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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.0221.TCREM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL February 21,2002 Mayor Morgan convened the regular session at 5:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #1 - PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.3. AND A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4., VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OR CONSULTATION FOR LEGAL ADVICE WITH THE ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEYS OF THE PUBLIC BODY (SPECIFICALLY REGARDING THE FIRE DISTRICT); AND FOR DISCUSSION OR CONSULTATION WITH THE ATTORNEYS OF THE PUBLIC BODY IN ORDER TO CONSIDER ITS POSITION AND INSTRUCT ITS ATTORNEYS REGARDING THE PUBLIC BODY'S POSITION REGARDING CONTRACTS THAT ARE THE SUBJECT OF NEGOTIATIONS, IN PENDING OR CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION, OR IN SETTLEMENT DISCUSSIONS CONDUCTED IN ORDER TO AVOID OR RESOLVE LITIGATION (SPECIFICALLY REGARDING THE FIRE DISTRICT); RESPECTIVELY. Councilwoman Ralphe MOVED that the Council convene the executive session and Councilwoman Fraverd SECONDED the motion,which carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM#2-RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Morgan recessed the executive session at 6:07 p.m. and reconvened the regular session at 6:30 p.m. Following the pledge to the flag and invocation by Vice Mayor Kavanagh,roll call was taken. ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Sharon Morgan, Vice Mayor John Kavanagh, and Councilmembers Sharon Hutcheson, Susan Ralphe, and Leesa Fraverd. Also present were Town Attorney Bill Farrell and Director of Administration/Town Clerk Cassie B.Hansen. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Sharon Morgan gave her state of the Town address and introduced the new Acting Town Manager Roy Pederson. Mayor Morgan read the items on the consent agenda(items 1-4: AGENDA ITEM#1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 11, 12 AND 15,2002. AGENDA ITEM#2- CONSIDERATION OF THE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY LOUIS PASCO FOR MAMA'S ITALIAN KITCHEN LOCATED AT 16852 E. PARKVIEW AVENUE, THE APPLICATION IS FOR A NEW SERIES#12 RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE. AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION OF THE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY BRUNO LABANCA FOR APPIAN WAY LOCATED AT 17149 AMHURST DRIVE. THE APPLICATION IS FOR A NEW SERIES#12 RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE. AGENDA ITEM #4 - CONSIDERATION OF AN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR ACTING TOWN MANAGER ROY PEDERSON. Councilwoman Fraverd MOVED to approve the consent agenda as read and Councilwoman Ralphe SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Councilwoman Hutcheson Aye Councilwoman Fraverd Aye Vice Mayor Kavanagh Aye Councilwoman Ralphe Aye krir Mayor Morgan Aye The motion CARRIED unanimously Town Council Meeting Minutes of February 21,2002 Page 1 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #5 - CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING A CITIZEN TO FILL THE COUNCIL SEAT VACATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF JOHN MCNEILL. Town Attorney Bill Farrell stated that the item before the council was the appointment of one member of the public to fill the two years and two months left on the term of Councilman McNeill's who had resigned effective the first council meeting in February. At that time the Council advertised in the local paper to solicit resumes of interested citizens. He noted that the Council received resumes and interviewed those candidates for the position. Mr. Farrell stated that State Law and the Town Code require that a vacancy during a term of office be filled by Council appointment. He explained that State Law also requires that any person appointed to fill the remainder of term must take the oath of office at least one day before commencement of his/her term of office. The person approved tonight would have to wait until either tomorrow or Monday to be sworn in. At that time that person would be an active council person beginning with the next regular meeting on March 7th or a special meeting if one were to be called before then. Mr. Farrell confirmed that the councilperson selected tonight would not be sworn in or appear on the dais tonight. Mayor Morgan MOVED to appoint Enrique Melendez to fill the vacant council seat of John McNeill and Councilwoman Fraverd SECONDED the motion. John Wyman,resident He publicly applauded the Council's decision. He noted that he has known Mr. Melendez for years and he congratulated Mr. Melendez. Rick Melendez, He said it was an honor to serve the community. He briefly gave his background and his reasoning for submitting his application. He hoped to bring to this Council a cooperative spirit and a fresh viewpoint. He pledged to work diligently, to respect their points of view, and to work towards a common goal, to make Fountain Hills the safest community with the best quality of life not only in Arizona but also in the country. He introduced his wife Pamela Melendez. He introduced the Scottsdale Chief of Police Doug Bartosh and thanked him for attending. He stated that with the help of God and his wife that he hoped to be an objective, positive, and constructive member of the Council for the next two years. ,r Joe Arpaio,resident He commented on Mayor Morgan's State of the Town and thanked the Council and everyone for their efforts on reducing the overhead airplane noise. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM#6—UPDATE BY VICE MAYOR KAVANAGH REGARDING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR MEMORIAL ACTIVITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SEPTEMBER 11,2001 EVENTS. Vice Mayor Kavanagh reviewed that shortly after the September 11`t' tragedy the Mayor had appointed a special commission to look into ways that the Town could commemorate and memorialize the victims. He stated that the small committee consisted of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Public Safety Director Steve Gendler, Maricopa County Sheriff Chief Jerry Sheridan, Rev. Joel Bjerkestrand, Mark Van Boeckel, and himself. He noted that the committee had arranged a couple of events shortly after the tragedy. He noted that the second part of their charge had been to look into some sort of memorial that could commemorate the victims. Vice Mayor Kavanagh acknowledged that two individuals had brought forward designs. He said that pictures had been made available to the Fountain Hills Times. The Town Information Technology Administrator Peter Putterman had been asked to make up a small voting display that would have pictures of both designs. Vice Mayor Kavanagh stated that the intention was to rotate the voting booth to different parts of Town so that citizens could vote for their choice. He hoped to obtain a considerable amount of public input on this proposal. The committee would go through the process of deciding where to put it. He briefly described each of the proposed designs. AGENDA ITEM #7 — AGENDA ITEM #9 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF FIVE PEDESTAL SIZE PIECES OF SCULPTURE TO BE PLACED IN THE FOUNTAIN HILLS MUSEUM/LIBRARY LOBBY. Director Hansen introduced Paul Kolwaite who made the presentation in the absence of Jerry Miles. Town Council Meeting Minutes of February 21,2002 Page 2 of 9 Paul Kolwaite,Trevino Dr. He stated that they were looking to create a project that was in keeping with the emphasis on public art throughout the Town, particularly in the Community Center and Library area. They were suggesting the creation of a committee that would select pieces of art that would be on five pedestals throughout the lobby area. They were looking for the council's acceptance of this plan. The Public Art Committee and the Arts Council had already accepted this proposal. He described that the selection committee would consist of members from the historical society, the library association, and the public art committee. As far as funding was concerned, all funds would be raised and there would be no monies asked from the Town. He explained that the first item that they would consider was something in honor of Peg Tibbetts. Councilwoman Hutcheson MOVED to approve the acquisition of five pedestal sculptures as just presented and Councilwoman Fraverd SECONDED the motion. Councilwoman Fraverd asked if the procedure would include having the Council view these. Mr. Kolwaite suggested that the committee that would be established would view them, and then they would be brought before the Public Art Committee as well as the Arts Council. Councilwoman Fraverd stated that she had pulled out the guidelines for gifts, loans, and bequeaths of other artwork from the Fountain Hills Arts Council. She inquired if the process described would be used or would this process be different. Mr. Kolwaite expressed that it would only be different in the sense that there would be a selection committee prior to going through the Public Art Committee. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #8 - CONSIDERATION OF THE AUTHORIZATION TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION FOR FOUNTAIN PARK — PHASE II AND THREE ALTERNATIVES AT A COST OF$164,182. Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mayer discussed Phase I and Phase II improvements during his PowerPoint presentation of the Fountain Park site. He familiarized everyone as to what had been included and completed during Phase I. He provided information as to what improvements were proposed in Phase II, and the alternatives included in his staff report. He acknowledged that staff was seeking approval to prepare plans and specifications for Phase II of Fountain Park illy site and three additional alternatives. He confirmed that e Group had been instrumental as the Town's consultant in developing the master park plans for each of the park systems, specifically the master plan associated with Fountain Park that would be developed in phases. He noted that Phase I had been completed this past September,Phase II was currently being considered, and there would be at least one more subsequent phase. Director Mayer recognized that the overall master plan for the park system had been developed with a great deal of public input and comment through a variety of medias. He explained that Phase II improvements would have the potential for three alternatives. These alternatives had been included in Phase I but were pulled out either due to budget constraints or, in the case of the Veteran's Memorial, it was not an item that was approvable at the federal grant level. He reiterated that these alternatives were holdovers from Phase I but that staff hoped to complete them under Phase II. He described these improvements and listed them as the north sidewalk, the performance pad, and the Veteran's Memorial. Director Mayer reviewed that there was a subsequent agenda item this evening that would provide additional detail on the Veteran's Memorial project. Director Mayer clarified that the proposal was for the preparation of the plans and specifications and contract administration to complete the work associated with the drawings and plans so that staff could go out for bids on this particular project. Staff was seeking approval for$164,182. He referred to an attachment to his memo, which went into detail on the project budget. He noted that Dave Case (e Group) was present and available for questions. Director Mayer expressed that as currently configured the project was slightly over budget but he felt it appropriate to move forward at this time. He suggested that at the final bid when the final numbers came in it was likely that there would be some adjustments that could bring the numbers closer, if not within budget constraints. If the project were authorized this evening, it would take a number of weeks and months for e Group to prepare the plans and specifications. Bidding would take place sometime later this year with an approximate project completion date of October 2003. Councilwoman Ralphe MOVED to authorize the plan and specification preparations, performance of construction administration for Fountain Park Phase II and three alternatives as just presented and Councilwoman Fraverd SECONDED the motion. Councilwoman Fraverd asked about the 18-hole disc golf course. Director Mayer noted that a disc golf course currently existed and what was being proposed in Phase III would be improvement to that existing course. He thought the existing Town Council Meeting Minutes of February 21,2002 Page 3 of 9 course was a couple of tee boxes short of having a full 18-holes. Councilwoman Fraverd asked if that course was built during Phase I. Director Mayer responded many of the improvements were completed during Phase I but would be a project that would require additional improvements as the park plan progressed. Vice Mayor Kavanagh questioned when all the dirt would be covered with grass. Director Mayer replied that Phase II would be completed in the fall of 2003, when an over seeding process would begin. He noted that current dirt areas were being addressed but this situation would take a long time to improve,as grass was a growing, living thing. He pointed out that there were soil and weather situations that made it a difficult situation but it was continuing to improve. Vice Mayor Kavanagh asked what would happen to the old tot playground equipment. Director Mayer suggested offering it as surplus property and having it auctioned off or a contractor could come in and bid the installation of new equipment and fold the removal of the equipment into their bid. Vice Mayor Kavanagh asked that staff explore the possibility that the equipment be donated to some worthy group. Councilwoman Ralphe questioned if the project's cost would come out of next year's budget. Director Mayer reviewed the availability of funding for these projects and how he reached his figures. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #9 — CONSIDERATION OF THE REQUEST SUBMITTED BY THE VFW AND THE AMERICAN LEGION TO FUND THE VETERANS MEMORIAL IN FOUNTAIN PARK IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000. Director Mayer explained this was a housekeeping detail. Representatives from both the American Legion and the VFW approached the Town Council and received approval for this project at the November 18th, 1999, meeting. Staff, on behalf of both organizations, was asking for Council consideration to fund this project to the extent of$40,000, which would allow for a small cushion since the estimated cost was$36,346. Councilwoman Hutcheson MOVED to approve the request as just presented and Councilwoman Hutcheson SECONDED ' the motion. Vice Mayor Kavanagh confirmed this project had been on going since 1999. He noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission approved the project at that time and so had the past Council. This Council would authorize the actual placement of this plan. He pointed out that tonight the Council was being asked for the cash to make the memorial a reality. He was pleased to vote for this item. Councilwoman Fraverd said she was in favor of this project. She asked if the Council had not approved the funding for this project in the last agenda item. Director Mayer clarified that the previous agenda item was the approval of preparation of plans and specs for this project. There was not funding specifically attached for this particular item and this agenda item would allow staff to do that. Councilwoman Fraverd asked what the$36,346 represented in the last agenda item. Director Mayer explained that represented the construction costs, but the negative $44,593 over shortfall included the construction of the memorial. As there had never been an official request to fund this particular piece of the puzzle, this request for $40,000 would help offset the negative bottom line. Carl Propp, 12606 Via Del Sol (member of the VFW) They looked forward to this project and their part of the project would be to have the cannon delivered. They requested that when construction starts that the pad be put down first because that would give them the green light to order the cannon. Vice Mayor Kavanagh presented the VFW and the American Legion with a diagram of the project for display. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #10 - REPORT BY COUNCILWOMAN FRAVERD AND INTERIM COMMUNITY 4410, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR JESSE DRAKE ON THE PROGRESS OF THE DEVELOPER ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Town Council Meeting Minutes of February 21,2002 Page 4 of 9 Councilwoman Fraverd stated that she chaired this committee. She acknowledged the others who served on the committee: Jesse Drake, Interim Director of Community Development; Jim Leubner, Senior Civil Engineer; Scott LaGreca, Chief Fire Marshal; Dave Montgomery, Civil Engineer; Scott Page, Builder; Gordon Pittsenbarger, Builder, and Ken Kreuter, Builder. Councilwoman Fraverd reviewed that they had been meeting and they had divided into two categories: ordinance issues and plan review staff/town process. She confirmed that the goal was to make Fountain Hills a more construction friendly town from both perspectives. She noted that the Community Development Department had been busy trying to meet the concerns of the contractors and residents. To date, this Committee had looked at approximately eight different ordinances that needed modification that they would be bringing to the Council for their consideration. Ms. Drake agreed that the Community Development Department was trying to smooth the transition of plans through the process. Departments were looking at ways to simplify forms and make it easier for developers to get their plans through the process. She noted that they were looking at ways to try to reduce the plan review time. She explained that staff was experiencing some delay because departments were short staffed but hoped to address this issue very soon. One of the things that had been looked at was a method to incorporate a plan review process that would be available to the developer on line so that they could check their plan review status. She introduced Peter Putterman, the Town's Information Technology Administrator, who had some additional information on that issue. Mr. Putterman said much energy had been spent over the past few months trying to figure out a process where contractors,property owners,or applicants could check the status of a plan review. One of the most significant points to come out was that once the Town received the plans no one knew what was happening with them. He explained that the software package that the Town of Fountain Hills currently uses to track inspections and issue building permits did not have the capability for web interface although the company continues to say there is one coming. Mr. Putterman revealed that Mr. Cater Hunt, the CIO in the City of Scottsdale, had loaned the Town the use of one of his web programmers (Jeff Bazo) who generated some computer code which he would now attempt to add into the Town's website that would allow someone to enter a building permit number and see the status of inspections on that project. He demonstrated the premise on Scottsdale's web test page. Mr. Putterman explained that the Town did not have the capabilities with the current software to get it to do much more than that. He agreed that to enter data and to be able to 400, request inspections on line were important functions. He felt that staff would bring a request to the council at budget time to convert to a new software system that would provide better service to the community as well as town staff. He acknowledged that the biggest issue would be the data conversion as the database was large. The second issue was the cost. Staff hoped to convince the Council of its importance. He acknowledged that Scottsdale had been extremely helpful and had given the Town resources that the Town did not have. Mayor Morgan thanked everyone for putting in their time. She felt this was giant step towards better communication and cooperation with the building community and was needed. AGENDA ITEM #11- CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING AN EXPENDITURE IN THE AMOUNT OF $467,000 FOR A NEW FIRE TRUCK. Public Safety Director Steve Gendler said the purpose of this presentation was to request the Council's approval for the purchase of the fire service pumper ladder truck at a cost of$467,000. This action was part of a follow-up from his December 4th presentation at which time the Council had been given a status report on the Town's fire service capabilities and contingency plans. He explained that funding for this purchase would come from the capital expenditure established by the former Fountain Hills Fire District and was consistent with the specifications that they had developed. After reviewing bids from four sources, the Town had the opportunity to secure an existing demonstrator that met or exceeded the thirty-nine minimum specifications, at a significant savings from American LaFrance Sales in Casper, Wyoming. Director Gendler gave details why staff was requesting action tonight. Currently the Fountain Hills Fire Service was using a 1990 model 1250 gallon/per minute pumper that had a 500-gallon booster tank on the back that used compressed air foam. He noted that this vehicle was now twelve years old and had been in extended service. It was now accruing some major repair and maintenance costs. In the coming months, staff anticipated that it would need to have its motor overhauled, which would require that it be out of service for at least four weeks. He pointed out that this truck lacked the gear ratios and the power requirements to effectively and efficiently traverse some of the grades in the western part of the community. As that part of the Town developed staff felt that would become an issue. He noted that in the Town Center there were large multi-family complexes, healthcare Town Council Meeting Minutes of February 21,2002 Page 5 of 9 facilities, and commercial structures that would require the Fire Department to have the ability to remove occupants and place fire fighters on a higher platform. That would require a combination engine and ladder capabilities. Le Director Gendler commented that a review of the Fountain Hills Fire District timetable showed that the Board had been planning for the purchase of this equipment back in 1998, which was reaffirmed in 1999, and included as a target for their fiscal year 2001-02. He stated that the Fire District had developed a comprehensive list of specifications and had been actively seeking a possible demonstrator, as it would have the advantages of low mileage, warranties, and no maintenance with the added benefit of reduced cost. These specifications and the completed research were employed when staff sought bids to determine the cost of this piece of equipment. In January the request for bids was sent to three established vendors using the thirty-nine minimum specifications. The bid results were a high of$518,164 to a low bid of$442,000 plus tax. Director Gendler stated that staff was recommending approval of the low bid made by American LaFrance based on the combination of the cost and the proven record with the current Fountain Hills fire truck as well as the seven engines and an aerial ladder that were built for Scottsdale. He reiterated that the cost of$467,000 included tax. Director Gendler stated that the truck was available through either an outright purchase or a lease purchase option. According to Julie Ghetti, the Accounting Supervisor, current funds including a capital purchase account, collected as part of the fire district's taxing authority, were being held at the County Treasurers Office. He stated that the newly acquired vehicle could be put in front line service within a month with the existing truck held in reserve. The proposed truck would be stationed at the Town's facility south of Shea, which would put it within three miles of the largest commercial structures as well as all three-story buildings in Fountain Hills. Staff was requesting approval to proceed with an outright purchase and to award the contract to the low bidder American LaFrance of Casper, Wyoming in the amount of $467,000 including applicable taxes. He noted that Chief LaGreca, the consultant Bob Edwards, and Julie Ghetti were present to answer any questions. Councilwoman Fraverd MOVED to approve the expenditure in the amount of $467,000 as just presented and Councilwoman Ralphe SECONDED the motion. Vice Mayor Kavanagh asked Ms. Ghetti how the capital expenditure would impact the Town. Ms. Ghetti responded that the funds were being held at the County and would not affect the Town's expenditure limitation. Since the funds remained at the County,the funds would not come into the Town's books at all. Councilwoman Hutcheson asked why these funds, which had been assumed from the Fire District when the Council assumed the responsibility of the Fire District, were being held at the County. Ms. Ghetti replied that the Town had not accepted the funds because there were some open issues with the Fire District as far as cost and bills. When those issues were settled,then the Town would transfer out the funds. Councilwoman Fraverd asked Director Gendler if he had an opportunity to look into obtaining grant money for the purchase of this truck. Director Gendler commented that he had briefly explored it under the Nations Emergency Services. Since he was unable to tie the request to terrorism he was unable to get help with funding right now. Bob Travis,former Fire District Board Member(14218 Chinook) The Town of Fountain Hills needed to use a ladder truck like this for$450,000 only a couple of times in its history with the ladder truck at that time coming from the center of Scottsdale. He noted that today there was a ladder truck located even closer at a station near Via Linda and Shea Blvd. He felt that location wasn't that far away from where the newly proposed ladder truck would go on Shea and Saguaro Blvd. He questioned why the vehicle located in Scottsdale at Via Linda and Shea Blvd. wasn't sufficient when the Town had only used this type of truck twice in its history. The Fire Board who had represented the taxpayers had budgeted $590,000 for capital items last July for starting up a new operation. As of December$200,000 had been spent leaving only $390,000 for other capital items and not enough to cover the cost of this ladder truck. He felt that the Council would be spending more than the taxpayers voted for when their budget had been approved. He noted that $90,000 had been budgeted for a quote for a certified refurbished ladder truck, which would be used only for a fire call that required a ladder truck. The District acquired a $100,000 quick attach mini pumper, which was to have gone into service in December, as it was a much faster vehicle to go up and down the hills and would also be able to respond to medical calls which made up about 90% of the fire department's emergency calls. He questioned why a ladder truck would be used to respond to medical calls when a quick mini-pumper was available. He understood that the mini-pumper was being turned into a brush truck and would now sit and wait for a brush fire that fire engines could not gain access to. He pointed out that if the Town loses the lawsuit with the firefighters and if the District were reinstated,the Town Council Meeting Minutes of February 21,2002 Page 6 of 9 Council would not be leaving any money for capital startup costs and the taxpayers would be hurt again. Mr. Travis noted that there was an election for Council positions in a few weeks, recalls to be submitted at the end of March. He commented that the Council had hired a consultant, Mr. Bob Edwards. Mr. Travis suggested that the Council wait to hear Liv what he had to say just as was done with the police consultants. Mr. Travis expressed that for the past eighteen years he attended fire equipment conventions each July and there were always specials on new ladder trucks and demo trucks. He asked that the Council look into the options or maybe commit to the lease purchase instead of an outright purchase. John Winters,former Fire District Board Member(11247 N. Inca) He expressed that the Council was being led to believe that the Board had been planning to purchase the truck this year and that wasn't the case. He explained that the only reason that they had these specifications was because they had their new fire department up and there was a lot of grant money available for new fire departments start up. They had no intentions of ever buying a$500,000 ladder truck. Chief Karl Keierleber, former Rural Metro Fire Chief for Maricopa County, had told him and Mr.Travis two years ago that Fountain Hills would be very foolish and it would be a waste of money to buy a ladder truck as they were very expensive and Fountain Hills would never use one. Mr. Winters stated that as most of the commercial buildings were sprinkled and were only three stories this purchase would be a waste of money. He remarked that the Board had spent $100,000 because they had promised the people a year and one half ago to set up a '/ ton truck that would go up quickly into the hills. He stated that truck had never been put into service. He did not want the public to think that the Fire Commissioners were for this action and the Council was acting on their recommendation,as that was not true. Tammy Rothermel,former Fire District Board Member(Deerskin Dr.) She spoke on behalf of those who felt the pressure of recent increased taxes. With the 24% in assessed value the taxes for them would only go higher. She understood that the council planned on using $500,000 from the contingency fund from the Fire District. If that money was needed to pay other bills and it would help stave off a property tax, she was for saving the money. She noted that Scottsdale's extensive border for a long time relied on only two ladder trucks (they now have three ladder trucks) to serve 200,000 to 210,000 people. Three ladder trucks averaged one ladder truck for every 70,000 people and Fountain Hills only has 23,000 people. She felt that this ladder truck purchase was an extravagant expenditure and that the Board had opted to go with a refurbished used truck for $90,000. Ms. Rothermel stated that a ladder truck typically would sit in the station and would wait for the severe call and would not be used every day. Councilwoman Hutcheson posed three questions. She asked for clarification on a statement made by Mr. Travis regarding that they had an approved budget for the Fire District voted on by the people. She was not aware of that and she did not think the public had approved their budget. She asked Ms. Ghetti how much money was in the contingency account at the County. She asked the consultant,Bob Edwards,to give a report. Ms. Ghetti confirmed that as of January 31, 2002, there was $800,000 in the capital fund of the Fire District and$500,000 in the operating account. Mr. Travis clarified that in the Fire District budget that the taxpayers had voted on and that was published in the paper in July of last year for this year's operation,they had a budgeted item for capital expenditures in the amount of$590,548. He noted that during the operating year they had already spent $200,000 of that $590,000, which technically left only $390,000 that the public voted on to use as capital expenditures. He stated the extra money would be pulled from other places in the budget or eventually pulled from what money was left in the Maricopa Reserve, which the District had never been allowed to touch unless they had budgeted for that money each year. Mr. Farrell commented that he watched the papers closely and did not recall the Fire District budget ever going to the voters. He asked if Mr. Travis could give him the date of the election and the outcome of it. Mayor Morgan reiterated the Town Attorney's request for the date of the election and the outcome of it. Mr. Travis responded that he believed that their budget was posted every year in the Times and the board votes on the budget. Vice Mayor Kavanagh reiterated that Mr. Travis had said there had been a public vote on the Fire District budget. Mr.Travis said he was sorry for expressing it that way. He stated that the voters didn't vote on the budget,but the board represented the voters and as their representatives the Board had voted on the budget. He pointed out that the public did not protest the budget and agreed with the way the Board was voting on the budget. He explained it was published in the paper just like the Town budget. Mr.Bob Edwards N.77th Street in Scottsdale(consultant for the Town) He said that he had been in the business of public safety for approximately 31 years. He started as a DC police officer, transferred to fire service and moved to Arizona about 28 years ago. For 24 years he worked for Rural Metro Fire Department in Scottsdale starting out as an arson investigator and working his way up to Assistant Chief. He had been the Town Council Meeting Minutes of February 21,2002 Page 7 of 9 author of the sprinkler ordinance passed in Scottsdale, which has saved many lives and property. He noted that this ordinance had also been adopted in Town of Fountain Hills. He pointed out that he had worked closely with the Town of Fountain Hills prior to his retirement 4 th years ago. Mr.Edwards said that this truck that the Council was considering was not just a ladder truck. It not only had the ladder but also the short wheelbase and was to be used as a front line engine. He noted that it had the capacity of taking care of fires in a house or commercial building and improved the firefighters' ability to put exposure water in an elevated scenario. He explained that this truck had the ability for an engineer to operate it not only from the control panel but also from the back. He commented that the Town opened an assisted living facility with 30-50 residents and some might be non-ambulatory and consequently could become trapped. He stated that sprinklers were installed to put fires out so that hopefully no one gets hurt but there still might that need to do a rescue or to have a rescue operation in those buildings. He explained that three years ago the Town of Fountain Hills did not have anywhere near the number of properties that needed the elevated ability as the Town did today. He remarked that the ladder truck in Scottsdale today had an approximate response time of 15 — 20 minutes. He agreed with the former Fire Commissioners that ladder trucks were not used that often and that was why today's ladder trucks were not strictly bought as a ladder truck with a platform. Mr. Edwards reiterated that the truck that the Council was considering could be used as a ladder truck when needed but used as a front line engine at other times. Vice Mayor Kavanagh expressed that some of the confusion was the terminology being used. He clarified that the truck that the Council was considering was a multi-purpose truck and not a ladder truck. Mr. Edwards confirmed that was correct. Vice Mayor Kavanagh felt that much of the concern had then been dispelled. Councilwoman Fraverd asked Mr. Edwards if the price was reasonable. Mr. Edwards responded that the price was $20,000 and $30,000 less than sold on the market because it was a demonstrator with only 10,000 miles. Mr. Edwards stated that Mr. Travis had been correct when Mr. Travis indicated that the best place to buy a fire truck was at the fire show. Mr.Edwards confirmed that it was better to buy a demonstrator than to buy a new one. Councilwoman Ralphe asked if this truck would be able to climb the grades in the mountain subdivisions that the truck being replaced is not capable of doing. Mr. Edwards stated that this truck had a diesel turbo charged engine and a gear ratio to traverse the hills necessary in the western part of the Town. He reviewed that the current truck had major maintenance problems, was twelve years old, only carried 500 gallons of water, and had a steel tank that was starting to r leak. He stated that the current truck needed to be retired to reserve status. Vice Mayor Kavanagh referred to a comment made by a former fireboard member who requested that the Council defer their decision until the Council heard the report from the consultant. Vice Mayor Kavanagh asked Mr. Edwards if he was that consultant. Mr.Edwards responded yes. Mr. Bob Travis said that if this new truck was purchased and would handle the new western subdivisions because of the gear ratio then there wouldn't be the need for the third fire station. He did not expect to hear of the need for a third station next year. Mr. Edwards stated that the placement of the third station would probably still be necessary but wouldn't be necessary to have a heavy frontline engine as everything built would have sprinklers and would be mostly residential. He reiterated that the third station would still be needed but it would only be required to have small vehicles similar to an attack truck. The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #12 - CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING THE TOWN ATTORNEY AND TOWN MANAGER TO RETAIN THE SERVICES OF MARISCAL WEEKS FOR LEGAL SERVICES IN PENDING OR CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION. The Town Attorney Bill Farrell requested that this item be continued until the March 7th, 2002, Council meeting. He gave a brief update. He noted that the lawsuit announced in the paper several weeks ago still has not been served. Mr. Farrell indicated that he was still talking with Southwest Risk about the compatibility and retention of outside counsel. He felt those issues would be worked out with the insurance carrier by the next council meeting. He felt that the lawsuit would probably be served by the next council meeting. Councilwoman Hutcheson MOVED to continue this item until the March 7th, 2002, Council meeting and Councilwoman Fraverd SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Town Council Meeting Minutes of February 21,2002 Page 8 of 9 AGENDA ITEM#13-CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Mr. Robert Howes,Mustang Dr. Liv He commended the Town Council on the excellent job that they have done through the difficult times. He looked forward to their continued leadership. AGENDA ITEM#14-ADJOURNMENT. Councilwoman Fraverd MOVED to adjourn and Councilwoman Hutcheson SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Morgan adjourned the meeting at 8:12 p.m. TOWN OF OUNTAIN LLS By. U Sharon Morgan,Mayor jot ATTEST: (1/a14-4.A.. LL"..,..— Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk 9 PREPARED B Y: �.a %I,"L C.-A- . J Bev Bender,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION %of I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular and Executive Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 2151 day of February,2002. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 7th day of March 2002. (71-4,4-4-4--'‘ /°---"—' 1,—/ Cassie B. Hansen,Director of Administration/Town Clerk Now Town Council Meeting Minutes of February 21,2002 Page 9 of 9