HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.0805.TCRM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL AUGUST 5,2004 Mayor Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Vice Mayor Archambault, Mayor Nichols, Councilman Schlum, Councilman Kavanagh, Councilman Kehe, Councilwoman Nicola, and Councilman McMahan. Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, Town Manager Tim Pickering, and Accounting Supervisor Julie Ghetti were also present. SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS: Ms. Sandy Goodall and Ms. Lisa Muhn, representing the Fountain Hills' Soccer Club, thanked the Council for their ongoing support and said they would like to show appreciation for their support by presenting the Town with a contribution. Mayor Nichols, on behalf of the Town of Fountain Hills/Parks and Recreation Department, accepted the donation and said that public/private partnerships such as this one were something of which the Town was extremely proud and thanked all of the volunteers and members of the Club for their efforts and for the generous contribution. Mayor Nichols asked that Sue Stein join him at the podium and stated that she was ending her career in government service this year and tomorrow was her last day. He said that she would be missed by everyone and, speaking on behalf of the Council, thanked her for all of her good works over the years. He presented her with a card from the Council, which was spearheaded by the Vice Mayor, and wished her the best of luck. He also presented her with a set of specially produced mint coins dated 2004, which would represent her ending year in NOY government service and the beginning year of entering private business. Ms. Stein thanked the Council for the kind words, the card, and the gift. She said that the Town of Fountain Hills had been very good to her and she was going to miss all of the relationships that she had formed over the years. Mayor Nichols announced that word had been received that the generator had arrived at the Arizona Public Service (APS) plant and it would be installed over the next few days. He said it was possible that it would be up and running by the end of next week and the energy problem would soon be resolved. He said the fountain would then be on every fifteen minutes from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. He commented that both Salt River Project (SRP) and APS appreciated the Town's efforts during the crisis. CALL TO THE PUBLIC: There were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Nichols advised that Agenda Item#5 (Consideration of approving a request to waive certain speed hump criteria for Woodside Drive in Rancho Mountain) had been removed from the Consent Agenda and would be the first item addressed on the Action Agenda. AGENDA ITEM #1 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF 7/1/04. AGENDA ITEM #2- CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT FROM THE TOWN PROSECUTOR. E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004\Regular 8-5-04.doc Page 1 of 10 AGENDA ITEM #3 — CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2004-40, ABANDONING THE "FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 430, REPLAT" AS RECORDED IN BOOK 532, PAGE 08. RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA. CASE#S2004-13. AGENDA ITEM #4 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY DAVID ERIC JINDRA FOR SPLIT WINDOW DINER LOCATED AT 11056 N. SAGUARO BLVD. THE APPLICATION IS FOR A NEW CLASS 12 (RESTAURANT) LICENSE. AGENDA ITEM#5—MOVED TO THE ACTION AGENDA. AGENDA ITEM #6 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING STREET NAME CHANGES IN THE EAGLES NEST SUBDIVISION. AGENDA ITEM #7 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE REQUEST OF THE LOCAL VFW AND THE AMERICAN LEGION TO RELEASE $25,000 BUDGETED FOR THE VETERANS MEMORIAL. Councilman Kehe MOVED and Councilman McMahan SECONDED a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as read(items 1 -4 and 6 -7). A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Councilman Kehe Aye Councilman Schlum Aye Councilman Kavanagh Aye Councilwoman Nicola Aye Mayor Nichols Aye Councilman McMahan Aye Vice Mayor Archambault Aye The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7 to 0). ACTION AGENDA: AGENDA ITEM#5—CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING A REQUEST TO WAIVE CERTAIN SPEED HUMP CRITERIA FOR WOODSIDE DRIVE IN RANCHO MONTANA. Councilman Kavanagh said although he was not a fan of speed humps, he did recognize the right of communities to have them in their area and added that one of the requirements that had to be met in order to have the humps was that 75% of the affected people in the area had to sign a petition in support of the humps. He stated that there were three waivers to that policy, two of which were very minor and added that one of the waiver requests was to drop the provision that 75% of the residents in the area must consent to the speed hump and instead replace that with 75% of the homeowners' association (HOA). He noted that in this particular case the area was completely covered by a HOA. He expressed concern that 75% of a small board, although elected by the residents, might not be representative of the people in the area and added that by the same token he did not want to burden the community by requiring a petition drive since he recognized that HOA's do have some representative rights. Councilman Kavanagh MOVED that the request to waive certain speed hump criteria for Woodside Drive in Rancho Montana be approved with the stipulation that the HOA be directed to contact their members and inform them that the speed humps had been requested and would be installed at this location and telling them that if any residents objected to the humps, they could contact Town Hall and voice concerns, and that the speed humps not be installed until 30 days after the HOA certified that this contact was made. E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004Utegular 8-5-04.doc Page 2 of 10 Councilman Kavanagh explained that if a large number of residents were opposed to the speed humps, there would then be time to address the issue with Council and perhaps reinstate the petition procedure in order to put the safeguard back in place. Councilman Schlum SECONDED the motion. Vice Mayor Archambault expressed concern that an undue burden would be placed on Staff to record the "nays" on the speed hump and he would like to see the motion amended to state that the HOA was required to record the acceptances and denials from the residents and present that information to Staff. Councilman Kavanagh stated the opinion that the collection of data would not be significant and said he was anticipating that in the notification memo that a particular person and telephone number be provided rather than having the HOA become involved. The Vice Mayor said that perhaps they should suggest to the HOA that they provide the residents with the Council's e-mail addresses so they could contact the members directly. Councilwoman Nicola advised that she spent Sunday replying to 120 e-mails from residents of Eagle Mountain and said that she would prefer, if they were not going to follow the waiver process, that they follow the procedures in place. She said she did not have a copy of the current procedures and had not had the opportunity to review the ordinance. In response to a question from Councilman Kehe, Councilman Kavanagh stated that he did not believe the issue was ever discussed before the Board and that every resident was aware of the speed hump issue. He added that he assumed there was representation here but he would be more comfortable knowing that all of the homeowners were aware of the matter and could contact the Council with their concerns. Councilwoman Nicola asked whether any members of the Board were present at the meeting and said that minutes from the April 15th meeting reflected that discussion regarding this had gone on for a long time. Councilman McMahan recommended that the Council table this issue until such time that Councilman Kavanagh's recommendations were implemented. Councilman Kavanagh said that the motion took this into consideration and therefore Councilman McMahan withdrew his recommendation. Councilman Schlum said he supported the motion because the spirit of what he was saying was that 75% of the affected population was looking for approval for this and added that when you go to a HOA board you were looking at a fraction of that number. He commented that the purpose was to have broad notification and allow citizen input. Mayor Nichols noted that the minutes of the board were distributed to the residents and said if so, then the April 15th meeting minutes,referred to by Councilwoman Nicola, advised the residents of this situation. He said that he had not received any input from the homeowners regarding the proposed humps. Councilman Kavanagh said that the e-mail notification was only sent to five people, not everyone, and the wording stated that they accepted the cost of installing the speed humps, which might have led many members who would have been opposed to think that this was already a done deal and they were just dealing with the cost. Mayor Nichols advised that as a former Chair of homeowners' associations, he assumed that all of the members received the minutes, which was a typical requirement of HOAs. He said that he could not support the motion because he believed it placed unnecessary additional administrative work on Town Staff. E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004\Regular 8-5-04.doc Page 3 of 10 Councilman Kehe stated that he supported the Mayor's comments and was reluctant to over-ride the decisions of a duly elected board. ,44) There were no citizens wishing to speak on this item and the Mayor called for the question. The Vice Mayor restated the motion (see above). A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Vice Mayor Archambault Nay Councilman Schlum Aye Councilman Kehe Nay Councilman Kavanagh Aye Councilman McMahan Aye Councilwoman Nicola Nay Mayor Nichols Nay The motion FAILED by majority vote (3 to 4). It was MOVED by Councilwoman Nicola, SECONDED by Vice Mayor Archambault, that the request to waive certain speed hump criteria for Woodside Drive in Rancho Montana be approved. Councilman Kavanagh stated the opinion that the policy was extremely bad and said they should not accept a vote by a non governmental entity composed of only nine people and to assume that all of the residents in this particular area were made aware of the fact that the members of the board they might have voted for would be making decisions on the placement of speed humps in their neighborhood was wrong. Councilwoman Nicola said that the Councilmember's constituents could say the same thing and stated that it was Neff her belief that the waiver did fit within the ordinance. Town Engineer Randy Harrel stated that he believed the waiver did fit within the ordinance. Vice Mayor Archambault expressed the opinion that the elected representatives had the authority to speak for their representatives and said he supported the motion. Councilman Schlum also spoke in support of the motion in this case but stated that the ordinance itself might require some review. He requested that the ordinance be reviewed at a later time (the policy, not the implementation). Councilman Kavanagh said that if the ordinance allowed this, a waiver would not be necessary. He added that the ordinance was adopted to limit speed humps and keep the number under control. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Councilman Schlum Aye Councilman McMahan Aye Councilman Archambault Aye Councilman Kehe Aye Councilman Kavanagh Nay Mayor Nichols Aye Councilwoman Nicola Aye The motion CARRIED by majority vote (6 to 1). E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004\Regular 8-5-04.doc Page 4 of 10 AGENDA ITEM #8 — DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND CONTROL OF THE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ROUTES LEADING TO AND FROM THE MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENTS. Town Engineer Randy Harrell, representing Public Works Director Tom Ward, presented an overview of this agenda item and said that this issue was a request from the Council that the construction haul route through Eagle's Nest subdivision be reviewed. He said that the route that had been set in conjunction with MCO, the developer of that subdivision, carried traffic off the established truck route of Palisades north of Sunridge Drive and then returned by way of Golden Eagle. He referred to a map displayed in the Council Chambers and said it showed a number of constraints to either of those streets going in the other direction and that was the reason why Staff selected this route. He added that there were a couple of other routes, Sierra Madre and Desert Canyon, but said that Staff did not feel that they were appropriate. He noted that the route was determined in 2000 and said he had a memo from MCO stating that they still favored the route that was set at that time. He reported that the major dirt haul on this occurred in June and a number of complaints were received from residents along Sunridge Drive as well as residents on Golden Eagle. He stated that major restraints associated with going the other direction on Golden Eagle included the high school, Golden Eagle Park, the fact that there were 103 lots fronting on Golden Eagle Boulevard, versus 19 on Sunridge Drive and the very steep (18%) uphill grade approach on Cerro Alto. Mr. Harrell added that a major restraint associated with going south on Sunridge Drive included the intersection with Palisades that had a very short sight distance. He said that Staff recommended that the haul route remain unchanged. In response to a request from Councilman Kavanagh, Mr. Harrell noted that the current routes represented the most direct routes into the Eagle's Nest area and said his objection to going north on Golden Eagle was that you would have to go past the school and the park and there was a very thin pavement and he was worried about the excessive truck traffic going over it. He said that there were 103 lots that front on that road and many of them Niko wee steep. As you approached Cerro Alto, there was an 18% grade. He added that he was also concerned with a lot of trucks going south on Sunridge and said that there was limited site distance at the Palisades intersection. Discussion ensued relative to the fact that that many of the trucks were double trailers and a sign was posted that recommended that the trucks use lower gears; concern regarding the speed traveling downhill and complaints received regarding this issue; the fact that additional signage indicating a hill and recommending lower gears was placed on Cerro Alto; a suggestion that the trucks travel up Sierra Madre and then join Sunridge, turn right, avoid the hill and maintain speed limits; the fact that neither Golden Eagle or Sunridge were truck routes; the burden that the current route placed on residents; the fact that there were 12 pickup points for school children along Sunridge Drive, which was a one-lane road each way and had a number of blind curves and a bike lane; and a suggestion that this item be further reviewed and considered and extensive public meetings for the impacted residents to provide input. Mayor Nichols said that the trucks eventually had to reach Golden Eagle in order to access the construction site and asked what options were available other than Sunridge and Golden Eagle. Mr. Harrell clarified that right now they were in Phase I and the trucks had no option other than heading west from Sunridge on Golden Eagle. He added that once they began Phase II, there was another entrance that was on Sunridge Drive, three eighths of a mile south of Golden Eagle. He said he anticipated that they would be turning off of Sunridge onto the new street named Golden Parkway. Assistant Town Attorney Carolyn Oberholtzer responded to a question from the Mayor regarding the Town's liability should a truck accident result in an injury. She said would like additional time to look into the matter. She ( was also requested to investigate the Town's liability should a truck hit a school bus and result in injured students. �Irr Additional discussion ensued among the members of the Council regarding the pros and cons of the current route. E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004\Regular 8-5-04.doc Page 5 of 10 Mayor Nichols asked if there were any citizens wishing to speak on this matter and was advised that there were six. The Mayor requested that they come forward as their names were called and present their remarks. ,400 Irene Cain, 15002 E. Toluca Circle Ms. Cain said they have only had a few days to notify people of the meeting this evening and many were on vacation. She stated that one of the major concerns had to do with safety impacts on bicyclists and the fact that many riders had stopped using their bikes as a result of the truck traffic. She said walkers and hikers as well had stopped using the roadway. She also expressed concerns about the safety of the school children. Jerry Cain, 15002 E. Toluca Circle Mr. Cain agreed with the comments of the previous speaker and referred to pictures he distributed to the member showing the narrowness of the road and the bike path on Sunridge and the fact that there were no turning lanes. He commented on the 12-school pick up locations and said it made more sense to him to use smaller trucks when traveling westbound. Clem Stubstad, 14233 Honeysuckle Drive in Sunridge Canyon Mr. Stubstad said that prior to 1999, Sunridge Drive did not go past Staghorn and Golden Eagle was originally a construction route. He said there were over 130 homes that had to exit onto Sunridge and expressed concern regarding the narrowness of Sunridge Drive and safety issues. He reported that approximately 300 signatures had been collection of residents who were concerned and asked that there be no thru trucks on Sunridge Drive, Desert Canyon and Sierra Madre; that a weight limit be placed on Golden Eagle; signage directing trucks to keep to the middle on Golden Eagle and telling drivers of cars to beware because trucks could slow or stop quickly. John McNeill, 14508 N. Creosote Mr. McNeill stated that Sue Stein was passing out a photo that was taken earlier this week on Sunridge Canyon and depicting heavy traffic and the narrowness and curves of the road. He noted that when the dirt trucks were hauling he observed many of them traveling way above the 35 miles per hour speed limit and they appeared to be returning down Sunridge. He said that Sunridge Drive seemed poorly constructed to handle truck traffic. He requested that they close Sunridge Canyon to all through truck traffic. Phil Gaziano, Sierra Madre Drive Mr. Gaziano said he appreciated the Council's consideration of their plight and asked why the Town should have any liability at all. He stated the opinion that liability should be the responsibility of whomever owned and operated the trucks. He agreed that signage was appropriate and commented on the extreme narrowness of the road. He asked the Council to protect the safety and quality of life of the residents and school children in that area. Robert Prather, 15312 E. Sierra Madre Was not present to provide input at this time. Mayor Nichols thanked the speakers for their comments. He asked whether Councilman Kehe's comments were just a recommendation or a motion. Councilman Kehe MOVED that this item be sent back to Public Works with a directive to conduct a four ,44) - meeting opportunity which would include Staff and residents in the same fashion as what was done with Downtown Development and that everyone be provided an opportunity to be heard with the ultimate goal to be to fashion a solution that was acceptable to everyone concerned. He added that he would suggest that the meetings E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004\Regular 8-5-04.doc Page 6 of 10 take place during the month of August and that a report and recommendation be provided to the Council at the second meeting in September. Ms. Oberholtzer clarified that the agenda item was for discussion and direction and it was her understanding that Councilman Kehe's comments represented Staff direction rather than a motion. Councilman Kehe said that rather than a motion, he would like to direct Staff to move in the direction as stated above. Councilwoman Nicola said she liked the spirit of the direction but was concerned about placing a burden on staff and time constraints. She stated the opinion that the same goal could be accomplished in a different example, through the use of the media, and agreed that a public hearing should be held and a plan be passed since they would be altering the ordinance. She added that Council had the legal authority to make a decision here, not Staff. She also asked that they consider some sort of restriction on the days of the week and times of the day that the trucks haul. She cautioned against pitting residents against residents. Councilman Kehe stated that he would not object to providing Staff additional time to carry out the direction. Discussion ensued relative to discussing any proposed route changes with the developer; the fact that a route itself was not stipulated and the permit conditions could be modified; grade percentages; and suggestions from the Vice Mayor that Staff determine the number of public meetings that should be held and restrain the trucks to Golden Eagle Boulevard. Councilman Schlum agreed with the Vice Mayor's recommendation regarding restraining the trucks to Golden Eagle Boulevard. Councilman McMahan agreed with Councilman Kehe's proposal that Staff schedule a couple of meetings similar to ones that were held for downtown development and strive to reach a solution to the problem. Mayor Nichols summarized that what he was hearing was consensus for directing Staff to obtain public input on this issue in an effort to work out a solution. He stated the opinion that there was sufficient time over the next couple of months to accomplish this. Councilwoman Nicola asked whether there was room in the development agreement and sufficient Council support to identify timeframes that the trucks would be hauling in addition to the route. She requested that Staff enter into discussion with the developer and the public regarding this matter. AGENDA ITEM #9 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000 BETWEEN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AND THE SCOTTSDALE CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU. Mr. Pickering informed the Council that the contract renewal occurred on an annual basis and noted that the contract had been increased somewhat because they added a scope to make Fountain Hills a destination. He said that present in the audience was the Director of Tourism for the Chamber of Commerce as well as the Executive Director of the Scottsdale Convention and Visitor's Bureau and noted that they would be happy to respond to questions from the Council. Vice Mayor Archambault MOVED and Councilman Kehe SECONDED a motion to approve the contract in the amount of$40,000 between the Town of Fountain Hills and the Scottsdale Convention and Visitor's Bureau. The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7 to 0). AGENDA ITEM #10 — PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS CONCEPT PLAN. E.\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004\Regular 8-5-04.doc Page 7 of 10 Mayor Nichols declared the public hearing open at 9:10 p.m. Economic Development Coordinator Gracie Burton addressed the Council and said they had before them a water , garden concept plan for the Avenue of the Fountains. She noted that the Council had a chance to review the concept plan and considerable audience participation took place regarding the project. She advised that because of the concerns that were raised and a petition that was filed, Staff was directed to take the plan, move it through the business and private community, and come back with a consensus on a plan to be moved forward. She referred to the Staff report and said that the plan was cycled to the public during four different meetings, which helped develop the plan currently before the Council. She explained that the water garden concept consisted of two phases,unlike the previous proposal, and it no longer had a portion of the sidewalk or roadway included. Ms. Burton discussed the two phases of the project and noted that Phase I was estimated to cost $450,000 and Phase II was anticipated to cost $950,000. She said that Council approval of the Phase I of the project this evening would allow the Town to negotiate like improvements on the south side of the Avenue as they came forward. She reported that $150,000 had been approved in the budget for the engineering of this project and said that Staff recommended approval. Councilman Schlum thanked Ms. Burton for her efforts and involvement and asked whether the costs had changed significantly. She responded that because this was just a concept plan they were working with conceptual costs. She advised that their safety net was that if Staff were directed to go out with an RFP for design and engineering in time for the budget year for the Council,they would have hard costs and time frames. In response to a question from Councilman McMahon, Ms. Burton confirmed that the costs were just for the design and concept and actual construction costs would occur in the next fiscal year/budget. She estimated that the median improvements would occur in 2006-07 unless directed otherwise by the Council. Councilman Kavanagh clarified that the Council would be approving plans for both Phase I and II if they approved Staffs recommendation. Mayor Nichols asked if there were citizens to speak on this item and was advised that there were seven. He asked them to come forward as their names are called. Paul Kolwaite, 16108 E. Trevino Mr. Kolwaite stressed the importance of having a vision and picturing what downtown was ultimately going to be. He said if they had something special, people were going to want to come to Fountain Hills and spend their dollars. He asked them to look beyond the nit picky things and look at the total vision for the entire downtown area. Lowell Janson, 17324 R. Zaharias Mr. Janson thanked the members of the Council for their service to the community and stated that the issue had been discussed many times and a decision needed to be made. He personally acknowledged and thanked the members of the Downtown Consensus Team for their hard work as well as members of Town Staff who provided great assistance. Robert Deppe, 16247 N. Boulder Drive Mr. Deppe thanked Ms. Burton and Mr. Ward for providing the citizens ample opportunity to provide input on this important issue. He said he believed it made sense to do what they were proposing and emphasized the importance of developing a high quality downtown that would attract tourism and businesses. He stated that street light fixtures were very important for the businesses in the downtown and asked the Council to accelerate the placement of the fixtures from next year to this year. E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004\Regular 8-5-04.doc Page 8 of 10 Jim Heasley, 14842 Mayflower Mr. Heasley agreed that it was time to vote on this matter and said he believed this was the right direction in which to proceed. He thanked the Council and the Consensus Team for their efforts to provide adequate public input and commended everyone on their willingness to compromise and reach an acceptable conclusion. Alice Suda, 16872 Avenue of the Fountains Ms. Suda thanked members of Staff for bringing this forward and said she hoped it passed so they could begin working on the project as quickly as possible. Jerry Kirkendoll, 11405 Cameron Court Mr. Kirkendoll said that it appeared everyone was happy with the proposal and commented on the significant effort that had gone into reaching this point. He commended Staff as well and said the sooner they began, the better. Judy Yates, 16442 E. Trevino Drive Ms. Yates was no longer present to provide her input. There being no additional speakers,the Mayor declared the public hearing closed at 9:26 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #11 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS CONCEPT PLAN. Councilman Nicola MOVED and Councilman Kehe SECONDED a motion to approve the Avenue of the 116, Fountains Concept Plan. The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7 to 0). Councilman McMahan thanked the members of the Downtown Consensus Committee for their work and well as members of Staff for conducting the warm and cordial meetings. Councilman Kavanagh commented that he and former Councilwoman Stevens were involved in this process and thanked her for her past efforts and continuing support. AGENDA ITEM #12 — COUNCIL ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW OF THE MEETINGS TO IDENTIFY PROCEDURAL STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES AND DISCUSS POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS. Councilwoman Nicola recommended that when there was an agenda item that referred to a past or current Town resolution or ordinance, that it be included in the Council's packets. AGENDA ITEM#13—COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION TO THE TOWN MANAGER. None. AGENDA ITEM#14—SUMMARY OF COUNCIL REQUESTS BY THE TOWN MANAGER. Mr. Pickering said that the Council approved the $6600 for the CFD charge and the rest would be used for a ,,, variety of options including legal advice that might be needed. He added that Staff was also going to conduct public meetings on the truck routes and include past policies and ordinances to help the Council. E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004\Regular 8-5-04.doc Page 9 of 10 AGENDA ITEM#15 -ADJOURNMENT Councilman McMahan MOVED that the Council adjourn,drid Councilman Schlum SECONDED the motion. which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. TOWN OFF A.0 HILLS By /'b ` ' Wally Nich s, ayo ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: 7 Bevelyn J. B der/,Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Session held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills on the 5th day of August, 2004. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 19th day of August, 2004. Bevelyn J. nder,Town Clerk E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2004\Regular 8-5-04.doc Page 10 of 10