HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.1120.TCRM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL NOVEMBER 20, 1997 A public meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council was convened and called to order by Mayor Miles at 6:30 P.M., Thursday, November 20, 1997, in the Fountain Hills Town Hall Council Chambers, located at 16836 E. Palisades Blvd., Building B,Fountain Hills,Arizona. ROLL CALL-Following the pledge to the flag by Cub Scouts Matt Mona and David Stepanek of Pack 243, Bear Den #9, and the invocation by Pastor Dennis Daniel of the First Baptist Church, roll call was taken. Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Jerry Miles, Vice Mayor Marianne Wiggishoff and Councilmembers Bill O'Brien, Don Lawrence, Sid Apps, Al Poma and Penfield Mower. Also present were Town Manager Paul Nordin, Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Town Clerk Cassie Hansen, Director of Community Development Gary Jeppson, Town Engineer Randy Harrel and Planners Jeff Valder and Geir Sverdrup. Mayor Miles stated that the minutes for the November 6th meeting would be considered at the next Council meeting and that items #5 and #6 be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. He then read the remainder of the Consent Agenda, which contained the following items: AGENDA ITEM #1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16TH AND NOVEMBER 6TH, 1997. AGENDA ITEM #2 - CONSIDERATION OF THE SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST SUBMITTED BY SHARON MORGAN AND THE FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE ANNUAL LIGHTING OF THE AVENUE/HOLIDAY STROLL TO BE HELD SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1997 FROM 5:00 P.M. TO 7:30 P.M. THE EVENT WILL REQUIRE THE CLOSURE OF THE AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS FROM SAGUARO BOULEVARD TO LA MONTANA. AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1997-56, ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST THE TOWN HAS IN THE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY PROPERTY LINES OF PLAT 401A, BLOCK 8, LOT 4 (10660 N. INDIAN WELLS DRIVE), AS RECORDED IN BOOK 155 OF MAPS, PAGE 11 RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA. (ANDREWS -EA97-27) AGENDA ITEM#4 - CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR EAGLE MOUNTAIN PARCEL #4 A 37 LOT SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON 25.82 ACRES IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 29 IN THE EAGLE MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT; S97-008. Councilman Lawrence MOVED to approve the Consent Agenda as read. Councilman Apps SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was conducted with the following results: Councilman Lawrence Aye Councilman Poma Aye Councilman Apps Aye Councilman Mower Aye Councilman O'Brien Aye Vice Mayor Wiggishoff Aye Mayor Miles Aye Town Council Regular Session 11/20/97 Page 1 of 9 The motion CARRIED. AGENDA ITEM #5 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1997-58, ABANDONING THE SUNRIDGE CANYON PARCEL"N-EAST"LOT 14 SUBDIVISION. Mayor Miles stated staff had requested a one-meeting postponement. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff MOVED to table discussion regarding Resolution 1997-58 until the next Council meeting. Councilman Lawrence SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #6 - CONSIDERATION OF THE REVOCATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT #Z81-148, WHICH PERMITTED RIDING AND BOARDING STABLES ON A 10.1 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ON THE NORTHERN EXTENSION OF GOLDEN EAGLE BOULEVARD. Councilman Apps expressed his regrets concerning the dissolution of the Saddle Club. He MOVED to approve the revocation of special use permit #Z81-148. Councilman Poma SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM#7- MONTHLY REPORT BY MAGISTRATE STUART SHOOB. Judge Shoob reported that 410 cases had been filed during the month of October and noted that 277 of them were traffic offenses and 124 were criminal offenses. He said the figures represented a lower than usual ratio in criminal cases. Judge Shoob also told the Council that the Superior Court mandated ACAP program had been implemented but was difficult to use and that his staff had continued to use the former software program in an effort to keep current in the issuing of warrants. He stated a new schedule for court fees and charges for non-chartered cities and towns would be submitted to the Council for approval at their next meeting. AGENDA ITEM #8 - STATUS REPORT — UPDATE FROM THE TOWN MARSHAL AND SHERIFF DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES CONCERNING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEWLY APPROVED LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND THE MARICOPA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT. DISCUSSION WILL INCLUDE ALL ASPECTS OF THE CONTRACT INCLUDING THE APPOINTMENT OF A TOWN PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR,MARKING OF SHERIFF'S VEHICLES,24-HOUR TELEPHONE ACCESS,ETC. Town Manager Nordin said that Marshal Steve Gendler would be appointed to the newly established position of Public Safety Director. He said the Council could expect changes in the Town Code to reflect this new position. Marshal Gendler stated implementation plans for all provisions of the contract were being developed. He said the communications aspect had been the distribution of 800 mhz radios to the Sheriff's Department. These radios will enable communications between the Sheriff's Dept., the Marshal's Department and other Town departments such as the Street and Engineering Departments. He also confirmed the enactment of a 24-hour law enforcement telephone number available to all residents. Lieutenant Gary Gregory of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department stated that a new car containing the town logo, liftw sheriff's seal and verbiage identifying the car as serving Fountain Hills would be arriving within the next week. Also he Town Council Regular Session 11/20/97 Page 2 of 9 reported that gold lettered pins for deputies with"Serving Fountain Hills"engraved on them were being made. He reported that improvements were being made with communications received from residents. Councilman Apps asked if the designated line non-emergency calls were recorded if they were received in Phoenix. Lt. Gregory answered that all calls were recorded. Marshal Gendler stated that daytime calls to his department were not recorded at the present time but that new requests for equipment would be presented at budget time. Lt. Gregory said dispatcher training was continuing at his level. Councilman Poma asked if new maps were being used to assist officers and dispatchers to determine locations in the town. Lt. Gregory confirmed that maps through the CAD system indicated cross streets and possible directions to requested locations. AGENDA ITEM #9 - DISCUSSION, WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF, REGARDING THE TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS AT THE CORNER OF PALISADES BOULEVARD AND SHEA BOULEVARD, SPECIFICALLY, THE REMOVAL OF THE SIGNS PROHIBITING WEST-BOUND TRAFFIC ON PALISADES FROM TURNING RIGHT ON RED, AND THE APPROPRIATE PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING SIMILAR ITEMS. Mr. Nordin stated that during the construction period at the intersection of Palisades and Shea Boulevard, the "No right turn on red" sign had been enforced and now that construction was completed, staff was looking for direction from the Council as to whether to remove the sign. Councilman Mower MOVED to retain the "no turn on red" sign at the intersection of Palisades and Shea Boulevard. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion. Councilman Mower said he thought there was limited vision for detecting traffic traveling westbound on Shea and that the hill east of the stoplight presented site problems as well. He said there were additional reasons that should be considered before eliminating the sign, rather than eliminating it just because the construction period was over. He urged the Council to be pro-active in their decision to keep the sign rather than reactive. Councilman Apps asked Mr. Nordin if there was any increased liability of the Town due to the number of accidents at that location. Mr. Nordin responded by saying that all insurance carriers had been informed of all traffic signalizations and that traffic studies were conducted routinely. Town Engineer Randy Harrel stated a traffic study had been completed today at the intersection in question from 8:45-9:45 a.m. and 1:00-2:00 p.m. and reviewed the results. He said there was a 20% non-compliance rate with residents who had turned right during a red signal light and anticipated a higher violation rate during peak traffic periods as well as late night traffic. He estimated that 67% of the vehicles were detained by the "no right turn on red" sign. Mayor Miles asked if the rate of accidents would be impacted if the sign was removed. Mr. Harrel stated he thought it was probable that there would not be any change in the number of accidents. Councilman Lawrence asked if the line of sight was within the acceptable standards if someone wanted to turn right onto Shea from Palisades. Mr. Harrel said the line of sight met minimum requirements. He stated that since an acceleration lane was on Shea, that there were now two lanes of traffic on Shea going each way, that since the minimum standards had been met, and that the Town Engineer had recommended removal of the sign, he would support that decision. Councilman O'Brien asked about the legal liability of the Town with the removal of the sign. Town Attorney Bill - Farrell stated that the recent history of injured parties included secondary sources such as governmental agencies which might allege negligent actions of the Town. Councilman O'Brien asked if a legislative decision made by the Council could cause legal liability to the Town. Mr. Farrell answered that he thought it would not make a difference in the number of suits filed. tiirw Vice Mayor Wiggishoff stated that since the safety in that area was within marginal limits, she opted to support that the sign not be removed as a conservative measure. Town Council Regular Session 11/20/97 Page 3 of 9 Ken Martinez, the Town's Traffic Safety Coordinator, termed the intersection as hazardous and supported the "no right turn on red" sign for safety reasons.. The motion CARRIED with a 5-2 roll call vote. Councilmen Apps and Lawrence cast the nay votes. AGENDA ITEM #10 - PUBLIC HEARING ON AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 11, SECTION 11.10 DENSITY, AREA, BUILDING AND YARD REGULATIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TO LOWER THE MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT FROM 40 FEET TO 30 FEET IN THE "M-1", "M-2", "M-3's"R-3", "R-4" AND "R-5" ZONING DISTRICTS, CASE NUMBER Z96-22. Mayor Miles recessed the Regular Session of the Town Council and opened the public hearing at 7:19 p.m. Director of Community Development Gary Jeppson stated that at the present time,only the R-2 zoning district restricted building heights to 30' and that this amendment would provide that restriction to all other residential zoning districts. He said the P&Z Commission recommended approval of the amendment. Councilman Lawrence asked if notices had been sent to property owners. Mr. Jeppson stated that no notices had been sent by mail but that notice of the public hearing had been published in the local newspaper. Speaking in support of the amendment were Fred Meuter, Bob Barbanica, Jerry Kirkendoll, John Welsh, Pat Cramer and Sharon Hutcheson. They urged the Council to approve the amendment in an effort to control the quality of housing projects in the Town. Speaking in opposition were Dori Wittrig,Steve Pritulsky and Gordon Pittsenbarger. The affect this amendment would have on the property rights of landowners was discussed. Another concern was that developments would result in three storied buildings with flat roofs, smaller rental units and would lower the value of adjacent property. Mr. Pittsenbarger predicted that taxes,the crime rate and costs for police protection would increase. Mayor Miles closed the public hearing and reconvened the Regular Session of the Town Council at 7:42 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #11 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 97-41, AMENDING CHAPTER 11, SECTION 11.10 DENSITY, AREA, BUILDING AND YARD REGULATIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TO LOWER THE MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT FROM 40 FEET TO 30 FEET IN THE "M-1", "M-2", "M-3", "R-3", "R-4" AND "R-5" ZONING DISTRICTS, CASE NUMBER Z96-22. Councilman Mower MOVED to approve Ordinance 97-41 as presented. Councilman O'Brien SECONDED the motion. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff stated that last year this amendment was rejected. She said that the amendment would not necessarily control density by restricting the height of buildings. She expressed her concern about the resultant architectural problems when complying to a 30' height limitation and said she could support a waiver for certain developments in an effort to provide an opportunity for properly scaled buildings with interesting architecture. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff then MOVED to amend the motion to provide for a waiver which would allow the Council the ability to approve architectural considerations allowing up to 5' additional height of non-livable footage per building. Mayor Miles SECONDED the motion. L Town Council Regular Session 11/20/97 Page 4 of 9 Councilman Lawrence stated he opposed the amendment and said he felt restricting the building height to 30' would result in smaller apartments which might be used for rental purposes rather than sold as condominiums. He felt the pride of ownership would be lacking in rental establishments. Councilman Poma asked if the changing in height restrictions could result in litigation against the Town. Town Attorney Farrell stated that the change in restrictions would not affect the zoning or uses of vacant property. Councilman Mower suggested developers build less units and sell them for a higher price as a way to limit density and comply with height restrictions. Jerry Kirkendoll spoke in support of the ordinance and amendment. The amendment FAILED with a 6-1 vote. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff cast the aye vote. Councilman Lawrence stated he thought people who purchased property expected to maximize their investment and that government should not change the rules. He said private property rights should be honored. Councilman Apps MOVED to continue discussion of the ordinance to allow for researching the possibility of a 30' height restriction along with allowing only two stories. Councilman Lawrence pointed out that this new consideration should be property agendized. Councilman Apps WITHDREW his motion. Councilman Poma MOVED to amend the motion to provide property owners a six month period to apply for a building permit before this ordinance would take effect. There was no second to the motion,the motion DIED. The main motion to approve Ordinance 97-41 CARRIED with a 6-1 roll call vote. Councilman Lawrence cast the nay vote. AGENDA ITEM#12-PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICTS BOUNDARIES MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION FOR THE 14.5 ACRE EAGLE MOUNTAIN PARCEL 1 FROM "C-1" TO "C-2", LOCATED SOUTH OF SHEA BOULEVARD, EAST OF EAGLE MOUNTAIN PARKWAY AND WEST OF THE FISH POINT LOOKOUT, CASE NUMBER Z97-17. Mayor Miles recessed the Regular Session of the Town Council and opened the public hearing at 8:06 p.m. He stated the developer had requested a continuance of the hearing until December 4t. He advised the audience that their comments would be heard but that a motion to continue the public hearing would be considered. Karen Rutkowski,John Scholls,Jim Moyer,and Robert Smith expressed their concerns and opposition to the rezoning. Mr. Moyer, an owner of the local Texaco gas station, stated he had complied with the existing zoning and said he felt another gas station would affect his business economically as well as other businesses in town. Scott Pulte and Larry Carson stated they were not opposed but would be willing to work with the developer for a new design to the project. Mayor Miles closed the public hearing and reconvened the Regular Session of the Town Council at 8:25 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#13 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 97-44, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICTS BOUNDARIES MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION FOR THE 14.5 ACRE EAGLE MOUNTAIN PARCEL 1 FROM "C-1" TO "C-2", LOCATED SOUTH OF SHEA BOULEVARD, EAST OF EAGLE MOUNTAIN PARKWAY AND WEST OF THE FISH POINT LOOKOUT, CASE NUMBER Z97-17. Town Council Regular Session 11/20/97 Page 5 of 9 Vice Mayor Wiggishoff MOVED continue the public hearing on Ordinance 97-44 to the next Council meeting on December 4`''. Councilman Poma SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM#14- CONSIDERATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL INITIATING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BY AMENDING THE OFF-PREMISE SIGN REGULATIONS IN CHAPTER 6, SECTION 6.08 TEMPORARY SIGNS, OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE FOUNTAIN HILLS. CONTINUED FROM THE NOVEMBER 6, 1997 MEETING. Mr. Jeppson reviewed the current regulations for temporary signs and presented four alternatives which had been discussed. One alternative was to entirely eliminate temporary signs. A second alternative was to permit temporary signs only on weekends. A third alternative was to disallow temporary signs on major streets. A fourth alternative was to allow temporary signs by an annual permit. He stated an additional proposal which was being presented as a result of efforts between the Chamber of Commerce and business people in the community, Alternative "E", would provide for spacing of 1500' between signs, limit five directional signs per destination or business, prohibit signs on Shea Boulevard, prohibit signs within 150' of any intersection containing a traffic signal and provide that no directional sign should be placed more than one mile away from the final destination. Councilman O'Brien MOVED to initiate an amendment in accordance with the terns of Alternative "E" as presented. Councilman Apps SECONDED the motion. Dori Wittrig asked the Council to consider changing the spacing requirements between signs from 1500' to 100 yards per sign as well as the enforcement of spacing signs on a radius or on the same street. Councilman Poma MOVED to amend the motion to change the spacing of signs from 1500' to a 300' distance. Councilman Apps SECONDED the amendment, which CARRIED with a 5-2 roll call vote. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff and Councilman O'Brien cast the nay votes. Ray Baldwin, Sunridge Canyon, said directional signs for his subdivision were a unique situation and asked for clarification of sign verbiage. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff said she felt that Alternative "E" was not enforceable. She said there had not been a problem with the number of temporary signs on Shea Boulevard. Mayor Miles suggested the Planning & Zoning Commission provide input to this amendment as well as the business industry. The motion CARRIED with a 6-1 vote. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff cast the nay vote. AGENDA ITEM #15 - DISCUSSION OF GRAND OPENING SIGN POLICY, WITH POSSIBLE INITIATION OF AN ORDINANCE. Mayor Miles discussed the policy of grand opening signs. Town Attorney Farrell submitted revisions to be considered. Councilman O'Brien said he didn't understand why businesses could not advertise their products even though they were not legally available for purchase by all residents. Councilman Mower MOVED to direct staff to continue with development of language and return with their recommendations for the initiation of changes. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion. Councilman Lawrence suggested the Council initiate the ordinance and send it to the Planning&Zoning Commission. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff withdrew her second to the motion, and Councilman Mower withdrew his motion. Councilman Lawrence MOVED to initiate a grand opening sign policy with verbiage to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Councilman Poma SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Town Council Regular Session 11/20/97 Page 6 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #16 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1997-57 ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST THE TOWN HAS IN THE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY PROPERTY LINES OF PLAT 513, LOT 65 (15203 CASTILLO DRIVE), AS RECORDED IN BOOK 387 OF MAPS, PAGE 30 RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA,WITH STIPULATIONS. (HENSLEY- EA97-22) Mr. Nordin stated this abandonment was not a typical Town abandonment since this easement had been placed as a drainage easement to take care of an 100-year event. He stated the new owners wanted to build a swimming pool and staff had provided stipulations in the resolution,which accommodated the drainage aspect for the 100-year event Councilman Lawrence asked if an easement abandonment violated the Water Preservation Act, Subsection F. Mr. Farrell stated that the wash ordinance would not be violated by the Council's approval of an abandonment. Councilman Apps MOVED to approve Resolution 1997-57 with stipulations. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion, which FAILED with a 4-3 roll call vote. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff,Councilman Apps and Mayor Miles cast the aye votes. AGENDA ITEM#17 - PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 5, SECTION 5.07 BUILDING HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TO PERMIT CHIMNEY HEIGHTS TO TWO FEET ABOVE THE ROOF LINE OF A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS,CASE NUMBER Z97-18. Mayor Miles recessed the Regular Session of the Town Council and opened the public hearing at 8:55 p.m. 4110, Mr. Jeppson stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission had initiated an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow for chimney heights to sit two feet above the roofline in a ten-foot radius. In addition, an exception would not be granted to solar apparatus on roofs and other clarification verbiage was included. Mayor Miles closed the public hearing and reconvened the Regular Session of the Town Council at 8:58 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #18 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 97-42, AMENDING CHAPTER 5, SECTION 5.07 BUILDING HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TO PERMIT CHIMNEY HEIGHTS TO TWO FEET ABOVE THE ROOF LINE OF A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS,CASE NUMBER Z97-18. Councilman Lawrence MOVED to approve Ordinance 97-42 as presented. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion. Councilman Apps asked Mr. Jeppson if solar apparatus could be additionally exempt in this ordinance. Mr. Jeppson affirmed that when a developer wanted to maximize or go above the roofline the request for an exception would be in order. Councilman Apps asked if there was a provision in the ordinance to allow for exceptions for solar apparatus. Mr.Jeppson stated that at the present time there was no provision. Councilman Apps MOVED to amend the motion to strike the deletion of solar apparatus under Section 5.07(B)(4). Councilman Lawrence SECONDED the motion, which, CARRIED with a 4-3 roll call vote. Councilman Mower, Vice Mayor Wiggishoff and Mayor Miles cast the nay votes. Councilman O'Brien MOVED to amend the motion to delete the modifications contained in 5.07(B)(1). Councilman Lawrence SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. The main motion to approve Ordinance 97-42 CARRIED with a 6-1 vote. Councilman Mower cast the nay vote. Town Council Regular Session 11/20/97 Page 7 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #19 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 1997-59, ABANDONING THE FINAL PLAT KINGSTREE VILLAS CONDOMINIUMS AND APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT REPLAT OF LOT 1,BLOCK 3,FINAL PLAT 422,A LOT SPLIT PROJECT,CASE NUMBER S97-48. Planner Geir Sverdrup stated the final plat for Kingstree Villas Condominiums had never been recorded and that it was necessary to abandon this final plat to allow for the replat of the lot split. He stated the applicant desired to build four custom homes on the subject property, which is zoned R-3 and that each lot would contain 10,000 square feet or more. He stated that the applicant had agreed to rezone the property from"R-3"to R1-10A". Councilman Lawrence MOVED to approve Resolution 1997-59 and approving the preliminary plat replat with staff recommendations. Councilman Apps SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #20 - CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR THE EDGEWORTH DRIVE CONDOMINIUMS, A 2-UNIT DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 14013 EDGEWORTH DRIVE,AKA PLAT 104,BLOCK 9,LOT 12, CASE NUMBER S97-047. Planner Geir Sverdrup stated that the applicant had requested a change from duplex use to condominiums for his property located at 14013 Edgeworth Drive. Councilman Lawrence MOVED to approve the preliminary and final plat for the Edgeworth Drive Condominiums. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED with a 6-1 vote. Councilman Mower cast the nay vote. AGENDA ITEM #21 - CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL SECOND REPLAT OF LOTS 25-31 AND LOTS 44 AND 45 OF THE FINAL REPLAT OF THE SUNRIDGE CANYON PARCEL "A" SUBDIVISION, LOCATED NORTH OF PALISADES BOULEVARD AND WEST OF GOLDEN EAGLE BOULEVARD, CASE NUMBER S97-050. Planner Jeff Valder stated the applicant had requested the adjustment of lot lines in the Parcel "A" project in order to provide more square footage for three corner lots. Councilman Poma MOVED to approve Case Number S97-050 as presented. Councilman Lawrence SECONDED the motion,which CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM#22-CALL TO THE PUBLIC. No one came forward from the public to speak. AGENDA ITEM#23-ADJOURNMENT. Councilman Lawrence MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Vice Mayor Wiggishoff SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Miles adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Town Council Regular Session 11/20/97 Page 8 of 9 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS (111116, By: ,�" yor r J : Jerry s,M ATTEST: of..444-:(--;Nio Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk PREPARED BY: � CV-e- ¢,.,—•1 Linda D.Lemmen,Administrative Assistant CER 1'1FICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 20th day of November, 1997. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. f5 / . DATED this 1-8th day o . C , j3 4.A4A.„,..j L. Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk L Town Council Regular Session 11/20/97 Page 9 of 9