HomeMy WebLinkAbout120508WSPZ:\Council Packets\2012\WS5-8-12\120508WSA.doc Page 1 of 1 NOTICE OF THE WORK STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL TIME: 5:30 P.M. WHEN: TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2012 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call ; a quorum of the Town’s various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Work-Study Session. ALL WORK-STUDY ITEMS LISTED ARE FOR DISCUSSION ONLY. NO ACTION CAN OR WILL BE TAKEN. The primary purpose of work session meetings is to provide the Town Council with the opportunity for in -depth discussion and study of specific subjects. Public comment is not provided for on the Agenda and may be mad e only as approved by consensus of the Council. In appropriate circumstances, a brief presentation may be permitted by a member of the public or another interested party on an Agenda item if invited by the Mayor or the Town Manager to do so. The Presidin g Officer may limit or end the time for such presentations. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Mayor Schlum 2. DISCUSSION relating to the PRELIMINARY TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BUDGETS for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012, including all proposed revenues, expenditures and new projects for all Governmental funds. 3. ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 3rd day of May 2012. Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings acces sible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5100 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to attend this meeting or to obtain agenda informat ion in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk’s office. Mayor Jay T. Schlum Councilmember Dennis Brown Councilmember Cassie Hansen Councilmember Dennis Contino Councilmember Henry Leger Vice Mayor Ginny Dickey Councilmember Tait D. Elkie Z:\Council Packets\2012\WS5-8-12\120508WSA.doc Page 1 of 1 NOTICE OF THE WORK STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL TIME: 5:30 P.M. WHEN: TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2012 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call ; a quorum of the Town’s various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Work-Study Session. ALL WORK-STUDY ITEMS LISTED ARE FOR DISCUSSION ONLY. NO ACTION CAN OR WILL BE TAKEN. The primary purpose of work session meetings is to provide the Town Council with the opportunity for in -depth discussion and study of specific subjects. Public comment is not provided for on the Agenda and may be mad e only as approved by consensus of the Council. In appropriate circumstances, a brief presentation may be permitted by a member of the public or another interested party on an Agenda item if invited by the Mayor or the Town Manager to do so. The Presidin g Officer may limit or end the time for such presentations. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Mayor Schlum 2. DISCUSSION relating to the PRELIMINARY TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BUDGETS for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012, including all proposed revenues, expenditures and new projects for all Governmental funds. 3. ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 3rd day of May 2012. Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings acces sible to persons with disabilities. Please call 480-816-5100 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to attend this meeting or to obtain agenda informat ion in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk’s office. Mayor Jay T. Schlum Councilmember Dennis Brown Councilmember Cassie Hansen Councilmember Dennis Contino Councilmember Henry Leger Vice Mayor Ginny Dickey Councilmember Tait D. Elkie The Height of Desert Living 1 PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY12-13 THROUGH FY16-17 BY YEAR AND FUNDING SOURCE Capital Projects Summary The highlights represent project funding through the Town’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Project No.Project Title/Funding Source Prior Years FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 FY15-16 FY16-17 Source Total Project Total D6030 Ashbrook Wash Channelization Improvements-Bayfield to Del Cambre 1,516,000$ Capital Projects Fund $ - -$ 38,000$ 38,000$ 682,000$ -$ 758,000$ Grants 38,000 38,000 682,000 758,000 D6047 Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements 75,000 Capital Projects Fund 10,000 65,000 75,000 E8501 Downtown Vision Master Plan-Phase I (Greening)100,000 Grants 100,000 100,000 E8502 Downtown Vision Master Plan-Phase II (Ave/Lakeside) 1,000,000 Excise Tax/Downtown Fund 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,000,000 E8504 Ave of the Fountains Median Improvements 1,800,000 Capital Projects Fund 10,000 790,000 800,000 Excise Tax/Downtown Fund 10,000 990,000 1,000,000 F4002 Street Maintenance Facility Improvements 2,544,000 Unfunded 2,544,000 2,544,000 F4005 Fire Station 2 Relocation 2,250,000 Capital Projects Fund 140,000 140,000 Grants 2,110,000 2,110,000 F4012 Centennial Circle 123,000 Capital Projects Fund 75,000 48,000 123,000 F4015 Fire Station 1 Renovation 495,000 Capital Projects Fund 495,000 495,000 F4020 Voice & Data Communications Upgrade 125,000 General Fund 100,000 25,000 125,000 F4023 Energy Efficiency Program 217,000 Grants 146,000 71,000 217,000 F4025 Portable Live Fire Training Unit 160,000 General Fund 16,000 16,000 Grants 144,000 144,000 F4026 Emergency Operations Center 75,000 Grants 75,000 75,000 F4027 Assistance To Fire Fighters Grant – Radios 120,000 General Fund 12,000 12,000 Grants 108,000 108,000 O7002 Adero Canyon Trailhead 2,712,000 Development Fees 1,649,000 1,649,000 Unfunded 1,063,000 1,063,000 P3008 Four Peaks Park Improvements 50,000 Capital Projects Fund 50,000 50,000 P3011 Fountain Park Improvements 1,500,000 Capital Projects Fund 825,000 675,000 1,500,000 P3014 New Community Park-Ellman Property 27,600,000 Reimbursements from Developers 9,200,000 18,400,000 27,600,000 P3019 Joint Use School/Town-Fountain Hills High School Site 705,000 Unfunded 75,000 630,000 705,000 P3020 Joint Use School/Town-McDowell Mountain Site 671,000 Unfunded 75,000 596,000 671,000 P3022 Fountain Lake Water Quality Improvements 300,000 Capital Projects Fund 50,000 250,000 300,000 P3024 Urban Trail Improvements 130,000 Capital Projects Fund 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 The Height of Desert Living 2 PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY12-13 THROUGH FY16-17 BY YEAR AND FUNDING SOURCE Project No.Project Title/Funding Source Prior Years FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 FY15-16 FY16-17 Source Total Project Total Capital Projects Summary The highlights represent project funding through the Town’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). S6003 Unpaved Alley Paving Projects 695,000 Capital Projects Fund 325,000 190,000 180,000 695,000 S6005 Shea Boulevard Widening 4,003,000 Capital Projects Fund 100,000 957,000 1,057,000 Grants 2,746,000 2,746,000 Reimbursements from Developers 200,000 200,000 S6008 Pavement Management Program 500,000 Capital Projects Fund 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 S6010 Saguaro Blvd Reconstruction 7,500,000 Capital Projects Fund 300,000 300,000 Unfunded 7,200,000 7,200,000 S6047 Shea Blvd Multi Use Path 466,000 Capital Projects Fund 35,000 35,000 65,000 135,000 Grants 273,000 273,000 Other 15,000 15,000 28,000 58,000 S6053 Fountain Hills Blvd Shoulder Paving 396,000 Capital Projects Fund 40,000 65,000 36,000 141,000 Grants 255,000 255,000 S6056 Shea Blvd. Eastbound Bike Lane and Overlay 651,000 Capital Projects Fund 20,000 191,000 211,000 Grants 440,000 440,000 T5010 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)1,433,000 Capital Projects Fund 53,000 53,000 405,000 511,000 Grants 922,000 922,000 T5011 Traffic Signal-Palisades & Saguaro Upgrades 400,000 Capital Projects Fund 400,000 400,000 Contingency 595,630 Capital Projects Fund 114,280 184,050 268,130 27,970 1,200 595,630 TOTAL PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS 701,000$ 11,590,280$ 18,589,050$ 27,081,130$ 2,824,970$ 121,200$ 60,907,630$ 60,907,630$ Prior Years FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 FY15-16 FY16-17 Project Total Capital Projects Fund 445,000$ 4,288,280$ 1,481,050$ 1,751,130$ 829,970$ 121,200$ 8,916,630$ Grants 146,000 5,794,000 293,000 1,233,000 682,000 - 8,148,000 Reimbursements from Developers - 200,000 9,200,000 18,400,000 - - 27,800,000 Excise Tax/Downtown Fund 10,000 1,240,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 2,000,000 Development Fees - - - 1,649,000 - - 1,649,000 Unfunded - - 7,350,000 3,770,000 1,063,000 - 12,183,000 General Fund 100,000 53,000 - - - - 153,000 Other - 15,000 15,000 28,000 - - 58,000 Total 701,000$ 11,590,280$ 18,589,050$ 27,081,130$ 2,824,970$ 121,200$ 60,907,630$ SUMMARY TOTALS BY FUNDING SOURCE Project Category FY2012-13 Budget Capital Project Fund Excise Tax Fund General Fund Non Town Funds Downtown Improvements $2,130,000 $790,000 $1,240,000 $0 $100,000 Street/Sidewalk improvements $5,074,000 $1,673,000 $0 $0 $3,401,000 Traffic Signals $453,000 $453,000 $0 $0 $0 Park Improvements $350,000 $350,000 $0 $0 $0 General Government Projects $96,000 $0 $0 $25,000 $71,000 Fire & EMS Projects $2,960,000 $507,000 $0 $16,000 $2,437,000 Drainage $65,000 $65,000 $0 $0 $0 Library/Event Circle $48,000 $48,000 $0 $0 $0 Contingency $111,280 $111,280 $0 $0 $0 Vehicle Replacement $400,000 $400,000* $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $11,687,280 $4,397,280 $1,240,000 $41,000 $6,009,000 *proceeds from the Vehicle Replacement Fund CAPITAL PROJECT SUMMARY FY12-13 FISCAL YEAR REVENUES EXPENDITURES ENDING BALANCE Fy12-13 $119,962 ($3,997,280) $5,122,682 FY13-14 $87,962 ($1,484,050) $3,726,594 FY14-15 $92,361 ($1,751,130) $2,067,825 FY15-16 $411,315 ($829,970) $1,649,170 FY16-17 $514,218 ($121,200) $2,042,188 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND FIVE YEAR FUNDING SUMMARY Project No: D6047 FY13 Cost: $65,000 Prior Years: $10,000 Total Cost: $75,000 Funding Source: CIP Project No: E8501 FY13 Cost: $100,000 Total Cost: $100,000 Funding Source: Grant Project No: E8502 FY13 Cost: $250,000 Future Cost: $750,000 Total Cost: $1,000,000 Funding Source: Excise (Downtown) Fund Project No: E8504 FY13 Cost: $1,780,000 Prior Years: $ 20,000 Total Cost: $1,800,000 Funding Source: CIP $800K Excise Tax $1.0M Project No: F4005 FY13 Cost: $2,110,000 Prior Years: $ 140,000 Total Cost: $2,250,000 Funding Source: CIP $140K Unfunded $2.1M Project No: F4012 FY13 Cost: $ 48,000 Prior Years: $ 75,000 Total Cost: $123,000 Funding Source: CIP Project No: F4015 FY13 Cost: $495,000 Total Cost: $495,000 Funding Source: CIP Project No: F4020 FY13 Cost: $ 25,000 Prior Years: $100,000 Total Cost: $125,000 Funding Source: CIP Project No: F4023 FY13 Cost: $ 71,000 Prior Years: $146,000 Total Cost: $217,000 Funding Source: Grant Project No: F4025 FY13 Cost: $160,000 Total Cost: $160,000 Funding Source: General $ 16K Grant $144K Project No: F4026 FY13 Cost: $75,000 Total Cost: $75,000 Funding Source: Grant Project No: F4027 FY13 Cost: $120,000 Total Cost: $120,000 Funding Source: CIP $ 12K Grant $108K Project No: P3008 FY13 Cost: $50,000 Future Years: $2,650,000 Total Cost: $2,700,000 Funding Source: CIP $ 50K CIP Match $1.35M Grant $1.35M Project No: P3022 FY13 Cost: $250,000 Prior Years: $ 50,000 Total Cost: $300,000 Funding Source: CIP Project No: P3024 FY13 Cost: $50,000 Future Years: $80,000 Total Cost: $130,000 Funding Source: CIP Project No: S6003 FY13 Cost: $325,000 Future Years: $370,000 Total Cost: $695,000 Funding Source: CIP Project No: S6005 FY13 Cost: $3,903,000 Prior Years: $ 100,000 Total Cost: $4,003,000 Funding Source: CIP $1.1M Grant $2.7M Developer $200K Project No: S6008 FY13 Cost: $100,000 Future Years: $400,000 Total Cost: $500,000 Funding Source: CIP Project No: S6047 FY13 Cost: $ 50,000 Future Years: $416,000 Total Cost: $466,000 Funding Source: CIP $135K Grant $273K Scottsdale $ 58K Project No: S6053 FY13 Cost: $ 65,000 Prior Years: $ 40,000 Future Years: $291,000 Total Cost: $396,000 Funding Source: CIP $141K Grant $255K Project No: S6056 FY13 Cost: $631,000 Prior Years: $ 20,000 Total Cost: $651,000 Funding Source: CIP $211K Grant $440K Project No: T5010 FY13 Cost: $ 53,000 Future Years: $1,380,000 Total Cost: $1,433,000 Funding Source: CIP $511K Grant $922K Project No: T5011 FY13 Cost: $400,000 Total Cost: $400,000 Funding Source: CIP QUESTIONS?