HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.0107.TCRMP.Packets (1110 olArfAIN .tt, NOTICE OF REGULAR SESSION o OF THE ° a° """"" ' — 4°, FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL T. tSc199 " • 446at is An""o� Mayor Morgan Councilman Apps Councilwoman Wiggishoff Councilman Wyman Vice Mayor Poma Councilman Mower Councilwoman Hutcheson WHEN: THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1999 TIME: 6:30 P.M. WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL—ADOPTED 1/18/90 Leis the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting,please adhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3) Please stand,approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5) TIME LIMIT—THREE(3)MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6) Statements should not be repetitive. 7) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • PLEDGE TO THE FLAG • INVOCATION—Pastor Don Lawrence—Christ's Church of Fountain Hills • ROLL CALL Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk(*) are considered to be routine, non-controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda,they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session January 7 1999 *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of December 17, 1998. *2.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST submitted by Mitch Silver for the Silver Collector Car Auction to be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 15th through 17`h, 1999. The event will occupy portions of Blocks 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Plat 208 and require partial closure of Verde River Drive between Avenue of the Fountains and Parkview. *3.) Consideration of the APPICATION FOR EXTENSION OF PREMISES/PATIO PERMIT submitted by Noreen Kurdzialek for Fountain Bowl located at 16737 East Parkview Avenue. The permit would extend the Fountain Bowl liquor license to a fenced area just south of the bowling alley for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, January 15th through 17t, 1999. The request is in conjunction with the Silver Car Auction. *4.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE submitted by Kenneth Bowman for the American Legion located at 16850 East Avenue of the Fountains. The request is for a fund-raising event license for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 15th through 17t, 1999. The event area would include the Legion, the courtyard and an enclosed area adjacent to the north side of the building. The event is in conjunction with the Silver Car Auction. *5.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1998-67,adopting the updated emergency operations plan. *6.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-01, abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located along the southerly lot line of Plat 604B, Block 6, Lot 2, (15023 E. Mustang Drive), as recorded in Book 196 of Maps, Page 27 records of Maricopa County, Arizona. (Khan EA 98-39). *7.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-02, abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located along the northerly lot line of Plat 601A, Block 3, Lot 11, (12828 Mountainside Drive), as recorded in Book 161 of Maps, Page 44 records of Maricopa County,Arizona (Gallery Homes EA98-40). *8.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-03, abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located along the southerly and westerly lot lines of Plat 206, Block 2, Lot 6, (16313 E. Desert Sage Drive), as recorded in Book 147 of Maps, Page 2 records of Maricopa County, Arizona(Sergi EA98-38). *9.) Consideration of ACCEPTING THE SEALED BID for the sale of Tracts 1 and 2 of Parcel B of Plat 201. *10.) Consideration of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION to name Plat 302 the Desert Vista Neighborhood Park. *11.) Consideration of the REVISED AGREEMENT FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES with the Arizona Department of Revenue. The agreement is a condition of receiving taxpayer specific information and indicates full understanding of the statutes regarding disclosure of confidential information. 12.) Consideration of APPOINTING TWO CITIZENS to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the existing vacancies caused by the resignations of Ray Baldwin and Peggy Fiandaca. 13.) UPDATE by Information Systems Specialist Peter Putterman on the Town's plans for addressing Year 2000 issues. 14.) QUARTERLY REPORT by Tony Bass of Imagine Recovery Resources on the substance abuse treatment program established at the Fountain Hills High School and funded by the Town for FY '98-99. Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 3 Last printed 01/05/99 4:30 PM Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session January 7 1999 15.) Consideration of DIRECTING THE CLERK to notify the Maricopa County Department of Elections of the Town's intent to call a special bond election on May 18, 1999 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors the question(s) of authorizing bonds for community projects. Voters can approve all, some or none of the projects which include,but are not limited to: a.) $3.36 million general obligation bonds for a library/museum b.) $1.4 million general obligation bonds for Lakeside preservation 16.) Consideration of DIRECTING THE CLERK to notify the Maricopa County Department of Elections of the Town's intent to call a special election on May 18, 1999 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors the question of whether or not the Town of Fountain Hills should be authorized to engage in the provision of regulated utility services to its citizens pursuant to A.R.S. 9-514. 17.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 99-01, amending the Town Code, Chapter 6, Animals, Article 6-2, Rabies/Animal Control Leash Law, Section 6-2-1, Definitions; and Section 6-2-3, License Fees For Dogs; Issuance Of Dog Tags; Records; Penalties; Classifications: and Section 6-2-4, Anti-Rabies Vaccination; Vaccination And License Stations; by creating provisions requiring additional vaccination procedures for dogs using any off leash recreational facility. 18.) Consideration of AWARDING THE BID for the Cottonwoods Improvement District. 19.) Consideration of RENAMING THE SOUTH END OF PUEBLO BOULEVARD to Desert Vista. 20.) Consideration of SETTING A DATE for a work study session of the Council to discuss the proposed Target shopping center. 21.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC Public comment is encouraged but please be advised that the Council has no ability to respond or discuss matters brought up during the Call to the Public as such discussion is prohibited by the Arizona Open Meeting Law. 22.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 5t'day of January 1999. By: 4.44....„, . Cassie B. Hansen,Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice)or 1- 800-367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. L Town of Fountain Hills Page 3 of 3 Last printed 01/05/99 4:30 PM (sto Interofice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, TOWN CLERK Date: 01/05/99 Re: AGENDA UPDATE We originally had a revised agenda now we don't unless you count the addition of Don Lawre , o - ". But just so you could have a colored agenda, please make note of the fol. r^; 0 E INVOCATION DA ITE 1 MINUTES‘ igns • pite of i cati£ n,"Lint a has completed the minutes from the 12/17/98 meeting. They 0m0r • t i 1 et k�. ' �� I REEMENT FOR SALES TAX COLLECTION niro `vnoticed that some'oh were missing from this agreement. A complete agreement is ncl ,dett•in' heM i`ni- cke That sho r`- timate changes/updates as of Wednesday, January 6, 1999. If staff can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call. (lbw Page 1 of 1 Cassie Hansen Last printed 01/05/99 4:37 PM 01/05/99 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOW OU IL FROM: PAUL L. NORDIN, TOWN MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 31, 1998 RE: MANAGER'S REPORT FOR THE JANUARY 7TH COUNCIL MEETING Reminder: Town Hall will be closed on Friday, January 1st, for the New Year's Holiday. The upcoming Mayor's chat is scheduled for Monday, January 4th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Assembly of God Church on Ironwood. CONSENT AGENDA: There are eleven items on the consent agenda. Please review each item and contact me should you determine any should be removed. (Ow AGENDA AGENDA ITEM# 12—APPOINTMENT OF TWO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMBERS: Mayor Morgan will make a recommendation to appoint new members to two Planning and Zoning Commission positions formerly held by Peggy Fiandaca and Ray Baldwin. Please see Jeff's attached memo. AGENDA ITEM# 13—UPDATE ON THE TOWN'S PLAN FOR Y2000: Peter Putterman, information systems specialist, will provide an update on the Town's direction in managing the year 2000 updates. Peter will be pleased to answer any questions or concerns from the Council relating to this subject. AGENDA ITEM# 14—QUARTERLY REPORT FROM IMAGINE RECOVERY RESOURCES: Tony Bass will present the second quarterly oral report on the progress of Imagine Recovery Resource's local substance abuse treatment program. He will answer any questions that the Council may have regarding this report. AGENDA ITEM# 15—SPECIAL BOND ELECTION: This agenda item requests Council's direction to call a special election in May 1999 to ask voters for their approval on bond issues for community projects. Two of the projects would be a $3.36 million G.O. bond for a library/museum and a $1.4 million G.O. bond for Lakeside preservation. Please see Cassie's report. AGENDA ITEM# 16—SPECIAL ELECTION FOR REGULATED UTILITY SERVICES: Council will consider placing a special election question similar to, "Should the Town be allowed to engage in utility businesses?" before the voters in May 1999. It is recommended that this item be placed on the ballot only if other items are also placed on the ballot at that time, due to the cost factors involved. Please refer to Bill Farrell's memo. AGENDA ITEM# 17—OFF-LEASH FACILITY/ORDINANCE 99-01: Councilmember Pen Mower has requested that this item be placed on the agenda. Staff has prepared revisions to the existing ordinance to define a public off-leash facility and to encourage a healthy environment for dogs allowed in an enclosed off-leash area. Steve's report is attached. AGENDA ITEM# 18—AWARD OF BID FOR COTTONWOODS DISTRICT: The bid opening for construction improvement bids for the Cottonwoods District is scheduled for Wednesday, January 6`h. Following the bid opening, a staff report containing information on the low bidder and contract amount will be prepared for your review. Randy's memo is enclosed. AGENDA ITEM# 19—RENAMING PUEBLO BLVD. TO DESERT VISTA: The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the street name of "Desert Vista" for the south section of El Pueblo to remain consistent with the proposed Plat 302 park name of"Desert Vista Neighborhood Park" (companion agenda consent item). Staff has notified adjacent property owners and has scheduled a meeting with them on January 4th A staff report will be delivered to Councilmembers following this meeting. Staff recommends approval of the street name change. Please see Randy's attached report. AGENDA ITEM#20—PROPOSED TOWN COUNCIL WORK STUDY SESSION: Two days ago, I met with a group of property owners residing in the Greenbriar/Trevino/Monterey neighborhood. They expressed their absolute opposition to the Target shopping center. I explained to them that there has been no Council action taken and that no key decisions have been made. However, I do not feel that I was totally believed. They are also very concerned that "many things" had been done behind their backs. I assured them of our desire to have a very open process. As Council is aware, there are also issues relating to effluent disposal, as well as zoning, which ultimately need to be addressed. To consider all of these concerns in a more comprehensive and complete manner, the Mayor and I are suggesting a council study session to discuss these issues. Therefore, we are asking Council to consider setting a date for this session. Low Manager's Report January 7,1999 Council Meeting Page 2 of 2 Interoffice Memo . To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, TOWN CLERK eittip ->�tDate: 12/31/98 Re: AGENDA ITEM #2- MITCH SILVER CAR AUCTION SPECIAL EVENT AGENDA ITEM #3- FOUNTAIN BOWL EXTENSION OF PREMISE AGENDA ITEM #4-AMERICAN LEGION SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE AGENDA ITEM #15 - INFORMING COUNTY OF SPECIAL ELECTION AGENDA ITEMS #2, #3 AND #4 - MITCH SILVER CAR AUCTION SPECIAL EVENT REQU ALLEY EXTENSION OF PREMISE; AMERICAN LEGION SPECIAL f ` - pulle 12/17/98 Council agenda for clarification and to allow for the ••.rarey" usepermitting Most of the issues have been addressed and all items relating ,• e c r auctirmi (will be Inc der this heading. *This e - .` - for then it Silver Car Auction which includes the car auction, classic car e t h h a first-time event last year, the organizers were pleased • t the rain. Based on the success of last year, Mr. Silver is t eve " fr two to three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 15 17, 1999. Alt ough a ,1 'lication shows event hours from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., the elite inment i l onl .ire F « . and Saturday nights, so activities will close down earlier on n r night,A a tt t oid closure of Saguaro Boulevard, event organizers have moved • - n e parking lot south of the Bowling Alley. The Bowling Alley has ag •.•. spate • •vent and submitted an extension of premise application for the three days •- • ow n' Shine" classic car show will remain in the parking lot behind the American Legion. The American Legion has submitted a special event liquor license in conjunction with the Show n' Shine acitivites. A second stage will be adjacent to the classic car show area and feature secondary entertainment. Verde River will be closed to allow safe pedestrian traffic between the auction and the classic car show. The driveways to Bank One, First of America Mortgage and Southtique will remain open with access from the Avenue of the Fountains. Page 1 of 5 Cassie Hansen Last printed 12/31/98 1:24 PM 12/31/98 December 31, 1998 A permit is on file from the 208 Property Owners for use of the event area. A certificate of insurance, meeting the requirements of the Risk Manger, will be forthcoming on Monday. Marshal Gendler has worked closely with the event organizers on the new location and feels satisfied that they have accommodated his concerns and questions. Please see attached memo from Steve. The temporary use permit application and necessary fees were filed with the Community Development Department. The required notices were sent and the property posted for a ten-day time period. If no written protests are received within the period which ends January 4, 1999, Community Development Director Jeff Valder will issue the permit administratively. If any protests are received, the temporary use permit will be added to the January 7th Council agenda. Directly connected to the Silver Car Auction is the extension of premise request submitted by Noreen Kurdzialek for Fountain Bowl located at 16737 Parkview. As you recall, last year the liquor license was supplied for the event by the American Legion. With the change of venue, the Bowling Alley agreed to apply for an extension of premise to provide alcohol service for the Car Auction portion of the event. According to the application, the Bowling Alley's liquor license will be extended to the auction tent. Security will be hired to control access in and out of the tent and insure that alcohol remains in the designated area. Marshal Gendler has performed his investigation and forwarded a favorable recommendation. The third component of this event is the special event liquor license application submitted by Kenneth Bowman of the American Legion located at 16850 East Avenue to the Fountains. The Amercian Legion will use proceeds from the event for their building fund. The permit will be in effect for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 15 through 17. According to the provisions of a special event license, the Legion will suspend their #14 Club license. The event license will cover the American Legion building, courtyard and fenced area adjacent to the north side of the building. Security will be provided to insure that alcohol stays within the event area. Marshal Gendler has performed his investigation and forwarded a favorable recommendation. Staff recommends approval of agenda items 2, 3 and 4. AGENDA ITEM #15— NOTIFICATION TO COUNTY ELECTIONS OF SPECIAL ELECTION At the retreat last August, the Council discussed the possibility of calling a special bond election in the spring of '99. Items considered for the ballot at that time included $1.3 million for Lakeside open space and construction of a new library/museum facility. In order to have a May election, staff must notify Maricopa County Elections by January 18, 1999 (120 days prior to the election) of the Town's intent to conduct a special election. The purpose of this agenda item is for staff to receive Council direction to properly notify the County. Ballot language is not required until March 4, 1999 so there will be ample lead time to obtain the appropriate language from our bond attorney. The cost for the election is based on the total voter registration for Fountain Hills which is currently 10,647. A non-consolidated election costs .78 cents per registered voter or $8,304.66. A bond election election requires the mailing of an informational pamphlet to every household in 2 December 31, 1998 which a registered voter resides. An amount of $10,600 was budgeted in the FY '98/99 budget to cover the costs of a special election and the required mailing. Recap of the Potential Bond Issues: Library/Museum Alan Cruikshank (Fountain Hills Historical Society), Roy Porterfield (Fountain Hills Library Association), and Barbara Roberts (Maricopa County Library District) attended the Council Retreat last August to discuss the possibility of a joint library/museum project. At that time, staff was directed to meet with the interested groups to discuss needs, requirements, design possibilities and cost estimates. Council also expressed interest in placing the item on a May '99 ballot. Since the retreat, the"Library/Museum Action Committee" has met four times. The twelve-member Committee includes representatives from the Historical Society, the Fountain Hills Library Association, the Maricopa County Library District, and the Town. The Town's architect Rob Dietz has facilitated the planning meetings, assisted by the Historical Society's architect, Don Ryden. Paul Nordin attended the first meeting of the Committee and told members that two of their primary tasks would be to determine cost and location. Based on previously received information/comment from the County and the School District, the Committee quickly reached concensus that a downtown location near the proposed community center was preferable. They felt the facility would be an additional attractant to the downtown area, a compatible/complementary companion to the community center and that the location would be cor easily accessible to all citizens all hours of the day and evening. Rob Dietz offered to prepare a building program of spaces and sizes as a starting point of discussion at the next meeting. He had worked closely with the County on the Southeast Regional Library and was very familiar with space needs and requirements of such a facility. The Committee met a second time on October 6 to review the architect's proposed building program. Each member brought his/her expertise, experience and perspective of library and museum operations to the discussion. Space allocations were modified and new areas added. Barbara Roberts suggested conducting a "surette", an intense brainstorming session, at the next meeting to fine tune space allocation, flow, size, joint use, site plan, conceptual theming, and the problems/possibilities of the working relationship of the library and museum. On November 16, the Committee met in the court room amidst drawing boards, projectors, tripods and site plans. Starting with bubble drawings supplied by Rob Dietz, the Committee began to create a series of sketches, moving spaces around, dealing with a myriad of issues including staffing, hours of operation, joint use of conference rooms and bathrooms, security of displays, accessibility of volunteers, and theming to name a few. As ideas and concerns took shape on paper, the Committee created a floor plan layout that they felt would be very workable. The architects would use the sketches to come up with a floorplan to be considered at the next meeting. 3 December 31, 1998 At the December 10th meeting, Dietz presented a conceptual floor plan incorporating the bubble designs created at the November 16th meeting. It was suggested that further design efforts should wait until after the bond election. The Committee had succeeded in creating a conceptual design for a functional, desireable 20,000 square foot library/museum facility that could be used for costing and election purposes. Dietz explained that too much detail could complicate the bond issue and that more detailed planning should include public input if the bond election was successful. The architect was asked to provide a cost estimate, based on the conceptual design and information provided by the County Library District staff regarding necessary furnishings, technology and equipment. These figures can be used for the bond question posed to the voters in May. Attached is the final building program as proposed by the Committee. It contains spaces and associated square footages in the library, museum, and common areas. Also included is the conceptual cost estimate totalling $3,260,000. This cost includes the building, furniture, books, equipment, 5% contingency, and architectural/engineering fees. This information will be used by bond counsel to formulate the ballot language if the Council directs staff to proceed with the special election in May. Lakeside Open Space At the retreat, the Council discussed the possibility of placing a $1.3 million issue on the November ballot for the purpose of acquiring approximately 31 acres of Lakeside open space, commonly referred to as the "postcard view". Due to the significant number of items on the November ballot, it was decided to postpone this issue. If the Council desires, this item can be included on the May 18th ballot. Since the Council retreat, the preliminary plat for the Lakeside area under consideration has been revised and the 31-acre phase 3 discussed at that time has been reduced to approximately 9.25 acres. There are still 24 homes planned in phase 3. It is expected that the developer will dedicate approximately 60 acres to the Town as a part of the subdivision approval process. With this developer dedication and the possibility of a voter approved bond issue, the Town could acquire approximately 70 acres of open space in the Lakeside area. Community Development Director Jeff Valder will be prepared to address any questions on the Lakeside land calculations at the Council meeting. Debt Service The cost estimates for both items have been forwarded to Bob Casillas at Peacock, Hislop, Staley & Given. He has prepared a projected debt service schedule and impact chart on the secondary tax rate for both projects. These have been prepared using a 15 year amortization. An amount of $100,000 was added to the cost of each project to cover issuance costs. This increased the cost of the Lakeside open space from $1.3 to $1.4 million and the library/museum cost from $3.268 to $3.368 million. 4 December 31, 1998 Summary Members of the Library/Museum Committee are prepared to campaign for the new building. Staffs participation will be limited to election procedures from this point forward. Mr. Farrell will reiterate the legal constraints placed on the Town regarding bond issues. The only action needed at the January 7 meeting is to direct staff to notify the County of the Town's intention to conduct a May 18, 1999 special bond election and prepare the proper documents for one or both items. If the Council chooses to put the bonding issues before the voters, the resolution(s) calling the election will appear on a future agenda. Alan Cruikshank, Roy Porterfield and Rob Dietz will be at the Council meeting and prepared to answer any questions you may have regarding the library/museum project. If you have any comments, questions or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. 5 NtATAINkt "Alm off Tolumeatna 2011110 • *to. Special Event Request 1°Iiiittiroop# Name of Event Coordinator . k [Lief- / Rai e Fri, Address: al a v W• n.vR,, e -- d 114 4-it.,_ 41A- F? 20$ _______` Telephone: (residence) Easiness) SS' Lev f —R o�<.� Fri 4... If the event is designed to be held on behalf of any person other than the applicant,the applicant shall supply written authorization frosathe organization uponsotgthe!Vent;dated not more than 90 days before the application,authorizing the applicant to apply for the permit on the sponsor'. behalf. Name of Orpniratian• S( u c r r`lj...4e Telephone- N 3.d `Pt IT Address of Headquarters• cao d0 it)• /blc,,,,ra t�,A 9 a,,, r Description of Event: co It r,_t r Cat r A uc.F,k5u Purpose of Evertt- Location of Event:_ (Attach asap at diagram of area to be used for event) j��i•it. ('1 / 91 Date of Event: Egg Time. r 4*\- _ Ending Tire: —1' What portion of the roadway, if any, will the event occupy? Estimated number of persons,vehicles (and types, Le. cans, trucks), animals, etc. participating: Do you anticipate a need for the Town to pravid.e any of the following: Pfraso Note The Town Marshal(or designated official)may establish requirements that may include (but ire not limited to)personnel forea+etgeaey,bat&and crowd control,traffic control device.,and other services and equipment deemed necessary for the protection of event attendees at well as the community as a whole. • Personnel- Supplies and Services;_ Vehicles and Other Equipment-' '?��5%1�4 F_ e E,,,Zr,2.1w✓ e ,o's 5//►R P'P l` coin-fist/A'►"`� s i GC car& t1 c S Nt , r, Rao O PIer•0.,41. Saa)A,S• . . . .. . . .wc.i..... . V.� Special Event Request Page 2 of 2 LIABILITY RELEASE AND-INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO FURNISH INSURANCE As a condition to, and inconsideration of the Issuance of this requested permit,the applicant hereby agrees to procure and maintain insurance coverage protecting all aspects of activities involved in the permit. Such insurance-shall'cover public liability and-property damage, including product liability If applicable,and shall include coverage for owned and non-owned autos,forallr ciatms for damages for personal injury-ordeat#and property damage arising out of the activities for which this permit la issued. Such insurance to be in limits of not less than$l,aIao aao combined single limit personal injury and property damage. The certificate of insurance reflecting this coverage shall name the Town as an additional Insured as respects this Special.Event Permit: /rc •2 va-- / 0 ,•/ Ar,A, f/17/ 7 O Signature Appticint of Agent Des of Application \lame of Insurance Company: a(fn z k..( . Policy N Policy Dates- (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE- OFFICE USE ONLY) Certificate of Insurance Filed: YES . NO .tpprovai by Town Marsha ____Date- i 2c 1 omments: ' Notification of Local Fire Department: Date. Contact Name&Title: Arrangements Made: Notification of Sheriff's Department _ Date _ Contact Name &Titlt�: Arrangements Made: rine p vat by To un 9 i; • Title' /''v Dab* 7 '/ DEC-15-98 03 :42 PM SILVER CAR AUCTION 5093273059 P. 02 DE.11-15- ''99� Ili: _2 11Jtj OF FOL_I.1Ta1II HILLS .1 • a' �1 � [i. _ U...• LA !I(1NTANA p0.IVE (� "/.;S'�� � �,� �u r't n i' li• `•_ ___„. , i L , C I '' `t i •1 RESTROUuS !� , Vy r t I 1 , 1 C___-_r aoNtssl ., i . BO'JL1NC x • 5 1 • ft-0 evyTEA Af1C1LON TENT � v 1 rl ? .. VEHICLE r . .+.�•r.... . ... CHECK--IN 1 I _ CATE i SANK -. } t Y by,; �!y..,....-1 1,.v•.., A. ,7�. 11. f ,fF'Ilk;. CAT;0,/ 4 I -.,PEA.','PARTICIPANTS EN cairiNCE j VLRDE RIVBB..DRIVE_...'"r` __ ._. • KTNI MALL _.... �....._ ..._...--_ .._ _ • .... .. SNOW N' SN1ML i if • ( .. _.. _- •_. ._ - CHECK-LN •CATE• d j --- --- --.. __. ..... `ATITRAT.IQN_. .BOOTH/TENT - i w .. MOD_VIBRATIONS 99._.._.._. _. . J' ._ e SHOW R` stmt.Pt LAY-OUT _// •j/ ... • - -. I TENTATIVE/SUBJECT'Ta"CKANCE -- . / • •. t: J• 4 I TACE , i i i • v. j 3 SHQW N' SHINE i i / 1 .. .._...��_. .. . ._ .J1L0 N 9 1N . ._. .. . • ._._- t tU;(ho'tcvl.-.._...._ .. SHOWS INS. '• .. _.. ... . . ROnp ; -�—i TOTAL P.02 DEC-09-1998 08:18 FOUNTAIN OASIS REALTY 602 837 3796 P.02/02 NW-11-1998 16:44 FOUNTAIN OASIS REALTY zest6��8 3796 P.02/02 re l-3,--9"e- lk,i. FOu QAL iTAVI OGSiS 1rr L PERMIT iorUSE OF PAISCATELAND()WAD BY TRACT 208109.0MT?OWNERS ASSOC1A11ONs INC of Nhmc MI'Ck SILVER nrianitati_ -AR �OCTtOl1 —�.--- _____ 1-tCA Randy Burke or Lover tontsc-l:' a r„rs nt inuaLLln Ca nma-Persor+f 014 t it 1 v LT o r loli'.f Pr 11 s, Del I e e 1 t r► Itddtas:— 2020 lL.� r 16832 No of oun:elns Eauntain Mills. AL � a11:01c.. t. Luc d 1137= ..... Da1e...____U a r y.1 i s t t 10 37-3196 (OK) • AnaRceutred: Partin ere' Il F i 4- 11 .k Plat 20 . Iloc 3 ConcC73m0041: Y se.AA_No,.. List: fond_: prints: bend soft drinks 9peeial Information on Event: 21d C s r. urainx— c t n T D~ — I ��e M!•LW6tittipr !tvJYcWis. —. . L, ________..._..... Spacial Provisions: C e r9e lint- �r�ytry _________ I(Wei ogre to abide by the recorded"Decluestioa of Aerevetiees"of Trost 308 Property Owners tl&a>IwwboL.lp vial pavisioli lifted As%octnioa,roc.,any rtttet;asd reprel and ay Masses ei•freer herein and will be responsible for do cualuct oa k above tined pup o1suC use. 1-fWers witegla poperey Inc.•aod Tact 206?rope r/oi'ris. A wdatimti lac hussies%fro# soy sandal or Wary claim that Ws Cram muse efts prelim Norm t amiss a-coital*If i11131CanCf,ill.an mot.eon lcss than S2.000,000,0sm411 the A»ociedotl and its Wits as additional :ieurcsis►sbal1 be submitted to:E.Bfc Ftoperty Ma aganc 1. Inc 3877-. ''S • MX hangs,AZ.85018. Styled- _ Dew, ,Ri . ._ Approve&. rjgc; /c2/0 cOe 'Ms pewit is revs able any lime by Tract 201 Property Omens'Astoastio0.lag., or their wrhortecd-tepessentenve_ Fec for• cite ego) If sot oo to 'vod vo Moir d 7 . 199 by: -.Copy of ibis forfoslball act as a receipt. TOTAL P.02 --- --- ---- TOTAL P.02 ne., TOTAL P ea JAN. -04' 99 (MON) 12: 15 INSURANCE SERVICES TEL:5099288379 P. 002 ACORD_ CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °ATE(MM,°°"" SILV O1 06/25/98 paooucER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ->.surance Services Northwest.( • ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE minercial Group Services, Inc HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR 707 E Sprague, Suite Cl ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Spokane WA 99206 I Phone: 509-928-2121 Fax:509-928-8379 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE I I INSURED INSURER A: Northland (Insurance Company► INSURER B' 5afeco Inurahce COmpaniesi silver Collector Car Auctions INSURER C:M- Mitch Silver 2020 N Monroe INSURERD: Spokane WA. 99205 INSURER E: COVERAGES I THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLI Y PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EKC IUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. I INSR OUCY tr: LAVE POLICY eXPIrRAT(O I UMR$ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER ATE(MMIDOrYY] OATEIMM,00r Y) GENERAL LIABILITY I E4H OCCURRENCE S 1J 000,000 B X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CP8635831 06/10/98 06/10/99 FIRE DAMAOE(Any onnfire) S50,000 CLAIMS MADE a OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) I EXCLUDED .PERSONALI.ADVINJURY S 1,000,000 OE ERAL AGGREGATE I 32,000,000 GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: RP CDUCTS-COMP/0PA00 ,52,000,000 "�PRO- fl � - POLICY LOc I , I JECT 1 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY co 1eINED SINGLE LIMIT S •^ ANY AUTO /1scddent) .' 1 ALL OWNED AUTOS 80UILY INJURY S — SCHEDULED AUTOS per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY S - NON•OWNEDAUTOS I (Poraccident) L _ OPERTY DAMAGE S -�) I (Per acciden() GARAGE LIABILITY ( AUTO ONLY•EA ACCIDENT S 1,00 0,00 0 A X ANY AUTO TG218253 07/25/98 07/25/99 OTtiERTHAN EA ACC 32,000,000 X OTHER THAN AUTO AUTO ONLY: AGO S 1,000,000 EXCESS LIABILITY EA>;H OCCURRENCE S 7 OCCUR ❑CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE S S _ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION S _ S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND wCY I LIMITS EROE TORY LIMIT• EMPLOYERS LIABILITY EL EACH ACCIDENT $ Ed.DISEASE•EA EMPLOYEE S E.L!DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT S OTHER DESCRIPTION OF CPERATIONS,LOCATIONSNEIiICLES!EXCLUSIONS ADDED EY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS Workers Comp in the State of Washington is written through the Department of I Labor and Industries. (Washington is a Monopolistic Work Comp St te) CERTIFICATE HOLDER N I ADDITIONAL INSURED;INSURER LETTER: CANCELLATION I 1 r #20891 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED OUCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER W LL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL i DAYS WRRTEN #208 Property Owners Assoc NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NA ED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO 00 SO SHALL Soutain Hills Chamber of Com IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF Y KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR The Town of Fountain Hills PO Box 17598 REPRESENTATIVES 1 5-i _.- _---1 Fountain Hills AZ 85269-7598 AUTMORRCDREPRES 7lVE w ACORD 25-S(7/97) " ACORD CORPORATION 1991 JAN. -04' 99 (MON) 12: 15 INSURANCE SERVICES TEL:5099288379 P. 003 A I C /�� ..,` • S�LVC01 ': PAGE t�IQ• G f LJ Y: INSURE SHAME S 1�►�ar,:Callectoz Car^Auct.ons CSR BS` • DATE 06/25/99 Additional Insured: #208 Property Owners Assoc, The Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, The Town of Fountain Hills, MCO/MAXAM CORPI, Attn Sharon Morgan for Auction: January 13-18, 1999 to be held in downtown portions of Fountain Hills, AZ as designated on the special events ',request form. Additional Insured also includes Tract #208 Property OwnrrslAssoc, Inc. and Eagle Property Management, Inc. Attn: Paul .. I I ; CIF • � I Fountain Hills Memorandum TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler DATE: November 23, 1998 SUBJECT: Special Event Request - Car Auction/Car Show The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event requests which includes a car auction, classic car show, and live entertainment scheduled for January 15-17th. It is my understanding that these will be considered by the Council at their meeting of December 3rd. The proposed auction would take place in the parking area behind the Fountain Bowl while the classic car show and evening entertainment would occur in the parking area between the businesses on Avenue of the Fountains and the Parkview Car Wash. I have had extensive discussions with the event organizers who have made revisions in their original plans to accommodate my concerns and questions. The following is a summary of the event as agreed upon following those discussions. Traffic Control: The event coordinators are requesting closure of a portion of Verde River between Parkview and Avenue of the Fountains for the car show and entertainment portions of the event. The closure has been designed in a manner that would allow access to Southtique Mall, the Bank, and the commercial building on Verde River via Avenue of the Fountains. Customers of all other businesses on Verde River would have unrestricted access off of Parkview. All fencing and staging plans for the car auction portion of the event makes entrances and access via Parkview which is a wide roadway. The manner in which the three components of the event are planned will minimize street closures, detours and limitations on business access from Saguaro, Avenue of the Fountains, Palisades. or La Montana. Parking: Based on our experience from last year, arrangements have been made to ensure that car carriers, truck transports and trailers will be parked on Verde River Drive or Stewart Vista south of Avenue of the Fountains. Handicapped parking provisions will be made in the front portion of the parking lot directly north of the Fountain Bowl. The event organizers are arranging entrances in such a manner as to make use of the paved parking lots between Parkview and Palisades so as not to cause congestion on La Montana or Avenue of the Fountains. Security: The promoter, Mr. Mitch Silver, has arranged security through a consultant who has extensive experience with car shows and auctions. In going over the public safety provisions with Mr. Silver, he has made adjustments to accommodate liquor requirements, crowd control and pedestrian traffic. He has also agreed to station an ambulance in the area during the concerts when crowds are expected to be at their largest. On a voluntary basis, the Marshals Department will attempt to keep officers in the area as much as possible. Our role will be to enforce parking regulations, ensure pedestrian safety, and discourage any criminal activity. However, the promoter is responsible for all aspects of security during the event including crowd control,checking identification,protection of his vehicles,cash, and personal property. Specific Provisions: In considering this special event request, I am asking that the Council make the following provisions conditions of approval: 1. In the interest of traffic control and to minimize inconvenience to our residents, the auction promoter should be held to a single vehicle entrance located off of Parkview; 2. In the interest of crowd control and to meet state liquor requirements, the auction organizer should be allowed only a single pedestrian entrance located off of Parkview; 3. All trucks, trailers, and service vehicles relating to the auto action are to be stored on Stewart Vista or Verde River south of Avenue of the Fountains; 4. There needs to be gates in the fencing around the auto auction for Fire and Emergency exits; and, 5. Use of both parking lots require written approval of Plat 208 Property Owners Association. Recommendation: I believe this will be a worthwhile event consistent with the objectives of the town, the Council and the Chamber of Commerce. As currently planned, it will result in no road closures, detours or inconvenience to motorists. However, if, in the opinion of law enforcement and fire officials,public safety concerns or crowd control requires the town to commit additional resources, it will be done at the promoter's expense. Based on that condition, as well as adherence to the specific provisions outlined in the previous section, I recommend approval by the Council at their December 3rd meeting. / l__ Steve Gendler Marshal t— i _ ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & C OL 0,I sir,,, 800 W Washington 5th Floor 400 W Congress#150 Phoenix AZ 85007 = r� Tucson AZ 85701 y (602) 542-5141 % 11110. (520) 628-6595 APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF PREMISES/PATIO PERMIT ❑ Permanent change of area of service _r. ® Temporary change for dare(s)of -1 Ia n U Ar2-1 (544\ - I }-.) 16199 1. Owner or Agent's Name: u ttVz No'R eon S. Last First Muddle 2. Mailing Address. L Tex 1 S'S 71 F v - r1 \\1 S AR 1z cr\ 8/5-a C o City State Zip 3. Business Name: .. o o rv\0 a vl L 3St^c. LICENSE#: O 607b+4k 4. Business Address: ' 4 73 -7 r4i.k e "\1s. 1(hp,R�cis,,} . Az S'52(Y City COUNTY State Zip 5. Business Phone:( ,c oa ) 137- 7)bb Residence Phone:( looa ) 7- abf5-(1. 6. Are you familiar with Arizona Liquor Laws and Regulations? t5 YES ❑ NO 7: What security precautions will be taken to prevent liquor violations in the extended area? 'Re fl S cc u a - i RiA v e 61 S-)'R F G know 1-e ei5 cLb 1e 11 u LI R LkawS e �c 10.�� o hS lir Does this extension bring your premises within 300 feet of a church or school? ❑ YES a NO 9. IMPORTANT: ATTACH THE REVISED FLOOR PLAN CLEARLY DEPICTING YOUR LICENSED PREMISES AND WHAT YOU PROPOSE TO ADD. ****After completing sections 1-9 bring this application to your local Board of Supervisors, City Council or Designate for their recommendation. in premises' OMMENDED by the local of Supervisors,City Council or Designate: U "Tat)at) V" ;n 14, Ili (Authorized Signat (Title) (Agency) I, N 0 2 c S t)g.elZ 2 R ,being first duly sworn upon oath,hereby depose,swear and declare,under (Print full name) ,__ penalty of perjury,that I am the APPLICANT making foregoing application and that the applicatio� � •;�� .,;� read the t�onten thereof and all statements contained therein are true,correct and complete. ';' _ LINDA D. LEMMEN Notary Pubic•Stall or M■ MARICOPA COUNTY : ' ' ES SUBSCRIBED IN MY PR ES �:`� t+ t'b lb ALgd> (Signature of Owner Agent) this I I day of / �,P��,t � , 19 9f My commission expires on: -'/ 7 — U U � ��, / . C^y r --J (Signature of NOTARY PUBLIC) L'estigation Recommendation: Date: Licensing Approval: Date: / / *Disabled individuals requiring special accommodation,please call the Department. 1K1Q5 DEC -02-9e 04 :02 PM SILVEP CmP HUCTION 5093:73059 F . 01 FOI4DSMOWL. INC: I 702 329 1364 P. 01 • • •' (hw ...... M:47IA'•A RiVE. c-.%C.A.,N.., A ...d•I •U .......1. • - . _ ____, . ..... — --. ... . . . • _ t • • • - -. i . ... _ . . itz:iQ:..7 _ .1 k.a....,.. ADMI 3:.1;1 --L —' I -1. r. C•AIE -•• I, U1,IN • 1 -- . . 7., - - 7:13,116R _ 7- .. .- 1 3/0" ity.T"ON T : -ilrl gikg• • isiv. Y • vEmi.,1.E , '1ATE i . . . r f:F E 1AT: . . _ . .. I ART:71PANTS E.\:Ta,•,Ne. . t L iv \ \ s41-44S474't. // / / i,_,.. __ ,2 '.7. :::- i',1VE.11.--Ar.1-- - ---- - -. :.-. - ; - // //7./ — \\\\ \1-1 _. .. -1 . 161 T N T ;!-: , 691.1 N' S14 I NE . :-. —---- - — -- —-- i'RE CK-IN GATE E . . . ___ _ t );•;H;TENT 7.. nooLi. v I%',TIAN, .y•,t .HOW !: t NTA7:VE /SUBJECTT'"T 7"r3ACE'- - • - - -- - - ..- -,- .1............ I i - - --- -- / — -- -— --. -- - SHOS; 1.1' c.-1HENt. _.._ - ; .-- 5T An7 1 i, i—f 1.... 1 ,f 1 f . _ _ 1 1 I 1 ___ ______. s9rW NI :2HINE ... 1 (iimie 1 111111 -- - I I. , 1 i 1 ! ..._,. ... • ROAD St 40W$ r z., -— - -—s;vrt-7Kr) Bf.r."7— . --- - --- P.0 Box n74 —- , r 1., e k 50. ,70 „, ) n't_"-•",:gi ;r.‘. .',':-..._, , - ,..) ,..) A -_-)Z ;-_ .-'12._ - 7--. to..o G, ‘9-(3 . R•_.- . . v) 1 l-c-.3 • ‘ ..,, .-.. . _ _. ... ... 7- , .-, -, - 7.1 . ' • \r / / 1 i i , L • 'L. , ' .t.',,2.AA •-• 30, 1 1 • .. . 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IC1/4 k f,,, k % A ;t .,.1 vk — . ___ ',41•0 Iti. ,•••1•T::, ' k.b( , . .r, 'eN kii% '..,-eS ,Aq34g 33 32 ivo 0 . 15,!•••• %! 0 . os ' i ` ' • 1 ti -1/4)t),/ \ 1 \ V • _ 0\ -2 JO L1:2 I,6 1 e•°‘9 :":i ,'. b 0 OC GO.00 30 412/ . • '1.", _ \ — 7 - _ f()• ---.'-:•-1_12 0,2' ',5fi/ (70 Fountain Hills Memorandum TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler, Marshal L. • DATE: August 14, 1997 SUBJECT: Liquor License - Extension of Premises - Fountain Bowl The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached request for an extension of premises permit submitted by the Noreen Kurdzialek on behalf of the Fountain Bowl. It is my understanding that this will be on the Council agenda for the meeting of December 17th. Investigative Facts: The Fountain Bowl, located at 16737 Parkview, has a valid class 6 liquor license, #06070466. A class 6 license allows on premise sales of liquor, but no carry out. The extension of premise application would expand this to include a controlled access area of the parking lot directly south of the Fountain Bowl building. According to Noreen Kurdzialek, the extension of premises is being requested for January 15th- 17th to coincide with a planned car auction. The availability of alcoholic beverages has been coordinated with the auction organizers as an amenity of their event. Under the provisions of ARS 4-207.01 as well as liquor regulation R19-1-233, an extension of premises may be allowed if three conditions are met: 1. There is a valid license at the location,and the request meets the provisions of that license; 2. There is a plan to control access; and, 3. There is a written application which includes a diagram A review of the Fountain Bowl application indicates that these conditions are all being met. Findings: The Fountain Bowl's class 6 license application originally went before the Council on October 1, 1998. Since that time, the State Liquor Department has conducted both overt and covert inspections to ensure compliance with license provisions and found no violations. Organizers of the car show have made provisions for private security personnel that would control the access as required by liquor department regulations. This would be in the same manner as last year's extension of premises arrangement with the American Legion which inspectors found to be in compliance with liquor regulations. Recommendation: Based on a record of compliance with license requirements as well as the provisions of ARS 4-207.01, I recommend approval of the Fountain Bowl's request for an extension of premises on January 15th-17th. ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL RECEIVED 800 W Washington 5th Floor 400 W Congress#150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 ;- ' C 1 5 1998 Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 � vo FOUNTAIN HILLS (520) 628-6595 TOWN CLERK APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE Fee=$25.00 per day,for1-10 day events only A service fee of$25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks(A.R.S.44-6852) PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE FULLY COMPLETED OR IT WILL BE RETURNED. DEPT USE ONLY **APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT LIC# 1. Name of Organization: gM E ( t CA .r/ 2. Non-Profit/I.R.S.Tax Exempt Number: 2 6 - ° 3 07 1 3. The organization is a: (check one box only) ❑ Charitable .. Fraternal(must have regular membership and in existence for over 5 years) ❑ Civic ❑ Political Party,Ballot Measure,or Campaign Committee ❑ Religious ((�� 4. What is the purpose of this event? O i k- 0 (/V U N (7 5. Location of the event: � gl5 c) E. 79 d © F re c)t) 6 f V S F7ti (-1 t(-,/‘ AAj e RD IOW Address of physical location(Not P.O.Box) City County Zip Applicant must be a member of the qualifying organization and authorized by an Officer.Director or Chairperson of the Organization named in Question#1. (Signature required in section#18) 6. Applicant: R0 wM 1A✓ /1g,vA7 - H 6. / 9-e h/ / Last First Middle Date of irth 7. Applicant's Mailing Address: it r 3 c' E 1 o F r/�Hitt-5 el7- 3-6 9-C 1 Street City State Zip 8. Phone Numbers: 663-) E 3 2' £76 4' (40 a-) 8'3 7— 5-9 6-6 (l n' 3 7— Site Owner# Applicant's Business# Applicant's Home# 9. Date(s)&Hours of Event: (Remember:you cannot sell alcohol before 10:00 a.m on Sunday) Date Day of Week Hours from A.M./P.M. To A.M./P.M. Day 1: ih S! 99 i( iDfly 9 /9.M I" /911 Day 2: ///G/ 9 / s AT u ire_N -i q A,Al /o P-, Day 3: //i7`9 9 50 PA. I le i.M 9 eA) Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day 9: Day 10: Lic 0106 11/1998 *Disabled inividuals requiring special accommodations,please call the Department. , Ili,,•,i �R' ��= AMERICAN LEGION POST#58 ' FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA �--� 16850 Avenue of the Fountains 0?,` (602)837-5958 ARIZONA LEPT. OF LIQUOR LICENSES The American Legion will suspend our # 14 License for the following dates Jgn,15, 16 , 17 , 1999. CLUB MGR. . L L O`er R r cf/,, AMERICAN LEGION Q ''. Wei= POST#58 re, 4: FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA " <f o��' 16850 Avenue of the Fountains 10,''�qp�'"`�� (602)837-5958 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The following businesses located at 16850 Ave of the Fountains have no objections to the American Legion being granted an extension of premises for a special event on the following dates : iji i '/;6, //i7 /9 ff SHEAR POINT HAIR DESIGN /; ' • ,---- -:-.7 --2;<,,Z --_, "'-'- TIME -I ' ®ESIGN SPECIAL EVENT LICENSED PREMISES DIAGRAM (This diagram must be completed with this application) (1..Special Event Diagram: (Show dimensions, serving areas, and label type of enclosure and security positions) NOTE: Show nearest cross streets, highway, or road if location doesn't have an address. =vs. 7e- p 'a ^� — k-i- , 7. 49) S., 1 I "� f, Z �� i .--, - TO 1 '''t \ii z Jtr 1 1 1 I r 1 T L 1 � � , Fountain Hills Memorandum TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler L� DATE: December 17, 1998 SUBJECT: Special Event Liquor License - American Legion The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event liquor license submitted by the American Legion Post of Fountain Hills. It is my understanding that this issue will go before the Council at their meeting on January 7th. I am recommending approval based on the following factors: 1. The American Legion Post has a valid class 14 (club license) in place at 16850 Ave of the Fountains. According to the state liquor department, organizations with a class 14 license are permitted up to 10 days per year in which they are eligible for a special event license allowing public liquor sales. At all other times, the class 14 allows sale to members and guests only. A review of the record indicates that this will represent only the first three days of the 10 allowed in 1999 under the exemption provisions. 2. During the 9am-lOpm time frame, the permit covers onl the area specified in the application. This is an important point since the diagram appears to indicate the facility at 16850 Ave of the Fountains as well as a portion of the parking lot are part of the application. According to the liquor department, including the facility in effect suspends the class 14 in place at this time and replaces it by the special event permit for those hours specified. The American Legion officials apparently understand that since they have included a written statement foregoing their class 14 license during the special event period. 3. In previous investigations, we have found that the American Legion has met all the legal requirements under the Arizona Revised Statutes for a liquor license and temporary permit. This included covert monitoring by state liquor agents and overt monitoring by the Marshals Department to ensure compliance with provisions of the special event license. Nothing has been found which would prohibit granting of this permit. In a matter separate from the liquor investigation, I have noticed that the permit appears to cover several common use areas on private property. This includes parts of the sidewalk and parking lot. As a precaution against a possible protest, they have included statements from neighboring businesses granting permission to access the common use area for this special event. L flhliillhi!iii I �IIi I, II .'..' II FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY LIBRARY Town of Fountain Hills Hofmann-Dietz BUILDING PROGRAM Architects,Ltd. December 28, 1998 Planners& Construction Managers 459 N.Gilbert Road Suite C-200 LIBRARY Gilbert,AZ 85234 Office: (602)539-8800 • Circulation 1800 sq.ft. Fax: (602)539-8608 Modem:(602)539-8926 • Children Services 4000 sq.ft. E-Mail:lula@hd-architects.com Principals • Adult Services 6000 sq.ft. lackT.Hofmann,A.I.A. • Browsing 600 sq.ft. Rob Dietz Cheri A.McClure • Meeting Room 600 sq.ft. fames A.Morris,P.E. • Administration 500 sq.ft. Senior Associates Jon P.Anderson,A.I.A. • Staff Areas 600 sq.ft. Pete Barker R.Mason Hite,i i • Children Restroom 100 sq.ft. Associates • Support Areas 800 sq.ft. Bruce Scott (Mech., Janitor, Elect.) Subtotal 15,000 sq.ft. HISTORICAL SOCIETY • Museum 5000 sq.ft. COMMON AREAS • Restrooms 400 sq.ft. • Lobby 600 sq.ft. Subtotal 1000 sq.ft. Grand Total 21,000 sq.ft. L MONNE I! !h! !I /41 2...1112 11■-1 FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY LIBRARY Town of Fountain Hills Hofmann-Dietz CONCEPTUAL COST ESTIMATE Architects,Ltd. December 28, 1998 Planners& Construction Managers 459 N.Gilbert Road Suite C-200 Gilbert,AZ 85234 Office: (602)539-8800 Fax: (602)539-8608 Modem: (602)539-8926 E-Mail:hda@hd-architects.conr • Library / Historical Museum $115.75/sq.ft. x 2100 s.f. Principals = $2,430,000 lack T.Hofrnann,A.I.A. Rob Dietz • Furniture, Books, Equipment $575,000 Cheri A.McClure James A.Morris,P.E. • Contingency (5%) $115,000 Senior Associates Jon P.Anderson,A.I.A. • A/E Fees $140,000 Pete Barker R.Mason Hite,Ill Total Conceptual Estimate $3,260,000 Associates Bruce Scott L ''.^ ry IN Q N p� n N N Irk N N et r1 \ ♦r ee .-. vt N Y V 7 a, W, v '�. e 7 N N N N 6 t w o 0 0 0 0 o d d o o c o 0 o d C. o at 1 ppH � r7 opp O 4N ..b. F h E.M N t. s !�') t1 NI. NA z 41 �.1 i� t N �. qq �D 1 l� �. � h n r^ r r Q� (N� a r of O (q►� Qp�� h '" eo 'a w i a7' !7 m ii ei o2' E 7 -f a v v „___J ... % a d d a do O o O o O o O O o Oa •p• al i .g r1 n o0 vt $ hGer N 4 t F, c.N � � ^ -, 6% 4% �e - ,.. r'l °4 el I .. A 4 11-wv .S � v � werv, vvsvv k i ta Nm ay m r tsar r eo r r !o ryN y oddoddoSodddo g o ry I V p p ..� N a m 1enl RI M aC V1 p m m W •--� 2 t n 9 T�Y. vri p7. atl h c't ..c t�� r ,s Z1j ,� a �' I t 5 as nbin 4rr, PI - age .0Priin = N Off . u cA � �, � isi W m W ,z F. w ao N.48egQpf({(rryy�� eppArpp8vvN8 w ,^ O v LI 4 n r r r N N N N r4 N N 'h e�, c^ r% v+ en H aO - o $ � 4Sos888o8S �+ d v o o • C o q Q a , cccoacc000A A a , gozC 4 p t O r = op a°De h 8 N v n - "41 ro C) 5 l� I:- v�p( (vim! ri O ,D rGL h 1Op [Ci l r�, el t��[ t ti �j v $ �i .. l� N 42 3 A vet 7n 4 4 M to N r bd ai 2 � ^ 1, 1 F. F w.iCA o �, / § § § Q §§§k gq§ §. § JJ a ;TO V v N •r i n g g et. N d 6 v,. �. ik ery+� o Q a oo ea eo a r co . 0 !I 41 ^ Q N O Ci o O O O O O O d O O CI 0 m b a`, e apa w Nn .0 lr . , aN rtr � O . g`NN ' � V' E, La I v I Hvi o H Vi.n h h h v. o &, g 0C - � N N , N ri e7 N NC•rt S T .l M asS..p4 o o r of R N e'�1 N N N N N fq N N T. 0 1 "V �8 r 3 N N V, 3 ./t Vt 3 h N V'1 C a .1 4 O h•O �O .0 pa' •D• .O• b, �C .O .O i y Ny C �l N h — od Od ea W ae ae 00 eo ep 11 G a 1 gp R Ei - 'Rr..vl'6 0:epl. epL R of ap ap a a,z. 1. A b S a i. 8 1 aim pOOiOO oN bO — 7 1 >.W B N y 4. a N NNNN NNNNN NN ., on.ok v on v Sib'd 962 '0N 02202S6209 '9NI `0'8SHd Wd80:0T 8661.0E'03Q L 00 y h U `O C 01 m -d N o O g,+ g .. ry cV N !•, 0 g F b.,•11 0 Is C/] p . 0 V1 c4 va m 'D 0 2 ..... y oO 0 00 k gUry °' cri vo N � � .. L p i 6 1 z z ` 6 oq 4/ Cd '~ 0 0b ;TOI W 4 fiC5 ii 0 if.) ,_ uo 'tt � .[ � ›. El 0400 ' i��y, OI N t ~ �"' . U cam' Q Ehl .4 C, ,„.)... A a .O 4 Jf a ,,,d.) P .4 • ____ ... „, - . , . . did LL) 1 .-. N i O aU Cpy ! 13Q C.a k i S/S'd 96L'0N 02202S6209 '0NI `0'8SHd Wd60:0Z 666Z'0E'031 Marshals Department L Memo To: Cassie Hansen From: Steve Gendler( C: Date: 12/28/98 Re: Council Agenda item—Emergency Response Plan Executive Summary: Under ARS 26-311, every incorporated municipality is required to have an emergency response plan.The Fountain Hills plan, adapted by Council resolution#f94-04 on February 17, 1994, is now 4 years old. The County Division of Emergency Management requires a periodic update and adaptation of revisions. The County Emergency Services Planner, Tim Newbill, has been working with law enforcement and fire officials in Fountain Hills preparing a formal update to our plan. He made a presentation at the December 3'd Council meeting at which time a draft was distributed for consideration. The Council directed that this item be tabled until January giving members a chance for review before adapting the plan. Major Changes: 1. The existing plan has been changed periodically to reflect the outcome of elections, appointments, and additional town staff.The new plan will address this and contain provisions for continuing updates. 2. The new plan will reflect changes in town ordinances such as Chapter 4 that established a Public Safety Director as well as changes in town staff such as the addition of a Public Works Director. 3. Since adaptation of the original plan, there have been significant changes that affect the location of command centers, notification procedures, and inter-agency communications. The new plan is built around the town's 24-hr dispatch capability, the upcoming installation of a UPS system in Building "B", and the subsequent relocation of the emergency operations center from the Fire Department to Town Hall. 4. The original plan primarily addressed natural disasters such as fires, floods, storms, and earthquakes. The new plan expands into other potential emergencies such as evacuations, health hazards and domestic terrorism. Action Requested: Based on advice from the Town Attorneys Office, the Council is being asked to pass a resolution adapting the revised emergency response plan. This same action will be asked of other governmental entities in Fountain Hills that are impacted including the Fire District, Sanitary District,and School District. OoxiN k, ' 4 f Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS t+t ws4 that is hoav FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN LETTER OF PROMULGATION In the event of a natural or man-made disaster or nuclear warfare affecting the Town of Fountain Hills, it is the responsibility of the Town government to protect lives and property by implementing plans and procedures developed for this purpose. This plan is published in support of the State of Arizona Emergency Operation Plan and the Maricopa County Emergency Operations Plan and complies with Arizona Revised Statutes Title 26, Chapter 2. The purpose of this plan is to provide direction and guidance to Town departments, personnel, and supporting agencies. It constitutes a directive to Town departments to prepare for and execute assigned emergency tasks to ensure maximum survival of the population and to minimize property damage in the event of a disaster. This plan is effective for planning purposes and preparations on receipt, and for execution when ordered by the Mayor. A copy of this plan has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Fountain Hills, under the provisions of the Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 26-307B. DATE: 1"1/9 9 a Town Clerk 16836 East Palisades Boulevard,Building B-P.O.Box 17958-Fountain Hills,Arizona 85269-(602)837-8800-FAX:(602)837-8251 Chron 407 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Candelaria, .ngineer/Plans Reviewe REVIEWED: Randy L. rrel, wn Enginee THROUGH: Paul L. ` d# J` n Manager DATE: Decemb r 24,199; RE: Easement Abandonment 98-39: Resolution 1999-01 Plat 604B, Block 6, Lot 2 This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the ten (10)foot public utility and drainage easements located at the southerly property line of Lot 2, Block 6, Plat 604B, (15023 E. Mustang Dr.)as shown in Exhibit"A". The property owners of Lot 2 desires the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 2 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 1999-01. cc: Rasheed & Hardia Khan Philip &Claire Holcombe Keith &Jolyn Garner L G:\Easement Memo\Memo EA98-39,15023 E.Mustang Dr,Khan.doc When recorded, return to: kor ngineering Department own of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 1999-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN THE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, LOT LINE OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, OF PLAT 604B, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 196 OF MAPS, PAGE 27, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and WHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain ten (10)foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the southerly property lot lines of Lot 2, as shown in Exhibit A; of Plat 604B, Block 6, Lot 2, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as recorded in book 196 of maps, page 27 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 2 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 1999-01 FASS TAIL. Page 1 of 2 !ON p2-!''1- �b SECOND ` COUNT � X= PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of January 1999. ATTEST: FOR T E TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Sharon Morgan, ay r REVI ED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: atevoi. Pg.P Paul L. ordin, Town Manager it am E. Farrell, Town Attorney L Lie Resolution 1999-01 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" L. PLAT 604B BLOCK 6 LOT 2 LOT 2 LOT 3 • H r3 6SS000,, h 1.11 0 LOT 1 LOT 2 ,00 10' PUBLIC UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT ^vim A:AN, .N i 7 LOT 3 49301„ E. 1 I 00 N 79 -9/7 7 ^rye.ss is 0 RANDY L. 11�1 p HARK OSf\ °r ,F` / e honed. to 9�IZG � SCALE: 1"=40' 111 DATE: 12-28-98 • MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Cand,laria, Engineer/Plan Re 'ewer eigia REVIEWED: ,an'ay L. arrel, Town Engineer 9%, THROUGH: '•„ . •rdin, Town Manager DATE: cember 24, 1998 RE: Easement Abandonment 98-40; Resolution 1999-02 Plat 601A, Block 3, Lot 11 This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the ten (10)foot public utility and drainage easements located at the westerly property line of Lot 11, Block 3, Plat 601A, (12828 Mountainside Drive) as shown on Exhibit"A". The property owner of Lot 11 desires the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 11 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 1999-02 cc: Gallery Homes Charles Dinaso Karen Wolfe Robert Beauchamp Richard & Sally Dow Farah Beheshti G:'Easement Memo\EA98-40;Resolution 1999-02,Plat 601A,Blk 3,Lot 11.doc When recorded, return to: (iiiingineering Department own of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 1999-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT,TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN THE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG THE WESTERLY, LOT LINE OF LOT 11, BLOCK 3, OF PLAT 601A, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 161 OF MAPS, PAGE 44, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and WHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain ten (10)foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the westerly property lot line of Lot 11, as shown in Exhibit A; of Plat 601A, Block 3, Lot 11, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as recorded in book 161 of maps, page 44 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 11 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 1999-02 PAS FAIL Page 1 of 2 MOTION (4• onto SECOND 1321L COUNT 6 - 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of January 1999. ATTEST: FOR T E TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS C11144, 49 Cassie B. Hansen, Town lerk Sharon Morga , M yor REVIE BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: r //j ei geA, P I N in, To n Manager it am E. Farrell, Town Attorney Lie Lie Resolution 1999-02 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" Lie PLAT 601 — A BLOCK 3 LOT 11 LOT 28 LOT 9 1 30' 30' R/W R/W LOT 27 LOT 10 LLJ _> EI 0 125.00' N 90'00'00" Ecm ^ z / 10 Q o E o / ' PUBLIC UTILITY & Q' z /(iiie 10 DRAINAGE EASEMENT O A ABANDONED 3 C Q r . LOT 11 0 LOT 26 .o // o o Ia o 00 / N o i 01'07'49"20.32'1030.00' N 88.52'11" E 125.23' I I I I I LOT 25 I I LOT 1 2 II ,...o LAN a ' ,4I 1�r RlA1r6n5r; L5L. t;41 • I I SCALE. 1"=40' z,.: , ti p DATE: 12-29-98 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Can.-laria REVIEWED: dy L. arrel, Town Engineer Wir.,) THROUGH: P. ,7 din, Town Manager DATE: De -mber 18, 1998 RE: Easement Abandonment 98-38; Resolution 1999-03 Plat 206, Block 2, Lot 6 This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the ten (10)foot public utility and drainage easements located at the southerly and westerly property lines of Lot 6, Block 2, Plat 206, (16313 E. Desert Sage Drive). The property owners of Lot 6 desires the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The northerly 20' of the westerly 10' public utility and drainage easements will be retained for existing and potential future utility boxes. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 6 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 1999-03. cc: John Sergi Ralph Truax Robert Hummel G:\Easement Memo\Memo Plat 206,Blk 2,Lot 6,16313 E.Desert Sage Dr.Sergi.doc When recorded, return to: Lit ngineering Department own of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 1999-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN THE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG THE WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY, LOT LINES OF LOT 6, BLOCK 2, OF PLAT 206, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 147 OF MAPS, PAGE 2, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and WHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain ten (10)foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the westerly and southerly property lot lines of Lot 6 except for the northerly 20' of the westerly 10' public utility and drainage easement, as shown in Exhibit A; of Plat 206, Block 2, Lot 6, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as recorded in book 147 of maps, page 2 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 6 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 1999-03 PA FAIL -. � 5 Page 1 of 2 M6TIONcou SEcbr'b ; ,'ASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of January 1999. ATTEST: FOR THE TOWN OF F UNTAIN HILLS Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Sharon Morgan, Ma or REVIEWED BY: , APPROVED AS TO FORM: gt,e(cot,., 1.PccA,& aul L. ordin, Town Manager illiam E. Farrell, Town Attorney Resolution 1999-03 Page 2 of 2 • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" L., PLAT 206 BLOCK 2 LOT 6 LOT 27 LOT 28 LOT 26 CD LOT 25 'OR\JE _ � — — ___________ "'ct SPG7i - 3 ER i� N 66'07'00" E ��S ,19'4 435 24.07' — D,93.0 , R�9�0�00 ao' 10' PUBLIC UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ 1� A:AN, .N • Z \ ,, 0 o\0 /, co. LA LOT 6 0 Lil 0 LOT 5 0 0. \o: LOT 7 \`� �o oo. /�/A N83'43117" E - -- - / ---- / —/ / / / 10' PUBLIC UTILITY & G / DRAINAGE EASEMENT 3 C? F)- / A:AN�ON LOT 8 LO( ;4 ' HA HAM A. d'''� I ,,✓ 4 „ n d,- R'' k2 �S,/, SCALE: 1"=40' '�' ►�� DATE: 12-28-98 �� Chron 410 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable M. or and Town Council ki) FROM: Ran . Har -1 Town Enginee t THROUGH: Paul i o n Manager DATE: Decemb r 29, 1998 RE: Award of Property Sale Bid Plat 201, Parcel B, Proposed Tracts 1 and 2 On August 2, 1998, the Council voted to sell the above "excess" land at a sealed bid auction. A copy of the published invitation to bid is attached. Stephan and Tina Super, owners of one of the adjacent lots, submitted the only bid for the properties. Their bid of $220.55 for Tract 1 and $622.65 for Tracts 1 and 2 meet the specified minimum bid. 4600 In accordance with the invitation to bid, the Super's have requested, via the attached letter, that the Town initiate a replat of Parcel B (these two tracts plus proposed right-of- way) and their adjoining Lot 6. The replat will be prepared by Town staff, and submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Council for approval. Staff recommends that the Council: • Accept the Super's bid of $622.65 for the sale of Tracts 1 and 2, and direct/authorize Staff to prepare/sign all necessary sales documents. • Direct Staff to initiate and process a replat, consisting of Lot 6 and Parcel B. bb att. Invitation to Bid Super's replat request letter cc: Stephan & Tina Super Janice Baxter Ken Valverde L Property Sale Bid Award.doc TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS i PUBLIC NOTICE - SALE OF REAL PROPERTY INVITATION TO BID EXIST 'A' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Fountain TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Hills will offer for sale two tracts of land which are PROPOSED PROPERTY SALE currently parts of Parcel "B" of Plat 201. These properties DLAT zoo. �cR�crvs or =�KcE_ a are located immediately adjacent to Lots 6 and 7 of Plat - 201 along the west side of the paved alley that runs parallel -- �•-� to Saguaro. The area is zoned R1-8. The deed to this oA -lz + .: °'' property shall be restricted to prohibit construction of a ,�. 1..,,..,* primary structure on either tract individually or on both s tracts combined. The minimum bid shall be not less than ,�° LOT a� LOT ~', ten cents ($.10) per square foot. Upon request from the .� =°" successful bidder(s), the Town will initiate and process a • +� 1��,.o. N.°"'.0 replat of these tracts and/or adjoining property. \ \,�'14 �� d'' P PROPOSED'� �� r�:• ,TRACT 2 Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00 PM on Monday, TRACT 1 tr. ,-r 0� 3925 SF December 21, 1998. 2006 \ momsI LOT, \ VW ' n.,a+. . R.765.00. EIWTNS PARCEL E `.x'° (To ea RECONFIGURED, • �'r• °era r.er \ Ja*' ;.- •.L Published: December 2 and 9, 1998—The Times of Fountain Hills Post: Standard Town posting location L Sale of Real Property.doc TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS DEC 2 91998 December 28, 1998 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Town of Fountain Hills 16836 E. Palisades P.O. Box#17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Attn: Mr. Randy Harrel Dear Mr. Harrel, As the high bidder for Parcel B of Plat 201, Tracts 1 and 2 we request the town to initiate and process a replat of Tracts 1 and 2 for Lot #6. We also request Title Insurance to insure that those Tracts are free and clear of any debts or liens. If you have any questions, we can be reached at 816-0161. Thank you for your time in this matter. Sincer ly, ( ei),1;)t-;ef4(-9 Stephen & Tina Super L MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor S a on rgan and Town Council THROUGH: Paul L. i wn Manager FROM: Bryan Hug es, Recreation Coordinat DATE: December 28, 1998 RE: Recommendation for Naming Plat 302 The Parks and Recreation Commission had their regular meeting on December 14, 1998. During this meeting, the commission discussed the naming of Plat 302. There were several suggestions given to the commission to consider. After some discussion on the topic, the commission voted unanimously to suggest Desert Vista Neighborhood Park to the council as the new name for Plat 302. L odTAIN 9947,sp'" MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: li G tti THROUGH: in RE: Re ised greement for Collection of Taxes DATE: December 31, 1998 The Town receives a monthly report from the Arizona Department of Revenue itemizing how much local sales tax was collected by AZDOR and remitted to the Town of Fountain Hills. This report is taxpayer specific and is confidential information. Any disclosure of this information is a violation of A.R.S. 42-2001 and A.R.S. 42-2003 and is a Class 1 misdemeanor or a Class 6 felony for knowing disclosure of information. Recent changes in the confidentiality statutes require that cities and towns sign a revised Agreement for Collection of Taxes indicating full understanding of the statutes and the consequences for any violation. Attached is a copy of the letter addressed to the Town from the DOR and the revised agreement for signature. The agreement is presented as a standard housekeeping procedure and is considered on the consent agenda. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to see me. L ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 1600 WEST MONROE-PHOENIX,ARIZONA 85007-2650 JANE DEE HULL Tli MARK W. KILLIAN GOVERNOR 4'rkt DIRECTOR December 15, 1998 Mr. Paul Nordin Manager Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Re: Confidentiality Dear Mr. Nordin: This letter is being sent to all counties and program cities regarding recent changes in the confidentiality statutes, A.R.S. §42-2001 and A.R.S. §42-2003, which become effective January 1, 1999. The information pertaining to the collection of your city/town privilege taxes is provided to your city/town pursuant to A.R.S. §42-2003H. Any disclosure of confidential taxpayer information is in violation of A.R.S. §42-2003 and the Intergovernmental Agreement that your city/town maintains with the Department. A revised Agreement for Collection of Taxes, to include the new language in the confidentiality statutes, has been attached for your signature. This letter and the attached agreement serve as formal notice of the penalties that will be assessed if your city/town discloses confidential information obtained from the Department. If disclosure of confidential information is identified, your agreement with the Department to receive taxpayer information will be suspended for a minimum period of six months. During the suspension period, your city/town tax information will be provided to you in a manner that will not allow the identification of taxpayers. A notice of suspension will be sent to your city/town requesting response to the allegation and a review will occur to determine if a longer suspension is required. As a condition of receiving taxpayer specific information effective January 1, 1999, each city/town mayor must sign the attached agreement indicating full understanding of the statutes regarding disclosure of confidential information and that any violation will result in a minimum six month suspension of city/town detailed tax information. L OTHER LOCATIONS: Tucson Government Mall -400 W. CONGRESS -TUCSON East Valley- 1440/1460 E. SOUTHERN -TEMPE Confidentiality December 15, 1998 Page 2 Please note the applicable statutes which state in pertinent part: A.R.S. ,§42-2001 3(a). "Confidential information" includes the following information whether it concerns individual taxpayer or is aggregate information for specifically identified taxpayers. (i) Returns and reports filed with the department for income tax, withholding tax, transaction privilege tax, luxury tax, use tax, rental occupancy tax, property tax, estate tax, severance tax and unclaimed property. (viii) A taxpayer's identity, the nature, source or amount of the taxpayer's income, payments, receipts, deductions, exemptions, credits, assets, liabilities, net worth, tax liability, tax withheld, deficiencies, over assessments or tax furnished to or collected by the department with respect to a return or with respect to the termination, or possible existence of, liability of any person for any tax,penalty or interest imposed pursuant to this title or title 43 or unclaimed property. A.R.S. §42-2003 H. Confidential information relating to transaction privilege tax, use tax and rental occupancy tax may be disclosed to any county, city or town tax official if the information relates to a taxpayer who is or may be taxable by the county, city or town. Any taxpayer information released by the department to the county, city or town: 1. May only be used for internal purposes. 2. May not be disclosed to the public in any manner that does not comply with confidentiality standards established by the department. The county, city or town shall agree in writing with the department that any release of confidential information that violates the confidentiality standards adopted by the department will result in the immediate suspension of any right of the county, city or town to receive taxpayer information under this subsection. I. The department may disclose statistical information gathered from confidential information if it does not disclose confidential information attributable to any one taxpayer. A.R.S §42-2004 states that a disclosure of confidential information in violation of A.R.S. §42-2003 is a Class 1 misdemeanor. A knowing disclosure of information is a class 6 felony. These sanctions are under the criminal code and are not the subject of this correspondence. Confidentiality December 15, 1998 Page 3 Any release of your city/town's tax information to the general public or media without proper blending of the confidential data violates the intent of the protections for taxpayers in A.R.S. §42-2001 through §42-2003. Statistical information may be released if the data is combined so that a minimum of ten taxpayers is included in any one group. If your city/town has a tax that contains data from less than ten taxpayers, this data cannot be discussed in public meetings (i.e. city/town council meetings) or released in city/town publications (i.e. budgets). In addition, if your city/town has a tax that is earmarked for a specific purpose and also contains data from less than ten taxpayers, the amount of money raised from this tax cannot be discussed in public meetings or published in budgets. In these situations, the tax data would need to be blended with another tax classification in order for the data to be releasable. If you have questions on how to properly blend data, please contact the Manager of the Cities Program, Donita Plaumann. All confidential information obtained by the city/town is to be stored in a manner which will maintain the confidentiality of the information and prior to discarding is to be destroyed in a manner which will render it unintelligible. Please return the signed agreement by December 31, 1998 to the following address: 4er►, Arizona Department of Revenue Donita Plaumann, Cities Program 1600 West Monroe Phoenix, AZ 85007 If you have any questions concerning this letter, please feel free to call Donita Plaumann, Manager of the Cities Program at (602) 542-4656 or myself at (602). If you require assistance from our personnel to understand the legal requirements of confidentiality, we will be happy to schedule a personal visit. Please contact our Cities Program at (602) 542- 4656 for further information. Sincerely, ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 114;Alkewe- , l Joyce Kinkead Disclosure Officer Town of Fountain Hills Cir Memorandum DATE: December 30, 1998 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council FROM: Jeffrey Valder, Community Development Director V0"0 THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin,Town Manager SUBJECT: Appointment of two new Planning and Zoning Commissioners Due to the resignations of Ray Baldwin and Peggy Fiandaca from the Planning and Zoning Commission, there is a need for the Town Council to appoint two new Commissioners. The Town Council has conducted interviews on two separate occasions in 1998 to interview prospective appointees to fill other vacancies. Instead of conducting a third set of interviews, Mayor Morgan reviewed the applications of those applicants who were not chosen to fill vacant positions earlier in the year. Mayor Morgan has decided to nominate Mr. Rod Mooney and Mr.Thomas Fox to fill the unexpired terms of Ray Baldwin and Peggy Fiandaca,respectively. Staff has contacted both of Lie these gentlemen and both are willing and eager to serve the Town as Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Attached are Mr.Mooney's and Mr.Fox's applications. An affirmative majority vote of the Town Council is needed to appoint someone to the Planning and Zoning Commission. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BACKGROUND AND PERSONAL DATA OUTLINE APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS COMMISSION OR BOARD IN WHICH INTERESTED: Planning and Zoning Commmi§sion NAME: Rod Mooney PHONE: 837-0172 ADDRESS: L7016 E. Kingstree Blvd. , Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN TOWN ET PCTIONS?: 42) NO PLEASE S YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (Including colleges attended and degrees obtained, if any) University of New Hampshire BS in Civil Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology MS in Civil Engineering Cow PRESENTLY EMPLOYED BY: Self-employed JOB TITLE: Consulting Engineer PHONE: 837-0172 BUSINESS ADDRESS: 17016 E. Kingstree Blvd. , Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 PHONE: 837-0172 CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: AMP r i c an Society of Civil Engineers, Valley High Tech Facilities Manager Roundtable, Mesa Industrial Committee PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: Tau Kappa Epsilor, Fraternity CTreasurer) Tau Beta Pi - Scholastic DATE: 4fZU . (0 (q QC3 SIGNATURE: e# W • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Please explain and describe why you are interested in serving on the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission. Also please state what your goals and objectives in serving on the Commission would be. Finally, please indicate your feelings about the growth and development you now see taking place in our community. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. As a Fountain Hills resident, I have a strong interest in the direction to be taken for our Town's development. I have an extensive background of managing facilities development which provides valuable experience to offer to the Commission. This background and interest allows me the opportunity to make a positive contribution to Fountain Hills. A primary goal in serving Fountain Hills would be maintaining a General Plan that provides a balanced approach for guiding growth. Implementation of any General Plan must avoid a situation where poor planning or lack of planning allows uncontrolled growth. Of equal importance is not to allow a " Controlled Growth" situation to develop that arbitrarily stops growth in the name of unsupportable objectives of special interest groups. As Fountain Hills residents since 1985 we have watched rapid growth occur in our beautiful area , most has been good but, unfortunately some has been inferior. I believe that the Town should take the path of solid growth through careful planning and thoroughgoing implementation. It appears that there is a trend towards uncontrolled growth with the development of an excess of high- density, low-quality residential units which dilute the beauty of Fountain Hills. This trend should be reversed without causing a lack of affordable housing or stopping growth altogether. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS L. BACKGROUND AND PERSONAL DATA OUTLINE APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS COMMISSI OR BOARD IN WHICH INTERESTED: G , . , INi11 Alb Gar C oNt oevG> C-0,,/4,4q/ r n NAME: "7-40/17AS' A 1 X PHONE: S--37` Q2-g6 ADDRESS: l6 3 7 ' A/001Z r..n.l_ ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN TOWN ELECTIONS?: MO NO PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (Including colleges attended and degrees obtained, if any) 2\t Rs Sotsrdic2.r.l L y ec�r c`J 072 PRESENTLY EMPLOYED BY: SC(:64' -A-V j Ari-F A/6( 0/riv-171 JOB TITLE: 0°A-ISl,�Gi�j� PHONE: ( BUSINESS ADDRESS: PHONE: CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS &OFFICES HELD: PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS &OFFICES HELD: f 6-5 i A=A/i C/1' 4c o ci Abc. An_( S €viC-6 74-ND {/4.7--: OiZ i ( 2 o,,( DATE �f %yf7 2SIGNA : .1 ,`---- < <,,,,,, TURE Town of Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission 1. I am very encouraged over the positive actions taking place on the part of our town's responsibility to its people. In the several years my wife and I have lived here, we have seen the leadership become more responsible through the democratic process. I believe my participation as a commissioner will continue and reinforce this process. I feel it is important for citizen's to share in the process of growth and development. 2. As a commissioner I will persue the "balance" we must all have to be respectful to the property owners, the mandates of government and the environment. The action we take in the short term, impact the long term future for all of us. I have no more simple goal than to help plan and structure a community that embraces our town motto, "All that is Arizona". 3. I am concerned over many issues that have risen recently; a. The need to focus on the town center to anchor our business base. b. Development of the Shea corridor. c. Multifamily vs. single family housing. d. Cooperation in planing with the sanitary commission. e. The issue of growth vs. desert. 4. I am politically moderate and believe though we may not please all the people, we must strive to stabilize the growth of Fountain Hills. It is my goal to help insure a bright future for all segments of our town as we preserve the desert and environment that drew us here. The experience and skills I have accumulated during my 27 years in business, prepared me for this position. Thomas A. Fox ♦♦• 16837 E.Carta Ln. Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 • Home Phone 602-837-9286 Email zorrc¢ona@ad.com • QUALIFICATIONS Sales and marketing;Attained a level in total parts department sales of 27th out of 74 Nissan dealers in the southwest,with$3.2 million volume in the flat year of operation at Pinnacle Nissan. Inventory, Purchasing and Business management; Direct control of$600,000 to $900,000 inventories with excellent return on investment over the previous ten years. Human Resource Administration; Skilled in all phases of personnel management in supervising staffs of twelve to twenty employees. • WORK HISTORY 1994-1998 Automotive Investment Group, Phoenix Arizona Pinnacle Nissan, Scottsdale Arizona 1996-1998 Director of parts Department; Planned, contracted and supervised the design and installation of a 20,000sq.ft. warehouse and retail facility.lmplemented a successful business plan to attain$3.2 million in sales the first year. Van Chevrolet, Scottsdale Arizona 1995-1996 Wholesale Parts Sales Manager;Coordinated inside and outside sales efforts to market products in the Phoenix area. Researched the Scottsdale market for the future Pinnacle Nissan . N,. ABC Nissan, Phoenix Arizona 1994-1995 Outside Wholesale Sales Supervisor Market analysis and direct contact for the number one Nissan dealer in the U.S. 1992-1994 Brown and Brown Nissan,Tempe Arizona Director of Parts Department Administered the total parts operation for the 4th largest Nissan dealer with total parts sales in excess of $6.5 million. Supervised a staff of 15 employees and controlled an inventory of$750,000. 1990-1992 King Dodge/ Nissan, Niles Illinois Parts Manager: Managed the parts department for the largest volume Nissan dealer in the Midwest. Annual parts sales of$4 million with a staff of twelve. 1980-1990 Fencil-Tufo Chevrolet!Glenside Nissan, Glendale Hts. Illinois Director of Parts Operations of both facilities 1987 to1990:Controlled a combined inventory of over$1.2 million.Administered a team of 20 employees producing a monthly sales average of $625,000. • EDUCATION Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Illinois Elk Grove High School, Elk Grove Illinois • COMPUTER SKILLS ADP, Reynolds& Reynolds data systems literate with an excess of 15 years direct hands on experience. Windows 95, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Works with Internet/Web Marketing skils.. • AWARDS Multiple Recipient of the Nissan Award of Excellence: 1986,87,88,92,93 Nissan Presidents Club 1993 L L ,....., 07. ,_ 10 ,...., O 0 , 0, , , ,..,_, , a z .cd C/ S o 7 .7. 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CD I CCDD 0 r• intin 0 �, c _. tx CD (ten = f /1 \ • [ 1 CD 5 X CD � CD 3 n — CD r*. D C _m "cp ri) CD 5. = =rat: —. 5 c o 3 = -1 ri) la c 713 U\I 1 CD CD N 3 O O —t =' C gin' ' a 3 o 0 C ) ft -. g CD ,i. (Di urs_ wr) _o Si) y CL CD n - ct cD ` � QJ O = rut CD O oz r-r CD cq O 3 CD rn . I cn ., "bow4 '001., rP O) 0 --7 CD n _. = • SoO� - O) CD 0- FT 3 5 = B C .sue = CDC — a CD 0. 3 * cv — o CtD r l- C-, rim rt = l O n' CD O L - 0) < CD -, C CD g CU CU .1 aO — cn o 0 = ca Cn (J) - ai cD rit. Rs 3 = (f) = n. cv Li O = = .. . m-, - c 3 c 0 — CD C(D n Il aIN% um rD -. 0 0 m- D (7) -3 3 Eli = 0 — ,CD = 'C7 ( //I . = � 0 r) =■ r-de - Lei LP n n a - � = r-r S CD CI) U1 c0 � 3 — o c = I < =(DD —• CD cn a) ..__. = mr1" D 0 =-. E 3 i — cD („.., (1) 2 -ID . v) "C, r* r Cr lb .11 00 , (D (D 3 -O HI) -.< _. (D eL .- (ci lb . iT, ms 0 94 73 .. r* —,,, — <• c cD — N.) m r--1-- . 0 (1) eL c„ . Li, .., to O' O r-f- 0) O CD O r-r CL _h 5. 0, 0 to 7 D'Q Fir L. iff ,,al i r L (Lv ZE.COVL2Y 2E6Ou 2cC5 Nc. January 6, 1999 Quarterly Report to the Town of Fountain Hills We were funded for a total of ten Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) scholarships. In my initial report, dated September 30, 1998, I reported that we had used one of the scholarships. This quarter we used six more of the scholarships, making a total of seven scholarships used. Copies of our Financial Disclosure Forms are attached to the back of this report. We have decided to increase the iengtn of our adolescent lOP program from eight weeks five times a week to a total of Twelve weeks. The design is now eight weeks at the same five afternoons weekly with an additional four weeks of three afternoons (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). We realized that the step down from a daily program to once a week for aftercare was too abrupt a change for adolescents. The additional time in IOP has been beneficial to the outcomes of treatment. While we did raise the prices for our Adolescent IOP program, we have included the extra costs for the scholarship adolescents from Fountain Hills. The support group attendance has been lower than expected. Part of the problem has been that our Intensive Outpatient Program runs five afternoons a week, so _hose kids in Fountain Hills who are entered in our program have been unable to attend the support group. Our expectations are that as These kids graduate, support group attendance will pick up. L 9318 Ni.95Tb •'vi4Y SUITL :01. SC:�; .7DaL�.�Z 85258 (002) o!Li-34/iA • fAX (002) 614-3888 • Support Group Parent Adolescent Attendance Appointments Appointments 10/5/98 0 2 2 10/12/98 1 2 2 10/19/98 0 3 3 10/26/98 0 0 0 1 1/2/98 0 0 0 1 1/9/98 1 1 1 11/16/98 0 1 1 1 1/23/98 0 1 1 1 1/30/98 Thanksgiving 0 0 12/7/98 0 0 0 12/14/98 0 0 0 12/21/98 Christmas 0 0 12/28/98 New Years 1 1 1 Total 11 11 1 Appointments _ err T hank You, _ f/ Z /27/ � C.7G7 H. Anthony ss, CMSW CEO 2.1-r. 5. 11-02. 1254.Sa2S EDICT REPORT SERVICES IMAGINE RECovERY NO.859 ?. L PAGE B2 Ma41N�. • 1ZC.CoV a.rzy Retutm to; IMF 2.C.50U 2.CLS. LLC Reviewed by: Oite sent: FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM Date reviewed: To kCoewurrio Cr PiesoN Ittsvolusta Rat 0 ut The Information requested is to allow us to assist you In establishing a reasonable payment program and Is confidential.You must provide us with complete Information to enable us to determine how wt on help you. PAnurr: t.Name: 2 2.Address: Awoes+ut PANT r C� 3.Name: SSN: Oriverrs license t; s•Address: Phone $: 5. employer. • Phone 1r._ Employer Address_ i how Long: 5.Are you disabled? ;'1i d if yes,disabitrty •errs(cc tessouswu P.a�rr-ri: .N 7� _ SSN: 3.Address: Phone a: 9.S•nptoyqr: Phone f: Employer Address How Loris 10.Is your spouse disabled? If yes disability: DEs+ENotxrs OMNI THAN Spouse FOR Ww04 You ►eovlmt Food E;SNELTEN 11.AgeS: I • I2.Are any of the:above dependents ernployed7 NO where: 3.Ariarly of tlle:above*pendants disabled? NO If yes,disability,, 14. lch of the above dependents do not the with you? S.Why? MAANCE evv�r 5Js the above petlent coveted by,any.Insurance tvhrouoh an emolover or tsrtvan olan?-6grYes ❑ No 4'r-t c+rn.un f-. tt yes.name of primary.insurance_ _ benefits coverage: 64/#044 • E of secondary"sursnce: Berbfb tevem 't JAN. 6. 1999 E10: t2AM 5a2"EDIC- REPORT SERVICES 3444GINE t7EC' �Y N0.858 '•2 PAGE 03 RIL!'GMSOLE Parties Feaktat]Ai.INroWAnoN �' Per t toss ' 'Irfiytr AK "F'EMSON foes • :' �'/ D I. WOW ,� y • • %OUfr$0 ntome i!'1ir� _ �� �� ' y Amount -I:,P, o 0 Please list available asset,, Taal Monthly I+rcert�e i•Psb CarsS ,/ ,/ Nom $ '� l�, d t17J d o Checking g Q v a 1 Sevin S .5a D o a Stems S Life� Otter S ^s. $ Otter S heal Eshte g 21. Monthiy.Ekoenses Monthly Payment a) Food „TaoBalance Comments/Purpose b)Gas#eat $ d Electric 5 `.Sa -boo s d)WitterS !� 5 ej TNepMon! 5 _ S fl Transportation/cats S 3S _ S gl Rentl>Ytortgage Payment 5 �/a S 't) Znd Mortgage S S ;) A)insdsy,Child Support S S } Auto1 $ S W Auto Z . _ - $ • S - I) Car In net • $ T) 0a ranc2 g S n) alth,lnsuranca S \ $ S. )Credit Card 1 S S D)Crock Card 2 S S Credit Card 3 S S r) genic Loan 1 5 s) Bank Loan 2 S S S t) Finance Co.1 S u) Finance Co.2 S S S v) Other $ S w) Other S . otal Month)/Expenses: $'/d-7), o a _ 10 Q• o c S 2 Ration for request to discount or valve deductible or co-pay amounts: 3.Please lint any other flnendal conditions which should be considered in establishing a ""' 9 s payment den: +ereby authorize representatives of Imagine Recovery Resources(I RR)to make whatever inquiries necessary to verify the ifom,ation furnished on this form,or to release any information regarding this treatment to any insurance company or third arty to seek set:lament of this account I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge the inform given above Is We iad co cell i further authorise IRA to review and/or Inquire Into my credlthistory urine any means available to obtain a rany w,dit Bureau Hlootry Report; /- .5-- - 97 // S)gnature.4 Witness: AL- Spouse:_,_ ~� - . I MA41 NI E _ Return to: rzLcoV Eizy Reviewed by: 2IP .g..50U IZCEo, LLC Date sent: �` Date reviewed: FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM To BE COMPLETED BY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR BILL le information requested is to allow us to assist you in establishing a reasonable payment program and is confidential.You ust provide us with complete information to enable us to determine how we can help you. 4TIENT: Name: . - — SSN: Address: Admit Date: ESPONSIBLE PARTY Name:_ — — - SSN: Or,,Pr`• License 4: Phone 4: A.ccress: __ . - --- -- - - Phcne 4: . mcloyer Employer Address How Long: ire.rou disabled? If yes, disability: AVENTS (OF RESPONSIBLE PARTY): - _ Name:_ SSN: • .Address: ��(.'v r`1'Ls C'` �!_ • �� Phone *: I. =moloyer. '. Phone Y: Employer Address_ How Long: O.Is your spouse disabled? If yes,disability: )EP£NOENTS OTHER THAN SPOUSE FOR WHICH YOU PROVIDE FOOD&SHELTER 11.Ages: / 12.Are any of the above dependents employed? / / Where: 13.Are any of the above ependents disabled? / If yes,disability: 14.Which of the above dependents do not live with you? 15.Why? INSURANCE: - _ _. .__.._ _ - _ 16.1s the above patient covered by any insurance tyhrough an employer or private plan?❑ Yes 0 No IL/name of primary insurance; Benefits coverage: /V _ Name of secondary insurance: Benefits coverage: RESPONSIBLE PARTIES FINANCIAL INFORMATION 3. PRESENT EMPLOYER(S) OCCUPATION WORK PHONE ' _ MONTHLY GROSS MONTHLY TAKE YEARS ON JOB ALL SOURCES PAY HOME ` _Cr c) d) 0. Any other source of income Monthly Amount Total Monthly Income 6 fll^` lease list available assets: �-(� ars $ 5 SJO Checking $ 1 �' omes S l Stocks/Bonds 5 , q,L9CC i avings S Life Ins. $ )they S Real Estate S )then 5 e 1. Monthly Expenses Monthly Payment Balance Comments/Purpose a) Food S 3 S b) Gas Heat S - S c) Electric S S d) Water 3 • S ,-) Telephone 5 11/C - S f) Transportation/ Gas S 4 , ,_., S g) Rent/Mortgage Payment S 4 70 = 3 n) 2nd Mortgage 5 / S Alimony, Child Support S l S ,,;) Auto 1 S 1 C 5 �r' k) Auto2 $ ,/ -S - - I) Car Insurance S S m) Life Insurance S / 5 n) Health Insurance S / S o)Credit Card 1 S \ct _ -, c p) Credit Card 2 5 5 q) Credit Card 3 $ / S r) Bank Loan 1 5 S L1 >3c s) Bank Loan 2 5 ...--' 5 t) Finance Co. 1 5 - 5 u) Finance Co. 2 5 5 v) Other 5 / $ w) Other I $ V $ Total Monthly Expenses: $ \(DLO 22.Reason for request to discount or waive deductable or co-pay amounts: Car) 0-� C `mC/141)`3 �( t n r rim n �o �-. c a t�,^� (.� C r lit_ 23. Please list any other financial conditions which should be considered in establishing a payment plan. I hereby authorize representatives of Imagine Recovery Resources(IRR) to make whatever inquiries necessary to verify the inf tion furnished on this form,or to release any information regarding this treatment to any insurance company or third parr seek settlement of this account I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge the information given above is true and complete.I further authorize IRR to review and/or inquire into my credit history using any means available to obtain a current Credit Bureau Hisotryot Report. 24. Date: ' -1-1,...' `� Signature Witness: Spouse:_ ►MINA Return to: . COVE_I y Reviewed by: t` IZLoOLI�ZCLO, LLC .- Date sent: .1 C FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM Date reviewed: To BE COMPLETED BY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR BILL The information requested is to allow us to assist you in establishing a reasonable payment program and is confidential.You must provide us with complete information to enable us to determiria how we can help you. PATIENT: 1.Name:_ SSN: -_ - 2.Address:_ _Admit Date: RESPONSIBLE PARTY 3.Name:_ SSN:_ Driver's License Y: Phone #: 1. Address:� - -3. Employer. hone 7: Emoloyer Address _______— How Long: 5. Are you disabled? If yes,disability: __----- DEPENDENTS (OF RESPONSIBLE PARTY): L'e:_ SSN: 3. Address:_ _ Phone #:_ 9. Employer: Phone y: Employer Address —% How Long: ----- 10.is your spouse disabled? If yes,disability: DEPENDENTS OTHER THAN SPOUSE FOR WHICH YOU PROVIDE FOOD& SHELTER 11.Ages: 1• 5 ./ 1 2.Are any of the above dependents employed? (V) Where: 13.A.re any of the above ependerrts disabled? If yes,disability: 14.Which of the above dependents do not live with you? ---- 15.Why? INSURANCE: - - 16.1s the above patient covered by any insurance tyhrough an employer or private plan?❑ Yes - No - `_ If yes,name of primary insurance; 'nets coverage: .; dame of secondary insurance: J Benefits coverage: 17. PRESENT EMPLOYER(5) OCCUPATION WORK PHONE MONTHLY GROSS MONTHLY TAKE YEARS ON JOB ICCU ALL SOURCES „7 PAY HOME.K00 - -• ri;0 "-I WI')II a) Sc — i (X) yeurer c) Monthly Amount 18, ny other source of income Total Monthly Income Please list available assets: Cars S !/,XO, Ai,c. SCOO Checking S \' 'r.) Stocks/Bonds $ Homes S Life Ins. S 1 CO, o-00 Savings S Real Estate S Other S / Other 5 19. Monthly Expenses Monthly Payment Balance Comments/Purpose a) Food S 461 S b) Gas Heat S 5 c) Electric S ) S d) Water S 5O - S e) Telephone S $0- S Transportation/ Gas S .-o" 0 S�c Rent/MorTQe=3',finent S S h) 2nd Mortgage Alimony, Child Sugcort S j) Auto 1 - L <) Auto 2 S 4/C .0 3 3 3aO- m) Life !nsurance I) Car Insurance S (3 5 n) Health Insurance S S o) Credit Card 1 S 4;00 S p) Credit Card 2 S y ,Stx; S q) Credit Card 3 S CO;,® S r) B ank:.n3 Cc,�,A:-It cncri S S CC S s) 3acsk-L-oarr 2 b.:re c�.�c Cc.& S I,q 0-0 S t) Finance Co. 1 S S u) Finance Co. 2 S S v) Other S S w) Other S S Total Monthly Expenses: S ,(n(0S i 20. Reason for request to discount or waive deductable or co-pay amounts: w8 b \� �` ` 'k mot b opcowt 21.Please list any other financial conditions which should be considered in establishing a payment plan: (IRR) to make whatever inquiries necessary to verify the-. I formation furnished nishe edron sto I agine Recovery release any'information sregard ng this treatment to any insurance company or third- party furnished on this form, or to party to seek settlement of this account.I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge the information given above is true ccomplete.I further authorize IRR to review and/or inquire into my credit history using any means available to obtain a ant Credit Bureau Hisotry Report. ' q Signature:,_ ' 22. Date: i0-a _ Spouse: Witness MA41 N Return to: Reviewed by: LLC Date sent: Date reviewed: FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM To BE COMPLETED BY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR BILL The information requested is to allow us to assist you in establishing a reasonable payment program and is confidential.You must provide us with complete information to enable us to determine how we can help you. PATIENT: 1.Name: SSN: 2.Address:: Admit Date: RESPONSIBLE PARTY 3.Name:= 5/ SSN: Driver's License#: _ 4.Address: phone 4:_ S.Employer: Phone 4: Employer Address _ _ _Pow Long: 5.Are you disabled? If yes,disability: D )ENTs (OF RESPONSIBLE PARTY): 7. Name: SSN:_ - 8.Address: Phone 4: 'hone 9. Employer. Employer Address How Long: 10.Is your spouse disabled? If yes,disability: DEPENDENTS OTHER THAN SPOUSE FOR WHICH YOU PROVIDE FOOD&SHELTER 11 Ages: 1 2.Are any of the above dependents employed? Where: 13Are any of the above ependents disabled? If yes,disability: 14.Which of the above dependents do not live with you? 15.Why? _ INSURANCE: _ 16.1s the above patient covered by any insurance tyhrough_an employer or private plan?0 Yes QNo _ . If yes,name of primary insurance; (iiv-iefits coverage: %) Name of secondary insurance: Benefits coverage: RESPONSIBLE PARTIES FINANCIAL INFORMATION ;. PRESENT EMPLOYER(S) OCCUPATION WORK PHONE MONTHLY GROSS MONTHLY TAKE YEARS ON J08 ALL SOURCES PAY HOME Amy - '�.v,- F.�fl. — '►/ 0 �� .25reo ' /2 f44.♦ J c) d) Monthly Amount ZO. Any other source of income ao Total Monthly Income :2 5/L 'lease list available assets: _ars S -Po - Checking S i . -tomes S Stocks/Bonds $ Savings S /ate or-) Life Ins. $ Other $ Real Estate $ Other $ $ 21. Monthly Expenses MonthlyPayment Balance Comments/Purpose a) Food 5 y� b) Gas Heat $ $ c) Electric $ /vim` $ d)Water 5 S e) Telephone 5 7G $ f) Transportation/ Gas $ ,'.. .7r) 5 g) Rent/Mortgage Payment $ 9 h) 2nd Mortgage S $ i) Alimony,Child Support $ 'CD, ° $ LAuto I 5 5 k) Auto2 - I) Car Insurance $ /0. at) $ m) Life Insurance $ 5 n) Health Insurance $ $ o)Credit Card 1 5 5 p)Credit Card 2 5 g)Credit Card 3 $ $ r) Bank Loan 1 $ $ s) Bank Loan 2 $ $ t) Finance Co. 1 $ $ u) Finance Co. 2 $ $ v) Other $ 5 w) Other $ $ Total Monthly Expenses: $ aael 03 22.Reason for request to discount or waive deductable or co-pay amounts: 23. Please list any other financial conditions•which should be considered in establishing a payment plan: I hereby authorize representatives of Imagine Recovery ResourceslRR)to inake whatever inquiries necessary to verify the insurance company or third in{its oration furnished on this form,or to release any information this treatment to any p ,seek settlement of this account I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge the information given above is true amplete.I further authorize IRR to review and/or inquire into my credit history using any means available to obtain a current Credit Bureau Hisotry Report. 24. Date: //_ Y_ D Signature: ' Z..._.__.____._.___._ Spouse: Witness - I MA'I N L IZE.COVLIZY Return to: ilt • Reviewed by: (LE_OOL R.CI=_3. LLC Date sent: Date reviewed: FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM To BE COMPLETED BY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR BILL information requested is to allow us to assist you in establishing a reasonable payment program and is confidential.You ist provide us with complete information tn anal-ile us to determine how we can help you. mmilimmor TIENT: SSN: - - game:_ Admit Date: 4- 2'- - ddress. _ f - SPONSIBLE PARTY SSN: Name:_ Driver's License #: , , • _Phone $: Address:_ Phone �: Employer: How Long: / Employer Address Aso;isabled? i If yes,disability: - _ EPENDENTS (OF RESPONSIBLE PARTY): - SSN: Name: _ Phone #: Address: Phone 4: Employer: How Long: Employer Address ).Is your spouse disabled? If yes,disability: EPENDENTS OTHER THAN SPOUSE FOR WHICH You PROVIDE FOOD&SHELTER 1.Ages:_ 2Are any of the above dependents employed? Ye Where: pd.-- .4,'•e4 rh---- • 3Are any of the above ependents disabled? If yes,disability: 4.Which of the above dependents do not live with you?_ S.Why? -. NSURANCE: - 6.1s the above patient coveredby- insurance tyhrough an employer or private plan?,Yes ❑ No any — If Lname of primary insurance; Benefits coverage: Name of secondary insurance: Benefits coverage: RESPONSIBLE PARTIES FINANCIAL INFORMATION • 'RESENT EMPLOYER(S) OCCUPATION LI WORK PHONE MONTHLY GROSS MONTHLY TAKE YEARS ON J08 Au SOURCES PAY HOME 7 ,� _ . z ./d . i34(7' -/ Lc ' . Any other source of income = Monthly Amount // ‘,‘o, Total Monthly Income 2`I S `' se list available assets: $ ' .of Checking 5 3en' • ies 5 — Stocks/Bonds $ ngs $ Life Ins. $ — !r S Real Estate $ N. S Monthly Expenses Monthly Payment Balance Comments/Purpose a) Food 4- S t?)-0 S b) Gas Heat S _' 5 c; Electric /�O . S d) Water 5 3 s S e) Telephone S /g..J r 5 Transportation/ Gas S ":1-01'93 S g) Pent/Mortgage Payment S 95.. • S h) _nd Mortgage S S Alimony, child Support S S BAuto S - S k) Auto2 _ 5 5 I) Car Insurance 5 2 7s, S m) Life Insurance 5 5 n) Health Insurance S / & S • S o)Credit Card 1 S 6-7) - S p)Credit Card 2 S 5 q)Credit Card 3 5 $ r) Bank Loan 1 7 .T - 5 ( O . 5 s) Bank Loan 2 5 $ t) Finance Co. 1 5 5 u) Finance Co.2 5 $ v) Other dPie ez-4 • $ g G171 .. $ w) Other $ $ :al Monthly Expenses: $ p� GZ�� Reasonasonfor request to discount or waive deductable or co-pay amounts: .Please list any other financial conditions which should be considered in establishing a payment plan: - • ereby authorize representatives of Imagine Recovery Resources(IRR)to make whatever inquiries necessary to verify the 'ormt 1 furnished on this form,or to release any information regarding this treatment to any insurance company or third rty tk settlement of this account I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge the information given above is true dcomplete.I further authorize IRR to review and/or inquire into my cr . • ory using any means available to obtain a rrent Credit Bureau Hisotry Report. g, Z. Date: Z _f I Signature: Witness: Spouse: I i A.C1N E. Return to: I•Z�COV�zy Reviewed by: ZLoOU iZCg__3. L.!C Date sent: Date reviewed: FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM To BE COMPLETED BY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR BILL The information requested is to allow us to assist you in establishing a reasonable payment program and is confidential.You must provide us with complete information to enable us to determine how we can help you. PATIENT: i.Name: , SSN: 2.Address:_ `44' - J Admit Date: t{Q SI S RESPONSIBLE PARTY 3.Name:_ SSN: l Driver's License 4 Phone #: 4. address:_ — . ?hone #. ` . _ =mcicyer. — `L Employer Address_ 5 �, , :-'ow Long: 7 ��2..L � ►`� Are you disabled? O if yes,disability:_ N 1 A f DEPENDENTS (OF RESPONSIBLE PARTY): - L SSN: - _ 3.Address: In L C4--7 --L 2-Cv t Phone 4: -2" �,L.LL -�11'ht Co�� `G 5 �� ?hone #: ?. Employer. _ Employer.Address ,5��lam f_ ""' �"' O . How Long: o j� C 0.Is your spouse disabled? NI O If yes,disability: ,- as DEPENDENTS OTHER THAN SPOUSE FOR WHICH You PROVIDE F000& SHELTER ar bej Iq 40 s Cfi a e, 62 c,� 6cvlsd t t..Ages: , 12.Are any of the above dependents employed? J*1V�O Where: a' h-�Y V I 3.Are any of the above ependents disabled? O If I yes,disability- 1 a.Which of the above dependents do not live with you? NiN A 15.Why? INSURANCE: . 16.Is the above patient covered by any insurance tyhrough an-employeror-private_elan?XYes 0 No. _ ' 4 i. If yes,name of primary insurance; / z- 0 L,nefits coverage: Name of secondary insurance: f\JOi c- Benefits coverage: KESPONSIBLE PARTIES I-INANCL4L INFOKIYIA i Jury / OCCUPATION WORK PHONE MONTHLY GROSS MONTHLY TAKE YEARS ON JOB /7. PRESENT EMPLOYER(S) pqy HOME - ALL SOURCES _ltair 24q2. 30 l 8 szi- i 40 —2f Il_ c) / , / 7 / d) Monthly Amount -�' 18. Any other source of income 4k Total Monthly Income ig St• g(a Please list available assets: )4g2. 0 OD Pam, raw r p ;( Checking 5 .0' Cars 5��=- Stacks/Bonds 5 Homes 5 Life Ins. S Savings S Real Estate S Other 5 Other S Balance Comments/Purpose Monthly Payment 19. Monthly Expenses n� CO 5 a) Food S as b) Gas Heat S 9 s AOOzo 5 _) Electric 05 ) Water S � e) Telephone ��- �� Transportation/ Gas S 3 gl Pent/Mortgage Payment S 15. yip hj 2nd .Mortgage fitipr Alimony, C;;iia Support S -- J PAID j) Auto 1 5 DP P,��S Jy �,L��o0 � - lc) Auto 2 aiz , cd S I) Car Insurance 5 m) Life Insurance 5 _401 , 3�. n) Health Insurance 5 O, S 1 av co a) Credit Card 1 5 S p) Credit Card 2 S q) Credit Card 3 5 , S r) Bank Loan 1 5 el 5 s) Bank Loan 2 5 5 t) Finance Co. 1 5 u) Finance Co. 2 S -Q0 5 v) Other S - 40w) Other 1,UAh n') 5 O. Op $ Total Monthly Expenses: S 1 - ' 3 2.-- �(� 20.Reason for request to discount or waive deductable or co-pay amounts: rit21.Please list any other financial conditions which should be considered in establishing a payment plan: • e Lbyauthorize representatives ofImagine Reayon a nfory ermatsource onsrelgardRR) to ng ths make treatment to any insurance company ohatever inquiries_necessary to verify rhythird mamation furnished on this form,or to release party o seek settlement of this acIRR for view and/or inquire into bestmy credit t history using anyfmeans rava able to obtain a true and complete.I further authorize IRR t current Credit Bureau Hisotry Report. --__ -- 22. Date: 15 RS Signature: Spouse:__ Dec 29 98 01 : 45p William E. Farrell 16021 661 -7454 p. 2 Law Offices Of WILLIAME. FARRELL Telephone(602)661.6044 Suite 220 Facsimile(602)661-7454 William E Farrell 10135 East Via Linda Andrew J.M.Gttire Scottsdale,Arimna 85258-5312 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council Town Manager Town Clerk FROM: William E. Farrell Town Attorney DATE: January 7, 1999 RE: Ballot Question Regarding Municipal Utilities Attached to this memorandum is a copy of two state statutes A.R.S. § 9-511 and A.R.S. § 9-514. General law towns such as the Town of Fountain Hills are allowed by state statute to engage �r in any business or enterprise which may be in engaged in by persons by virtue of a franchise from the municipal corporation and may construct,purchase, acquire, own and maintain within or without its corporate limits any such business or enterprise. Generally speaking the types ofbusinesses described in A.R.S. § 9-511 are considered utility businesses and consist of water, waste water, electric, gas and telephone. A.R.S. § 9-514 states that before a general law town enters into any of these businesses it must first be authorized to do so by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the town voting at a general or special municipal election called for the purposes of voting on the question. The ballot question is merely an authorization to engage in those businesses and does not approve or deal with the purchase price, rates or financing of those businesses at the time that the ballot question is presented. The ballot question generally reads along the lines as follows: Shall the Town of Fountain Hills be allowed to engaged in utility businesses as set forth in A.R.S. § 9-511 and A.R.S. § 9-514? Once the affirmative vote has been given to the Town by its qualified electors then the Town may,but is not required to, enter into utility businesses under certain conditions. For example even with a vote of the people to engage in utility businesses the Town could not provide water service to its residents without first acquiring all of the assets of Chaparral City Water Company. Chaparral illhas been granted an exclusive franchise by the Arizona Corporation Commission to serve water in „p, the area and any municipality or other utility company wishing to serve water would have to first acquire CCWC. 2.\WPDATA\FH ballot gwatim maee sapd Dec 29 98 01 : 45p William E. Farrell (602) 661 -7454 p. 3 Memorandum RE: Ballot Question Regarding Municipal Utilities December 29, 1998 Page 2 There is currently a great deal of discussion nationally and in the State of Arizona about the deregulation of utilities and an attempt to replace the monopolistic franchise with more competitive practices. It is conceivable that in the future the Town of Fountain Hills may be presented with opportunities to provide its citizens with an alternative for water, electric, natural gas or telephone service. There is also a possibility of consolidation of the Town and the Sanitary District which would also ultimately require the Town to have obtained utility approval from the qualified electors. The proposed ballot language is broad enough to cover all ofthe possibilities and the question needs only to be voted upon once by the qualified e'ectors in order to allow the Town to explore all of these opportunities. It is important and therefore I will again repeat that an affirmative vote, should you elect to put this question before the voters, does not automatically place the Town in any utility business nor does it commit the Town to purchase any existing utilities or to pay for those purchases with the issuance with any general obligation bonds. Utility acquisition are usually based on revenue bonds with a pledge of the utilities' avenue as the sole source for repayment of the bonds. These revenue bond sales are not voter approved. Should the voters not approve such a ballot question, the Town still has the opportunity to engage in all of these businesses through the formation of Community Facilities Districts for the specific purposes that the CFD statute allows. The Town recently formed the Fountain Hills Water Company Community Facilities District for the sole purpose of investigating and perhaps acquiring either the stock or all of the assets of Chaparral City Water Company. It is staffs recommendation that council consider placing this question before the voters in May of 1999 at a special election if other items are also placed on the ballot. Should you decide not to seek any voter approvals on other items at the May, 1999 election then staff would suggest that council consider holding off on this ballot question until March or May 2000 when the Town will hold its primary and general elections. The reason for this recommendation is purely a cost factor as a special election can run anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 and such an expenditure is not needed immediately for any pending project. As always we would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the utility business and the issue of placing this question before the qualified electors of the Town in May of 1999. Very truly yours, William E. Farrell Town Attorney (enclosures) Z1WPDATAWH\ballot question m no.wpd Dec 2S J8 U1 : 48p William E. Farrell 16021 661 -7454 p. 4 9-511-Power to engage in business of pu...side water rates;right of eminent domain httpJ/www.azieg.state.az,ns/arat9/511.htm ALIS Online 9-511 . Power to engage in business of public nature: outside water rates: right of eminent domain A. A municipal corporation may engage in any business or enterprise which may be engaged in by persons by virtue of a franchise from the municipal corporation, and may construct, purchase, acquire, own and maintain within or without its corporate limits any such business or enterprise. A municipal corporation may also purchase, acquire and own real property for sites and rights-of-way for public utility and public park purposes, and for the location thereon of waterworks, electric and gas plants, municipal quarantine stations, garbage reduction plants, electric lines for the transmission of electricity, pipelines for the transportation of oil, gas, water and sewage, and for plants for the manufacture of any material for public improvement purposes or public buildings. If a municipality provides water to another municipality, the rates it charges for the water to the public in the other municipality shall be one of the following: 1. The same or less than the rates it charges its own residents for water, 2. The same or less than the rates the other municipality charges its residents for water. 3, If the other municipality does not provide water, the average rates charged for water to the residents in the other municipality by private water companies. 4. Rates determined by a contract which is approved by both municipalities and in which such rates are justified by a cost of service study or by any other method agreed to by both municipalities. B. Nothing in this section shall affect a surcharge on water provided to another municipality adopted prior to July 1, 1986 provided that the surcharge did not exceed thirty per cent of the rates the municipality providing the water charges its own residents and except that any increase in the percentage of such surcharge proposed after August 13, 1986 shall be subject to the requirements of this section. C. The municipality may exercise the right of eminent domain either within or without its corporate limits for the purposes as stated in subsection A, and may establish, lay and operate a plant, electric line or pipeline upon any land or right-of-way taken thereunder, and may manufacture material for public improvement purposes and barter or exchange it for other material to be used in public improvements in the municipal corporation, or sell it to other municipal corporations for like purposes, and for any and all such purposes. Bilis I Members F1oorCalendars I CommitteeA2endas j Session Laws' Statutesi Arizona Constitution Att4 .Click here to return to the A.L.I.S. Home Page_ 1 of 1 12/28/98 3:12 PM Dec 29 98 01 : 46p William E. Farrell (6021 661 -7454 p. 5 9-514-Authority to engage inutility business http://www.szleg.state.azus/ara/9/514.btm ALIS Online 9-514 . Authority to engage in utility business Before construction, purchase, acquisition or lease by a municipal corporation, as authorized in sections 9-511 to 9-513, inclusive, of any plant or property or portion thereof devoted to the business of or services rendered by a public utility shall be undertaken, the construction, purchase, acquisition or lease shall be authorized by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors who are taxpayers of the municipal corporation voting at a general or special municipal election duly called and held for the purpose of voting upon the question. 4'.vuw•w•MIKKMV. nvv:.w..w.wt ++... .. •• ... r+-rw++wcvnva..._ ., mSK.w�. „vnv. . Bills I Members I FloorCalendars I CommitieeAgendas J Session Laws! StatutesI Arizona Constitution Aft Click here to return to the AL.I.S. Home Page L L I of 1 12/28/98 3:11 PM Fountain Hills Memorandum To: The Honorable Mayor and¢ou From Steve Gendler, Marshal Through: Paul Nordin, Manager Date: 12/29/98 Subject Revisions to Chapter 6—Dog License Provisions Executive Summary: At the request of Councilman Mower, staff has prepared amendments to Chapter 6 of the town code relating to dog license provisions.These amendments and revisions would facilitate a second layer of dog license that would apply to anyone using the town's off-leash facilities. The new license classification contains a comprehensive series of vaccinations designed to reduce danger from virus and disease that may be transmitted when dogs are exposed to one another. All dogs in Fountain Hills would still be required to have the basic rabies vaccination and registration for public safety reasons while the more restrictive licensing provisions would be an option applicable only to dogs using the off-leash facilities. Ordinance Amendments: Chapter 6 of the existing Town Code pertains to animal control and licensing. It addresses general public safety concerns and is predicated on dogs being leashed or under immediate control of their owners. The code does not address situations where dogs are congregating and running off-leash. In order to facilitate a healthy environment for dogs allowed off- leash in an enclosed area,several revisions of the existing code are being proposed as follows: Section 6-2-1(B6) adds an exception to the current leash law for an off-leash facility along with a provision that requires an additional license while using the facility; Section 6-2-1(1)defines the public off-leash facility Section 6-2-3(A-C) recognizes two classes of dog licenses in Fountain Hills, specifies separate dog tags for each class of license,and makes provisions for separate fees for each class of license. Section 6-2-3(E) is the enabling provision which establishes two classes of license; class 1 being our current rabies vaccination, and,class 2 being the enhanced vaccination requirements. Section 6-2-4(B)specifies in detail the enhanced vaccinations required for a class 2 license. Additional Information: A common question raised during the research and preparation of this proposal pertained to the cost of the enhanced vaccinations.Staff contacted local veterinary clinics and found the lowest cost for the full series of required vaccinations, testing, and documentation was $71.95. This was predicated on all vaccinations being completed in one visit at a cost of $60 and the test for worms being done at the same time at a cost of $11.95. If the vaccinations and tests were performed separately,or at different times,the cost was significantly higher. L ORDINANCE 99-XX AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TH E 1HI. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AMENDING'IRE TOWN CODE, CHAPTER 6, ANIMALS, ARTICLE 6-2, RABIES/ANIMAL CONTROL LEASH LAW, SECTION 6-2-1, DEFINITIONS; AND SECTION 6-2-3, LICENSE FEES FOR DOGS; ISSUANCE OF DOG TAGS; RECORDS; PENALTIES; CLASSIFICATION; AND SECTION 6-2-4, ANTI-RABIES VACCINATION; VACCINATION AND LICENSE STATIONS; BY CREATING PROVISIONS REQUIRING ADDITIONAL VACCINATION PROCEDURES FOR DOGS USING ANY OFF LEASE RECREATIONAL FACILITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Town Code, Chapter 6, Animals, Article 6-2,Rabies/Animal Control Leash Law, Section 6-2-1, Definitions is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6-2-1 Definitions In this article unless the context otherwise requires: A. "Animal" means any animal of a species that is susceptible to rabies, except man. B. "At large"means on or off premises of owner and not under control of owner or other person acting for the owner. Any dog shall not be deemed at large for the purposes of this section: 1. If it is restra.ined by a leash, chain, rope or cord or sufficient strength to control the action of the dog; or 2. If the dog is in a suitable enclosure that actually confines the dog; or 3. While the dog is being trained or used for hunting purposes; or 4. While the dog is being exhibited at a town approved show or other town sponsored event; or 5. While on the dog owner's property,the dog is under the direct and immediate control of the owner; or 6. WHILE THE DOG IS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF ANY OFF LEASH RECREATIONAL FACILITY;PROVIDED,HOWEVER,THAT NO DOG SHALL BE PERMITTED IN ANY SUCH OFF LEASH RECREATIONAL FACILITY WITHOUT A VALID CLASS 2 LICENSE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THIS Lof Ordinance 99-xx Page 1 of 5 Z\WPDATA\MORD\1999\99-XX.ord.wpd ARTICLE. L C. "County pound" means any establishment authorized by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for the confinement, maintenance, safekeeping and control of dogs and other animals that come into the custody of the enforcement agent. D. "Department" means the Arizona Department of Health Services. E. "Enforcement agent"means town marshal or designee who is responsible for the enforcement of this article and the regulations promulgated thereunder. F. "Impound" means the act of taking or receiving into custody by the enforcement agent any dog or other animal for the purpose of confinement in a county pound in accordance with the provisions of this article. G. "Kennel"means an enclosed,controlled area,inaccessible to other animals,in which a person keeps, harbors or maintains five or more dogs under controlled conditions. H. "Livestock" means neat animals, horses, sheep, goats, swine, mules and asses. I. "OFF LEASH RECREATIONAL FACILITY" MEANS ANY AREA, WHETHER ESTABLISHED BY THE TOWN OR BY ANY OTHER PUBLIC ENTITY,WITHIN THE tikior BOUNDARIES OF WHICH DOGS ARE PERMITTED TO MOVE WHILE NOT ATTACHED TO A LEASH; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT ANY SUCH FACILITY SHALL BE FULLY ENCLOSED BY A FENCE NOT LESS THAN SIX (6) FEET IN HEIGHT. ANY OPENING IN THE REQUIRED FENCE SHALL BE OF SUCH SIZE THAT A SPHERICAL OBJECT TWO (2) INCHES IN DIAMETER CANNOT PASS THROUGH THE OPENING. IJ. "Owner" means any person keeping an animal other than livestock for more than six consecutive days. iK. "Rabies quarantine area" means any area in which a state of emergency has been declared to exist due to the occurrence of rabies in animals in or adjacent to this area. KL. "Rabies vaccination certificate" means a method of recording and duplicating rabies information that is in compliance with the enforcement agent's licensing system or . . . . . enforcement agent's prescribed forms.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LM. "Stray dog" means any dog four months of age or older running at large that is not wearing a valid license tag. MN. "Vaccination"means the administration of an anti-rabies vaccine to animals by a veterinarian. NO. "Veterinarian",unless otherwise indicated,means any veterinarian licensed to practice in this Ordinance 99-xx Page 2 of 5 Z\WPDATATMORD\1999\99-XXord.wpd A. The council shall set as annual license feeS FOR CLASS 1 AND CLASS 2 LICENSES. EITHER A CLASS 1 OR A CLASS 2 LICENSE FEE shall be paid for each dog four months of age or over that is kept, harbored or maintained within the boundaries of the town for at least thirty consecutive days of each calendar year. License fees shall become payable at the discretion of the council. The licensing period shall not exceed the period of time for revaccination as designated by the state veterinarian. License fees shall be paid within ninety days. A penalty not to exceed two dollars shall be added to the license fee in the event that application is made subsequent to the date on which the dog is required to be licensed under the provisions of this article. This penalty shall not be assessed against applicants who furnish adequate proof that the dog to be licensed has been in their possession in the town less than thirty consecutive days. tkii • L state or any veterinarian employed in this state by a governmental agency. OP. "Veterinary hospital"means any establishment operated bya veterinarian licensed censed to practice in this state that provides clinical facilities and houses animals or birds for dental, medical or surgical treatment. A veterinary hospital may have adjacent to it or in conjunction with it,or as an integral part of it,pens, stalls,cages or kennels for quarantine,observation or boarding. PQ. "Vicious animal" means any animal of the order carnivora that has a propensity to attack,to cause injury to or to otherwise endanger the safety of human beings without provocation or that has been so declared after a hearing before a justice of the peace or a city or town magistrate. Section 2. That the Town Code, Chapter 6, Animals,Article 6-2,Rabies/Animal Control Leash Law, Section 6-2-3,License Fees for Dogs;Issuance ofDog Tags;Records;Penalties;Classification is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6-2-3 License Fees for Dogs; Issuance of Dog Tags; Records; Penalties; Classification A. The council shall set an annual license feeS FOR CLASS 1 AND CLASS 2 LICENSES, which shall be paid for each dog four months of age or over that is kept, harbored or maintained within the boundaries of the town for at least thirty consecutive days of each calendar year. License fees shall become payable at the discretion of the council. The licensing period shall not exceed the period of time for revaccination as designated by the state veterinarian. License fees shall be paid within ninety days. A penalty not to exceed two dollars shall be added to the license fee in the event that application is made subsequent to the date on which the dog is required to be licensed under the provisions of this article. This penalty shall not be assessed against applicants who furnish adequate proof that the dog to be licensed has been in their possession in the town less than thirty consecutive days. B. Durable dog tags shall be provided by the town. Each dog licensed under the terms of this article shall receive at the time of licensing, such a tag on which shall be inscribed the name of the town, THE CLASS OF THE LICENSE, the number of the license and the date on which it expires. The tag shall be attached to a collar or harness which shall be worn by the dog at all times while running at large, except as otherwise provided in this article. Whenever . . . . . a dog tag is lost, a.duplicate,tag shall be issued upon application by the owner and payment of a fee established by the council. C. The council may set license fees that are lower for dogs permanently incapable of procreation. THE COUNCIL MAY ALSO SET LOWER FEES FOR DOGS ISSUED A CLASS 2 LICENSE AS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION. An applicant for a license for a dog claimed to be incapable of procreation shall furnish adequate proof satisfactory to the enforcement agent that such dog has been surgically altered to be permanently incapable of procreation. Ordinance 99-xx Page 3 of 5 ZAWPDATAVMORDU999\99-XXordwpd D. Any person who fails within fifteen days after written notification from the enforcement agent to obtain a license for a dog required to be licensed, counterfeits or attempts to counterfeit an official dog tag,or removes such tag from any dog for the purpose of willful and malicious mischief or places a dog tag upon a dog unless the tag was issued for that particular dog is guilty of a class two misdemeanor. E. THE COUNCIL SHALL AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF TWO CLASSES OF LICENSES AS FOLLOWS: 1. CLASS 1 LICENSE(RABIES VACCINATION ONLY) 2. CLASS 2 LICENSE (ENHANCED VACCINATIONS) Section 3. That the Town Code, Chapter 6, Animals, Article 6-2,Rabies/Animal Control Leash Law, Section 6-2-4, Anti-Rabies Vaccination;Vaccination and License Stations, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6-2-4 Anti-Rabies Vaccination; Vaccination and License Stations A. Before a CLASS 1 license is issued for any dog, the owner must present a RABIES vaccination certificate signed by a veterinarian stating the owner's name and address and giving the dog's description, date of vaccination, and type, manufacturer and serial number of the vaccine used and date revaccination is due. A duplicate of each rabies vaccination certificate issued shall be transmitted to the enforcement agent on or before the tenth day of the month following the month during which the dog was vaccinated. No dog shall be licensed unless it is vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of this article. B. BEFORE A CLASS 2 LICENSE IS ISSUED FOR ANY DOG, THE OWNER MUST PRESENT A RABIES VACCINATION CERTIFICATE, A BORDATELLA (KENNEL COUGH)VACCINATION CERTIFICATE,A DHI.PP/C(DISTEMPER,ADENOVIRUS, HEPATITIS PARVO, PARAINFLU, LEPTO AND CORONA) VACCINATION CERTIFICATE, AND A NEGATIVE FECAL TEST VACCINATION CERTIFICATE, ALL OF WHICH MUST BE SIGNED BY A LICENSED VETERINARIAN, STATING THE OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS AND GIVING THE DOG'S DESCRIPTION, DATE OF VACCINATION, AND TYPE,MANUFACTURER AND SERIAL NUMBER . . . . . OF THE VACCINE USED AND DATE REVACCINATION IS DUE..A DUPLICATE OF . . EACH RABIES VACCINATION CERTIFICATE ISSUED SHALL BE TRANSMITTED TO THE ENFORCEMENT AGENT ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH DAY OF THE MONTH FOLLOWING THE MONTH DURING WHICH THE DOG WAS VACCINATED. NO DOG SHALL BE LICENSED UNLESS IT IS VACCINATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ARTICLE. Ordinance 99-xx Page 4 of 5 Z\WPDATA\FH\ORD\1999\99-XX ord.wpd CB-. A dog vaccinated in any other state prior to entry into Arizona may be licensed in the town provided that, at the time of licensing, the owner of such dog presents a vaccination certificate, signed by a veterinarian licensed to practice in that state or a veterinarian employed by a governmental agency in that state, stating the owner's name and address and giving the dog's description, date of vaccination, and type, manufacturer and serial number ofthe vaccine used. The vaccination must be in conformity with the provisions of this article. D . The enforcement agent shall make provisions for vaccination clinics as deemed necessary. The vaccination shall be performed by a veterinarian. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona this Day of , 1999. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Sharon Morgan, Mayor Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager William E. Farrell, Town Attorney L Ordinance 99-xx Page 5 of 5 21WPDATAVMOWNl999\99-XX.ord.wpd Chron 05 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable ayor and Town Council /16-344 FROM: Randy L Ha I, Town Engineer THROUGH: Paul No wn Manager DATE: January Z, 1999 . RE: Cottonwoods Improvement District Bid Opening Construction bids were opened yesterday (Wednesday, January 7) for the Cottonwoods Improvement District. Three bids were received, as shown below. (A fourth bid arrived late, was not accepted, and was not opened. However, we understand informally that it was higher than the valid bids received.) Bidder Bid Lie Valley Rain Construction $74,322.00 Markham Contracting $80,721.53 Terrain Systems, Inc. $84,672.00 Engineer's Estimate $50,112.62 Budget (Construction + Other Costs) $46,800.00 (Construction Costs Only) $34,200.00) Because the bids are significantly higher than the Engineer's estimate and the budget, staff needs additional time to evaluate the bids and to discuss the situation with the Cottonwoods residents, before making a recommendation to the Council. Staff recommends that this item be continued, to allow staff time to formulate a recommendation. bb cc: Scott Ruby Bill Farrell Tom Ward L Cottonwoods ID Bid Opening.doc Chron 409 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Ran . H el, Town Enginee THROUGH: Paul o ' wn Manager DATE: Decem 29, 1 98 RE: Cottonwoods Improvement District Bid Award Bids will be received for the construction of the Cottonwoods Improvement District on Wednesday, January 6, 1999 at 10:00 AM. Staff intends to review the bids and make a recommendation regarding bid award at the January 7, 1999 Council meeting. The Council's official award of bid triggers a series of steps peculiar to the Improvement District process. Start of actual construction is estimated to be about 3 months away. bb cc: Scott Ruby Linda Craven Ray Porterfield L Cottonwoods Bid Award.doc Chron 356 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Honors a Mayor and Council ,v FROM: - oy L. H rrel, Town Engineer Rot THROUGH: P. , Town Manager DATE: Dece ber 1, 1998 RE: Renaming El Pueblo Blvd (south section) The Engineering and Community Development Departments have long believed that the south section of El Pueblo Blvd should be renamed. This roadway runs for about 1100'from the Red Rock Gas Station to the Scottsdale North Medical Clinic. The Fountain Hills Fine Automotive Collision Repair and the Scottsdale Healthcare FamilyCare are the only existing businesses whose street address will be changed. In the Master Developer's original concept planning, El Pueblo Blvd was to have extended from Tioga Drive to where Mirage Point is now located. By the time of the preliminary plat of the Morningside subdivision in about 1987, that concept was scrapped. The substantially reduced number of lots and lower ultimate traffic volumes have eliminated the need for this continuation of El Pueblo. We have normally allowed the major property owner(s) to select the name for their street in past circumstances. Since the Town owns about 40% of the property along El Pueblo (the Plat 302 Park site), we asked the Parks & Recreation Commission to select a street name that is consistent with the proposed Plat 302 park name. On December 14, 1998 the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended "Desert Vista Neighborhood Park" as the official park name (a companion Council agenda item), and "Desert Vista" as the new street name for this south section of El Pueblo Blvd. The Engineering Department has reviewed and is satisfied that the proposed street name conforms to the County addressing requirements. The Town Council must officially approve all new street names. Staff has notified adjacent property owners, public safety entities, utilities, and other interested entities of the proposed street name changes (copy attached). Staff will be meeting with the affected property owners on Monday, January 4, a report will be delivered to the Council at that time. To minimize the disruption to the two existing businesses, staff recommends an effective date of March 31, 1999. In addition to preparation time and time to use up existing pre-printed forms, the Fountain Hills phone book is published in March. Western States Publishers has advised staff that if we can confirm the Council action to them on January 8, the new street name can appear in the phone book listings in March. Staff recommends approval of the street name change from "El Pueblo Blvd" (from Saguaro Blvd to Tioga Drive)to "Desert Vista", effective March 31, 1999. bb att. cc: Paul Nordin Ken Valverde Jeff Valder Tom Ward El Pueblo Blvd..doc TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Property Owners, Utilities, and Interested Entities FROM: Randy L. Harrel, Town Engineer DATE: December 30, 1998 RE: Proposed Street Name Change from "El Pueblo Blvd" (Saguaro Blvd—Tioga Drive) to "Desert Vista" The development of the Morningside and Puerto del Lago subdivisions have finalized the fact that El Pueblo Blvd will never connect from Grande Blvd to Saguaro Blvd (at the Red Rock gas station). Because Fountain Hills is not on a grid system, and is fairly difficult to navigate (especially at night), Town staff has always sought to avoid non- continuous streets with the same street name. It is therefore appropriate to consider changing the street name of El Pueblo Blvd (between Saguaro Blvd and Tioga Drive). There are two existing properties along the roadway with an El Pueblo address —the Fountain Hills Fine Automotive Collision Repair (11045 N; Block 4, Lot 1) and the Scottsdale Healthcare FamilyCare (11843 N; Block 2, Lots 1-3). To minimize their disruption, allow time to use up their old pre-printed supplies, and get the new street name in the Fountain Hills phone book, the effective date for the street name change is proposed to be March 31, 1999. The Town currently owns Plat 302, Block 1, Lot 9, which is being developed for a park site. As the major property owner along this section of El Pueblo Blvd, staff requested that the Town's Parks and Recreation Commission recommend a new name for the street, consistent with their proposed name for the park. On December 14, 1998 the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended "Desert Vista Neighborhood Park" as the official park name, and "Desert Vista" as the new street name for El Pueblo Blvd. As an adjacent property owner, public safety entity, utility or other interested entity, staff is notifying you of the proposed street name change. The Town Council will consider the street name change at their meeting of January 7, 1999. If you have written or telephone comments, they will be forwarded by staff to the Council, and/or you may speak regarding this matter at the Council meeting. Written or telephone comments may be given to Janice Baxter or myself at the above address and phone number. If you have any questions, feel free to call. bb cc: All adjacent property owners Marshal Steve Gendler Asst. Fire Chief Scott LaGreca/FHFD Rich Dobson/FHUSD All Utility Companies All Refuse Haulers Paul Nordin Bill Farrell Pat Harvey Tony Marchese Jeff Valder Tom Ward Bud Clutter Ken Valverde Robin Goodman Al Lorenz L L Page 1 of 1 Dog Park Rules " Owners must clean up after their dogs Owners are responsible for their dog's behavior. - All dogs must be licensed and vaccinated - Dog must be leashed when exiting the park. Leashes should be removed immediately upon entering park - Owners must carry a leash and remain inside the park with their dog - Owners must stop dogs from digging and immediately fill holes Limit of three dogs per person - No smoking or eating within the dog park - Dogs with a known history of dangerous behavior are prohibited - Dogs must be removed immediately at the first sign of dangerous behavior toward people or other dogs - Excessive barking is prohibited - dogs barking uncontrollably must be removed - Dogs must wear a collar with identification at all times - Puppies under four months of age prohibited - Females in heat prohibited lime 'a$e �>:9.14p permitted except during, a ,464rent ;C' ctivitie6 : ; These rules have been approved by the Catonsville Off-Leash Dogs Neighborhood Organization and Support Effort (COLD-NOSE) and are subject to change at any time. L L http://members.tripod.com/—Laura_Cook/rules.txt 1/6/99 Catonsville Off-Leash Dog Park Page 1 of 1 �� � � � The park is located in the town of Catonsville, Maryland,just west of Baltimore City. To find us, take the Baltimore the Beltway (1-695) to Edmondson Ave. (exit 15). Go east on Edmondson Ave. to the first light, which is Harlem Lane. Catonsville Make a left on Harlem Lane. Watch for Westowne Elementary School on your left- the dog park is just beyond Off-Leash the school's ballfields. Dog Park! for information, f z` v cam^ ' f % t please email . h I I� Via'; � : � ' VA VI cicook@erols.com x�� ° }x a h; >�• ? ,v +n t qA Click below to read the City Q 1BA8 Yaosoif;,Gap and/'3s supphu� niped'omaps'oom. Paper article �d..s b about dog parks, or our rules and rrvroi.expeB`ar':a,"s.cam (row welcome letter !! The park is not yet open City Paper article We continue to wait for Baltimore County to deal with the legalities Ps g Park Rules surrounding the off-leash use of county property so that we can open, Please read ourWelcome' and we are still trying to raise funds for the park.We need money to Leiter before you visit purchase a bulletin board, and for general maintenance. There is a The Catonsville Web possibility we may need to replace a piece of fencing, which will cost see what else there is much more than we can currently afford. To raise funds a raffle was to do in Catonsville !!! held over the last three weeks. Prizes included four gift certificates to Park sponsors PETsMART, for$25 each, and four gift baskets from The Doe Wash. please patronize our The gift baskets include a coupon for a self-serve dog wash, shampoo, sponsors ! and a treat for your dog- a $20 value. The drawing was held on Animal Rescue Resources Saturday, September 26th, with eight people and ten dogs present! Thinking of getting a Winners will be notified by phone on September 27th. The raffle dog? Consider breed raised just over$200 for the park. We very much appreciate the rescue - click here to support of The Dog Wash - for the gift baskets and the printing of the find one! raffle tickets - and PETsMART. This page has been visited a lot of times. L http://members.tripod.com/—Laura_Cook/index-2.html 1/6/99 Press Release,Dog Bite Injuries Epidemic Page 1 of 3 trosi•�Vine NEWS Pik ALLEGHENY2408� f P,•f.,=6 UNIVERSITY OE 218Allet•o9t14 'CITE.HEALTH SC ENi:ES Date x, 1998 Reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association Dog Bite Injuries Reach Epidemic Proportions; Cost $100 Million A Year Children Most At Risk, And Preventive Measures Are Imperative Philadelphia--Dog bite injuries have reached epidemic proportions in the United States, according to a study in the January 7 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Each year,U.S. emergency departments treat approximately 334,000 new dog bite injuries, a rate of more than 900 incidents a day, say researchers from the Center for Violence and Injury Control (CVIC) at Allegheny University of the Health Sciences (AUHS). "With more than one-third of American households owning a dog, it is clear that canine attacks will continue to be a significant public health problem, and it is necessary that preventative strategies be developed to reduce the pain and cost these injuries cause," concludes co-author Jeffrey Coben,M.D.,director of CVIC and assistant dean of the School of-Public Health, AUHS. Dr. Coben and co-authors Harold Weiss and Deborah Friedman estimated that the direct cost of emergency department treatment for dog bites injuries exceeds$100 million each year in the U.S. However, they note that "the risk of infection, the ragged nature of many bite-related lacerations and the large number of dog bites treated by at least an initial course of rabies prophylaxis" may raise the real medical costs substantially. Nationally, 58 percent of dog bite injuries occurred in a home.The median age of dog bite victims is 15, with children aged 5 to 9 having the highest incidence rate. For boys aged 5 to 9, dog bites account for 3.6 percent of all injury related emergency department visits. Emergency department treatments for children and adolescents account for more than half of nationwide expenditures for dog bite medical treatment. Compared with other significant causes of injury,dog bites place second to baseball and softball injuries as a leading cause of emergency department visits.Dog bite injuries outnumber All-Terrain Vehicle injuries by nearly 3 to 1, and cause more emergency department visits than do playground accidents. In Philadelphia,there were an estimated 1,764 dog bites treated in hospital emergency http://www.auhs.edu/news/pr/univ/dogbite.html 12/12/98 Press Release,Dog Bite Injuries Epidemic Page 2 of 3 departments during the first 11 months of 1997; there were 1,912 in 1996, and 1,617 in 1995 --though public health officials stress that these numbers represent only those bites serious enough to require emergency department treatment. "What we typically see are injuries ranging from simple puncture wounds to severe lacerations," explains Michael Greenberg, M.D.,professor of Emergency Medicine and of Public Health at AUHS. Children are significantly more likely to be bitten on the head, face and neck; older persons tend to be bitten on the hands and arms,Dr. Greenberg notes. "Many parents assume that children are most likely to be bitten by strange or wild animals, but in fact most bites are inflicted by animals the child knows,including the family pet," notes Brent King,M.D., director of Emergency Medicine at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children. "While many dogs perceive adults as a dominant leader and leave them alone, they may see children as both vulnerable and encroaching on the dog's territory." Drs. Greenberg and King offer these suggestions for avoiding dog bites: • Immediately report stray dogs or those behaving unusually • Never approach an unfamiliar dog.- • Remain motionless when approached by an unfamiliar dog • Avoid direct eye contact with a dog • Don't disturb a dog that is eating, sleeping or caring for puppies • Don't pet a dog without letting it see and sniff you first • Keep your face and fingers away from a dog's mouth • Never leave a dog alone with a baby If bitten,the doctors recommend that the wound be cleaned immediately with soap and water; for a bleeding wound, apply continuous pressure to the area; for an injured child, see a pediatrician immediately. The following AUHS expert sources are also available to discuss related aspects of this study: • Psychologist, regarding the psychological trauma of serious dog bite injuries • Plastic surgeon,regarding the treatment of serious bites to head and neck • Orthopedic surgeon,regarding treatment of serious bites to arms and hands. The JAMA study is based on data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, a population-based stratified sample of U.S. emergency department visits, conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. Editor's Note:Research for this study was conducted by the authors while on the faculty of the University of Pittsburgh.All three authors are now affiliated with Allegheny University of the Health Sciences. Return to top of page http://www.auhs.edu/news/pr/univ/dogbite.html 12/12/98 Press Release,Dog Bite Injuries Epidemic Page 3 of 3 Press Release Index I Allegheny News I University Home L ©1998, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences L L http://www.auhs.edu/news/pr/univ/dogbite.html 12/12/98 AVMA Network-Dog Bite Prevention Campaign Fact Sheet Page 1 of 1 • * V� tisrttoOsk NOMt M8f3 e ikefo3NEKIdrt Vo£ ,8'AQEEY6l6 r 91y '9on't wry, DOG BITE FACT they waftbte SHEET '.' • As many as 1 million people annually require medical treatment for dog bites. Dog attacks send more than 334,000 people to the emergency room each year. • One million people report dog attacks each year; millions more go unreported. • About 12 people each year die from dog attacks. • Dog bites are the No.1 public health problem of children. More than half of all children 12 and younger have been bitten by a dog, according to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. • Dog attacks cost society$1 billion annually. • According to the Insurance Information Institute, insurance companies paid$250 million for dog bite liability claims in 1996 alone. • State Farm Fire and Casualty Company paid nearly $80 million in dog bite-related claims in 1997. • Reported dog attacks have increased at a rate of two percent annually, accord to the Insurance Information Institute, and 37 percent from 1986 to 1994 (National Center for Injury Prevention). National Dog Bite Prevention Week is June 1-6. [ Dog Bite Prevention Media Kit] NOAH I Member Center I Care for Pets I Professional Resources NetVet&Electronic Zoo I Network News I AVMA Home "*A. Copyright©1998 American Veterinary Medical Association http://www.avma.org/pubinfo/dogbite/factsheet.htm 12/26/98 AVMA Network- Dog Bite Prevention Campaign Message Points Page 1 of 3 taiVilasSK. . PN3A3€ MeF tes06 fort Yrt frAkum L "DM worry, DOG BITE thevwon'€Imie ; PREVENTION *; MESSAGE POINTS DOG ATTACKS ARE A SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEM • Dog bites requiring medical attention in the United States number 500,000 to I million annually. Countless more bites go unreported and untreated. • On average, about a dozen people died each year from dog bites. • 60 percent of dog bite victims are children. Over half of children age 12 or younger have been bitten. Dog bites are the No. 1 public health problem of children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. DOG BITES CAN ALSO RESULT IN CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LIABILITY FOR PET OWNERS • In January, a Kansas woman was convicted of second degree murder when her dogs fatally mauled an 11-year old boy. • The Insurance Information Institute estimated that insurance companies paid out$250 million in dog bite liability claims in 1996. • In 1997, State Farm alone paid $80 million for over 14,000 dog bite-related claims. REGARDLESS OF SIZE OR BREED, ALL DOGS CAN BITE IF PROVOKED. RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERSHIP IS KEY TO REDUCING THE LIKELIHOOD OF A DOG BITE AND CAN ENHANCE THE OWNER/DOG RELATIONSHIP • There is no such thing as a bad breed of dog. All dogs can bite if provoked. Responsible dog ownership is key. • Carefully consider your pet selection. Consult your veterinarian. Loy • Socialize your dog so it feels at ease around http://www.avma.org/pubinfo/dogbite/messpoints.htm 12/26/98 ,AVMA Network-Dog Bite Prevention Campaign Message Points Page 2 of 3 strangers and other animals. Don't put your dog in a position where it feels threatened and teased. • Train your dog to respond to the basic commands. • Keep your dog healthy. Have your dog vaccinated against rabies. • Be alert to signs your dog is uncomfortable or feeling agressive. IN MANY INSTANCES, A DOG ATTACK IS AVOIDABLE. IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER TO SAY CALM IF APPROACHED BY A DOG. • Never leave a baby or small child alone with a dog. • Be on the lookout for potentially dangerous situations. • Teach young children to be careful around pets. Children should be taught not to approach strange dogs. They should ask permission from a dog's owner before petting the dog. • Never disturb a dog that's caring for puppies, sleeping or eating. „ • If a dog approaches to sniff you, stay still. In most cases, the dog will go away when it determines you are not a threat. • If you are threatened by a dog, remain calm. Don't scream. If you say anything, speak calmly and firmly. Avoid eye contact.Try to stay still until the dog leaves, or back away slowly until the dog is out of sight. Don't turn and run. • If you fall or are knocked to the ground, curl into a ball with your hands over your head and neck. Protect your face. AVMA AND STATE FARM ARE OFFERING PUBLIC SAFETY AND AWARENESS MATERIALS ON THIS TOPIC FREE. CALL TOLL-FREE 1-877-254-FIDO (3436). • A brochure titled "Don't Worry, They Won't Bite," provides tips on responsible dog ownership, as well as suggestions on how to avoid being a victim of a dog attack. • The"Fido! Friend or Foe?" activity book was produced by State Farm and the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine.The book teaches children how to act responsibly and safely around http://www.avma.org/pubinfo/dogbite/messpoints.htm 12/26/98 AVMA Network- Dog Bite Prevention Campaign Message Points Page 3 of 3 dogs through coloring, dot-to-dot and other activities. [ Dog Bite Prevention Media Kit] • NOAH I Member Center I Care for Pete I Professional Resources Net Vet&Electronic Zoo I Network News I AVMA Home .... A- ---NETWQRK--. Copyright®1998 American Veterinary Medical Association L http://www.avma.org/pubinfo/dogbite/messpoints.htm 12/26/98 MedicineNet-Medical Information on Diseases, Treatments, Procedures,Drugs,News an.. Page 1 of 3 e c ne .. . .Wet et,„,„,„„,„:„. .0011•46 fart Kitt acstsnY Trs ' :':- ti aT A . y ` 1.- Site Directory 2 ... ems.' .I . As flexible as business has to be. awn Sprint's Business Flex biome NEWS f:4S45 A Ttcimntg' Yr Gadaasr.H R&fS News from Pediatrics... I'rse Nfwmaes y i:ai •"kintItt,3ry June 28, 1996 hunt ;1 of n3 ee33trai t83:�rs Fatal Dog Attacks ATLANTA&WASHINGTON--Dog bite injuries can lead to serious infections (such as tetanus and rabies), disability,deformity, and occasionally death. Most of these injuries are preventable. The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Humane Society of the United States recently updated data on fatal dog bites for the period 1989 to 1994. In the 6-year study published in the medical journal PEDIATRICS(Vol.97 cov No. 6, 891-5), Jeffrey J. Sacks M.D. and associates reported the findin of 109 bite-related fatalities hey found tha 57%of the deaths were in • un er 10 years o age. 22%of the deaths involved an unrestrained dog OFF the owner's property. 18%of the deaths involved a restrained dog ON the owner's property, and 59%of the deaths involved ektren an unrestrained dog ON the owners property. ........__ The researchers also found that 10%of the dog bite attacks involved sleeping infants. The most commonly reported dog breeds involved were pit bulls (24 deaths), followed by rottweilers (16 deaths), and German shepherds (10 deaths). The authors point out that many breeds, however, are involved in the problem. The death rate from dog bite-related fatalities (18 deaths per year) in the 6-year study period remained relatively constant compared with the prior 10 years. The authors emphasized that "most of the factors contributing to dog bites are related to the level of responsibility exercised by dog owners."They recommend public education about dogs and dog ownership. In this regard, the authors suggest the following guidelines for parents and children: PARENTS L • Consider the selection of any dog carefully. Speak with a http://www.medicinenet.com/Script/Main/Art.asp?li=MNI&ag=Y&ArticleKey=572 12/26/98 MedicineNet- Medical Information on Diseases,Treatments,Procedures,Drugs,News an.. Page 2 of 3 professional to make an informed decision. Ask questions about the dog's background. Involve the family in the selection;be sensitive to cues that a child is fearful or apprehensive about a dog (if so, delay getting the dog). Spend time with a dog before bringing it into your home. Use caution about bringing a dog or puppy into the home of an infant or toddler. • Dogs should be sterilized to reduce aggressive tendencies. • Never leave infants or young children alone with any dog. • Make certain that any dog entering the household receives proper training and socialization.Try to teach submissive behaviors such as rolling over to show stomach and taking food away without growling. • Dogs with prior histories of aggression should not be considered appropriate for families with children. • Teach children basic safety around dogs and review these ideas regularly. • If your dog develops aggressive or undesirable behaviors, seek professional help immediately. • Don't play aggressive games with your dog such as wrestling and "siccing." CHILDREN • Never approach an unfamiliar dog. • Never play with a dog unless supervised by an adult. • Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior to an adult. • Never run from a dog and scream. • Avoid direct eye contact with a dog. • Don't disturb a dog that is sleeping, eating, or caring for puppies. • Don't pet a dog without letting it see and sniff you first. • Remain motionless when approached by an unfamiliar dog. • If knocked over by a dog, lie still and remain in a ball. • If bitten, report the bite to an adult immediately. The authors add in conclusion that"it is important to recognized that most of the 52 million dogs in this country never bite or kill anyone. However, the problems caused by the highly visible minority of animals and their owners have far-reaching consequences." Click Here For Previous News For more health information please visit MedicineNet at www.medicinenet.com ------------------------Important Disclaimer-The content displayed by the physician writers & editors of MedicineNet, Inc. is designed to be educational. Under no circumstance should it replace the expert care and advice of a qualified physician. MedicineNet, Inc. does not give medical advice or care to its viewers. Rapid advances in medicine may cause information contained http://www.medicinenet.com/Script/Main/Art.asp?li=MNI&ag=Y&ArticleKey=572 12/26/98 MedicineNet-Medical Information on Diseases,Treatments,Procedures,Drugs,News an.. Page 3 of 3 here to become outdated, invalid or subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. MedicineNet, Inc. physicians, writers, editors and management assume no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public. MedicineNet is trademark of MedicineNet,Inc.-copyright 1995-1998-all rights reserved ISite Directory 2 ._ : L L http://www.medicinenet.com/Script/Main/Art.asp?li=MNI&ag=Y&AmcleKey=572 12/26/98 • Facial laceration - dog bite injuries - Plastic &Cosmetic Surgery- Michael Bermant, MD Page 1 of 4 { F Laceration - DotBi e e: ace Injuries Dog bites can cause much deformity. Learn several situations to lessen the chance of dog bite injuries by Dr. Michael Bermant,MD plastic & cosmetic surgery. Michael Bermant, MD Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery Reconstructive■Hand i Cosmetic i Congenital.Breast•Head & Neck■Skin Cancer• Microsurgery Children are unusually susceptible to dog bite lacerations. I am eiktr"' MY not certain if the cause is from easier to tear skin or failing to About Dr. Bermant understand a dog's body language. Each of these injuries was from a dog bite. See information on preventing dog bite Our •x'7fr3�s injuries elsewhere on this website. Find us Dog bites can range from simple punctures, to jagged tears, to missing gouges of flesh. The largest teeth (the canines) can e penetrate minimally or catch and tears result as in these cases. Multimedia Lectures Facial reconstruction after dog bite Kid's view The Healed The a ;_ lacerations lacerations Healed Other Bulletin boards '41,67, •Ii- (ii ,,.. Learn about These multiple facial lacerations required debridement and http://plasticsurgery4u.com/proceedure_folder/face_lac_dogbite.html 12/12/98 Facial laceration- dog bite injuries -Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery- Michael Bermant, MD Page 2 of 4 . Dog bite plastic surgical reconstruction. I remove crushed devitalized prevention tissue in an attempt to make the first repair count. A good • Lig reconstruction at the time of injury may prevent the need for reconstruction subsequent revision. Early plastic surgery can sometimes after dog bite prevent the need for later plastic surgery. Some insurance injury companies no longer pay for revision of scars claiming such . Eyelid reconstruction is "cosmetic" and not covered under the policy. reconstruction after camel bite Forehead laceration f =4 from dog bite b4e PlasticWeb The injury After repair PlasticArt Horns This flap like laceration is a tear from the dog's tooth. A section of eyebrow came away with the torn skin. I angled the skin Home debridement along the axis of the brow hairs. This lessens the chance of non-hair bearing scar in the eyebrow. No plastic surgery revision was necessary. Torn eyelid from dog bite This dog bite tore at the margin of the eyelid just missing the eyeball and the tear duct that drains the eye. My reconstruction included a functional repair of the eyelid and margin to keep the eyelashes aligned http://plasticsurgery4u.com/proceedure_folder/face_lac_dogbite.html 12/12/98 Facial laceration- dog bite injuries -Plastic &Cosmetic Surgery- Michael Bermant, MD Page 3 of 4 Dog bite and redness of cheek Dog bites can get infected easily. I frequently prescribe antibiotics to minimize the infection becoming worse. The redness responded quickly to an intravenous antibiotic. Find books about dog bite prevention from Barnes and Noble Home Dr it Kid's Patient's Plastic Bermant Office W Drawings Viewpoint Wei Hear Dr. Bermant's Multimedia Lectures in your community Search for books from Barnes and Noble AfffilATE Send E-mail to Dr.Bermant (MikePRS@aol.com) or write/call for further information: Michael Bermant,MD Ironbridge Medical Park 11601 Ironbridge Road Suite 201 Chester,Virginia 23831 (804) 748-7737 http://plasticsurgery4u.com/proceedure_folder/face_lac_dogbite.html 12/12/98 Lip reconstruction- dogbite injuries -Plastic Surgery - Michael Bermant, MD Page 1 of 4 Lip Reconstruction - Dog • t... Bite Injuries Kissing a dog can be very dangerous. Injury prevention and reconstruction by Dr. Michael Bermant,MD plastic & cosmetic surgery. Michael Bermant, MD Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery Reconstructive a Hand a Cosmetic a Congenital a Breast a Head & Neck a Skin Cancer Microsurgery Ah.-nu- £fir• Kissing a dog can be VERY dangerous. Each of these injuries was from a dog bite. See information on preventing dog bite About Dr. Bermant injuries elsewhere on this website. Cur- ...` Off 10,, Find us This 70 year old patient had a loss of the vermilion margin (juncture between the red and white parts of the lip). The .i s.rN44;;.4 > central part of the lip (cupid's bow) was also destroyed. This very difficult reconstruction was done with a series of flaps Multimedia Lectures (moving tissue that still has a blood supply) from one part of the lip to another. The inner lining mucosa was advanced from r 0.0 inside the lip to reform a new vermilion margin after restoring Sic,w the cupid's bow. Kid's view : :.... Lip reconstruction after tot; £3oarriz, dog bite Other Bulletin boards The wound The flap in place r3rrgftYx, 4 eta .Y • U►Y3 �F See just how terrible dog bite injuries can be and how Lip reconstruction 7 months after reconstruction can rnefnrn*hn sinfnrtnitv nincti[' cuiroPry http://plasticsurgery4u.com/proceedure_folder/lip_recon_folder/lip_recon_dogbite.html 12/12/98 Lip reconstruction - dogbite injuries - Plastic Surgery- Michael Bermant, MD Page 2 of 4 graphic. At rest Lips closed Kiss • face injury and reconstruction . Eyelid reconstruction after camel Lip reconstruction should look good both statically and bite dynamically (it has to look standing still and move well enough to function). The muscle under the lip should be repaired Learn about carefully for this to happen. . Dog bite prevention A young patient with another dog bite. This devastating injury was of the lower lip and the vermilion margin is again missing. Cutting out a wedge of tissue would have left the lip o r asymmetrical and uneven. Flaps of skin and mucosa were PlasticWeb advanced together over a reconstruction of the muscle. Vta. tic Lip reconstruction after dog bite PlasticArt The wound The flap in place t-Home... a A,. Home Lip reconstruction 4 months after plastic surgery Smile Lips at rest Kiss x {: L http://plasticsurgery4u.com/proceedure_folder/lip_recon_folder/lip_recon_dogbite.html 12/12/98 Lip reconstruction- dogbite injuries-Plastic Surgery- Michael Bermant, MD Page 3 of 4 This injury also is of the vermilion margin and extends into cupid's bow. Muscle, skin, and mucosa hang on a thin margin of tissue, enough to support the skin and vermilion. The hanging muscle was too destroyed and was removed (debrided). To restore animation the remaining muscle (obicularis oris) was loosened under the uninjured lip and advanced together. The hanging mucosa and skin included the difficult to reconstruct vermilion margin. Saving this anatomic detail contributed to the nice result of this plastic surgery. Lip reconstruction for dog bite The defect The reconstruction After surgery ,z , Home Dr. Our vak Kid's Patient's Plastic Bermant Office lar Drawings Viewpoint Web Hear Dr. Bermant's Multimedia Lectures in your community s<> LOW aSearch for books from Barnes and Noble Send E-mail to Dr. Bermant (MikePRS@aol.com) or write/call for further information: Michael Bermant,MD Ironbridge Medical Park 11601 Ironbridge Road Suite 201 http://plasticsurgery4u.com/proceedure_folder/lip_recon_folder/lip_recon_dogbite.html 12/12/98 Lip reconstruction-dogbite injuries -Plastic Surgery-Michael Bermant, MD Page 4 of 4 Chester,Virginia 23831 (804) 748-7737 © 1996-8 Michael Bermant,MD Legal Information :r•:u::::s,rr::.x.:n"::.r{;??ff:•»Nr,,'•}fr.•:'9:?•?:;:;Y;s}Y.,vc:x::!.}•:.�l�i:::;`;a:;y?r,..:::.w.;?;rx:?>';'?Y•{:?H;ac..r<:•?ffr.^•}}},resrf.:}};. }::fh}r..:r::}i..rrr.:v}:..� .:r.n.xfi..nxr./.:xv. f ..iv}...•::.n :.. ;?rv{.n ?•},�}}�h};{ir�:.}f:f{v ff .:?:fn}%L•:/..ri::.$:.i{.iFi?vUv'i'�{ 4:f kl f.:•:::::v..••r :> Get Your FREE > ;.;;F Web Counter:.:4.v;.:f;::: >:}>::..�::::::.;<:?: ::. }:::?'f??ntrst:}f;:. ::••.:.c�Y.;S?;•i',7i.;}:i/:N}.:3y:::..$`>.#.?•.:,'.�;f::?ir,: :3?: Oi':::r?:i:::?}i'•;:.?i. yY<i{:}}}::i::... : r....:..h:;n} fii?'::: LlakEaakane • Corr tore http://plasticsurgery4u.com/proceedure_folder/lip_recon_folder/lip_recon dogbite.html 12/12/98