills, Arizona.
ROLL CALL-The following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council were present: Mayor Jerry Miles,Vice
Mayor Bill O'Brien and Councilmembers Don Lawrence, Marianne Wiggishoff, Sid Apps (6:40), Al Poma and
Penfield Mower. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin and Town Clerk Cassie Hansen.
Town Manager Paul Nordin began the budget discussions with a presentation outlining the budget highlights. He
reported that the Town was in excellent fiscal condition, that sales tax revenues had exceeded expectations and that
estimates for 1998-1999 were included in the new "user friendly" budget format for information purposes only. He
displayed pie charts which depicted a breakdown of General Fund revenues and expenditures by department. He
pointed out that he had not included a reserve amount for start up costs for a police department in the proposed
budget since it appeared that the Council would not approve a police department in the next fiscal year. The issue
of open space preservation was discussed as a fifth priority in the distribution of sales tax revenues. He said the
carry-forward amount of$3.2 million included an amount of$800,000 earmarked for the new community center and
$200,000 to $300,000 earmarked for the start up costs of a new police department. New departments had been
included in the budget for Public Works/Fountain Park;Four Peaks Neighborhood Park;Medians,dams and washes,
and Community Center construction. He stated that he had separated each of these projects/departments to enable
a closer, more accurate accounting of the financial standing of each one, especially Fountain Park.
Mr. Nordin stated that the standard 5% had been included in the budget for merit increases for the next fiscal year.
A change in the personnel policy increasing annual vacation accrual was considered to allow employees who reach
their maximum number of hours more levity. Both Mayor Miles and Councilwoman Wiggishoff expressed concerns
about the 15%-20% escalation of costs proposed for the employees' health insurance premiums. Councilwoman
Wiggishoff compared the monthly premiums paid for each employee by the Town to other municipalities and said
that the Town was almost the highest in terms of those surveyed. She suggested other plans be investigated to better
keep costs under control. Mr. Nordin stated bids were obtained every year. He informed the Council that Mayo
Clinic was working on a future self-funding program. Councilman Apps viewed the need to offer a good insurance
package as important to employees. Mr.Nordin will report back to the Council on this matter. Vice Mayor O'Brien
discussed the vacation accrual and suggested the Town confirm a maximum of 22 days for vacation accrual.
Additional discussions will be held when more information is received.
Councilwoman Wiggishoff MOVED that no increase be allowed for health-related benefit premiums over the 1996-
97 allocation. Councilman O'Brien SECONDED the motion. The motion and second to the motion were withdrawn
to allow for further study and report back to the Council.
Councilman Apps MOVED to approve the merit money request of 5%. Councilman Mower SECONDED the
motion which CARRIED unanimously.
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Peter Putterman, Information Systems, said the Microsoft Office software was being proposed to update the word
processing software to an improved, more efficient level and was compatible with the present Word Perfect system.
He said the Town currently had 42 computers with four additional computers placed in service during the next fiscal
year. Vice Mayor O'Brien asked about estimates for the next fiscal year, 1998-99. Mr. Putterman said it was
difficult to project future expenses albeit the many departments that were involved. After some discussion,
Councilman Lawrence MOVED to delete expenditure amounts totaling $16,000 relative to the purchase and
installation of a town-owned video camera. Councilman Mower SECONDED the motion which CARRIED
unanimously. Councilman Lawrence also MOVED to delete a $2,000 expenditure amount for audio monitors.
Councilwoman Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously.
Vice Mayor O'Brien MOVED to approve the Information Technology budget amounts with amendments.
Councilman Mower SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously.
Town Clerk Cassie Hansen addressed the matter of requiring a carry-forward amount to provide funds for completion
of the parking lot improvements. Mayor Miles asked about the exterior display cabinets for the Community Center
and Town Hall. Walt Franklin spoke regarding the need for budgeting funds for repairs to the air handler in the
Community Center. Councilwoman Wiggishoff MOVED to approve the Community Center budget. Councilman
Lawrence SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously.
Councilman Lawrence MOVED to delete the advertising expense line item of$3500 which had been designated for
the expenses of a booth at the League convention. Councilwoman Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion which
CARRIED with a 6-1 vote. Vice Mayor O'Brien cast the nay vote. After some discussion,Councilman Lawrence
MOVED to reduce $500 from the Portraits line item making it a total of $250. Councilwoman Wiggishoff
SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously. Town Clerk Hansen informed the Council of the
possibility of a mail-in election for the consolidated election with the Sanitary District in November, 1997. Because
of the one consolidated election and two single-jurisdiction Spring elections,an increase in the Election Expense line
item from $21,000 to $26,500. Councilwoman Wiggishoff MOVED to approve $26,500 for Election Expenses.
Councilman Lawrence SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously.
Councilman Lawrence MOVED to approve the Mayor&Council budget with amendments. Vice Mayor O'Brien
SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously.
Mayor Miles asked about the $4400 office supply amount. Judge Shoob stated that more paperwork had resulted
with more cases being filed and copying expenses had increased. Councilman Lawrence MOVED to approve the
Magistrate Court budget as presented. Vice Mayor O'Brien SECONDED the motion which CARRIED
Town Clerk Cassie Hansen reviewed the employee changes requested for the Administration budget. Town Manager
Paul Nordin stated that any organization requesting funds from next year's budget was entered into the budget under
Special Programs and that all organizations were required to be legally eligible for public funding. Vice Mayor
O'Brien suggested that the total be approved and the LTAF Committee review each request. Mayor Miles said he
preferred to discuss and review each request.
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ProfessionaUOutside Services Approved as presented.
IGA's (School District) Mayor Miles said he didn't understand the requests made by the schools. Mayor Miles
objected to the purchase of$15,000 for adult books. Mr. Nordin suggested Walt Dunne, Superintendent of Schools,
be invited to the next budget session to explain the requests.
Legal Fees Mr. Nordin explained that the legal fees had not changed for Town Attorney Farrell and public defender
Charles Whetstine, but increased by $20,000 (prior Council approval) and $4,000 (added request) for the Town
Prosecutor's office of Iacovino & Kaylor.
Jail/Prisoner Fees Approved as presented.
Chamber of Commerce Mayor Miles said he wanted to know what portion the amounts requested for the
Thanksgiving Parade and Holiday Lighting program represented in the total costs. Vice Mayor O'Brien suggested
the Chamber provide a copy of their annual budget for informational purposes. Mayor Miles suggested the new town
video expenses ($10,225) should be part of the joint marketing program with the Mayor's Council for Economic
Development and be funded by the 3% bed tax revenues.
Central Arizona Shelter Services(CASS)Councilwoman Wiggishoff suggested this request be reviewed by a separate
citizen review process in competition with other requests. Councilman Lawrence supported the programs of the
CASS organization and urged the Council to continue to support them. Councilman Apps suggested the
appropriation of$8100 could be split between the CASS and the local food bank for the benefit of homeless citizens.
Meals on Wheels A review of this request should be included in the citizen review process.
Civil Defense Recommended for approval. To become a separate line item, not a Special Program. Vice Mayor
O'Brien MOVED to approve the Civil Defense request of $1,200. SECONDED by Councilman Mower and
CARRIED unanimously.
American Red Cross An organization that has routinely submitted budget requests. Recommended $17,300 for
approval by Councilwoman Wiggishoff and SECONDED by Vice Mayor O'Brien and CARRIED unanimously.
Mayor's Council The first $25,000 of the 3% bed tax, to the extent that is collected, should be used for promotion
of the Town. All expenditures should be submitted to Council for prior approval. To become a separate line item
rather than a Special Program. Councilwoman Wiggishoff MOVED to approve $25,000 with a later plan.
Councilman Lawrence SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously.
Constituent Communication Delete the Special Programs label and include as a separate line item in the
Administration budget. Councilman Lawrence MOVED to approve the Constituent Communication request of
$24,000 which was SECONDED by Councilman Mower and CARRIED unanimously.
Boys&Girls Club A review of this request should be included in the citizen review process. Mayor Miles suggested
local volunteers assist this organization.
McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission The $5,000 for conferences are for all conferences within the fiscal
year. $4,000 for promotion of educational projects would not promote the bond issue. Special Program designation
should be removed. Mr. Kinsey will address the Council at the 7/1 budget meeting.
Community Theatre Mayor Miles suggested the Theatre be included in the Arts Commission, proposed for the 7/3
Council meeting. Councilman Apps supported the requests of the Theatre. Councilwoman Wiggishoff pointed out
that the Sunridge Foundation had refused financial support for this group. Councilman Lawrence suggested the
budgeted amounts be approved for the personnel requested and a review of the personnel be conducted after the first
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fiscal year. Councilman Poma MOVED to approve the Community Theatre budget of$26,000. Councilman Apps
SECONDED the motion which FAILED with a 4-3 roll call vote. Councilman Apps, Poma and Lawrence cast the
aye votes.
Public Transit Mr. Nordin advised the Council to approve this segment on a one-year trial basis then evaluate the
program. Vice Mayor O'Brien MOVED to approve the budget request of $27,000 as presented. Councilman
Lawrence SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously. This will be removed from the Special
Programs as a separate line item within the Administration budget.
Al Lorenz suggested the Parks&Recreation Commission be expanded to a Community Services Commission to deal
with volunteer issues, non-profit groups and needs of the community.
Mayor Miles reviewed the discussions of the Council. He pointed out the four groups that would be included under
the special review process of a "Community Services" category, i.e., Meals on Wheels, CASS, Boys & Girls Club
and Community Theatre. Town Clerk Cassie Hansen will ask the LTAF volunteers to provide their review services
for this category. Additional discussion of the Chamber of Commerce, McDowell Mountain Preservation
Commission,School District's request and Community Theatre's requests will be held on July 1st at the next budget
Mayor Miles suggested discussions be delayed concerning alternative fueled vehicles until a report was issued from
the Town Manager regarding the Town's costs in this project. Any budget request which contained requests for
AFV's would be contingent upon the final decision of the Council.
Mayor Miles questioned the $125,000 outside professional fees. Mr. Jeppson answered that outside professionals
(1111, covered all facets of commercial plan review such as electrical,plumbing, and structural plans. He stated that 65%
of the plan check fee would be collected. He pointed out that homeowners' insurance rates for the Town were
affected by the amount of training offered for building inspectors. According to Peter Putterman,the costs of cellular
phones for the four building inspectors are at the cheapest rates available at the present time. Councilman Lawrence
MOVED to approve the Building Safety budget with the exception of the determination whether or not to purchase
two AFV vehicles. Councilman Poma SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously.
Mr.Jeppson reviewed the Planning Technician position classification change. Councilwoman Wiggishoff suggested
the off-premise directional sign expenses be removed from the Community Development budget and inserted into
the Street Department budget. Councilman Mower MOVED to approve the Community Development budget with
the removal of the sign expenses to the Street Department. Councilwoman Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion
which CARRIED unanimously.
Town Engineer Randy Harrel stated one of the major changes was in the personnel category. He requested the hiring
of a present full-time contract worker, Art Candelaria, and a part-time contract traffic engineer, Ogbonna Abarikwu
as town employees. He reviewed the contract fees for projects scheduled in the fiscal year and on-call contracts that
were present in the budget over the last three years. He stated the surveyor costs of$10,000 was a one-time request.
Councilman Poma pointed out that there was no breakdown for cost of gas and oil but that an amount of$4,000 was
inserted in the budget. Mr. Harrel said the $4,000 amount was an average cost of$1,000 per vehicle for the four
vehicles in his department. Councilman Mower MOVED to approve the Engineering budget. Councilwoman
Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion which CARRIED with a 6-1 roll call vote. Councilman Poma cast the nay
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No one came forward to speak from the public.
Councilman Mower MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Lawrence SECONDED the motion which
CARRIED unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m.
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Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
Linda D. Lemme , Administrative Assistant
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session Meeting
held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 30th day of June, 1997. I further certify that the meeting was
duly called and that a quorum was present.
DATED this 7th day of August, 1997.
Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk
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