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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.0607.TCSEM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL AND EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL ,,• June 7,2002 Mayor Beydler called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. ROLL CALL -Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Jon Beydler, Vice Mayor Leesa Fraverd, and Councilmembers Rick Melendez, Kathleen Nicola, Michael Archambault, Susan Ralphe, and John Kavanagh. Also present were Town Attorney Bill Farrell and Director of Administration/Town Clerk Cassie B.Hansen. AGENDA ITEM#1 - PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.1., VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR: DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYMENT, ASSIGNMENT, APPOINTMENT, PROMOTION,DEMOTION,DISMISSAL,SALARIES,DISCIPLINING OR RESIGNATION OF A PUBLIC OFFICER, APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY PUBLIC! BODY, EXCEPT THAT WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SALARY DISCUSSIONS,AN OFFICER,APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE MAY DEMAND THAT SUCH DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION OCCUR AT A PUBLIC MEETING. THE PUBLIC BODY MUST PROVIDE THE OFFICER, APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE WITH SUCH PERSONAL NOTICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SESSION AS IS APPROPRIATE BUT NOT LESS THAN 24 HOURS FOR THE OFFICER, APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE TO DETERMINE WHETHER SUCH DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION SHOULD OCCUR AT A PUBLIC MEETING. (THE COUNCIL WILL MEET WITH JAMES L. MERCER, PRESIDENT OF THE MERCER GROUP, INC. REGARDING THE SEARCH FOR A NEW TOWN MANAGER.). Councilwoman Nicola MOVED that the Council convene the executive session and Vice Mayor Fraverd SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. ,,. AGENDA ITEM#2-RETURN TO SPECIAL SESSION. Mayor Beydler recessed the executive session and reconvened the special session at 4:33 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#3-ADJOURNMENT. Vice Mayor Fraverd MOVED to adjourn the meeting and Councilwoman Nicola SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Beydler adjourned the meeting 4:34 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By: Alt/ IA on Bey,ler11,0=yor ATTEST: �cJ . d✓t4-13---1 Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk PREPARED BY: )6 Ps' X;1Y I-L.4 Bev Bender,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special and Executive Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 7th day of June, 2002. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 20th day of June 2002. Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL AND EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL June 11,2002 Mayor Beydler called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. ROLL CALL-Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Jon Beydler, Vice Mayor Leesa Fraverd, and Councilmembers Rick Melendez, Kathleen Nicola, Michael Archambault, and John Kavanagh. Also present were Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes,and Director of Administration/Town Clerk Cassie B.Hansen. Councilwoman Susan Ralphe was absent. AGENDA ITEM #1 - CONSIDERATION OF THE RENEWAL OF THE BID FOR THE COMPASS AND JUST 4 TEENS PUBLICATIONS- BID#PR99-021. Councilman Kavanagh MOVED that the Council approve the contract with direction to staff to attempt to reduce publication costs and Vice Mayor Fraverd SECONDED the motion. Councilman Kavanagh acknowledged that spending money based on the Town's present fiscal problems was difficult. He pointed out it would be self-defeating to not advertise the Parks and Recreation activities. He said he would support funding these publications if staff would attempt to negotiate lower costs by downgrading some of the features of the publications. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes agreed staff could work towards that goal. Councilman Kavanagh said he made this motion with the understanding that staff would attempt to make a reduction in cost not only in terms of the number of pages but by looking at paper quality and those kinds of frills. He did not want to put out a fancy publications but he did want the basic message to get out. Councilman Melendez said by asking for this item to be placed on the agenda he had wanted to see if there was a way that the publication could be expanded to include other Town issues. He explained that he had also wanted to put into the budgetary process a PIO (public information officer) but indicated that he did not know if that was now a possibility because of financial constraints. He suggested that if the Town were able to put someone into that position,he hoped that they would be able to expand this publication. Vice Mayor Fraverd said she was looking for a combination of the proposals made by Councilman Melendez and Councilman Kavanagh. She wanted the information to go out about the Parks and Recreation programs. She also wanted the publication to provide information on what was going on in government or that would add to the Town's coffers. She suggested that the Compass could be cut down to eight pages. She indicated that removing colored pages and changing the type of paper used would also aid in cost savings. She agreed with Councilman Melendez that in the future the Town would need to find a way of getting information to the public and saving at least one or two pages in the Compass just for that purpose could could do that. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes responded that the goal of the Compass was to contain governmental information within the first six pages with the second half used for promotion of Parks and Recreation programs. He acknowledged that it was the most direct marketing tool that the Parks and Recreation Department had. He explained that if articles from other departments or entities were not available, Parks and Recreation was forced to fill in with other program information. He agreed that in those instances it had worked out well for Parks and Recreation as they had many programs to market. He addressed the paper quality and color. A year ago staff had looked at those issues and discovered that to include color and change the quality of paper would not add that much to production costs. Those changes had given the publication a nice image and quality. He noted that staff could again check this aspect again. Mayor Beydler commented that three of the Council had not yet seen the draft budget so it was difficult for them Le to understand the financial concerns at this point. He asked if there was a reason why the Council had to vote on this item today. Why couldn't they wait until they had the opportunity to look at the budget and consider this as an expense item in light of the overall budget concerns. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes replied the reason was because the contract was about to expire. The next publication would be initiated on July 1 for the August/September 2002 issue. He noted if the Council approved the contract, it would assist staff moving things forward as they have in the past. Mayor Beydler pointed out there was a Council meeting on June 20. Since the Council would see the preliminary budget later this week and if the Council were to consider delaying this item until June 20,the delay would allow Councilmembers the time to review the needed financial information in order to make their decision. Mayor Beydler asked why this publication was a Parks and Recreation Department publication. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes stated that in the past it had been a Parks and Recreation publication. A few years ago it had been suggested that the publication be expanded to be more of a town newsletter. At that time because Parks and Recreation was in charge of their portion and had the software resources, they were asked to continue putting the publication together. He agreed with Mayor Beydler that if there was a public information director/officer they could just as easily take this publication over. Councilwoman Nicola asked if the Town could look into some sort of cost and information sharing measure with the MCSO, Community Theater, Boys and Girls Club, or various other entities who would like to get their information out to the public. Councilman Archambault asked if the Compass and Just for Teens publication were tracked to find out how well their services were used. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes stated that they did not do any formal tracking. He remarked that their department could tell by the volume of phone calls their department received when the publications hit homes. Councilman Archambault asked if there had been a dramatic increase of participation over last year. Mr.Hughes said participation was pretty steady. Vice Mayor Fraverd asked if the Council was approving in this contract with a certain number of pages published per issue. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes replied that the Council was approving up to 12 pages in the Compass and up to 4 pages for the Just for Teens publication. He explained that the Town paid only for the number of pages used. Councilman Archambault clarified that the dollar amount for the contract was the maximum that could be paid out. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes said that was correct. Councilman Melendez agreed that the Town's total budget was a consideration and it was critical that the Council look at these numbers. Councilman Melendez MOVED to continue this item to the June 20 Town Council Meeting and Vice Mayor Fraverd SECONDED the motion. Mr. Farrell stated that this action now required a vote of the Council and was not debatable except for the date. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Councilwoman Nicola Aye Mayor Beydler Aye Councilman Kavanagh Aye Councilman Melendez Aye Councilman Archambault Aye Vice Mayor Fraverd Aye The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #2 - CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING THE BID FOR THE ANNUAL LANDSCAPING CONTRACT- BID#02-01. Councilman Kavanagh MOVED award the bid as presented and Councilman Archambault SECONDED the motion. Vice Mayor Fraverd remarked that she would prefer that the Council not be asked to approve contracts before receiving the new budget each year. She said she had experienced an ant problem and asked if pest control was performed in Fountain Park. Public Works Director Tom Ward said he was not sure that the Town did anything about ants. He thought some pest control that took place around the restrooms and the children's play yard. He commented that Fountain Park had 35-acres of grass to maintain and he was sure there were spots where ants itto,,, could not be controlled. He noted that ant control was an on going problem because as one spot was treated the ants would relocate to another location. Vice Mayor Fraverd asked if the Town had heard this complaint from the public. Mr.Ward was unaware of any complaints. Supervisor of Parks Don Clark said there had been a few similar complaints. Usually staff treats those areas as those areas are brought to their attention. Vice Mayor Town Council Meeting Minutes of June I I,2002 Page 2 of 7 Fraverd asked if any special pest treatments were done before major events were held in the park. Mr. Clark responded no. Mayor Beydler commented that the Fountain Park looked very poor. He asked if there were toxic chemicals in the soil from the lake and if that was why grass was not growing. He questioned if there had been any soil analysis done since the construction was complete. Did the park have a clean bill of health or were there other issues that might contribute to the park's poor condition? Mr. Ward answered that periodically soil samples were taken from around the lake in order to look at the pH of the soil. Since effluent was constantly being dumped on the grass, staff felt it was a good idea to have a soil analysis done at regular intervals. He acknowledged that before the lake liner was replaced, the Town had a complete analysis done. The Town had also analyzed the sediment from the bottom of the lake and it was of major concern. He stated that no toxic materials were found in any levels that would be harmful. Mr. Ward stated staff regularly checked the toxic levels to ensure that the public was safe. Mayor Beydler again asked then why was the grass not growing? Mr. Ward said that part of the problem was residual from the four construction projects that had been going on at the same time. All construction projects were completed at the same time so that the park would not be constantly torn up year after year. In doing so, staff had hoped to minimize the amount of destruction to the park. He pointed out that the park was a work in progress. He acknowledged that this was the time of year when most parks were in transition from rye grass to bermuda grass. He explained that to overcome the toxicity in the rye grass the bermuda grass must be fertilized and required frequent watering. He felt that the Town would see a much nicer looking park later in July or August. Supervisor of Parks Don Clark pointed out that the irrigation system was old and had given staff problems because of its age. He echoed Mr. Ward's statement that there should be a positive difference in the park's look in a month or so. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Councilwoman Nicola Aye �r Vice Mayor Fraverd Aye Councilman Kavanagh Aye Mayor Beydler Aye Councilman Archambault Aye Councilman Melendez Aye The motion CARRIED unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION OF TOWN SUPPORT OF JULY 4TH FIREWORKS ACTIVITIES WITHOUT FIREWORKS. Mayor Beydler said that he had received several phone calls from business owners and from especially downtown business owners after the last Council meeting. These business owners were upset that there wouldn't be any celebration sponsored by the Town in the park on July 4t. Mayor Beydler said he called Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes and inquired what the status was of the other activities that were not explosive related. He had been told that those particular vendors had been contacted and informed that the event had been cancelled. Mayor Beydler had asked Mr. Hughes to confirm if the Council had voted to cancel all July 4th related activities or only voted to not have fireworks at the June 6th Council meeting. Mayor Beydler stated he had asked that this item be placed back on the agenda for further discussion of what if any, Town sponsored activities would take place on July 4t. Councilman Archambault referred to the July 4th celebration coverage in Compass article. He asked if the Compass article listed planned activities for July 4th. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes replied that the article had described the different activities and he listed them. Councilman Archambault asked if any of the town service groups had planned to participate. Mr. Hughes replied that the Food Bank, American Legion, Key Club had expressed interest and were his major commitments. Councilman Archambault asked if staff had 410, received any calls on the proposed July 4th activities from those residents who had received the Compass. Mr. Hughes said he was not aware of any inquiries. Councilman Archambault questioned if all who had received the Compass still believed that these activities would be going forward. Mr. Hughes felt the public would think the activities were going to take place. Town Council Meeting Minutes of June 11,2002 Page 3 of 7 Vice Mayor Fraverd asked if the vendors would still be agreeable to attending without the fireworks. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes said the Food Bank had expressed an interest in attending without the fireworks. He had not heard from any of the others but they might still be interested. He noted that without fireworks the number of those attending the celebration would go down. He did not know whether or not it would still be worthwhile for the vendors to participate if there were less people attending. Councilwoman Nicola had understood in the interest of public safety the Council had voted not to support the fireworks. She had been surprised to learn that the Town was canceling the community 4th of July Celebration. She asked if Parks and Recreation had time to look into activities that would attract community involvement. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes expressed the department could do any type of celebration that the Council wanted. Staff was looking for Council direction and what funding would be available for an alternative 4th of July celebration that did not include fireworks. Mayor Beydler interjected that he had attracted 35 Native American artists and dancers who had agreed to come to Plaza Fountainside for the 4th of July evening. He felt the community could create enough interest and activity to have a 4th of July celebration without exploding things. He acknowledged the need for a mainline attraction in order to have a reason public turnout. He asked if Parks and Recreation still planned to run the fountain at its full height as stated listed in the Compass. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes said that was correct. Mayor Beydler asked if the fountain could be turned into a red, white, and blue replication of the American flag with lights. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes suggested that colored glass could be used to cover the bank lighting although he did not know if it would give the appearance of an American flag. He was unsure how it would work to project the picture of a flag. Mayor Beydler stated he wanted to look at creative and affordable options offered by technology. Michael Fleck said the main problem was the timing. Time was needed to put the program together and time was needed to test it to ensure that it would work at 9:00 p.m. on the 4th of July. He agreed with Mr. Hughes that the easier and more doable scenario would be to create the world's largest red,white,and blue fountain. He Air explained that it would be technically difficult to project the image of the flag on the water. Councilman Melendez stated that he too had received numerous phone calls from business owners. He said because of those calls he had made inquiries to his various contacts in the Hollywood entertainment industry. He commented that there were a couple of big name stars that might be interested in performing. He noted that the Town would have to pay their expenses even though they would not charge a fee. He needed to get the Council's feelings on this option before pursuing it further. He said he was not at liberty to discuss the stars' names at this time. He suggested that a big name star would increase the public draw factor. Mayor Beydler asked how much money would be needed. Councilman Melendez responded approximately $2,000 for their expenses and lodging. Councilman Melendez felt that these entertainers would appeal to many people of all ages. Councilman Archambault asked what the budget had been for this event. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes discussed that the total for the fireworks show was $30,000 with $15,000 of that for the fireworks display. The remaining $15,000 was for event support: port-a-potties, light towers, generators, and trash removal with a significant portion allotted for staff time (Street Department to close streets, Marshals Department for traffic control, and Parks and Recreation Department). He did not know if the event costs would be as high, since the alternative event did not have fireworks. Councilman Archambault clarified that without fireworks the other things would cost approximately $15,000. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes said that was correct and reiterated that there might be ways to cut back on the costs. He reminded the Council that next year's budget did not include any funding for a 4th of July event and would have to be added in on top of what was already included in their proposed department budget. Councilman Kavanagh said he saw the potential for problems. He felt people wanted fireworks on the 4th of July and that most people would be going to West World, Rawhide, and Tempe Town Lake. He wanted to see something take place in the park to help the businesses but he thought that the Town was making a major mistake to try and compete with those who could offer fireworks on the 4th of July. He suggested that the Town could do something later on in the summer, which would give the Parks and Recreation Commission an opportunity to have a say in this. It would also give the Parks and Recreation Department time to put something Town Council Meeting Minutes of June 11,2002 Page 4 of 7 together. He said the date was wrong and he did not think Fountain Hills could compete with the big venues with the many unknowns that existed. He said he would rather see a good well-attended Town summer event later on than risk having a flop. He suggested a Veterans Day event. Councilwoman Nicola said patriotism was the key. She pointed out there had been a number of Memorial Day flag services over the years and that this year's event had produced the largest attendance. She felt that because of the events of 9-11 the community would want to come together and celebrate the 4th of July in their Town. She acknowledged that due to the news coverage of the fire dangers across the country the public would understand the lack of explosives this year. Mayor Beydler asked if staff had an estimated cost for the colored lights. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes said no. Mayor Beydler questioned if$100 to 200 for each light would be sufficient. Mr. Hughes guessed that a couple of hundred dollars apiece would cover the cost. Mayor Beydler MOVED that the Town budget be no more than $15,000 for the 4th of July Celebration, which would include but not exceed $2500 for the expense reimbursement of an entertainment group and $500 for the colored lights at the fountain as discussed and Councilwoman Nicola SECONDED the motion. Councilman Melendez asked to meet with Mr. Farrell and the Town's insurance risk manager to ensure that the Town would not incur any liability. Mayor Beydler expressed that he was agreeable to having this stipulation included in his motion. Councilman Kavanagh MOVED to continue this issue until Thursday,June 13, 2002. He expressed there were many variables and he could not support this until they were resolved. The motion DIED due to the lack of a second. Vice Mayor Fraverd MOVED to table this issue until Monday, June 17, 2002 and Councilman Kavanagh SECONDED the motion. Mayor Beydler pointed out that time was of the essence. If a budget was established with some program objectives, it was then staff's responsibility to look into the feasibility and workability as to whether or not it could be done. He said he would expect staff to come back to the Council prior to spending the money with their recommendation or report. He anticipated that staff would come back to the Council in one week with an update. He explained that the intent of his motion was to move forward with a July 4th Celebration with some programming ideas offered. He did not want to see this situation linger as the business community was trying to make plans. He felt that the Council needed to send a loud voice that they intend to celebrate the holiday. Councilman Kavanagh did not mean to imply that staff should stop their planning process. He did not want staff to make any commitments especially in terms of money. Mr. Farrell reminded the Council that the motion on the floor was debatable only as to the date. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Councilman Melendez Aye Councilman Archambault Nay Councilwoman Nicola Nay Vice Mayor Fraverd Aye Councilman Kavanagh Aye Mayor Beydler Nay The motion to table FAILED on a vote of 3—3. Councilwoman Nicola reminded everyone that over 25,000 residents had been invited to celebrate the 4th of July in the park. She said she would be supporting this motion. Councilman Archambault asked Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes if staff was going to keep the Council abreast of the celebration plans before expenditures were made. Mr. Hughes remarked that no monies outside of give-away items were ever paid for before an event, as most items were billable after the fact. Councilman Archambault again asked that staff keep the Council apprised as to their progress in the planning of this event. Recreation Supervisor Bryan Hughes requested to meet with Mayor Beydler and Councilman Melendez to get details on the activities that they had in mind so that Parks and Recreation could plan appropriately. Town Council Meeting Minutes of June 11,2002 Page 5 of 7 Councilman Melendez expressed he was supportive of this motion. If he was going to make any contacts from an entertainment standpoint, he needed to start planning as soon as possible. Mr. Farrell explained and discussed that the Town's general liability policy would cover a Town sponsored event. He noted that if the event were sponsored by anyone else, then that sponsor would have to provide a special event permit, which would have to be approved by the Town Council, and general liability insurance. Mayor Beydler repeated his motion. Councilman Kavanagh asked what would happen if the lights cost$1,000. Mayor Beydler said then staff would come back with what that price and the Council would have to make the decision as to whether or not to spend the extra $500 or spend nothing on the lights. Mayor Beydler expressed there was a need to have a budget at this point. Councilman Kavanagh restated his objections and concerns. He said he would not be supporting this motion. Vice Mayor Fraverd was bothered that there wasn't a Plan B. Councilman Archambault proposed that if plans fell apart within the next week or so, this issue could again be put on the June 20th agenda for the Council to revisit. Mr. Farrell agreed that could happen. Mayor Beydler expressed the public did not yet know there weren't to be any fireworks display on the 4th. In fact the newspaper was not yet out, which would inform the public of the change. He recognized that there was a plan in play. Councilman Melendez stated that the motion gave staff the authorization to begin the planning process. Sam Gothey,representative of the American Legion He suggested that a survey be done of the local businesses and service organizations to see if they would be willing to share in the costs of the event. He felt that the American Legion would vote to contribute money. Mayor Beydler asked what the legality was for businesses to contribute towards this event. Mr. Farrell said in the past the Town had received both monetary and service help. He explained that issues became murky over co-sponsorships, insurance liability, and advertising rights so the Town generally tried to sponsor events themselves or assist who was sponsoring the organization. Michael Fleck He favored having a 4th of July Celebration. Merit Miller He favored having a 4th of July Celebration. He noted that the date couldn't be changed. Carol Bodenar,Fountain View resident She favored having a 4th of July Celebration. Councilman Kavanagh clarified that he had not been suggesting that the 4th of July holiday be moved to a different date. He expressed he wanted the event to occur but he needed more details. He hoped to revisit this again on June 20th if staff was able to pull the plans together. He restated that he would not be supporting this motion at this time. A roll call vote was taken on the original motion with the following results: Vice Mayor Fraverd Aye Councilman Kavanagh Nay Councilman Melendez Aye Councilman Archambault Aye Councilwoman Nicola Aye Mayor Beydler Aye The motion carried on a vote of 5— 1. AGENDA ITEM #4 - PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4. AND A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.1., VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR: PURPOSES OF OBTAINING LEGAL ADVICE FROM THE TOWN ATTORNEY REGARDING PENDING OR CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION SPECIFICALLY: THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS VS. BNY AND MERRILL LYNCH; AND DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYMENT, ASSIGNMENT, APPOINTMENT, Town Council Meeting Minutes of June 11,2002 Page 6 of 7 PROMOTION, DEMOTION, DISMISSAL, SALARIES, DISCIPLINING OR RESIGNATION OF A PUBLIC OFFICER, APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY PUBLIC BODY, EXCEPT THAT WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SALARY DISCUSSIONS, AN OFFICER, APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE MAY DEMAND THAT SUCH DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION OCCUR AT A PUBLIC MEETING. THE PUBLIC BODY MUST PROVIDE THE OFFICER, APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE WITH SUCH PERSONAL NOTICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SESSION AS IS APPROPRIATE BUT NOT LESS THAN 24 HOURS FOR THE OFFICER,APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE TO DETERMINE WHETHER SUCH DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION SHOULD OCCUR AT A PUBLIC MEETING. (THE COUNCIL WILL INTERVIEW CANDIDATES FOR THE MAGISTRATE JUDGE POSITION AND RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON THE AVAILABILITY OF INTERIM TOWN MANAGER CANDIDATES.). Vice Mayor Fraverd MOVED that the Council convene the executive session at 10:10 a.m. and Councilwoman Nicola SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Mr. Farrell noted that the Council would reconvene briefly after the_executive session,but in the Conference Room located in Building A. AGENDA ITEM#5-RETURN TO SPECIAL SESSION. Mayor Beydler recessed the executive session and reconvened the special session at 1:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#6-DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF AN ACTING TOWN MANAGER. No motion was offered for action. AGENDA ITEM#7-ADJOURNMENT. Councilwoman Nicola MOVED to adjourn the meeting and Vice Mayor Fraverd SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED unanimously. Mayor Beydler adjourned the meeting at 4:34 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTA . HILLS etuAlij By: Jo :eyd -r, Ma ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen, Director��of,,Administration/Town Clerk .1�1�PREPARED BY: (/"- Bev Bender,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special and Executive Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 11th day of June, 2002. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 20th day of June 2002. Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk Town Council Meeting Minutes of June 11,2002 Page 7 of 7