HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.1101.TCSM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
November 1, 2006
President Bear called the meeting to order at 11:40 p.m.
Present from Fountain Hills: Mayor Nichols, Vice Mayor Ed Kehe, Councilmembers Mike Archambault, Keith
McMahan, Henry Leger, and Ginny Dickey. Councilmember Jay Schlum was absent.
Town of Fountain Hills staff present: Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, Town Manager Tim Pickering, Office
of the Town Manager Kate Zanon, Fountain Hills Fire Chief Scott LaGreca, Town Clerk Bev Bender, Economic
Development Specialist Megan Griego, and Executive Assistant to the Mayor and Council Shaunna Williams.
Others: Frank Ferrera President and CEO of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Marian Hermie
from the FHUSD, Mike Schamow from the Fountain Hills Times was also present.
Present from the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Tribal Council: President Raphael Bear, Vice President
Bernadine Burnette, Councilmember Owen Doka, Treasurer Pam Mott, and Councilmember Paul J. Russell.
Secretary Pansy Thomas was absent.
Ft. McDowell staff present: Philip Dorchester, General Manager; Thomas Moriarity, Attorney; Steve
Geiogamah, Tourism Manager; Alfonso Rodriguez, Community Economic Development Director; Fire Chief
Tom Christmas and his assistant; Tonya Lewis-Angulo, Staff Assistant to the President, and Debbie Krol, Editor
of the Ft. McDowell Yavapai News.
President Bear and Mayor Nichols introduced their councilmembers as well as staff. President Bear introduced
the students from the H'Man Shawa Day School who performed "Singing Gum'yuu Everybody, Yavapai
Anthem, which was followed by the blessing given by Mayor Nichols.
President Bear presided over the meeting calling upon staff from the Town and Fort McDowell as listed in the
agenda they had provided.
Introductions and Overview of Partnership
General Manager Phil Dorchester stated that he would be meeting with Town Manager Tim Pickering in the
near future to discuss common areas of interest and concern.
Mr. Pickering stated he looked forward to meeting with Mr. Dorchester. He acknowledged the importance of
this relationship between the Town and Fort McDowell and he discussed the various partnerships that connected
the two. He also expressed the importance of working closely with Fort McDowell in the area of economic
development due to the impact to both communities. Mr. Pickering took the opportunity to also give a brief
update on the status of the State Trust Land. He noted that the sale had been delayed, the appraised land value
was $95M and that the auction was anticipated to take place in the spring (March).
Economic Development Updates
Fort McDowell Economic Development Director Alfonso Rodriguez spoke of his role with Fort McDowell and
that the common goal was to attract new businesses to their communities. He expressed their partnerships
helped to mitigate the challenges that both communities face. Mr. Rodriguez gave a brief update on the Usery
Pass Road stating that little progress had taken place.
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Fountain Hills Economic Development Specialist Megan Griego provided an overview of the recently
completed enhancements on Avenue of the Fountains and the anticipated medical center renovation that was to
take place at the old town hall complex. She discussed how the projects would benefit the Town and
neighboring communities.
Update on "Take a Peak" Marketing Campaign
Fort McDowell Tourism Director Steve Geiogamah provided an overview the progress made on the destination -
marketing program and economic tourism benchmarking. He acknowledged that a new website
{ www.visitfhfm.com] would be launched next week that would assist in regional marketing.
Update on the MOA between the Fire Departments
Fire Chief Tom Christmas gave an overview of what mutual aid agreements were and explained why the
relationship between the Fort McDowell Fire Department and the Town of Fountain Fire Department worked.
He spoke of communities' savings when they utilize equipment and staff between the two communities and how
this translated into lower insurance rates. He expressed that over time, mutual aid agreements tend to become
automatic aid agreements, thus providing communities with further assistance. He also discussed "joint powers
agreements", which provide for some wild land fire cost reimbursement.
Fountain Hills Fire Chief Scott LaGreca concurred with Fire Chief Christmas and stated that this was a forever
journey in the relationship between the Town of Fountain Hills and Fort McDowell.
Mayor Nichols stated that this was the second step in the long journey together and that he looked forward to
building on their relationship. He encouraged councilmembers to attend Fort McDowell events.
President Bear acknowledged that the two communities shared many commonalities, that there was much more
to do, and the fact they might not always agree. He expressed that talking (communication) was important and
they looked forward to the next joint meeting in a few months in Fountain Hills with the Town Council.
Check Presentation to the Fountain Hills School District and Fountain Hills Fort McDowell Tourism
President Bear, on behalf of the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, presented a check to the Fountain Hills Town
Council in the amount of $260,000 for applications processed under the Indian Self Reliance Initiative (Prop.
202) to be disbursed to the Fountain Hills Unified School District, Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce,
Sheriffs Posse, and the Fountain Hills Theater. A group photo was taken that included those members present of
the Fountain Hills Town Council, the Fort McDowell Yavapai Tribal Council, Fountain Hills Unified School
District Superintendent Dr. Hermie, and the President and CEO of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce
Frank Ferrera.
Mayor Nichols thanked the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation on behalf of the residents of Fountain Hills and
acknowledging their generosity.
President Bear adjourned the meeting at 1:35 p.m.
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I: M
ally N/chols, Mayor
PREPARED BY: 1144171a A�
Bevelyn J. B d , Town Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Off -Site
Meeting between the Town Council of Fountain Hills and the Fort McDowell Yavapai Tribal Council on the V
day of November, 2006. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present.
DATED this 16"' day of November, 2006.
: `•
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