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Ord 1998-18
ORDINANCE #98-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA,AMENDING THE OFFICAL ZONING DISTRICTS MAPS REFERENCED IN CHAPTER 3,SECTION 3.02 BOUNDARY LINES ON THE ZONING DISTRICTS MAPS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BY REDESIGNATING THE RANCHO MONTANA SECOND REPLAT AND PUERTO DEL LAGO SUBDIVISIONS FROM THE "R-4"AND "R-5" MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS TO THE "R1-6A PUD" SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT. WHEREAS The Town of Fountain Hills adopted Ordinance #93-22, on November 18, 1993, which adopted the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills; and WHEREAS Chapter 2, Section 2.01 of the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills, provides for a procedure to amend said ordinance, and WHEREAS The Town of Fountain Hills desires to amend the Official Zoning District Maps to redesignate the Rancho Montana Second Replat and Puerto Del Lago subdivisions from the "R-4" and "R-5" Multi-Family Residential Zoning Districts to the "R1-6A PUD" Single-Family Residential Planned Unit Development Zoning District; and WHEREAS The procedures detailed in Chapter 2, Section 2.01 of the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills have been followed; and WHEREAS The Planned Unit Development minimum criteria for consideration as described in Section 2.05 C of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills has been met due to the Provision of Usable Open Space in each of the developments; and WHEREAS The Planning and Zoning Commission's public hearing was advertised in the official newspaper of general circulation, The Times of Fountain Hills on April 29, May 6, and 13, 1998; and WHEREAS The Town Council's public hearing was advertised in the official newspaper of general circulation, The Times of Fountain Hills on April 29, May 6, 13, and 20, 1998; and WHEREAS Public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission on May 14, 1998, and by the Fountain Hills Town Council on May 21, 1998. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA AS FOLLOWS: L Ordinance#98-18 Page 1 of 3 Cliby Section 1. That the "Official Zoning District Maps" shall be amended to change the Zoning District Designation of 20.17 acres of land, which is graphically depicted in Attachment "A" and legally described as all of the Rancho Montana Second Replat Subdivision, from the "R-4" and "R-5" Multi-Family Residential Zoning Districts to the "R1-6A PUD" Single-Family Residential Panned Unit Development Zoning District, so that all of the Rancho Montana Second Replat Subdivision is located within the "R1-6A PUD" Single-Family Residential Planned Unit Development Zoning District. Section 2. That the "Official Zoning District Maps" shall be amended to change the Zoning District Designation of 41.96 acres of land, which is graphically depicted in Attachment "A" and legally described as all of the Puerto Del Lago Subdivision, from the "R-4"Multi-Family Residential Zoning District to the "R1-6A PUD" Single-Family Residential Panned Unit Development Zoning District, so that all of the Puerto Del Lago Subdivision is located within the "R1-6A PUD" Single- Family Residential Planned Unit Development Zoning District. Section 3. This "R1-6A Planned Unit Development" hereby changes the minimum rear and front yard setbacks as follows: The Minimum Rear Yard Setback shall be changed from 10 feet to 25 feet, and The Minimum Front Yard Setback shall be changed from 20b (b=A side entry garage is allowed a 10 foot setback) to 20 feet. cif PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this eighteenth day of June 1998. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Sharon Morgan, yo Cassie B. Hansen,Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 7/X:(16aug.,, Paul L. Nordin,Town Manager William E. Farrell,Town Attorney L Ordinance#98-18 Page 2 of 3 Attachment "A" p} g r0- tSS��'�6 ABC i I I �Qr� { \/.�rF��c 4 �� 5 ; a �5 I .._.. .,, � o 6 tr Ats 5I , am► i �. � ♦® '� � PEn5 �V 4 � ' ; � 3 14 I 1 '\1 � i 6 V6.•! / � g_ 1O. 11 1 _ 1 t ,: p�pe®: '` _ A k 10, ,-q c I1 ' Ij ,,C?g1 to O�SEh5 � �y���� 'z:. CIO - E4 1f. * : \ ,C63 . 11 lul PP � 4�®.! , wbM1C762 FiIYSEI� OUP PE S �� 4Il��o 3 POO l CJt _ 4747.7474/ 4 .5 ®:�4-4.p.,4 RANCH E � \ ► i o R-4"'-.AND 1 - " 6 i 5 1--.H / -,,: To,�;�i �tt TO "R1 -6A P / i �' FH,1D/MC.59 D- 1: zl `3 j', 2, 3 :;o MCP .A= I I A 3C 1 .,' II L _5 24 { z6 �/ f 4V �Y �i v 7 ��� r_..., : �25 r,t ..wok.. ',". ,33,2� V�,63 / ~�\.. r y\ Z. 23 ? 'E3 39 / s�\ J" - 2< J ..,._.L____.._,_,,,,,__,,.... , , _,C-.•... ,,----rA)„, ! .i;'' 2,,0 -, ; / s gyp. . 1 !!! 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