HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.1104.TCREMP.Packet w fp NOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE SESSION a o�. OF THE AST 19'69 th MVP. at;s • FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Morgan Vice Mayor Apps Councilwoman Wiggishoff Councilman Wyman Councilman Poma Councilman Mower Councilwoman Hutcheson WHEN: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1999 TIME: 6:30 P.M. WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL—ADOPTED 1/18/90 is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting,please dhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3) Please stand,approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5) TIME LIMIT—THREE(3)MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6) Statements should not be repetitive. 7) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • PLEDGE TO THE FLAG—Cub Scouts from the Panther Patrol • INVOCATION—Pastor Steve Gilbertson,Fountain Hills Community Church • ROLL CALL Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine, non-controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session November 4, 1999 *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of October 19 and 21, 1999. *2.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST submitted by Gloria Crowell for the Fountain Hills Women's Club for their annual Home Tour, Boutique, Luncheon, Bakesale and Raffle. The event, scheduled for Saturday, November 6, 1999 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., will be held at the Community Center, 11445 N. Saguaro,and various homes in the community. No street closures will be required. *3.) Consideration of the PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT preliminary plat for the 2-unit, .2537± acre Gallery Homes Condominiums 6, located at 14046 Edgeworth Drive, Case Number S99-030. *4.) Consideration of the PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT for the 2-unit, .2479± acre Edgeworth Drive Condominiums II, located at 14021 Edgeworth Drive, Case Number S99-031. *5.) Consideration of the CONTRACT in the amount of $30,000 awarded to e-group, inc. for construction inspection services at Fountain Park. 6.) Consideration of AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR to sign a proclamation at the November 17 reception formally declaring the Town of Fountain Hills and Kasterlee,Belgium to be"Sister Cities". 7.) Consideration to APPROVE A LOCATION in Fountain Park for a Veteran's Memorial. 8.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 99-31 amending the Town Code, Chapter 12, Article 12-3, Parking; by amending Section 12-3-8,Parking of Commercial Vehicles, to prohibit parking of commercial vehicles on any street or lot within the Town between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., with certain specified exceptions, and establishing a permit process and permit criteria for overnight parking of commercial vehicles on public streets in Industrial Zoned areas; renumbering and amending Section 12-3-10, Penalties, to provide that each day that a violation of any provision of Article 12-3 continues shall constitute a separate offense; creating a new Section 12-3-10, prohibiting the parking of any vehicle on or along any street or public right-of-way within the Town for the purpose of sale or advertisement for sale of such vehicle; creating a new Section 12-3- 11, establishing the procedure for commencement of proceedings and service of citations for violation of any provision of Article 12-3. 9.) Consideration of the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT for a proposed mini-storage facility to be located at the northeast corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Technology Drive, aka Plat 414, Lots 49 and 50, Case Number PD99-04.for a mini storage. 10.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC Public comment is encouraged but please be advised that the Council has no ability to respond or discuss matters brought up during the Call to the Public as such discussion is prohibited by the Arizona Open Meeting Law. 11.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4., and A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.7., VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position in pending or contemplated litigation regarding the Town versus MCO Properties; AND discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding negotiation for the purchase of lease of real property with regards to the possible acquisition of Chaparral City Water Company;respectively. 12.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION AND ADJOU ENT. • DATED this 3rd day of November, 1999. By: , QF J Cassie B. ansen,Town Clerk L. The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice)or 1- 800-367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 2 Last printed November 3, 1999 1:49 PM MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: PAUL L. NORDIN, TOWN MANAGER \-4& DATE: OCTOBER 29, 1999 RE: MANAGER'S REPORT FOR THE NOVEMBER 4TH COUNCIL MEETING Reminders: Town Hall will be closed in observance of Veteran's Day on Thursday, November 11th, and will re-open for business on Friday, November 12th. Another Executive Session with Bill Farrell is scheduled to immediately follow the Town Council meeting on Thursday. CONSENT AGENDA: There are five items on the consent agenda. Please review each item and contact me should you determine any should be removed. AGENDA ITEM # 6 - PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE PARKING PROVISIONS L SECTION IN THE TOWN CODE: Public Safety Director Steve Gendler and Town Prosecutor Mark Iacovino have addressed the proposed "parking provisions" of the Town Code in the enclosed report. Vice-Mayor Apps, and Councilmen Mower and Poma have sponsored the potential revisions. The issues addressed were as follows: addition of provisions covering privately owned parking lots, issuing "overnight parking permits" to qualified residents, prohibiting sale of vehicles in the highway right-of-way, and the addition of language to clearly allow enforcement notification to be left with the illegally parked vehicle, rather than serving it on the party who parked the vehicle. Both Steve and Mark will be present to answer any questions you may have. Steve's report is attached. AGENDA ITEM#7 - PROPOSED MINI-STORAGE FACILITY: Council will consider the development plan for the proposed "Technology Drive Mini- Storage" facility located at the northeast corner of Saguaro Blvd. and Technology Blvd., aka Plat 414, Lots 49 and 50. According to the zoning ordinance, Council approval is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval. Staff recommends approval, providing the stipulations are met. Please refer to Dana's memo. AGENDA ITEM#9- EXECUTIVE SESSION WITH TOWN ATTORNEY: Bill Farrell will provide the necessary materials to you prior to the meeting. Town Manager's Report November 4,1999 Council Meeting Page 1 of 1 L. Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Date: October 27, 1999 Re: AGENDA ITEM #2—WOMEN'S CLUB SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST AGENDA ITEM #2—WOMEN'S CLUB SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST Th Club has submitted a special event request for their Annual Home eLuncheon and Raffle to be held on Saturday, November 6, 1999 from p. R rpose of the event is a fundraiser for scholarships and local 44, es:/ In addition,-to" e 1 omes on the tour, the other activities will take place at the m • m� unity Ce _ter, 11445a. Saguaro Boulevard. No street closures are required and a signage . .n is enclose ... Marshal Ge er s reviewed the request and endorses the event. A certificate i cal- . s . = mends approval. 0 7 Page 1 of 1 Agenda Items Last printed October 27,1999 12:17 PM November 4,1999 Fountain Hills Memorandum TO: Cassie Hansen, Town Clerk FROM: Steve Gendler, Town Marshal DATE: October 19, 1999 SUBJECT: Special Event Request - Fountain Hills Woman's Club The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event request submitted by Shirley Curry on behalf of the Fountain Hills Woman's Club. It is my understanding that this item will be considered by the Council at their November 4th meeting. The event involves the annual home tour which occurs in various neighborhoods as well as fund raising activities that occur at the Community Center. In endorsing this request, I gave careful consideration to the following factors: 1. The event takes place during daylight hours on November 6th, a Saturday. Therefore, there will be no danger of reduced visibility due to darkness on neighborhood streets. 2. The event does not require any street closures, detours, or town resources. 3. The event will not conflict with commercial activities or other special events. 4. There is ample off-street parking for the main portion of this event at the Community Center. The homes on the tour are located in residential districts with no restrictions on street parking. Based on the fact that this event has been held previously with no incidents, accidents, or complaints, as well as the factors listed in the previous paragraph, I recommend approval by the Council at their November 4th meeting. Steve Gendler Marshal L Special Event Request Page 2 of 2 LIABILITY RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO FURNISH INSURANCE As a condition to, and in consideration of the issuance of this requested permit, the applicant hereby agrees to procure and maintain insurance coverage protecting all aspects of activities involved in the permit. Such insurance shall cover public liability and property damage, including product liability if applicable,and shall include coverage for owned and non-owned autos,for all claims for damages for personal injury or death and property damage arising out of the activities for which this permit is issued. Such insurance to be in limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit personal injury and property damage. The certificate of insurance reflecting this coverage shall name the Town as an additional insured as respects this Special Event Permit • /Q>--/-r-r- /6- is- f9 Si tore of Applicant or Agent Date of Application . Name of Insurance Company: -57 ' � /� J �'' `e�� - Policy# �-9/V--0 Policy Dates. 1-ot`ij 9¢ — /t,el od (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE - OFFICE USE ONLY) Certificate of Insurance Filed: YES NO Approval by Town Marshal. Date Comments. Notification of Local Fire Department Date: Contact Name dr Title. Arrangements Made: Notification of Sheriffs Department: Date. Contact Name & Title: Arrangements Made: Final val by To uncil: By itle y `� is Y- Date•) - y _ FOUNTAIN HILLS WOMEN'S CLUB * COMMUNITY CENTER 1 999 HOME TOUR 1 . 9436 LONGFEATHER L2. 15204 SUNBURST _ 3. 13410 GRANITE WAY r 3MC*UIf) '¢I1• +i 7 `/, �14\ .� ;• � EAGLE►+�+► : 4. 1 5327 SIERRA MADRE DRIVE 1 ..� d4 6 5. 1 5253 SKYLARK CIRCLE Niiiii•+AD° \ c ;* �$S as`w -r ? ♦ - `,' •t., : 'e, ?.r. �� S Sao. . le P ..M airs =/,.iGt.,.11‘.,V c• «.. o Q • A• W r;'V•u.�s w /,,V.1.1f:'11.1N 1,4..-• 10,t.'n`.:.-j-*i.7.6:.r V 1 .%t'.t.1.,.."...*.- .I-1,t.'4 w iron - . -:.• .4 • :y r' t __ \• s'.s4ct • ;c/'0,.r..s,A.. •-c.s l i k4 1,r.,N i 9./.k% • • +r, 1_ kw.ann i la ;-, 1 ocr. • . AM xi t cir cowat . ccij . .,p- A, .., ,. e t I ..csooscsi ex AV, 10 'Or Cl V . , On ,v..awu o. If v:rag,......0.. aIv0 C ant s Ati/Oki Q Pam ' '! a°•NI4)) inst., A .411 d ww4 `` 4 u„ T y '.4 0. ,."...,. ..! .cAlusav 1.1• 014_ '''. ir ,_ ..., .., 9 •• : I rl.,Cap Nw / go e. AI r • •• ' ' 44-rf'6-. INN: i 10 04 i 1 aijOe Uli*L4014 Ab411117 • d 1411111 i ulas a J * COM MU NIT tf '���%`ate' mt, r CENTER 4"4" ) • Ti 04.0114111111014Wir lip-,0'1". ' 04 1 • '44/ti, volt 4r' ,, * ,. h. y ' S Is ..,,, -,, .t 1 .., 7 h T - ®a - . •'� . - ;C lirc'o � � .� .W mat' �O 4,4 ` ' }. i Fw7I ' 1 + d /yP�" vQ s >D IY J /L•e16j wswc Ow is r ��� .�� � w 1 • STATE FARM Ad. (y 1 INSURANCE Fire Policy Status OCTOBER 18 , 1999 Ph. (000) 000-0000 FOUNTAIN HILLS WOMENS CLUB INC FIRE Policy: 93-04 -9154-2 F Yr issd: 1991 PO BOX 18271 Xref : FOUNTAIN HILL AZ 85269-8271 Location : 11445, N SAGUARO BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ 85268-5036 Term: CONT Type : BUSINESS - MISC Renew date : MAY-24-00 Coverage information Premium: 316 . 00 B-BUSN PROP 2100 C-LOSS INC ACT LOSS L-BUSN LIAB 1000000 Amount paid: 316 . 00 GEN AGGREGT 2000000 Date paid: APR-28-99 PCO AGGREGT 2000000 Bill to : INSD M-MED/PERSN 5000 Prey prem: 315 Prey risk : 1 , 900 Deductibles applied : 250 ALL PER OTHER DED MAY APPLY cry Messages : Year built : 1977 Constr : MASONRY Zone : 27 Prot class : 4 STATE FARM JON E. KLESNER, Agent C STATE FARM INSURANCE ®Q 16921 E.Palisades Blvd.,Ste 107 INSURANCE Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Off: (602) 837-1616 L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner DATE: October 29, 1998 SUBJECT: Preliminary& Final Plat for"Gallery Homes Condominiums 6" Staff has combined the reports for the Preliminary and Find Plats, there are no off-site improvements or Improvement Plans needed for this plat. This plat is a request by Gallery Homes, Inc. which would condominiumize two-units located at 14046 Edgeworth Dr.,aka Lot 35, Block 5, Final Plat 104. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission &Staff report for additional details regarding this request. L L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT November 4, 1999 CASE NO: S99-030 LOCATION: 14046 Edgeworth Dr., aka Lot 35, Block 5, Final Plat 104. REQUEST: Consider the Preliminary and Final Plat for "Gallery Homes Condominiums 6", a 2-unit condominium project. PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Gallery Homes, Inc. APPLICANT: Tom Fredrickson EXISTING ZONING: "R-2" EXISTING CONDITION: Under Construction LOT SIZE: 11,050 square feet SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Duplex; zoned "R-2" SOUTH: Vacant; zoned "R-2" EAST: Duplex; zoned "R-2" WEST: Single-Family; zoned "R-2" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat"Gallery Homes Condominiums 6" Declaration of Condominium, which subdivides cubic airspace, and is not a land sell project. Due to the simplicity of this request and the fact that this project does not involve any off-site public improvements, a "fast track" process is being allowed. The owner, Gallery Homes, Inc., has chosen to convert a two-unit complex currently under construction and record a Declaration of Condominium to sell the units individually. The units will have a maximum livable area of 1,526.66 square feet, a minimum livable area of 960.55 square feet and a covered patio. Each unit will have a two-car garage. The applicant applied for his building permit, 99-635, on May 21, 1999 and received his permit to build on July 8, 1999. RECOMMENDATION: Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat and Staff L. recommends approval of S99-030; Final Plat"Gallery Homes Condominium 6". t _, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 14..10, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L Date Filed / /9 Fee Pai if..- /0///2 / t emo ppc Accepted By Condominium Name &-tcc,e- V (� e1 .. (10^-0 0 4-‘ Condominium Address / .. - / Legal Description of Lot/Parcel Being Platted Plat /off Block Lot(s) -? S Parcel Size Number of Units s la so Number f Tracts Zoning E Z General Ian Land Use Designation 6(,4 K Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per•Acre) 4,•.eAppl' ant 7, i f `,• 4-c7.,.- Day Phone c-C fe -k- r c- __..4 J 602 - 97- Address City ST Zip 77/6 v r Sly(4 /3/ 01 rrAi 616 152- 4 Owner Day Phone s'z Address City ST Zip Attachments (Please list) Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date CII-71„,"--- ��'v TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of 19 My Commission Expires Notary Public (Seal) TFH Case Number Fee Schedule Attached S9 9 -63 0 • pr 'i�•1!r� iii Ii1 . it ;gt �'i� pp, ij t�!° j t( � ' ;i j ��#, � , 4 t ti E .f ;ii; I h !BF 5 la; 11;tg iif 11 ii ;Po i!i1 i1I 4; 1-rie i i k t 1 f 1. - .--.1 fel i iii , :, PI" C,' M 1! �� 6 48 t A --30 s and.04 y � , I;�i '$ r \ a 'S r -t- L -- .:%aZ aI n u' CO ' \ ' 1 M. 4 1 I pi, Ifi c•..4 pi. s \` `r •0: ', �\� ... fig *g 11M ati i r f \ 4F Z as I I{i I ;i P \ \ ® \ate; v CAI ^w �p 1 r 1 nor ( it i����l x r .z 1 r- EjT : j 1111. gPI: or ii.07.1k,- - t; L; ; m O "IIg I CA _ O. Ili'al lei!� � s �� !1; c,+ jlji 0 � v om � nD 0rrr••1 -•c m 7° = . a çI f IIIIIJJIJ f 4J'ilJJFIIJJiJiJ1 f I lit ./ 1 eiti ig 11 i 1 l , ' øji •( or 'iIbM CY ill i E , ;, s1 -I 0 > I • . ' i CO —I 0 T 70 r ,7 :..t.. : --"L':--ii „-- n 1 --------•----..- -.1... 1. • I — ...,..;t- r . , .., ., -•- . g 05'..._i_ Iii I . - _. i :- ! i , , : .,.•g : : I i„ 25 r• 1 _ -i1 It- , , I _ -,7. r --fi---1 5 2.g. ' f•:!: h.... -.......... 1 --— c,-.. . ! — ' . , H .=.. r• n ....2 ..., .1.3...._i 1.... ,... t ihill11 -- ---''''' .---- - -t r -I• II .1 ft rg i 3:5 -TT.•---- Ility______, T .. 1••• 1 (the pm liiiiii 141 I 1 -.,.. 1-;- ; : A 1 I ' •-;.'.! ._1 ;_?:.•.i. I .4: I ill j 1 1 A , I I ' . 1 .• • -1•1 •!'..:?._-t.__ 0 A ta ; r ; Iiiii i _ P I - ! IN )0 I W al n i i i....'0.1, ... . 1L in , . • 0 4.. J....._ III 1 7 M 0 111 I ; t 0 lit I ! 0 MI iiabliall ''IMI4' 1 0 Z a0 Allah 0 r• .i 1 I i II r > Z 11 . ()4 CO ........ ........, 0 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner .1 DATE: October 29, 1998 SUBJECT: Preliminary& Final Plat for"Edgeworth Drive Condominiums II" Staff has combined the reports for the Preliminary and Final Plats, there are no off-site improvements or Improvement Plans needed for this plat. This plat is a request by Michael & Michelle Smith, which would condominiumize two-units located at 14021 Edgeworth Dr.,aka Lot 11, Block 9, Final Plat 104. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission &Staff report for additional details regarding this request. L L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT November 4, 1999 CASE NO: S99-031 LOCATION: 14021 Edgeworth Dr., aka Lot 11, Block 9, Final Plat 104. REQUEST: Consider the Preliminary and Final Plat for "Edgeworth Drive Condominiums II", a 2-unit condominium project. PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Michael & Michelle Smith APPLICANT: Richard Erickson EXISTING ZONING: "R-2" EXISTING CONDITION: Under Construction LOT SIZE: 10,797.6 square feet SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: 4kow NORTH: Duplex; zoned "R-2" SOUTH: Duplex; zoned "R-2" EAST: Duplex; zoned "R-2" WEST: Single-Family; zoned "R-2" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat "Edgeworth Drive Condominiums II" Declaration of Condominium, which subdivides cubic airspace, and is not a land sell project. Due to the simplicity of this request and the fact that this project does not involve any off-site public improvements, a "fast track" process is being allowed. The owner, Michael & Michelle Smith, have chosen to convert a two-unit complex currently under construction and record a Declaration of Condominium to sell the units individually. The units will have a maximum livable area of 1,172 square feet, a minimum livable area of 1,172 square feet and a covered patio. Each unit will have a two-car garage. The applicant applied for his building permit, 98-0807, on June 17, 1998 and received his permit to build on August 12, 1998. RECOMMENDATION: Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat and Staff recommends approval of S99-031; Final Plat"Edgeworth Drive Condominiums II". ,• ' L ' ., • t- 99 07 : 47A MJR E 41ders 602 48-9827 P . 01 122- . ' r • CA • I - 11,, , TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ! 1,4.6.00 • , COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAFITMEN , .. ! • . • • . . . p...:.',..'ll1.0..',.1:•.(:::::........,•.:;.-.:i.--;,•-:,!. .,: -___....:. ..,... ...-..j . : i: , 1, _ • , 'Flied j /0 ' Fee Paid 4 Acceptod Sy':!,! 1H lejlii 77e/:2 ()minium Nam 1 ' . 1 i :!!II nee.tAidAtrile i)R/i/E, co•LitniAii.vivdif _Zr ,. i ! çondomInIum Address; ; ! 1 .; - - /VO-q, Z•D‘e-i4leet7e .Riii --.,..,...__,.... — -,,,, f iiiii , ,Iii scription of LoVerr48•Iniopittod-..7,—.,_: rt 1 - .F. • tr-1------ -- ------------ . , , • Isit , /6)4/ fib4497' a"j/41944t At/MA4 'Block 9 , Lot(s) I " .... -1. ,; ,moil Sire Numbv of Units op., /0 797. 40 . -... , Numbir of Tracts 'Den 'rel Plan Land Use Designation . 1 j ; .....:-_—_. i . . ,1 Oio Sy Requested(Dwelling Units Per Mrs) Day Pho • .41/CYl4LCe fisi fthi ,44,4e) 14 ICl/ a( Siiiirri . i f4 el*. ci 4'0 I'- rAe04,, e a al*At') A 0 City . EIT ; ip '1 1'; •!'' ,Ndk,t4 Ki Atr; !' .E',, , i '.i• z- i ISO? ?--- , .vfil /If/cetve C.. Jfie 77—3;At phi. , A. MO4E4-4( 17)7 77 57 77- Oay Ph* 1:1 ' . d 4 iv 111$ if er‘, E. -27.viv)o-gi6akd • citY ii, St i: Zip I , Jr ttitO manta(Please Het); 1, :‘, ..t ;i ' ' 41 I I 7. -— .. :i ; ! i i .1 . i ,, „2 urti of Ovmer . .;N I HERBY AUTHORIZE(Please Print).11. •;CI . ;Otte I '11 '1 .;r i f /all ei ' ,e4.1.(i2-- TO PILE THIS APPLICATION. ; II ',! i . i 1 .11 ,, i .d and Sworn me this . /&______day of !r a elyi 0 : 1. i .rn 5p, id 'spires /O MY CONIMiStiOr f / ".11 Hotta./ ire JAMES W. MOSEMAN .. : . 1. 1 . , Notary Pubile,State of New York HH. appolneed St OteeIcla County . i . , . .:. • 41.: 1! ,;..1 ii,.! , my cmatimsoya Expires Dec.31.X00 i '(110;,..12,.' : H ! i ILI litAlt OF kFIFLONA 1,,_ . ..,._ TFH Cali,Num-: ! i1 ti d 1 A MINTY.OF MATCOPA J-- -7174-e-U...‘naChed !i,, tarot'tv:44 recalAtttA!:,'.17era r3iNS-Lsifin ' :I i I T, -f 40,.. .4,i, torz,,,_ T c:i_j!?R‘f _____7_41eiritlit;rn"e„I.:, p ty al if/ — rz,. it, i•li wig. .4,au,.11c Anzo, . 01 Nericopo ourriy T.,, , 10i •, • j,' 110,-4-14 OrQ k veEa E.f'44 _, Vg— > auic Q R - i c-. € O O :::1 w s e E • f. jt .y iSRlQ N- ..: 7 -AR m r7.1 ei g '16 pA > D / "g R c'� u n f�tclN R M - " o ' o _ �n\". F - - 8 z t .Tim. N cd�0cc;00 0 / \ \ Z C ?\ o s J F . / C� ^ O m O /" \ �� �, p o =a 7 t�\ \ \ T .. • D: O 7 '7t „ , ,---'‘ ,...,. \ s, \ i? [ Y i �O" `WL %' -\ \ fe•�' izj O z 1 .. \ \ ----"- \ \" - K ! = \ e"`yam Z \ ! I S `\ \ \ \✓/ \\ o r 1 s C7 \ °° Z D _, \ -0.1\ \1`. 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If, \‘ 5 - —1 1 n 1 \ •---i., ,r, ..____.i___., ,. -.., fri r1; I / c. , g ? il`: IV' .: Z z I /i Y . CD I " I L :_... _ ••••.__1 r..L. .• .1'-' ' `" .. MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin,Town M. a::o' FROM: Robin Goo an,Director Parks and R cr tion Department DATE: October 29, 1999 RE: Inspection Services for Fountain Park(Bid#FP99-021) Staff is requesting approval of a $30,000 Contract to be awarded to E Group, Inc. for inspection services on Fountain Park (attached). Inspection services will complement those provided by Staff. These services are concentrated in three areas: Architectural Services 7,000 Engineering Services 11,500 Loy Landscape Services 9,000 Site Plan for Veteran's Memorial: 2,000 Reimbursables 500 TOTAL CONTRACT $30,000 Services will include attending weekly construction meetings, review of shop drawings and submittals, and inspecting construction. Staff believes that by supplementing our inspection services with outside professionals,the Town will receive a superior quality project. Coucil Memo FP99-021.doc TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS • CONSULTING CONTRACT NO.FP99-022 This contract made this 4th day of November 1999, by and between the Town of Fountain Hills(herein after "Town") a municipal corporation of the State of Arizona and E Group Landscape Architecture Environmental Design Land Planning (herein after"Consultant"). WITNESSETH Whereas, the Town Manager of the Town of Fountain Hills is authorized and empowered by provisions of the Town Code to execute contracts for professional services; Now therefore, in consideration of mutual promises and obligations set forth herein the parties hereto agree as follows: Article 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES Consultant shall provide the services described in the attached Exhibit A. All work will be reviewed and approved by the Contract Administrator to determine acceptable completion. Review ., and approval by the Contract Administrator shall not relieve Consultant of any liability for improper, negligent or inadequate services rendered pursuant to this contract. Article 2. FEES 1. The amount paid to Consultant under this contract is for time and materials, including reimbursable expenses not to exceed thirty thousand dollars (S30,000.00). 2. Monthly payments may be made to the Consultant on the basis of a progress report prepared and submitted by the Consultant for the work completed through the last day of the preceding calendar month. The Payment Schedule is attached as Exhibit B. The Contract Administrator reserves the exclusive right to determine the amount of work performed and payment due the Consultant on a monthly basis. Consultant shall maintain all books, papers, documents, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to such monthly billings and shall make such materials available at all reasonable times to the Contract Administrator. Monthly billings shall be accompanied by such documentation as the Contract Administrator may require to make his/her determination of work performed and payment due. L Article 3. TERM OF CONTRACT 1.This contract shall be in full force and effect only when it has been approved by the Town Council of Fountain Hills,AZ and signed by its Town Manager as attested by the Town Clerk. 2. The Consultant shall proceed with the work immediately upon receipt of a notice to proceed issued by the Contract Administrator. All work shall be completed and approved on or before June 30,2000. 3. In the event the work cannot be completed within the time specified within subparagraph 2 above, the Contract Administrator may approve a change order extending the time for completion of the work for such period as the Contract Administrator deems reasonable. A change order extending the time for completion of the work pursuant to this subparagraph shall not entitle the Consultant to additional compensation. Article 4. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 1. In the event the Town terminates this contract or any part of the services as herein provided, the Town shall notify the Consultant in writing, and immediately upon receipt of such notice,the Consultant shall discontinue all work under this contract. 2. Upon such termination or abandonment, the Consultant shall immediately deliver to the Town all drawings, special provisions, field survey notes, reports, estimates and any and all other documents or work product generated by the Consultant under the contract, together with all unused material supplied by the Town. Consultant shall be responsible only for such portion of the work, which has been completed and accepted by the Town. Use of incomplete data by the Town shall be the Town's sole responsibility. 3. Upon receipt of notice of termination, Consultant shall appraise work it has completed but has not yet been paid for and shall submit the work and appraisal to the Contract Administrator for evaluation within 14 calendar days. 4. The Consultant shall receive as compensation in full for services performed to the date of such termination or abandonment a fee for the percentage of services actually completed and accepted by the Town. This fee shall be in an amount to be mutually agreed upon by the consultant Page 2 and the Town, based upon the scope of work set forth in Exhibit A and the payment schedule set for th in Article 2 hereof. If mutual agreement cannot be reached after reasonable negotiation, the Contract Administrator shall determine the percentage of satisfactory completion of each task set forth in the scope of work contained in Exhibit A, the amount of compensation Consultant is entitled to for such work, and the Contract Administrator's determination in this regard shall be final. The Town shall make such final payment within 60 days after the Consultant has delivered the last of the partially completed items. 5. If for any reason the Consultant fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this contract, or if the Consultant violates any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this contract the Town may withhold from payment due to the Consultant such amounts as are necessary to protect the Town's position for the purpose of set-off until such time as the exact amount of damages due to the Town from Consultant is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. Article 5. ALTERATIONS OR ADDITIONAL SERVICES 416, The total scope of Consulting services to be performed in accordance with this contract is set forth in Exhibit A and, if the Consultant is asked to perform services which are not included in this contract they will be considered additional services. The Consultant shall not perform such additional services without written authorization in the form of an approved change order from the Town. In the event the Consultant performs such additional services without written authorization from the Town, is shall be presumed that the additional services were included in the scope of work set forth in this contract and the fees specified herein and Consultant shall not be permitted to request or receive any additional compensation for such additional services. Article 6. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING 1. The contract may not be assigned in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Contract Administrator. 2. The Consultant may engage such sub-consultants or professional associates as they may deem necessary or desire for the timely and successful completion of this contract. However, the use of such sub-consultants or professional associates for the performance of any part of the Page 3 work specified in Exhibit A shall be subject to the prior approval of the Town. Consultants will submit a complete list of sub-consultants on Exhibit C. Employment of such sub-consultants or professional associates in order to complete the work set forth in Exhibit A shall not entitle Consultant to additional compensation beyond that set forth in Article 2 hereof for completion of the work specified in Exhibit A. Consultant shall be responsible for and shall warrant all work delegated to such sub-consultants or professional associates. 3. The general timefrarne for this project is shown in Exhibit D. Article 7. COMPLETENESS AND ACCURACY The Consultant shall be responsible for and shall warrant the completeness, accuracy and quality of all work done pursuant to the contract including, but not limited to reports, survey work, plans, supporting data and special provisions prepared or compiled pursuant to Consultant's obligations under this contract and shall correct at his expense all errors or omissions which may be discovered therein. The fact that the Town has accepted or approved the Consultant's work shall in no way relieve the Consultant of any of his responsibilities. Article 8. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All documents including but not limited to, data computation, studies, reports, field notes, design notes and all original drawings which are prepared in the performance of this contract are to be and remain the property of the Town and are to be delivered to the Contract Administrator before final payment under this contact is made to the Consultant. Such documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for any reuse by the Town or other party, its departments or agencies on extensions of the project or on any other project. Any reuse without written verification or adaptation by Consultant for the specific purpose intended will be at the Town's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. Article 9. INDEMNIFICATION The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Town and any of its departments, agencies, officers or employees from all damages, claims or liabilities and expenses (including attorneys fees) arising out of or resulting in any way from the performance of Page 4 professional services for the Town and caused by any error, omission or negligent act of the Consultant or anyone for whose acts the Consultant is legally liable. Article 10. INSURANCE 1. The Consultant shall secure and maintain during the life of this contract, insurance coverage which shall include statutory workman's compensation, comprehensive general and automobile liability, and errors and omissions professional liability. The comprehensive general and automobile liability limits shall be no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) each. The minimum amounts of coverage for Consultant's professional liability shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000). In other than errors and omissions professional liability and workman's compensation, the Town of Fountain Hills shall be named as an additional insured. All insurance coverage shall be written through carriers licensed in Arizona, or on an approved non-admitted list of carriers published by the Arizona Department of Insurance, and possessing an A.M. Best rating of at least B+. Should coverage be written on a claims-made basis, the Consultant shall provide, • prior to commencement of any work, an initial certificate of insurance evidencing required fkbir coverage limits from date of contract execution through date of policy expiration. Subsequently, a certificate of insurance or a renewal quotation accompanied by evidence of premium payment shall be presented a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to date of expiration of current certificate. Such certificate or evidence of continuous coverage shall be provided on a periodic basis for a minimum of two (2)years after completion of contract, and shall contain a certification that the claim's period for such insurance is retroactive to the effective date of this contract. In the event the Consultant fails to provide such certificate of coverage retroactive to the beginning date of this contract, the Town may,but shall not be required to, purchase insurance, if available to protect itself against any losses which would have been covered by the errors and omissions policy Consultant is required to maintain under this article. If the Town elects to purchase the insurance under this provision, Consultant shall be liable to the Town for all costs incurred by the Town for purchasing such insurance. 2. The Consultant shall submit to the Town a certificate of insurance evidencing the coverage and limits stated in the foregoing paragraph within ten (10) days of award of this contract. Insurance evidenced by the certificate shall not expire, be canceled, or materially changed without Page 5 thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Town, and a statement to that effect must appear on the face of the certificate and the certificate shall be signed by a person authorized to bind the insurer. The amount of any errors and omission deductible shall be stated on the face of the certificate. The Contract Administrator may require the Consultant to furnish a financial statement establishing the ability of Consultant to fund the deductible. If in the judgement of the Contract Administrator the financial statement does not establish the Consultant's ability to fund the deductible, and no other provisions acceptable to the Contract Administrator are made to assure funding of the deductible, the Contract Administrator may, in his sole discretion, terminate this contract without further liability to the Town. Article 11. ATTORNEYS FEES In the event either party brings any action for any relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this contract, or an account of any breach or default hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party reasonable attorneys fees and reasonable costs and expenses, determined by the court sitting without a jury, which shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and shall be enforced whether or not such action is prosecuted through judgement. Article 12. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Pursuant to the provisions of A.R.S. § 38-511, the Town may cancel any contract or agreement, without penalty or obligation if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting or creating the contract on behalf of the Town is at any time while the contract or any extension thereof is in effect an employee of any other party to the contract in any capacity or a consultant to any other party to the contract with respect to the subject matter of the contract. Article 13. PRIOR COMMITMENT The contract constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and no representations or agreements oral or written,made prior to its execution shall vary or modify the terms thereof. L Page 6 Article 14. GOVERNING LAW This contract shall be governed and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Arizona. Article 15. AMENDMENTS Any amendment, modification or variation form the terms of this contract shall be in writing and signed by all parties hereto. Article 16. ADDITIONAL WARRANTIES AND DISCLOSURES BY CONSULTANT 1. The Consultant shall reveal fully and in writing any financial or compensatory agreements which the Consultant has with any prospective contractor prior to the Town's publication of requests for bids for construction. 2. The Consultant hereby warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Consultant to solicit or secure this agreement, and that the Consultant has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual or firm other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Consultant any fee, commission, percentage, gift or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this agreement. 3. The Consultant shall comply with Executive Order No. 11246 entitle "Equal Opportunity Employment" as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, and supplemented Department of Labor Regulations 41CFR,Part 16. Article 17. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW The Consultant specifically agrees that in the performance of the services rendered hereunder by Consultant or anyone acting on their behalf, Consultant will comply with all state, federal and local statues, ordinances and regulations, and will obtain all permits and licenses applicable for performance under this agreement. L Page 7 Article 18. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR • The Town's Contract Administrator for this contract shall be the Town Manager or his designee(s). In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first written above. TOWN OF TAIN HILLS By: Paul L. din,Town Manager ATTEST: aAA/ 1 ' ^rAy^�• Cassie B.Hansen,Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: 7/1//:Stee4,. p5:644.„ William E.Farrell,Town Attorney REVIEWED BY: Robin oodman Director of Parks and Recreation CONSULTANT: E Group La scape Architecture Env' o .1 Design Land Planning Rob' ' ; ompson,Principal L Page 8 Lie EXHIBIT A • PARK DESIGN SERVICES Project#FP99-022 Description of Project This contract is inspection services and construction administration on a project called Phase I improvements at Fountain Park. The project includes a 940 square foot restroom/control building, two 550 square foot picnic ramadas, 35,600 square feet of DG/Asphalt walkway and 48,000 square feet of concrete walkway, existing building demolition, performance pad and seatwalls, 16 (24" box) trees, six picnic tables, landscaping, irrigation and other incidental items as shown on the Plans and Specifications. Scope of Services 1. All work will be billed hourly and frequency of visits will be determined by needs of the project and approved by the Contract Administrator. 2. Architecture services including inspecting the building, reviewing submittals, shop drawings, etc. It is anticipated that architect will visit the site once per week when the building is under construction. Approximately 78 hours x $90 hours=$7,000 verifyinglaygrades, field lights, and other general 3. Engineering services including veri m out, g observations. Approximately 150 hours x $81 hours=$11, 500 4. Landscape and irrigation services including facility layout, review of plant materials, and sidewalk grades and materials. Approximately 106 hours x $85 = $9,000 5. Create a site plan and associated sketches to build a Veteran's Memorial near the pumphouse. 6. There shall be an allowance of $500 for project related expenses. This includes CAD plots, blueprinting, film and processing, xeroxing, courier services, mileage, and all other project related expenses. 7. Summary of anticipated fees by discipline: Architectural Services 7,000 Engineering Services 11,500 Landscape Services 9,000 Site Plan for Veteran's Memorial 2,000 Reimbursables 500 kelw TOTAL CONTRACT $30,000 Park Design Services-Page 1 8. E Group, Inc. representatives agreed to make site visits and attend weekly construction meetings as required. 9. Any services not specifically included in the "Scope of Services" section shall be additional services payable at an hourly fee at the following rates: Principal $70/hour Engineer $60/hour Designer $50/hour Draftsman $40/hour Secretary $30/hour 9. All submittals shall be delivered to the Town as follows: Ms.Michelle Carlson Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation Department Post Office Box 17958 Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 L L Park Design Services-Page 2 EXHIBIT B .., PAYMENT SCHEDULE • Project#FP99-021 Invoice No. Invoice Amount Invoice Date Date Check Cut 1 $4,500 December 10, 1999 December 24, 1999 2 $4,250 January 10,2000 January 25,2000 3 $4,250 February 10,2000 February 25, 2000 4 $4,250 March 10,2000 March 24,2000 5 $4,250 April 10,2000 April 25, 2000 6 $4,250 May 10,2000 May 25, 2000 7 $4,250 June 9,2000 June 26, 2000 8 FINAL(if necessary) July 10,2000 July 25, 2000 TBD—To be determined Contract not to exceed$30,000 Guidelines 460, 1. Invoices need to be original and timely. 2. Billing statement should reference invoice number above and Town's Project Number. 3. Billing statement should be clear to read, show work performed, and balance remaining. 4. No additional work or contract amount will be honored without written authorization. 5. Mail billing statements to: Ms. Michelle Carlson Town of Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation Department Post Office Box 17958 Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 6. Address billing questions to Michelle Carlson, Administrative Assistant, at (480) 816-5152, fax (480) 837-6362. L. • • EXHIBIT C LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS Project#FP99-021 • Please provide a revised list of subcontractors including e mail address. e group inc. ENGINEERING DESIGN CONSULTANTS Landscape Architect Ltd. 817 North Central Avenue 2234 South McClintock Drive Phoenix, Arizona 85004 Tempe,AZ 85282 Phone: (602)462-9000 Phone: (602)968-5105 Fax: (602)462-9001 Fax: (602)968-0899 E mail: mail@egroupinc.com (Electrical Engineer) Contacts: Bob Thompson and David Case Ken Sykora-Contact PROJECT ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS RICHARDSON OR RICHARDSON Civil Engineer 1301 East Bethany Home Road 2320 E.Peoria Ave., Suite C-122 Phoenix,AZ 85014 Phoenix,Arizona 85029 Phone: (602)266-1301 Phone: (602)906-1901 Fax: (602)264-0757 Fax: (602)906-3080 (Graphic Wyfinding) E mail: projeninengin@mci2000.com Forrest Richardson—Contact Contact: Larry Maldonado COATES IRRIGATION CONSULTANTS, BRUDER ARCHITECTURE INC. Architect Irrigation Designer 317 East LeMarche 4300 N.Miller Rd., Suite 104 Phoenix, Arizona 85022 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Phone: (602) 375-2186 Phone: (602)481-0682 Fax: (602) 547-9885 Fax: (602)481-0939 E-mail: bruder@ibm.net E mail: none Contact: Joe Bruder Contact: Alan George MAXIM Technologies Inc. 7031 West Oakland Street Chandler,AZ 85226 Phone: (602)961-1169 Fax: (602)940-0952 (Soil Engineer) Tim Anderson-Contact L Exhibit D CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOUNTAIN PARK FP99-021 • This Calendar of Events is an integral part of the Bidding Requirements and Contract Documents. All times refer to Mountain Standard Time. Event Item (Referenced Document) Date and Time 1 Advertisement for Bids Monday, October 18, 1999 Wednesday, October 20, 1999 Thursday, October 21, 1999 2 Pre-bid Conference Thursday,November 4, 1999 Fountain Hills Town Hall 9:00 a.m.MST 3 Bid Opening Tuesday,November 30, 1999 2:00 p.m. 4 Award Contract Thursday,December 2, 1999 Co, 5 Schedule of Values Due Friday,December 3, 1999 6 Notice of Award Friday,December 3, 1999 7 Contract Executed by Friday,December 17, 1999 8 Pre-Construction Meeting Tuesday,December 21, 1999 9 Notice to Proceed Thursday,December 30, 1999 10 Beginning of Construction Monday,January 3,2000 11 Bermuda Hydroseed Completed Friday,May 19, 2000 12 Project Substantially Completed Friday,June 2,2000 13 Project Completed(165 days) Friday,June 16,2000 14 All Project Closeout Materials Due Friday,June 30, 2000 Final Project Billing Submitted to Town no later than July 15,2000 Revised: 10/13/99 COE L Memo To: Cassie Hansen From: Steve Gendler Date: 10/26/99 Re: Revisions to Article 12-3 of Town Code The purpose of this memorandum is to provide some background regarding proposed changes in Article 12-3 of the town code. This article pertains to "parking provisions" and the revisions are scheduled for consideration by the Council at their November 4th meeting. Background Information: When the Council amended article 12-3 in July 1997, their intention was to address commercial vehicle parking through addition of section 12-3-8. An unintended "loophole" developed when the commercial vehicles began parking in privately owned business lots thereby avoiding the provision pertaining to public streets.The Marshals Department attempted to address this through persuasion, however, by February 1999, it became obvious that an ordinance change was needed. In response to our request, Councilman Apps agreed to sponsor a minor revision to help close this loophole. At the same time, Fountain Hills residents who are owner-operators of commercial vehicles, had also been seeking a method to remain within the code when returning home from over-the-road trips. Typically, their vehicles would be in town for two or three days before leaving on another assignment. Councilman Poma had pointed out a need for a location to accommodate these residents at the Council meeting on July 3, 1997 when the ordinance was adopted. He suggested the portion of El Pueblo which has since been renamed Desert Vista near the present day off-leash park. The resident owner-operators had begun parking at that location after the Marshals Department asked them to leave the privately owned parking lots. However, since a provision was not included in the ordinance, the Marshals Department again asked the owner-operators to move from the Desert Vista site in response to complaints. That led to the vehicles being parked on Shea near the Arby's Restaurant. Again in response to complaints, the Marshals Department had them move from that location. Presently, they are appearing in the industrial area south of Shea. The resident owner-operators have spoken with Al Poma on October 7th and he agreed to sponsor a "permit' provision in Article 12-3 to address their needs. Another issue relating to parking which also began in February pertained to vehicles parked along the Saguaro frontage road for the purpose of sale. In the February 17th edition of the Times a photo appeared showing a line of cars parked for sale stretching from Desert Vista to Tower Drive.As long as the cars were legally parked, there were no provisions for enforcement action. We eventually handled this by having the Street Department designate the area as "temporary no parking". However, an additional problem existed in September with cars being parked in front of Fountain Park for sale purposes. Posting the area as "no parking"would adversely effect tourists, visitors, and park users so there was no way to address the problem. Councilman Pen Mower, who was very concerned with this issue, agreed to sponsor a possible change in Article 12-3 to make it consistent with state law regarding sale of items in the highway right-of-way. Proposed Changes: Since all three of the issues outlined above pertained to the same article in the town codes, Paul Nordin suggested that we communicate these concerns to the town prosecutor, Mark lacovino, and have him draw up proposed revisions. In the process, Mark lacovino also brought forth an additional concern with the penalty provision and the service of enforcement action. This concern, and the previous issues,are being addressed in the following manner: Eliminating the"loophole"in 12-3-8:Addition of a provision covering privately owned parking lots Parking of owner-operator commercial vehicles: Addition of a provision allowing the Engineering Department to issue an "overnight parking permit"to qualified residents.This permit, modeled after the existing permit for emergency response vehicles, would authorize the Engineering Department to establish specific provisions such as location, duration, number,fees,and placards. Prohibiting vehicles for sale in the public right-of-way: Addition of a provision similar to the state statute in ARS 28-7053a(5) which prohibits sale of vehicles in the highway right-of-way. In this case, the provisions would apply to public streets within the town limits. Expanding the service of enforcement documents: Addition of language that would clearly allow enforcement notification (citations)to be left with the illegally parked vehicle rather than serving it on the party that parked the vehicle. Observations and Comments: The proposed changes represent several far-reaching provisions that have both pros and cons. The advantages are that these provisions would address a growing set of parking problems resulting in citizen complaints. These complaints range from unsightly situations to traffic safety concerns. The changes would also benefit a portion of the population (resident owner- operators) and inconvenience others (residents attempting to sell their vehicles). Other disadvantages include possible esthetic considerations relating to commercial vehicles parked in designated zones, additional enforcement responsibilities,and unanticipated public opposition. Both Mark lacovino who is drafting the ordinance changes, and I will be present at the November 4th Council meeting to present these changes and address questions. ORDINANCE 99- 31 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA,AMENDING THE TOWN CODE, CHAPTER 12,ARTICLE 12-3,PARKING; BY AMENDING SECTION 12-3-8, PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, TO PROHIBIT PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON ANY STREET OR LOT WITHIN THE TOWN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A.M.,WITH CERTAIN SPECIFIED EXCEPTIONS,AND ESTABLISHING A PERMIT PROCESS AND PERMIT CRITERIA FOR OVERNIGHT PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON PUBLIC STREETS IN INDUSTRIAL ZONED AREAS; RENUMBERING AND AMENDING SECTION 12-3-10, PENALTIES, TO PROVIDE THAT EACH DAY THAT A VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION OF ARTICLE 12-3 CONTINUES SHALL CONSTITUTE A SEPARATE OFFENSE; CREATING A NEW SECTION 12-3-10,PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF ANY VEHICLE ON OR ALONG ANY STREET OR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN THE TOWN FOR THE PURPOSE OF SALE OR ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE OF SUCH VEHICLE; CREATING A NEW SECTION 12-3-11, ESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURE FOR COMMENCE- MENT OF PROCEEDINGS AND SERVICE OF CITATIONS FOR VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION OF ARTICLE 12-3. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking (Contents), is hereby amended to read as follows: Article 12-3 PARKING 12-3-1 Method of Parking 12-3-2 Blocking Traffic 12-3-3 Parking Adjacent to Schools 12-3-4 Authority to Erect Signs Restricting Parking 12-3-5 Parking Vehicles on Sidewalks 12-3-6 Restricted Parking Areas for the Physically Disabled 12-3-7 Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specified Fire Lanes 12-3-8 Parking of Commercial Vehicles 12-3-9 Trailer, Construction Equipment or Recreational Vehicle Parking 12-3-10 STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKING VEHICLES ON STREETS OR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SALE 12-3-11 COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR VIOLATIONS 12-3-102 Penalties Section 2. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking, Section 12-3-8, Parking of Commercial Vehicles, is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-3-8 Parking of Commercial Vehicles No person shall stand or park a vehicle with a rated chassis in excess of 5,000 pounds, gross vehicle weight or a tractor, semi-trailer,trailer or bus on any street OR LOT within the town between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., with the following exceptions: A. During the process of loading or unloading of such vehicles providing delivery or services;Of B. During the unloading of personal baggage or temporary stop not to exceed two hours; of C. A VEHICLE SUBJECT TO THIS SECTION MAY BE PARKED BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A.M. ON PRIVATELY OWNED PARKING LOTS LOCATED WITHIN INDUSTRIAL ZONED DISTRICTS OF THE TOWN IF THE PROPERTY OWNER HAS GIVEN PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT FOR SUCH PARKING TO THE OWNER OR OPERATOR OF SUCH VEHICLE; GD. During such time as a validly issued overnight EMERGENCY RESPONSE VEHICLE parking permit is in effect; 1. The town marshal shall issue an overnight EMERGENCY RESPONSE VEHICLE parking permit for one emergency response vehicle upon application. 2. The AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE VEHICLE PARKING permit shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance. 3. For purposes of this section, "emergency response vehicle" means a vehicle designated by the applicant as "on call" which must be available to respond to nighttime emergencies. "Emergency response vehicle" includes, but is not limited to: tow trucks, ambulances and service vehicles. 4. The applicant shall identify, by physical description and license plate number, any vehicle which may be designated as an"emergency response vehicle." The applicant may designate more than one vehicle as an"emergency vehicle" provided, however, that no more than one such vehicle may be parked overnight upon the public rights-of way pursuant to a permit issued hereunder. 5. Any permit issued pursuant to this section shall be displayed on the driver's side front windshield or dashboard of the "emergency response vehicle"at all times while such vehicle is parked within the public right-of-way such that the permit is clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle. 6. The town marshal may revoke a AN OVERNIGHT EMERGENCY RESPONSE VEHICLE PARKING permit issued pursuant to this section for failure to meet any of the conditions of this section. E. ON PUBLIC STREETS IN INDUSTRIAL ZONED DISTRICTS DURING SUCH TIME AS A VALIDLY ISSUED OVERNIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING PERMIT IS IN EFFECT. 1. FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SUBSECTION, "COMMERCIAL VEHICLE" SHALL MEAN ANY VEHICLE WITH A RATED CHASSIS IN EXCESS OF 5,000 POUNDS, GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT OR A TRACTOR, TRACTOR AND SEMI-TRAILER COMBINATION, OR BUS,NOT DESIGNATED BY THE TOWN AS AN"EMERGENCY RESPONSE VEHICLE." 2. THE TOWN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHALL ISSUE AN OVERNIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING PERMIT FOR ONE COMMERCIAL VEHICLE UPON APPLICATION. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS SHALL BE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN, SHALL BE THE OWNER AND OPERATOR OF THE COMMERCIAL VEHICLE FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS SOUGHT, AND SHALL CONSENT TO SAFETY AND EQUIPMENT INSPECTION OF THE COMMERCIAL VEHICLE AT ANY TIME DURING WHICH THE VEHICLE IS PARKED PURSUANT TO THIS SUBSECTION. 3. AN OVERNIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING PERMIT SHALL BE VALID FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE. 4. THE APPLICANT SHALL IDENTIFY, BY PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION AND LICENSE PLATE NUMBER, THE VEHICLE FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS SOUGHT. 5. ANY OVERNIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING PERMIT ISSUED PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION SHALL BE DISPLAYED ON THE DRIVER'S SIDE FRONT WINDSHIELD OR DASHBOARD OF THE COMMERCIAL VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES WHILE SUCH VEHICLE IS PARKED ON A PUBLIC STREET SUCH THAT THE PERMIT IS CLEARLY VISIBLE FROM THE OUTSIDE OF THE VEHICLE. 6. NO PERSON SHALL STAND OR PARK A COMMERCIAL VEHICLE FOR WHICH A PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED PURSUANT TO THIS SUBSECTION WITHIN 300 FEET OF ANOTHER COMMERCIAL VEHICLE DISPLAYING AN OVERNIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING PERMIT. 7. THE STANDING OR PARKING OF A COMMERCIAL VEHICLE FOR WHICH A PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED PURSUANT TO THIS SUBSECTION REMAINS SUBJECT TO ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS ARTICLE. 8. THE APPLICATION AND ISSUANCE FEES FOR AN OVERNIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING PERMIT SHALL BE DETERMINED, AND MAY BE REVISED FROM TIME TO TIME, BY THE TOWN COUNCIL. 9. THE TOWN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAY REVOKE AN OVERNIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING PERMIT ISSUED PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION FOR FAILURE TO MEET ANY OF THE CONDITIONS, OR COMPLY WITH ANY PROVISION OF THIS SECTION. Section 3. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking, Section 12-3-10, Stopping, Standing or Parking Vehicles on Streets or Right-of-Way for the Purpose of Sale, is hereby created to read as follows: 12-3-10 STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKING VEHICLES ON STREETS OR thiri RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SALE NO PERSON SHALL STOP, STAND OR PARK ANY VEHICLE, WHOLLY OR PARTLY, ON ANY PUBLIC STREET OR RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN THE TOWN FOR THE PURPOSE OF SELLING THE VEHICLE OR ADVERTISING THE VEHICLE, OR ANY OTHER ARTICLE, SERVICE OR THING, FOR SALE. Section 4. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking, Section 12-3-11, Commencement of Proceedings for Violations, is hereby created to read as follows: 12-3-11 COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR VIOLATIONS A. AN ACTION TO HEAR AND DETERMINE AN ALLEGED VIOLATION OF THIS ARTICLE SHALL BE COMMENCED BY ISSUANCE OF A CITATION BY THE TOWN MARSHAL, DEPUTY TOWN MARSHAL OR OTHER PEACE OFFICER OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA. B. THE CITATION SHALL BE IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM OF THE ARIZONA TRAFFIC TICKET AND COMPLAINT PROVIDED FOR IN ARIZONA RULES OF PROCEDURE IN CIVIL TRAFFIC VIOLATION CASES, OR IN SUCH OTHER FORM AS MY BE PROVIDED FROM TIME TO TIME BY RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL. C. SERVICE OF ANY CITATION FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ARTICLE MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED, AND WILL BE DEEMED PROPER AND COMPLETE, BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: 1. BY HAVING THE DEFENDANT SIGN THE CITATION WITH A PROMISE TO APPEAR IN COURT TEN OR MORE DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OF THE CITATION. 2. IF THE DEFENDANT REFUSES TO SIGN THE CITATION, BY HAND DELIVERING A COPY OF THE CITATION TO THE DEFENDANT. 3. BY AFFIXING THE CITATION TO ANY MOTOR VEHICLE OWNED BY THE DEFENDANT AND THE PARKING, LOCATION OR ABANDONMENT OF WHICH CONSTITUTE THE OFFENSE CHARGED IN THE CITATION. 4. IN THE EVENT SERVICE CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED AS SET FORTH ABOVE, THE DEFENDANT MAY BE SERVED BY ANY MEANS ALLOWED BY THE ARIZONA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE FOR THE SUPERIOR COURT. Section 5. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking, Section 12-3-10, Penalties, is hereby renumbered as Section 12-3-12, and is amended to read as follows: 12-3-102 Penalties Violations of this Article shall be punishable as set forth in Chapter 1, Article 1-8, Subsection B, of this code. EACH DAY THAT A VIOLATION CONTINUES SHALL BE A SEPARATE OFFENSE PUNISHABLE BY IMPOSITION OF A CIVIL SANCTION NOT TO EXCEED THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona this 4th day of November, 1999. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Sharon Morgan, Mayor Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: = APPROVED AS TO FORM: L Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager William E. Farrell, Town Attorney ORDINANCE 99-33 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN CODE, CHAPTER 12, ARTICLE 12-3, PARKING; BY AMENDING SECTION 12-3-8, PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, TO PROHIBIT PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON ANY STREET OR LOT WITHIN THE TOWN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 P.M. AND 6:00 A.M., WITH CERTAIN SPECIFIED EXCEPTIONS, AND ESTABLISHING A PERMIT PROCESS AND PERMIT CRITERIA FOR OVERNIGHT PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON PUBLIC STREETS IN INDUSTRIAL ZONED AREAS; RENUMBERING AND AMENDING SECTION 12-3-10, PENALTIES, TO PROVIDE THAT EACH DAY THAT A VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION OF ARTICLE 12-3 CONTINUES SHALL CONSTITUTE A SEPARATE OFFICE; CREATING A NEW SECTION 12-3-10,PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF ANY VEHICLE ON OR ALONG ANY STREET OR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN THE TOWN FOR THE PURPOSE OF SALE OR ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE OF SUCH VEHICLE; CREATING A NEW SECTION 12-3-11, ESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS AND SERVICE OF CITATIONS FOR VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION OF ARTICLE 12-3. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ,,, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking (Contents), is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-3 Parking 12-3-1 Method of Parking 12-3-2 Blocking Traffic 12-3-3 Parking Adjacent to Schools 12-3-4 Authority to Erect Signs Restricting Parking 12-3-5 Parking Vehicles on Sidewalks 12-3-6 Restricted Parking Areas for the Physically Disabled 12-3-7 Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specified Fire Lanes 12-3-8 Parking of Commercial Vehicles 12-3-9 Trailer, Construction Equipment or Recreational vehicle Parking 12-3-10 Stopping, Standing or Parking Vehicles on Streets or right-of-way for the Purpose of Sale. 12-3-11 Commencement of Proceedings for Violations 12-3-12 Penalties Section 3. That the Town Code, Chapter 12,Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking, Section 12-3-10, Stopping, Standing or Parking Vehicles on Streets or right-of-ways for the Purpose of Sale, is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-3-10 Stopping,Standing or Parking Vehicles on Streets or right-of-way for the Purpose of Sale. No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle, wholly or partly, on any public street or right-of-way within the town for the purpose of selling the vehicle. Section 4. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking, Section 12-2-11, Commencement of Proceedings for Violations, is hereby created to read as follows: 12-3-11 Commencement of Proceedings for Violations A. An Action to hear and determine all alleged violation of this article shall be commenced by issuance of a citation by the town marshal, deputy town marshal or other peace officer of the State of Arizona. B. The citation shall be in substantially the form of the Arizona traffic ticket and complaint provided for in Arizona Rules of Procedure in civil traffic violation cases, or in such other form as may be provided from time to time by resolution of the Town Council. C. Service of any citation for violation of this article may be accomplished, and will deemed proper and complete, by any of the following methods: 1. By having the defendant sign the citation with a promise to appear in court ten or more days after issuance of the citation. 2. If the defendant refuses to sign the citation, by hand delivering a copy of the citation to the defendant. 3. By affixing the citation to any motor vehicle owned by the defendant and the parking, location or abandonment of which constitute the offense charged in the citation. 4. In the event service cannot be accomplished as set forth above, the defendant may be served by any means allowed by the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Court. Section 5. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking, Section 12-3-10, Penalties is hereby renumbered as Section 12-3-12, and is amended to read as follows: 12-3-12 Penalties Violations of this Article shall be punishable as set forth in Chapter 1, Article 1-8, Subsection B, of this code. Each day that a violation continues shall be a separate offense punishable by imposition of a civil sanction not to exceed three hundred dollars. Section 3. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3,Parking, Section 12-3-10, Stopping, Standing or Parking Vehicles on Streets or right-of-ways for the Purpose of Sale, is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-3-10 Stopping,Standing or Parking Vehicles on Streets or right-of-way for the Purpose of Sale. No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle, wholly or partly, on any public street or right-of-way within the town for the purpose of selling the vehicle. Section 4. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking, Section 12-2-11, Commencement of Proceedings for Violations, is hereby created to read as follows: 12-3-11 Commencement of Proceedings for Violations A. An Action to hear and determine all alleged violation of this article shall be commenced by issuance of a citation by the town marshal, deputy town marshal or other peace officer of the State of Arizona. B. The citation shall be in substantially the form of the Arizona traffic ticket and complaint provided for in Arizona Rules of Procedure in civil traffic violation cases, or in such other form as may be provided from time to time by resolution of the Town Council. C. Service of any citation for violation of this article may be accomplished, and will deemed proper and complete, by any of the following methods: 1. By having the defendant sign the citation with a promise to appear in court ten or more days after issuance of the citation. 2. If the defendant refuses to sign the citation, by hand delivering a copy of the citation to the defendant. 3. By affixing the citation to any motor vehicle owned by the defendant and the parking, location or abandonment of which constitute the offense charged in the citation. 4. In the event service cannot be accomplished as set forth above, the defendant may be served by any means allowed by the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Court. Section 5. That the Town Code, Chapter 12, Traffic, Article 12-3, Parking, Section 12-3-10, Penalties is hereby renumbered as Section 12-3-12, and is amended to read as follows: 12-3-12 Penalties Violations of this Article shall be punishable as set forth in Chapter 1, Article 1-8, Subsection B, of this code. Each day that a violation continues shall be a separate offense punishable by imposition of a civil sanction not to exceed three hundred dollars. r . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona this 4th Day of November 1999. FOR THE T OF FO AIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: ‘,4---- - dll.A.424..- ciO i...1,,,,_‘ ,, Sharon Morgan, Mayor Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk REV D BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: aZ �,/j///Z7`"�__ JJA.f.,-: J 'VA/CI Paul L. Nordin,Town Manager William E. Farrell, Town Attorney TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner 16 DATE: October 29, 1999 SUBJECT: Consider Plan of Development for Technology Mini-Storage. This is a request for Plan of Development approval for a proposed mini-storage use to be located on Plat 414, Lots 49 &50. Planning &Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Plan of Development as presented with four stipulations. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission & Staff report for additional details regarding this request. If you should have any questions, I can be reached at 816-5138. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT November 4, 1999 REQUEST: Consideration of a Plan of Development for the Technology Drive Mini- Storage Facility. LOCATION: Lots 49 and 50, Plat 414, located west of the intersection of Technology Drive and Saguaro Boulevard. PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT: Seminole Construction EXISTING ZONING: "IND-2 I.U.P.D." EXISTING CONDITION: Undeveloped LOT SIZE: 3.5271 Acres SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: Existing mini-warehouse and recreational vehicle storage facility, zoned IND-1. SOUTH: Undeveloped commercially-zoned land in Plat 412-B, zoned "C-O". EAST: Developed multi-family zoned land and a fire station in Plat 412-A, zoned "R-3" and undeveloped industrially-zoned land in Plat 414, zoned "IND-2 I.U.P.D." WEST: Existing offices, showroom and shop area for Valley Framing in Rat 414, Lot 48, zoned "IND-2 I.U.P.D." ANALYSIS: This request is for Town Council approval on a Plan of Development for the Technology Drive Mini-Storage Facility (See the attached site plan). Chapter 13 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills requires Town Council approval of a Plan of Development for the site, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Sections 13.05 and 13.06 of the Zoning Ordinance state the requirement for the approval of the plan of Development and are reprinted below: CHAPTER 13 INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICTS 13.05 Procedural Regulations. cow A. An IND-1 Zoning District may be established and made a part of the Planning &Zoning Commission and Staff Report Mini-Storage Plan of Development November 4, 1999 Page 2 Zoning District maps prior to the Town Council approving a Plan of Development. The Plan of Development shall contain at least the following: 1. The location and arrangement of the buildings, structures and other improvements upon the land, including but not limited to, preliminary grading and drainage plans, walks, roadways, interior and boundary streets, vehicle parking areas, outside storage areas, perimeter screening, lighting, landscaping areas, and signs. 2. Specific site development plans shall include grading plans, landscape plans and landscaping treatments, building locations, vehicular ingress/egress and parking, off-site improvements (such as street, curbs and sidewalks, screening of outside storage areas, lighting, utility services and setbacks of buildings or structures). 3. The plan shall show that the proposed use or uses would conform with the requirements of regulations for the IND-1 Zoning District, and development of the subject parcel of land shall be according to these requirements and the approved plan. B. An IND-2 Zoning District may be established and made a part of the Zoning District maps prior to the Town Council approving a Plan of Development. However, prior to any zoning clearances and building permits being issued, the following actions need to take place: 1. A Plan of Development must be prepared in accordance with the site plan requirements detailed in Chapter 2, Section 2.04, herein; 2. This Plan of Development must be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its review and report. The Commission will file its report on the Plan of Development with the Town Council; 3. The Plan of Development must then receive the approval of the Town Council. L Planning &Zoning Commission and Staff Report Mini-Storage Plan of Development November 4, 1999 Page 3 13.06 Expiration of Approval. Approval of a Plan of Development by the Town Council shall be valid for two (2) years, in which time construction of the project shall commence and be pursued in earnest. If there is any lapse in construction for a period of six or more months after construction has begun, the Plan of Development will be considered abandoned and resubmittal and review must take place. Prior to the expiration of the approval, the developer may request an extension of time from the Commission to initiate the project. The Commission upon a finding of substantial grounds may grant an extension of time up to one (1)year. Chapter 2, Section 2.04, which describes the site plan requirements for plans of development, is reprinted below: CHAPTER 2 PROCEDURES 2.04 Plan Review. A. Purpose. The purpose of the plan review is to enable the Community Development Department to make a finding that the proposed development conforms with the intent and provisions of this ordinance and all other town ordinances. The Department may be assisted in this determination by engineering department, utility companies, fire district, sanitary district, and other appropriate agencies in the form of written staff recommendations or stamps of approval. The provisions of this section shall apply to the permitted, temporary uses, and special uses as specified for each zoning district. B. Application For Plan Approval. A request for plan approval shall be filed with the Community Development Director or designee, on a form prescribed by the Community Development Director. The request for approval shall be accompanied by two (2) identical copies of the plan. Each copy shall be on one or more sheets of paper measuring not more than twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inches, drawn to a scale not smaller than forty(40)feet to the inch, which show the following: 1. Lot dimensions. L REQUEST FOR INDUSTRIAL UNIT PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT AND ZONING CHANGE TO IND-2 FOR FIREROCK CENTRE Fountain Hills,Arizona • PREPARED BY: G. William Larson Associates, Inc. 16212 Red Mountain Trail • Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 (602) 837-0837 .. • PREPARED FOR: MCO Properties Inc. 16838 E. Palisades Blvd. P. O. Box 17795 Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 (602) 837-9660 DATE PREP DATE REVISED. October tuber 7, 1988 88 2ND REVISION: November 2919988 3RD REVISION: December 12, 1988 ..r Attachment A L A. General Site Development Guidelines: Building Coverage Maximum allowable building coverage shall be 60% of lot area. Grading and Drainage Site grading shall be kept to a minimum and necessary drainage conveyance systems shall be designed as to minimize any adverse effects on the . environment. Paving, buildings and drainage shall be designed for maximum preservation of natural grade and vegetation. Areas intended to be left in a natural undisturbed state (outside the "Development Envelope") should be fenced to prevent damage during construction. Utilities • • All utility services shall be installed and maintained underground. To minimize disturbance of the natural environment all site utility service access should be beneath or directly adjacent to vehicular drives where they penetrate the front setback. Transformers, electric or other meters shall be painted a standard color to blend with the native environment and match the front monument sign or architecture of the building. Setbacks The setback requirements for Firerock Centre are more restrictive than County zoning ordinances and shall prevail in Design Committee review. Unless otherwise specified in these guidelines, no structure shall be placed within these setback lines. Should lots be combined under one ownership and designed as one project, the resultant perimeter setbacks shall prevail and • interior setbacks will be nullified. L Attachment A • TYPICAL LOT DEVELOPMENT TRANSPLANT SIGNIFICANT ROCK OUTCROPS , L. EES AND CACTI WASHES & HEAVILY VEGETATED TO ACCOMODATE WELL AREAS TO BE MAINTAINED --- INTEGRATED BUILDINGS TYPICAL SCREENING FOR - DUMPSTER USING LANDSCAPE AND WALLS — ---- APPROPRIATE ENCROACHMENT INTO 'GENERAL' PRESERVATION AREA'AS DETERMINED BY IN FIELD RECONNAISSANCE /40-44,16 , 10' I i- • ' t�' ••• ' "i TYPICAL :�: 4� .. ... . BUILDING "' SETBACK , s4 i "• :. .ikI�• J — . ./'� Ja.• kg,101 i.- ' � ' t§ .1 ...• . :;. ett, . .. ... ``N \ I� 2_6 F -J " • • • � � TYPICAL41 M ; • , • • • SIGNAGE • 64' — • • ' • ' LOCATION 40-• • . • • • PIC • f .�..I •. 1 • - • - KIN 1 -,.� • r-- • • 1.,1/4:21 20' 10' 46i _ !62 ,ter •. TYPICAL ACC SS � •. •' `+ >- s 11"�7 vs r tmi epic j, .J • -10' DEVELOPMENT ENVELOPE SHOWN DASHED NOTES: WHEN ADJACENT PARCELS ARE COMBINED, DEVELOP- L MENT ENVELOPE MAY RUN UNINTERRUPTED ' BETWEEN PARCELS CONSISTENT WITH ENVIRON- MENTAL CONSTRAINTS. • Attachment A a C. Landscaping The objective of landscaping at Firerock Centre is the utilization and supplementation of the existing native high Sonoran desert vegetation using low profile and low water use plants. Palms, pines, oleanders and green fountain grass are specificly prohibited. Lawn, if used, must not be visible from the street. In order to provide streetscape continuity a limited streetscape plant palate has been specified (see Appendix for a list of allowable plant materials). The uses of decomposed granite is suitable for dressing disturbed areas as long as sufficient revegetation is also provided; the color and size of the granite must match and blend in with the natural material on the site. Colored lava or extensive use of river rock is not allowed. On property held for future development, the native desert vegetation shall remain in its natural state. These areas shall not be used for construction or other storage. Landscaping shall use a dripirrigation s stem or shall be naturalized to adapt P gY P and survive in the desert climate. Parking areas shall be screened from street visibility with low earthen berms and/or desert vegetation. Large parking areas shall have sufficient planting to break up the mass of paving. Loading docks and outdoor storage, if permitted, must be adequately screened from view by means of walls and desert landscaping. Perimeter lot line walls are generally prohibited except as required for screening, privacy or by code. They shall be compatible with the proposed architecture in design, color and texture. If the property owner wishes to make application to the County for an appropriate variance to this code requirement in order to preserve the quality of the desert environment, the Design Review Committee would generally review this variance request positively. Attachment A WALL t iitik i MINT • •. i Ate . 3ab . 4:;7 -� el, y ti / . , ( • -41! se./1„, 4,:j i !pt.*, pi ' • . Aa. LANDSCAPE " • `, / UFFER- 4 e it . /941" ) 1 1. / / • 4. . LL JOGGED WA • �i • 1.. Ix. j BREAKS—UP A 14 t • CONTINUOUS -: WALL PLANE -joy `"l • / K.i • _• , ly r _„) ice► .� b ../ , .. AVOID USE OF WALLS ADJACENT TO • AREAS OF SIGNIFICANT VEGETATION .�►.- �� OR OTHER NATURAL FEATURES \ z1 / \`. r NipE 404 I , . ' 1 = \-\ r L‘‘ ) r\i NOTE: WALLS FACING LOTS 1-17 WILL BE PAINTED A UNIFORM COLOR Attachment A SNATURAL D TO BLEND WITH THE ENVIRONMENT. L Light Industrial (IND-2 zoned lots) front 40 feet along Saguaro Blvd. 25 feet along other streets sideyard 10 feet side st. 25 feet rear 10 feet between bldgs. 10 feet The following improvements are expressly excluded from these setback restrictions: steps, walks, parking, driveway access to-the Site, landscaping, earthen berms, planters not to exceed three feet in height or two feet in height where they would interfere with the visual safety and site access points, illumination and signage. . No truck, trailer, van or other high profile vehicle shall be permitted to park within the front yard parking area and must be parked in rear areas or approved sideyard screened area. L Height • _ __ . The majority of lots (28-60 & 68, 69) are restricted to 22 feet. Lots (61-67) backing to a natural landform are restricted to 35 feet. Lots 1-17 are limited to 18 feet. Lighting All on-site lighting (parking, security and aesthetic) shall be designed so as to shield the light source from all adjacent properties, including community open space and public roadways. No neon lighting shall be permitted. Low profile • lighting will be encouraged. Parking lot lighting fixtures shall not exceed 16 feet in height. L Attachment A Planning &Zoning Commission and Staff Report Mini-Storage Plan of Development November 4, 1999 Page 4 2. Location, size, height, use, and exterior materials of all buildings and structures. 3. Size and dimensions of yards and space between buildings. 4. Location and height of walls and fences. 5. Location, number of spaces, dimensions, circulation patterns, and surface materials for all off-street parking and loading areas, driveways, access ways, and pedestrian walkways. b. The location, dimensions, area, materials and lighting of signage. 7. Location and general nature of lighting. 8. Street dedications and improvements. 9. Existing and proposed grades and drainage systems. 10. The size and locations of all existing and proposed public and private utilities. All easements must be shown and given in writing. 11. Natural features such as mesas, rock outcroppings, or streams and manmade features such as existing roads and structures, with indication as to which are to be retained and which are to be removed or altered. 12. Landscaping, including all surfacing material around buildings and in all open spaces. 13. A vicinity sketch showing the location of the site in relation to the surrounding street system. Adjacent properties and their uses shall be identified. 14. A legal description of the land included in the site plan and of the lot; the name, address and telephone number of the owner, developer and designer. 15. Any other information which the plan checker may find necessary to establish compliance with this and other ordinances. C. Exception. When, in the opinion of the Community Development Director, the nature of the permitted or special use is such that it would be Planning &Zoning Commission and Staff Report Mini-Storage Plan of Development November 4, 1999 Page 5 unnecessary or economically unfeasible for the applicant to prepare a plan in accordance with the above requirements, the Community Development Director may waive certain of the above requirements, but in all cases the applicant will be required to prepare and submit a site plan drawn to scale. D. Fee. The application for plan approval shall be accompanied by a filing fee, which shall include engineering plan review time costs, in an amount established by a schedule adopted by resolution of the Council and filed in the offices of the Town Clerk. No part of the filing fee shall be refundable. Payment of the filing fee may be waived when the petitioner is the town, county, state, school district, or federal government. E. Review Procedures. 1. The Community Development Department shall have five (5) working days from the date of submission of a plan application to review said plan and approve, conditionally approve, request more time or reject said plan based on its compliance with all provisions of this ordinance, all other applicable ordinances, and master plans of the Town of Fountain Hills, and to notify the applicant of the Department's decision in writing. If, however, the Community Development Director wishes to obtain the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Director may forward the plan to the Commission for action at its next regular meeting to be held at least seven (7) days after such action. In such case, the Community Development Director must render a decision within five (5) days after Commission action. In the event of denial, the decision shall set forth in detail the reasons for denial, or in the event of conditional approval, the changes or additions which are necessary to make the plan acceptable. 2. All copies of the approved plan, with any conditions shown thereon or attached thereto, shall be dated and signed by the Community Development Director. One copy of said approved plan and conditions shall be mailed to the applicant, and one copy shall be filed with the Building Inspector. F. Appeals. Any applicant for plan approval who is dissatisfied or aggrieved by the decision of the Community Development Director may appeal such decision to the Board of Adjustment by filing a written notice of appeal with the Community Development Department in accordance the procedures outlined in Section 2.04 of this Ordinance. Planning &Zoning Commission and Staff Report Mini-Storage Plan of Development November 4, 1999 Page 6 G. Expiration of Plan Approval. 1. One (1) year after the date of approval, a plan approval becomes void if a building permit has not been issued. 2. If the applicant files for an extension prior to the approval becoming void, an extension may be granted by the approving bodies. H. Violation and Enforcement. 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Building Inspector shall ascertain that the Zoning Administrator and other reviewing agencies have approved the plans which are in conformance with those presented with the building permit application and that the time limitations imposed by this ordinance have not elapsed. 2. The Building Inspector shall ensure that all matters are undertaken according to the conditions of the approved plan. In the event of a violation, the Building Inspector shall notify the permittee, by mail or written report, that he is in violation of the conditions of the approved plan. If the violation is not cured or a cure is not substantially begun in the opinion of the Building Inspector within ten (10) days after notification, the building permit shall be revoked and shall be null and void. SITE PLAN: The attached site plan for the Technology Drive Mini-Storage has been reviewed by staff for compliance with the standards if the "IND-2 I.U.P.D." zoning on the site. The I.U.P.D. requires that any development be consistent with the General Site Development Guidelines that were approved as a part of the I.U.P.D.. The applicable portions of these guidelines are attached as Attachment A. The plan was found to be consistent with all of these guidelines. There is a forty (40) foot setback along Saguaro Boulevard which is divided into two, twenty-foot wide components. According to the I.U.P.D., the 20 foot wide area closest to Saguaro Boulevard is restricted to the following improvements: 'The following improvements are expressly excluded from these setback restrictions: steps, walks, parking, driveway access to the site, landscaping, earthen berms, planters not to exceed three feet in height or two feet in Planning &Zoning Commission and Staff Report Mini-Storage Plan of Development November 4, 1999 Page 7 height where they would interfere with the visual safety and site access points, illumination and signage." The County modified this statement in stipulation G of the Board of Supervisors Minutes (See Attachment B) to exclude parking or paving other than driveway entrances within this area. Although walls and wall heights are not expressly regulated in this statement, staff believes that the intent of this regulation was to restrict any massing above three feet in height within the full forty-foot setback along Saguaro Boulevard. The County Board of Supervisors modified the guidelines to permit parking and paving within the interior twenty-foot wide area within the forty-foot Saguaro Boulevard setback, but maintained the forty foot setback did not permit "structures", as noted below in the excerpt from the design guidelines: "Setbacks The setback requirements for Firerock Centre are more restrictive than County zoning ordinances and shall prevail in Design Committee review. Unless otherwise specified in these guidelines no structure (emphasis added) shall be placed within these setback lines. Should lots be combined under one ownership and designed as one project, the resultant perimeter setbacks shall prevail and interior setbacks will be nullified." Due to the fact that the Town considers walls in excess of 30 (thirty) inches to be "structures", because building permits are required for walls over thirty inches in height, and because staff believes that it was the intent of the I.U.P.D. to provide open, landscaped or parking areas within the forty-foot setback in order to minimize any massing along Saguaro Boulevard, staff believes that it was the intent of the I.U.P.D. Guidelines to prohibit walls in excess of three feet within the full forty-foot setback along Saguaro Boulevard. However, the I.U.P.D. guidelines also provide language which is inconsistent with the above-noted excerpts. The Guidelines also state that: "Perimeter lot line walls are generally prohibited except as required for screening, privacy or by code. They shall be compatible with the proposed architecture in design, color and texture"; and, "All parking areas adjacent to any abutting right-of-way shall incorporate screening by use of vegetation and/or walls to a minimum of three feet in height." L Planning &Zoning Commission and Staff Report Mini-Storage Plan of Development November 4, 1999 Page 8 On October 28, 1999 the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the Plan of Development for Technology Mini-Storage. The Commission added the stipulation that the building frontage on Saguaro Blvd. be reduced to a single level or moved to the interior of the project. Due to the inconsistent regulations in the I.U.P.D. guidelines regarding walls and wall heights, staff recommends that the wall location and height regulations of the "IND-2" base zoning district be utilized for the development. The "IND-2" Zoning District has front and street side-yard setbacks of 25 feet. Therefore, staff recommends that no walls be developed within 25 feet of the site's lot lines on Saguaro Boulevard and Technology Drive. On January 11, 1995 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended Town Council approval of the Plan of Development for the Armored Saguaro Mini-Storage facility with the stipulation that no wall in excess of 3.5 feet be developed within 25 feet of the front lot line. Council approved the Armored Saguaro Mini-Storage facility, however, a building permit was not applied for within the two(2)year expiration limit. The current application under consideration maintains a forty(40)foot landscaped buffer along Saguaro Boulevard, a twenty-five (25) foot landscape buffer along Technology, and ten (10)foot buffers on the side and alley lot lines. RECOMMENDATION: Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Plan of Development for the Technology Drive Mini-Storage Facility with the following stipulations: 1. That building permits be issued for the development if the plans are in conformance with the Industrial Unit Plan Of Development for the site. 2. That the landscape plan conforms to Section 605.C.6. of the Subdivision Ordinance of the Town of Fountain Hills and all other applicable ordinances. 3. That the 22 foot building "A" be reduced to a single story or moved into the interior of the project. 4. A clear aisle of 3 feet shall be provided between any parking space and/or structure allowing unobstructed access to all storage units. 7 L • CRITERIA FOR APPROPRIATE ENCROACHMENT INTO "PRESERVATION AREAS" I • In-field reconnaissance that determines a more precise alignment of the development envelope while still respectingenviro constraints and qualities. nmental • Combination of adjacent parcels while maintaining environmental constraints and qualities. • Architectural and/or engineering constraints deemed n _-4 .to accomplish appropriate character and treatment, ecessary • Allowance for pedestrian circulation between buildin s areas separated by a preservation corridor. • g 'or other • Transplanting of significant vegetation such as trees and cacti to a location within the same property. CRITERIA FOR PARKING DESIGN • All parking areas and driveways shall be paved with a County approved asphaltic or cement concrete surface. • • Quantity provided shall be according to county standards. • All parking areas adjacent to any abutting right-of-way shall incorporate a landscape area with a minimum width of five feet. • AlI parking areas adjacent to any abutting right-of-way shall incorporate screening by use of vegetation and/or walls to a • minimum of three feet in height. • All parking areas shall incorporate a 6-inch high curb or a wheel barrier. L Attachment A (ww PLANNING AND ZONING CASES: Z 88-55 G. William Larson, Assoc. and Commission Initiative for M.C.O. Prop. , Inc. Part of the South 1/2, Section 27, Township 3 North, Range 6 East , G&SRB&M which is 60.11 acres on-the North side of Saguaro Boulevard and South of Shea Boulevard. Request : From Ind-1 and Ind-1 P.D. to Ind-2 I.U.P.D. and Ind-2 P.D. I.U.P.D. Commission Recommendation: Recommended for approval of I.U.P.D. on all lots and Ind-2 on lots 28 through 39 and 51 through 69 subject to the following requirements: a) Development in accordance with the Plan of Development entitled, "Industrial Unit Plan of Development for the Firerock Centre Business Park" consisting of 4 sheets dated revised November 28, 1988. b) Compliance with the provisions in the Narrative Report entitled "Firerock Centre" dated revised December 12, 1988. c) The minimum distance between buildings shall be 10 feet as noted in the Narrative Report. d) The discussion in the Narrative Report regarding Maricopa County as a party to the CC&R's be deleted. Maricopa County will not enforce the deed restrictions for this project. e) Approval of this I.U.P.D. shall permit administrative approval of individual site plans based on the information and material submitted as part of this application. Each individual site plan shall be reviewed to determine that it complies with both the spirit and the letter of all the stipulations that are part of this application. Any issues not resolved administratively will be formally submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. f) Major changes to this Industrial Unit Plan of Development with regard to use and intensity must be processed as a revised application with approval by the Board of Supervisors upon recommendation of the Commission. Minor changes to the Industrial Unit Plan of Development may be administratively approved by the Department of Planning and Development. EXTRACTS FROM THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1989 Case Number 2:$$-55 Page / of 1 PagesAttachment B • L g) There shall be no parking or paving other than driveway access to the site within the forty (40) foot setback from Saguaro Boulevard. h) The CC&R's submitted as part of this application shall be recorded prior to the issuance of Zoning Clearance for any new industrial use on any lot in the subject property. i) Lots along Saguaro Boulevard shall have front yards on Saguaro Boulevard. The Clerk reported that the case had been continued from the meeting held April 3, 1989. Supervisor Bruner stated support for the application and asked if the applicant objected to any of the stipulations. Bill Larson, representing the applicant, requested the following: area to 1) That the i n c 1 de lots 240-50 Pwhich.D. e hads been designated ud d the by entire Planning and Zoning Commission. 2) To amend stipulation "g" to read ". . . within the twenty (20) foot setback from Saguaro Boulevard." (Underlined text represents the change.) 3) To include an additional stipulation "j" to read "that building coverage shall not include covered parking structures." Chairman Koory asked if the proposed "j" is normally included. Don McDaniel , Assistant County Manager, General Services, advised that the Board could require "j." In response to no. "1)" above, Mr. McDaniel explained that the Commission had excluded ltsL40-50 base n and dton n discussions that occurred between the Commission , Mr. Homeowner's Association who had voiced concerns about this are Howriever, Mr. McDaniel said the Association now supports the applicant's request. Mr. McDaniel believed that the Commission would not have excluded the lots nor amended "g" if the area resident's had not been concerned. Supervisor Bruner said that typically, residents are concerned with Ind-2 because of the uses woullowed. However, he d be enforced by thesresidentsC&R's would limit the uses and the CC&R Supervisor Freestone said he was not concerned about the Ind-2 zoning for lots 40-50 because of the CC&R's. EXTRACTS FROM THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1989 Case Number z Sk g Page Pe 2 of L Pages Attachment B • L Chairman Koory asked if the Planning and Zoning Commission should reconsider this case relating to lots 40-50 now that the residents have withdrawn their opposition. Mr. McDaniel said only if the opposition had continued would he have recommended that the case go back to the Commission. In answer to a question by Supervisor Bruner, Mr. McDaniel did not object to the applicant's proposed stipulation "j." Supervisor Bruner said he had visited the area , met with the residents, and had received no letters in opposition to the request. Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner for approval11 of the request from Ind-1 and Ind-1 P.D. to Ind-2 I .U.P.D. and Ind-2 P.D.h I U.P.D. through including lots 40-50, subject to stipulations "a" through "f"; "i" • and "g" and "j" as follows: g) There shall be no parking or paving other than driveway access to the site within the twenty (20) foot setback from Saguaro Boulevard. j) Building coverage shall not include covered parking structures. Supervisor Carpenter expressed concern about the close proximity of the proposed Ind-2 zoning to residential areas. Supervisor Bruner ssti dctathe since use of the &so's uthernld be lots. enforced by the residents, they could re Supervisor Carpenter stated concern about the CC&R proposal for because residents would be responsiblelitigation costs the restrictions were violated. In answer to a question by Supervisor Carpenter, Mr. McDaniel explained that staff's recommendation was based solely on the opposition. In addressing Supervisor Carpenter's concerns, Mr. Gilbert explained how the Homeowner's Ase violated.oionwould collect litigation costs from MCO if the restrictions Supervisor Carpenter asked if the P.D. would be required even if lots 40-50 were excluded. Mr. Gilbert discussed how the applicant volunteered to propose the P.D. requirement. EXTRACTS FROM THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1989 Case Number Z$$"SJ Page of Pages Attachment B L Supervisor Freestone stated support for the application and said the proposed zoning would be improvement from the existing one. Motion carried with Supervisors Bruner, Freestone, Pastor and Chairman Koory voting "aye" and Supervisor Carpenter voting "no" for the reasons stated in the record. Attachment B EXTRACTS FROM THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1989 Case Number Z 158_5 s Page l of 4 Pages TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS v.Ise."0d COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L *Additional checksheet required Date Filed Fee Pakp - Not Applicable- Accepted By / /0/77 4f /0 0 C.el 1 Plat Name/Number Block Lot(s) -EL2ftn'Ess r"� k LA-T gig Z81 l (L1c 4S°) Parcel Size Number of Lots 3 . -11 .Es +/- I Number of Tracts Zoning T.—/J - General Plan Land Use Designation -- N\ t n) - STvQ."1,0re Density Requested(Dwelling Units Per Acre) Applicant Day Phone ' , Nose Lc.) 0 (LioS) ?CIO- 9S-0 8 Address _ City ST Zip D, aD zd ? Ebrviok.)D Dic_ 7So93 Owner Day Phone S�aM� (b ci(S—S`tZ( Address City ST Zip Please describe the intended use for this property M•n�i - Signatur,`I Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date it TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 19 My Commission Expires Notary Public (Seal) TFH Case Number L Saguaro Mini-Storage Project Narrative August 5, 1999 w WESTAR The proposed site is located at the northeast corner of Saguaro Blvd. and Technology Drive in the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona. • The following is a summary of our request: 1. The proposed development will consist of a multi-story low intensity,controlled access self storage facility, with five buildings totaling approximately 82,576 SF of storage area. The two story building will include a 1500 SF office area along with a 24 hour security surveillance system. The operating hours will be 7:00 am to 7:00 PM daily. Coy 2. The existing property is currently zoned IND-2 I.V.P.D.,which allows for the proposed self storage use. The property contains a gross area of 4.1 AC. and a net area of 3.37 AC.,with a building coverage of 39%. Additionally,this project and a similar site layout was approved by the Planning&Zoning Bd. along with the City Council in 1996. 3. The surrounding land use and zoning pattern for the subject site is,IND-I to the north,C-O to the south,R-3 &IND-2 I.U.P.D. to ARCHITECTURE P the east and IND-2 I.U.P.D to the west. The proposed land use PROJECT MANAGEMENT and zoning is compatible with the surrounding elements based on the intent of the classification as defined by the zoning WESTAR ARCHITECTURAL GROUP ordinances. INCORPORATED 4700 E.THOMAS ROAD SUITE 203 PHOENIX,ARIZONA 85018 TEL 602-840-4900 FAX 602-840-0667 4. The building heights for the north, west and portions of the east W ARCHITECTURAL GROUP will be 10'-8"and a max. height of 22'-0"to the south at the two INEVADA,INCORPORATED 3900 MEADOWS LANE SUITE 220 LAS VEGAS,NEVADA 89107 TEL 702-878-0000 50( q ' FAX�7l1�.R7R.Rd ill . story building. The building setbacks are 10'-0"at the north and west property lines,25'-0"at the east property line and 40'-0" at the south property line. 5. To the best of our knowledge and belief the subject site is not contained within the limits of a special use or study area. The subject approval is in accordance with the goals and objectives of the General Plan and promotes good planning principals such to provide limited access development onto major arterial roadways while buffering low density districts from the subject traffic impacts of higher intensity industrial/commercial uses. • L L CIe.m,.Y..arm ral..14111111... ..m. .o....>....,a..,...vt.,.ma ....OP.a.e...lo.e,=.... 0............onset moo nun.....Le...... .....,........wa....m"n........al crir / / I , / 61 /I' ° 'ti4 / y 11 0 1 l Q ��oI413/ 46 a / / = o i ii /',' 11.: , il„ 1 all Al. r ,‘ / / / i . m i /19 i / ir MI 1 m(-, NH , , An , ' ,-, / , a , , 0 a„,„,,,, CV / -0 i /, " mi al Z iMil a / I w ....,; iffik .. 6-O E .,G E I i 'ySA; IIIIIIIIIIIMII i E 4 b l g I I II I Mill 1 1 . , i , s 000 r win 1 nii 0. , ... . ,,___, g .,...„ .r. , . r 4 41 - .:::.*m _:,,,.,.. z . Ili_ gir..._ wo I y j C Y.,,. ,,. .. ,,. Q .t.,. 1 ., I s',„___,3,__:Ttt".',,, e c'''` Ara 0 I I '''' L ,, __ , ... 0 . , „,, , , „,„. _____a.r,_ „ .. .,,,,: ,_:„..„,, ,.,,to 0 „ ..._ .. . , , ,, 0 il -I. _I----- O r { DRIVE 4 / i9 d < irn t sseo i i0lwI ° l %Eil 1 g o o Z sidiaq ' )1'0 A1 I t 4' ' ' E9 A6 pD 4 i i 4 i R aI i l l i fi ih3i 99V A r i S 4 A g g y a s 6 9 4 _ is 1 it D atBIg- iif a9§ Ea.g y a gg 1(4��1 yy p - k i A i 3 6 A9 E t C Y E ; ri >; x IIZ 3 6 4. ......,, A NEW MINI—STORAGE FACILITY: pop t Ti e S 4 T Q A 4 R Q" DR-1 maim.' ii ❑o❑o❑ , L` arm. 996Q0■!O■_TUD p 00000 T■09II9Q.i..,■a.. 9264 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE 000009�'.timm■' r r6sAcmr 0 r! 1 o1 700.i6 IOU.SUM>xi. Q.A■ZOM 66016 p ..,,,,,_:.o. ses. FOUNTAIN HILLS. ARIZONA �IESTAR 7OD1107R: (669)010-4900 FAX: (66i)640-0667 1 5(4 99.