HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008.1120.TCREAM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE,ADMINISTRATIVE AND REGULAR SESSIONS OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL November 20,2008 Mayor Schlum called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#1—ROLL CALL AND VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. ROLL CALL—Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Jay T. Schlum, Councilmember Dennis Contino, Vice Mayor Henry Leger, Councilmember Keith McMahan, Councilmember Cassie Hansen, Councilmember Mike Archambault and Councilmember Ginny Dickey. Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, Town Manager Rick Davis, Assistant to the Town Manager Kate Zanon and Town Clerk Bev Bender were also present. VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION: (i) PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1), FOR DISCUSSION OR EMPLOYMENT, ASSIGNMENT, APPOINTMENT, PROMOTION, DEMOTION, DISMISSAL, SALARIES, DISCIPLINING OR RESIGNATION OF A PUBLIC OFFICER, APPOINTEE OR EMPLOYEE MAY DEMAND THAT THE DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION OCCUR AT A PUBLIC MEETING. (SPECIFICALLY, A) REVIEWING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR POSSIBLE SERVICE ON THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY COMMISSION, MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION, SENIOR SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION AND THE COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION: AND B) THE RESIGNATION OF ASSISTANT TO THE TOWN MANAGER: AND ii) PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3), DISCUSSION OR CONSULTATION FOR LEGAL ADVICE WITH THE ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEYS OF THE PUBLIC BODY (SPECIFICALLY, FOR LEGAL ADVICE REGARDING ZONING MATTERS). Councilmember Contino MOVED to convene the Executive Session and Councilmember McMahan SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7-0). Mayor Schlum adjourned the Executive Session at 5:47 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE SESSION * CALL TO ORDER Mayor Schlum called the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. * ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Schlum, Councilmember Contino, Vice Mayor Leger, Councilmember McMahan, Councilmember Hansen, Councilmember Archambault and Councilmember Dickey. Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, Town Manager Rick Davis and Town Clerk Bev Bender were also present. AGENDA ITEM#1 - PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE OPTIONS RELATING TO NON-CUSTOMER DOWNTOWN PARKING ON AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS. Town Manager Rick Davis addressed the Council relative to this agenda item and advised that this item had to do with the parking of postal employees at Washington Federal Bank. He said that staff and the bank manager had attempted to mitigate the situation but the parking had continued to the point of"pushing" some of the bank customers down the Avenue since they could not park in front of the bank. He noted that there was a great z:\council packets\2008\r12-4-08\town counci1081120m.doc Page 1 of 17 Contino and his suggestion was to paint the parking limit signage on the curb in front of the bank and go down to the alley and then ask the Post Office employees if they would like to use the backside of the Library parking lot to get them off the street; the fact that staff sent a letter and a map to the Post Office showing a designated area on Town Center property that could accommodate the parking, which had received "mixed reviews;" and the fact that by painting the signage on the curb only in front of the bank the problem would simply shift farther down the street(creating a domino effect). Councilmember Dickey commented on the large black van that was always parked at that location and said that she would like to see this problem solved. Councilmember Contino noted that the Town used to tow cars after 72 hours but they no longer did so. Mayor Schlum commented on problems associated with limiting customer parking and said they want to provide people the opportunity to eat and shop. He spoke in support of Ms. Zanon's suggestion about meeting with the Downtown Merchants and having the Plat 208 people come up with some suggestion that they believed would appeal to the entire area. Councilmember McMahan recommended that they place a 3-hour limit on the parking and said that this would avoid people having to rush through their shopping and dining or put "Customers Only" parking signage out front. In response to a question from the Town Manager, Town Attorney Andrew McGuire stated the opinion that the problem with "Customers Only" signage was that they were,to a point,creating private parking on public streets for the particular businesses. He added that if they limited the parking by time, it would be easier to enforce and would be uniform. He expressed concern relative to putting a Code in place but not putting signage out to inform people of the restriction. He said that enforcement would be difficult if no signage was in place. Mr. Davis said that he had come "full circle" on this issue and said he was back to recommending that they take back to the Merchant's group, or the specific merchants involved,the idea of placing a time restriction in front of certain businesses (not down the entire Avenue but far enough). Councilmember Contino recommended that they go down La Montana to Que Bueno and advised that a bicycle rider had told him he was almost hit by a car on La Montana because the cars were parked out there preventing him from riding in the bike lane. He said he would like to restrict both sides of La Montana. Vice Mayor Leger asked whether the Town would have to hire a Meter Maid and questioned who would monitor the parking. Mr. Davis explained that the enforcement process would have to be complaint driven; not marking tires every two or three hours. The Vice Mayor said that if they did not have anyone out there enforcing the limit, people would continue to park for extended periods of time. Mayor Schlum reiterated that he would prefer to have the 208 people come up with a possible solution. Councilmember Dickey suggested that they place signage that states "No Overnight Parking" and said that although that would not help the Bank, it would help in other situations. Councilmember Hansen said that if the intent was to deal with the Post Office employees, the time could be increased to 6 or 7 hours, some measure of time that would fall within the parameter of Post Office employees' day. Councilmember McMahan noted that the bike lane along La Montana was an official Town bike lane and people should not be parking in that lane. j z:\council packets\2008\r12-4-08\town counci1081120m.doc Page 3 of 17 Vice Mayor Leger noted that they were talking about a restricted fund and those dollars could not be used for any other purpose. Councilmember Dickey commented on the fact that a safety issue existed and she expressed the opinion that there was a Town responsibility associated with that. She emphasized the importance of ensuring that people who visit the Garden were safe. Councilmember Hansen added that at the last meeting Mr. Mayer had stated that there was no parking along the shoulder and pointed out that it was not posted. She questioned how people would know not to park on the paved shoulder. Mr. Mayer responded that was correct and that people would not know unless it was posted. Mayor Schlum again thanked Mr. Mayer for his input. AGENDA ITEM#4- ADJOURN THE ADMINISTRATIVE SESSION. Councilmember McMahan MOVED to adjourn the Administrative Session and Councilmember Archambault SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0).The Administrative Session adjourned at 6:25 p.m. REGULAR SESSION * CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Schlum called the Executive Session to order at 6:32 p.m. * INVOCATION-Councilmember McMahan. * ROLL CALL-Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Schlum, Councilmember Contino,Vice Mayor Leger, Councilmember McMahan, Councilmember Hansen, Councilmember Archambault and Councilmember Dickey. Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, Town Manager Rick Davis and Town Clerk Bev Bender were also present. * MAYOR'S REPORT None. * SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES (i) Presentation of the Town of Fountain Hills Comprehensive Annual Financial Report(CAFR)for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2008, by the Town's independent audit firm of Heinfeld Meech and Company. Finance Director Julie Ghetti addressed the Council and advised that State law required an audit of municipal operations to be made each Fiscal Year by a Certified Public Accountant or Public Accountant currently licensed by the Arizona State Board of Accountancy. The audit must include a financial statement of all accounts and funds of the Town and must be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The report must also include the professional opinion of the auditor regarding the financial statements of the City or Town. A separate audit report included a determination that HURF (Highway User Revenue Funds) and other State transportation revenues such as LTAF received by the Town were used solely for street or transportation purposes. She noted that this report was distributed to the Town Council this L. morning and was available in the Office of the Town Clerk for members of the public to review. The Auditor General's Office required that the Auditor specifically report this determination in the opinion on the financial statements or a separate report. The audits must be submitted to the Auditor General's Office each year. The z:\council packets\2008\r12-4-08\town counci1081120m.doc Page 5 of 17 to the Town Manager. The Vice Mayor expressed his sincerest appreciation to Ms. Zanon and the Mayor and Council concurred with his remarks. j CALL TO THE PUBLIC Bob Deppe, 16247 N. Boulder Drive, addressed the Council and discussed items on the Administrative Session's agenda. He said that as far as the parking issue and impacts on the Bank, they were real. He stated that did business there and there was never any parking but when he went into the bank there were not many customers so the spaces were being taken up by non-bank customers. He stated that action should be taken to rectify this situation as soon as possible. He also discussed the Botanical Garden and advised that Scottsdale had a Botanical Garden as well and questioned whether anyone even knew where it was located. He reported that they had spent over$1 million a few years ago to develop it(next to their Senior Center). Mr. Deppe stated that he traveled by there frequently and had never seen anyone in that Garden. He expressed the opinion that the project would be a waste of money and urged the Council to spend those funds more appropriately on other projects that fit within the restricted uses. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Deppe for his comments. CONSENT AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #1 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 6,2008. AGENDA ITEM #2 — CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING A SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY SAMUEL COFFEE (AMVETS POST NO. 7) FOR THE PURPOSE OF A CHARITY EVENT TO BE HELD AT 17030 E. ENTERPRISE DRIVE, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ,. WHICH IS SCHEDULED TO BE HELD DECEMBER 6,2008,FROM 9:00 A.M.TO 9:00 P.M. Councilmember McMahan MOVED to approve the Consent Agenda as listed and Councilmember Dickey SECONDED the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Councilmember Contino Aye Councilmember Hansen Aye Vice Mayor Leger Aye Councilmember Dickey Aye Mayor Schlum Aye Councilmember McMahan Aye Councilmember Archambault Aye The motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7-0). REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #3 — CONSIDERATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SPONSORED EVENT, "STROLL IN THE GLOW." Finance Director Julie Ghetti addressed the Council relative to this agenda item and stated that every year for the past 20 years the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce had sponsored an event that marked the beginning of the Holiday Season in Town with the turning on of the Downtown Holiday Lights at Avenue of the Fountains. She explained that the "Stroll in the Glow" event was scheduled for Saturday, December 6th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and there would be carolers,choirs,a live Nativity,a snow mountain and Santa Claus and residents were invited to participate. She advised that the event was free and would take place on Avenue of the ,4,11001 Fountains. Road closures would be Avenue of the Fountains between La Montana and Verde River Drive from z:\council packets\2008\r12-4-08\town counci1081120m.doc Page 7 of 17 * Banners, Balloons and Pennants. Banners for Grand Openings,Change of Name, Change of Management, Ribbon Cutting-limited to 14 days. Balloons and pennants for these events limited to 12 hours. Banners, balloons and pennants allowed for monthly business event - limited to 60 consecutive hours. This provision expires on December 31st of next year and that would allow the Council time to determine whether it was working well and should be extended. * A-Frame Signs. One per business. Within 20 feet of front door. Promotional use only. Located on property owned or leased by business owner or on commonly owned property. Not allowed in parking area or right-of-way. Attached balloons okay up to six(6)feet high. Expires December 31, 2009 to allow the Council time to determine whether it was working well and should be extended. * Total Aggregate Sign Area. Same rules for businesses in all Commercial and Industrial Zones. Increase in ratio to two(2) square feet per square foot of lineal frontage(increased from one(1 square foot). * Awning/Canopy Signs and Second Story Signs. Change from six (6) square feet to 25% of the canopy area. Awning/Canopy Sign Regulation same as City of Scottsdale. Second story signs were currently not allowed. New provision would allow up to fifty (50) square feet of sign area for second story business. * Flags. No limit on number of U.S. Flags that could be flown. Compliance with the National Flag Code. Maximum size = sixty (60) square feet except on holidays. Provision allows the flying of Fountain Hills High School Flags. * Projecting Signs. Definition added. Not limited to Zoning Districts with zero (0)lot line. Projecting sign okay where sign extends over owner's property line. * Street Addresses and Town Branding. All businesses must display street address. On Monument Sign, street address near top of sign. Business may include Town approved brand on sign without penalty (no loss of aggregate sign area). * Monument Signage. New subdivision identification sign with criteria similar to other monument signs. Easier to get a Shared Monument Sign. Changes to a non-conforming monument sign. Removing inconsistencies between different types of monument signs. * Sign Walkers. Cities and Towns must allow sign walkers - required by State law. New definition. Reasonable restrictions allowed. Mr. Turner stated that in summary the Sign amendments have been extensively reviewed by the business community, the public, the Planning and Zoning Commission, a committee of the Commission, the Council had conducted a Work Study Session on this and staff believes the changes were warranted and recommends approval. Mr. Turner indicated his willingness to respond to questions from the Council. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Turner for the presentation. Town Clerk Bev Bender advised that one speaker wished to address the Council. Mr. Richard Kloster, 9215 N. Longfeather, a member of the Eagle Mountain Community Association,addressed the Council and asked whether real estate A-frame signs would be covered later on during the meeting. He said that as a resident he found it most disturbing to see five or six A-frame real estate signs on a corner of a major street. He stated the opinion that such signs degrade neighborhoods and requested that the Council work to contain the number of real estate A-frame signs that were posted on major boulevards. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Kloster for his input. In response to a question from the Mayor,Mr.Turner advised that the Business Vitality's subcommittee that met early on to review the regulations really studied that issue in great depth and even attended a gathering of local z:\council packets\2008\r12-4-08\town counci1081120m.doc Page 9 of 17 that was 80-feet high and the Flag was 15 by 25 feet in size. She said that she believed the Flag was in place prior to Incorporation and was unsure as to how the proposed revision would affect it(at MCO Realty). Mr. Turner advised that the flag would be considered a non-conforming situation and would be allowed to continue. Councilmember Hansen also discussed the 20-foot restriction on single A-frames for businesses and said she was out measuring on the Avenue today and the 20-feet would not be adequate for the courtyard businesses. She added that the same was true for some of the businesses on Saguaro where their only option would be to put their signs on the sidewalk right in front of their businesses and then in front of that was just a parking lot. She said they would have to go 60 to 80 feet to get past the parking lot. She asked whether any "tweaking" could be done for situations such as this. Mayor Schlum thanked Councilmember Hansen for making those comments. In response to concerns expressed by the Mayor and Councilmember Hansen for businesses such as the Candle Shop as far as signage, Mr. Turner stated that the regulation was 20 feet from the front door. He added that this was discussed extensively at the Committee level but if the Council wanted to extend the distance they certainly could do so. Mayor Schlum asked if the 20 feet would only get you to the first stall in the parking lot whether there was anywhere else that a sign could go that people would see. Mr. Turner agreed that they were limited in certain situations and stated that the idea was to have the A-frames by the front doors announcing promotional types of messages. Councilmember Archambault asked whether the businesses would be allowed the use of banners and Mr. Turner advised that banners, under the proposed regulations, would be permitted once a month for 60 consecutive hours (as well as pennants and balloons). Discussion ensued relative to the possibility of utilizing shared monument signs and discussing unique situations in the future to address/assist unique situations; Vice Mayor Leger's question relative to whether the Council would want to consider some type of exception at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Administrator for extraordinary circumstances (such as the Hair Hut); and other businesses that have unique situations that the A-frame signs would not help and the importance of identifying them in an effort to provide some relief. Councilmember Contino pointed out that the same problem existed on Enterprise(Bodyworks). Councilmember McMahan expressed appreciation to everyone who was involved in the process and said that it would be of great benefit to the business community. He added that he spoke with the owner of Body Works this morning, one of the unique situations they were discussing, and he told her that there would be times when they would have to "fine tune" the regulations. He said that they have to keep an open mind and he likes the idea of giving the Administrator some leeway to make decisions and be lenient when appropriate. Councilmember Hansen noted that the Ordinance used to state that signs could be placed in the medians separating Saguaro Boulevard and the Saguaro Boulevard frontage road and that had been deleted. She said that that would have been the only opportunity for the businesses with the parking lot issues. She commented on the various little shopping areas in Town that had different needs. Mr. Turner responded that the Planning Commission's Committee that studied this, chaired by Chairman Brown had delved into the A-frame discussion quite extensively and determined that 20 feet was the best way to go. He reiterated that should the Council desire changes,they certainly could be made. Councilmember Archambault reminded the Council that the discussion about A-frame signs on Saguaro Boulevard had to do with directional signs and they got eliminated. He added that the A-frame signs they were ,440 talking about now were advertising signs and a lot larger. He stated that they should be easily visible but there would be some businesses with exceptional circumstances and they would have to come back and look at those z:\council packets\2008\r12-4-08\town counci1081120m.doc Page 11 of 17 HumHall'anb Resourcesusinesshours Directortofour Joan ten- hou McIntoshrdays addressed, Monday thethrough CouncilThursday relative,to thiswith Town agendaHall itembeing and saidclosed thaton a little more than a month ago she had appeared before the Council to discuss an initiative to change the Town s Fridays. She stated that the economy had worsened since that time and, in talking with many of the employers in the State of Arizona as well as surrounding states, she had learned that more and more of them had reacted by implementing the four ten-hour day work week. She noted that members of the Council had an opportunity to meet with and discuss this issue with the Mayor and Council of the City of Avondale, which had gone to a four- ten hour day work week, and received input relative to how well the new schedule was going with positive results. She reported that since then Buckeye had also passed the initiative to permanently go to a four ten-hour day work week without even a trial period after talking with officials from Queen Creek and Avondale and hearing about their success. She added that the City of Mesa was seriously considering going to a 4/10 as one of their options to cut back expenses. She noted that the City of Yuma had been operating in this manner for the past three years (9/80's) and they planned to continue on that schedule. She said that North Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada were also doing this; the State of Utah recently went this way as well as numerous California municipalities. Ms. McIntosh informed the Council that currently there were over 100 schools in the State of Arizona that hold classes four days a week. She explained that their budgets were heavily dependent on State funding and they realize that the funding would most likely decrease. Ms. McIntosh reviewed some of the benefits that employers said they realized as a result of going to an alternative work week: * Increased employee productivity and morale as a result of the compressed work week. Per research conducted by two BYU Professors,evidence was shown that the activities and experiences in the family domain could influence employee experiences and productivity within the work domain. A 2008 survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management showed that "Striking a balance between work and family life was a top priority." Queen Creek's Human Resources Director stated that employee morale had improved and 77% said they preferred the new hours. * Residents and business customers benefited from extended Town Hall hours Monday through Thursday, as it increased access to Town Hall and officials. * Decreased levels of work-family conflict reported by employees. * Energy savings through reduced consumption and corresponding costs to taxpayers. * Increased air quality and decreased congestion on roads. * Cost savings could also be accrued to employees as they would be driving to work one less day per week. Ms. McIntosh also discussed Directives and Mandates and noted that the four-extended-days plan was in direct alignment with Maricopa County guidelines for employers to reduce the amount of travel and trips to work by car because of pollution problems that threaten federal funding levels for Maricopa County. She noted that one of the Council's FY07-08 goals was to create an Environmental Policy for the Town. She said that this was a start in meeting that directive. She added that the 2006-2010 Strategic Plan, created through citizen input, stated "Enhance Stewardship of the Natural Environment" as one of nine initiatives. Ms. McIntosh stated that at the last meeting, Councilmember Contino had asked how holiday pay would be affected and she referred to a slide that explained this area. She said that right now Town staff received ten paid holidays per calendar year, for a total of 80 hours. According to the 2008 Arizona League of Cities &Town's survey, there were 26 member municipalities in the population range of 10,000 - 50,000. Of those 26 municipalities, 18 had more paid holidays than Fountain Hills. (Ms. McIntosh referred to the table that Cese addressed holiday pay.) z:\council packets\2008\r12-4-08\town counci1081120m.doc Page 13 of 17 look at that. He added that if they were going to go to a 4/10 work schedule,they should also look at mandatory budget cuts in each department- 10 to 15%. Mayor Schlum said that he, the Vice Mayor, and Councilmember Contino had talked with the Avondale City Council and said they were very informative and the discussion put him at ease at least for a trial period. He added that Councilmember Hansen made a good point about the length of the trial but he had a lot of trust in the fact that staff had done their due diligence and asked for more comments relative to the length of the trial period. Ms. McIntosh stated that they could cut back to three months if the Council so desired as long as they had a long enough period in which to evaluate the results and obtain feedback. She added that staff was trying to coordinate it with the budget. Discussion took place regarding the proposed trial period and the fact that they were not going to get into any of the warmer months (April and May) and questions about whether three months was long enough to detect what the savings and benefits would be. Finance Director Julie Ghetti expressed the opinion that a three month trial period may be a little too short to really evaluate a program such as this. She added that during the first month or two the adjustment period would create many questions and once people had a chance to get used to the routine and realized that there were improved customer service hours, people may be more likely to support it. She said that they would not recognize savings in January until February and February until March so they would only have two months worth of savings if they went with the three month trial period. She stated that to really evaluate a program such as this she believed the five months was a better way to go. Councilmember Dickey agreed that people needed some time to adjust but pointed out that if things were not going well, they had the ability to revisit this issue at anytime. She added that this would be the "brown cloud" season that lasts until February when it starts getting warm and they get into the ozone part so she would prefer to see the change in weather and also how that would affect utilities. She spoke in support of a six-month trial period and noted that other larger municipalities had been going through this and they could certainly do a six Noire - month trial. Councilmember McMahan said that he would oppose this issue and added that he could find no compelling reason economically or otherwise to change the status quo. He expressed the opinion that residents should have the benefit of Town offices being open five days a week. Mayor Schlum requested that Ms. McIntosh discuss areas that would not close on Fridays and she said obviously Public Safety (Sheriffs Department and Fire Department), the Court was still "up in the air right now" and the Judge was going to play it by ear and see how that went. They might try some options and the Judge would be available even if the full staff was not. She added that Code Enforcement staff would still be out in the field on the weekends. She said that the Community Center, the Library, and Senior Services would remain open. Councilmember Dickey commented that if meetings had to be called on a Friday that would still occur and Ms. McIntosh concurred. The Vice Mayor said that when this was previously discussed, Ms. McIntosh mentioned that although offices would not be functioning on the second floor„ the door would remain open on the ground floor for people to access the Sheriffs Office. He asked whether any consideration had been given to having a volunteer man the information desk in the lobby throughout the trial period. He stated that having a point of contact would be very important. He added that the last sentence in the motion stated that Town Hall would be closed on Friday. He expressed the opinion that that was not an accurate statement and said that the Town Hall building itself was what people consider Town Hall and it would be open, the doors would not be locked, and people could come into the lobby or access the Sheriffs Office. z:\council packets\2008\r12-4-08\town counci1081120m.doc Page 15 of 17 Town Manager Rick Davis addressed the Council and said that staff continued in their effort to study fire options for the Town, specifically Fire Emergency Services, and expressed appreciation to the members of the Council, members of the Public Safety Commission, staff, and other volunteers as well who had served. He said that they hope to bring an idea before the Council by the first meeting in January or the last one in December. He stated that key to being able to accomplish this was a study of the Town's communications infrastructure capabilities. He added that if they were to employ their own dispatch services or go it alone with regard to that matter, they needed to understand exactly what their capabilities were and make sure they identified any "dead spots" or black out areas in the Town. He advised that the study would be conducted by Motorola in cooperation with a wireless consortium of communities known as "TOPAZ." He advised that it was made up by the City of Mesa, Apache Junction, Queen Creek and a number of other jurisdictions that had come together in a consolidated approach to wireless communications. He stated that he had submitted a letter to the TOPAZ group and asked them to consider as a board conducting that study for the Town and stressed the importance of first identifying up front capital costs. He added that he was moving forward with that and would keep the Council informed. He noted that three Councilmembers serve on that Commission and said that they too would keep the other members informed. Mayor Schlum thanked Mr. Davis for the update. AGENDA ITEM#10—ADJOURNMENT Councilmember McMahan MOVED that the Council adjourn and Councilmember Archambault SECONDED the motion, which CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7-0). The meeting adjou d at 8:04 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN By or Jay S u ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: Bevelyn J. e er,Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Executive, Administrative and Regular Sessions held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers or Fountain Conference Room on the 20th day of November 2008. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 4TH day of December 2008. Bevelyn J. nde ,Town Clerk L z:\council packets\2008\r12-4-08\town council081120m.doc Page 17 of 17 J