HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.0614.TCSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
June 14, 2006
Mayor Nichols called the meeting to order at 11:45 p.m.
Present from Fountain Hills: Mayor Nichols, Vice Mayor Ed Kehe, Councilmembers Mike Archambault, Keith
McMahan, and Ginny Dickey. Councilmembers Jay Schlum and Henry Leger were absent. Town of Fountain
Hills staffpresent: Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, Town Manager Tim Pickering, Assistant Town Manager
Ellen Pence, Town Clerk Bev Bender, and Executive Assistant to the Mayor and Council Shaunna Williams.
Roxanne Boryczki, Chair of the Tourism Bureau, Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce was also present.
Present from the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Tribal Council: President Raphael Bear, Vice President
Bernadine Burnette, Treasurer Pam Mott, Councilmember Paul J. Russell, and Secretary Pansy Thomas.
Councilmember Owen Doka was absent. Ft. McDowell staff present: Orlando Moreno, General Manager;
Thomas Moriarity, Acting Attorney; Steve Geiogamah, Tourism Director; Jesse Crabtree, Detective Sergeant;
Alfonso Rodriguez, Community Economic Development Director; and Debbie Krol, Editor of the Ft. McDowell
Yavapai News.
Mayor Nichols thanked everyone for attending the first of what he hoped would be many joint meetings
between the Town of Fountain Hills and the Tribal Council of the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation. Those
present introduced themselves. He expressed support for meeting on a regular basis as the Town wanted to be
not a just a good neighbor but a "great" neighbor.
President Bear stated that Fort McDowell wished to host the next joint meeting. He also welcomed everyone
and offered opening remarks. He reported that the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation was doing well financially.
He said the choice had been made to bring the leaders of the two communities together in order to open the
channel of communication and break down barriers. He stated it was the communities' leaders' responsibility to
bring people together; to value and respect their differences. President Bear noted that this was a great
opportunity for all.
Mayor Nichols pointed out that it was good to have the youth of both communities see their leaders meeting
together. He acknowledged that a joint meeting was being planned between the two school districts and
community leaders.
Overview of Partnerships
Town Manager Pickering addressed the common areas of concern and thanked Fort McDowell for their
cooperation in working with Fountain Hills in these instances. He cited common issues and interaction between
the two communities to include court matters, fire and emergency services exchanged, common use of parks,
how the 4th of July fireworks celebration is now held in Ft. McDowell, how Fountain Hills' and Fort
McDowell's economic development and tourism play off each other and the impact to the communities. He
stated that Fountain Hills and Fort McDowell share the labor issue and how collaboration on the roadway matter
would help assist workers to reach both communities and make travel more convenient.
General Manager Moreno concurred with Mr. Pickering also spoke in support of continued collaboration
between the two communities. He stated that Mr. Pickering made their relationship easy and that respect and
communication were the key to a relationship and expedition of plans.
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Northeast Valley Coalition Against Methamphetamine
Detective Sergeant Jesse Crabtree discussed the importance of continued collaboration between municipalities
and neighboring communities to try to coordinate efforts to become more affective to address this addiction.
Assistant Town Manager Ellen Pence acknowledged that the Fountain Hills Town Council would consider
adopting a meth ordinance at their June 15, 2006, meeting. Fountain Hills Town Attorney Andrew McGuire
reviewed the details contained in this ordinance. Ms. Pence stated that the public information campaign was
funded by Governor's office through a grant.
Mayor Nichols stated that during a conversation with Governor Napolitano he was encouraged to go ahead with
local meth program as it might spur the legislators into action on a State level.
"Take a Peak" marketing campaign
Roxanne Boryczki, Chair Tourism Bureau, Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce member, provided a history
of the Visitor Bureau's history and the current tourism market strategy. She stated the purpose was to enhance
the communities' economies and attract new businesses. She provided an overview of what the current
publicity campaign accomplished for the funds expended.
Steve Geiogamah, Fort McDowell Tourism Director, provided an overview of Fort McDowell's goals:
establishment of a regional resort destination, the promotion of products (area assets), completion of a economic
development study for the success of the tourism program and identification of customers, and management of
the tourism plan. He stated that financial support was critical to the success. He stated it was a pleasure to work
with Fountain Hills and thus enhancing the quality of life in both communities.
Fort McDowell Vice President Burnette agreed that both markets depend upon one another. She expressed that
it was hard for two sovereigns to break bread and that was why this history -breaking event was worthy of
newspaper headlines so Tribes would read about it. She stated that this had never occurred during her fourteen
years on the Council.
Mayor Nichols expressed that he looked at this as a family with issues resolved through talking
(communication). Mr. Boryczki said the Tourism Bureau bridged both communities, stressing that they were
aware of the concerns of both communities and how sensitive this was going to be moving forward.
Mayor Nichols requested that if any of the councilmembers in either community had concerns that they speak to
either he or President Bear on the matter as they meet on a regular basis on various issues.
Transportation Improvements
Fort McDowell Economic Development Director Alphonso Rodriguez reviewed the possible routes that were
being discussed with Maricopa Association of Governments that would allow a public route with easier access
to the Fort McDowell and the Fountain Hills area from east Mesa. He announced that they were close to
contracting with a consultant to prepare a feasibility study for construction of this roadway with the various
alternatives being studied. He discussed the timeframe of completing this study and that the Tonto Forest
Service and Maricopa County Supervisor Don Stapley were supportive of the project. Discussion ensued with
regard to timeframe of completing the study, the purpose of the study, who pays for it, the validity of the project,
the benefits vs. the expense and challenges of construct based on the various routes due to topography issues,
project funding, and the possibility of connection to Loop 202.
Mayor Nichols stated this was an exciting project and that Fountain Hills wanted to work together with Fort
McDowell to see this accomplished.
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Update on State Trust Land
Town Manager Pickering stated that the annexation was a success. The sale of the land was scheduled for
September 28, 2006, and the Town was anxious to find out who would buy the land. He stated he would share
updates as available.
Mayor Nichols acknowledged that as the State Trust Land was adjacent to Fort McDowell, it would be
beneficial to inform them as planning moved forward. He expressed the hope that Fort McDowell would be
sending representatives to the August 2006 League's annual Arizona Cities and Towns Conference (in Tucson,
President Bear stated they would have representation present. He concurred with Vice President Burnette that
cooperation between cities and tribes did not happen very often. He attributed some of Arizona's success to the
passage of Proposition 200 as it had started the statewide communication between municipalities and tribes and
other states were not doing that. He pointed out that the benefit was a better Arizona. He felt this joint meeting
was a model of leadership between Fountain Hills and Fort McDowell and he looked forward to more meetings
in the future.
Mayor Nichols noted that President Bear had been attending the East Valley Mayors' meetings. He thanked
everyone for coming and participating in this history -making event.
President Bear again thanked Fountain Hills for hosting this first meeting and reiterated that Fort McDowell
would host the next joint meeting.
Mayor Nichols adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m. A
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I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Off -Site
Meeting between the Town Council of Fountain Hills and the Fort McDowell Yavapai Tribal Council on the
14th day of June, 2006. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present.
DATED this 3`d day of August, 2006.
Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk
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