HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.0818.TCSM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE Low FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL AUGUST 18, 1997 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor Miles at 6:30 P.M., Monday, August 18, 1997, in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers, located at 16836 E. Palisades Blvd., Building B, Fountain Hills, Arizona. ROLL CALL - Following the pledge to the flag by Colby Larsen and Kelvin Richards from Boy Scout Troop 245 and the invocation by Councilman Poma roll call was taken. The following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council were present: Mayor Jerry Miles, Vice Mayor Bill O'Brien and Councilmembers Marianne Wiggishoff, Al Poma and Penfield Mower. Councilman Don Lawrence and Sid Apps were absent. Members in attendance from the Planning&Zoning Commission were Chairman Bruce Hansen. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Director of Community Development Gary Jeppson and Planners Geir Sverdrup and Jeff Valder. AGENDA ITEM#2- CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 4TH AND 7TH, 1997. Councilwoman Wiggishoff MOVED to approve the minutes. Councilman Al Poma SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously. L AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION OF THE EXTENSION OF PREMISE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY BRUCE CONKLIN FOR THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 58 LOCATED AT 16850 AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS. THE APPLICATION IS FOR A TEMPORARY EXTENSION OF THE CLUB'S LIQUOR LICENSE FOR FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1997. Mayor Miles asked the Town Manager, Paul Nordin, for a briefing. Mr. Nordin deferred to the Town Clerk, Cassie B. Hansen, for the staff report. Ms. Hansen explained the extension of premise, requested by the American Legion, was the same floor plan used four times previously. Mayor Miles acknowledged there had not been any problems in the past by the granting of their extension of premise. Mayor Miles called for a vote on this issue. Councilman Poma MOVED for the approval of extension of premise for the American Legion. Councilwoman Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #4 - RECONSIDERATION OF THE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY MR. THOMAS JAMER FOR STICKS & STONES LOCATED AT 16748 EAST PARKVIEW. THE REQUEST IS TO TRANSFER AN EXISTING CLASS 7, "BEER AND WINE", LICENSE CURRENTLY ISSUED TO CUPPERS CLUB LOCATED AT 3121 NORTH THIRD AVENUE,PHOENIX,TO THE NEW LOCATION. Mayor Miles reminded Council members the liquor license application, submitted by Mr. Thomas Jamer for Sticks & Stones, had been denied on a 5 -2 vote by the Council due to the concerns expressed regarding the floor plan allowing underaged individuals full access to the bar, as well as off premise liquor sales. He thanked Councilman Minutes of the Special Session of the Town Council 8/18/97 Page 1 of 5 Poma for his intervention in assisting Mr. Jamer with the revision of the floor plan. He stated the applicant had submitted a contract, which had been reviewed by both parties' legal counsels,which would prohibit the off premises sales of liquor, wine, and beer. Mayor Miles recommended approval of the liquor license application as submitted and asked the applicant to address the situation. Mr. Harvey Yee, attorney for the applicant Thomas Jamer, asked for the Council's permission to walk everyone through the plan. Mayor Miles stated that was acceptable as long as his client was identified for the recorder. Mr. Thomas Jamer identified himself stating his name and residence address as 9217 Powderhorn Dr. Mr. Yee confirmed, upon Council approval, his client would submit an amended floor plan to the Liquor Department which would be binding to his client and remain unchanged under Arizona law without the approval of the Director of the Liquor Department. Mr. Yee asked Mr. Jamer to explain the floor plan and the separation of adults from minors in the establishment. Mr. Jamer stated a sign would be posted at the entrance on Avenue of the Fountains directing minors they were not allowed in the billiard hall unless they were accompanied by a parent or adult over 21 years old. The minors entrance would be separate off Parkview Avenue with a wall between the video arcade and two pool tables located in their area. There would be a walkway through for adult access, but there would always be an employee at the counter monitoring the minors. Mr. Yee asked Mr. Jamer to identify the different containers for alcohol and non-alcohol beverages. Mr. Jamer displayed the three glasses to be used. Mr. Yee asked Mr. Jamer to confirm there would not be a separate lounge for alcohol. Mr. Jamer stated there would not. Mr. Yee inquired what vision Mr. Jamer had for the three tables on the adult side. Mr. Jamer stated it would be an area where finger food could be eaten and not necessarily for alcohol consumption. Mr. Jamer confirmed the counter would not be used as a bar but as a counter from which to distribute pool balls. Mr. Yee asked Mr. Jamer to explain the lighting of the interior. Mr. Jamer stated the interior would be fully lit without liquor advertisement displayed on the wall. Mr. Yee questioned Mr. Jamer on alcohol training. Mr. Jamer stated his partner and he, as well as his sister would take alcohol training. He and his partner would also take the advanced class for owners. This concluded Mr. Yee's questions for Mr. Jamer. Mayor Miles asked if other council members had questions for Mr. Jamer or his attorney. None were forth coming. Mayor Miles asked for comments from the public on this matter. None were made. Mayor Miles asked for a motion in this matter. Councilman Poma MOVED that the liquor license be granted to Sticks & Stones to operate as a billiard hall and game room. Vice Mayor O'Brien SECONDED the motion. Mayor Miles asked if there was any further discussion. Councilman Mower requested the men and women restrooms be arranged so there would be two doors. Councilman Poma responded it would be better to have only one door if the counter were to be monitored at all times. Mayor Miles asked for confirmation that Mr. Jamer would bring the final floor plan before the council for approval. He asked the Town Attorney, Bill Farrell, if it was satisfactory to approve the liquor license application with the understanding that the Council would have the final review of this issue. The Town Attorney, Bill Farrell, stated the Council could have the building plans reviewed by Gary Jeppson for the final review before the certificate of occupancy was issued; though, he questioned if it would be ready in time for the Liquor Department to issue the license. Mayor Miles asked a stipulation be added to the motion that the building plans be subject to Gary Jeppson's approval. Councilman Poma disagreed but he AMENDED the motion to include the building plans would be subject to Gary Jeppson's approval. Vice Mayor O'Brien SECONDED the amendment. Mayor Miles stated, if passed, this action would not impede approval from the state. Councilwoman Wiggishoff agreed this plan showed a significant difference from the previous plan and a greater awareness for alcohol control. She stated she appreciated Mr. Jamer's participation in the alcohol training classes. Mayor Miles called for a vote on this issue which CARRIED Minutes of the Special Session of the Town Council 8/18/97 Page 2 of 5 unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #5 - CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR "PUEBLO VISTA CONDOMINIUM" A FOUR UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT LOCATED AT 12836 NORTH MOUNTAINSIDE DRIVE, AKA LOT 10, BLOCK 3, FINAL PLAT 601-A, CASE #S97-036. Mayor Miles asked Mr. Nordin for a briefing. Mr. Nordin deferred to the Director of Community Development, Gary Jeppson, for the staff report. Mr.Jeppson stated his department had met with the developers and the engineers; the units had been corrected. Mr. Jeppson said staff recommended approval of this plat. Mayor Miles asked for a motion. Councilwoman Wiggishoff MOVED for approval. Councilman Poma SECONDED the motion. Mayor Miles asked if there was further discussion from the public or legal counsel; no one came forward. Mayor Miles called for a vote on this issue which CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM#6-PRESENTATION BY COUNCILWOMAN MARIANNE WIGGISHOFF ON THE NEW MARKETING PLAN PREPARED BY THE MAYOR'S COUNCIL FOR BUSINESS GROWTH FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. Mayor Miles introduced Councilwoman Wiggishoff. Councilwoman Wiggishoff presented a promotional plan developed for Fountain Hills by the Mayor's Council for Economic Development. The objective of this program would be to raise the general awareness of Fountain Hills as an attractive and interesting place to visit, promote Fountain Hills as a place with activities for the family, and promote Fountain Hills as a beautiful and livable community which was easily accessible by car. She explained the target audience would be upscale adults age 25+ and not distinguishing between families with children or empty nesters. The audience would be divided into two parts: current residents of the northeast valley and visitors to the valley. The strategy would be to concentrate on the October-April season because of the many promotable community activities and it was the peak tourist season. She suggested avoiding the summer season. 4.60 To maximize the limited dollars available, it had been their consensus to promote Fountain Hills as a high quality community; therefore, it was desired to use media that would project a high quality image. The committee looked at media who would give editorial opportunities and well read event calendars and maps with strategic distribution possibilities. Creative media would be needed to put Fountain Hills advertising in unexpected points. She stated it had been determined to specifically omit using magazines that were builder or realtor oriented. She stated the top two media choices were: Phoenix Home and Garden and Scottsdale Scene Magazine used on a six month time frame. AZ Drive Guide, Passport Magazine, Where Magazine, and Valley Guide would be used to reach visitors in the Valley. Additional media chosen were the Cinema ads and Cinema slides to run over a 17 week schedule (November 1 through February)in Harkins Theaters located in the Northeast Valley(approx.36 screens)during the holiday season. The newspapers budget would allow for a reoccurring item (yet to be developed) two times a month over a six month period November through April (every two weeks) in the Arizona Republic zones 7, 8, and 9 and the Scottsdale Tribune listing calendar events. Street banners would be another promotional element. Banners, 2' x 6' in size, would be placed on traffic lights at the corners of: Shea/Palisades,Shea/Fountain Hills,Shea/Saguaro,and at Eagle Mountain/Shea intersections. This would help identify entering Fountain Hills, since the entry monumentation was not in place, to those who travel Shea Boulevard and may not be aware they were traveling through Fountain Hills. These banners could be changed quarterly announcing special events. Another element in this program would be the development of an advertising logo for Fountain Hills (still under development) to be used on the street banners and in advertisements. Councilwoman Wiggishoff concluded the Minutes of the Special Session of the Town Council 8/18/97 Page 3 of 5 program would run about$50,000 with the Town's portion being$12,500 and$8,300 for each of the other members. She asked if there were any questions. Vice Mayor O'Brien inquired how they would measure the effectiveness of this program. She responded it would be rather difficult to do because of the limited funds. The committee believed advertising worked. Mayor Miles stated one indication would be if the participants agreed to sign up again for another term next year. Councilwoman Wiggishoff stated this plan targeted those outside of Fountain Hills and the committee would like to also develop a program focused on the internal Fountain Hills economic development in terms of providing programs and educational items for merchants in town. Councilman Mower inquired if the advertisement in the magazines would vary. She responded it would probably be the same ad. Mayor Miles confirmed the Town Council had allocated the committee $25,000 to promote the community and this program allowed for those funds to be increased. He asked if there were further questions or comments. Vice Mayor O'Brien acknowledged there were limited funds available but again expressed concerned no one would be able to determine if the goal had been achieved. Councilwoman Wiggishoff responded that this was an image campaign which normally would be monitored by a telephone survey before and after the ad campaign to determine the effectiveness. This would not be done due to limited dollars. Mayor Miles stated the Chamber of Commerce's Visitor Center continually asked how visitors found out about Fountain Hills and he was hoping to use this venue as a measure of success. He continued it would also be reflected in increased hotel stays. Mayor Miles expressed concern the housing growth on the western portion of Fountain Hills would result in the residents mentally affiliating themselves with Scottsdale's merchants. He stated it was critical to the well being of Fountain Hills residents be encouraged to shop and dine in Fountain Hills. Mayor Miles asked for motion on this issue. Councilman Mower MOVED to adopt this promotional plan. He also commended the Mayor's Council for Economic Development and Councilwoman Wiggishoff for their good work. Vice Mayor O'Brien SECONDED the motion. Mayor Miles noted Councilman Poma's absence but stated Councilman Poma had previously expressed his approval of this matter. Mayor Miles asked for comments from the public. Joyce Szeliga (Carmel Dr. and a business owner) stated it was a nice plan and asked if it was legal to use the Town logo or least make sure there was uniformity between logos. She suggested a public contest to design the new logo. Councilwoman Wiggishoff stated the committee's thinking had been Fountain Hills had the government logo but wanted a logo that could be reduced and more useable in a banner situation. The advertising logo would not look so governmental implying governmental approval. She discouraged a public logo contest as the logo was needed quickly. Bruce Hansen (Sunburst Drive), identified himself as a member of the Chamber Board and stated the plan had received enthusiastic support. He also discouraged the public contest for a advertisement logo. Mayor Mies called for a vote on this issue which CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #7 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 97-30, LEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, SUBJECT TO TAXATION A CERTAIN SUM UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) OF VALUATION SUFFICIENT TO RAISE THE AMOUNT ESTIMATED TO BE REQUIRED IN THE ANNUAL BUDGET, TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR BOND REDEMPTIONS,FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING INTEREST UPON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS; ALL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING THE 30TH DAY OF JUNE, 1998. Mayor Miles called for comments from Mr. Nordin. Mr. Nordin stated this item was the last step for approval of the 1997-98 Fiscal Budget. He submitted Ordinance 97-30 which would be necessary to levy a property tax for payment of the bond issue regarding the 1991 street paving program. This levy would pay the principal and interest amounts necessary to retire the bonds coming due for this fiscal year. The amount reflected, $271,000.00, would require a bond levy of$0.23 per$100. Mayor Miles asked for a motion. Councilman Mower MOVED to approve 4011111, Minutes of the Special Session of the Town Council 8/18/97 Page 4 of 5 Ordinance 97-30. Councilman Poma SECONDED the motion. Mayor Miles asked for additional questions or comments, none were forth coming. Mayor Miles called for a vote on this issue which CARRIED unanimously. L AGENDA ITEM#8 - CALL TO THE PUBLIC. (Public comment is encouraged but please be advised that the council has no ability to respond or discuss matters brought up during the Call to the Public as such discussion is prohibited by the Arizona Open Meeting Law.) No one came forward to speak from the public. AGENDA ITEM #9 - ADJOURNMENT. Councilman O'Brien MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Mower SECONDED the motion which CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Miles adjourned the meeting at 7:16 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By: 7/'/ rry Mil , ayor A Fl EST: Cu Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk PREPARED BY: �,1�%�4 �%J( / Bevelyn J. Bender, Admtrustrativ Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Session Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 18th day of August, 1997. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this September 4, 1997. CILJA--tAl Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Minutes of the Special Session of the Town Council 8/18/97 Page 5 of 5