HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.0330.TCSWSEMP.Packet dirfAlist L 4 49 NOTICE OF WORK-STUDY, SPECIAL, AND = EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE 4 tst FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL atis Mayor Morgan Councilman Apps Councilwoman Wiggishoff Councilman Wyman Councilman Poma Vice Mayor Mower Councilwoman Hutcheson WHEN: TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1999 TIME: 6:30 P.M. WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B • WORK STUDY SESSION CALLED TO ORDER- Mayor Morgan 1.) DISCUSSION of the FY `99/2000 budget preparation process. The Council will review projected projects submitted by staff for possible consideration in the `99/2000 budget, and suggest any Council-initiated projects for the coming year. This item is for discussion purposes only—no action will be taken. • SPECIAL SESSION CALLED TO ORDER- Mayor Morgan • ROLL CALL 1.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.3 and A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.7, VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion or consideration for legal advice with the attorney or attorneys of the public body; AND discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding negotiation for the purchase of lease of real property; respectively. 2.) RETURN TO SPECIAL SESSION. 3.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 24th day of March 1999. ettyyjx_IIS By: Cassie B. Hansen LI, The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003(voice)or 1-800-367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. ,. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR MORGAN AN OW CIL FROM: PAUL L. NORDIN,TOWN MANAGER DATE: MARCH 24, 1999 SUBJECT: BUDGET STUDY SESSION At the last retreat, the Council suggested that a "pre-budget" work-study session be held. This study session has been scheduled for next Tuesday. I have attached a copy of Cassie's T.I.P. memo from last week. I felt her summary of the meeting under the "Budget Workstudy Session" heading was a good description of the meeting's purpose. Staff would like to receive Council direction regarding the budget. I am not suggesting that Council approve or disapprove each item described in the department heads' attached memorandums, but it would be most helpful for me to know if the Council really likes or dislikes any of the attached items. If you feel "comme ci, comme,ca" about most of the items, that is fine, we will know how to proceed. If Councilmembers wish to add something to the list, this is an ideal time to incorporate those items into the budget process. The attached department head wish lists are not intended to represent all of the projects that will be included in the '99-2000 budget. It is too early in the process for any revenue forecasting; therefore, I respectfully request the right to make appropriate "adjustments" (read cuts) as the budget process unfolds. This meeting is intended to be an informal, idea-sharing opportunity for the Council. Staff will utilize the input to direct their efforts in the budget process, preparing additional information to assist in the decision-making process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please note as per the attached agenda that the meeting has been moved from the conference room to the Council Chambers. Also note that I have added an executive session to the agenda concerning the mountain negotiations. L Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, TOWN CLERKt Date: 03/19/99 Re: T.I.P. —ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT MAYO HEALTH PLAN COMMITTEE: Mayo Health Plan of Arizona is forming a committee of representatives from all the groups/people that utilize the Mayo insurance plan. The committee will meet monthly to discuss current trends in healthcare, updates on the Mayo plan, and problems that plan members may be having. We are pleased to announce that our Human Resource Specialist Deb Feller has been asked to serve on this committee. She will be a fine representative for the Town and caretaker for the employee's interests. BUDGET WORKSTUDY SESSION: As mentioned in the Manager's TIP, there is a budget workstudy session scheduled for Tuesday, March 30th at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the conference room in Building C. Staff is preparing brief"wish lists"for this meeting to give the Council an idea of any large projects and/or expenditures that they are contemplating for the coming budget year. This will give the Council the opportunity to consider staff's ideas within the context of Council ideas and prioritization, thereby deciding the direction that the 99/2000 budget will take. PERSONNEL UPDATE: As Paul announced at last night's meeting, our Risk Manager, Wally Hudson, will be going into the hospital on Tuesday, March 23 for hip replacement surgery. We all join in wishing him well and a speedy recovery. Happy news! Michelle Carlson returned back to work this past Monday we are all glad that the new mom is back to her post, sharing her smile and brightening everyone's day! %fir, Page 1 of 2 Cassie Hansen Last printed 03/19/99 2:29 PM 03/19/99 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayo and Cou i FROM: Randy L. Harre ' iyist tfi DATE: March 19, 1999 RE: Engineering/Streets/Public Works 'Wish List" Background The Engineering, Streets, and Public Works Departments have evaluated their anticipated upcoming projects (and potential future budget requests) regarding new personnel, vehicles, equipment, facilities, capital projects, and other major budget items. These are presented as background information for the Council's March 30 "wish list" discussions. Engineering Department The Engineering Department does not anticipate any new personnel, space, vehicles, or major equipment in FY 99-00. A listing of anticipated Engineering Fees is shown on the attached sheet. In addition to the normal on-call and recurring fees several very major design project costs are expected: • Golden Eagle Park Dam (#4) Improvements $150,000 GEPD #4 has now been listed as an "unsafe dam" by ADWR. The Flood Control District has agreed to manage and to participate 65% for both design and construction to correct this problem (Town's share 35%). The project scope and a proposed Memorandum of Understanding will be coming to the Council in April. • Shea Bike Lanes and Medians $ 80,000 A federal aid grant of $440,000 for this FY 2000 project has been committed (up to 94.7% federal aid, 5.3% Town). The Town is responsible for the design costs. • Shea Boulevard $ 40,000 (MCDOT projects from the Beeline to Cereus Wash, and from Palisades to the Scottsdale boundary) This is for design work attached to MCDOT's projects as requested by the Town, per a Council approved Intergovernmental Agreement signed in March 1998. L Wish Lists.doc Engineering Department r Engineering Fees Project List 1999-00 Cost Aerial Photography $ 15,000 Civil Engineer— CCWC Acquisition —complete the due diligence analysis 20,000 Civil Engineer— GEP Dam #4 Improvements (Payment to FCDMC) 150,000 Civil Engineer— Shea Bike Lanes (Federal Aid) 80,000 Civil/Landscape - Shea Blvd (Joint project with MCDOT) 40,000 Civil Engineer— Civic Center Off-sites 20,000 Phase I Environmental Assessments — 3 @ $1700 5,000 Plan Review— 3 hr/wk avg. @ $70/hr, avg. 10,000 Scan & Rastorize Plans 4,000 Surveyor— Benchmark Control 10,000 On Call: Misc. projects for civil, traffic, geotechnical, and electrical 50,000 engineers, landscape architect, surveyor, and material testing Total $404,000 L Street Department The Street Department anticipates requesting one new Maintenance Worker position to fill out the crack sealing/asphalt patching crew. Due to the increasing size and age of the Town's vehicle and equipment fleet, a request to add a Vehicle Maintenance Worker is also anticipated. The following vehicle/equipment purchase requests are anticipated: • Backhoe $ 90,000 (Extenda-hoe, 18" bucket, front clamshell bucket, 4 wheel drive) The Town does not own a dedicated backhoe; one is needed by Streets, Parks, and Public Works. • Replace Pickup Truck $ 40,000 (1-ton diesel crew cab, with arrow board and utility box) The pickup truck normally pulling the crack seal machine and loaded with a large compressor and crack seal material boxes needs to be replaced. It is 8 years old, has many hours of heavy pulling at low speed, and is requiring heavy maintenance. • Dump Truck (5-yard diesel) $ 65,000 Since converting to landfill disposal of sweepings two years ago, we have tested various methods to store and haul the sweepings. A second dump truck has proven to be the most efficient, allowing the other dump truck to be used for patching, aggregate delivery, and brush control. • Pickup Truck (3/4-ton, extended cab) $ 35,000 This is for the Street Superintendent, who is currently using a poorly suited passenger car. • Yard Security $ 18,000 Card access, self-closing gates for the street yard. The 5-year plan for Streets Capital Facilities and Equipment is attached (Section F). Major Road Improvements are shown in Sections A-E of the Capital Projects plan. The most significant projects for FY 99-00 are: • Traffic Signal, Saguaro/Grande Intersection $100,000 • La Montana Medians @ Civic Center (+50% MCO) $ 30,000 • 3 Hazard Mitigation Grant Projects $ 80,000 (includes $30,000 FEMA Grant) Saguaro Blvd @ Fountain Park, Channel from Grande to Rosita, Hazard Removal cor at Golden Eagle Park Dam. Wish Lists.doc STREETS CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY FY 1999 to FY 2004 (in$x 1000) (Project Description I 98-t 99-00 00-01 ! 01-02 02-03 03-04 Total A TRAFFIC SIGNALS 1 1 1Saguaro/Grande Intersection 1001 ! 100 2 Warning Flashers 301 I 30 60 31Signal Upgrades 50 50 r 20! 120 4 Palisades/LaMontana Intersection 100 1 100 _ 51New Signals 100 1001 200 B STREET IMPROVEMENTS I lScalloped street widening-El Pueblo,F.H.Blvd,Shea 50 50 50, 150_ 2 1 Shea Bke Lanes/Median(Federal Aid-$440K) 801 80 Shea Blvd:Beeline to Saguaro and 144th St to Palisades(Jt. 1 3 I Project w/MCDOT) 300 300 4 Firerock Country Club (Landscape Median Imp) 150 150 5 1 Saguaro Frontage Road-Ledferd-Niblick 30 30 61Town Center Improvement District 500 500 1,000 7(Town Center II(El Lago) 15o 150 8 Cuesta Acres(Includes$15K from developer) a0 40 9 1 Pave Tioga&Falcon(Includes developers:$25K+future$25K) so 80 IOlReflective Markers(9 mi) 501 50 100 _ Misc.Grants,Joint Projects 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 C STREET ENHANCEMENTS 1(Construct New Landscaped Medians on Exist.Streets 60 60 60 180 21ILa Montana Medians @ Civic Center(+50%Developer) 30 30 3!Sidewalks 1 30 30 30 30 30 30 180 4iTown Directional Signage 70 70 5 Traffic Calming io 10 10 10 10 10 60 — 1 DE 1 I Hazard Mitigation Grant-3 projects(Incl.FEMA Grant-$30K) 80 80 2,Minor Drainage Projects(30 locations) 50 50 50 150 1 3!Major Drainage Projects-per ADMP study 50 50 50 150 41AshbrOOk/Balboa Drainage Project(FCDMC Part$HOOK) 200 320 520 51Golden Eagle Park Dam(FCDMC Part$800 K) _ 300 300 I E _STREET MAINTENANCE (!Emulsion 1 90 150 70 70 70 70 520 1 2I Sluny Seal 1 zoo 300 300 300 300 300 1,700_ ' Overlay 200 200 100 100 100 100 800 Reconstruct 1 tso 100 100 100 l00 1 t00 650 1 51Microsurface and Chip Seal(Saguaro,Shea,and Grande) 200 200 400 611Curb Repair&Sidewalk too 100 100 100 1001 100 600 Subtotal--Streets,Major Road Improvements t.300 1,270 1,680 1,350 1,560 2,010 9,170 5 Year ClP 99-00.xls 3/19/99 STREETS CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY FY 1999 to FY 2004 (in$x 1000) Project Description 98-99 i 99-00 I 00-01 01-02 i 02-03 ' 03-04 Total F I MAINTENANCE FACILITIES&EQUIPMENT 1 L Dump Truck 65 F 70 135 2 Tractor/backhoe w/front loader bucket 90 90 3 I Water Truck 1 50 j 50 4 Asphalt Laydown Box 30 30 5 Truck 40 40_ 6 Compressor/Trailer ]0 10 I i 7 Misc.Equipment-Sign Machine to 10 ` 8 Replace Truck 35 40 30 60 165 9 Replace Striper 150 150 10 Replace Crack Sealer I 35 35 111 Replace Tractor 75 _ _ , 75 12 Canopy 30 30 13 Asphalt-yard j 35 35 t 114 Street Yard Building 700 200 15 Yard Security — 18 18 16 Street Sweeper 135 135 Sub-Total-Facilities&Equipment 175 248 220 125 110 330 1,208 Total-Capital Projects 1.475 1,518 1,900 1,475 1,670 2,340 10,378 5 Year CIP 99-00.xls 3/19/99 • Street Major Maintenance $850,000 For emulsion seal coats, slurry sealing, overlays, street reconstruction areas, and curb repair. Public Works Department Public Works does not anticipate adding any new personnel, vehicles, or major equipment in FY 99-00. The 5-year projection for Capital Projects/Major Maintenance is attached. Major items for FY 99-00 include: • Landscape Maintenance Contract $240,000 We have added a number of new medians over this past year, and will continue to add more medians in FY 99-00. • Wash Cleanup $400,000 We spent nearly $300,000 in the summer of 1998 for wash cleanup in the highest priority parts of Balboa and Ashbrook Washes. In addition to several remaining areas from last summer's list, the Fire District has rated several additional wash areas as urgently needing fire safety cleaning. • Avenue of the Fountains $400,000 This is for a major upgrade of the aesthetics, artwork, landscaping, hardscape, and fountains. kly • Avenue of the Fountains Electrical, Phase II $160,000 This will complete the electrical upgrade begun in FY 98-99 to accommodate the Fairs (without generators), full holiday lighting, and other events well into the future. • "Jeep Trail" Restoration $ 80,000 Once the Town acquires the McDowell Mountain properties currently being negotiated, staff proposes to begin restoration of the jeep trail scar, using Eonite slope stain, removing loose rock, hydroseeding, sprigging, and planting with temporary watering. bb att. cc: Tom Ward Jim Leubner Pat Harvey Tony Marchese Bud Clutter L Wish Lists.doc Public Works Capital Projects/Major Maintenance Summary FY 1999 to FY 2004 r (in $x 1000) Project Description vs- 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 Total A LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 200 330 400 420 440 1.790 1 Maintenance Contract 240 240 2 Palm Trimming 10 10 3 Spray(Pre and Post Emergents--2 times per year) 25 25 4 Winter Grass(AOTF and FHB/Shea) 5 5 5 Fertilizer/Amendments 5 5 6 Irrigation Major Repair 15 15 B WASHES,DAMS,&PRESERVES MAINTENANCE 1 Wash clean up 200 400 100 100 100 100 1.000 C MAJOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS-MEDIANS Upgrade Avenue of the Fountains(Aesthetics,Landscape, 1 Fountains) so 400 440 2 Upgrade Avenue of the Fountains(Electric) 60 160 220 3 Shea Medians- 144th St.to Palisades 160 160 4 Shea Medians-With FCC 60 60 120 5 Landscape Restorations 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 6 Landscape New Medians 30 30 60 60 180 7 Cottonwoods Improvement District 50 50 8 "Jeep Trail"Restoration 80 80 D FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 1 Truck 20 20 2 Chipper 25 25 3 Replace Truck 20 20 Total-Capital Projects 600 1,390 655 660 540 680 4,525 L 5 Year CIP 99-00.xis 3/19/99 Marshals Department L Memo To Cassie Hansen Reno Steve Gendler Lj'w CC: Paul Nordin Date: 03/15/99 Re: Fiscal Issues—Council Retreat The purpose of this memorandum is to comply with your request for any major fiscal issues to be considered by the Council at their budget retreat on March 30th. Executive Summary:The Marshals Department budget request for FY99/00 will not be reflecting any new programs.Our fiscal plan will incorporate a normally scheduled vehicle replacement,completion of security measures associated with a 24-hour law enforcement facility, and purchase of equipment relating to the 24-hour dispatch program. In addition, limited upgrades and computer workstations associated with the FY98/99 installation of our automated record system are required. The department has also been notified of a pending grant award that will occur in FY99V00 which provides 75% of all personnel costs associated with security of parks and public property. Vehicle Replacement: As part of a comprehensive fleet administration program, the department has been replacing and upgrading marked patrol units for the last seven years. By doing this incrementally, capital purchase costs are held to a minimum.We will be seeking $25,000 for replacement of a 1992 patrol vehicle. Facility Issues: Recognizing that a policy decision has not been made regarding the future of buildings currently occupied by the town, we are deferring any requests for space, parking enhancements, lighting, and fencing until next fiscal year. However, as a 24-hour law enforcement and court facility, there are some basic security measures that must be taken in the upcoming fiscal year including remote monitors,metal detectors, and restructuring of existing public access areas.Total projected cost is$12,500. Dispatch Equipment: In order to complete plans for dispatch operations serving all departments in town government, additional radio, telephone, and recording equipment will be needed. Total cost is projected at$9600 to add the radio frequencies and voice logging system associated with this service. Computer Issues: The department completed implementation of a major software upgrade in our criminal information systems during this past fiscal year. This included additions to the server, installation of computers supporting the windows95 platform in our administrative and dispatch areas. In order to make full use of the new system,we would be seeking additional computer workstations and docking ports in our squad room and field supervisor offices.Total cost is estimated at$9300. (how Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, TOWN CLERK Date: 03/22/99 Re: ADMINISTRATION "WISH LIST"— FY'99/2000 Compared to last year, the Administration Department is approaching the 99/2000 budget year from a "status quo" perspective. Whereas last year's budget included some significant facility and equipment expenditures, the coming year will maintain the current Town Hall configuration and plan for potential changes in FY 2000/2001. The most significant items/projects on the "wish list" are in the area of personnel and facility planning for FY 2000/2001. FACILITY ISSUES: % The most significant factor affecting facility issues in the coming budget year is the termination of L. the master lease with MCO Properties and Dr. Lukenda on February 1, 2000. During this transitional year, it would be beneficial for the Town to continue leasing the buildings directly from Dr. Lukenda on a short term basis until a determination is made and negotiations concluded regarding the future location of Town Hall. Even if the library bond passes on May 18, the new facility would not be available until the spring/summer of 2000. The Town, therefore, will assume the operational costs (rent, utilities, maintenance) on February 1st for the library in its current location. Depending on the negotiated rental rate, it is anticipated that an additional $6,000/month (approximately$30,000 for February through June) will be spent to keep the library doors open. If the bond does not pass and the Council decides to purchase the existing buildings or lease long term, the coming year would include significant planning and work on the re-design of the buildings to incorporate a library facility within the existing complex and upgrade Town Hall to current standards. Since there is little chance that Town Hall will be "re-locating" on February 1, 2000, staff has been reviewing MCO's past maintenance and repair budgets for the three buildings. Costs for outside maintenance, major HVAC repairs, water, trash removal, etc., effective February 1 2000, will be incorporated into the budget. Minor changes are being considered including moving the network room to Building B. Since Building B will be the emergency center for the Town when the auxiliary power system is installed this spring, staff felt it would be advisable to move the Town's computer network to a location Page 1 of 3 Cassie Hansen Last printed 03/22/99 11:13 AM 03/22/99 March 22, 1999 where its security, safety and uninterrupted operation would be insured. One wall of the old network room would be removed and minor remodeling done to the space to expand the drafting/CAD technicians area which is currently no wider than a hallway. This cost should not exceed $5,000. Staff would also like to explore some sort of transparent paneling to use in conjunction with the partial walls that form the hallway back to the Administration area. This is a high-traffic area and the associated noise can be distracting for the staff members in the immediate area. Consideration is being given to adding two doors on the copy room to assist in the noise reduction. Expected cost should not exceed $3,500. Other facility issues that staff will be considering in the upcoming budget include: repairs and maintenance of the Water Company, a construction budget for the new library (if the bond passes), a construction budget for the new community center, a feasibility study of the performing arts center, and an operating budget for the Kiwanis Building (per the revised lease agreement). COMMUNITY BENEFITS: As part of the plan that was decided upon last year, the Town Manager will make a recommendation to the Council of a dollar amount to include in the budget for the Community Benefit Program. Once the Council approves the budget, including whatever dollar amount is decided upon, staff will advertise and accept applications for the funds. Applications will be reviewed by a citizen committee and a recommendation made to the Council for distribution in the early fall. PERSONNEL: One of the most significant benefits to Town Hall during the current fiscal year has been the Council-approved transition from a contract cleaning service to in-house custodians. There is no comparison between the level of service received before and after the change was made and the Town can be proud of the appearance of the facility. There are currently two part-time positions, 30 hours/week each. One of these staff members has taken a lead position, becoming instrumental in coordinating the work assignments and schedules, and managing the selection and purchase of supplies and equipment. During the years that the Town has leased space from MCO, their property manager has been the contact person used to deal with facility maintenance and repair issues. On February 1, there will no longer be a property manager to deal with all aspects of facility operations. Staff has researched other cities and towns regarding facility operations personnel since the time is approaching in the Town's evolution that such a position is necessary. In addition to assuming responsibility for the Town Hall buildings during the next fiscal year, the Town will have the maintenance and operation of the water company and library as well. Since responsibility for these facilities will be phased in over the next fiscal year, staff would like the authorization to add a Building Operations Coordinator sometime during the year. The position would probably remain open until such time as additional facilities fall under Town control. A draft job description has been written based on similar positions in valley cities. The salary range would be approximately $10.00 to $16.00 per hour. Although this position would supervise the activities and schedules of 2 March 22, 1999 kw the custodian positions, he/she would assist in the custodial functions. These additional "custodial hours"will be necessary when the 7,000 square foot library becomes our responsibility. The Town's Information Technology functions have become increasingly complex and broad in scope over the last nine years. One person has provided all the services associated with those functions. The Town has reached "critical mass" in this area and the Information Technology Specialist is requesting assistance to provide the staff and town with the level of service it now needs. Please refer to his memo regarding this staffing request. Y2K: The wish list in this area includes the wish that this item would go away! Seriously, staff anticipates that there will be remediation costs included in the '99/2000 budget which have not been identified at this time. Considering the progress that's being made in the review and analysis of the Town's exposure, hard numbers should be available when the budget document is prepared in May. "OUTSIDE REQUESTS" Staff has received a request from Phyliss Kern that the Town consider budgeting funds in the '99/2000 budget for covered parking and lighting in Plat 208. If the Council has any desire to proceed with this project, staff will research viability and associated costs. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: 41110, Requests have been received from the Red Cross and the County for the transportation programs already in place and the numbers are very close to last year's. The Chamber is currently working on their request. The Senior Services is requesting $21,200 to continue the program that was started last year at the Kiwanis Building. Additional requests will undoubtedly be forthcoming. The remainder of the budget should be fairly routine. Staff is prepared to take any direction the Council desires in the budget preparation process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Morgan and Town Council FROM: Tim Brown, Chairman—Budget & Finance Subcommittee John Kavanagh Michael Fleck Kim Marshburn Rich Dobson DATE: March 17, 1999 RE: Request for Department"Wish List" The following items are what the Parks and Recreation Commission's Budget Subcommittee believes are important expenditures for FY 1999-2000. This is the department's Wish List: 1. Four Peaks Neighborhood Park—Phase II (FPNP) $1,051,200 2. Part-Time Hour Increase (Parks and Recreation) $ 62,500 3. Increased programming for Youth and Teens $ 20,000 4. Turf and Horticultural Intern (university Student—All Parks) $ 5,000 5. Grounds Sweeper(all concrete trails, parking lots, plazas) $ 25,000 6. John Deere 1200 Bunker and Field Rake (FPNP) $ 8,000 TOTAL REQUESTED $1,183,700 L Information L Memorandum Technology To: The Honorable Mayor and Council From: Peter B.Putterman,Information Technology Specialist n x, Date: Friday,March 19, 1999 _-- Re: FY 1999 — 2000 Budget Wish List Computer&Networking Hardware and Software to connect remote staff and offices to Town Hall $5,000.00 Convert Internet Connection from 56K Frame Relay to Fractional T1 $4,500.00 New Computers(Estimated for new hires and Y2K replacements) $25,000.00 Data Backup System $20,000.00 Software Requests—Currently requests and estimates are less than $8,000.00 kiw Operating System Upgrade—Win 95 to NT 4.0,60 licenses @ $100.00 $6,000.00 Telephone System Voice Mail System—Current unit is not y2k capable;estimated replacement cost $10,000.00 FH11—Council Chambers Video Camera,Pan&Tilt head, and electronics $15,000.00 ? Personnel New Position-VT Solution Center Specialist Salary Range$10.58-$15.34 per hour There is a strong possibility that with the receipt of our Year 2000 Assessment report from Sunrise Technologies,our contracted consultant, we will have identified other potentially significant expenses that will need to be provided for in the FY1999-2000 budget. L InfomiationMemorandum Technology To: The Honorable Mayor and Council From: Peter B.Putterman,Information Technology Specialist • Date: Tuesday,March 30, 1999 Re: FY 1999—2000 Budget Wish List Computer&Networking Hardware and Software to connect remote staff and offices to Town Hall $15,000.00 Convert Internet Connection from 56K Frame Relay to Fractional Ti $4,500.00 New Computers(Estimated for new hires and Y2K replacements) $25,000.00 Data Backup System $20,000.00 Software Requests—Currently requests and estimates are less than $8,000.00 `•111111111111, Operating System Upgrade—Win 95 to NT 4.0,60 licenses @ $100.00 $6,000.00 GIS System Hardware and Software for GIS Workstation $10,000.00 Contract Services,Data Acquisition Costs $25,000.00 Telephone System Voice Mail System—Y2K compliant;estimated replacement cost $10,000.00 FHII(Video Improvements)—Council Chambers Video Camera,Pan&Tilt head,and electronics $15,000.00 Personnel New Position-UT Solution Center Specialist Salary Range$10.58-$15.34 per hour Please note that this memo has been updated with new information received since the original was distributed to the Council.As the Information Technology budget for FY 1999-2000 is compiled,other projects may develop that will be brought before to the Council's attention should they have potential budgetary impact.