HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.0816.TCSMP.Packet 0\1ArfAIN11, NOTICE OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mbar is Mayor Morgan Councilman Apps Councilwoman Wiggishoff Councilman Wyman Councilman Poma Vice Mayor Mower Councilwoman Hutcheson WHEN: **MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1999 TIME: 6:30 P.M. WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B ** «THIS MEETING REPLACES THE 8/19/99 MEETING» RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL—ADOPTED 1/18/90 It is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting,please adhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3) Please stand,approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5) TIME LIMIT—THREE(3)MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6) Statements should not be repetitive. 7) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • INVOCATION—Councilwoman Sharon Hutcheson • PLEDGE TO THE FLAG—Mayor Morgan • ROLL CALL Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine, non-controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda,they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be Lirmoved from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Town Council Meeting Agenda Special Session August 16 1999 *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of August 5, 1999. *2.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION submitted by Kenneth Bowman for the American Legion Post 58 for a membership drive to be held on Saturday, August 28, 1999. The permit would temporarily replace the liquor license at 16850 East Avenue of the Fountains and allow the organization to serve alcohol to patrons in addition to members and guests in a designated, enclosed area. *3.) Consideration of the LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION submitted by Geoffrey Becker-Jones for The Club at CopperWynd located at 13225 North Eagle Ridge Drive. The request is for a new hotel/motel Series 11 license. *4.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-41,abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located along the northerly, southerly, westerly, and easterly property lines of Plat 603-B, Block 1, Lots 28 & 29 (15614 & 15616 E. Chicory Drive) as recorded in Book 161 of Maps,Page 41 records of Maricopa County,Arizona. EA99-18 (Robert &Margery Ellis). *5.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-42, abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located along the northerly property line of Plat 213, Block 3,Lot 14 (16610 Oxford Drive) as recorded in Book 155 of Maps, Page 24 records of Maricopa County, Arizona. EA 99-17 (William F. Hershey) *6.) Consideration of a STREET NAME CHANGE from Summit Estates Trail to Crestview Drive. *7.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 99-24, levying upon the assessed valuation of the property within the Town of Fountain Hills, subject to taxation a certain sum upon each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of valuation sufficient to raise the amount estimated to be required in the annual budget, to provide funds for bond redemptions, for the purpose of paying interest upon bonded indebtedness; all for the fiscal year ending the 30th day of June,2000. *8.) Consideration of a PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT for the 2-unit Properties of Pacific Southwest #18 condominiums, located at 14238 Edgeworth Drive, aka Plat 104, Block 6,Lot 10, Case Number S99-019. *9.) Consideration of AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR, MANAGER, CLERK AND ATTORNEY to execute a lease/use agreement with U.S. West for the communication facilities at the northwest corner of Palisades and Shea Boulevards. 10.) Recognition of THOMAS ANTHONY WEATHERS for his eagle scout project in Golden Eagle Park 11.) PUBLIC HEARING on a Special Use Permit application for a Group Home (Senior Living Center) in the "C-2" Commercial Zoning District, located in Town Center I, Lots 1 and 2, east of Fountain Hills Boulevard and north of Avenida Vida Buena, Case Number SU99-04. 12.) Consideration of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT application for a Group Home (Senior Living Center) in the "C- 2" Commercial Zoning District, located in Town Center I, Lots 1 and 2, east of Fountain Hills Boulevard and north of Avenida Vida Buena, Case Number SU99-04. 13.) Consideration of a CUT AND FILL WAIVER for Town Center I, Lots 1 and 2, located east of Fountain Hills Boulevard and north of Avenida Vida Buena, Case Number CFW99-05. 14.) PUBLIC HEARING on the proposed design guidelines for the Town Center Commercial zoning district ("TCC"), Case Number Z99-18. 15.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 99-22 amending the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills by adding design guidelines for the Town Center Commercial zoning district ("TCC"), Case Number Z99-18. Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 3 Last printed 08/11/99 3:18 PM Town Council Meeting Agenda Special Session August 16 1999 16.) PUBLIC HEARING on a proposed rezoning of 59.67±acres of land, located north of Shea Boulevard, east of Palisades Boulevard and south of the Westridge Village subdivision from the "R1-43" to the "L-3 P.U.D." (23.028±acres) and the"OSR" (36.635±acres) zoning districts,Case Number Z99-16. 17.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 99-23 rezoning of 59.67±acres of land, located north of Shea Boulevard, east of Palisades Boulevard and south of the Westridge Village subdivision from the "R1-43" to the "L-3 P.U.D." (23.028±acres) and the "OSR" (36.635±acres) zoning districts, Case Number Z99-16. 18.) Consideration of a CUT AND FILL WAIVER for the proposed Fountain Hills Resort, located northeast of intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Shea Boulevard, Case Number CFW99-04. 19.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-43 approving the request of the Los Arcos Multipurpose Facilities District to place a question on the November 2, 1999 ballot for voter approval for the receipt and use of a portion of state sales tax revenues generated at the district multipurpose facilities site to be located generally at the intersections of Scottsdale and McDowell Roads in Scottsdale, Arizona. 20.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Public comment is encouraged but please be advised that the Council has no ability to respond or discuss matters brought up during the Call to the Public as such discussion is prohibited by the Arizona Open Meeting Law. 21.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 11th day of August 1999. By: Cassie B. Hansen,Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice)or 1-800- 367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. L Town of Fountain Hills Page 3 of 3 Last printed 08/11/99 3:18 PM MEMORANDUM TO: T ' ONO BLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: PA IN, TOWN MANAGER DATE: AUG 4., 13, 19 9 RE: MANAGER'S REPORT FOR THE AUGUST 16th COUNCIL MEETING Reminder: A Special Session of the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District Board will convene immediately following the regular town council meeting to adopt its annual tax levy. There are four public hearings on this agenda; three on the Council agenda, and one on the Eagle Mountain CFD agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: There are nine items on the consent agenda. Please review each item and contact me should you determine any should be removed. AGENDA ITEM# 12 - EAGLE SCOUT ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Mayor Morgan will recognize Eagle Scout Tom Weathers and thank him for his skillful work at Golden Eagle Park. Tom constructed the Information Kiosk located on field four. AGENDA ITEMS# 13,# 14, & # 15 - PUBLIC HEARING/SPECIAL USE PERMIT/ CUT AND FILL WAIVER/SENIOR LIVING CENTER: A public hearing is on the agenda to receive comments regarding the application for a senior living project to be constructed in the C-2 zoning district of Town Center I. After the hearing, Council will consider the special use permit and the cut and fill waiver pertaining to the project and anticipates that the Planning and Zoning Commission will table this item. Staff will recommend that the Council also continue this project at least until the September 2nd meeting. Please see Geir's report. AGENDA ITEMS # 16 &# 17 - PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE 99-22/ TOWN CENTER COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT: Another public hearing will be held to collect input on the adoption of the design regulations for the town center commercial district. Staff has worked with MCO Properties in the development of these guidelines, and recommends approval. See Geir's attached memo. L Town Manager's Report August 16,1999 Council Meeting Page 1 of 2 AGENDA ITEMS# 18,# 19, & #20 - PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE 99-23/CUT AND FILL WAIVER/FOUNTAIN HILLS RESORT: The last public hearing of the evening will be to receive comments concerning the rezone of the Fountain Hills Resort site. Staff recommends approval of the L-3 P.U.D. and the OSR rezone, and approval of the proposed cuts and fills for this site. See Geir's enclosed reports. AGENDA ITEM#21 - RESOLUTION 1999-43/LOS ARCOS BALLOT LANGUAGE: Consideration to include a Los Arcos Stadium District question on the November 2"d ballot will be requested. This item will ask for voter approval on the receipt and use of a part of state sales tax revenues generated at the proposed site. Please refer to Bill's memo. SPECIAL SESSION ITEM - EAGLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT - ANNUAL TAX LEVY: A public hearing is scheduled to receive input regarding the District's statements and budget estimates for this fiscal year and the proposed tax levy. After the hearing, Council will consider adopting the resolution for the annual Community Facilities District (CFD) property tax levy for Eagle Mountain. Please see Julie's attached memo. L L Manager's Report August 16, 1999 Council Meeting Page 2 of 2 (110, Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, TOWN CLERK Date: 08/11/99 Re: AGENDA ITEM #2 — AMERICAN LEGION SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE AGENDA ITEM #3—COPPERWYND LIQUOR LICENSE AGENDA ITEM #2—AMERICAN LEGION SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE Kenneth Bowman has submitted an application for a special event liquor license for the American Legion Post 58 for the purpose of holding a membership drive. The 850 Avenue of the Fountains, is requesting to temporarily suspend their l qu license for one day, Saturday, August 28, 1999, and use a special event liquor 11 . se which allows alcohol service to individuals other than members and guests special event license area includes the courtyard entrance and a fenced area adjacent to the north side of their building. The application states that security precautionsr rille taken to insure that no minors are served and that all alcoholic bever ges r yin w hin the permitted area. Marshal Gendler has done his investigationnd forwarded favorable recommendation. Staff recommends „ valx AGENDA ITEM # PPERWYND LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION Geoffrey Becker-Jonesa a submitted a liquor license application, requesting that a 'Series 14 Hotel/Motel' is 5`be issued for The Club at CopperWynd located at 13225 forth Eagle Ridges D i of A class 11 allows alcohol service to the entire physical properly which in "' s the restaurant facilities, the pool, patio, hotel rooms and tennis courts he-restaurant facility must devote a minimum of 40% of its physical space to od service. An inspector from the State Liquor Department has inspected and approved the premise for a Class 11 license. Marshal Gendler has performed his investigation and conditionally supports the request. His approval is contingent on the acquisition of a local business license. Mr. Becker-Jones has been informed of the requirement and a license will be obtained prior to the opening of the establishment. The premise was posted for the twenty-day statutory period and no written arguments for or against the application have been received at Town Hall. Staff recommends approval of the application. Page 1 of 1 Cassie Hansen Last printed 08/11/99 11:54 AM Fountain Hills Memorandum TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler DATE: August 5, 1999 SUBJECT: Special Event Liquor License - American Legion The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event liquor license submitted by the American Legion Post of Fountain Hills. It is my understanding that this issue will go before the Council at their meeting on August 16th. I am recommending approval based on the following factors: 1. The American Legion Post has a valid class 14 (club license) in place at 16850 Ave of the Fountains. According to the state liquor department, organizations with a class 14 license are permitted up to 10 days per year in which they are eligible for a special event license allowing public liquor sales. At all other times, the class 14 allows sale to members and guests only. A review of the record indicates that this will represent only the fifth day of the 10 allowed in 1999 under the exemption provisions. 2. During the 9am-10pm time frame, the permit covers only the area specified in the application. This is an important point since the diagram covers a portion of"patio", hallway, and parking lot which are not normally included under their class 14 license. 3. In previous investigations, we have found that the American Legion has met all the legal requirements under the Arizona Revised Statutes for a liquor license and temporary permit. This included covert monitoring by state liquor agents and overt monitoring by the Marshals Department to ensure compliance with provisions of the special event license. Based on compliance with the provisions of the liquor regulations, the controlled access plans enumerated in the application, and the fact that there have been no violations during previous special event requests from the American Legion, I recommend approval by the Council at their August 16th meeting. L ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR WAVE& CONTROL 400 W Congress#150 800 W Washington 5th Floor ` I Tucson AZ 85701 Phoenix AZ 85007 r ' AUG 0 5 1999 flow �r FOlJMA1N HILLS (602) 542-5141 Ot>ti� TOWN CLERK (520) 628-6595 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE'. Fee=$25.00 per day,for 1-10 day events only A service fee of$25.00 will he charged for all dishonored checks(A.R.S.44-6852) PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE FULLY COMPLETED OR IT WILL BE RETURNED. 1. Name of Organization: , i 6-- 2. Non-Profit/I.R.S.Tax Exempt Number: — O c' c2 / / Y 3. The organization is a: (check one box only) ❑ Charitable [ Fraternal(must have regular membership and in existence for over 5 years) ❑ Civic ❑ Political Party,Ballot Measure,or Campaign Committee ❑ Religious 4. What is the purpose of this event? s44 - ►- - h S A //0 '- 141 A9 r?!c O'JP.f 5. Location of the event: /�� & s v C . v 6 F / / v✓��' r A cot 6 S' Address of physical location(Not P.O.Box) City County Zip G . Person making application: 2 c. -e N A r 7Z .c= /-> O - 9/ Last First Middle Date of Birth 7. Applicant's Mailing Address: I '7 C' S _3 C L L,e l- `n o /`+-i W,L c S J12 Street City State Zip *IMPORTANT* 8. Phone Numbers Only: (4'S-G) Sf,3 '7- 5/11 (4/,k0) ^l3 7- S 9i s% ('H 6.6) s' 7-6 4/).2 Site Owner# Applicant's Business# Applicant's Hone# 9. Date(s)&Hours of Event: (Remember.you cannot sell alcohol before 10:00 a.m.on Sunday) Date Day of Week Hours from A.M./P.M. To A.M./P.M. Day 1: Sf —2.49..,99. 9 1414.1 / v frii Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day9: Day 10: tic 0106 1197 *Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations,please call the Department. NOTE: Contact your local city or county jurisdiction as there may be additional licensing fees and applications to be completed before approval may be granted. 20. I, 1'e AvN e li ez-. 1 o LA/v✓/ra ,being first duly sworn upon oath,hereby depose,swear and declare, (Print full name) under penalty of perjury,that I am the APPLICANT making the foregoing application as listed in Question 6, and i at the application has been read and that the contents thereof and all statements contained therein are true, co, ect and complete.. X . l u:c` 1.,I_` L' , - SUBSCRIBED IN MY PRESENCE AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME 40fA, "OFFICIAL SEAL" this ��'a day of �(.�Us - 1 �4` Virginia LaPenta Day of Month M t i___931 Year k------.,,,, Notary►PubGO-Anzonati ' Mancopa County My co �. ' s it t21t 1►200t �� LGa�� (Signature of NOTARY PUBLIC) 21. I, ON Nor M 01-k a►1 ri, or hereby reco end this special event application on ( emmern ) le) behalf of l 0 W r ( ou."u:.1 S-1(0 —n1 1 (City,Town or County) (Signature of OFFIC (Date) L FOR DLLC DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Department Comment Section: (Employee) (Date) ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED BY (Title) (Date) . EXTENSION CF clis.'..,1,i1S".r..6/:=ATIU 1.-tkplIT (kw -- - NOTE: .13: SECURITY Fostrous - . :,, TEMI-1:)RARY BARRIER_ -T 1 . 1 ......i .34P). • __•ft.1,.1 4 AS ff&Y.";)4140iiiii . • I e .. ; LOT --- - - t . . ; In . i . • I -1 5.-__„+„-10, - - - - -------------__ _-- . . ' tr) , t : ‘7"1------1:7"L's 0 i . .: MEN S EN /. " SERvn4 NG AREA REST ROMA . 0 . ("\- I\ , 0 -- BA R. - 1 - , 1-4 i 1 t : 00000( , ril. , AMR CM LEG1OM ISUILb106- n l'.• i I :,BSO E.AWE 6 F I'LlE POO Wit I#.1 ; 2_ OIPPROV. isoo'sa.rr.) 1 . .., , WOME NS 1 . ' RESTROOM ,/ . r 1 - -- . • - - ..- - • , • , { / ( . . 1 .0 c j ( .....1 9 i a •zt en . 5 • • CO . -_) ..1...../". ILL)) 7‘'''' ,...-G• — •zt CS: .... nfi essaM441 ili ci Z 2 - 1-:: 1---- (tor cc, CA • ct ,_ '• to (---)4 . ----1------_. .,- WO ( CI __., _..___L__,,_____ • -------—_- . c,°'- AMERICAN LEGION POST#58 ,<;jn FOUNTAIN HILLS, ,* ARIZONA 16850 Avenue of the Fountains f�1 9. (602)837-5958 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The following businesses located at 16850 Ave of the Fountains have no objections to the American Legion being granted an extension of premises for a special event on the following dates ; gj'—al 6--7? SHEAR POINT HAIR DESIGN TIME—IN DESIGN • Marshals Department L Memo To: The Honorable Mayor and Council From Steve Gendler, Public Safety Director CC: Cassie Hansen,Town Clerk Date: 07/27/99 Re: Liquor License Application-CopperWynd Executive Summary: The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached liquor license application from Geoffrey Becker-Jones on behalf of "The Club at CopperWynd". In conducting the background investigation, I found this application to be in compliance with all state requirements outlined in ARS 4-205.01 pertaining to a class 11 license. However, I did not find any record of a Fountain Hills business license which should be a condition of approval. Investigative Facts: A class 11 liquor license is classified as a "Hotel-Motel" under 4-205.01. This allows the service of all alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises. Under the provisions of 4-205.01(c), the `premises " have been defined as the entire physical property including restaurant facilities, pool, patio, hotel rooms and tennis courts. A site inspection has been conducted by Adam Palubeski of the State Liquor Department which indicates that the information provided in the application is consistent with the provisions of a class 11 license. In order to qualify for a Bass 11 license,the restaurant facility must devote at least 40%of its physical space to the service of food. In addition,the restaurant, bar, and lounge must be owned by the same people who own the hotel. If the restaurant is leased out, a separate class 12 license is required. A review of the application indicates that the restaurant and facility are owned and operated by the applicant. Class 11 licenses also require that the applicants and corporate officers be residents of the state. Under the provisions of ARS 4-202, this would include legal alien residents. A review of the records provided by Geoffrey Becker-Jones and Neil David Ginsberg indicates that both meet this requirement. They have proper federal documentation concerning resident alien status and proper state documentation concerning residency in Scottsdale,Arizona. A review of municipal records did not show a business license issued to CopperWynd at this time. In order to be in compliance with town ordinance 8-1-1, this requirement would have to be met before opening the facility. Recommendation: It is my understanding that this application scheduled for review by the Council at their August 16`h meeting. Based on compliance with state liquor laws and regulations, I recommend approval by the Council contingent upon securing a town business license. L jOwn c6. `{ GC ;v ' �ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor , - 7 _ ` -� 400 W Congress#150 "'' �" � � Tucson AZ 85701-1352 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 t1: , ,, (602) 542-5141 �'J'' i 1 1` _ Q n ! (520) 62R EIVED APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE J U L Z 3 1999 PnlinrrerN WILLS TYPE OR PV1N_T`3`;TH BLACK INK TOWN CLERK Notice: Effective Nov.1,1997,All Owners,Agents,Partners,Stockholders,Officers,or Managers actively involved in the day to day operations of the business must attend a Department approved liquor law training course or provide proof of attendance within the last five years. See page 5 of the Liquor Licensing requirements. po%ict), Tat.• g g SECTION 1 This application is for a: SECTION 2 Type of ownership: 11 f5'I to• 9 9 ❑INTERIM PERMIT Complete Section 5 0 J.T.W.R.O.S. Complete Section 6 NEW LICENSE Complete Sections 2,3,4,13,14,15,16,17 0 INDIVIDUAL Complete Section 6 /., ❑PERSON TRANSFER(Bars&Liquor Stores ONLY) 0 PARTNERSHIP Complete Section 6 �! Complete Sections 2,3,4,11,13,15,16,17 0 CORPORATION Complete Section 7 ❑LOCATION TRANSFER(Bars and Liquor Stores ONLY) ®LIMITED LIABILITY CO. Complete Section 7 Complete Sections 2,3,4,12,13,15,16,17 0 CLUB Complete Section 8 ❑PROBATE/WILL ASSIGNMENT/DIVORCE DECREE 0 GOVERNMENT Complete Section 10 Complete Sections 2,3,4,9,13,15,17(fee not required) 0 TRUST Complete Section 6 ❑GOVERNMENT Complete Sections 2,3,4,10,13,15,16,17 0 OTHER Explain SECTION 3 Type of license and fees: LICENSE#: //e'7 ,*i (7 1. Type of License: 140+e)/W\oce.' 5e.r e5 1 l 2.Total fees attached $ 172.00 1PPLICATION FEE AND INTERIM PERMIT FEES(IF APPLICABLE)ARE NOT REFUNDABLE. A service fee of$25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks(A.R.S.44.6852) SECTION 4 Applicant:(All applicants must complete this section)1. Applicant/Agent's Name:ms. cker—.Soties GeOCr�'e y Cl -r,- Pa-ErIa (Insert one name ONLY to appear on license) Last First Middle 2. Corp./Partnership/L.L.C.: Sur` Tech 9evel o p me nt L. L. C. (Exactly as it appears on Articles of Inc.or Articles of Org.) 3. Business Name: The Clut V at Cop er WynA (Exactly as it appears on the exterior of premises) 4. Business Address: I3225 Nor% Ea3le Roy. Dv k ie Fou.n4atn I•kl1S, MAR.ICOPPt 85268 (Do not use PO Box Number) City COUNTY Zip 5. Business Phone:( 602) 333- l900 Residence Phone: ( 60Z) 451-4-229 6. Is the business located within the incorporated limits of the above city or town? IYES ONO 7. Mailing Address: 13777 Nor-+ Gainey Cei er pri✓e. , siLi-k 239 Sco1k 4ale., &7 8S2.S6 City State Zip 8. Enter the amount paid for a 06,07,or 09 license: $ . (Price of License ONLY) DEPARTMENT USE ONLY r f Accepted b3):- -Lz_iL^.,4-cal Date: 1%/7l r Lic.# f/1) `7-3e-� Fees: /a)' ; `1-5 $ /•7c>7 GC' Application Interim Permit Agent Change Club F.Prints TOTAL PROCESSING APPLICATIONS TAKES APPROXIMATELY 90 DAYS,AND CIRCUMSTANCES OFTEN RESULT IN A LONGER WAITING PERIOD. You ARE CAUTIONED REGARDING PLANS FOR A GRAND OPENING,ETC.,BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL AND ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. LIC 0100 I1n998 *Disabled individuals requiring special accommodation,please call the Department. SECTION 7 Corporation/Limited Liability Co.: EACH PERSON LISTED MUST SUBMIT A COMPLETED FORM "LIC0101",AN "APPLICANT"TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD, AND $24 FEE FOR EACH CARD. 0 CORPORATION Complete questions 1,2,3,5,6,7,8 No" IR1 L.L.C. Complete questions 1,2,4,5,6, 7 and attach copy of Articles of Org.and Operation Agreement. 1. Name of Corporation/L.L.C.: StAr "Tech Deve l o r Merit , L.L . C. (Exactly as it appears cat Articles of Inc.or Articles of Org.) 2. Date Incorporated/Organized: 9-I l"96 State where 0.corpoiwed/Organized: Ari Z°n 3. AZ Corporation Commission File No.: Date authorized to do business in AZ: 4. AZ L.L.C.File No: L- O 7 8(v 9 7 0 -al- Date authorized to do business in AZ: ?- l 1- �6 5. Is Corp./L.L.C.non-profit? 0 YES EgINO If yes,give IRS tax exempt number. 6. List all directors/officers in Corporation/L.L.C.: Last First Middle Title Residence Address City State Zip f3ecker-Jone5 f eoFre-ey Jan-. :,11n-Pa4rick 4fri9504 £. 51~r,nysi k dr. Sco ate, AZ 8S258 ETAS ,erg N61 Davicl M t( 36 N. 9b�`' Place Sco+kcL le, AZ8526o (ATTACH ADDTITONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 7. List stockholders or controlling members owning 10%or more: ct First Middle %Owned Residence Address City State Zip '' I niemakt o►nzA L.L..G. 47% 8777 N. Gainey Cfi-. Dr. s{,e.239 xo44sdalc, AZ 8S?5S lkortzon a+ CoppeMynd, L.LC.. 5°% 2_999 /V. 44 ' `.*reef 150 } 63o (ATTACH ADDTFIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 8. If the corporation/L.L.C.is owned by another entity,attach an ownership,and director/officer/members disclosure for the parent entity. Attach additional sheets as necessary in order to disclose real people. SECTIONI8 b Applicants: EACH PERSON LISTED MUS BMIT A COMPLETED FORM "LIC0101", AN "APPLICANT" TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD, AND$24 FEE FOR EACI CARD. 1. Name of Club: Date Chartered: (Exactly as it appears on Club (Attach a copy of Club Charter) 2. Is club non-profit? ❑YES ❑NO If yes,gi S tax exempt number: 3. List officer and directors: Last First Middle rtle Residence Address City State Zip L (ATTACH ADDTIIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 3 L' tAtkr.Ittut\10 (kw 1.7 2! f _ I 6-1-eirlA si-t6ona, L C etecgt-ay e-tckefr- , INA 3.4A.ay...3 ivt-c4.44.4- 14-crrir.-04.1 Gpfe•orlAkrol, L LC. Kte;I G L (lbw :L:1 ION 12 Location to Location Tra• .1r: (Bars and Liquor Stores ONLY) , 'LICANTS CANNOT OPERATE UNDER A LOCATION TRANSFER UNTIL IT IS APPROVED BY THE STATE. Current Business Name and Address: Exact it appears on license) `ew Business Name and Address: Do not use PO Box Number) License Type: License Numbe • Last Renewal Date: . •hat date do you plan to move? What date do you plan to open? =CTION 13 Questions for all in-state applicants: Distance to nearest school: col S.G0 ft. Name/Address of school: -. t . VAAC,0>k Z. - tc'- An (regardless of distance) Distance to nearest church:111 4 20 ft. Name/Address of church: <7 rs CH,...QC—a cyr s..,..;-A-,,_, Inn (regardless of distance) ks 5 5 c�Atv-1,2,c ci1L, i b Z I am the: ❑ LESSEE 0 SUBLESSEE �' OWNER 0 PURCHASER(of premises) If tl smises is leased give lessors name and address: �r Monthly rental/lease rate$ . What is the total business indebtedness of the applicant for this license/location? $ "Z5iC>Oo,000 Does any one creditor represent more than 10%of that sum? YES ❑NO If yes,list below. Total must equal 100%. =st First Middle %Owed Residence Address City State Zip irrpertal 62,44k 100 701 0 f- sue loos 5a. t✓ o CA 9 2/01 (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) What type of business will this license be used for?(BE SPECIFIC) 1-iC5V t._ \i;TA--i . x`7 )c 0.. Has a license,or a transfer license for the premises on this application been denied by the state within the past one(1)year? ❑ YES Er NO If yes,attach explanation. Does any spirituous liquor manufacturer,wholesaler,or employee,have any interest in your business? OYES®NO Is the premises currently licensed with a liquor license? 0 YES Er NO If yes,give license number and licensee's name: # (Exactly as it appears on license) • C. 5 SECTION 14 Restaurant,or Hotel-Motel Applicants: i. Is there a valid restaurant or hotel-motel license at the proposed location? ❑ YES Ef NO If yes,give licensee's name: and license#: Last First Middle ire 2. If a answer to Question 1 is YES,you may qualify for an Interim Permit to operate while your application is pending;consult A.R.S.Section 4-203.01;and complete Section 5 of this application. 3. All restaurant applicants must complete a Restaurant Operation Plan(Form LIC0114)provided by the Department of Liquor. Do you understand that 40% of your annual gross revenue must be from food sales? VI YES ❑NO ECTION 15 Diagram of Premises: (Blueprints not accepted,diagram must be on this form) .. Check ALL boxes that apply to your licensed premises: $ Entrances/Exits 0 Liquor storage areas ❑ Drive-in windows El Patio enclosures ❑ Service windows Under construction:estimated completion date 10 1' _. Restaurants and Hotel/Motel applicants must explicitly depict kitchen equipment and dining facilities. 3. The diagram below is the only area where spirituous liquor is to be sold,served,consumed,dispensed,possessed,or stored. Give the square footage or outside dimensions of the licensed premises. DO NOT INCLUDE PARKING LOTS,LIVING QUARTERS,ETC. — EL NOV C5'es ti `1o00 O , , T Ii;rl ''1 `I O 2ttpoo � Zoos. . YOMUST NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR OF ANY CHANGES OF BOUNDARIES, ENTRANCES, EXITS, OR SERVICE WINDOWS MADE AFTER SUBMISSION OF THIS DIAGRAM. 6 . a,,, 1 \ , , , r4,,.,..i.g.,.„i,Ni,.j 1 `. y.a,,i t, - ,, „,IL,s -.... ,---� .W „... ‘ \:; I i„,„„ s E p; :,;- • A ... m .i ,,, -L. lor, „iii, L ..1 of 0 ,•______I L.,..... 3 i� 901 - Ilii* 1.1111.:::: •N-- '''''" A' \41,71-„ • / . .Ci ' .0,00/1 ......_--- e / .. .ssi-F-- n 1. i'x_., al ' 4•77-- fin. 1g> .:.• • • • -i, • ijip � � jet' , ♦ 'J -- •� / ss, OP [Os\s„ 11107 -- ."' • . --T--ilf N !.i EV s.- 7 ---•- -• H 1 --4--- .. . c W_ \ gm : Er_gab II... ,\‘‘ -` i a 1 ‘ w Cl) "v L 0 faliallFAN al& Q b •G0 O 0 0 • 3 0 E . ,- — iv n� ,..., , ,,c.. _ 0 0 _ i ,' C ) C ) 'C_ ► ii � I •• °° _ cb �0 `— ` i AN E .y1 , ; �� ./ 1,ii' L 1 .,. ,,! ..i. _ .,142j11 IR rc 0 ( ) ot\_, _ I:1://: I i.;1:'llifil.\--1,11-, .111 il; 1 ,f4:1 s I; 1 ..U:r ,, . , 41'0! , -- (-) 0 cc-,2 ,. ...... 14101 i'- • • , i/ i„,... Ob._ i—L_Is Qsr MB 06 LCD s. --, / I I :: LI. • i sfri ,..- • 0 . 6 0 (NI V c :CTION 16 Geographical Data: A SAMPLE FOR THIS SECTION IS PROVIDED ON THE BACK OF THIS PAGE. below the exact names of all churches,schools,and spirituous liquor outlets within a one half mile radius of your proposed location. A ,c..1..)2, 5co.vas it c ti cc S,a✓.,es, 6 NT O J Jo 4.1 ,PF-`c��-ate iTADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) A=Your business name and identify cross streets. -ECTION 17 Signature Block: I, �t°c rl ()1. - JLJcv{S , being first duly sworn upon oath,hereby depose,swear and declare,under penalty (Print name of APPLICANT/AGENT listed in Section 4 Question 1) of perjury,that 1)I am the APPLICANT(Agent/Club/Member/Partner),making this application;2)that the application has been read and that the contents and all statements are true,correct and complete;3)that this application is not being made to defraud or injure any creditor,taxing authority,regulatory authority,or transferor,4)that no other person, firm, or corporation,except as indicated, has an interest in the spirituous liquor license for which these statements are made;and 5)that none of the owners,partners,members,officers,directors or stockholders listed have been convicted of a felony in the past five(5)years. < ---1 SUBSCRIBED IN MY PRESENCE AND SWORN TO before me (Signature) 5 this day of Mon; /"Day of on Month Year Ay commissiQke Aires on: �t �i� ,)--r',(\I (Signature of ARY PUB C) OFFICIAL SEAL �r ROBIN N.SOBEY NOTARY PUBUC-ARIZONA MARICOPA COUNTY 7 u t• My Comm.Expires May 20,2001 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 4✓fr 800 W Washington 5thRobt L' ' '' C. ����:� �� '� 400 W Congress#150 y Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 �, �" '�✓� '_� Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-1.p411 1 QF�1! , `` „„ (520) 628-6595 iby Li I, HOTEL-MOTEL AND RESTAURANT LICENSES RECORDS REQUIRED FOR AUDIT OF SERIES #11 &#12 LICENSES MAKE A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT AND KEEP IT WITH YOUR DLLC RECORDS In the event of an audit, you will be asked to provide to the department any documents necessary to determine compliance with A.R.S. 205.02.G. Such documents requested may include however, are not limited to: 1. All invoices and receipts for the purchase of food and spirituous liquor for the licensed premises. If you do not have all food or liquor invoices,please contact your vendors immediately and request copies of missing invoices. These must be available for pick-up at the time of the Audit Interview Appointment. If all food invoices are not available at that time,you may not be given credit for all food sales. 2. A list of all food and liquor vendors 3. The restaurant menu used during the audit period 4. A price list for alcoholic beverages during the audit period 5. Mark-up figures on food and alcoholic products during the audit period 6. A recent,accurate inventory of food and liquor(taken within two weeks of the Audit Interview Appointment) 7. Monthly Inventory Figures - beginning and ending figures for food and liquor 8. Chart of accounts (copy) 9. Financial Statements-Income Statements-Balance Sheets 10. General Ledger A. Sales Journals/Monthly Sales Schedules 1) Daily sales Reports (to include the name of each waitress/waiter, bartender, etc. with sales for that day) 2) Daily Cash Register Tapes -Journal Tapes and Z-tapes 3) Guest Checks 4) Coupons/Specials 5) Any other evidence to support income from food and liquor sales, B. Cash Receipts/Disbursement Journals 1) Daily Bank Deposit Slips 2) Bank Statements and canceled checks 11. Tax Records A. Transaction Privilege Sales, Use and Severance Tax Return(copies) B. Income Tax Return -city, state and federal (copies) C. Any supporting books, records, schedules or documents used in preparation of tax returns - LIC1013 11/1998 y ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor „(' 7,..,+ r 1 ', 400 W Congress #150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 �n k �'„ -• Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 � tt' (520) 628-6595 RESTAURANT OPERATION PLAN LICENSE# /1('1`3 2s I., List by Make, Model and Capacity of your: Grill O►rr,l, AE , L.f,Sc- - 3b "0.-KA (a y-e- , G,C:.3 - -* -rT Oven y c -c- , 2 4 ot A- - CA. , '��...;3 c:o:�o ;ov, 1-A0P-fk tkc: . GS- ( ]$ T(Z°0 i , \--tool"lrGl..lLAS , %'' V'S= Freezer \!o i- +0.4✓. , C.�A-S-,o & LAI h( - !A.), L i-Gz-e- xL. \O.C3 TZl-r- Refrigerator ;;..y,,. \-(0L-'?AIA, 5-e.-1 Ls.)l.,L - ;10 l CS =--c x \0. =- l 1Ats: os4-l/ ti `t 24, `'➢Ci.,- / -2- 0° -7 ,c x b S c_4 r `76�. 33-IA,`- Z. " Sink c„,.,..;.-:-,,,,„ 3 v-.Qa t. �, wi�i.-,.T�.e.�j , k gv'lid— , -7 --PS - © , rriv•-lSip✓k1 Dish Washing ry, ; Z Facilities l°3 k'r 1 c-- try h I S - /8 x A-3 ti Illiw Food Preparation c s-As- , W l s , i s- 34 * 3 0„ 1 sl> , 1 s-'h - t .r Counter(Dimensions) cU s:°,,,, ''"'9'";" t j .-.`r.c ,. 1`3Jt' �..,„5--fa. c-o-) / view) '9 as, er/ i=,--, � -it,„ i-.� Other 2. Print the name of your restaurant: --(Ay- CLL,3 A< CORRG—Aw 3. Attach a copy of your menu (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner including prices). 4. List the seating capacity for: a. Restaurant area of your premises [ 118 ] b. Bar area of your premises [ + f g 5 ] c. Total area of your premises [ 2 3 3 ] 5. What type of dinnerware and utensils are utilized within your restaurant? .13 Reusable 0 Disposable `6. Does your restaurant have a bar area that is distinct and separate from the restaurant seating? (If yes, what percentage of the public floor space does this area cover). -81 Yes 47 % 0 No L. What percentage of your public premises is used primarily for restaurant dining? (Does not include kitchen, bar, cocktail tables or game area.) 5 3 % *Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations,please call the Department. l J'O l l4 1 l/1998 f lam: To: Dalon Morgan 1 ` From: Kurt Zuger Subject: Restaurant and Patio Square Footage Date: 5-4-99 Dear Dalon, I have outlined the square footage for the restaurant and bar area for you to review. Inside Dining area: Seating capacity: Main Dining room 840 sq. ft. 48 Private Dining room 450 sq. ft. 34 Board room 377 sq. ft. 16 Lounge area 1062 sq. ft. 34 Illiv Bar area 255 sq. ft. 21 Outside Patio Dining: Patio 1114 sq. ft. 50 Cocktail seating outside: Outside Bar area 1170 sq. ft. 30 Hope this will help. Sincerely, .,....\\ U Kurt Zuger L Positions • /. Position: Duties: Y L' Executive Chef/Dir. Of Food and beverage Overseeing food and beverage Sous Chef In charge of kitchen operation Cooks Cooking Dining room supervisor In charge of Dining room Head bartender In charge of Bar areas Host Greeting and seating Server Service of food and beverage Dishwasher Washing dishes Rooms Division Manager Overseeing Front desk& Room Guest Services Front desk/check-in Housekeeping supervisor Overseeing housekeeping Rooms attendant Clean rooms House person Laundry attendant Public area attendant Clean property Night Cleaners Clean rooms and area Turn down attendant Turn down beds Spa and fitness director Overseeing spa and fitness Assistant fitness director Overseeing spa and fitness Fitness attendant Assisting guests with exercising Pool attendant Assisting guests with amenities Retail specialist Overseeing the retail area Spa attendant Assisting guests with treatments Therapist Assisting guest with massages Aesthetician Body wrap and skin care Personal trainer Overseeing personal training Engineering Overseeing maintenance Maintenance crew Grounds upkeep Director of tennis Overseeing the tennis program Tennis attendant Assisting guests with tennis lesson Director of Human Resources Employee relation Director of Marketing Club marketing General Manager Overseeing the day to day operation L r. L BREAKFAST MENU ,, Continental buffet,and arrangement of fruit,yogurt,juices,cereals,breakfast pastries and muffins 9.00 French toast served with a mascarpoone orange cream 8.00 CopperWynd omelette with your choice of fresh garden tomatoes,sweet bell peppers,roasted chile peppers, Mushrooms and mozzarella cheese 7.50 Eggwhite omelette with spinach and non-fat cheddar cheese and garden fresh tomatoes 6.50 Spa fruit plate with seasonal berries,non-fat yogurt and granola 5.50 Arizona skillet with scrambled eggbeater TM,roasted peppers,tomatoes and non-fat cheddar cheese 6.50 Vanilla waffle with fresh berries and whipped cream 7.50 Traditional breakfast,your choice of eggs with apple wood smoked bacon and potatoes iboy 8.00 SIDE DISHES Yogurt 2.50 Low fat cottage cheese 2.50 Seasonal berries 4.50 Grapefruit 4.50 Choice of two muffins 3.00 Sausages 3.00 Potatoes 2.00 One ex 2.00 L • • SMOOTHIES Our blend of flavors with the addition of non-fat yogurt 4.50 PROTEIN SHAKE Our blend of flavors with the addition of protein added for you active day 6.00 BEVERAGES Coffee 2.00 Decaffeinated 2.00 Espresso 3.00 Cappuccino 3.75 Flavored Teas 2.00 ,,. LUNCH MENU Starters Seasonal fruit plate with non-fat berry yogurt 6.00 CopperWynd Caesar salad with grilled chicken 7.50 Marinated red and yellow tomatoes and field greens Balsamic vinaigrette 4.50 Dungeness crabcake with portobello mushroom and lemon aioli 9.50 Roasted corn chowder and sweet bell pepper puree 4.25 Chilled watermelon gazpacho 4.00 L • Club sandwiches Grilled chicken breast with roasted peppers,Gruyere cheese and basil pesto 7.50 CopperWynd club sandwich with turkey,avocados,Swiss cheese and tomatoes on Tuscan bread 7.00 Madras curry chicken sandwich on a croissant with fresh tropical fruit 7.00 Cold roast beef sandwich on a nine grain bread with horseradish cream 7.50 Foccacia sandwich with grilled vegetables and mozzarella 6.50 Delights An assortment of European cheeses with crusty French bread and cornichons 9.50 Grilled cheeseburger with Cheddar cheese and mushrooms 7.00 Chicken quesadilla with Guadalajara guacamole and fresh garden salsa 7.50 Grilled Ahi-tuna and field greens with a rice wine vinaigrette 10.50 Marinated portobello burger with French fries 7.00 Turkey wrap with carrots,jicama,nopal cactus and roasted peppers 8.50 Fettuccini with fresh tomatoes and oregano 7.00 Grilled chicken breast with roasted vegetables and mango salsa 9.00 Sliced Hanger-Steak with seasonal greens and nasturtium vinaigrette 11.00 THE CLUB AT COPPERWYND L DINNER MENU Starters Grilled portobello mushrooms with fresh asparagus and Parmesan shavings Red pepper marmalade 6.50 Sautéed dungeness crabcakes with field greens and caper aioli 7.50 Marinated Ahi-tuna fillet with wasabi balsamic vinaigrette Ginger slaw 8.75 Golden gazpacho with basil oil and roasted croutons 4.50 Field greens with pears,walnuts and Stilton blue cheese 5.00 Arizona ostrich with a melon salsa,goat cheese and sweet bell peppers 12.00 A chowder of fresh corn and oven roasted chicken 5.00 Consomme of root vegetables and legumes 6.50 L L • Main course Spaghettoni with fresh tomatoes and basil Shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano 10.00 European style meat loaf with whipped potatoes and vegetables 12.00 Sauteed rainbow trout with an almond crust Lemon caper butter 14.50 Grilled salmon fillet with pineapple salsa,spinach and asiago cheese Crisp potato wafers 18.50 Sautéed Chilean seabass and root vegetables in a citrus broth 19.50 Braised veal shank with garden vegetables and white beans 17.50 Grilled New York steak,Yukon potatoes and sautéed vegetables 22.50 Marinated free range chicken with English peas and basmati rice 17.50 Guajillo chile rubbed pork tenderloin,granny smith apple salsa Israelian couscous 18.00 Grilled filet of beef with wild mushroom ragout,fennel and Swiss cheese polenta 22.50 DESSERTS L Fruit cobbler with vanilla ice cream 5.00 Roasted banana tiramisu,espressp sauce 7.00 Sorbet of seasonal fruit 4.00 Flourless chocolate cake with vanilla bean sauce 6.00 Crème brulee with fresh berries 6.50 Small fruit plate with cranberry bread 5.50 L L PAVILION POOL MENU Grilled cheese burger with a non-fat cheddar cheese and French fries 7.50 All Beef hot dog,grilled and served with French fries 5.00 Grilled pizza with tomatoes,mozzarella and spicy chicken 8.50 Grilled chicken breast with jack cheese,fresh garden salsa 8.50 Fresh fruit plate with non-fat yogurt,berries,seasonal fruit,and cranberry bread 6.00 Caesar salad with grilled chicken and Parmesan cheese 7.50 Field green with red tomatoes,cucumber and kalamata olives 4.50 Crisp garden fresh vegetables with a herb dressing 5.50 Turkey club sandwich with avocados,tomatoes and Swiss cheese 6.00 L BAR MENU L Chicken wings with celery and lemon aioli 4.00 Cheese quesadilla with guacamole and fresh garden salad 4.50 Crisp chicken tenders with a honey mustard sauce 5.50 Small European cheese plate with cornichons and Tuscan bread 5.50 Nachos with cheddar and jack cheese,guacamole,sour cream and fresh garden salsa 5.00 Tomato and basil pizza with mozzarella and goat cheese 6.50 L 4 i'l',A'';;'-•‘''' • . 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INSTRUMENT IS A SWORN DOCUMENT An extensive Investigation of your backs round;w�l be_condn4acLT"False or Incomplete answers could result ;,, ..._ t 9, '�+=y " R!r�v+A +-- �'"`''.i3"�Yh`su9Cl ^t ,.t'."`-..:E.. ,k '4'`.:Y yes.�1 a '++^ •. .in criminal'prosecution and the dpninl or�ubsequp revocation of a'llceuse or permit. : ;,., . BE COMPLETED BY EACH OWNER. AGENT, PARTNER, STOCKHOLDER (10% OR MORE), MEMBER. OFFICER OR MANAGER. ALSO EACH PERSON .IPLE ING THIS FORM MUST SUBMIT AN"APPLICANT'TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE DEFT. FINGERPRINTING MUST DONE BY A BONA FIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT T AGENCY. THE DEPARTMENT DOES NOT PROVIDE THIS SERVICE �/' �I There is a$24.00 arocessinE fee for each fineerorint card submitted, /. IL33 A service fee of$25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks(A.RS.44.6852) /J 4 TYPE OR PRINT WITH BLACK INK • l eck appropriate box M Owner,Agent,Partner,Stockholder,Member or Officer ❑ Manager(Only) (Complete Questions 1-17&22) (Complete All Questions except#10&^_, Licensee or Agent ymust complete#2: for Manager Licensee or Agent must complete#2l Name: G'Its a( -C: _ _ 1�--. l L V1. Date of Birth: i /ils-e Last First Middle Name of Licensed Premises: "i rt•C:' GL.:.,.)2, A-- Cz)P2 :W't►-x 1 Premises Phone:(6O2 ) 233 - lgC0 Licensed Premises Address: 1322 1-4c4 -t t -Lz — ,nr,G 'W...N G -.►,-t .. 52,S24 Liquor License# GG Street Address (Do not use PO Box#) City County Zip (If this location is currently licensed) �-0 Drivers License#: -- -2'` 7 S L f State 7-1 2 Residence Phone: (66 Z ) /.,57 --7/Id Hei S l! Weight: I 6(D Eyes: Ih4E - Hair: &Rc N Place of Birth:a-0i4Fh31%-v-31S Af'C7 .$og7iH /tl'etC4 City State Name of Spouse: — -- - Date of Birth: Last First Middle Maiden You are a bona fide resident of what state? AC(/2-z'+-5)41 If Arizona,date of residency: If you have been a resident less than three(3)months,submit a copy of driver's license or voter registration card. Indicate your employment or type of business during the past five(5)years,if unemployed part of the time,so state. List most recent 1st. FROM TO DESCRIBE POSITION EMPLOYER'S NAME OR NAME OF BUSINESS Month/Year Month/Year OR YI BUSINESS / 2 (Give street address,city,state&zip) (0IE D CURRENT e C.U(?/PPA. CGo/PRE-5 /20)3 Co-riPf77jl LS/PAS 9 61.-6 9Itic siFL, it .' A .r iy'r1 of .).67•11 t.-I. /41 s-E- " S 1 # 6.70 (ATTACH ADDMONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) I Indicate your residence address for the last five(5)years: FROM TO RESIDENCE Month/Year Month/Year Street Address City State Tip i /cc CURRENT ( l 3 6 l \. gc 1ff pL. 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TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH OWNER, AGENT, PARTNER, STOCKHOLDER (10% OR MORE), MEMBER, OFFICER OR MANAGER ALSO EACH PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM MUST SUBMIT AN"APPLICANT'TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE DEPT. FINGERPRINTING MUST BE DONE BY A BONA FIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY. THE DEPARTMENT DOES NOT PROVIDE THIS SERVICE. There is a$24.00 nrocessina fee for each fingerprint card submitted. / �l" A service fee of$25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks(A.R.S.44.6852) /t "t 2) 1 TYPE OR PRINT WITH BLACK INK ' ` ' `'` 1. Check appropriate i►: Owner,Agent,Partner,Stockholder,Member or Officer 0 Manager(Only) box (Complete Questions 1-16&20) (Complete All Questions except#10,10a&21) Licensee or Agent must complete#21 for Manager Licensee or Agent must complete#21 l a. Name: CJr C-K C 12-Jc7 NUS GEb RE ) ?bH N-P A7 fZtc.K Date of Birth: 3-1 7-4•f 6 Last First Middle 2. Name of Licensed Premises: 1-4E Ct--ti 8 AT COPPE12-tN1 tJ0 Premises Phone:((00Z ) 333- 1900 3. Licensed Premises Address: l 322,5 Nowoft €ACoLE R 106,E D2. F. 14./6102. 65246 Liquor License# Street Address (Do not use PO Box#) City County Zip (If this location is currently licensed) 4. Drivers License#: A O0-] 9 8 9"19 State Act. Residence Phone:( (O 2-) Y S 1 - Li'2 2.9 t tl Light: 7J �{ Weight: 13 0 Eyes: 161,4.e Hair (3 Place of Birth: Fk-4 cora c i 4'r-c En�l.hd City State 5. Name of Spouse: Ged4e --5ov-te.S 14e l t•--)1 1 A I-44.t -+ Date of Birth: Co' I5-SS Last First Middle Maiden 6. You are a bona fide resident of what state? Art2o vla If Arizona,date of residency: ill a-7 198E 7. If you have been a resident less than three(3)months,submit a copy of driver's license or voter registration card. S. Indicate your employment or type of business during the past five(5)years,if unemployed part of the time,so state. List most recent 1st. FROM TO DESCRIBE POSITION EMPLOYER'S NAME OR NAME OF BUSINESS Month/Year Month/Year OR BUSINESS (Give street address,city,state&zip) 519?� CURRENT ��(ope ; pres.derd t CEO C3In+ +1ovial I - 2.777 N. Cvaorte.7 ceh}er- Dom. She. 239t Sc-disdak AZ 9525 p (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) I 9. Indicate your residence address for the last five(5)years: FROM TO RESIDENCE Month/Year Month/Year Street Address City State Zip 5/35 ANT 9 50t1 I✓ St4,,,n1 5tde D<<Jr . S,.00sdalr AL c,41.5,14 I Az 85258 Ci9 1. 5 f 9 5 9 417 E. SiNangri La. , So{-isda(e Pc2 SS252 uc 0101 05/1999 Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations please call(602)542-9051 er, -- • Li I 1 7y (01111W if 2 I { . License A00798979 klIf 0-NAV issued "°611997 ir Expires 03/17/2006 ' ..„ Class D Sex M Eyes BL Height 5-04 DRIVER !..! F N Hair BN Weight 130 Birthdate 03/1 i11946 GEOFFREY BECKER—JONES 9504 E SUNNYSIDE DR SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260 ' - i• 'S %61 \• • ja:r (tope ' 4 s 0 .% •,'1 0,41 • o -% /.0T. %.• %or, • 4 -, - tn 1 (ilaw YOU MUST POPT A CIW/OE OF MORONI isnoi 10 DAYS License A00798979 Issue Date 05108/1997 Class 0 Operator License Endorsements None Restrictions None To invite otivgc4onor.. (6y (toy u r—ct7-1777 l'J'4•JJrrl rKurt t.ountry LluD Lommun It les 1 U J4cJ rti r r.b'1 ram+ • { ,- ' ,;s-yam • If a r • ri a r• 74d -r � , ! r :L: 1 �. rr r Y• • _:0.. t l•..t i.� t .. i JLon id t, UsY.i v - rf i t i .rr i * L i Y • 1 • • — •^ w.ant 3i �i4'. i tH r 4 , k.- Y-_,.. r_i. q.. S • • 1y` • . ... - .....--- --- ULr i c .L r. by MTr ° CAR 4' 1vJ•. ' • r ra1"F' or -.. fir .,: / ,� •• cJ1 GC. 1777 CJ•$•J-tr1'1 rrcurl t.Uur1I.r'y I.-.IUD 1_.U111111Ur11biC.Y I J4GJflar h".we • • _, a q i;1 ,art. 1 F,� ` c "'Jr.' 1 +' .r r 1^� 39 - YR F r • ! r. -•?, •F .* '-`L la w t ( !.J 1•l j f4•of 0. 3 2 ' '.r .4C A1uSA071903117<01<9505«««« . I U SA071903119011<95'05<«<4«< 4603177110505055«««79A922216 i06161F0S05055«i««891BCf 9 • • • BECKER<JONES«OEOFFREY<JOHN<PA CKER<JONE$«MARIE<NADELEINE< • • . . _ _._ ... • • a 7 is •#.( + a 1 v� � < z 3c�� 1 J t;* r 1aaT -4,..,... -.4,- Y a , Aff '.� Z, 4 1 .A `¢ . P'', C 11 `.0 "T *i j-r.• iti A1USA071903122(01<!55««« < 1 1 USA071.03121<01 95#t'r<t<«cc< 8303176M0503055««<<$21A31380 t 05211MQ5Q5Q55<««<31: O4TTF3 BECKER<J ON£S«J OS`EP11C11ARK<ANTH 1 ECKER<J0NB'S<<J.OSEPH<OL1:N Ef<P : _... .. �_,...... �• . .. , a a • 1 1 Ap, Y •, V V I. 1I r r ig, _r �,J ' rt r C 1 A _t 1F ^J 1 i[r a +xIV . f `r 1... t r 1 ,5. ' A 1 USA071903120<01<9505«««« 7909272F0505055«««2cA,AAFD65 • BECKER<JONES«MARIE<LAUR NCE<E • TOTAL P.02 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL ~�'- 400 W Congress#150 800 W.Washington 5th Floor '�: 1 ' Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 .�✓ -: `, t •,3 ;�`� Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 ,0 (520) 628-6595 r UESTIONNAIRE .' j -,-_ READ CAREFULLY,THIS INSTRUMENT IS A SWORN DOCUMENT An extensive investigation of your background will be conducted. False or incomplete answers could result in criminal prosecution and the denial or subsequent revocation of a license or permit. TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH OWNER, AGENT, PARTNER, STOCKHOLDER (10% OR MORE), MEMBER, OFFICER OR MANAGER. ALSO EACH PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM MUST SUBMIT AN"APPLICANT'TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE DEFT. FINGERPRINTING MUST-BE DONE BY A BONA FIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY. THE DEPARTMENT DOES NOT PROVIDE THIS SERVICE. There is a$24.00 processing fee for each fingerprint card submitted. ff'� i A service fee of$25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks(A.R.S.44.6852) _p/V J 7,3J J TYPE OR PRINT WITH BLACK INK `` ' Check appropriate box El Owner,Agent,Partner,Stockholder,Member or Officer U Manager(Only) (Complete Questions 1-16&20) (Complete All Questions except#10,l0a&21) Licensee or Agent must complete#21 for Manager Licensee or Agent must complete#21 1. Name: -ZV G _ kistLi 1..-• Date of Birth: 8 -2b Last First Middle 2. Name of Licensed Premises: - Gw3 A1/4: Go44sfLw-tt-0n Premises Phone:(C.c 2 ) ?33 - 1etoo 3. Licensed Premises Address: 1322 c i wi Eke.%_,,Q "2 o6-- mot. ' -,1-1. S2.(.R Liquor License# N/A Street Address (Do not use PO Box#) City County Zip (If this location is currently licensed) 4. Drivers License#: 1, 130/12.u E, State h rz Residence Phone:( ‘,c,2) `I"11 - Sci 46 Hight: S-I0 Weight: is 0 Eyes: "3 t-.. Hair: 31. Place of Birth: S s S R'e R L.A N.,) City / State 5. Name of Spouse: l 2 1-1MZ.0 A 1, I/",,tEc-.o?..9 Date of Birth: (-5- bo Last First Middle Maiden 6. You are a bona fide resident of what state? AK►10NA If Arizona,date of residency: t S SS- T If you have been a resident less than three(3)months,submit a copy of driver's license or voter registration card. 8. Indicate your employment or type of business during the past five(5)years,if unemployed part of the time,so state. List most recent 1st. FROM TO DESCRIBE POSITION EMPLOYERS NAME OR NAME OF BUSINESS Month/Year Month/Year OR BUSINESS (Give street address,city,state&zip) 2/1'q� CURRENT �,-,: C.t c3 A,-c Co'Q Q . HO Tr%c C.‘-‘,2) G..cjKPA'.- ( / V --4B �ta.�Co'2 ta-1-1 rt.GAtv�+( G-2 .N1.tw sv13q' See rt,o PS2s8 G�L4` i t 3t -i - u-(.►U S i~�c. 'ANY. 'eta-r-re . l- iNdl 4r.9 1+4 t 1• 6 gat kiS 1<ri 6xU un v'c . . CM L.1- 2.0o0 vveS....va..R I IP . , ha 3>'z_c- 21 c:� 4,/2 t s 1' ?'3''N`64i oS.S Da. -rtSt '71 uLe 1Zi✓S a.Z 6.AL::G.,-T-,df- S-,u.t c cure-: '73-7S , 'Pgd,vim a.SS 'I)1?, --\c.�1 ?AL , R..52 SS' (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY).I 9. Indicate your residence address for the last five(5)years: FROM TO RESIDENCE Month/Year Month/Year Street Address City State Zip if/01 CURRENT -sit 7 C. �i,ZAAV✓, & 2,, S=.<'r-cSPR c c - £�S2 lire LIC 0101 11n998 Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations please call(602)542-9051 I.?., L j?•j i J;9 LINK „29 I It" s 20$s ' .: v ... NWUWSfd -,,, •~� �i s • `.ice 111111114 4:71--:•,,-. £ ' W &A i= r N -U CC W --Y 1+ ;: U / _ _ V O O\• V V 1 , o s O:C y V V a, ` Q �I V N e ( W€ N V V p W€€ 4 V s. �• !I U 2 U G`8 1" V V • W V V et ` . . Wo p .� v o .,- F O N y V o tr off, •i' F y' co 4 g ct 8 e-- V V Q j � ti � Z - � W o -° `�; ,4 z J lc i J ca V o i o e c F H ' Car A O,a cc 0 Z V N ``. -Is Is ``` C Z r I Q- C7 w t/1 N O. W V e- ey • V • _ zz c.. •" Z `1 ov, W c4 J Day '=a<; I— ►-i 0 I ti , -2 o � a w s zt m F �f >` 'W z o o s Q m Z 4. Z it 1 W .,., .. a i. J N .o °o as a +2 F a" O F- O ,a. •o. ?u. W CV I' +°. I s N V1 1, V O Chron 213 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Candel ria, Engineer/Pla a 'ewe* t ii' REVIEWED: Rind L. H r I, Town Engine . Ori)\ THROUGH: Paull. in, Town Manager DATE: Augu4 5, 1999 RE: Easement Abandonment 99-18; Resolution 1999-41 15614& 15616 E. Chicory Drive Plat 603B, Block 1, Lots 28 & 29 This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the ten (10)foot public utility and drainage easements located at the northerly, southerly, westerly, and easterly property lines of Lots 28 & 29, Block 1, Plat 603-B, (15614 & 15616 E. Chicory Drive). The property owners of Lots 28 &29 desire the assurance that any future improvements made to the lots will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easements proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lots 28 & 29 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 1999-41. cc: 15 Adjacent Property Owners Low G:\Easement Memo\EA99-18,Robert&Margery,15614&15616 E.Chicory Dr..doc When recorded,.return to: igineering Department Nietwn of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 1999-41 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ALONG THE NORTHERLY, SOUTHERLY,WESTERLY, AND EASTERLY LOT LINES OF LOTS 28 &29, BLOCK 1, OF PLAT 603-B, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 161 OF MAPS, PAGE 41, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and WHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain ten (10)foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the northerly, southerly, westerly, and easterly property lot lines of Lots 28 &29, as shown in Exhibit A; of Plat 603-B, Block 1, Lots 28 & 29, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as recorded in book 161 of maps, page 41 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lots 28 &29 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 1999-41 Page 1 of 2 -ASS/'AIL — 5 I 'N rnow� SECOND Ci•D'i COUNT _ (0 J ‘115 ASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day August Au ust 1999. ATTEST: FOR THE TOWN OF FOU TAIN HILLS LAAA3 Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Sharon Morgan, Mayor REVIEWE BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: aul L. rdin, Town Manager William E. Farrell, Town Attorney L Resolution 1999-41 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" L PLAT 603B BLOCK 1 LOTS 28 & 29 PLAT 603B BOOK 161 PAGE 41 14 15 16 17 18 19 _ — — BLOCK 1 �', . 20 I ��/,! -: �,i✓9-far - - - - - _ fiA .► •i.1 / -'"'�t '1f LOT 29 ,/ !if T! c. ', 4rAF , ABANDON 10' PUBLIC TILITY •rt; , 32 \� ';,4��'& DRAINAGE EASEM T " � 20' P.U.E. • D.E. • 7, .� LOT 28 '� g / thire no ABANDON 10' PUBLIC UTILITY �� / 31 S 40. =ryry N6..& DRAINAGE EASEMENT ,+� / ' + 23 30 �h �u, � �' / h o0 27f 24 `\I �\ 2� , 20' P. ..E. do D.E. cvi.� , N665o�0'2`�' 26 6 `CQ 7 H66 R' ?S, oow Dijf S. 8 j BLO'K 6 9 414 - • ;:-, SCALE: 1"=80' •".• L. -'; 11 DATE: 8-11-99 �\ F�;'.i,r.cL ��� 1 V / • rrez• `Y,„ �� BLOCK 3 • S '.G Chron 211 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Can elaria, Engineer/Plan viewe REVIEWED: R n y L. rrel, Town Enginee 04)) THROUGH: Pa ' in, Town Manager DATE: Aug t 5, 1999 RE: Easement Abandonment 99-17; Resolution 1999-42 16610 Oxford Drive Plat 213, Block 3, Lot 14 This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the twenty(20)foot public utility and drainage easements located at the northerly property line of Lot 14, Block 3, Plat 213, (16610 Oxford Drive) as shown in Exhibit"A". The property owner of Lot 14 desires the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities or drainage facilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owner. The easterly 20' of the northerly public utility and drainage easements will be retained for existing and potential future utility boxes and/or drainage modifications. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owner of Lot 14 is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 1999-42. cc: Jenny Hanes L G:\Easement Memo\EA99-17,Hershey,16610 Oxford Dr.,Plat 213,Blk 3,Lot 14.doc When recorded, return to: igineering Department ‘krbwn of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 1999-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 14, BLOCK 3, OF PLAT 213, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 155 OF MAPS, PAGE 24, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and WHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain twenty(20)foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the northerly property lot line of Lot 14, as shown in Exhibit A; of Plat 213, Block 3, Lot 14, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as recorded in book 155 of maps, page 24 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; is hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owner of Lot 14 is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said properly and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 1999-42 _ Page 1 of 2 ASS AIL OTION rn OI,J SECOND CAil1/41cy ►'� -F COUNT Co— PASSEDcflEST: AND ADOPTED this 16th day of August 1999. FORT E TOWN OF F O NTAIN HILLS CA,14A.k.,' 4 )taiA4.4 Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Sharon Morgan, Mayor REVIEW B : / APPROVED AS TO FORM: lirl P L. Nordi own Manager Wil Yrditem: . Farrell, Town Attorney Lir Resolution 1999-42 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" PLAT 213 BLOCK 3 LOT 14 N s� PLAT 213 BOOK 155 N AGF �q� hh PAGE 24 N� °F � Oq �0' I ti mI \ GF ,• �` h` �q/ N o f s6s cF� N0••0 Jw N N ABANDON 20' PUBLI UTILITY = 2 ' AND DRAINAGE EAS MENT LOT 16 101.22 p�.1>► Z o Q z 1- O LOT 15 r;_ IA_ I Po co iN --.4 o N RETAIN 20 PUBLIC UTILITY z LOT 14 w AND DRAT AGE EASEMENT 20 I al in „o L =02'10'53" « i� r R =1970.00' o L =75.00' z OR/IA- p=90.00'OO" R'2000�0, R =20.00' L =31.42' -----------112.49' ate© N /` A..= t 1C T S✓ `4 RARDY L. m 55' I SCALE: 1"=50' '� H�,RRQy II;. 55' �r R/W DATE: 8-10-99 R/yy i oN-S SP A Chron 198 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Hono le Ma and Cot, FROM: Ran rre 77 THROUGH: Paul di i DATE: August 1999 RE: Street Name Chan le Summit Estates Tr..1 to Crestview Drive MCO has requested to change the name of the main street in the newly annexed Summit Estates subdivision from Summit Estates Trail to Crestview Drive. Crestview was historically the area name for this section of Town;MCO wants to return to this name. The street matches up with Eagle Mountain Parkway at Shea Blvd, and because of the change in developments, a street name change is reasonable. The only potential conflict is that there is another street in close proximity,that has a similar name. Crestview Court is a short, private street segment within the gated subdivision of Copperwynd Scottsdale, and will ultimately have only 8 residences on it. Since no houses had been built on Crestview Court, MCO—at staff's request—sought to get Crestview Court's name changed. Copperwynd's response, however, was negative. Technically, Crestview Court is located within the City of Scottsdale and need not have any bearing on the Town of Fountain Hills street naming. However, since Crestview Court is located within the Fountain Hills Fire District, Sanitary District, and School District their input is also important. Responses from those districts indicate they have no objection to the street name change. The power to name—and to change—street names is vested in the Town Council. However, generally we allow the developer a wide latitude in recommending street names, rejecting only inappropriate, confusing, and conflicting names. Staff recommends approval of the requested street name change from "Summit Estates Trail" to "Crestview Drive". bb att. L Street Name Change.doc Page 1 of 1 MCO Properties Limited Partnership 16838 East Palisades Boulevard Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Telephone (602) 837-9660 Fax(602) 837-1677 August 2, 1999 Paul Nordin, Town Manager Town of Fountain Hills 16836 E. Palisades Blvd. Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 Re: August 19th Council Agenda; Name Change Summit Estates Trail to Crestview Drive Dear Paul: This letter is to request that MCO Properties L.P. or its subsidiary, Summit Estates LLC, be granted permission to name the main road in the Crestview at Fountain Hills subdivision, Crestview Drive, even though there is a small cul-de-sac with 8 lots in the City of Scottsdale known as Crestview Court. Crestview Court is in the Cordillera at CopperWynd neighborhood being developed by T.W. Lewis. A map showing the location of what is now known as Summit Estates Trail is attached. We would appreciate your placing this name change request on the Consent Agenda for the next possible meeting. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. The consent of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District, the Fountain Hills Fire District and the Fountain Hills School District is being obtained and will be provided to you shortly. Very truly yours, Hank Lickman Vice President /lp H:\W P\SUMMIT.EST\NORDIN.LTR AUG 04 '99 10:12AM MCOP FH P.1 { } MCO PROPERTIES INC. { } MCO PROPERTIES L.P. {}HORIZON CORPORATION (602)837-9660 (602)837-9660 (602)837-1685 16838 E. Palisades Boulevard Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Fax: (602) 837-1677 EACSIMIIXLTRANSMLTTAL DATE: 8/4492 TIME: 0:20 TO; Tim Yoder COMPANY: F.H. Fire District FROM: Linda an by Laura PetQs►en This Document is Being Transmitted to(FAX#): 837-6167 Total Number of Pages (Including Cover): 3 If this transmission is incomplete, please contact sender at the telephone numbers referenced above for MCO and Horizon. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Re: CRESTVIEW DRIVE NAME CHANGE As the attached latter to Paul Nordin_indicates. MCO would like to use the name Crestview Drivq in its development known as Crest.+iew at Fountain hills. There is a small cul-de-sac of aightIolLin the cadillikatrawavnitheighborhood known as Crestview Court. The Town has asked that we obtain y.,.,r ussaUP thifi nai a change- We w211.111 it=crdiate.Y.D.ur signing the attached letieaf you are in :++n us by fax at 837 1627��f o ' have a"; "a$tinnc nle ae eel to contact me. Linda Lyman (X) ORIGINAL WILL NOT FOLLOW () ORIGINAL WILL FOLLOW BY: () REGULAR MAIL ()EXPRESS MAIL ()MESSENGER AUG 04 '99 10:13AM MCOP FH P.3 The Fountain Hills Fire District consents to the use of the name Crestview Drive in the Crestview Subdivision previously known as Summit Estates an oer Title: Chairman L jAUG 22 S9 04:24 1 MCC= FH . The Fountain Hills Sanitary District consents to the use of the name Crestview Drive in the Crestview Subdivision previously known as Summit Estates. By: G. Ron Huber Title: Cereal Mangier L L Sent By: FOUNTAIN HILLS UNIFIED SD; 480 837 7603; Aug-3-99 3:58PM; Page 1 /1 Received: 8/ 2/99 4:32PM; 602 837 1877 -> FOUNTAIN MILLS UNIFIED SD; Page 3 PUG 82 '99 04:0aPM MCOP FH P.3 The Fountain Hills School District consents to the use of the name Cres7view Drive in the Crestview Subdivision previously known as Stttnr-it Estates. By: *-71,14A:L, )9CC-4.e.gy,i Dr. Maria Menconi Title: Sueantendent • L 06-15-1999 12:59PM FROM Country Club Communities TO 8371677 P.02 c;le -3'7C-C1 Cba 1W LEWIS Su : U • C • O M P . A N Y • Crest-VI J 191 E June 11, 1999 54(72_, L( Mr. Geoffrey Becker-Jones �)/' S�'7 Sun Tech Development /(. " 8777 N. Gainey Center Drive, #239 �,�� Scottsdale, AZ 85258 �4,, RE. Cordabella at CopperWynd(Crestview Court) A '11" Dear Geoffrey: As we had previously discussed, we have already invested a substantial amount of money in our sales office displays and marketing materials with Crestview Court shown as one of the street names. While we value our working relationship with CopperWynd and would like to help in this matter, it is impractical to make a change at this time. Cod/ I apologize that we cannot help with this request and appreciate your understanding in this matter. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, T.W. LEWIS COMPANY Steve Benson Chief Operating Officer C- W W W.T W I E WI S.0 0 4500 S. LAKESHORE DR. STE. 450 • TEMPE, ARIZONA 85282' • 480.820.0807 • FAX 480.820.1455 TOTAL P.02 in-L6S ON 3SYJ ONNOZ/.1N lOJ YdOOCtdYIY pE :],2 j _ S __) j'1 Z i f Iii I n 1:5 €lYE r^ its r T Z • - t = r ii c_ Y�,. I. •1. iicrl C i � ^bi °S'. � ri, ni � 'mod W �k < t !` \ a §" Ili igie! !9 '.,a%" ,;.. N' _� ' >iE pis i��SgTy �: Deb ca- L ; • f a""'''n Yi� i e b4z S z r p s e. A. is ti ' �— Fc.W d y C71I CCCrrra]]]'� -F y .‹. .0- 7.. [}i =8rfyy< €Eta a:gg O ,^ Z z fs az e� a ileb: €:" 3 : 7 ti Qgn-. _zi r s a� s e¢ co8 4,e4 J,= .OT10 pws2r-.... a5„ P ! , g i ee-F SS p a c .6 -ram 1:7L1 5 a '7 g e4 -6 6 I�,II. °e .fib iTO 11 Itii- r n �y < Iii7-hi f- $ I b ( ?c d., i o! I I E:151 p p P^,16 pp �ill w ` b P b ° P° ° azt� c, i a 1 7 g Y. E '�9� e 3 - �.. =.3'7 � V��Mgq cc �° �c ^Ldrf=� U Or ZO 5 e ° • fl p ~ 1 �'°.°1] b'j C°i-b ..: _0, g c.c .,gS- O QWNN = t r p 11 ; tlrg i ` N Q < a ti S sill pb _ =b3- SAt Ze7cg TY rn W W Q t yfgl 3 R - { i 17 ttee2o w _ ta..x Is ��' E. Q VJ z W Z y < ; ° ? J� g ° e €'F£�� ji. Xss �. F J O (: O E S n. € .; >= S sf Z` S s°•e bo Ll ' I I ¢ Z O 5 `s Y``' % 8trgr 18 ,c„% 1pr 8 F" W cc ' £ ,t 1 g ; ` 1 I ,.�L's_z 1 1 t1erc Eg,° r W J a a = r P � s a �:z e'� in 3 :i !b iliv 3 Yer >0a. F— a ,E c F- zz J -J O Y^ f 1; I W < Z a EY° :6 �sid �'ekY:. i e '1 y Z Z W h F tr Cae 0 iJ_ a s �:niSE °';4.8rt 2oIr"2e Saptlp y o n °yp3 _ '� _ �`1 iQPFS�i j:;`a"� 6sS Oq J °i b: .0; z 3 0 .bz,z~Z.q v SCT_ .- ) _ : u). < g ID!‘ a 5= : Co : tt^ I ::. -..! 1 : WN s",yEBc Y «b p:lTg..1}'g kE : 4 b : Z�Ap F_to a bl ,§,,, g t_`flt it a ^ t@ ° 6 IN co IIfiiIUIIHuI1itII :is 2 YS u r 8 si:eo :3 .� s4 < c 8 i !t;! Gd u a u u Z 7,... v�i 1 I C i i i b a3 1 a U N 01111% lailzY 1 �Z1 \_ 1 !,,Z'or NT=�� `,` -ZN UJ s \ Ya • O�ti ui =<iW J CWWWW EUU UUd K I I (" 1 i,\ N �� r < U Sr'�ZZ ZZ< .o'--.Si uW ZWW= --00 / �iouHuuN .'I; ••'I I. " a ra 1 PWA1 IS i CC<GD< • I L., 'rival.41404k i.ta,,,aft. 454 its uuuuuuu L_ •s• I °Fird4M I 41 r..4 1 1 44IL 40''114 .nr7. .0'77 .1.1.5 /4 61 • V " -- N 7 2a Ca H ii ORDINANCE NO.99-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,LEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, SUBJECT TO TAXATION A CERTAIN SUM UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) OF VALUATION SUFFICIENT TO RAISE THE AMOUNT ESTIMATED TO BE REQUIRED IN THE ANNUAL BUDGET, TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR BOND REDEMPTIONS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING INTEREST UPON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS; ALL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING THE 30TH DAY OF JUNE,2000. WHEREAS, by the provisions of State law, an ordinance is required to set the property tax levy for fiscal year 1999-00; WHEREAS, the County of Maricopa is assessing and collecting authority for the Town of Fountain Hills, the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this ordinance to the County Assessor and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Maricopa,Arizona; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. There is hereby levied on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation of all property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the Town of Fountain Hills, except such property as may be by law exempt from taxation, a secondary property tax rate sufficient to raise the sum of $450,500 for the purpose of providing a bond interest and redemption fund for General Obligation Bond debt service for the fiscal year ending June 30,2000. SECTION 2. Failure by the county officials of Maricopa County, Arizona, to properly return the delinquent list, any irregularity in assessments or omissions in the same, or any irregularity in any proceedings shall not invalidate such proceedings or invalidate any title conveyed by any tax deed; failure or neglect of any officer or officers to timely perform any of the duties assigned to him or to them shall not invalidate any proceedings or any deed or sale pursuant thereto, the validity of the assessment or levy of taxes or of the judgement of sale by which the collection of the same may be enforced shall not affect the lien of the Town of Fountain Hills upon such property for the delinquent taxes unpaid thereon, and no overcharge as to part of the taxes or of costs shall invalidate any proceedings for the collection of taxes or the foreclosure;and all acts of officers de facto shall be valid as if performed by officers de jure. SECTION 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,this 16th day of August, 1999. ATTEST: ,2 CA1A,ILJ_ Cassie B. Hansen,Town Clerk Sharon Morgan,Mayor 7 APPROVED AS TO FO /A REV ED Y. , 4/ (4,.... 2r46,,,,, p William E.Farrell,Town Attorney 7 Paul L. rdin, own Manager TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNTY OF MARICOPA STATE OF ARIZONA OFFICE OF THE CLERK State of Arizona ) County of Maricopa )ss. Town of Fountain Hills ) L I, Cassie Hansen, Town Clerk of the Town of Fountain Hills, do hereby certify that the attached document is a true and correct copy of Ordinance 99-24. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the Town of Fountain Hills. Done at the Town Hall of Fountain Hills this 17th day of August, 1999. at44.44„) Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Director of Administration TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner Dc12 DATE: August 11, 1999 SUBJECT: Preliminary& Final Plat for"Pacific Southwest Condominiums XVIII" Staff has combined the reports for the Preliminary and Final Plats, there are no off-site improvements or Improvement Plans needed for this plat. This plat is a request by Properties of Pacific Southwest L.L.C., that would condominiumize two-units located at 14238 Edgeworth Dr., aka Lot 10, Block 6, Final Plat 104. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission & Staff report for additional details regarding this request. caw TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT August 16, 1999 CASE NO: S99-019 LOCATION: 14238 Edgeworth Dr., aka Lot 10, Block 6, Final Plat 104. REQUEST: Consider the Preliminary and Final Plat for " Properties of Pacific Southwest Condominiums Unit XVIII", a 2-unit condominium project. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: John and Kathy Riscossa APPLICANT: Properties of Pacific Southwest L.L.C. EXISTING ZONING: "R-2" EXISTING CONDITION: Final Certificate of Occupancy issued LOT SIZE: 14,439 square feet(0.33 acres) SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Single-family; zoned "R-2" SOUTH: Duplex; zoned "R-2" EAST: Duplex; zoned "R-2" WEST: Single Family; zoned "R-2" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat"Properties of Pacific Southwest Condominiums Unit XVIII" Declaration of Condominium, which subdivides cubic airspace, and is not a land sell project. Due to the simplicity of this request and the fact that this project does not involve any off-site public improvements, a "fast track" process is being allowed. The owner, John and Kathy Riscossa, have chosen to convert a two-unit complex and record a Declaration of Condominium to sell the units individually. The units will have a maximum livable area of 1,710 square feet, a minimum livable area of 1,710 square feet and a covered patio. Each unit will have a two-car garage. The applicant applied for their building permit, 98-0649, on June 13, 1998 and received his permit to build on August 10, 1998. RECOMMENDATION: Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat and staff recommends approval of S99-019; Final Plat "Properties of Pacific Southwest Condominiums Unit XVIII". At ir_ 4.1-1999 11:22 Tr,,,N OF FOUNTA.N HILLS 4O P.02/04 fAIWP TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS it4,0 0/ COMMLNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Data Filed p Fee Paid id ,N ` /2_.,77-,f Accepted Hy Condominium Na 6/z,- 'tES OF -TX>e- So col 1. ,,Al Condominium Address ( Lf ` -38 � E �Jor2r C �1� . Legal Description of Lot/Parcel Being Platted Plat ( 0 '[ Block Lot(s) ( b Parcel Size Number of Units Number of Tracts Zoning General Plan Land Use Designation Density Requested(D lling Units Per Acre) Col, o 0l , C- Applcant Day Phone / l - r Address City ST Zip L i-7lo eA, r:71 << s2-68 Owns. Day Phone JaA 1 cam, g'1? 4(3 4{71 Address TT -�' 100 F� JW Nr i(y _ sue-- S.DG, Attachments(Please list) S gnatura of Ownerls° I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date /440 C.n y TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subacribedfind sworn before me this �� day of Y� U� ,19 c ,� �` � F lesion Expires Notary Pubifc O OFFICIAL SRUSEAL BAFBARA SO r) r r�`}��;' NO TARRY PUBLft-ARIZONA .��: MARICOPA COUNTY ! '4�' M Comm.Expires Feb.24,2000_? (Seal) TFH Case Number Fee Schedu;e Attached ! m :f3 'f`T �g ? I itl.4 rr T ,i , (iliw t '4,401.4rivItti% as�j IV*- - " ��1 =; i -,'o A fD Z ■" e4 , z a ram, ,,,.. 0 ,. . u) y> \ill '}/ '/// e _ O CFI - s` H° - • q E ~ g vl c ro \ P 2 1-1 !;! i n 3 r\ , i..-igi :1,.E. Cn k / 'A I r, \ if. cV !t / 1 \\ m ii.T?: Co !--1 I-3 *.4 A m 11 ,. g (9j4 ! A r �" 40)' \ oo 41* 7 4.4t 1r7 i 4 m R 6�fryl\ / +� g : Y \ , e / 9 iqg 0R 4 J/F• A e� �/ �a�R• :' • IA / �el Q as 6flIIIri E,E ^. . o i'i . / i •wbp :;Qp IIFE1 $ate ;r. L_ i / �2 • :11 : 41 4iF a /+ii' 4 P ' • / s i d Ii �� mIN; 4Eil Hdh!!I1hI 4 i"� i g n .gr W.4 lAy-ly: '. R. 1 1 i Vi ; ,k- l' --. 'W h .11[ 4 g i Phi -g.:. ...1-14ig i',0 -.--,-- 0. ; 'i 1 :0 • 10 rTIP3‘.° •.." �� °fir ••-:- . ifs" Ew-444 � N !i!i 'i i--P-a n r 0t 8> 4 .Ag5;• q E _ r It F �4� >ol;#R 3 > L. PROPERTIES OF PACIFIC SOUTHWEST .....a .,.'om/ea MONTOOMERY ENGNEERNG&YANAOEYDIT,LLC. PLAT 104, BLOCK 6, LOT 10 ''""'°RIL """0°°" ,6266E PARK EVi AK.STATE 201 —...+is.I OF 2 wu AS WED FOUNIMN HIM.ARIZONA 85268 — 14238 EDGEWORTH DRIVE aawnraw PUT (602)837-1845 fox 837-8668 ;T A a F 9X R1;8 ae ^ g^px•, a 3 ,m- -m ;: M 1 " 9o'° � X'� x �A na �> p: Aa / x22 -ale i-tx I and i l- gi- / '., $ ix a ! -- a13 nib rift! a il— fillwr R.`1 •!e! 22 : gi 2Alii i'IIIIIiI! ¢;1$ � g ^ X" 1IFit "P PAE xVb . tci�g :! . "1'g�GAS.., pR4 11 :QLA "I0Lr4 76', yRAxRA13° 3kia £ ;4 x G-.51 -a A I gips ggr Qir ny �tt� Fa 4�iiH ■- Xi°� IX 6 $€ ���x �$a� e1 ;A X �g` �; ooa; tie gi6 @@ £ _x _ e2' 1b g '5' n-y1 I�4E Q x H 0- CL C7 co C') .. 2Y 42' 42' > °m C - c T." C D - z m Cr = s m 1. -a D 2. 21' a ' ;: 6 • rr+6 U 12' 13' 8 35.5' 8 12' u 21' yluire13' 8 35.S'a DMINiii .�ET rS1III p 42 4 �'• AlLir A�AO ,+i 11v o x 5!\ V. 4m�`v 'la",,c ~ • e _ "0:3 1°33' 1L1T LW•� 1a. 1. . '� T .. i; III, 110- N li O cn m to O n n Cy Z O a z z O 3 z n m n � C co A I o f, A y 7 :TARS 1 (^€ LII' 1� I1I in � 1a25„ @F � mi 1238. uir Ue 24.33. 1n2s II1 i 24JJ PROPERTIES OF PACIFIC SOUTHWEST ...It ,..10/14/°8 MONTOOUERY Q1igaR119 l MANAmeIT4 LLG PLAT 104, BLOCK 6, LOT 10 "`"""°RY """°°°47 16766 E PARKVIEW AVE.STATE 201 ..+r 2 OF 2 ... AS N01@ FOUNTAIN HILLS.ARIZONA 85268 14238 EDGEWORTH DRIVE 601o01°w8i SEC11015 (602)837-1845 Ia.837-8668DM ar ®.v IV c99 -oiV / S �' Law Offices Of WILLIAM E. FARRELL Suite 220 Telephone(602)661-6044 William E.Farrell 10135 East Via Linda Facsimile(602)661-7454 Andrew J.McGuire Scottsdale,Arizona 85258-5312 lA4ftr TO: Mayor and Council kw 114 T Town Manager G Town Clerk a =:?; ce ve FROM: William E.Farrell '40that is �� Town Attorney DATE: August 16, 1999 RE: Agenda Item 9 Telecommunication Equipment Right-of-Way Use Agreement STAFF REPORT This item before you this evening is authorization to the Mayor, Manager, Clerk and Attorney to execute telecommunication equipment right-of-way use agreements with AirTouch Cellular(formerly U.S. West/New Vector Group, Inc.) for two sites in the Town of Fountain Hills. The first site is the traffic signal located on the northwest corner of Palisades and Shea Boulevards. The second site would also be on Shea Boulevard in proximity to the Bee Line Highway. AirTouch has agreed to a monthly right-of-way use fee of$750.00 per location making the total income $1,500 per month plus tax. AirTouch proposes to locate several small panels on the traffic control devices and the panels will be painted the same color as the poles in order to blend into the environment. The panels are relatively small in size and should not be visible except to someone looking for them. The panels are powered by an electrical base that will be located behind the curb in the public right-of-way. The actual site plan for location and the actual use agreement are still being drafted and therefore are not available at this time. The use agreement will be for an initial period of five years with three additional five year options. The compensation can be renegotiated at the beginning of each five year term. Once all of the documents are in final form and have been approved by the Town Engineer and myself we will present them to the Mayor, Manager and Clerk for their signature. AirTouch is anxious to start and our lease payments will commence after an affirmative vote on this item by the Council. C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AIRTOUCHSTAFFRPT.WPD As always should you have any questions and remove this item from the consent agenda I will be more than happy to answer them. Respectfully submitted, William E. Farrell Town Attorney L C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AIRTOUCHSTAFFRPT.W PD TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM L TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul Nordin,Town Manager FROM: Geir Sverdrup, Senior Planner DATE: August 2, 1999 SUBJECT: Consideration of a text amendment to The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills amending Chapter 18, Section 18.08 adopting design guidelines for the Town Center Commercial Zoning District. Staff has prepared the attached Town Center Design Guidelines, which were initiated by the Town Council on Julyl, 1999 and reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission on August 12, 1999. Staff worked with MCO properties in the development of these guidelines, and has incorporated many ideas/concepts from documents prepared for MCO by outside consultants. Staff feels that the attached Design Guidelines will enable Town staff and the property owner, (MCO) to develop a well designed downtown commercial core. Staff will present a verbal �r report to the Council on the night of August 16, 1999, on the Commissions August 12, 1999 meeting L • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS (lbw ORDINANCE #99-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING CHAPTER 18, SECTION 18.08 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2, SECTION 2.01 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AMENDING THE TOWN CENTER COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT. WHEREAS, The Town of Fountain Hills adopted Ordinance #93-22, on November 18, 1993, which adopted the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills,and; WHEREAS, Chapter 2, Section 2.01 of the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills, provides for a procedure to amend said ordinance,and; WHEREAS, The Town of Fountain Hills desires to amend the regulations of the "Town Center Commercial"Zoning District,and; WHEREAS, The procedures detailed in Chapter 2, Section 2.01 of the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills have been followed,and; WHEREAS, The Town of Fountain Hills has written the text of Chapter of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills and published this proposed text change in the official newspaper of general circulation, The Fountain Hills Times on July 28,August 4 and 11, 1999 and; WHEREAS, Public hearings were advertised in the The Fountain Hills Times on July 28,August 4 and 11, 1999 and, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes§9-462.04,and; WHEREAS, Public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission on August 12, 1999 and by the Fountain Hills Town Council on August 16, 1999. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to Chapter 2,Section 2.01 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills,Chapter 18 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills shall be amended as follows: PASS FAIL /( _Q 9 • ION ORDINANCE 99-22 SECOND Page 1 of 12 COUNT Co=0 18.08 Design Guidelines Statement of Purpose. The purpose of the Design Guidelines for Town Center Commercial Zoning District are to esta•lish reeulations a • restrictions regarding aesthetics relative to architecture and detail , comprehensive sien olan and landscape&liehtine. The followine euidelines represent minimum standards adopted by the Town Council to promote compatible development within the Town Center Commercial Zonin. District(TCCDI zo ed property. Development in thaCCZD shall comply with,the regulation of Cha.ter 17 of The Zonin• Ordinance of the Town of Fountain Hills or these design guidelines which ever is more restrictive. A. Master Architectural Design Guidelines 1. Produce an orderly and aesthetically pleasing development that is compatible with the urban desert setting of the Fountain Hills downtown commercial core, 2. All building plans must be sealed by an Arizona registered architect with an accompanying site plan sealed by an Arizona registered engineer or land surveyor, 3. Architectural style is to be Southwest Contemporary utilizing raised parapets and/or sloping s with concrete the as appropriate. All elevations are to he of front elevation quality with the exception of common walls. Common walls. which will not have an adjacent building under construction within six(6)monthc_shall he required to be stuccoed and painted in a,imilar manner as to the front elevation. Roof forms must be continuous and wra. around corners/building planes. Roof lines shall be articulated, 4. Elevations shall use any combination of the followine ma onrv. natural) stone.stucco.rusted or painted steel and exposed wooden beams and columns. Buildings may utilize sills, leaders.beltcourses and similar ornamental features to visually articulate elevations, Elevations shall utilize more than one material in the face of the elevations excludi g windows. Windows shall not utilize reflective glass on any elevation. The Community Development Director may admini tratively approve alternative materials with appeal to the Town Council. Wood siding and unfinished masonry. with the exception of split face block, is prohibited. 5. All rooftop equipment shall be screened from view from any street.public right-of way,or surrounding property and shall be architecturally integrated into the building design. All trash enclosures.utilities or other ground mounted equipment shall be screened from the general public by a six(6)foot high stuccoed and painted masonry wall. Trash enclosures shall be gated with fully screened gates painted to match adjacent walls. Wall mounted utilities shall be enclosed in a cabinet painted to match the exterior wall color in that location. 6. Outdoor storage is prohibited. All storage shall be located within the building or contained within a fully enclosed structure architecturally integrated into the building. Wooden and chain-link fences are prohibited. 7. Color schemes shall be selected from the Color Palette located on page J The Community Development Director may administratively approve alternative color schemes with appeal to the Town of Fountain Hills Town Council. R. Comprehensive Sign Plan L ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 2 of 12 these sign regulation i intended to encourage attractive sign for bu ine a and service located within the TCCZD whil- promoting th- ee era welfare of the community • creating more aesthetically appearing street frontages thro„gh the use of controlled signs efinitions of signs area fated in hanter 6 ection 6 02 of the Wing Ordinance of the Town o Fountain Hills. Si•n area shall be measured le Chapte . Section 4.03 .f the Zoni • Ordinance of the Town •f Fountain Hills. Signs for the TCCZ i shall meet the following criteria: 1, individual Business sips a. Sign area is baton a o_ne to one ratio- The total a �revate a ea of one(11 fa e n 1 signs on the nremi a pertaining to any one business shall not exceed the square foota•e eaual to the linear feet o the store/lot frontage, However the total aggregate area of all such signs for on- business shall of exceed one hundred(100 s•uare feet and the maximum size of any one sign shall not exceed fifty(50)sauare feet. For corner lots/buildings only the main entrance shall be so measured. Window signs shall be limited to two(2)square feet maximum. Signs shall a individual letter /cvmholc attached to the face of the building Cabinet signs are prohibited. c Signs may be illuminated by a focused hooded light ource or throu h rever a na channel letters with a hidden light source. 2• Complex Signs a. A directory sign(sl may be utilized for unified development and shall not exceed six 6)sauare feet ner sign. Directory signs are not included in the calculation for in ividual businesses. For a complex under unified control one monument i n may be permitted.parcels of one(11 acre or larger located on a corner may be permitted two(2)monument signs with one sign per street frontage.neither Qf which may be located closer than fifty(50) om the intersection. Such sign containing only the name of the complex shall not be included in the calculation for individual businesses. b. Monument signs shall be individual letters/symbols attached to the face of the monument. Monument signs shall utilize similar materials as used in the construction of the building comnle . Internally illuminated signs are prohibited, Si•ns may be illuminated by a focused.hoode• light source or thr•u•h reverse Ian channel letters with a hidden light source, c. Directory and monument ign may contain un to 2 sauare feet of ign ea ner business. however such area shall be subtracted from the sign area allowed for individual businesses. In no case shall such a sign be taller than five(5)feet located behind the re•uired buildin• setback or taller than forty-two(4 inches located within the re•uired setback. Such signs shall not exceed twent -four( 4 square feet in area, d. Banners. .ennants and other displays • e allowed only as stated in Chapter . Section 6.08.0 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Fountain Hills. 3. Color Palette. Individual letters shall utilize materials that are or are made to appear as naturally occurring materials Colo rs areto be earth tones compatibie with the coln_r_ n_a_1_e_t_te ound on Wage of these guideline . The ommunity Development Director may administratively approve alternative color schemes with appeal to the Town of Fountain Hills Town Council. ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 3 of 12 C. Master Landscape and Lig i •i • ' The purpose of these design guidelines is to define the landscape character of the Fountain Hills mixed-use properties referred to as_Town Center Commercial Zoning District. The landscape guidelines jn conjunction with other sections assist in establishing the theme and identity for these Downtown properties. e nrimary obiective of these euidelines for the Town Center area is to create n at ractive natural_ desert settine for the community. The plant palette consists of a ele tG listoflow-water use trees. shrubs,ground covers and accents that perform well in this region. The desi•n guidelines address both resi•ential and commercial uses. The requirements are unique to each use to a'nrop 'ately deal with_differing scale and intensity of use within each category. Additional v.soecial a tention is required for those parcels that abut public streets(regardless of use , In •eneral. the lane scape character should appear naturalistic with an informal and organic layout that mimics the randomness of the natural desert, e Community Development Director may administratively approve alternative plant material . light sources and/or hardscape materials with appeal to the Town of Fountain Hills Town Council. 1. Minimum Plant Requirements The_minimum auantity and size of landscaping materials required is based on the actual square footage of the landscape area. The landscape area is determined by measuring all areas that are not being utilized for turf,parking,buildings and/or hardscape elements. Minimum plant requirements shall be determined by thq following tables: a. Residential Development Projects, Plant Type Min. Size Min.Plantsper S.F. • Trees ,...,....48"box 1:3.000 S.F. 36"box 2:3,000 S.F. 24"box 1:3.000 S.F, • Shrubs 5 gal. 1:200 S.F. 1 gal. 1:100 S.F. • Ground Covers 1 gal. 1:50 S.F, • Accents 5 gal. 1:300 S.F. • Boulders '/z Ton 1:300 S.F. • Saguaro 10"(min.) 1:3000 S.F. • Ocotillo 8-spine(min.) 1:1500 S.F. Note: These requirements apply to common landscape areas only and do not apply to private courtyards. b. Commercial Development Projects. Plant Type Min. Size Min.Plants per S.F, • Trees 48"box 1:2.000 S.F. 36"box 2:2.000 S.F. 24"box 1:2.000 S.F. • Shrubs 5 gal. 1:100 S.F. 1 gal. 1:100 S.F. • Ground Covers 1 gal. 1:50 S.F. • Accents 5 gal. 1:200 S.F. • Boulders '/z Ton 1:300 S.F. • Saguaro 10' (min.) 1:3000 S.F. ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 4 of 12 • Ocotillo.... R-snipe(min_) 1:1500 S.F. • c. Design Concepts. • Trees shall be used to soften the architecture of the proposed buildings and provide shade fQrparkingJnd pedestrian areas. The Jimited variety of acceptable trees is intended to create continuity and compatibility within the entire Town Center area, • Shrubs shall be used to create foundation planting adjacent to proposed uildings to provide an anorooriate transition between the building and th ground plane. Shrubs should also be used to,provide visual screening for parking areas and utility boxes. • Ground covers shall be used to provide continuity within the landscape and tie together the other landscape elements, • Accents shall be used to create interest within the development project. Accents should be situated in a natural setting that is integrated with other landscape elements. • Boulders shall be used to enhance the natural desert setting of the area. d. Turf Grass. Turf may be used subject to the following criteria: • Turf may not exceed 50%a of the total landscape area. • The minimum width of turf shall be 5-feet. • The minimum turf area shall be 200 square feet. • Turf may not be located in public rights-of-way per Arizona Dena_rtment of Water Resources guidelines. • All turf areas shall be watered with an automatic underground irrig.t'. system. • Turf shall be integra ed within the other landscape and hardscape elements. • Turf shall be setback a minimum of one-foot from sidewalks and parking areas to avoid over-spray. • Common Bermuda grass is prohibited.however;Bermuda hybrids are acceptable, e. Additional Requirements. 1) Parking Lots. Parking lots adjacent to other developments or streets shall e screened by a minimum t ree-foot high wall and/or mounding. Landscaped berms and site walls or the combination thereof shall not to exceed 42 inches in height. Parking lot landscape islands should be a minimum of 8-feet wide(inside dimension)and contain one tree from the Approved Plant List below. (2) Trees. Trees must conform to the minimum container size required above or the minimum plant size identified on the plant list. whichever i eater. Trees must be setback from sidewalks and driveways a minimum of five- feet. (3) Decomposed Granite. All non-turf landscape areas shall be covered with a minimum of four-inches of 1"screened Aztec Brown decomposed granite. (4) Boulders. Boulders shall be surface select granite boulders placed in naturalistic groupings. Boulders shall be buried approximately 1/3 below finished grade of the landscape area, L ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 5 of 12 (51 Site.Gradino. Mounding and cite grading i encouraged to create a unique appearance. Maximum slope of mounding is not to exceed 3:1 and must be naturalistic in appearance. (6) _ Headers and Borders. Extruded concrete or masonry unit borders between turf and desert landscap- areas are required. Use of integrally colored concrete or mortar is encouraged. (7) Irrigation. All landscaping is to be watered with an underground, automatic irrigation system. Irrigation equipment is to be located in inconspicuous locations or screened by walls or plants. f. Streetscape Considerations The"streetscape"area is that area between proposed buildings and/or parking lots and theadjacent street. These areas are the most visible to the public and are subject to these additional requirements: (11 Accent Trees Accent trees are intended to highlight and acknowledge the intersections of streets and/or driveways with streets. The accent tree required is the Desert Ironwood Tree(Olneya tesota). Minimum size required is 54"box. The Ironwood Tree should be planted in a cluster (minimum three trees)on each side of the intersection. Trees may not interfere with any sight visibility easements or triangles per applicable Town codes. 1 Streetscape Trees. St_reetscaoe trees re intended to provide continuity along the adjacent street. The required streetscape trees are the Palo Verde Tree Cercid'um species)and the Mesquite Tree(Prosopis species). Minimum size required is 48"box. The trees shall be planted at approximately 40-feet on center and no closer than 25-feet on center. The trees shall be setback a minimum of eight-feet(8')from the sidewalk or street. 3 The trees required for streetscape embellishment may be used to satisfy a portion the overall tree requirement for the project. g. Prohibited Materials. The following materials are prohibited from use within the Town Center development: • River Run Rock.except for drainage swales.(appropriately colored crushed granite rip-rap)is acceptable. • Steel.scalloped concrete or wooden headers or borders. • Colored rock or decomposed granite other than that specified within this document. 2. Approved Plant List. The purpose of the Approved Plant List is to establish continuity and consistency within the Town Center development area, Trees Common Min. Size Min. Size Min. Size Min. Size Name 24"Box 36"Box 48"Box 54"Box • Ironwood Tree* 6x3' (1.25") 8x6' (2.0") 12x10' (3.0") 14x12' (3.5") • Native Palo Verde Sp.* 7x4"(1.0") 10x8' (2.0") 14x11' (3.0") -- • Sonoran Palo Verde* 7x4' (1.0") 10x8' (2.0") 12x12' (3.0") -- • Chilean Mesquite* 8x5' (1.0") 10x9' (2.0") 14x13' (3.0") -- • Sissoo Tree 10x4' (1.25") 15x10' (3.0") Not Available -- • Sweet Acacia* 8x5' (1.0") 10x9' (2.0") 14x12' (3.0") ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 6 of 12 • hoestring Acacia 9x4' (1.5")• 13x6' (2.5") 17x8' (4.0") • Texas Mountain Laurel 4x2' (1 0") 6x4' (2 0") 8x6' (3 0") • exas Ebony* 6x4' (1.0") 8x6' (2.0") I 1 x8' (3.0") -- Note: "Required Trees"(as dete fined by the nrevinns tables)must meet the minimum sizes crated above Key• Height x Width(Calioer Inches)as -stablished b _Arizqna Nur -w Association Grower's Committee. • Indicates multiple trunk tree. Shrubs 1 and 5 Gallon) Ground Covers(1 Gal on) Accents(5 Gallon) • Bird of Paradise varieties • Lantana varieties •Red Yucca • Chihuahuan Sage • Desert Marigold •Yucca varietiec • Mexican Honeysuckle • Dalea varieties •Aoave varietiec • Salvia varieties • Bursa *Desert S...n • Texas Sage varieties • Bush Morning Glory •Saouaro • Creosote • Turpentine Bush •Ocotillo • Arizona Yellow Bells • Fairy Duster •Barrel Cactus • Bougainvillea • Desert Broom Centennial_ 'Deserr Milkweed • Cordia varieties • Verbena varietie •Prickly Pear Cactus • Ruellia varieties • Euphorbia varieties - •Penstemon • Joioba • Mex.Evenin Primros- •Al e varieties • Brittlebush 3. lighting a. Exterior illumination of landsca.e and bui dings shall be by ground mounted fixtures which shall be an indirect. focused and hpoded and shall be arranged so hat the source of light is not vi ible from any str.et or adioinino nronerty b. Illumination of .edestrian walkways is to be b any combination of the following: lighted bollard.recessed light fixture or wall mo nted fixt fires- Free tanding ligh standards are discouraged in non-parking lot areas. Light standards located within parking areas shall be a maximum of twenty(20)feet in height above grade. 4. Hardsca e. Hardscape areas. sidewalks.plazas.oar ways.street . • , are encourazed to utilize inte• al color which are compatible with the proposed development. The use exposed a.gregate as an accent within sidewalks and plazas is encouraged. Additional hardscape areas may be administratively approved by the Co munity Development Director with appeal to the Town Council. 18.084 General Provisions.The General Provisions in Chapter 5 shall apply,except where provided for in this Chapter. 18.0914 Signs. The regulations in Chapter 6 shall apply,except where provided for in this Chapter. 18.101 Parking and Loading. The parking and loading regulations in Chapter 7 shall apply, except where provided for in this Chapter. 18.112 Outdoor Lighting. The provisions of Chapter 8 shall apply,except where provided for in this Chapter. 18.123 Plan Review.The provisions of Chapter 2,Section 2.04 shall apply. 18.134 Density,Area,Building and Yard Regulations: The chart which follows specifies the minimum lot sizes, minimum lot widths,maximum building heights,minimum yard setbacks and maximum lot coverage percentages, and the minimum distance between buildings. ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 7 of 12 4\goop 41‘ to-, 4.„,,41/4. ,,, ..,... , , : i „ ,, 810104* ,01 fp& 11%. "‘"\- \IN . vats L '..iEOMce��IF/i �....-1\ \ la pi---„...0011111061 Iritik ( , w . .k • :/ 4Rei.,t �`+�� ;Qa %�%�•A 44 •►,-. 1 i, OFFICE ,,, I. "' ' COMPLEX /,_ .ri .ir �/1741Fr////r /;,di . r / DRIVEWAY/ENTRANCES WITH SIGNAGE See Comprehensive Sign Plan for specific sign criteria ,1 ni I \ I y,rk.7 \ . iksv\topirpti. , \',‘ ',1 , v ill , \___ f_ifro.\ f •' if #:. i , i Ir.,- . , , , , ., \ ,,,,,‘ ilk 1, \ ,,,,Iiiiti"ir 11. 110f:' a A.,\N\ „______..„_,____ , ,, , . ,,,i„..i, 4 et04,r011.1% Li - \ .. \ ir-14-i _..... cilium"— aztl, 1 17 r \\I" L n fitiak' r C\ .t.,.. - 00 II/.1 0"A*"•;:iii r i s ii•id e".. . :/:•• �. r- I SITE WALL `t 4(4I:d���j►_ N'i'S.'ir4, \ r.0 e 4-"V :`` ' `9i\a :: 'N ' 7> ii i- IRA ate' -lar-'i 0 , /A.:7/ 7"';I% J qfi/i Tr. •. FULL ELEVATION - SITE WALL Perimeter walls with character. cp- • Stepped profile. •Stylized reveals. •Texture ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 8 of 12 PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING L A = Wall Fixture B = Recessed Light Fixture in Wall C = Recessed Light Fixture in Sidewalk tea • .- D = Lighted Bollard .Y .,.,,...,,. •j ,f , . \ 114 ,0' 411 '4; . . . '41 -N \ .i'- N'' PVAIPIP --.-•:..t: • .: ® \PA I, ,lar,...sai 0110 , on%/ �°�Opa slilr, ,,, A '.. Ai , ...,...-1.-,-__• - ,, _1 ;: ,..,,, �_-_,__,R, III1c '14JiI II • PARKING LOT LIGHTING -- -- t Ataittfr 441141p. ,1 ,,,,,,,,,,,„ g 4-Ztili)0 Al- - 'r„ , .40.;\04110A ..:.,iegi*te;;,A 4-464. - 4 "106" `\ iiK it it i il I ei_ a �� i` i 1► l'itia► ar eA % `' °��II_ I �� 1111FO . IIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I1I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111 111111111111V11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,., I' ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 9 of 12 LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING L gt,„:st ... .,::,,t,p,f,:.:,..4,,,„.. , up to 36 in. .-•.. r.2Z41 i ?. jai. • • Landscaoe Grading - up to 18 in. Produce irregular undulating landforms with rounded berms (max. 3:1 slope) and shallow depressions. Plant trees in low areas for water-harvesting. Tit...,016,,,,,t,.::,.......7.A.Nt v;;:;;z:daev • \ .:.,*i e4,t\ 't,„,..;1 Boulder Formations - `�``�, Set boulders into earthforms to simulate a natural • appearance. Use natural rounded boulders rather than cracked quarry-rock. - E -gyp ,. ..cc .. • • • Landscape Liahtinq • Ground-mounted spotlights, bollard lights, optional 12V tree-lights. Follow Town lighting regulations. ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 10 of 12 ØP2 . t 2/1 W W MINIMUM r VIW p co o< VI=W< Z a W U f _ M 0 0 0 H 40 IIIV gin 1� z -o\ otik -OVA •7,t1A LJ Fa t 14 V< 1 .A'Aef ''. 1 •<AI:IPA.r.1%V ".. VI ozwirigirofi " L \ �'el' O _ ,/ . • \ l 411111 O ID , l. o I r \ \ n N N i i N o N o O1 ry w •.) W C C.) z "" sild 0<2 *I 11 III. IZ' 4( ' . 4114.. _.1 W W 4. � r O W �� ® OW / PV 0 �i/1 ' � i k., �I Ox♦ I Z T \n 0 O _ I ID 0 iLI N I PI + I! \ O I in le I \ I p \ \ \ \ • t,, a 6t , I. ` ? • \ WZ J� ��_ ZWW � La ao t: \`if � � I� I ��w� K' 1 WVI u�W � � aW Jr Aill At z In / i z i t`. C PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,this 16th day of August, 1999. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: l W51 �, 4 Sharon Morgan,May r Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk REVIE D BY: IPPROVED AS TO FORM: / Yrtl&A,A- Pau L.Nor in,Town Manager William E.Farrell,Town Attorney L L ORDINANCE 99-22 Page 12 of 12 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM L TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Geir Sverdrup, Senior Plann DATE: August 11, 1999 SUBJECT: Consideration of a special use permit (SU99-04) &a cut/fill waiver(CFW99-05)for a group care/nursing home located on lots 1 &2,Town Center I in the C-2 Zoning District. Staff has attached a copy of the staff report to the Planning and Zoning Commission for your review. As noted in the recommendation, due to the nature and number of comments/ stipulations, staff has recommended that the Commission continue the request to the August 26, 1999 Commission meeting. Staff will present a verbal report to the Council on the night of August 16, 1999, regarding the Commissions August 12, 1999 meeting, however, staff would recommend that the Council also continue this request to their September 2, 1999 Council err meeting. Please see the attached report for specific details. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT August 12,1999 L CASE NO: SU99-04&CFW99-05 LOCATION: Northeast corner of Fountain Hills Blvd. and Avenida Vida Buena aka lotsl & 2, Town Center I REQUEST: Consider a Special Use Permit, which would allow a group/nursing home in the "C-2" zoning district and a request for a cut and fill waiver of 19.5 feet of fill and—feet of cut. DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT: Fountain View Village L.L.C. OWNER: Fountain View Village L.L.C. EXISTING ZONING: "C-2" EXISTING CONDITION: Undeveloped PARCEL SIZE: 18.31 acres. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Safeway Plaza,zoned "C-2"; SOUTH: Multi-family,zoned "R-4". EAST: Multi-family(Thunder Ridge),zoned "C-2"w/S.U.P.. WEST: Multi-family(Four Peaks Vistas),zoned"R-4". SUMMARY: This request is for approval of a Special Use, which would allow an adult care facility in the "C-2" zoning district and the accompanying cut and fill waivers. Group/nursing homes are permitted to be located in commercial zoning districts with an approved Special Use Permit. The following is Section 2.02 regarding Special Use Permits and Section 12.03 of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, which states the Town's regulations regarding group/nursing homes in the commercial zoning districts. CODE REQUIREMENTS: CHAPTER 2 PROCEDURES 2.02 Special Use Permits. A. Purpose. Every zoning district contains certain buildings, structures and uses of land which are normal and complementary to permitted uses in the district,but which, by reason of their typical physical or operational characteristics, influence on the traffic function of adjoining streets, or similar conditions, are often incompatible with adjacent activities and uses. It is the intent of this ordinance to permit special uses in appropriate zoning districts, but only in specific locations within such districts that can be designed and developed in a manner which assures maximum compatibility with adjoining uses. It is the purpose of this section to establish principles and procedures essential to proper guidance and control of such uses. Staff Report SU99-04 Fountain View Village August 12, 1999 Page2of7 B. General Regulations. 1. Zoning district regulations established elsewhere in this ordinance specify that certain buildings, structures and uses of land may be allowed by the Town Council as conditional uses in a given district subject to the provisions of this section and to requirements set forth in district regulations. The Town Council is empowered to grant and to deny applications for use permits and to impose reasonable conditions upon them. 2. Any building, structure or use existing on the effective date of this ordinance which is reclassified as a special use by this ordinance for the district in which it is located shall be considered as meeting the conditions which would otherwise be imposed upon such use by this ordinance, and its continuance shall not be subject to issuance of a special use permit; provided, however, to the extent that such use fails to conform to the requirements of this ordinance, it shall be considered nonconforming as described in section 4.01, and its continuance shall be governed by all nonconforming use regulations applicable thereto. 3. Every special use permit issued shall be applicable only to the specific use and to the specific property for which it is issued. Upon completion and final inspection by the Zoning Administrator of any authorized structures, signifying that all zoning and site development requirements imposed in connection with the permit have been satisfied, the special use permit shall thereafter be transferable and shall run with the land, whereupon the maintenance of special conditions imposed by the permit, as well as the compliance with other provisions of this ordinance, shall become the responsibility of the property owner. C. Special Use Permit Application. Application for a use permit shall be filed with the Community Development Department on a form prescribed by the Community Development Director. The application shall be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission by the Zoning Administrator,and when required by the Zoning Administrator, shall be accompanied by a detailed site plan prepared in accordance with Section 2.04 showing all information necessary to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with all special conditions as well as other regulations and requirements of this ordinance. An applicant shall furnish the Commission with any additional information it may consider relevant to investigation of the case. D. Commission Action and Findings. 1. It is the express intent of this ordinance that any use for which a special use permit is required shall be permitted in the particular zoning district, provided that all special conditions and requirements of this ordinance are met. Therefore, the action of the Commission shall be one of recommending approval or denial to the Town Council based upon its judgment as to whether the specified conditions have been or will be met. The Commission shall consider not only the nature of the use and the special conditions influencing its location in the particular district,but also the proposed location of buildings, parking and other facilities within the site, the amount of traffic likely to be generated and how it will be accommodated, and the influence that such factors are likely to exert on adjoining properties. The Staff Report SU99-04 Fountain View Village August 12, 1999 Page3of7 Commission may make such suggestions to the Town Council concerning ways a proposed project may be acceptable and compatible to the area. 2. Notice of the nature of the special use permit application and the date of the meeting at which it will be considered shall be posted on the property and shall be mailed to the owners of all real property within three hundred (300) feet of the external boundaries of the property for which application is made. The applicant shall be responsible for providing the names and addresses of these owners. *1 3. The Commission shall consider the application at the first regular meeting after the proper advertising procedures and period have been completed. The Commission, at this regularly scheduled meeting, shall either(1) make a recommendation to the Town Council, or continue the matter to a specified date (but not longer than sixty (60) days from the date of the original hearing). Within sixty (60) days after the date of the original hearing,the Commission shall render its decision in the form of a written recommendation to the Council. The recommendation shall include the rationale for the recommendation. However,if the Commission is not able to make a recommendation to the Council at the continued meeting and the applicant does not consent to a further continuance, the matter shall be automatically forwarded to the Council with a recommendation for denial 4. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to maintain the posting. The notice shall set forth the time and place of the hearing and include a general explanation of the matter to be considered and a general description of the area affected. 5. In order to recommend approval of any use permit, the findings of the Commission must be that the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the use or building applied for will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor shall it be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the town. 6. The Commission may recommend to the Town Council such conditions in connection with the use permit as it deems appropriate to secure the intent and purposes of this ordinance and may recommend such guarantees and evidence that such conditions are being or will be followed. 7. If the Commission finds that the application and supporting data do not indicate that all applicable conditions and requirements of this ordinance will be met,it may recommend denial of the special use permit. The Commission recommendation shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application. 8. Upon conclusion of the Commission's hearing, the Commission's recommendation shall be forwarded to the Town Council along with the application materials, staff report, written comments from the public,and minutes of the hearing. E. Council Action and Findings. 1. When the Town Council receives a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning a Special Use Permit application, it shall hear the request Staff Report SU99-04 Fountain View Village August 12, 1999 Rage 4of7 at the scheduled date and time specified in accordance to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, but no later than the next regularly scheduled meeting held at least eight (8) days after the Commission recommendation is received. The Council may adopt the Commission's recommendation, approve the Special Use Permit request with the conditions it deems appropriate,or deny the Special Use Permit. 2. The Council's decision shall be final and shall become effective immediately. Notice of the decision shall forthwith be mailed to the applicant at the address shown in the application. *3 F. Time Limits. 1. The Council may establish a time limitation for special use permits. A building permit for the construction of any improvements allowed by any special use permit issued by the Town Council shall be secured within six (6) months from the date of approval. Any lapsing of the building permit prior to completion of the improvements will cause the Special Use Permit to become null and void. Prior to the termination of this time limit, the applicant may make a written request to the Town Council and the Council may reconsider said use permit to determine if the permit should be reissued for an additional time period or be terminated. There shall be no use permit fee for this extension request. 2. No person shall reapply for the same or substantially the same use permit on the same or substantially the same plot, lot, or parcel of land within a period of one (1) year from the date of denial of said use permit. G. Revocation. 1. Special use permits granted in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance may be revoked by the Town Council, if any of the conditions or terms of the permit are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the permittee of a violation of a special use permit, in writing. If the violation is not remedied or the remedy is not substantially begun in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator within ten (10)days after notification, the owner/tenant should be notified that the Town Council will consider revocation of the permit at its next meeting. 2. Any special use permit issued by the Town Council shall be considered null and void if construction does not conform to the originally approved site plan. Any requests for deviations from the originally approved site plan shall be processed as a new use permit. H. Fee. The application for a special use permit shall be accompanied by a filing fee in an amount established by a schedule adopted by resolution of the Council and filed in the Loy office of the Town Clerk. No part of the filing fee shall be refundable. Payment of the filing fee shall be waived when the petitioner is the town, county, school district, state or federal government. Staff Report SU99-04 Fountain View Village August 12, 1999 Page 5of7 CHAPTER 12 COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS 12.03 Uses Subject to Special Use Permits in C-1,C-C,C-2,and C-3 Zoning Districts. A. Amusement park, arcade, drive-in theater, or outdoor theater, miniature golf course, and golf driving range. B. Cemetery,pet cemetery,and mausoleum. C. Group Homes for Handicapped and Elderly People, Nursing Home, Homes for the Aged, Convalescent Home. D. Kennels,indoor or outdoor. E. Sports arenas. F. Single and multi-family residential dwellings. EVALUATION: Fountain View Village L.L.C.proposes to construct a progressive care facility on lots 1 &2 of Town Center I. The proposed facility will contain 90 independent living units, 90 assisted living units and 64 skilled nursing units. In discussions with staff prior to application of this special use, staff made the interpretation that the Skilled Nursing and Assisted Care portions of the request were commercial in nature and would apply the 40 foot building height to these sections. Staff further interpreted that the Independent Care facility was more of a multi-family use and would therefore apply the 30 foot building height to these units as previously applied to Thunder Ridge (Town Center I, Lot 6) and The Villas of Fountain Hills (Town Center II, Lot 5). The applicant has shown the independent care facility at a height of 40 feet, with three stories, along the east side and portions of the south and north side transitioning to 29 feet, with two stories, along the west side. The applicant has shown architectural features above the 40 foot height for architectural relief, and has agreed to remove these features as they exceed the maximum height permitted by the zoning district. The Skilled Nursing facility is a single story structure with a 19.5 fill on the east side and a 19 foot cut on the west side. The skilled nursing required a level floor due to the nature of the clients and stairs and ramps would be a hazard. The assisted care facility requires a 15.5 foot cut at the southwest corner and a 16 foot fill on the northwest corner. These cut fills will be hidden by backfill and site grading. The 19.5 foot fill at the skilled nursing facility requires retaining walls as the un-retained fill has a 22 foot horizontal displacement and exceeds six feet in height. The 19 foot cut removes a high spot on the western side of the sight. The topography shown on the applicants grading plan closely matches the town's topography from 1991. Community Development has additional concerns regarding the applicants cut and fill exhibit. While the skilled nursing area appears to be correct the cut areas on the assisted care and independent living areas are incorrect and a fill is missing from the assisted care site. Staff Report SU99-04 Fountain View Village August 12, 1999 Page 6 of 7 The Town Engineer has reviewed this request and has the following stipulations: 1. Provide concrete valley gutter at all pavement locations where slope is less than 1%. 2. Show all proposed grading contours along Avenue of the Fountains. Steepen fill slope to 2:1 to keep dirt off curb area. 3. Begin cut slope a minimum of 2' from property line to reduce erosion near adjacent lots. This change will require the use of retaining walls along the north property line (near Lots 3 and 4). 4. Revise cut slope near Lot 3 to a max slope of 3:1. The current 2:1 cut slope design is too steep. 5. Require a vehicular sight easement along the north side of Avenida Vida Buena east of the most eastern proposed driveway location. Provide a retaining wall along sight line to allow for a clear vehicular sight line. 6. Show a no build easement near east property line at Safeway per the recorded Town Center I plat. No structures are permitted in this easement. 7. Show a 20' wide sidewalk, landscape, drainage, and public utility easement along Avenue of the Fountains(per plat). 8. Per plat, show an 18' wide landscape easement, sidewalk, and public utility easement along Avenida Vida Buena. 9. Show a 15' sidewalk, public utility easement, and landscape easement along Fountain Hills Blvd per Town Center I plat. Also show the 1' NVAE (non-vehicular access easement) along Fountain Hills Blvd. 10. Show a slope easement on Lot 1 per Town Center I plat. 11. Drainage easement ends at property corner of Lots 1 and 2 on Avenue of the Fountains. 12. Show 20' drainage easement north of south property line of Lot 2(per plat). 13. Provide containment of surface water runoff from the Hillside Preserve area and drain to the east (cannot drain over slope to Safeway Store). 14. Relocate drainage culvert under the proposed driveway to a low point and direct water to the 20' drainage easement within Lot 2. 15. Drainage headwall and 48' diameter storm drain pipe are blocked by the proposed driveway and building structures. Revise site plan to maintain open access to prior approved and existing drainage structures. There is a minimum of 38 cfs (10-year storm) being intercepted at this drainage structure. There may be more flow than 38 cfs because the corner drainage area is also draining to this structure. Please check. 16. Provide a 6' wide meandering sidewalk along Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills Blvd and Avenida Vida Buena per the approved paving and landscaping plans of Town Center I plat. Position sidewalk per prior approved alignment and cross-section design. 17. Use prior approved landscaping plans from Town Center I plat for this project. 18. Show median correctly. There is an existing left turn pocket lane to Lot 6—Thunder Ridge. 19. Per Traffic Impact Analysis (by Kimley-Horn, June 1999, 09142700), the proposed median break and associated left-turn pocket into Lot 1 needs to be analyzed further to determine if a center raised median of sufficient width may need to be determined. The driveway may need to be shifted slightly to the north to accommodate a 4' (face of curb to face of curb) center median. Provide Type M-2 as shown in the MCDOT Standard Driveway Details. Show this revised/proposed median on the next re-submittal. 20. Show proposed sewer and water lines to each building. Will there be any public sewer main lines on site? 21. Engineering Department recommends a re-submittal of the Grading & Drainage Plan prior to the P&Z meeting. Staff Report SU99-04 Fountain View Village August 12, 1999 Page 7 of 7 %k,, Drainage Report: 1. This report agrees to comply with the concepts and parameters approved with the Anderson-Nelson Drainage Report for Town Center I plat. 2. Require a Final Drainage Report to be submitted with the replat and/or building permit process. This report to include a site specific drainage map exhibit; calcs and details (for hydrology and hydraulics); and calcs for sizing of all drainage pipes, catch basins,etc. With the nature of Community Developments concerns and the amount of comments received from the Engineering Department staff recommends that this application should be continued to the August 26, 1999 Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends continuance to August 26, 1999, of SU99-04, Special Use Permit to permit a group care/nursing home due to the nature and number of stipulations: L L aOdV; TOWN OF FOUNT/ HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT °0gkit;pi ' o f I ' 4 •e Ys a� .f Date Filed 71 l l Qr Fee��O cn 1 16. a_s Acce to Type of Special Use Requested Senior L) `Vn C e•W\It C(0V441151-i� t A �`91-e1.l C . 61e4t1 1 Loom, Vvw j Address of Subject Property Zoning G _ Legal Description: _plat � Block Lot(s) Applicant X_ Day Phone x wA \ View \t6tic ‘404-41s-2soo Addrest lsteto elO tell. 415f .v1, #z City J r a .o‘• STist Zip I G" Owner Day Phone View Vt V\ L� (Ate) •4�s -28c6 Address' 1 Svlr �yr� gb w 1 ••w-� � City ST� Zip Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTI-IORIZE(Please Print) Date ��'f • 7/' (16,.47-azz ---(:)-- -----TOfILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 19 My Commission Expires Notary Public (Seal) Please Provide the Following (attach additional sheets): 1. Mailing labels with names and addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the subject property. 2. 3 full size prints (preferably 24"X36") of the site plan showing minimum zoning requirements and the proposed development if the Special Use Permit is granted, as well as the exterior elevations. 3. 1 8.5" X 11" photostatic reduction of each of the above referenced exhibits. 4. Describe the proposed use, the operations of the use, and the facilities proposed for the land use. 5. A narrative describing any adverse impact the proposed land use may have on the surrounding properties and on the neighborhood and what steps will be taken to avoid these adverse impacts. TFH Case Number Fee Schedule Attached q9 ,0C / I _ TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS • • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • Date Filed I' / 6 1 Fee Paid Accepted By 6 3C0 <'�(�7 Subdivision Name (�` 14 Z.. Subdivider/Developer� �,y v ' ,4 \V( V1(164ner e -Rep. Name) (Firm Name) Address Day Phone 115O(. �hthO� � r►�v�- ; o (doe)- --2E5 00 City V Vv1L�,�'1 cam. ST Zip &s Planner/Engineer �r ^�-�-�,n �r15i ) 120be -' A��iv(4-W\ (Planner/Enyi er Name) (Firm Name) Address Day Phone City ST Zip phc-e-At x q Parcel Size (in acres) Proposed Number of Lots Lot Number(s)Affected I8'+" Maximum Depth of Cut (in feet) Maximum Depth of Fill (in feet) Please include the following (attach adblitional sheets): 1. A grading plan showing the areas of cut and/or fill in excess of the 10 foot limitation. 2. A narrative explaining the need for greater than 10 foot cuts and/or fills and what steps have been taken to keep the degree of cuts and/or fills in excess of 10 feet to a minimum. or If application is being filed by an agent of the owner, please complete the following shaded section. signaturigaf + q� � try- 0 ` I y`� 'ss . � r T i i � 47: � ae � ' "s Subacribl a r� 44*' TFH Case Number Fee: $300 devenney 0 c -a Architects Q Programmers•Planners FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE A SENIOR LIVING CAMPUS L wN�p��NrA1N H • ooM��1 13 i99 Hny 9 "7., 4., n. q 1F.4 MNT ENT z ., e r r 41. A ..,.. ....: . .• f '' 'r5 A �. _ • '°, ` � '` +any i . `4 - ¢+=i roe 341 'orl-,-,,, a lc " ^Y r /•1,1 :.. .,.. I .-� - ' -r . t', =is-i.,� • �'?� Y if 6 r y.• . s+Cf y�",..3:� J "U /...r '^ " e -ef; Kri *. • 'li A icyq�.q R s. y e-y.aM,�� .� f�a.,,,,....,-A ,..4 _•_� ., '..;.,I•.. * .... ir ". ,auti•l'v'9 5i F.,A. A 1-.3 )+'2 sv ,.K .�7- 1y 11� T _, L SU99. Oq PURPOSE The purpose of the special use permit is to allow the development of a 90 unit Independent Living Facility, a 90 unit Assisted Living Facility and a 64 bed Skilled Nursing Facility. In order to combine the facilities we are requesting the deletion of the current lot line between lot 1 and lot 2. We are requesting a curb cut on the Avenue of the Fountains as that will be the location of the main entrance. We are also requesting two additional curb cuts on Avenida Vida Buena for secondary entrances to the senior campus. Due to the unique terrain of the site, we are requesting a cut and fill waiver for the site. DESCRIPTION OF FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE Fountain View Village will be a Senior Retirement Community. It will consist of three distinct areas that address the continuum of care for Senior Citizens as they age in place. The three components are an Independent Living Facility(ILF), an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) and a Skilled Nursing Facility(SNF). Following is a description of the three components that will make up the campus. Independent Living Facilities are age restricted to 65 years of age. This complies with HUD fair housing regulations and allows us to not serve any client under the age of 65. Although the minimum age is 65, residents in an ILF range in age from 70 to 102 with an average age of 79. Approximately 35 —40% of the clients do own cars. The ILF does provide transportation services and the majority of the cars are just "looked at" and in actuality, the children have not been able to get mom or dad to give up that last bit of independence. Clients contract with the ILF in the form of a Client Contract. This contract delineates the services that the ILF will provide and runs on a month to month basis. Unfortunately, at this age some clients are subject to failing health and may have to move on to a higher level of care facility. There are two distinct concepts of ILF's in the industry currently. One philosophy is to have the client buy the unit and pay a monthly assessment. The second is a month to month scenario. The uncertainty of our client's changing situation reinforces Fountain View Village's philosophy of not selling the units. One of the key services provided in the ILF setting is the Life Enhancement Program. It is intended to encourage an individual to embark on a journey of self development, self-discovery, learning and healing. Adjunctive therapies in the Life Enhancement Program can include, but are not limited to,the following: out-patient rehabilitation services, exercise classes, nutritional support, herbal therapies, functional medicine, meditation, relaxation, massage and hypnotherapy. The Life Enhancement Program includes preparation of nutritional meals served in the central dining room. Seniors in this age group not living in an ILF setting typically develop bad dietary and nutritional habits. Another important segment of the Life Enhancement Program is physical activities. Seniors in the ILF setting are provided with structured physical activity programs. Physical activities for clients in this age group aid in keeping theiraliflents.UNTAIN HILLS mobile and work on their range of motion, which is extremely important. J U L 1 3 1999 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The staff of the ILF are constantly working with the clients. The staff provides housekeeping services and structured social activities. The staff, in conjunction with the ILF's Activities Directors, provide weekly social activities such as High Tea, special dinner parties, arts and crafts, cards, and planned excursions into the community. The demographics of our clients are expected to be heavily weighted to the female side of the population. It is typical that a group of four or five of the ladies and one of the staff will go on shopping trips, museum tours,bowling and a few of the more adventurous will steal away to the local casino to play the nickel slot machines. Another important segment of the Life Enhancement Program is the spiritual needs of our clients. We have a Chapel on site and have representatives of the various faiths visit the facility for services on a scheduled basis. Although transportation to the client's church is provided, a lot of our clients find the Chapel services very rewarding and attend often. In addition to all the services described above, the clients have access to the "emergency call system". If one of the clients has a problem and needs assistance, all she or he has to do is touch a button on a medallion that they wear or carry with them. The staff is alerted by a pager tied into the central computer system and is immediately told which client is in trouble and where they are located in the facility or on the entire Campus. The residences in the ILF will include a living room, kitchen and their choice of a one bedroom, one bedroom with a den or two bedrooms. Although two bedroom units, the majority of our residents in the two bedroom units are single occupants. They fmd the additional space, after moving from their home of many years, an added feature. Assisted Living Facilities (ALF) are designed to address the needs of clients that move to the next levels of care. The average age of a client in an ALF is 83 years of age and need assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL). 4% - 5% of ALF clients own cars and seldom drive. The services provided in an ILF are augmented to meet the additional needs of clients in the ALF. Clients contract with the ALF in the form of a Client Contract. This contract delineates the services that the client will require and is based upon an assessment performed by the Registered Nurse and then a determination of services is defined in a meeting with the client, the registered nurse and the family of the client. Assessments are done on a regular basis and the staff is trained to observe any changes in the needs of the client. The basic services include three meals per day (the clients residences do not have kitchens, but they are provided with kitchenettes which include a refrigerator and microwave oven), housekeeping, transportation, structured activities, and the life enhancement program. Three, additional levels of service will be available, and include such typical ADL's as medication = rn reminders, dressing, and bathing. Z 01 a. H W W The residences in the ALF will include a living room, kitchenette and their choice of a one ElCI") o bedroom, one bedroom with a den or two bedrooms. Sisters or families occupy some two o bedrooms where one or both of the clients have a need for the ADL program. The Skilled Nursing Facility(SNF) will have a component for meeting long-term care needs of the community. In addition to the long-term care concept, the Skilled Nursing Facility will include a rehabilitation component that will include occupational, speech and physical therapy services for more sub-acute, short-term episodic conditions. Seniors, as well as individuals younger than 65 years of age, can be treated in this setting for the short-term before return to the community. Individuals with joint replacements,joint repair or who are recuperating from injuries or surgery will be able to recover in a state of the art facility. The final component of the SNF will be devoted to the needs of those with memory loss deficits. The SNF will offer the same management philosophy and amenities as the ILF and ALF, hence making the transition through the continuum of care, a less frightening experience. The residences in the SNF will include 10 units with two beds and 44 units with one bedroom. The units all will have a private bathroom. RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDING PROPERTIES Multi-family and undeveloped and developed commercial retail areas surround the property. To the north of lot 1 is the Palisades Plaza, at the corner of Palisades Boulevard and Fountain Hills Boulevard, containing a large Safeway grocery store and retail strip mall. To the north of lot 2 are 2 undeveloped commercial property that has frontage on Palisades Boulevard. A bank that has been bought out by a larger bank currently in this town center development owns one. To the east of lots 1 and 2 across Avenue of the Fountains is a 2 story multi-family townhouse complex with a retail strip mall to the north of that. To the south of lot 1 along Avenida Vida Buena is a future site of a church at the East End and an existing condominium complex on the west with the Mary Munde Walk between the two. To the west of lot 1 across Fountain Hills Boulevard is a large Multi-family apartment complex. LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY Lots 1 and 2 of Town Center 1 is bound by Avenue of the Fountains on the East Side, Avenida Vida Buena on the south side and Fountain Hills Boulevard on the West Side. To the north of the lots 1 and 2 are commercial lots that have frontage to Palisades Boulevard. The site has access on three sides, two to major streets and one a connector street. Access for visitors and emergency vehicles should be no problem with these major streets that border this property. Please see the Traffic study for more information on trips, etc. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE We propose to begin construction in late 1999 with a schedule completion planned for March of 2001. The construction schedule will all depend on completion of construction documents and the plan review by the town of Fountain Hills. Vintage Management hopes to have a marketing office open early spring of 2000. J Z J W 912 CIRCULATION SYSTEM P.- „ o The Senior Campus will have one main entrance off of Avenue of the Fountains with secondar}L. - entrances at the Independent Living Wing, the Assisted Living Wing, and at the Skilled Nursing _ =o Facility. All the entrances will be tied together with an interior street circulation that will allow for Senior Campus Transportation Vehicles (Le. Fountain Village Van), visitors, and service and delivery trucks to circulate through the campus with out going onto public streets. Walking I j I Cl `miniC 1 L CD w 1—, L.1... 3 >-- --) 1_ '3L'd '39 U 'd y N L N UJ 1 HOLLyAnasa. 'R N6'IQNI T raAtoa y� yiy0d N `f Q 4 i ... cl I"' ~ N 0 � o ? (I N Obd oi,v06, , 0y� �__1 /I , 9 A Z LIJ gGm�6 OQ1 6 a G0 \� °'e To � g a a — I Yd � � �A W a41 En 7 0. W 3 a z 0 O S34 dSllVd d W m acn a z 1 1 (x L.1.. Q a . r ,4 O a at 4.1 ' C (_, a En a1 39 H „ 2 .3 39'd SWIM LLIO 3'IVGS.LLODS 10 AID _m¢ 1, `L m I . , J J r I . Z-- - O - cm .1(iiime Z / N. LL J % / al W i \. 4. ° J i o al q o� V J ENE F . )(/ LLI \ g 07 / 1-i gullill74• 0 c:i •`111 / / 0 li' l-, ii,_.,.,I ,. i/ 1-"N. iii‘ * 14.„ _, f / , o ,t,�: j I " .4, 171111111411111 -0Tik it / d -,-""!/&'.... / F . 111 Si- ..),„ , / ;IliA Iiiik i 0, . 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'',..5 bo 2 ,ip , 41,1,11 , 4 ir 4,i ,;, . /. df i I . ,., 0 .4A7 . _,,j i . . .„. I , ..-_,14, ..; .3:,.....w,,,,,, . . , ..,711-wsir,4 . . . .. 1 i ii, ,... o. _ .,, ,,,,e.,/,,. Iv,,, •\ -4 N O A :1 ° f sN SN Nc\°' o P�, D OF FOUNTAIN HILLS O ut 13199 CO 1 UL UNITY DEVELOPM9ENT ' I dmrman• r 4.� OVERALL DEPARTMENT �, i t,. SITE PLAN FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE w r.r m• r } = ...Artq� SENIOR UVNG CENTER I } t s 4 d r �} e�Mow el w Realm •a.•r He..we... SI 4%•I 1 n• n./ ••-.•••r...r • n • � j •r • • : Iu ..r. • ' ni^ I PINE.a.M••••••.w.•�:'u.���:• ,.•••:ww�w••r_r�..w.•••.w••A•iw..r�sr��.r....wn.i.r..•••rr.�.ra..wrrr.a.wi..r.Mw.. •.•.r.�...••••.. M...w...M,M..�.••.�..r•...r..•.•••..•M.,.••••MM�rn.�...�M.M.rM.S,.r.�. ...r.r.. 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F'UNTAIN HILLS 3 1999 COMMUpEP.> TI MELOPMENT f t I duw..• w."�.r: qp OVERALL ( .� FIRST FLOOR PLAN FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE R a �w`.r 9� SENIOR WINO CENTER t Q I [ 4 1 . . ,. a e -a q.} AMMO 00 r realer. Pemba NIL mew wtirrr-wr 0 r-wr r...r-wr r..n.n.r-wr wr wr w..on.r WO;swim. rrn-wr .aw.w=wrw w•.r•rwww =:...74..r.•iw.+.wIteOs�w�wi�w'w��i�M•. �*nw :�0 :�0���wrrommmemn me.som'w•ammoir+m+'�'�ward. j \\ -9 41ii 'i1i i.„1.,..:, . ,r -n 1 r. Mit :Inf 1 �; o i14.E^' 7 41,07 /op, INrrT, --- Irt:-..-41C:(Z141 '1(tlh p � . 1401„.. • fir+�*II* + Ilii) � �a i • ' . 'rift s. '�' �3II>zil LY` 1__ '� t w4 !_, 4$ si, ti. '0% sur." -„i, awl Iv'. a - • 'S' iw: j !I ! . 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OVERALL + 4 w- THIRD FLOOR PLAN FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE w wwat w SENIOR LVSIG CENTER 1 I I I 4 s WAS!' , - .�Annew Urr.r.r MEW Iwo.rr.w w»s� r 9 f -7wla r-..r .a-.ar--.-- — --w .tars-ter ..r-rw ..rr..r .,.r rr-..r o u e o or t _ , r� �Ilr- o 4110 Rt• a i r. .#, lilt 'LP- Wit: eal Oil 1 ' r. al iw L7 L-.r . 5/iLTT'-- _1 ii 11 M' IV vit) \ ..5-\--- i \\ ��\ �'— —, - J I --` ' I \ .4911_6 1 L-LE ZI--Zf-�_�__J d ...) 1 r I ; I ; EC q' OVERALL FOURTH FLOOR PLAN FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE t e ' _Mk= MI Cf.,� SENIOR LIMO CENTER E 1 4 6 ea v. 4"►. —Awaw N Y famed., fowls MI.Afton lq> — : 4i _ I � _ —fir o• t � r ---r Ptiz F%., 4 i N ♦♦ # , li A III 4> I I I 4$1 Illt OP k A... . , . .. _ vi,. - .4 ' . 4 zuk,,a1-- qr.lr, Ie.,' ' . olio 6 * Me 0 0 4 <ilh. 0' it 31PM`��� Jv `,�o9 o GoMM Om' • d.rem � � _ { I .':,r M OVERALL e :. �� FIRST FLOOR PLAN FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE c � .-.�r.�r ` a ( ' e _ w... .. SKILLED NURSING SKILLED LIVING CENTER 1 i I I 4 • _ d r ars } ._•._,a M rw,MY. rwul.b Ili..Mow 5 t I . 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I I ,�; EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE 9 rw.�.r e q,, SENIOR LIVING CENTER III 4 a � 'I(z.~ —Avow M■r r«wIW. rww. ..I Ma c ' 9Y oV .�.w.r,..r u = ' ....,_—r r-.te I. ^r r^r.on.r —� higidffif .aw.w.�.�wr.�w....�ww.�...ww�.w».w�+�.��.w�ww�.wu�w��w�.w�wwrw�rw.�w.�w.ru�.v�w�`i�iw��� w�ws:��i��.'w.�sw.��wuww"w�'�'•"'�•ww LEMI • I , , IIII 5 III l :1 1 i - i • i Al I i I ] ] '� \ia ,o oil I ®Er* Old i I ©I�d � d i■f 11N11NIM I 1 I El i I MA: 121* Dim 41 la niE, I a■ �. in, I ] r_i_ .111 I El Li lel 01[. I -- 11111111111 . 1® i • ill fl) OiE ®IC■� ::��;\ D I I Eli 'A wal I AN'.,..;:i ICIE I fa/ in* i ..0 ; 4 1 1 Ifflf, 1 '- -.i. - - irsniii ■ II 1 wr ❑ a aI 1 - 1. 1 M 4 43 ; i i --- —1 — -. -- Ierm 1 1SS% L .., i i { ; d "" INDEPENDENT LIVING 1 o I I 1• se se ms �� EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE N ! ' ., k. COURTYARD SENIOR LIVING cEMEA f i I 1 4 1 . . . 0 DM r .(.} w.Mmw M M rwwr. 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GOMM��E AR'!MElii • i s d 'r:u .w qIN SKILLED NURSING i 1 W le' EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE illt YM)_ r m � ww.r'.. $ '�9F 9KLLED LIVING CENTER t , I 1 h , . . . . rib b -. ','+►} �••A. a w hrr. rwr=NY.w.r. / •> • • • • . . • 4 4 f qw.•• 1' , . 004 sih, illi ,4 •• . .II . 11 il ! - -1 iiiii I ft .1 (0 . • .. f • • • a 11 II v fj • *) " / • f$S/*3W$ li 111tH ' / > > ": m / / , iiiefi, 0 / Ng ` 1 / . :. • ..., ' ' . : i - c .' IL /44. 01 • 4.. 41,-- _, . _ . - - 4 I 227: 1 1 : ...7.% /sk,. . Ik% i, Nair 1 • + •' # 174 -t'1v I i . .o.`i `, \ ,.. . s 41111"11111111111111111.14hillill116, i .aNl ok`'i yi 'CO Of folPI*1414 60 D.\/4? tsl- J cotopeoto a l im � � { t I it, �,1i s 8ITE ELECTRICAL VEW VILLAGE 411e ! . . . . die nesile Ufirrmpi 1MIC mfln! paths through out the campus as part of the life enhancement program and public use will tie the (Ir ,. buildings together and allow residents to enjoy the vistas and scenery that the site offers. The walking paths will be tied into the public sidewalk and allow for access to public transportation if desired. COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES The Senior Center will be open to the public through special events to make the residents feel connected to the town and the town connected to the center. There will be a multi-purpose room available to the public for programs that would benefit the residents. The Senior Living Campus concept will provide the citizens of Fountain Hills the option of aging in place in a continuous care facility. This facility will allow residents to make friends within the village and maintain familiar surroundings while they advance in their care needs. The facilities will also provide a wide variety of employment opportunities to the citizens of Fountain Hills. PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SERVICES All necessary Public Utilities to the complex are available. At this preliminary stage it has not been determined exactly where services will enter the site, however the following are currently being evaluated for their use in this facility. 1. WATER: 8" line in Fountain Hills Boulevard 8" line in Avenue of the Fountains 8" line in Palisades Boulevard 8" line in Avenue Vida Buena 12" line in Palisades Boulevard 6" line west of lot (east edge of lot 2) 2. SEWER: 8" line in Fountain Hills Boulevard 8" line in Avenue of the Fountains 8" line in Palisades Boulevard 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT WATER: The site is well served with lines in the following streets: Avenue of the Fountains, Avenue Vida Buena, and Palisades Boulevard. There is also service in Lot 2 (rear). There are several hydrants that exist on the site as well. V� J W 4. POWER: Available through Arizona Public Service. W. 5. GAS: Available through Southwest Gas. cr g a, 6. TELEPHONE: Available through U.S. West. c 73a 7. CABLE TV and INTERNET: Available through Cox Communication. Iwo.. 8. EMERGENCY SERVICES: Fountain Hills Fire station is located just North of the site on Palisades Boulevard. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM L TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul Nordin,Town Manager FROM: Geir Sverdrup, Senior Planne DATE: August 2, 1999 SUBJECT: Consideration of a Commission initiated rezone of the Fountain Hills Resort site for L-3 P.U.D and OSR Zoning Districts from the existing R1-43 Zoning District. Staff has attached a copy of the staff report to the Planning and Zoning Commission for your review. Staff has recommended approval of the L-3 P.U.D. and OSR rezone. Staff feel that the P.U.D. will alleviate the concerns of the Council in regards to quality of the proposed resort. Staff will present a verbal report to the Council on the night of August 16, 1999, regarding the Commissions August 12, 1999 meeting,. Please see the attached report for specific details. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT August 12, 1999 CASE NO.: Z99-16 LOCATION: North of Shea Blvd. and east of Palisades Blvd. REQUEST: Consideration of a proposal to rezone 23.028 acres from the "R1-43" to "L-3 P.U.D." and 36.635 acres from "R1-43" to "OSR" Zoning Districts. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: MCO Properties, Inc. APPLICANT: Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission EXISTING ZONING: "R1-43" PROPOSED ZONING: "L-3 P.U.D. &OSR" PARCEL SIZE: 59.67 Acres SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Developing residential (Approved final plat Westridge Village), zoned "R1- l0 PUD and OSR." SOUTH: Shea Blvd; zoned"R1-43." EAST: Undeveloped,zoned "R 1-43." WEST: Undeveloped and unsubdivided; zoned "M-1" (Summit Estates). SUMMARY: The original request was by Fountain Vista Properties L.L.C. for "L-3 & OSR" zoning. The Council was concerned regarding the ability to insure the quality level proposed by the applicant. The Planning and Zoning Commission initiated the following rezone application for"L-3 P.U.D. & OSR" zoning. The rezone is for the area located north of Shea Blvd. and east of Palisades Blvd. The following staff report will review several aspects of the project, including the following: 1. A review of the applicable Principles and Guidelines contained within the General Plan, and the development's conformance with those Principles and Guidelines.. 2. The proposed rezoning. Conformance with General Plan: Staff Report Z99-16 August 12, 1999 Page 2 The adopted General Plan Land Use Map designates this site for "Lodging", "Single-Family/Low" and "Open Space" density land uses. The Lodging designates areas for tourist oriented lodging with supportive retail and service uses. The residential portion has a (gross) density range of 1-2 DU/AC (Dwelling Units per Acre) and "OS" Open Space which denotes areas targeted for preservation/conversation of wash areas. The gross density of this proposed subdivision would be 1.03 DU/AC overall or 2.75 DU/AC subtracting the areas to be zoned "OSR" (Parcels "A" & "C" to be under a H.P.E(Hillside Protection Easement). The General Plan Land Use Element presents Planning Recommendations for general areas, including: Land Use Principles, Land Use Definitions, Residential Land Use Guidelines, and Additional Land Use Guidelines. Staff has identified several recommendations and guidelines within these general areas which should be reviewed in order to determine the proposed development's conformance with the General Plan. They are as follows: Land Use Element Land Use Principles Section 4.4.A.1. Preserve the unique natural and scenic resources of Fountain Hills, while accommodating new residential and non-residential growth in an orderly and environmentally sound manner. (Page 4-20) Section 4.4.A.2. Protect and preserve existing neighborhoods from incompatible adjacent uses, inappropriate infill and the potential adverse effects of major capitol improvements. (Page 4-20) Land Use Definitions Lodging The Lodging category includes areas where tourist-oriented lodging and recreational facilities, including resorts, hotels and motels, along with supportive retail and service uses should be developed in Fountain Hills. Single-Family/Low Density Residential (1-2 DU/AC) The Single-Family/Low Density Residential category denotes areas where single-family neighborhood residential development is desirable and all urban services are available or can be provided. Staff Report • Z99-16 August 12, 1999 Page 3 Open Space This category includes the majority of all drainage corridor/wash areas within the Town of Fountain Hills. It is the intent of the Fountain Hills General Plan that these drainage corridor/wash areas will remain as permanent open space with joint cooperation between the Town, the property owners, various community groups and individual volunteers to preserve and maintain these areas. Locations identified on the Land Use Plan are general in nature and do not imply strict delineation's of preserved or protected open space. Residential Land Use Guidelines Lodging Proposed sites should be planned with property buffers provided to adjacent uses and should meet the following criteria: - Provide direct or proximate access to arterial roadway corridors. - Preferably located on land presently zoned commercial or multi-family residential. - Develop in a highly sensitive manner relative to existing land forms, wash areas, vegetation and other environmental constraints. Single-Family/Low Density Residential (1.0-2.0 DU/AC) Within any particular development, net densities greater than 2.0 DU/AC could be permitted in concentrated areas to direct development away from more environmentally sensitive portions of a total site, but only if areas of lower densities offset the increase such that a gross density of no more than 2.0 DU/AC is maintained. Additional Land Use Guidelines Section 4.4.F.1.. Environmentally Sensitive Development Guidelines In order to respect the environmentally-sensitive nature of all lands within the Town of Fountain Hills as the Land Use Plan is implemented, careful consideration should be given to policies that will require generally a more sensitive treatment of the built environment for all land use zoning classifications. The policies could take the form of a new ordinance or revisions to existing ordinances in order to be properly and effectively implemented. General areas of environmental sensitivity have been illustrated on the land use map and should be further studied as it relates to the following issues. The general issues that should Staff Report • Z99-16 August 12, 1999 Page 4 be addressed include: - Larger lot requirements on high slopes and highly sensitive lands. - Requirements for a percentage of natural areas to be left undeveloped based on the sensitivity of the land. - Residential color and materials which are compatible with the surrounding environment. - Lighting restrictions. More restrictive grading and drainage requirements. - Refined building height calculations. - Further protection of natural vegetation. - More sensitive standards for roadways. - Protection of specific areas or natural landmarks. - Preservation of known wildlife habitats/corridors. - Preservation of washes and standards for wash crossings. - Standards for lot coverage and floor area ratio. (Page 4-30) After staffs review of the proposed rezone from "R1-43" to "L-3 P.U.D. and OSR", and the co Principles and Guidelines contained in the General Plan, staff believes that the proposed rezone is in conformance with the Town of Fountain Hills General Plan and will insure the level of development expected by the Town Council and proposed by Fountain Vista Properties. Rezoning: The subject property is currently zoned "R1-43", which permits 1 dwelling unit per lot with minimum lot sizes of 43,000 square feet. The Commission initiated a proposal that the area be rezoned to the "L-3 P.U.D." Zoning District, which permits tourist oriented lodging and accessory uses. Additionally by the P.U.D. the zoning is tied to a specific site plan and adjusts the Zoning Ordinance Summary Table accordingly. The "R1-43" Zoning District requires a 40 foot front yard, a 30 foot side yard, a 40 foot street side yard and a 40 foot rear yard setback. The "L-3" Zoning District a 40 foot front yard, a 30 foot side yard, a 40 foot street side yard and a 60 foot rear yard setback. "R1-43" has a maximum of 15% lot coverage and a minimum lot size of 43,560 sq. ft., whereas the proposed "L-3 P.U.D." has a 10% lot coverage and a minimum lot size of 4,000 sq. ft. The proposed "L-3 P.U.D." also provides for specific monument signage, a revised parking calculation,two restaurants and other assorted ancillary uses as specific on the site plan. The developer has had a parking study conducted and proposes a parking calculation at approximately 1.76 spaces per hotel room (study attached). The analysis takes into account shared use and comparisons to other facilities in the area. The applicant has reduced the size of the conference facility and has removed the tennis courts to accommodate the increased parking area from the original submittal Staff Report Z99-16 August 12, 1999 Page 5 Evaluation: Staff supports the rezone of this property from "R1-43" to "L-3 P.U.D. & OSR" Zoning Districts based on a comparison between the existing and proposed zoning districts. The proposed rezone eliminates the potential for single family homes in this area and allows for the planned placement of a lodging facility. Staff has attached to this report a copy of the proposed "L-3 P.U.D." rezoning with the current General Plan Lodging designation. Although the proposed rezoning area is larger than that indicated on the General Plan Land Use Map, the size has been a general area located on the knoll along Palisades Blvd. Staff feels that the rezoning request is in compliance with the adopted General Plan and resolves the concerns stated by the Town Council at the June 17, 1999 Council meeting. A copy of the proposed Ordinance 99-23 is attached for your review. Recommendation After reviewing the Planning Recommendations for general areas, including: Land Use Principles, Land Use Definitions, Residential Land Use Guidelines, and Additional Land Use Guidelines, staff recommends that the Commission recommend approval of this rezoning request to the Town Council. 8 3 9 4p99 405 ©�41411/1 iii as 12 ��.1 __ 1 ( ) ISICOA ® 100111 ®®I i717�it20 96 ® ®® 24 21 IV/ t01 111 ( ® 23 WATER tAlke I zz TANK ` 86W.,-*.li, 85 0 lia 0.1114 f gi�d PARCEL'A' lb is..)11 .r 11**a t ®/®DGING vi m��� ®®�Vim:, 11111110W 1 LAND �0 A Rca©� 744 USE MAP ��� ® - �► � O 3 a , �� •w 4 33 O 70 72 15 80 . / �� _ 3a 69 = 73 4 69 ®� 5 Q. ®043 42 I I410 39 38 37 36 70 4 �_ V :Sr* u� -• ; _ ' :OPOSED REZONE TO -3 PVti 71 111 , . 1-LODGING — - - - - - - - - — a IN P 'OPOSED FUTURE • , I USE PLAN MAP SHE Aill, BIND PROPOSED REZONE TO OSR , _ • - vai: • _ ..... 44,-*> ii*--.-4 � mon y O . • i= h O. 0 41 4°0 SP:4 .5 i f a 10. 0� , t,„:"4/0' ,4' 11:V 4444171 c V$4. c 0 giO �,�� I_4o1ve �1 I. G.N cc N �. N u6 i ,zy pia bar O���p•`��l` tr 8 O►oo 0 oodo I - r1 oa 0 a lui� ! �o�cees = I .R po0 ''4N•. . , S I od so 1 • 4�0��,.00� . e, I . • o�,o,t344,-- o e0• �1 t ee'90 ..oee° t i 0 e�o� ©����� �Q _ �O 00 --/4/0OOD°w •O <k8 owe sar-lait 21.4 It 44,47.0 041"4.1 .., • 0 is.. Ad �s��0:sem low 0 �1 - CO Y 7. , W ,r Op'�,�a��v I .�L - saR T Q�QO 4-'p S4 O1) p � p v-o z�•;:.�7 -- Pt o jjP- I ` N 44r.rea -- �1�1 -- fI -,FDA- '1.' 0 �� ---1-- �� ' - O V e II Oi, an d N .1.1,,,,,,Ay",:„ d tj cai ', C'7 I w ° .,o, r 0 ix ♦4;jrr, a�.'S,, A�.11��t1 1 ; I N w el ar(aeeeoee�.-- i .+ \.Q 1 ` OVA L `vim ]]LLII .1' i ; 1.1 1 p- o 1 1 I R t,� ,,,:,��0 ►!9 ,...... :1... . ._T ,_. .a \ ..,.-- 4 `�e 1 i w-f'��` -�'I ,Y:7.- - - , /--•.-i f,' t, a ‘, r.... ,1 1 , I �, oe �, o -ow *IZZI :a,.._ ego o0 Od. iN 0 0 I es K the parking structure architects R . A S R,,„. July 28, 1999 Mr.Vladimir R.Hulpach President Fountain Vista Properties,L.L.C. 16439 East Niclaus Drive Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 RE: Fountain Hills Resort Parking Analysis Dear Mr.Hulpach: The purpose of this letter Is to present technical support for a parking requirement reduction request being made by Fountain Vista Properties,LLC(herein after referred to as"the owner')for the Fountain Hills Resort(hereinafter referred to a"the resort'). CODE PARKING REQUIREMENT 250 quest rooms tg 1 space per room,plus 1 per 2 employees 263 spaces 10,600 sq.ftConference Facility 1 space per every 141 spaces 75 sq.ft.of GLA,used for public assembly p 3,000 sq.ft.Dining Room(Cafe)2,000 sq.ft.usable f@ 1 per 50 spaces 50 sq.ft.Of usable floor area,plus 1 per 2 employees 1,500 sq.ft.Lounge(Bar) 1,000 sq.ft.usable 1 per 25 spaces 50 sq.ft.of usable floor area,plus 1 per 2 employees Total parking requirement,as a sum of the"Code"parking requirements for each separate(parking generating)use of the hotel floor area 479 spaces This Is equal to a ratio of parking spaces to guest rooms of 1.92 spaces per room. THE CODE PARKING RATE APPROACH The"Code Parking Rate'approach is generally appropriate for calculating the peak parking needs of stand alone,single use developments that are traveled to and from by passenger vehicles only.However,this approach tends to yield overly conservative estimates of parking demand when applies to a multiple of uses contained within a single development or when applied to a development conducive to alternate modes of travel. 17700 n. pacesetter way, suite 102, scottsdale, arizona 85255 (602) 473-2190 K the parking structure architects ... R A C O July 28, 1999. Mr.Vladimir R.Huipach President Fountain Vista Properties,L.L.C. Fountain Hills Resort Parking Analysis Multiple combinations of land use and locations present significant opportunities for the use of transportation modes other than personal(Including rental)vehicles.In the case of the Resort,the fact that it will primarily serve as a tourists and conference attendants,coupled with the fact that it will be located on the transit line that services Scottsdale and Phoenix.Many guest will arrive and depart by airport shuttle, Resort's own in-house shuttle service,taxi,limousine,or tour bus.To validate this assumption,the owner conducted a survey of other types of full service hotels regarding the percentage of guest that who do not use a personal vehicle during their stay. Results clearly suggested that a significant percent(typically 20- 25%)of guest arrivals and departures are completed by way of modes other than personal vehicle. Mixed use developments tend to provide opportunities for individual uses within the development to attract traffic originally destined for another use within the development,rather than each individual use having to attract all of its traffic from off-site sources. This is often referred to as a"captive market"opportunity. Captive market opportunities tend to reduce the overall parking requirements of a mixed use development from what they would be if each use was located on a separate site.A parking space taken by someone attracted to his/her original on-site destination will also serve as his/her parking space while he/sho remains on site to visit secondary destinations.A single parking space is,in effect,being"shared"by tow or more on- site uses,therein resulting In an overall reduction in the total parking needs of the development. In the case of the Resort development, it is reasonable to expect that a significant percentage of the restaurant, retail,and conference room uses will be comprised of hotel guest.As such,some of the"guest room"parking spaces will also serve as parking spaces for these other uses. Based on the reasoning just described,the following assumptions were made about captive market opportunities that will exist within the Resort development. • 50% of the restaurant traffic will be comprised of hotel guest • 75%of the retail traffic will be comprised of hotel guest • 25%of the ballroom traffic will be comprised of hotel guest 17700 n. pacesetter way, suite 102, scottsdale, arizona 85255 (602) 473-2190 K the parking structure architects R A C 0 R,INC. July 28, 1999 Mr.Vladimir R.Hulpach President Fountain Vista Properties,L.L.C. Fountain Hills Resort Parking Analysis The following is a list of parking spaces per room ratio , HOTEL NAME TOTAL NO. MEETING NO.OF NO.OF RATIO' OF PKG. AREA SOFT. RESTAURANTS ROOMS SPACES CONFERENCE Hilton Airport 426 11,000 sq.ft. 2 255 1.67 Sheraton San Marcos 170 30,000 sq.ft 2 295 0.58 Courtyard by Marriott 170 1,250 sq.ft. 1 124 1.37 Buttes/Wydham 600 40,000 sq.ft 3 353 1.70 Cr' Doubletree La Posada 475 17,000 sq.ft. 2 262 1.81 Radison Resort Spa 400 30.000 sq.ft. 4 318 1.25 The Urban Land Institute states that the parking accumulation for the basic guest room accounts for an average of one employee per room per day,distributed over two major daytime shifts and minor nighttime shift.This net effect of demand from guest and employee combined Is a peak of 1.0 auto per occupied room occurring from 10:00 p.m.to 6:00 a.m..This parking accumulation drops during midday periods to a level equivalent to 0.3 space per occupied room.For restaurants the ration is 10 spaces per 1,000 sq.ft. . PARKING RECOMMENDATIONS 250 quest rooms© 1 space per room, 1 per 2 employees 263 spaces 10,600 sq.ft.Conference Facility @ 1 space per every 84 sq.ft. of GLA.used for public assembly actual area of usable area 10,200 sq.ft 126 spaces 3,000 sq.ft.Dining Room(Cafe)@ 1 per 100 sq.ft. 30 spaces 1,500 sq.ft. Lounge (Bar)1 per 100 s.ft. 15 spaces Total Parking spaces required 434 spaces Thls is equal to a room ratio of 1.74 sq.ft.which is still above the ratio for this type of destination Resort facility. 17700 n. pacesetter way, suite 102, scottsdale, arizona 85255 (602) 473-2190 K the parking structure architects R L., A C . R,WC. July 28, 1999 Mr.Vladimir R. Hulpach President Fountain Vista Properties, L.L.C. Fountain Hills Resort Parking Analysis In conclusion,we have determined that the differences between the Code Parking requirements for the Fountain Hills Resort facility and the multi-use parking as outlined Is reasonable. Please cal - •u my have anuuesti0ns. Sincerely, t W.Jose• '' r,AIA President .. 17700 n. pacesetter way, suite 102, Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 (602) 473-2190 L • q i FOUNTAIN HILLS RESORT PARKING STUDY / 7.29.99 i i / 1' PARKING PROVIDED o" Surface ParEng 265 spaces .3'' `•, Under I:wail i uig 175 spaces p•:. Tote Provided .I 11 spaces flyBus 41 Parking 72 \ ri7 •g` /il f.. x ii : „ W . la ■��/ Center I � �� ��, �� IIIIIIIIIII � `,� "�' IIIIIIIIIII ("-_, __ / / IIIIIIIIIII_ O /////�i,,,. /% ■ (IIIIIIIIIII �` ���� IIIIIIIIII ■ \1 i �� /... lull/. Ill Spa %/ `North ; u►g • • Future , ." / I J I/////� /%///%/' ;;, .� , i . / t# • Pbsse dY �j/. �%// ;Cesitas South Wing % . \ \ (1) 4 � Thi111)� FOUNTAIN VISTA PROPERTIES, INTO' 16439 East Nicklaus P Fountain Hills,Arizona Phone 602.837.3-. • i ii ]FOUNTAIN HELLS RESORT IFARICINO SAY i/ 7.29.99 i / • / PARKING PROVIDED �'� Surface Parting 197 spaces i \ Under I:uilding 175 spaces Total bounded 372 spaces Pro - . ,� ,'1' ipsy ,..., ;‘, ,o, .‘„ •it vie tab ,� m /1/ i •� Conference W i Center �\ g / / Ii ) 114 NA i �IIIIIIIIIII i/ 527lI i ', �e 1 1 IIll arldng0 1" ---- !! llll/ll y/ l AL liiiiii � , l. ! �Illlllll_ : Futuresca JJ� /%///+l /4 /' / abase II South w • /I%j/. Oj ,Casitas v � ff �� ��� � o-/ I /Q -� ----------- _Y - FOUNTAIN VISTA PROPERTIES,LL1LS, INC. • 16439 East Nicklaus Drive Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Phone 602.837.3488 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ORDINANCE 99-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2, SECTION 2.01 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, AND BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICTS MAP OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BY DESIGNATING 23.028 ACRES OF LAND, AS LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" AND GRAPHICALLY DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT "C" FROM "R1-43" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT TO "L-3 P.U.D." LODGING ZONING DISTRICT, AND BY DESIGNATING 36.635 ACRES, AS LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "B" AND GRAPHICALLY DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT "C" FROM "R1-43" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT TO "OSR" OPEN SPACE RECREATIONAL ZONING DISTRICT. WHEREAS, The Town of Fountain Hills adopted Ordinance #93-22, on November 18, 1993, which adopted the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills; and WHEREAS, Chapter 2, PROCEDURES. Section 2.01, Amendments or Zone Changes. establishes the authority and procedures for amending the zoning district boundaries; and WHEREAS, Chapter 3 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS AND BOUNDARIES THEREOF, Section 3.02 Boundaries Lines on the Zoning Districts Maps.establishes the "Official Zoning Districts Map"; and WHEREAS, Public hearings were advertised in the July 28, August 4, and 11, 1999 editions of The Fountain Hills Times,pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes §9-462.04, and WHEREAS, Public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission on August 12, 1999 and the Mayor and Common Council on August 16, 1999; and Ordinance 99-23 PASS/ AIL - - Page l of 15 MOTION o»"'4-- SECOND (-)3 ►ti. COUNT L WHEREAS, The Future Land Use Plan Map in the Town•of Fountain Hills General Plan designates the area as described in Exhibits "A, B & C", as Lodging, and Single Family Low land uses, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A. The "Official Zoning Districts Map" shall be amended to change the Zoning District designation of 23.028 acres of land, as legally described in Exhibit "A" and graphically depicted in Exhibit "C", from "R1-43, Single Family Residential Zoning District to the "L-3 P.U.D.",Lodging Zoning District. B. The "Official Zoning Districts Map" shall be amended to change the Zoning District designation of 36.635 acres of land, as legally described in Exhibit "B" and graphically depicted in Exhibit "C", from the "R1-43, Single Family Residential Zoning District to the "OSR" Open Space Recreational Zoning District. Section 2. The minimum "Density, Area, Building and Yard Regulations" for this "L-3 Planned Unit Development" Zoning District, Case # Z99-16, shall be all of the standards of the "L-3" Lodging Zoning District of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town Of Fountain Hills, except for lot area/room, building height and lot coverage, as stated in the table below L-3 P.U.D. AREA LOT WIDTH BLDG LOT DISTANCE (SQ.FEET) AREA/ (PEET) HEIGHT MINIMUM YARD SETBACKS COVERAGE BETWEEN ROOM (FEET) BLDGS (SQ.FEET) (FEET) STREET FRONT SIDE SIDE REAR 43,560 2,904 145 30(a) 40 30 40 60 25% 10 4,000 1.0% (a) Non-habital architectural features may be constructed up to 35 feet in height as measured from existing grade or exposed finished grade whichever is lower. Ordinance 99-23 Page 2 of 15 Section 3. Monument sign for Shea Blvd. shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height and fourteen (14) feet in width with a ten (10) foot by ten (10) foot signbox. Monument sign for Palisades Blvd. shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and eight and one half (8.5) feet in width with a six (6) foot by six (6) foot signbox. Monument signs shall be located in substantial conformance to the approved concept plan, Exhibit "D". Any accessory uses, such as restaurants or retail shops, shall be permitted one (1) wall sign,not to exceed ten (10) square feet, on or near the entrance to the accessory use. Section 4. Parking for the proposed resort, including all proposed accessory uses identified in Exhibit"D", shall be calculated per the Kracor parking study of July 28, 1999. Section 5. The resort may operate up to two (2) restaurant/cafes as a part of this Planned Unit Development, as shown on the concept site plan Exhibit"D". Section 6. The resort may operate two (2) retail facilities as shown on the concept site plan, Exhibit"D". Section 7. The only permitted uses and accessory uses within this Planned Unit Development are the lodging facility and those accessory uses as identified in Exhibit "D". Prior to the issuance of any building permit, such permit shall be in substantial conformance with Exhibit"D". Section 8. The property owner or its successors/assigns do not have the ability to develop the property using the underlying "L-3" base zoning district. In the event the property owner desires to develop the property in a manner that is in substantial non- compliance with Exhibit"D",this Panned Unit Development shall first be amended, pursuant to Section 2.01 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona,this 16th day of August, 1999. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: 640. /43'#, CAAA.4_,L. haron Morgan,Mayor Cassie B. Hansen,Town Clerk ;;WED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 7// Paul Nordin,Town Manager William E. Farrell, Town Attorney Ordinance 99-23 Page 3 of 15 • EXHIBIT"A" • L "L-3 P.U.D."Legal Description LOT 1 (L-3 P . U . D. ) A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20 IN TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST OF THE GILA AND SALT RIVER BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION POINT OF THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SHEA BOULEVARD AND THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PALISADES BOULEVARD, SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 68 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 31 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 1284 .34 FEET FROM THE COMMON CORNER OF SECTIONS 20, 21, 28 AND 29, SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 30.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 10 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID RIGHT OF WAY OF PALISADES BOULEVARD THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 77 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 23 SECONDS AN ARC LENGTH OF 40. 69 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE, SAID CURVE BEING CONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 850.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 67 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 08 SECONDS EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 39 SECONDS AN ARC LENGTH OF 77.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 31 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 255.41 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 645.00 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 56 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 20 SECONDS AN ARC LENGTH OF 638.36 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 28 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 49 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 168.50 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 5228. 45 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 07 SECONDS AN ARC LENGTH OF 1093.70 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING PALISADES BOULEVARD SOUTH 39 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 44 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 1040.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 04 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 425.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 71 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 966. 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 29 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 32 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 440. 62 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 23.03 ACRES MORE OR LESS Ordinance 99-23 Page 4 of 15 EXHIBIT`B" • "OSR"Legal Description O . S . R. (TRACT "A" ) A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28 AND A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST OF THE GILA AND SALT RIVER BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION POINT OF THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SHEA BOULEVARD AND THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PALISADES BOULEVARD, SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 68 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 31 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 1284.34 FEET FROM THE COMMON CORNER OF SAID SECTIONS 20, 21, 28 AND 29, SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 30.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 10 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID RIGHT OF WAY OF PALISADES BOULEVARD THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 77 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 23 SECONDS AN ARC LENGTH OF 40. 69 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE, SAID CURVE BEING CONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 850.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 67 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 08 SECONDS EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 39 SECONDS AN ARC LENGTH OF 77.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 31 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 255.41 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 645.00 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 56 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 20 SECONDS AN ARC LENGTH OF 638.36 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING PALISADES BOULEVARD SOUTH 29 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 440. 62 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 44 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 966. 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 41 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 425.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 1040.00 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PALISADES BOULEVARD, SAID CURVE BEING CONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1090.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 73 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 54 SECONDS AND ARC LENGTH OF 175.31 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING PALISADES BOULEVARD, SOUTH 39 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 44 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 2400. 19 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 05 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 177.77 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SHEA BOULEVARD; THENCE SOUTH 84 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 47 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID LINE A DISTANCE OF 815.29 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 11681. 16 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 02 SECONDS AN ARC LENGTH OF 1097. 64 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 36. 64 ACRES MORE OR LESS L Ordinance 99-23 Page 5 of 15 EXHIBIT"C" ---ar-s Rezone Map I 1 1 i 1 W ,_ 1 1 I 1 f. I •' vi , I cQ .1 .r �. �� O..... '� II _ Afif � '►�,� }{,�` '41.v 4..._ II = 1 1 , 1 I II f._'_,'___b.i.I1I_.,_ I•' 1SR IZ .r. 3 1 sf I I S f , \,E \ rI k$EA4 58 , \ ! §$s i \\ u..• Q� ass % 1 Jai 1� ` iQ `1 ` y `�4n g Q -r` �f� , EOR a..-%,___ ''N'itt!, ; igi ,,2, '''''' \, 1 `.` 1 1 1 I , 1 1 1 1 1 I II 1 1 1 V i b I`_ 1 I t it Ordinance 99-23 Page 6 of 15 EXHIBIT"D" • .. .3 % -t- cr, 1 , al Concept Site Plan I _ (= A Sections and Elevations : - .• - 2-' -3_ .• , •• -4.... •-=•••,. '4,.... I • - .•';•-... .,..• -..'4.,... . • . ':-*.::%I:. ‘• • .. • i • •• ,: 4. --: 1-• ., IS -:-. 4.- , ,: • ' '... - 4' , . ; . • ' •-. '-' •- ^0 ..s.. -.:•.- ••••I'' • ,,41.4.4%.,.! • 4, '•2 .V4 ,,.' 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TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul Nordin,Town Manager FROM: Geir Sverdrup, Senior P ne - DATE: August 2, 1999 SUBJECT: Consideration of a Cut&Fill Waiver for the Fountain Hills Resort located at the northeast corner of Shea Blvd. and Palisades Blvd.. Staff has attached a copy of the staff report to the Planning and Zoning Commission for your review. Staff has recommended approval of the proposed cuts and fills for this site. Staff feels that the project has been so designed so that the cuts and fills are hidden by the resort. Additionally the applicant has hidden storage and housekeeping services in the bowls of the project thereby reducing the amount of the overall site which would need to be disturbed. Staff will present a verbal report to the Council on the night of August 16, 1999, regarding the Commissions August 12, 1999 meeting,. Please see the attached report for specific details. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS • STAFF REPORT August 12, 1999 CASE NO: CFW99-04 REQUEST: Consideration of a cut and fill waiver to permit a cut nineteen point seven (19.7)feet and a fill twelve point five(12.5)in excess of the permitted ten (10) feet located at the northeast corner of Palisades Blvd. and Shea Blvd. aka Fountain Hills Resort DESCRIPTION: OWNER: MCO Properties APPLICANT: Vladimir Hulpach for Fountain Vista Properties EXISTING ZONING: "R1-43" PROPOSED ZONING: "L-3 PUD&OSR" EXISTING CONDITION: Undeveloped LOT SIZE: 59.66 acres SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Developing single family lots within Westridge Village,zoned "R1-10 PUD". SOUTH: Developing FireRock Country Club South of Shea,zoned "R1-18 PUD". EAST: Undeveloped and unplatted land,zoned "R1-43". WEST: Summit Estates,zoned M-1. SUMMARY: This request was continued by the Commission in order to consider the waiver along with the L-3 P.U.D. This request is for the approval of a waiver to allow for fill grading to exceed the ten(10)foot maximum set forth in Chapter 5, Section C (4) of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. Fountain Vista Properties, the applicants for the waiver, are requesting that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend and the Town Council waive the requirement of this ordinance to allow for cut and fill grading of a maximum of twenty-nine point seven (29.7) feet of cut and twelve point five (12.5) fill to permit the development of the Fountain Hills Resort The applicant has designed the resort on this sloping lot that has rooms and casitas terracing down the hill. The waiver would permit the development of the resort by cutting back the hill and hiding support services in the lower levels of the building. The resort is designed so that once constructed the cut will not be visible from the sides or rear of the project. The front of the project, the lobby and Porte Cochere, are at the top of the cut slope and give the appearance of entering at the natural grade at the top of the hill. Staff believes that the applicant is attempting to work with the natural topography and terrace the resort down the hill The areas of the most sever cuts are for housekeeping, storage and administrative offices. The orientation of the resort takes full advantage of the views towards Four Peaks and Gunsight. A parking garage is proposed on the north side of the project and produces up to 17.2 foot cuts. The garage, however, will also serve to reduce land disturbance on the site by stacking uses. As shown on the attached site plan, sections and elevations the site attempts to blend in with the existing slopes. The proposed rezone and planned unit development, which would facilitate the construction of the site,is specific to these plans. Staff recommends that the approval of such a cut and fill waiver be stipulated to these plans. Staff Report Fountain Hills Resort CFW99-04 July 8, 1999 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: Staff continues to recommends approval of CFW99-04; due to staffs belief that the applicant has designed the proposed resort to the site and that the actual cuts and fills will not be exposed once the construction is complete stipulated that the cut and fill waiver is subject to approval of building plans in substantial compliance with the site plans,sections and elevations contained in the L-3 P.U.D.. L L 0 IN =� TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ''4:,0, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT _ . . _ may_ . yd „ op iJ i�«.1 511� �+ �+ 1 9fi;'�s q�{{,i+{��t;,. w._..��� � ij..� y�":� �11__..._.__ ..._._.. .._....,.... • Date Filed Fee Paid ! Accepted By, Tw a t.; / 97 `�`�Oo L. Subdivision Name )r d 6„,, i et I�I4 Re.Sir Subdivider/Developer D l Y/tI,'m!I �k/ �Aner or Rep. Name) fikl�""Ili I$/ N m� / %of er Address Day Phone • 4y3? F: A$thL•as pry ee 737-,3YPI City,,.. /7eirf 11.e/� A.,#5 ST Z- zip'SI;L4 Planner/Engineer #TPO .trim. Li°,,,,e1 4 rsen(Planner/Engineer Name) (Firm Name) Address At' Day Phone /4793 f.44arj 2 /.i 13L —os3s City ST Zip - /Csa.� e i.Y/s /;I' 2 ,s.1 L , Parcel Size(in acres) Proposed Number of Lots Lot Number(s)Affected Ga Maximum Depth of Cut(in feet) Maximum Depth of Fill (in feet) Please include the following (attach additional sheets): 1. A grading plan showing the areas of cut and/or fill in excess of the 10 foot limitation. 2. A narrative explaining the need for greater than 10 foot cuts and/or fills and what steps have been taken to keep the degree of cuts and/or fills in excess of 10 feet to a minimum. Ar If application is being filed by an agent of the owner, please complete the following shaded section. j ram^ Signature • O pig �a k JIM• V� -, , + ,. * ,. ,4.,;70, ,h A; %q ij \{.w '' : 7O' `T'HIS APPLICATIO'♦'. e .+.a.. f;tad- 74. 7 ,'1:: r<,, - r r 1s7„ ''7' J .'s :t*sJ .. ';4e+�"te 4� ".3 "g;4 ::' a'. '' �" � g$,•ga . ;°:. Subsc I and sworn befors'mo#1 .ram. /` a ,+ :7 :; 4 °` ,1 - 4 .° *fi'.�„ i "'' '}i.""4Iir rem -ta"��.#:. t',`,4)N ?-dt•-. 1,., ,, '�' �' a'�tr 1/4. w t.�: � ' $A,4 Y � F°i�YYM Sc�y � . + d' '� J ® d s'+f N��ry Public "* . �.t"5,, r c ,,r.�`" s '.r,; Y.. x _ r ;. "§k�� ^ c ` � ,1 s Lug # � �� e � e s a aw �' "" t� v �. r -tea t r �@ �, ,�'; m z e °" ' 4,.; {2. . ,v ,,ram a r ;; I TFH Case Number Fee: $300 Cr(, )99- 0(./ Cut/Fill Waiver Narrative Proposed Fountain Hills Resort June 15-1999 This report is to address the issue of granting a cut and fill limitations waiver for the proposed Fountain Hills Resort located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Shea Blvd. and Palisades Blvd. The Town of Fountain Hills has set maximum cut planes and maximum fill planes at 10 feet. The proposed Resort has some areas exceeding these limits on its conceptual plan(see Exhibit A attached). The basic model for the proposed Resort has a step like design for the building pads. The theory of this design is to utilize the existing hillside to limit the amount of cut and/or fill along with the idea of non-obstructed views from the individual buildings. Due to the fact that the existing topography is basically cone shaped (point at top), that the main hotel buildings have large plan areas, and obeying maximum road grades was considered, the resultant finished contours produced cut and fills exceeding the maximum values set forth by the Town. It should be noted and understood that this plan is still preliminary in nature and that the building pad elevations most certainly are not final, thus the cut and fill values shown on Exhibit A have a strong probability of lessening but most definitely will not increase. This report is asking for a general waiver of the cut and fill maximums from the Town knowing that a more accurate plan will be submitted at a later date showing true proposed values. HTPO, Inc. 16743 E. Palisades Blvd. Suite 203 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 L i e340 t: Cr I. O R �1 +1 c T$S ) Fa6e� liar Cf q, Ili CC W _R N :3 w z--r r r U, is I LL m 0 2 —Z Q W Q j ZV ,---- "'fir'' L /f�-- ��" —- 1 n \ \ \ ,//,/,r7----;- --S-----"- 1111- -;r--111-f-4rjliiiTiLliftttiP4itAi% 81 z''-"/"'-- 11\ \\ \\\\,.\\ /2 Z ____,-,`"-- : (_ 11111,.PN'74. --T—u—me.---ar 7,4* .. i ,\ - --t!" .71.11‘., 4, ,/,--// z/ , i ",- OW ' 0 - e \...-\\\N\ \ i i( j f" aD N IOp ♦ 41'� .s\\ � � 11 ] \ n r \4� 17 1 (''''. ''''''' \ V4? t! Cl! r4' %i- ? ''' ‘'.' \ ' ' i r Igl 1 / i / i %ilk 1 T i i 1„ /it ,,,,,LN, '',. , ,\ ~ �`\\`� , , • II ! , j (r f n "��.,,"` .. I -moo t "�� �.•'�� .k a /))i! /� f t ,.. 1, ‘N - • 06$ .10 /7/,„, iii ,/ 5 i 4 �'' Ij �%/j 1.0:04,, 1;;AkftyllliA '`,•••,,. .:". ..":-:`,.',..2, Arei,j)1 A 4,441141 . m s.Z W F- iil:!;i, ioiIIIfI,yliiI,,..1f\iIiii:i:IIii ,sIo. ' \.' \,\,:,;,•iii' 15iigi: . , ii I \F•CK N Z 61 I i 5, ill KI:HHill!HW-1,i'llk f.',5 ' ,, L HIIIIii IffiiiWIHIMI HMI! ililiWi'llH111! 444 H < gg PI 1.1 HwIlli t,-R ttl H1111! 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HIIIIH 11(WHIHWIHI PIHili HIliiiH Mililli !WHIHIMHWHnlii! lill-:•-- 4...., :'7,!.! .,i1i1111111 cHi' !:y HHHIIHItHWW HEIM iii'l :1,1!iiiiH!!ii:HIHHI (13• H !miillir:!!1,1,1!!in ALlimi .1- NA,N iWP!!iik!M W.!W 111 !Hilili'nC ,\NN Hi!LIWiliiHWHilii; 8' '•' : — : ' v;,,,i:\,s,-. Law Offices Of WILLIAM E. FARRELL Suite 220 Telephone(602)661-6044 William E.Farrell 10135 East Via Linda Facsimile(602)661-7454 Andrew J.McGuire Scottsdale,Arizona 85258-5312 0.0OV4 11V% TO: Mayor and Council INN N Town Manager o Town Clerk a } �= o• ;nni•. a AST 190 FROM: William E. Farrell ‘``�t AsiOw Town Attorney DATE: August 16, 1999 RE: Agenda Item 19 Resolution 1999-43 Approving the Los Arcos District Request L STAFF REPORT This resolution authorizes the Town to act as the District's agent for the November 2, 1999 election. The ballot question will ask Fountain Hills voters to approve the sharing of state sales tax revenue generated from and on the project to retire debt. It is anticipated that all costs for the election except staff time will be paid by either the District or the City of Scottsdale. Scottsdale and Guadalupe have passed similar resolutions. As always, should you have any questions on this item, I will be more than happy to answer them. Respectfully submitted, William E. Farrell Town Attorney RESOLUTION 1999-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, APPROVING THE REQUEST OF THE LOS ARCOS MULTIPURPOSE FACILITIES DISTRICT TO PLACE A QUESTION ON THE NOVEMBER 2, 1999 BALLOT FOR VOTER APPROVAL FOR THE RECEIPT AND USE OF A PORTION OF STATE SALES TAX REVENUES GENERATED AT THE DISTRICT MULTIPURPOSE FACILITIES SITE TO BE LOCATED GENERALLY AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF SCOTTSDALE AND MCDOWELL ROADS IN SCOTTSDALE,ARIZONA. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The request of the Los Arcos Multipurpose Facilities District to place on the ballot for an election to be held on November 2, 1999, a question seeking voter approval for the receipt and use of a portion of the state transaction privilege (sales) tax revenues generated at the Los Arcos Multipurpose Facilities site, as more fully set forth in A.R.S. 42-5031 and A.R.S. 48-4237, is hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. The various officers and employees of the Town are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary or appropriate to give effect to this resolution. L PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona this 16th, day of August, 1999. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: ta; n/144 .1-5 Sharon Morgan, Mayor Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk RE VIE D BY: 7APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4/L---- 7K-d146/m ' '°f( .4, Virrt.Nrdin, own Manager William E.Farrell, Town Attorney Resolution 1999-43 p 'ASS AIL E-/ (o - 19 MOTION rn ow cx- SECOND ln5► ► J I11.o 4" 1 COUNT C9 AUG-16-1999 16:10 CITY OF SCOTTSDALE P.02/02 • Proposed Ballot Language for Los Arcos Multipurpose Facilities District election on November 2, 1999 SHALL THE LOS ARCOS MULTIPURPOSE FACILITIES DISTRICT HAVE THE AUTHORITY,AS PERMITTED BY LAW,TO RECEIVE AND USE FOR THE PROPOSED LOS ARCOS MULTIPURPOSE FACILITIES PROJECT UP TO ONE HALF(1/2)OF THE STATE SALES (TRANSACTION PRIVILEGE)TAX REVENUES GENERATED AT THE DISTRICT'S LOS ARCOS MULTIPURPOSE FACILITIES SITE FOR UP TO TEN(10)YEARS? YES NO L 3 TOTAL P.02