HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.0603.TCRMP.Packet 4l' NOTICE OF REGULAR SESSION o 0 = o� OF THE t. A. � atisA. • FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Morgan Councilman Apps Councilwoman Wiggishoff Councilman Wyman Councilman Poma Vice Mayor Mower Councilwoman Hutcheson WHEN: THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1999 TIME: 6:30 P.M. WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B I RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL—ADOPTED 1/18/90 ,,is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting,please adhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3) Please stand,approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5) TIME LIMIT—THREE(3)MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6) Statements should not be repetitive. 7) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • PLEDGE TO THE FLAG • INVOCATION—Pastor Don Lawrence—Christ Church of Fountain Hills • ROLL CALL Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk(*) are considered to be routine, non-controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent firenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent 2 enda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session June 3, 1999 *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of May 20th, 1999. *2.) Consideration of AWARDING THE BID for the access control system for Town Hall. *3.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-25, declaring the result of, and adopting a certificate of result of, the Special Bond Election held on May 18, 1999; ordering the recording of such certificate and declaring an emergency. *4.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-27, ordering the sale of $1,400,000 principal amount of Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,General Obligation Bonds, Series 1999, and declaring an emergency. *5.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-26 abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located along the southwesterly property line of Plat SunRidge Canyon,Lot 17 (13630 Sunset Drive)as recorded in Book 406 of Maps,Page 28 records of Maricopa County, Arizona(AZCO Investments-EA99-10). *6.) Consideration of a PRELIMINARY AND FINAL REPLAT to join Lots 17 and 18 of Fountain Hills Final Plat 604-C, Block 8. 7.) QUARTERLY REPORT by Tony Bass of Imagine Recovery Resources on the substance abuse treatment program established at the Fountain Hills High School and funded by the Town for FY '98-99. Mr. Bass will be joined by Dawn Iwamoto from the Fountain Hills School District. 8.) FACILITIES UPDATE by Assistant School Superintendent Terry Tatterfield including discussion of future school buildings and future bond elections. 9.) PRESENTATION on the upcoming GEP Dam safety improvement project. 10.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC Public comment is encouraged but please be advised that the Council has no ability to respond or discuss matters brought up during the Call to the Public as such discussion is prohibited by the Arizona Open Meeting Law. 11.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 28th day of May, 1999. 6(444.41, 46 By: Cassie B. Hansen,Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice)or 1- 800-367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. Lir Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 2 Last printed 05/28/99 9:17 AM L, Interoffice Memo . , ., „„4.,„, To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, TOWN CLERI�`�j''n ' Date: 05/28/99 II } Re: "UNMANAGER'S" REPORT FOR THE 6/3/99 COUNCIL MEETING Since today is packet day as well as "get the budget to the Council day", I am providing an "unmanager's report" for the packet. The agenda for June 3rd has only eleven items including Call to the Public and Adjournment quite possibly the shortest agenda on record for a regularly scheduled Council meeting. At this time, no additional meetings are scheduled before or after the regular meeting ,. ;A Just a reminder thaTOvri a be closed on Monday, May 31st for the Memorial Day holiday. If an S cial„meetingsee 461-e , staff will notify you on Tuesday. There are six items on the consent agenda as follows: AGENDA ITEM #1-6MINUTES: Includedli o'' t.r acketare minutes°'from the special and regular meetings of May 20, 1999. .F= AGENDATITEM #2— BID-AWARD: Qn Thursday, May. 27, bids were opened for the access control system approved in last year's budget Due to the specialized nature of the system, the expertise of Hofmann Dietz was used to assisin the b►dding process A total of fount.ides were received for the project. The architect is recommending the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Nelson-Holland, Inc. for the total amount of $51,565.28. Please refer to the enclosed letter and bid tabulation sheet from Rob Dietz. An amount of $65,000 was budgeted for this project, resulting in savings of almost $13,500. Staff recommends awarding the bid for the Town Hall access control system to Nelson-Holland, Inc. in the amount of $51,565.28. AGENDA ITEM #3— RESOLUTION 1999-25 CANVASSING THE BOND ELECTION: Bond counsel Scott Ruby has prepared the necessary documents to canvass the results of the May 18th special bond election. The Council must canvass the election for the results to be "official". Page 1 of 3 Cassie Hansen Last printed 05/28/99 1:06 PM 05/28/99 May 28, 1999 The emergency clause appears on the resolution to allow approval of the next agenda item that authorizes the sale of bonds for the land purchase. A copy of Resolution 1999-25 and attachments are included in the packet. Staff recommends approval of Resolution 1999-25. AGENDA ITEM #4— RESOLUTION 1999-27—ORDERING THE SALE OF BONDS: At the May 18th special bond election, the voters authorized the Council to sell General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $1.4 million to purchase 9.25 acres of open space commonly referred to as "the post card view". Resolution 1999-27 represents the Council action necessary to carry out the desire of the voters. Included in the packet is a cover memo from bond counsel Scott Ruby who prepared the necessary documents. A copy of the resolution and public notice are also included. Bonds will be awarded at the August 5th Council meeting. Staff recommends approval of Resolution 1999-27. AGENDA ITEM #5— RESOLUTION 1999-26— EASEMENT ABANDONMENT: Resolution 1999-26 is a request for the abandonment of a utility and drainage easement located at 13630 Sunset Drive. The engineering department reviewed the request and found no reason for the Town to retain the easement. Staff recommends approval of Resolution 1999-26. Please see enclosed materials from Randy. AGENDA ITEM #6 — PRELIMINARY AND FINAL REPLAT FOR A LOT JOIN ON SUNBURST DRIVE: This is a request to combine two lots on Sunburst Drive. The reconfiguration will allow greater flexibility in the construction and orientation of additions to the existing house at located at 15717 East Sunburst Drive. The request is in compliance with the regulations of the Subdivision Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance. Staff recommends approval. Please see enclosed materials from Dana. AGENDA ITEM #7—QUARTERLY REPORT BY TONY BASS: Mr. Bass from Imagine Recovery, Inc. will provide his final report for fiscal year 1998-99 at the June 3rd Council meeting. Dawn Iwamoto from the Fountain Hills School District will be present to comment on the program and address any questions the Council may have. AGENDA ITEM #8— FACILITY UPDATE BY TERRY TATTERFIELD: Assistant School Superintendent Terry Tatterfield will provide the Council with a status update on the school facilities in Fountain Hills. Copies of the "Facility Advisory Committee Report" are included in the packet and outline some of the issues to be addressed. Future school facility development and associated bonding issues will be included in the presentation. Please see enclosed report provided by Mr. Tatterfield. AGENDA ITEM #9—GOLDEN EAGLE PARK DAM SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: Prior to the June 3rd Council meeting, a public open house will be held in the Council Chambers. The Flood Control District of Maricopa County and the Engineering Department will host the open 2 May 28, 1999 house that will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Both the open house and the agenda item deal with the Golden Eagle Park Dam Safety Improvement Project that is currently in the pre- design stage. Please see enclosed materials from Randy. As always, if you have any questions on any items, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate staff member. Have a safe and pleasant holiday! L 3 MEMO TO: The . t ora i e Mayor and Members of the Town Council THROUGH: Paul L • e FROM: Peter B. 'utterman DATE: June 3, 1999 RE: Award of Bid—Access Control System for Town Facilities In the 1998-99 budget, Council approved $65,000.00 for an access control system for Town Hall. This project was originally bid with the Community Center in an effort to save cost. When those bids were rejected, the Access Control System was bid with the assistance of Hoffman-Dietz Architects. On May 27th,bids were received for the proposed project(see attached). As your packet material indicated, staff originally recommended the award go to Nelson-Holland, Inc., the low bidder. This bid is based on Continental equipment, in the amount of$51,565.28. Just yesterday, Rob Dietz and Cassie Hansen attended the first meeting of the Library Museum Advisory Commission. Through contact with county library staff at this meeting, it was brought to staffs' attention that the County Library system utilizes exclusively, access control equipment manufactured by the Hirsch Company. This information triggered discussion among staff generating the following points: • It has always been the intention of staff to specify the same equipment used at Town Hall in all subsequently constructed or acquired Town facilities including the Community Center and Library Museum. This allows for a common interface and controls. Maintenance staff would have one "card" allowing them access to multiple facilities that they service. It eliminates the risk, expense and management problems with issuing multiple keys to many facilities. • If the Continental equipment were installed in Town Hall, there is the likelihood that when the new Community Center and Library/Museum project is bid, that we would have to specify two separate systems to meet the needs of the County Library and those of the Town. It is reasonable to assume that there would be a significantly higher cost for the installation of two diverse systems. • With common staff (i.e. emergency, custodial and maintenance) requiring frequent and easy access to both facilities, many of the benefits installing and using an access control system would be negated by requiring separate "cards"to be programmed, issued and managed. • If the library facility and or its operation were to become responsibility of the Town of Fountain Hills, then we would incur the expense of replacing the non-compatible equipment. In effect, paying for it initially then paying to replace it. Taking these points into consideration, staff is recommending that Council award to the second lowest bidder, Sharptec, proposing equipment manufactured by Hirsch, the Contract for the Access Control System for the sum of$57,482.25. Staff is confident that this will result in a system that will provide flexibility, future compatibility and the most cost-effective solution for our needs. Respectfully, Peter B Putterman Information Systems Technician L L �INIII . qt /III■ „ a s..aIM i 44 U MIM._W.MME= IIIIIIOil G.,) ,,, "N� p.t. VO o0eNi O co .71 S O 0i o N 4-1 ,t O O ►. M V 1e ^ Ch Q Ao es 0 uBN 44 w IS z o" d °° 00 0 ¢ Ng 00 AN °a zv00 °V H en •y , A O0 en N 00 y .� o M~/�y� t c u h+M w U 0 R 0 Fr. O O 10 w WOten O 0 w 1+ ~ O C C I. ,0 O W O N N o O " ' F z °` O NN enen Q69 69 69 69 O Il [—I A oo N o o 00 co; o W cA 00 n 0 0 �"'� In en 6`99 49 en 0 z drN+" X X y 'b O o Cn N 61 b u 0 ON ONW= °• a RA X X >C X vv Ux z Q H E' V w a goa x Q >, „., ... tii go ,...... t..) os 4 0 T3,,, ° 2 'I Gi r��//. CU o CO E- ¢ti FM A p wa A a .► F H : w . z z U A a .< F. F a as z en a a as P:' 1,4 ..11...11E=1 L May 28, 1999 Hofmann-Dietz Architects,Ltd. Planners& Construction Managers Town of Fountain Hills 459 N.Gilbert Goad 16836 E. Palisades Boulevard Suite C-200 Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 Gilbert,AZ 85234 Office: (602)539 880o ATTN: Peter Putterman Fax: (602)539-8608 Information Systems Specialist Modem:(602)539-8926 E-Mail:hda!hd-architects.conr Principals PROTECT: TOWN H.AI,T,ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM Jack T.Hofmmnn,A.I.A. Town of Fountain Hills Rob Dietz Architect's Project No 9920 Cheri A.McClure fames A.Morris,P.E. SUBJECT: Architect's Recommendation Senior Associates Jon P.Anderson,A.I.A. Pete Barker Dear Board Members: x.Mason Hite,Ill Associates Attached is the tabulation of all bids received and opened by the Town of Br.11ce Scott Fountain Hills for the referenced project on Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 3:00 P.M. We recommend the acceptance of the Base Proposal plus Alternates 1 and 2 submitted by Nelson-Holland., Inc. in the total amount of Fifty One Thousand Five Hundred Sixth Five and 28/100 Dollars ($51,565.28), which represents the lowest bid received on this combination of Base Bid plus Alternates 1 and 2. Respectfully, HOFMANN-DIETZ ARCHITECTS, LTD. tititv Rob Dietz RD/cm Attachment: Bid Tabulation Form ......... q E. EQIIgi t au/II_= ,., n r ��.. M.. ,. a> W o ����• r N N o o w a V f� +- 0 � O O ., 'S S C h a O O •- 0 M NI V :� in 59 sus 00 y o, Q NI q w :� c N h i ° x oh —4 t E-.1 U N ..4MIC uti 6 o c 0 0 0 ;; g q 4 N c'3 C4 O v M o 0 . .c ° FZ M N oo y .b y A a 0 w °' a, O M"- c'b '' W >, w F — C C e a) Tq �.iN 'iO O 4 ►. e) 4:6 I. XI O U O N O O — 0z o N M Z O G1 bo - 4 E"I A v°Oi n 0 0 p.1 o0 0 0 "Itt ., 000 n o 0 14 H en en&I 69 en en IA 603 M M a 5 ... el, to 0.4 -., U N O w Ch hi b a.)ON 0 c °� X U zU v aN N d' 43et >•o ,g 0 4 d F E-1 F e+i Q p w a A a MCI ra V N• F H °x " 173 gzz CLj , ca es RESOLUTION NO. 1999-25 L RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULT OF,AND ADOPTING A CERTIFICATE OF RESULT OF, THE SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD ON MAY 18, 1999; ORDERING THE RECORDING OF SUCH CERTIFICATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA, as follows: Section 1. After careful examination of the official returns of the special bond election held in and for the Town of Fountain Hills on May 18, 1999, it is found and determined by the Mayor and Council as follows: (A) A majority of those qualified electors voting at the aforementioned special bond election voted "For the Bonds" as shown on the attached Certificate of Result of Election; (B) A total of$5,100,000 principal amount of General Obligation Bonds, Project of 1999, are therefore authorized to be issued and sold; (C) The Mayor and members of this Council present this date will execute the attached Certificate of Result of Election; (D) The Clerk is hereby directed to record the attached Certificate of Result of Election in the office of the County Recorder of Maricopa County, Arizona, and to return said copy with the recording data shown thereon to the official records of this body. Section 2. The immediate operation of the provisions of this resolution is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety and an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this resolution will be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and Council as required by law and it is hereby exempt from the referendum provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State of Arizona. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, on June 3, 1999. ATTEST: May r (1/Wil‘L\-13 YJ-4-11•1-2L-J Clerk L SWR:gmh 307240.01 5/19/99 Chon 144 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Candelaria, Engineer/Pla e wer REVIEWED: Randy L. Harrel, Town Enginee THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager DATE: May 28, 1999 RE: Easement Abandonment 99-10; Resolution 1999-26 13630 Sunset Drive (Lot 17, Parcel 0, SunRidge Canyon Estates) AZCO Investments This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the ten foot(10) drainage easement located at the southwesterly property line of Lot 17, Plat SunRidge Canyon, (13630 Sunset Drive)as shown on Exhibit"A". Concurrently, the property owner, AZCO Investment, is executing documents to grant to the Town of Fountain Hills, a 10' Drainage Easement(EAA99-03)along the northeasterly property line of Lot 17, to convey the drainage run-off of Sunset Drive. The location of the constructed street drainage outlet was changed, but the legal easement location was not previously changed. The property owner of Lot 17 desires the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of drainage facilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 17 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment. (Also being strictly a drainage easement, their approval is actually not required.) Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 1999-26. • That the applicant executes a replacement Grant of Easement for a 10' drainage easement on the northeast side of the above Lot 17. cc: Azco Investments Steve Coover,MCO Realty,Inc. Josh Crothers,SunRidge Canyon Commercial Development Co.,Inc. G:\Easement Memo\EA99-10,Azco Investments,Parcel 0,Lot 17.doc When recorded, return to: ngineering Department NiPrown of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 1999-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT,TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN THE CERTAIN DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 17, OF SUNRIDGE CANYON ESTATES, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 406 OF MAPS, PAGE 28, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and cof WHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain ten (10)foot drainage easement located along the southwesterly property lot line of Lot 17, of SunRidge Canyon Estates, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as shown on Exhibit"A"as recorded in book 406 of maps, page 28 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; is hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 17 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 1999-26 Page 1 of 2 SASS/ AIL ( -3- Ms ION Ajo 6L. ;SECOND �� :OUNT O PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June 1999. WEST: FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS CAAAA:L ,6 ) 14A.t4,./ 0 Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Sharon Morgan, Mayor REVIEWED B : APPROVED AS TO FORM: yA/4- // C.,L� J / . "Uuon Manager William E. Farrell, Town Attorney Resolution 1999-26 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT ioky SUNRIDGE CANYON ESTATES, LOT 17 UNSUBDIVIDED OWNER - SUNRIDGE CANYON L.L.C. 13 ABANDON DRAINAGE EASEMENT N 39'40'00"E 100.00' �/I•�- 10' D.E. o 15 AA w �`' 0 Pi �7 0 18 19 o / ni o - / . ,=02'32'47" N R=225.00' L=10.00' 9 ` �� 101 .91'- - -_ _ ----/— _ �� _ SUNSET DRIVE - - 49 48 47 46 4 -CA 1 it, 16 5 �0 � lrI RAWYL. �1 SCALE: 1"=60' ° HARK�-, , 7Z-4i °tv i�'(J' . l NORTH R"1 i 1j r TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner DATE: May 28, 1999 SUBJECT: S98-48; Final Replat for"Fountain Hills Plat 604-C, Block 8, Lots 17 & 18" This is a request to join Lots 17 & 18 of Block 8 Final Replat 604-C. This application is only removing the common lot line of an R1-35 zoned property and also dedicating a significant area as a Hillside Protection Easement. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission & Staff report for additional details regarding this request. If you should have any questions, I can be reached at 816-5138. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT June 3, 1999 CASE NO: S99-011 LOCATION: Lots 17 & 18 Block 8 Final Plat 604-C REQUEST: Consider approval of a replat for Final Plat 604-C, Block 8, Lots 17 & 18, a lot join project. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Douglas C. & Penelope S. Olson APPLICANT: Anderson-Nelson, Inc. EXISTING ZONING: "R1-35" EXISTING CONDITION: Existing Single Family Residence LOT SIZE: 2.06 acres SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Single Family; zoned "R1-8" SOUTH: Sunburst Wash; zoned "R1-35" EAST: Undeveloped "R1-35" WEST: Undeveloped: zoned "R1-35" SUMMARY: This request is for final plat approval of a Replat for " Final Replat 604-C, Block 8, Lots 17 & 18" which is a lot join project. Due to the simplicity of this request a "fast track" process is being allowed. The owner, Douglas and Penelope Olson, has chosen to reconfigure these lots by combining the lots into one lot. The reconfiguration of these lots will allow for greater flexibility in the construction and orientation of additions without crossing lot lines. The new lot will meet all the requirements of the "R1-35" Zoning District for size and dimensions. The applicant has met the Hillside Protection Easement requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and has provided 1.59 acres of H.P.E. RECOMMENDATION: The proposed lots are in compliance with the regulations of The Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. Staff recommends approval of replat S99-011 "Final Replat of Lots 17 & 18, Block 8, Final Plat 604-C". exII'YlBr 4 k r ?3} .ems TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS -� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ‘r....m..nmmii ..m.. ..o.m.........u.m=m...m.....m.miin......i. }izS- t NV-gtatUr iRELIMINARIIPtAT�APPLIC�A'TION ' `° i Date Filed�(z/Q Fee Paid �� Accepte Plat Name/Number l fountain Hills Plat 604-C , Replat 0.- J Parcel Size 2 . 06 Acres Number of Lots 1 Number of Tracts 0 Zoning General Plan Land Use Designation Sinale Family Residential Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) Applicant Day Phone Douglas C . & Penelope S . Olson 602-837-0127 Address 15717 E . Sunburst Drive City- , . STA Z Zip Fountain HillsLI, I5a-(.� Owner Da Phone Douglas C . & Penelope S . Olson 60�Z-837-0127 Address City ST Zip 15717 E . Sunburst Drive Fountain Hills AZ Attachments (Please list) Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date i - 2`T V 0,-, . TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscr' and sworn before me this day of f- r / , 19�7. My Commission Expires -Pc)./ .2-7 7x== Notary Public ii.,;,�� WROAL>A f '. CHRIS H.W.BUSSE NOT >. ' MARICOPA COUNTY 4., • My COMM.Expires April>ck 7xi (Seal) ` - - - _: FH Case Number Fee Schedule Attached I. _° ®mg0� g=,,^p A8X s :9 aY5 T:^ib ., m g . a s Ici �A_" gN fO A I 8G. MOAm m IA T 0 T 7 yq oil '° > u& $°R ty 3 $ g p S ) �� /���t a n g m T ;5 1111111111,41111' ' as 1g' 'i ' E $ �� I gym; M mm �_� , A ► ��1 10 IN A �� sa ^g 11111111111111111 v P , r D -n 0 e3\ ?0 OCS 3.00.Os.S05, .Bi I- c �/e `kmm>°ogxxY99$ A 0 8°0, s Z "3RTA x_AQZ : f o T, iRv. °$RaAO,m51 c t R 8 s°—o ys:m' 1 0') 11 . $° g A A 2 ogaq> R" 4 m ^>"<g"z !Ul g S I eee� 441W OW; N��, ;SN =6"=gym 1 _ 8 z D � 48Rg80 4go� z 3,0, =v & oohs D 70 8 m ?F 4N i• II n " 8 '8 z t 71 r Vo' A gRoop'n° > v I _ i--�__ ____ — t 2 2 D O 9 € '�£a $off m� ° r $ O "I V• 'pa.€ :4:=R 1 pr 3.x:.c:s El-- 2 t8 c1RJR " g I ° Z g;) F,7Fgn:£RF 8 10 m " I y .�m1F8go4?o�0= r an^ 4'�= I D $ 1 8. ° �0m� 1 A LCOON oe• 7.0r> %. m07+ O� rn -7o' vN ti W obs� 2� o ^4 ° m o 8 � Sc' "n�8. ,19: m.0. o R,S Wit, . z R ',ems ba b1< ^perp °>' ~o °u�up° ; ; V _ E BA R " !' aD�ER zgrl T" xr3 Ne#= y ip o A a$ b * sA g g SAY€° o x 4, " 2 q '^' 0 9RY „p 'z $ Nip o p R °F gR €l W'''' — • R % g4"1 Fig, FN 'nV$8", 3" .1--44 °I1, ) ^^Ye : " 'a § 3= € 'gig" R9? " >"^ 3 mn!RC£ H o°R $>^ B U `= " ' °'n " FOUNTAIN HILLS PLAT 604-C REPLAT IN FI f �.^� e�3, ['An wn�/�,/9" 4441 Eect McDowell RoeO i� .Vito Anderson - Nelson, Inc. FhoeMx,Arizone Ast% 3"s' FINAL PLAT fngi,eerhg-Surveyhg-Site Grad,g plans-Su chtsion Developent-Hydrology (602) 273-1850 BuiConstruction Management-Computer Services FwnlnbM NCB.AZ ieoii ei,.aii IMAIN /Arc I N Co, 2LCOYL y 2E.Ou2CL6 INC. June 2, 1999 June 1999 Report to the Town of Fountain Hills Review of Grant The two major portions of the grant we received from the Town of Fountain Hills and the Fountain Hills School District are: • To offer intensive outpatient treatment for a specific number of patients as determined by the provider Imagine Recovery Resources will provide Intensive Outpatient Treatment to ten chemically dependent adolescents from the Fountain Hills Community. The use of these funds will be limited to an as needed basis. Prior to granting a scholarship to a Fountain Hills teenager, their parents and the teenager must complete a chemical dependency assessment. They will also complete a Financial Disclosure Form. This service will be provided at our North Scottsdale location. Cor • To target adolescents from grade levels 6-12 in the local school district We will continue to work with The Fountain Hills United School District to compliment their programs and support the schools in any way possible. We have run groups with "at-risk" students, helped design intervention programs, and spoken at school functions for students and parents. Our involvement with the District will include all of what we have been performing, and any other services, which they may require of us. Review of Services Provided We were funded for a total of ten Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) scholarships. To this date we have used approximately 10.3 of the scholarships. This quarter we used 1 more of the scholarships. As of this date, since receiving the grant,we have treated fourteen adolescents from Fountain Hills. Of that number, eight are actively working a program of recovery. L 9318 Ni.951-1-1 \VAY OU ITL 101.5COT 5PALL.AZ 85258 (602) 614-3444 • FAX(602) 614-3888 , Support Group Parent Adolescent Cr Attendance Appointments Appointments 3/29/99 0 4 3 4/5/99 0 3 3 4/12/99 0 2 0 4/19/99 0 5 4 4/26/99 2 0 1 5/3/99 2 0 0 5/10/99 0 1 1 5/17/99 2 0 0 5/24/99 0 2 1 5/31/99 2 1 1 Total Appointments 18 14 Year End Numbers Support Group Parent Appointments Adolescent Attendance Appointments 8/98-9/98 7 9 3 10/98-12/98 2 11 11 (Iiiw 1/99-3/99 4 6 5 3/99-5/99 8- 18 14 Totals: 21 44 33 Thank You, ,./;?;C2; 4 A-- H.Anthony Bass, MSW CEO L • Facility Advisory Committee Report Addendum March 31, 1999 • • Mission Statement The mission of the committee is to propose a plan for school facilities development in relation to district growth. This plan is to recognize future school building sites, construction and bonding needs, property utilization, and preventative maintenance programs. The Facilities Advisory Committee shall assist in prioritizing improvements and upgrades and recommend funding sources. Facility Advisory Committee Report 1 L • • Areas of Focus • Enrollment Projections • Maintenance and Capital Needs • Recommendations • Tax Projections • Timelines Enrollment Projections • Development growth • Development trends • Current enrollment • Near term 6% enrollment growth Facility Advisory Committee Report 3 L Committee Recommendations • Capital Override - $750,000/yr for 7 years • Purchase State Land • Construct new Middle School - $14 million including land • Renovate Four Peaks - $2 million L • • Tax Rate Projection • Valuations • Current bonded indebtedness • Proposed Class B Bonds - $16 million • Current M&O Override • Proposed Capital Override Facility Advisory Committee Report 5 L • Bonding & Override Timeline 98/99 99A30 00A71 01472 02/03 03,04 04,05 05/06 06A77 07/08 08,09 09/10 10/11 11/12 i • • L Facility Advisory Committee Report 7 Chron 149 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable May & Council FROM: Randy L. Harr THROUGH: Paul Nordin DATE: May 27, 1999 RE: Golden Eagle Park Dam Safety Improvement Project The Flood Control District of Maricopa County and the Town Engineering Department will be hosting a public open house in the Council Chambers on Thursday, June 3, 1999 from 5 — 6 PM. The open house will be regarding the Golden Eagle Park Dam Safety Improvement Project currently in pre-design. Following the open house, a presentation L., will be made at the Town Council meeting regarding the project. bb att. L GEPD Project Memo iow To: Distribution File: 28900042 Stantec From: George V. Sabol Date: 21 May 1999 Re: GED Dam—Handout for Public Meeting#1 Attached is a draft of the 1-page handout for the Public Meeting scheduled for 3 June. The description of the selected alternative is somewhat general since that selection is not made at this time. We can be more specific at the meeting. I will be out of the office from 21 May through 31 May. Please direct your comments to Chuck Gopperton and I will coordinate with him, as needed, while I'm out. STANTEC CONSULTING INC. L George V. Sabol PhD, PE Senior Associate gsabol©stantec.com c. p:\28900095\correspondence\memos\distribution,ged dam 052099 memo.doc L Golden Eagle Park Dam Alternatives for Dam Safety & Flood Control For Flood Control District of Maricopa County Town of Fountain Hills Fountain Hills Unified School District Arizona Department of Water Resources By Stantec Consulting, Inc. Background Golden Eagle Park Dam is located east of Golden Eagle Park and generally north of Fountain Hills High School. The dam receives storm runoff from an approximately 7.13 square mile watershed extending west to the McDowell Mountains. The dam was designed and constructed under the direction of McCulloch Properties, Inc. and was completed in 1974. The dam is presently owned by the Town and the School District. The dam consists of an earthen embankment with a maximum of height of about 27 feet. Storm runoff that enters the dam is released through an outlet that discharges to Ashbrook Wash. The dam also has a spillway that functions to pass large incoming floods past the dam that exceed the capacity of the outlet. The spillway is called an emergency spillway in that its intent is to function only during infrequent, large flood events. That spillway, was originally designed and constructed to operate for floods that are larger than the 100- year flood. The 100-year flood is defined as the flood that has a 1% probability of occurring each year. Over a long time period, it is expected that such a flood would occur only once every 100-years. Subsequent to the construction of the dam, urban development has occurred and continues in the watershed upstream of the dam. Urban development increases flood runoff and the purpose of the dam is to diminish flood discharges in Ashbrook Wash downstream of the dam. Additionally, meteorological and hydrological advances since the construction of the dam have improved the analytic techniques to estimate flood magnitudes. Consequently, the dam, outlet and spillway no longer provide the level of flood protection that is intended for the flood control facility. L E:\My Documents\GEP Dam Alternatives.doc 1 L Project Purpose The purpose of this project is to implement alterations to the dam to bring it into compliance with regulations for dams in Arizona as administered by the Arizona Department of Water Resources, and to restore and improve the flood control benefits of the dam. The end results of implementation of the project are: • Restoration of required dam safety standards. • Elimination of more frequent flood hazards to school facilities • Improved flood protection for school facilities in the athletic field • Improved flood control benefits to Ashbrook Wash. • Upgrading of the outlet to restrict access by people and animals. As an auxiliary benefit, the school security fence will be reinstalled to restrict unauthorized access to the campus. Project Description filkw Stantec Consulting, Inc. was contracted by the Flood Control District of Maricopa County to provide engineering services for Golden Eagle Park Dam. Design issues were identified for alterations to the dam and those related to the desires of the Town regarding the park, and those from the School District regarding flooding of the school campus, buildings and athletic field. Alternatives for alterations of the dam, outlet and spillway were prepared and evaluated. Alternative selection is based on meeting all dam safety requirements, flood control benefits, construction impacts to the park and school, environmental and aesthetic impacts, and cost. The preferred alternative was selected by the Town and the School District with the concurrence of the Flood Control District. The Arizona Department of Water Resources participated in the selection process for the purpose of achieving an alternative that meets or exceeds state dam safety requirements. Engineering recommendations are provided by Stantec. Recommended Alterations The selected alternative consists of the following key features: • Enlarge the existing emergency spillway. • Raise the earthen embankment of the dam by about 5 feet. • Add an auxiliary spillway. E:\My Documents\GEP Dam Alternatives.doc 2 L Ancillary features of the alterations to the dam include: • Provisions of school security fencing between the park and the athletic field. • Expanded amphitheater capacity. • Flood mitigation of the gymnasium. • Reduced flood inundation of the park for more frequent floods. Distribution: Tom Renckly Randy Harrel Jim Leubner Rich Dobson Terry Tatterfield Larry Lambert Chuck Gopperton Loy Rob Scrivo L E:\My Documents\GEP Dam Alternatives.doc 3 ..1104 Tax Rate Projection 3 - 2.5 2 1.5 — Tax Rate 1 0.5 0 I I I 98199 99/00 00101 01102 02103 03/04 04105 05/06 06107 . . ............. .................. • . Facility Improvement Timeline 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 Bond election Purchase state land ' __ lute architect2TSilii 1st bond sale ;a Design,hid,construct new Middle School Design,bid,construct addition to Four Peaks 2nd bond sale July,`111, Facility Advisory Committee Report 6 • Facility Capacity Trends 250 200 150 100 N. 50 —Elementary 0 -Middle -50 --High -100 -150 -200 -250 98199 99100 00/01 01102 02103 • Maintenance and Capital Needs • Infrastructure - parking lots, AC, roofing, plumbing, sidewalks, cabling • Technology - computers, printers, software, connectivity • Vehicles - buses Facility Advisory Committee Report 4 • • • Team Members • Pat McNett-Green • Tom Mann • Don Combrink • Rich Dobson • Paul Langworthy • Brian Moore • Dana Saar • Dale Schultz • Terry Tatterfield • Consultants and Advisors • Matt Berens • Bob Casillas • Rob Dietz • Michael Phalen • Carol Nelson-Smith • Jeff Valder and Staff Facility Advisory Committee Report 2