HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.1202.TCREMP.Packet l*ITAIN 111,�� NOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE SESSION AN a = OF THE �that �,,A`b FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL is Mayor Morgan Vice Mayor Apps Councilwoman Wiggishoff Councilman Wyman Councilman Poma Councilman Mower Councilwoman Hutcheson WHEN: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1999 TIME: 6:30 P.M. WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL—ADOPTED 1/18/90 is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting,please Nitisahere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3) Please stand,approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5) TIME LIMIT—THREE(3)MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6) Statements should not be repetitive. 7) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • PLEDGE TO THE FLAG— • INVOCATION—Pastor Don Schrage,Trinity Lutheran Church • ROLL CALL Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine, non-controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an L. item on the consent agenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session December 2, 1999 *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of November 16 and 18, 1999. *2.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST submitted by Mitch Silver for the Silver Collector Car Auction to be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 13, 14 and 15, 2000. The event will operate from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. each day. No street closures will be required. *3.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST submitted by Stan Connick for the Falcon Boosters "Closing the Gapp" 5K Run/Walk to be held on Sunday, January 23, 2000, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The fund raising event will occupy portions of El Lago Boulevard from Verde River Drive to Mary Munde Walk, Avienda Vida Buena from Mary Munde Walk to the Avenue of the Fountains, and the Avenue of the Fountains from Avienda Vida Buena to Verde River Drive. The event will require some traffic control but no street closures. *4.) Consideration of the FINAL PLAT for FireRock Country Club Parcel "I" a 20 lot 2 tract subdivision, consisting of 8.5 acres, located in the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan, Case#S98-037. *5.) Consideration of REJECTING ALL BIDS received for Fountain Park Phase I Improvements Bid #PR99- 021. 6.) ANNOUNCEMENT AND RECOGNITION of the winners of the Adopt-A-Street contest. 7.) INTRODUCTION of the members of the Fountain Hills Mayor's Youth Council. 8.) Consideration of ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION of the Community Benefits Review Committee regarding the distribution of Community Benefit funds approved in the 1999/2000 fiscal year budget. 9.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 1999-58, amending the pay resolution for employees in the municipal service of the Town of Fountain Hills. 10.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 99-34, amending the Town Code of the Town of Fountain Hills, Chapter 9, Section 9-2-3,to include an attendance policy and procedure. 11.) PUBLIC HEARING on a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for a Wireless Communications Facility in the RI-10 Zoning District, located on Lots 5 & 6, Block 5, Final Plat 505-A aka 15944 Rocky Mountain Place, Case #SU99-09. (Due to Planning and Zoning continuation,the Council will also be continuing this item.) 12.) Consideration of SPECIAL USE PERMIT for a Wireless Communications Facility in the R1-10 Zoning District,located on Lots 5 &6,Block 5,Final Plat 505-A aka 15944 Rocky Mountain Place,Case#SU99-09. 13.) PUBLIC HEARING on a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for a Wireless Communications Facility in the C-1 Zoning District, located in Tract B, Plat 430, adjacent to the SRP Glenbrook Substation Case#SU99-10. (Due to Planning and Zoning continuation,the Council will also be continuing this item.) 14.) Consideration of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for a Wireless Communications Facility in the C-1 Zoning District,located in Tract B,Plat 430,adjacent to the SRP Glenbrook Substation Case#SU99-10. 15.) Consideration of a CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES for the lake liner rehabilitation project. 16.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC Public comment is encouraged but please be advised that the Council has no ability to respond or discuss matters brought up Lduring the Call to the Public as such discussion is prohibited by the Arizona Open Meeting Law. Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 3 Last printed December 1, 1999 12:29 PM Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session December 2, 1999 17.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.3., A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4., and A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.7., VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion or consultations for legal advice with the attorney or attorneys of the public body regarding the Los Arcos Multipurpose Facilities District and the Barclay Group; AND discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position in pending or contemplated litigation regarding the Town versus MCO Properties; AND discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding negotiation for the purchase or lease of real property with regards to the possible acquisition of Chaparral City Water Company;respectively. 18.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION. 19.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 1st day of December, 1999. By: C ` . Cassie B. Hansen,Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice)or 1- 800-367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. Town of Fountain Hills Page 3 of 3 Last printed December 1, 1999 12:29 PM MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND TO CO !f FROM: PAUL L. NORDIN, TOWN MANAG r DATE: NOVEMBER 24, 1999 RE: MANAGER'S REPORT FOR THE DECEMBER 2nd COUNCIL MEETING Reminders: Two public hearings are on this agenda. We will hold an Executive Session immediately following the regularly scheduled council meeting. Town Hall will be closed Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th, in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. The Town will celebrate its 10th Anniversary on Saturday, December 4`h. You are all invited to join Mayor Morgan and walk down memory lane with past and present councilmembers. The ceremony begins at 5:00 p.m. at the intersection of Verde River Drive and Avenue of the Fountains. NOTE: A memorandum is included (at the bottom of this packet) from Tom Ward regarding ADEQ's electric catalytic oxidizer to be placed on Glenbrook Blvd. This is not a part of the council meeting agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: There are five items on the consent agenda. Please review each item and contact me should you determine any should be removed. AGENDA ITEM# 6 - ADOPT-A STREET ART CONTEST WINNERS: Mayor Morgan (or Councilman Mower) will present savings bonds certificates to the top three winners of the 4th and 5th grade student's art contest for designs relating to "Keeping Fountain Hills Beautiful in the 21st Century". The contest was sponsored by the Adopt-A- Street Committee and judged by the Fountain Hills Arts Council. AGENDA ITEM#7 - FOUNTAIN HILLS YOUTH COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Morgan will introduce the members of the 1999-2000 Mayor's Youth Council. This organization was formed to strengthen the capabilities of the Town's youth by creating opportunities to develop leadership skills and work on community service projects. Robin's memo is attached. Town Manager's Report December 2,1999 Council Meeting Page 1 of 3 AGENDA ITEM#8 - RECOMMENDATION OF COMMUNITY BENEFITS REVIEW COMMITTEE: The request for $80,000 to fund community benefit programs was approved during the budget process for FY '99-00. A total of seven applications for funding were submitted this year. The Community Benefits Committee will meet on November 29th to prepare their recommendation to the Council, after which Cassie will provide you with the information. Please see Cassie's attached memo. AGENDA ITEM#9 - RESOLUTION 1999-58/PAY RESOLUTION: Council will consider amending a resolution to establish salary ranges for all Town employees. Staff obtained outside consultant services from Dr. Michael Nash of Nash and Company, Inc. to perform a more in-depth study of employee compensation and job classifications. Dr. Nash will be present on Thursday evening to discuss the details of the study and answer any questions you may have. Cassie's report is attached. AGENDA ITEM# 10 - ORDINANCE 99-34/ATTENDANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURE: This agenda item recommends amending the "Parks and Recreation" section of the Town Code to add an attendance policy and procedure for its Commissioners. The Parks and Recreation Commission approved (6-0) the amendment at their November 8th meeting. Please see Robin's memo. AGENDA ITEMS # 11 & # 12 - PUBLIC HEARING/SPECIAL USE PERMIT/ WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY/ROCKY MOUNTAIN PLACE: A public hearing is scheduled to receive comments regarding Sprint PCS's request for a special use permit. This request concerns a possible stealth wireless facility to be located at 15944 Rocky Mountain Place. The Planning and Zoning Commission continued the application to their December 9th meeting. Staff recommends that the Council continue this application until January 20, 2000. Geir's report is enclosed. AGENDA ITEMS# 13 & # 14 - PUBLIC HEARING/SPECIAL USE PERMIT/ WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY/GLENBROOK SUBSTATION: Another public hearing is on the agenda to gather input concerning the consideration of a special use permit for a stealth wireless facility at the Salt River Project, Tract "B". The Planning and Zoning Commission continued this item until December 9th. It is recommended that Council continue this application until December 16th. See Geir's memo. L Manager's Report November 18,1999 Council Meeting Page 2 of 3 AGENDA ITEM# 15 - LAKE LINER REPLACEMENT CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES: Information regarding this subject will be distributed to you early next week. AGENDA ITEM# 17 - EXECUTIVE SESSION: Town Attorney Bill Farrell will provide the information prior to the meeting. L L Manager's Report November 18,1999 Council Meeting Page 3 of 3 (11p, Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Date: DECEMBER 1, 1999 Re: AGENDA ITEM #8—COMMUNITY BENEFIT RECOMMENDATION AGENDA ITEM #9— PAY RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEMS #8—COMMUNITY BENEFIT RECOMMENDATION As rn the u received last Friday, the Community Benefits Committee met at 10:00 p.m. ' r? y, November review the applications for Community Benefit funds. It has always beengratifying in the- ,to work with the citizen committees that are willing to take the time to s e applications and Meet'Witttheir peers to discuss the merits and qualifications of each. The -Ct mu tiitya Benefits Committee,thi W rear was no different. It was evident that all five members had if �� thoroughly reviewed each app�tiora and weighed the benefits of each to. the community. There was c� y©l`stron for u t orientedp'r , cts and high-priority operational items such as the forklift for The;seven': awplstions are listedbelow along with the requested and recommended amounts of funding: fl 1 RGANIZATIOrty „y �, REQUEST RECOMMENDATION Fotnniiis-CXITP ommunity Theater $30,000 $25,000 St. Dominic's Food Bank $26,000 $27,000 Golden Eagle Foundation $15,000 $17,500 Cub Scout Pack 243 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Fountain Hills High School Leadership Team $ 4,500 $ 4,500 Vocational Educational Tech Prep $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Fountain Hills Chamber Players $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Total $81,500 $80,000 Since the total requests exceeded the funds available by only $1,500, the biggest decision facing the Committee was choosing which group to reduce. After reviewing last year's funding, the Committee decided to reduce the Community Theater's request by $5,000. They felt that an award of$25,000 for Page 1 of 2 Cassie Hansen Last printed December 1,1999 1:51 PM December 1, 1999 December 1, 1999 the Theater was more in line with the $20,000 they received last year. All expressed support for the Theater's programs but were unanimous in their decision to reduce the requested amount. The $5,000 reduction remedied the $1,500 "shortfall" and provided an additional $3,500 for funding consideration. The Committee felt very strongly about the humanitarian services provided by the Food Bank and decided to allocate an additional $1,000 to the Food Bank's request. They also identified the Senior Services Course Scholarship program included in the Golden Eagle Foundation request as a top priority, awarding that specific program the remaining $2,500. All other groups received the funding requested in their applications. The Committee reached unanimous consensus on their recommendation in approximately 25 minutes. They were pleased with their recommendation and felt the funding amounts were fair. All members felt that the requests were justified, fit the criteria, and represented a variety of benefits to the community. If you have any questions or would like to see the applications in their entirety, please do not hesitate to contact me. Staff recommends approval of the Community Benefits Committee's recommendation for funding distribution. AGENDA ITEM #9— PAY RESOLUTION Last Friday's packet included a staff report on Resolution 1999-58, amending the pay resolution for Town employees. As noted in that memo, Mr. Nordin has reviewed all comments received on the resolution and approved the document for distribution. (A copy of the resolution is attached and includes both current and proposed ranges.) His review included a final accounting of the financial impact of the resolution. In past years, the manager has always made it a policy that amended pay resolutions not result in immediate salary increases for any employee. This year, because of the extensive scope of work and analysis involved in the creation of the pay resolution, Mr. Nordin desires to implement the document as presented, waiving the "no immediate increase" requirement. The resolution as presented would result in immediate salary increases for eighteen employees at a total cost of $16,300. Each of the positions was closely examined to insure that the increase was justified. Dr. Nash and staff feel that the proposed ranges for these positions are consistent with the goals and objectives of the compensation and classification study. As mentioned in the earlier staff report, Dr. Nash will be present at the Council meeting and prepared to explain the process and answer any questions the Council may have. Paul, Deb or I would be happy to address any questions you may have prior to the meeting. Staff recommends approval of Resolution 1999-58. 2 Interofice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION 0)/-A41°-) Date: December 1, 1999 Re: REVISED AGENDA &ADDITIONAL PACKET MATERIALS In your packet distributed last Friday, additional materials were promised on three agenda items. This auxiliary packet includes additional material on the following items: Agenda Item #8—The Community Benefits Committee recommendation Agenda Item #9—Resolution 1999-58, amending the pay resolution Agenda Item #15—The Lake Liner Rehabilitation Project Also included is a revised agenda. The only change was to consent agenda item #5 regarding the contract for Fountain Park Phase I improvements. All of the bids received were too high and staff is if recommending that the Council reject all bids. Please see enclosed materials from Robin. If youYq have an' uestions► please don't hesitate to call. L Page 1 of 1 Staff Report for 9/16/99 Meeting Last printed December 1,1999 2:17 PM (110„ Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Date: NOVEMBER 24, 1999 Re: AGENDA ITEM #2— SPECIAL EVENT— SILVER COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION AGENDA ITEM #3 —SPECIAL EVENT— CLOSING THE GAPP 5K RUN AGENDA ITEM #2— SILVER COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST Mitch Silver and;, Cerwayko have submitted a special event request for the Silver Collector Car gym,, A n to be h ion :Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 13, 14 and 15, 2000. The event is scheduledeto.operate from,,�10 =a.m. to 10:00 p.m. all three days. This is the third year for this event. Due to a number of problems`'that;.occurred last year, the event sponsors contracted with Keith McMahan and Don Kinderto insure that all requirements of the event be satisfied and all of last year's Is ,be remedied. McMahan and Mr. Kinder met with Scott LeGreca, Steve Gendler, Pat Harvey, ]oars w�la� ip and_me to discuss aspects of the event. Since the location of the event last year caused some problems for local businesses, the event is returning to the location used the first year. The tent will occupy the area just north of the American Legion that will be providing the liquor license for. the event. The Legion will be submitting an extension of premise permit at the next Council meeting. The entire event area will be fenced, using a significant portion of the block bounded by Saguaro/Prriew, Verde River and the Avenue. Organizers have already obtained a permit from the 208 Property COwners,, , i-tion to use four blocks in Plat 208. Fire Marshal LeGreca insured that proper emergency access was included in the plan. Reserved customer parking will be supplied for local merchants and the event coordinators will be personally contacting all merchants in the event area. One of the problems last year was the parking of car trailers in the right of way in the event area. This year stipulations have been added that all trailers be parked on Stewart Vista and Verde River south of the Avenue of the Fountains. This will eliminate the congestion caused by these vehicles in the downtown area. Although no street closures are required, Marshal Gendler has provided a detailed traffic safety plan (please see attached memo from Steve). The area is currently being posted for a temporary use permit that is necessary for this type of commercial event. If no complaints are received by the Community Development Director, the permit will be issued administratively. A certificate of insurance in on file. Based on the remedial provisions provided in the planning 1 of 2 Cassie Hansen Last printed November 24,1999 12:21 PM November 24, 1999 November 24, 1999 kir for this event, staff recommends approval with all five stipulations listed in Marshal Gendler's memo. AGENDA ITEM #3—CLOSING THE GAPP 5K RUN/WALK SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST Stan Connick has submitted a special event request on behalf of the Falcon Boosters for a "Closing The Gap" 5K Run/Walk to be held on January 23, 2000 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The purpose of the event is to raise funds for the Fountain Hills Middle/High School German Club exchange program called "GAPP". Mr. Connick originally requested a route that used the Avenue of the Fountains, requiring street closures on Saguaro Boulevard and the Avenue. He worked with Marshal Gendler, Pat Harvey and me to come up with an alternative route that would not require street closures (please see enclosed map). The Marshal Department will provide for traffic control at La Montana and the Avenue and event organizers will provide additional personnel to assist along the route. A certificate of insurance will be provided prior to the event. Based on the arrangements that have been made to provide a safe race route with minimal traffic interruptions, staff recommends approval. If you have any questions or desire additional information prior to the Council meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me. kow 2 Fountain Hills Memorandum TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler DATE: November 14, 1999 SUBJECT: Special Event Request - Car Auction/Car Show The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event requests which includes a car auction, classic car show, and live entertainment scheduled for January 13-16th. Despite the dates the on the application, subsequent meetings with the event coordinators indicated that they will need set up and take down time included in the special event request. Executive Summary: The proposed auction and car show would take place in the parking area bordered by Parkview, Avenue of the Fountains, Saguaro, and Verde River while the entertainment and concessions would be behind the American Legion Hall. The American Legion anticipates applying for a special event liquor license to accommodate sale of alcohol in conjunction with this event. I have had extensive discussions with the event organizers who have made revisions in their original plans to accommodate my concerns and questions. The following is a summary of the event as agreed upon following those discussions. Traffic Control: The event coordinators are not requesting any street closures or detours and would be storing the auction vehicles on the plat 208 lot north of Parkview. They have secured approval of the 208 property owners association for this purpose. During those times when vehicles would have to be moved from storage to the auction location, a traffic control officer will be used to temporarily halt traffic on Parkview. Customers of all other businesses on Parkview, Verde River and Avenue of the Fountains would have unrestricted access. All fencing and staging plans for the car auction portion of the event makes entrances and access via Parkview which is a wide roadway. The manner in which this event has been planned eliminates street closures, detours and limitations on business access. It will, however, produce vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the on Parkview. Parking: Based on our experience from previous years, particular emphasis has been placed on arrangements to ensure that car carriers, truck transports and trailers will be parked on Verde River Drive or Stewart Vista south of Avenue of the Fountains. Handicapped parking provisions have been made on Avenue of the Fountains with access through the plaza area near Fountain Oasis Realty. The event organizers are arranging entrances in such a manner as to make use of the paved parking lots between Parkview and Palisades so as not to cause congestion on La Montana or Avenue of the Fountains. In addition, they intend to post signs on Avenue of the Fountains to reserve convenient parking for local business customers. Security: The promoter has arranged security in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce. In going over the public safety provisions with the promoter's representatives, I expressed concerns in three areas; access to the area where alcoholic beverages will be available, crowd control, and provisions for ensuring security of cash. These are being addressed through a combination of private security and off-duty law enforcement officers. The organizers are also working with the fire department to ensure the availability of ambulance in the area during the concerts when crowds are expected to be at their largest. On a voluntary basis, the Marshals Department will attempt to keep officers in the area as much as possible. Our role will be to enforce parking regulations, ensure pedestrian safety, and discourage criminal activity on public streets. However, the promoter remains solely responsible for all aspects of security within the area covered by the special event application including crowd control, checking identification, protection of his vehicles, cash, and personal property. Specific Provisions: In considering this special event request, I am asking that the Council make the following provisions conditions of approval: 1. In the interest of traffic control and to minimize inconvenience to our residents, the auction promoter should be held to a single vehicle entrance located off of Parkview; 2. In the interest of crowd control and to meet state liquor requirements, the auction organizer should be absolutely required to restrict pedestrian access and be limited to only the two public entrances specified in his application; 3. The promoter be held absolutely responsible for ensuring that all trucks, trailers, and service vehicles relating to the auto action be stored on Stewart Vista or Verde River south of Avenue of the Fountains; 4. That emergency vehicle needs be met through gates in the fencing around the auto auction to accommodate Fire, Ambulance and emergency exits; and, 5. Use of the parking lots be approved, in writing, by the Plat 208 Property Owners Association emphasisizing to the merchants that the town is not responsible for ensuring customer parking for businesses bordering those lots. Recommendation: I believe this will be a worthwhile event consistent with the objectives of the town, the Council and the Chamber of Commerce. As currently planned, it will result in no road closures, detours or inconvenience to motorists. However, if, in the opinion of law enforcement and fire officials, public safety concerns or crowd control requires the town to commit additional resources, it will be done at the promoter's expense. Based on that condition, as well as adherence to the specific provisions outlined in the previous section, I recommend approval by the Council. Steve Gendler Marshal L L po,* TIN C-l1t- Special l mrtia Repeat Itztastratedlana &lima I b0 �1fiatu b Ca „514. ,-JAA/SEV ho q 5 To insure a timely and thorough application process, please adhere to the following procedure and supply the requested information along with the completed application form. 1. Application forms should be picked up from the Town Clerks office at least six weeks prior to your event. All forms and submittals MUST BE RETURNED to theClerk's office FOUR weeks prior to the event to allow for ample review time and Council approval. Applications submitted less than four weeks prior to the event will not be accepted. 2. Be sure to arrange for insurance coverage. Please make sure to read the liability release and indemnification agreement on page two of the event request prior to signing the application. You must be an authorized signer to sign the application. Supply the name of your insurance company, policy number and policy dates on page two of your application. A certificate of insurance must be received by the Clerk's office one week prior to Council review. When requesting a certificate of insurance from your insurance carrier,please advise them that the certificate MUST: - BE FROM A COMPANY LICENSED IN ARIZONA AND RATED"B"OR BETTER BY A.M. BEST CO., OR APPEAR ON THE ARIZONA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT APPROVED LIST OF NON-ADMITTED CARRIERS - REFERENCE THE NAME AND DATE OF THE EVENT - NAME THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED - STATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST • 3. Include a town map with your packet which clearly depicts the area in which your event will be taking place, including barricades, fencing, closures, booths, etc. 4. Obtain written permission from property owners if your event is taking place on private property. 5. At least one week prior to the event, prepare press releases for the paper referencing any street closures. 6. When you turn in your request, the Clerk will log in your application. Arrangements will be made for you to meet with the Town Marshal and the Fire Chief who will coordinate the public safety requirements of your event. (Attached are some guidelines provided by the ` Fire Department with regards to their permit requirements - only one permit, the special event request, will be needed for both the Town Marshal and Fire Department.) If the size of your event requires additional contract services, the Town Marshal will make the necessary arrangements. He will let you know what financial arrangements will be required for these services. . The Town Marshal and Fire Chief will sign off on the back of your application indicating that the appropriate arrangements have been made. The application will then be returned to the Clerk for Council action. (over) fillTama off Mk ao ,- " g. RECEIVED t: 41464 �� �4° Special Event Request 464>s SEP 3 0 1999 FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN CLERK Name of Event Coordinator friVA S l er ei II Ctierwr N Address: / 57+ 3 3 Ce V'C, A !f u pet vC wNf ath Pt(I; A„ma.ovia TS SZ68 Telephone: (residence) ('1 äb) Er31 '7Yq 5 (business) S Z IM-t. If the event is designed to be held on behalf of any person other than the applicant,the applicant shall supply written authorization from the organization sponsoring the event,dated not more than 90 days before the application,authorizing the applicant to apply for the permit on the sponsor's behalf. (cAi)3O1 L- 1 y 47c Name of Organization- S 1 Lt1 E CttC, p OA Ad OW Telephon 7.. 7 4 Address of Headquart- • - b a • hi R r r• - ii W ' Q q 2 6,5'' Description of Event: Co 11 e a t w Cbti A. c#/ 0 h Purpose of Event- F MAIM M PAS A fl ve c f/0I!`c• E'wQ • A/ms• is l i q ID N)A Location of Event: Sec. 5 6 - Plat ri 2.0P (Attach map or diagram of area to be used for event) al 1.1 Date of Event: ��•����(Beginning Time:JD AM Ending Time: PM What portion of the roadway, if any, will the event occupy? ) bWe - fi t,\ vier a 5 eWIC ira f c cc 4ol Estimated number of persons, vehicles (and types, i.e. cars, trucks), animals, etc. participating: 760 Gars • 2c.o.) e1•NAA$eI w ,/b1 ab petIvie ceAI) Do you anticipate a need for the Town to provide any of the following. Please NOW The Town Marshal(or designated official)may establish requirements that may include (but are not limited to)personnel for emergency,traffic and crowd control,traffic control devices,and other services and equipment deemed necessary for the protection of event attendees as well as the community as a whole. Personnel: It 5 ` Tu WV) M b r Slt ( e SS l,r\"ah G e C'haw►hep OF Cowis/e&re is z Ca-fpohSW Supplies and Services: /VOA. Vehicles and Other Equipment• fie pires4 eXf % 4i A etc CbciE J- recv pavit twc 0h v6tairi. 1e+ (asuittierciii uekttie.) — eh & P lace wi eN4 DF d t•e4i-guv.b1 S 1 eitur 509327305E :> ABC PHX; 11 P.01 Received: 9128199; 10:56; '093273059 SEP-29-99 10 :25 AM SILVER CAR AUCTION TEL:5°43°1 P QJl EP. 1g 942%El loaf I,SI'RA\(E SER\i�ES •—..._• _ —.4CORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE!or ag 6F*6RMAT117h1l99 St%a, urtuCo fasvioaA Northwest ONLY DCOWGR NORIGHTB UPON THE C RTIFICATE IhscraeD, Too HOLDEN.THIS CERTIFICA' I DO Nor AMEN EXTEND OR 11707 E 1pTooga, bnito C1 ALTER'MR LOVERAGFA$F I%PE0 Y THE POLICIES LOW Spokane WA 1192011 I INSURERS AFFORDING 0OVFRA2E Dha-a:500-92■-2121 TaxiSOR-Szl-S371 1 _ Wit; Ne Onlgasd S>hs a eome►a* — -- A�J r C lloeto: Car Anetlena 1 par. _ COVi•tAGC9 INN p171 et WilkiRA►Ct LAO Bela*will lose NOMA TO THE INSURER NAMED MOW fOr r FOu&pagf)D AlarRfRo.WriwrM rcAra A: ANY 9EOAA0.ELbt1 r.YPRV IN CpNyMH of ANY 9 terffi"OR VTHRIA Oooteas IT WITH ReFF ECT IC Oases i Wes torraeoATi&exit lump on sAY PE1TA01,THE MASuRAK%f AFRO*DED re Tilt PctIoNs OuteatiiiD WON I:lN6.0.=TO AL.TN!TOM,EXCLUSIONS ARO taco MRS OF Ste,i au Ir1E5 AOCROCATE LIMES SHOWN MAV HAYS ISSN 11lpUC120 SY FAD Wan. 1rfriOs«S AACS r� °H�rA'FR , uMRo .-- "oRK LIMA 11 i I I MN 004JIi1lM P ,I l c.00. A X,CEAA PETAL■pA1t1VILUA/IIITY 1 IA61S104 1 07/29/99 ! 09/111/00 {II<!ISbematMtwWN ,I. 10,000— ! GIMNMMA= rxIDOl1diI ' I 1pm axe tAryFMM7!A 1' 5L000 I I ! I I morel l"ism. 11+Ailr �t 0 00 „i—____ , I LiT1G1A.AacA�i ,12,t►00,000 I OM.A SGFW^A+f.N.Rf A MAI rm.i I I !t0Ourw.20000P:iOA �L9ao,d00 1'6;,C,1 I I T LOC ' 4 ' I Ltt0 Mkr i l'�IIRv �� I , �. — — 1 - A+1•Au10 , If>tclDlsi♦ 07/2b/99I 00/1S/00 oamoon f1r■In 113,ICIOi00C r� ALL owvee AuTpe, I t�Rir'h1LMr !1 • L Ivoim i1I iA A o= 1 ' I �Ashl I X I IrRiDAUTOE I i , I�.p�7 1 i I avat LMB I '1nY me I I mooCN.r.6 AcgOM'•T I t I f M A.ITC I I I t p+� TNKh EA A,::%.•! 1 AUTb ONLY r�cc BR*A,AnurY I 1 I iIA 'Ixu111r�Mrs $ 'Ccx un I ctA,vr wulc i ! i !s ._..--_,.. I I ! _ ! fie urr c..l a _ i — , D -��Atakaaaa 6uumeanav Mo 1 I I 1 _et EAA,Aot oN4T l �t .a 1 I 1 I t�comm•a O LDTEty i .ram. 711,91 ' - -4 Ii.L_,7►s6MS'R�ICVIIMftI1 I 1 I I I�Ar11n as i I I am 1i K. 4iMif , 'v1 MORTAR IlL�It0YIY4144 " '' ' ' . .-1 'whore Cptp IA the s. 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Q _ Hills Go f JNgll qY rt,�. v oP mom! sc r O 4 yFq BLVD P #x, S AI FAG G ic N t Club ` �,(<1 ,y CoUnFireRock u l M°untairi TRGHTS Eagle g LIGHTS Golf Course LI'D‘RE cob b L S/ G ry SIttittOblkAitY . OD1 CM AcTfoN SvEra 3Z , • fiip ‘,,,,m-V, I ii 1 l :' • ! I n In- L vl-----", ; ! : : : . : : : : : : : :;---, . : : : : : : : : .., . . . . . . . . . . . . , „, , „, -I- 414„ g :. : , , , , , , , , , ,:,:, : : : : : : : : .: :::: i,u , Q�11, \ : :: ,n1, 4;1 V ei wig/ ...— 0 CD •: ... .... ...j1i) , \,`\\\ AA� ' r ' , { 1 ' ' _ - QO V/\��I 1 O 00 V 1 O V S L..J , 1. ���n .� 1 _ _ _ �- I 1 I• , I ', r 1� I. 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V�I� w U 0_ 0 O co I co m from "Silver In Fountain Hills" A Mitch Silver 2000 Collector Car Auction 3ounlain 4jills, Arizona • fri., Sal. and Sun., aanuary 14-15-16, 2000 For more information, call (480) 837-1373 or(480) 837-1266 October 15, 1999 TO: NOTE TO EVENTS CALENDAR EDITORS - ALL PHOENIX MEDIA January, 2000 Event "SILVER IN FOUNTAIN HILLS" COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION Mitch Silver collector car auction features 550 nostalgic cars from the 30's through 60's, plus street rods, hot rods, antiques and classic cars in Loy a fabulous "showtime" auction, January 14-15-16, 2000 in Fountain Hills. Cars come from throughout the U.S. and Canada with bidding by buyers from every state and international buyers, also. Name entertainment Friday and Saturday evenings. Hours 8 AM - 10 PM each day. Off the Avenue of the Fountains. Call (480) 837-1654 for information. To enter cars, call 1-800-255-4485. Press Relations: P.O. Box 13811 • 3ounlain dills, Arizona 85268 • Phone/lAX(w80) 831-1333 Special Event Request Page 2 of 2 LIABILITY RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO FURNISH INSURANCE As a condition to, and in consideration of the issuance of this requested permit,the applicant hereby agrees to procure and maintain insurance coverage protecting all aspects of activities involved in the permit. Such insurance shall cover public liability and property damage, including product liability if applicable,and shall include coverage for owned and non-owned autos,for all claims for damages for personal injury or death and property damage arising out of the activities for which this permit is issued. Such insurance to be in limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit personal injury and property damage. The certificate of insurance reflecting this coverage shall name the Town as an additional insured as respects this Special Event Permit. ///33 /9r Signature of Applicant or Agent Date of Application Name of Insurance Company: 5pe /ny''f'a c l e A Policy# Policy Dates. (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE - OFFICE USE ONLY) Certificate of Insurance Filed: YES NO Approval by Town Marshal. Date- Comments: Notification of Local Fire Department: Date- Contact Name & Title. Arrangements Made: Notification of Sheriff's Department: Date. Contact Name & Title: Arrangements Made: Final oval by To ounci By. Title.{1/1 tr\- Date- I c% — 9 �9199; 10:56; 5093273059 => ABC PBX; 1 3093273059 P.01 `p_29_99 i0:25 AM SILVER CAR AUCTION eEt:Fi�.ES • TEL:5044:ill•• ! �JI CEP. -T 9q:tE1 1n•1A INSIRAN t — _____._.. _, _ ■ can Mw ocmit Q. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE! s01 ,/g/9. � rN3S[,i� oM.Y At.°CONE NI)R' B URON THEt R'IFICAfl astir lam Sasviga Igor threat HOLDEN¶H IF1OATE 00 NOr AMINO WINO OR ;naereoo, TM: 11707 t spsa+ at, sniff Cl 1N.TAMPTMi COVIflAtlt AFFQJW��#Y TaiE POI.FL'lii BELOW I Epakan. WA 99203 INEURIERS WORDING 00YFR431: Biwa: E09-92■-21Z3 rar1509-999-i I 379 _ - ----1 m .;'—— -' ._-- I M ,atla A un a ,.=film C-°!�►i�r+]L.. — —^1 It�s!cf411aa taz Car Multi aria 1 Ear. Ya 0B r H ra ao ` _� - ,pukaise at P pitROS AR . 001,4aAGE3 trf Put .145 U 0 ' MA a PT a Ir4s WWI P u Pg D.N0IWIWTANIAhS Mir4EOMIlEMA01 r,1744/OR OuNOM0M OF MY 90 ewe,OR 07HER OCCViiNT NATN MNiR47 710 MIEN TKO CEPTFI'JAT t Y IC WAD ow MAY MVO/ATM MUMMA-AFINMED it THE 9LICEi OiiCRlile FNpEW iG EWE=70 ALONE TOW,UNARM/AND C01LN ran OF KC IIp1 ores Aaarogram LAVE MOWN WY MANE BON REpNCV)BY PAp WAIL ;, - iIP6 OF II+iwRA Jam' FO..m M:k AAl! - UM -__.- �";A . 1 BAG*0,VA R AI CF TI 1 i 000 r1 WNW.i;AWL I7 , A iiicwh$CRCI�LOo,rmni.0 norY i M4619194 i 07/25/99 I 09/1!I/00 AsKOAPPMI/t,u'R4rrr ,I, J<0,000 t•-. r•.- , I �NE7 rxo(Ary oM M'!M s 5 Coo t� G NAM MACi , I e(X1.IR I I L�.•---•• •• r I I I I Piatewd.av p4Juitr 'i 1 i 0094 09,T I_�_- I I _a-AacaicA" 2,000,000 Ioim.Asr,AwAt.�lar►reuas PER.i I I mI0.7uOlk= IMPAa'e 18 1,cm,NIo Vim`"'" is.�A4rtr rac i�w q wc�Pl wit i s ,p00 000 h ! Ak�Au1D 1p1611i194 , 07/2b/89 I 09/31/00 1 , .,._� Ir-`C- •ALL cwviC NAM I I lee I, i'.HWLIt=l1AVTIIa 1 r 1 S+'�'A+IAn1 1 1 �J(I nM'cinitti4e I i I woo owsi x hem:nw40,.4. x. ' __ , Ipee I i . r.- .—_._ I i I�ingn.Woo. 1 i I , Ai11LM6'iIry I I j 1 ago cr.r.EAAcc v-T It w1.rro 4--. «ii I I Lain,7it31R(Mlt�i i i ~-- .. 1 CGY 4AIYB1Mt1[ I i !asoispAi �1. ._. r I 1 r T _..-.. 1 oiE ESA_ I 1 I -�+��. i 1 I ' _ 1, _''wont.14,,,RIhttUTOv ak0 , .. 1 - VYi. 1 EkP (r L118ilffY 1 I „„I re , L_.L....1 . I 1 I I QI.. ,Aot^0Y.1r 4 i I I I I •e�C1>lIsE•s ovum i - - i7Th"R ' �i�_ 1 j �i.t.7ANt•Policy LwAdIi I I ( 1 1 I 1 t 1N s r ai� Mi3vsALt blr smipc el i•nonnan4'— ` FINM*. r mitts Coop 1n the Stat. of Ilh►alfingto% is wsitteu thre4ght the Dspaltmont ,f Labor i Zo1i1i•trio a. iATIF.CATL'11CLIDER 'p 1 44201ICNu.,I,evlt8t).11 844EAtrefili• CAN4XW1uOY 92O 9 i $ AO MPaF Tarnow:mamas x ElCarta+aDiiFve.$ `" . Property comers Arts•a 0 cArwn Pootain Bills ChLamber of Can .1.•- ig►rnlwrr.Arongtal r1c'nMacaRhum:vo C Th. ?CIS+ of Toantnt>n 0i11a 1 kirUMIIC70PonSHAWAgres¢Nn00.IaATCNOgl.M88".OP 1' O �•�[ iTS�t MY kW* TM'&stor 1.Ma IrTROR I PRE loco .. _`... . ?plantain mile AY sts09•-7594 A RATTDN+tail Marshals Department Memo To: Cassie Hansen From: Steve Gendler, Marshal Date: 11/22/99 Re: Special Event Request—"Closing the Gap"5k Run/walk The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached request from Stan Connick for a 5k race on January 23rd. The event would be a fundraiser supporting the high school German Club exchange program. In meeting with Mr. Connick, he has made several changes in the event to accommodate my concerns over traffic, parking, and participant safety. As now envisioned, the event will not result in any closures or detours,and will minimize use of the roadway. Ihimpr The race route will begin on Verde River at Stewart Vista in the dirt lots south of Avenue of the Fountains. Participants will turn west on El Lago using the bike lanes, cross LaMontana, and continue west on El Lago to Mary Munde Walkway. They will then proceed north on the sidewalk to Avenida Vida Buena, and east on the sidewalk to Avenue of the Fountains. Participants will then proceed east on Avenue of the Fountains across LaMontana to Verde River Drive where they will turn south to the finish line. Parking for participant, officials, and spectators will occur on Avenue of the Fountains as well as Stewart Vista. No businesses will be effected since the entire event lasts only 2 hours and will occur on a Sunday. The Marshals Department will provide traffic control for the participants crossing LaMontana; Mr Connick will furnish all other personnel for the event. Since there are no road closures, barricading will be minimal. Recommendation: Based on the fact that this is a charitable event, the willingness of the organizers to revised their plans, the fact that this event will make minimum use of town resources and will not require any road closures, I recommend approval by the Council at their December 2nd meeting. Steve Gendler Marshal O �TAW� RECEWED fa� II O g o . M ®f INnal ilna g � NOV 12 1999 30= I�= 0 FOUNTAIN HILLS`� *trip4° Special Event Request TOWN K �tku is Asp'" Name of Event Coordinator J.J, G0LiL1V V p' Address: I 2 7 N. F'I N.JTG t7RI Y!" TA I t`t H Z 85.2 Telephone: (residence) a B 3 7 254)8 (business) 44'0 - 616-seeto If the event is designed to be held on behalf of any person other than the applicant,the applicant shall supply written authorization from the organization sponsoring the event,dated not more than 90 days before the application,authorizing the applicant to apply for the permit on the sponsor's behalf. Name of Organization: ,, °"t•� TE Telephoneee,-8 3 7• 39 34 Address of Headquarters- 141 OV` K E I T 1-4 I av 2 AL, A M p,R Description of Event: �? K R Lf�.1/WA L K_ �p�tJ-T-�C,' I "I s l.L- AZ f��a 2.6 Purpose of Event•Ilime �7 FISL�'c F� HIGH '-✓%HGc�I �I�-� Location of Event: 455 E AT'lls% h-{Wi AiVzi . EXCH'4'1% a tr. r'''R'GY;TANK ' (Attach map or diagram of area to be used for event) r.. Date of Event: JAr\J Z3 Beginning Time: I' 50 Ending Time: 3 3D What portion of the roadway, if any, will the event occupy' 1"2(R 1 1-iT I-"N4E) CP' EL. IAG0, "VC ow r=-01..p.rriN ti.,f S, LA MON-17-AI�J A OF- V EF t;;P RIVED 12KI lE' i55T'WE M. AVE.c7F 1-:$261 St.Estimated number of persons, vehicles (and types, Le. cars, trucks), animals, etc. participating: �0 Do you anticipate a need for the Town to provide arty of the following: Please Note: The Town Marshal(or designated official)may establish requirements that may include (but are not limited to)personnel for emergency,traffic and crowd control,traffic control devices,and other services and equipment deemed necessary for the protection of event attendees as well as the community as a whole. Personnel: FQ V Li TAI LI H IL.L..S TZIW ICJ W/ G7F'I='I ..°'tom-5" 0 I►urn RsMcT IGr..J.5. o F* Supplies and Services: LAW Iv\Oti.1 TAt J A 1' •4 EL LAGD , CaN -5 et' E3AKrKICA1 .5" () Vehicles and Other Equipment I �.ITER'-5 t"IG�1�.1 a TIwp,Fr1C L�LIE"-5 November 3, 1999 L Town of Fountain Hills City Council 16836 East Palisades Boulevard,Building C Fountain Hills,AZ. 85269 RE: Special Event A I'thNTION: Honorable Mayor and Council Members CLOSING THE GAPP A Special Event Closing the Gapp is requested on January 23, 2000. This fund raiser is to support a foreign exchange program by students in the Fountain Hi1Js High School. This fund raiser is to be a 5K run/walk on the Avenue of the Fountains between Saguaro Blvd. and La Montana Drive between 1:30 and 3:30 on Sunday afternoon. There will be minimal conflict with-traffic because the event is on Sunday and does not require closure of any major streets. The Fountain Hills Middle/High School's German Club has an exchange program called GAPP, German American Partership Program. Students from Germany are hosted by American students during school session for three weeks. American students visit Germany during their school session for three weeks staying in partner families. The different schedules of school sessions provide students to be out of school during their time of travel but able to participate in schools of the host countries. This fund raiser is supporting the German American Partnership Program but is not limited to assisting other exchange programs as they develop. This is a great educational opportunity for the students and their families. Exchange programs encourage better understanding of other countries and cultures and is in keeping with our Sister City programs. The fund raiser also allows for more awareness of the present German exchange program and can stimulate more interest in foreign languages. This in_an_even greater opportunity for the students be empowered in having the opportunity to dream, set goals and being responsible in taking action in accomplishing their dreams. They are to fully participate in learning the requirements of a Special Event, meeting with the City Council, recruiting sponsors and completing a fund raiser that will have a major impact on their travel experience. I am very excited to be involved with this find raiser. It provides another opportunity to encourage fitness and is also an event demonstrating our community is stimulating and vital. Your consideration is appreciated. Stan J. Connick Special Event Request Page 2 of 2 L LIABILITY RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO FURNISH INSURANCE As a condition to, and in consideration of the issuance of this requested permit, the applicant hereby agrees to procure and maintain insurance coverage protecting all aspects of activities involved in the permit. Such insurance shall cover public liability and property damage, including product liability if applicable,and shall include coverage for owned and non-owned autos,for all claims for damages for personal injury or death and property damage arising out of the activities for which this permit is issued. Such insurance to be in limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit personal injury and property damage. The certificate of insurance reflecting this coverage shall name the Town as an additional insured as respects this Special Event Permit. 6vezgue4 I I/ ��I/ci Signature of A icant or Agent Date of Application Name of Insurance Company: W I L►L_ E3 E L IV "E L' Policy# Policy Dates- . L (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE - OFFICE USE ONLY) Certificate of Insurance Filed: YES NO Approval by Town Marshal. ( Date- Comments: (CI Z TfAtirto Notification of Local Fire Department- Date: Contact Name &Title- Arrangements Made: Notification of Sheriffs Department: Date: Contact Name & Title: Arrangements Made: L Final royal by T Council: Title- nt/\_ Date: i I ! M ditio01,---• - . 11.0' 30 '1000° 1 a3 mk , .: -.,hri. . . 0_ \ Its ,...,...:„„) , . 44, „ 21 '''7, -i' ;,5, . .74. -...! 1.4 g: . . . ly t 4 R ., ,„ , :. E -14 is. Ar FIRg.• � ram, _ ,,::�� y `« ,� iv, 1/0t1; a illifirifeli -/ , '4,0'Irak, if Aiti ;:' ' IFS ,:_% .: 4 , 110. - ' /- 1 : jig Sfil . , , ' ,. , r'': lei! ,•fig L1111211:"1. ,.? i -t�: ( i ' - :437 *s.cl AP r gAP ' . ('-': - weg b , boa __ - til® 0 Ai G`,to � d y _ ' ,, 4,, ,,... 4447 7. _ - "rt. v CE)414\ 4•..--- ;4/44 411Y/ , ...,, 44 14, {,•' 1 4 " 041 4r2,. .q)- atr ,*€4 44 4I. ,rI IV ", ft o 02, etz, I, -41, tL. JN.....144:t R(0.4 p i 1 grs1 g44,414.4"40 14 4 kt 4, } *0 0044 07' w� A4.. 0 J © ® 0 1y a- p 0t . Q 0 1 © p - 4-._ .. 0a.-, 0 . ,4 14I17„f :_. _-PtA6'.._4t0 .0 4 Closing the GAPP __ i: .. • 11 5/K Run/Walk 2-laps I Non-School Sponsored Event Stan J. Connick Lir 11027 N.Pinto Drive Fountain Hills,AZ. 85268 November 19, 1999 Office of the Town Clerk 16836 East Palisades Boulevard Building"C" Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 "CLOSING THE GA 'P" "Closing the Gapp" is an event sponsored by the.Falcon Boasters to provide a benefit for the German— American Partnership Program,GAPP. The GAPP provides opportunities for High School Students to host German students for three-.week&duringFountain Hill's High School year and in turn gives the opportunity for the American hosts to visit the German families during their school year. Different school schedules allows.the students to travel-whentbeir school is-not-in session. This fund raiser is to encourage other exchange programs in the Fountain Hills School District. Falcon Boosters is sponsoring this non-sshaoFevent. Student foreign exchange programs offer great educational possibilities to all students participating or not. This is an opportunity for better understanding of other cultures and is supportive of the Sister City efforts. A fun run/walk is another opportunity to encourage_physical fitness and another example of Fountain Hills being a vital community. - I appreciate your assistance and support. Sincerely, Stan J.Connick TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin,Town Manager FROM: Geir Sverdrup, Senior P ei�I DATE: November 24, 1999 SUBJECT: Final Plat for FireRock Country Club Parcel "I" (S98-037). Please find attached staff report for the FireRock Country Club Parcel "I". The preliminary plat was approved, by the Town Council, on December 17, 1998. Please refer to the attached staff report for additional details regarding this request. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 2, 1999 CASE NO.: S98-037 LOCATION: South of FireRock Country Club Drive, located within the Fire Rock Country Club Area Specific Plan. REQUEST: Consideration of the Final Plat of FireRock Country Club Parcel "I" Subdivision, which is a 38.56 acre, 20 lot, 2 tract subdivision DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Fire Rock L.L.C. APPLICANT: Dan Kelly for Fire Rock L.L.C. EXISTING ZONING: "R1-35 P.U.D." PARCEL SIZE: 38.56 Acres PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS: 20 lots, 2 tracts SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Vacant, zoned "R1-35 P.U.D." (F.C.C.A.S.P.) SOUTH: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community EAST: Vacant; zoned "R1-35 P.U.D." (F.C.C.A.S.P.) WEST: Vacant, zoned "R1-35 P.U.D." (F.C.C.A.S.P.) SUMMARY: This request by FireRock L.L.C. is for approval of the Final Plat for the FireRock Country Club Parcel "I" Subdivision located south of FireRock Country Club Drive. The following staff report will review several aspects of the project,including the following: 1. A review of the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan, and the development's conformance with this plan. 2. The subdivision's design and its conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance. Conformance with Fire Rock Country Club Area Specific Plan: The adopted General Plan Land Use Map was amended by GPA 97-01; Fire Rock Country Club Area Specific Plan. This area was designated for "Single-Family/Low" density land uses, with a Planning&Zoning Commission Report; S98-037 &CFW98-03 FireRock Country Club Parcel "T' December 17, 1998 Page 2 unit range of 40-80 units and a proposed unit count of 19 units. Parcel "I" proposes 20 lots. . Per the adopted development agreement the applicant may increase the unit count by ten (10%) or two lots whichever is greater. As the proposed preliminary plat proposes an increase of one unit from the adopted area specific plan the request is in conformance with the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan and the adopted development agreements. After staffs review of the Preliminary Plat Fire Rock Country Club Parcel "I" Subdivision, the required improvement plans and the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan, staff believes that the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan. Subdivision Design GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The topography of the property for Parcel "I" is sloping hillside with areas of moderate to severe slopes, (exceeding 25%). Slopes of 20-30% are predominate in the proposed subdivision. There are few areas of less than 10% and 10-20% slopes, these are located along the ridge lines The subdivision proposes one new cul-de-sac street off of the future FireRock Country Club Drive. All of the lots meet the "R1-35 P.U.D." zoning district's lot dimension requirements, including those for size and lot width. GRADING: The proposed subdivision complies with the Land Disturbance Standards of the Supplemental Development Agreement for FireRock Country Club. The applicant is providing projected disturbance limits on a lot by lot basis. The Supplemental Development Agreement for FireRock Country Club allows the applicant to provide the required amount of non-disturbance required by the subdivision ordinance in any slope category. Therefore the applicant has conducted a hillside analysis by slope bands and has determined the amount of required preservation. This amount will be distributed on each lot on the Final Plat. The numbers provided by the applicant are their current projected allocations for the disturbance area's lot by lot. Current projections for disturbance in Parcel "F' are below the allowable disturbance limits. ISSUES: Offsite improvements, including landscape plans were submitted by FireRock L.L.C. and reviewed by staff. There are no major outstanding issues on Parcel "I". All remaining redlines and comments are minor informational items and will be corrected prior to recordation of the plat Preliminary Plat: Planning &Zoning Commission Report; S98-037 & CFW98-03 FireRock Country Club Parcel "I" December 17, 1998 Page 3 The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the preliminary plat at their December 10, 1998 meeting. The Town Council approved the preliminary plat at their December 17, 1998 meeting. Recommendation Based on the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan land use designation, the current zoning, and the proposed subdivision design, staff recommends that the Town Council approve the Final Plat for the FireRock Country Club Parcel "I" subdivision subject to all redlines remaining on the improvement plans and drainage report be corrected prior to recordation. L Y a g ':'�IE _.�)>;; ew grit 1Vld lVNid F "1 c' l\ ;^ I13�FlVd ONIOa0J3a 80 'g a � ��- ,�L� NOU0n81SNOJ 80.1 ION 'd c [ Imo_=;.:`. 1 = )100�t3al3 AUVNiwn3ad ,1€l :_. 5 i o fi"'oia;aS ICE. 1 " , It_ F` :yaI "z fr�i .1. ;5,i5 r81! b _ . sage� ; x : o niqi liz ii a�m,t a= O m. aW ito�>i- aij HI i �e.,o s$ '" V W� < Wi"., Y ^e'er g8 o .> - "W I,"Ie III i 1!P I '.., ' I X :21 �3 - O b'sa ¢ :oW„= Imo' 0=1 I£ I. 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Uo G fz`� z F c 1 .oz Fvi U o a H \ CO .fri 74 x5 F.E M1 ¢,tie^ y.t.../ . ,, }� ,4� ,. 111111, );Qpt^ / i,G, / .( kS _. /•4. 3' P / o[ / W,r 1 � ... 6I) m It E.o .4n-rx F sba s •r o '� ;nli f1S,iGWx re:;'' [�x« 'IJ32TVd ;4-ao�liirR JI' I I, '„ a,'� I I __ . I! TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS L MEMORANDUM TO: ay r 4 Town Council THROUGH: Pau • din, To er FROM: Robi G , Director Parks & ecreation DATE: November 22, 1999 RE: Bid Award for the Fountain Park Phase I Improvements Bid #PR99-021 The Town of Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation Department will receive bids for Fountain Park Phase I Improvements on Tuesday, November 30th at 2:00 PM. Once the bids have been opened and the lowest bidder has been determined, we place a copy of the Memorandum in each Councilmember's box. Phase I construction includes: • Demolition of the current restroom/control building, • Construction of a new building less than 1,000 square feet, • Construction of two picnic Ramadas including site furnishings (each Ramada has three tables and one grill), • Grading to achieve ADA grades in areas where new park pads (combination of asphalt with granite overlay and concrete) will be installed, • New irrigation and controllers throughout certain areas of the park, • Performance pad (to be used as a staging area for large events), • Concrete seating retaining wall for some of the slopes, • Miscellaneous signage on the buildings and Ramadas. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS L MEMORANDUM TO: ayo an i Town Council THROUGH: Phu 4 ! • din, To an. per FROM: Robin G dman, Director Parks & ecreation DATE: November 30, 1999 RE: Fountain Park Phase I Improvements Five bids were opened today for Fountain Park Phase I Improvements. All bids received were in excess of the project cost estimate of$700,000. Staff recommends that Council reject all bids. It is further recommended that (liar the project be re-examined for additional cost savings and that the specifications be changed to reflect the project budget. Rebidding may result in fewer Phase I improvements in order to keep within a $700,000 project budget. This budget is funded by a Heritage Grant. cc: P&R Commission Packet L 12 2 99 Reject FP Phase I Improvements.doc rn rn O O O O O o rt o 0 0 0 0 _M v ci O CVO CO O O f- O ,:t N 13 d CC) cci C7 cf) cr C CONCONN 000 00 73 LLf) 6O O O •t O o co d 05 o co m co C� T La co CA - to co TEA. T T C _ C) N 0 CD 0- 1 N in O 0 "D. } } } } } Q) i 0 co cc ii. E 0.. w 0 } } >- >- >- ;� coJw . N L T M 1�+'7 7 m p } >- >- >- >- r 0) CL M m 'C " W E ? 0., } } } } } a CL E m e 0 c aD d .2i) N } } } } } 7 ••CO >0 Oa CO C Z v O r } } } } } = 4 0 - LL m o } } } } } u. v °) a) ° v a) 0 Y L O.le• U 0 x < O o o C 0 O N 0 � ++ +-� • Q J 13i C.) p N 0 C a t It, E 2 o c� 0 y O o 1= N E cc m o m o • z 2 H U) J > co p 1- N COCO CO CO 00 1- N COL() CO f- CO CA 0 1- N CO Z NNNN TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: y a Town Council THROUGH: Paul . rdin, Town Manager FROM: Robi Goo an, Director Parks & Re 'on DATE: December 2,1999 RE: Mayor's Youth Council Introduction The Mayor's Youth Council was established in October. The following is a list of the L. members. Attached is the information which is currently on the World Wide Web page. 1999-2000 Mayor's Youth Council • Shanna Hahn, President, 12th grade-FHHS • Emily Holexa, Vice-President, 12th grade-FHHS • Cimber Neussle, Secretary, 10th grade-FHHS • Lauren Machaill, Sergeant At Arms, 10th grade-FHHS • Ellen Stutheit, Points Commissioner, 12th grade-FHHS • Kate Hunkler,11th grade-FHHS • Sydni Volf, 11th grade-Desert Mountain HS • Max Bingham, 9th grade-FHHS • Jill Groh, 10th grade-FHHS • Katie Miskell, 11th grade-FHHS • K.C. Rosburg, 11th grade-FHHS • Bethaina Aranki, 11th grade-FHHS L Parks and Recreation -Mayor's Youth Council Page 1 of 2 ‘,47tAllf.A0, Fountain Hills ko #a# Mayor'sit Youth Council l'z. " 1999-2000 FAQ's Who are we? Mayor Sharon Morgan initiated the Mayor's Youth Council in 1999. The Council is comprised of Fountain Hills Youth in grades 9-12. What is the purpose? The purpose is to provide a pathway for students to develop their leadership skills, serve their community through volunteer work, and offer a central clearinghouse for ideas that support the goals and give direction to the town's youth. Who can participate? Fountain Hills' youth in grades 9-12 may qualify for membership. The Mayor's Youth Council seeks those students that are highly motivated, eager, and dedicated to help make a difference. What do we do? The Fountain Hills Mayor's Youth Council takes an active role in the community. They learn about the local government, demonstrate leadership and participate in community service activities. Where are meetings held? (kw, Meetings are usually held once a month, the first Wednesday of each month, in the Palo Verde Room at Golden Eagle Park. The Council meets for an hour each meeting, http://www.ci.fountain-hills.az.us/ParksRec/MYC.htm 11/22/99 Parks and Recreation - Mayor's Youth Council Page 2 of 2 from 2:30-3:30p.m. Special events or community service opportunities may be held at various locations. What role do we play? The Mayor's Youth Council compliments the Parks and Recreation Department's mission by providing a service that works to meet the intellectual, social, cultural and leisure needs of all residents. This service strengthens the capabilities of the town's youth by creating opportunities to develop leadership skills and work on community service projects. How can you join? Students who are interested in joining the Fountain Hills Mayor's Youth Council must complete an application form and return it to the Parks and Recreation Office. Applications are being accepted throughout the school year, and are available at the high school office, as well as the Parks and Recreation Office. Students can call Amy Silverman at 816-5168 or Corey Hromek at 816-5170 for more information. Send EMail to: park.. ..... __.. __ ......_ srec@cl.fountntain-hills az.us Office of the Town Clerk Copyright m 1997-1999 Town of Fountain Hills.All rights reserved. Revised:October 27,1999. (itive http://www.ci.fountain-hills.az.us/ParksRec/MYC.htm 11/22/99 RESOLUTION NO. 1999-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, AMENDING THE PAY RESOLUTION FOR EMPLOYEES IN THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend and update job descriptions and pay ranges for employees in the municipal service of the Town of Fountain Hills; and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires that the rates of pay set forth in said resolution shall supersede any previous salary ranges for said employees in various classes or positions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA: SECTION 1: That the minimum and maximum annual salaries for the employees of the Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position title shall be as follows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Director of Public Works/Town Engineer 60,036 88,704 Director of Community Development 54,396 80,364 Director of Public Safety/Town Marshal 54,396 80,364 Director of Parks & Recreation 54,396 80,364 Director of Admin/Town Clerk 54,396 80,364 Chief Building Official 44,640 65,952 Superintendent of Streets 42,492 62,772 Court Administrator 42,492 62,772 Traffic Analyst 42,492 62,772 Supervisor/Accounting 42,492 62,772 Senior Planner 39,456 58,296 Information Technology Administrator 39,456 58,296 Asst.to Town Manager/Mayor/Council 34,020 50,268 Open Space &Landscape Supervisor 33,400 49,044 Planner 31,596 46,680 Recreation Program Coordinator 31,596 46,680 Accountant 31,596 46,680 Resolution 1999-58, Page 1 of 4 4 / MOTION � i 3 i 3 h°T C- SECOND (1•nrY`a- - COUNT C - 0 SECTION 2: That the hourly pay ranges for the building safety, planning and zoning,engineering, public works,and Golden Eagle Park department employees of the Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position title shall be as follows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Mgr.-Contract & Const. Engineer 21.46 31.71 Senior Civil Engineer 18.51 27.34 Senior Building Inspector 17.00 25.00 Civil Engineer 16.36 24.17 Engineering Technician/CAD Operator 16.36 24.17 Plans Examiner 15.73 23.58 Building Inspector 14.82 21.89 Civil Engineering Inspector 14.82 21.89 Drafting/CAD Technician 13.10 19.35 Planning Technician 12.78 18.88 Parks Operations Supervisor 12.78 18.88 Building Permit Technician 12.78 18.88 Open Space & Landscape I 10.75 15.88 Parks Worker 10.75 15.88 Building Department Clerk 9.74 14.39 tibiw SECTION 3: That the hourly pay ranges for the marshal department employees of the Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position title shall be as follows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Sergeant 18.51 27.34 Deputy Marshal 15.19 22.44 Dispatcher 11.87 17.53 Records Clerk 9.74 14.39 Ly Resolution 1999-58, Page 2 of 4 SECTION 4: That the hourly pay ranges for the street department employees of the Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position title shall be as follows: L POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Supervisor of Street Maintenance 18.06 26.68 Fleet Master Mechanic 12.78 18.88 Maintenance III 12.78 18.88 Equipment Operator 12.16 17.97 Maintenance II 11.58 17.11 Maintenance I 10.75 15.88 Maintenance Worker 9.27 13.70 SECTION 5: That the hourly pay ranges for the administrative support employees of the Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position title shall be as follows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Executive Assistant 14.82 21.89 Human Resource Specialist 14.82 21.89 Info. Tech Support Specialist 13.10 19.35 Administrative Assistant 12.78 18.88 Court Services Specialist III 12.78 18.88 Court Services Specialist II 11.87 17.53 Facilities Operations Supervisor 11.58 17.11 Secretary 10.23 15.12 Court Services Specialist I 9.74 1439 Custodian 9.05 13.36 Clerk Typist/Receptionist 8.82 13.04 Judicial Collections Specialist I 8.65 12.50 SECTION 6: That the hourly pay ranges for part-time,seasonal and temporary employees of the Town of Fountain Hills described herein by position title shall be as follows: POSITION TITLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Recreation Assistant III 9.27 13.70 Intern Level III 9.27 13.70 Recreation Assistant II 8.40 12.41 Intern Level II 8.40 12.41 Recreation Assistant I 6.00 8.76 Intern Level I 6.00 8.76 Resolution 1999-58, Page 3 of 4 SECTION 7: The minimum and maximum rates and the ranges constituting the salary range of a position title shall supersede any previously adopted for said titles. SECTION 8: Employees in Section 1 are exempt and are not eligible for any overtime compensation. Employees in Sections 2,3, 4, 5 and 6 are hourly/non-exempt and therefore entitled to overtime compensation. SECTION 9: The Town Manager is hereby authorized to place the salary of each employee at a rate of pay within the salary range for the position title to which said employee is assigned. The rates of pay so established for various employees shall be effective at the time of review. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of December, 999, by the Ma or and Town Council of Fountain Hills. Sharon Morgan, M or ATTEST: (kbr 24.A44.&) Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Farrell, Town Attorney Resolution 1999-58, Page 4 of 4 Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIO Date: NOVEMBER 24, 1999 Re: AGENDA ITEM #8—COMMUNITY BENEFITS RECOMMENDATION AGENDA ITEM #9 — PAY RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM #8—COMMUNITY BENEFITS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION During the budget p dd 'for FY '99/00, the Council approved $80,000 for the purpose of funding Community,Benefit Programs as well as the process for awarding the funds. Per that process, public notice was provided the entire month of October in the Times, Channel 11 and the Town's website. "'New,"More extensive application formats were available at Town Hall and via email. A copy of the notice and the application format are included in this packet. flikw A total_of._seven applications were received from the following groups/organizations, including the funding r yi '. Fountain Hills Community Theater $30,000 St. Dominic's Food Bank $26,000 ,Golden Eagle Foundation $15,000 Cub Scout Pack 243 $ 2,000 Fountain Hills High School Leadership Team $ 4,500 Vocational=Educational Tech Prep $ 3,000 Fountain Hills Chamber Players $ 1,000 Total $81,500 As usual, the requests exceed the available funding but by a much lesser margin than in past years. The Committee is scheduled to meet Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. to formulate a recommendation for the Council. I will summarize their discussion and supply you with their recommendation for distribution prior to Thursday's meeting. AGENDA ITEM #9 — RESOLUTION 1999-58, AMENDING THE PAY RESOLUTION Approximately every two years, the Council has approved an amended pay resolution that establishes salary ranges for all employees of the Town. This exercise has always been done in ,• Page 1 of 2 Cassie Hansen Last printed November 24, 1999 4:30 PM November 24,1999 November 24, 1999 house, using the information supplied by the Arizona League of Cities and Towns in the "Local Government Salary & Benefit Survey". Throughout the years, some of the council members have participated in the process, suggesting various ways to approach the comparative study. Ultimately, the recommendation has always resulted in using averages from all cities and towns in Maricopa County to establish competitive pay ranges for Town employees. As the Town's tenth year approached, staff thought it might be beneficial to obtain the services of an outside consultant to perform a more in-depth compensation and classification study. Calls to a number of other jurisdictions provided the lead to Dr. Michael Nash of Nash and Company, Inc. Located in Palos Verdes, California, Dr. Nash has provided compensation and classification studies for more than 75 public agencies in California and Arizona. Prior to establishing his own consulting firm, he was partner and general manager of the Hay Group, the largest compensation consulting firm in the world. Dr. Nash is a faculty member of the American Compensation Association's Certified Compensation Professional Program where he teaches job evaluation. He is the author of a dozen articles and four books including "Managing Organizational Performance" and "Making People Productive". Dr. Nash began the Town's study last summer by meeting with Paul Nordin, Deb Feller and me to discuss specific goals and objectives. Detailed questionnaires were distributed to all Town employees to gather personalized information on the responsibilities and functions of each position within the organization. Dr. Nash addressed all employees to explain the forms and how the whole process would work. A few weeks later, he met with all employees individually and in small groups to discuss the surveys. Using the information from the questionnaires and the interviews, Dr. Nash reviewed all of the job descriptions for legal content and consistency with actual work performed. He established a salary matrix and "grade"system to position each job title within the organization. The Dr. also established benchmark positions using comparative data from other cities and towns within Maricopa County. All cities and towns were classified by population and size. Quartiles were established for each of the benchmark positions. Each position was evaluated to make sure that the new proposed salary range was above the first quartile and below the third quartile, providing a fair and competitive range for each position. The proposed pay resolution was shared with department heads who were instructed to review the ranges of employees in their respective departments. Written comments were requested, received and reviewed. The comments were shared with Dr. Nash and appropriate adjustments were made where justified. The revised resolution was distributed to department heads on Monday, November 22 for final review and distribution to all employees. Final comments were requested and will be considered when the Town Manager returns on Monday. At that time, the resolution will be delivered to the Council. Significant time and energy has been invested in the compensation and classification study. The Town is fortunate to have a high caliber group of employees and the driving philosophy of this exercise has been to insure that they are compensated fairly and are given proper incentive to remain in the Town's employ. Dr. Nash will be at the meeting on December 2 and prepared to explain the process and answer any questions the Council may have. Paul, Deb or I would be happy to address any questions you may have prior to the meeting. Staff recommends approval of Resolution 1999-58. 2 PUBLIC NOTICE o APPLICATIONS FOR COMMUNITY 1 , • BENEFIT FUNDS NOW BEING that ATV"- ACCEPTED APPLICATION FORMATS AVAILABLE AT TOWN HALL During the adoption of the FY 1999/2000 budget, the Town Council approved a process and an amount of funding for Community Benefit Programs. The process includes an application procedure, review and recommendation by a citizen committee and award by the Council. Groups and organizations interested in applying for Community Benefit funds can obtain application/criteria formats from the Fountain Hills Town Hall located at 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C. An amount of $80,000 is available for distribution to applicants whom the committee feels best satisfies all of the criteria and demonstrates significant �r contribution to the community. Applications for Community Benefit funds will be accepted through Monday, November 1, 1999. Submit applications for funding to: Cassie Hansen,Director of Administration/Town Clerk Town of Fountain Hills 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 For additional information call 837-2003. L O�� Nkl �1 �on APPLICATION FORMAT FOR — 4� COMMUNITY BENEFIT FUNDS Fsc tse9 : � *that is '° During the adoption of the FY 1999/2000 budget, the Town Council approved a process and an amount of funding for Community Benefit Programs. The process includes an application procedure, review and recommendation by a citizen committee and award by the Council. An amount of $80,000 is available for distribution to groups and organizations that demonstrate, through the application process, a significant contribution to the community. All applications will be reviewed by a citizen committee who will make a recommendation to the Town Council for distribution. To apply for Community Benefit funds, please follow the application format outlined below. Make sure that all of the information requested in line items 1 through 17 is incorporated into your application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Include any additional information and documentation you feel is important to the favorable consideration of your organization for Community Benefit funds. Applications should be typed and all information organized and presented using the attached format. The deadline to submit applications is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 1, 1999. Completed applications should be submitted to the following location: Town of Fountain Hills Office of the Town Clerk 16836 E. Palisades, Building C Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 If you have any questions,please contact Cassie Hansen at 837-2003,extension 104. PLEASE NOTE: The application format is available as a Word document that can be emailed upon request. If you wish to receive the application format electronically and use the document to create your submittal,email your request to: chansen@ci.fountain-hills.az.us L Community Benefit Application Format 10/99 Page 1 of 2 APPLICATION FORMAT FOR COMMUNITY BENEFIT FUNDS Please organize your submittal using the numbered sections below. 1. Name, address, and phone number of the organization. 2. Name, address and phone numbers of individual(s) submitting the application (primary contact person). 3. Names, addresses and phone numbers officers/board of directors. How often does the board meet? 4. Identify any collaborative partners or affiliations including contact names and phone numbers. Describe the relationship. 5. Provide information on the total number of employees broken down by full and part-time. Does the program make use of volunteers? If so, what are the total hours contributed by volunteers? 6. What is the length of time the organization has been in existence? 7. Describe the primary function of the group in the community. What is its charitable purpose, its mission statement? Describe the problem,project or service being addressed. 8. Describe any other funding sources. How does your group raise money to fund its projects? 9. Identify/describe your target population (i.e. senior citizens, youth, homeless, income disadvantaged,etc.). What percentage of the target population exists within Fountain Hills? As an organization, what is your criteria for including this group in your program? Describe how you advertise your services. 10. Describe yourprogram and how • •ing measurable goals and objectives. • how the citizens of the Town of Fountain Hills will benefit from the program. 11. Describe some of your success stories from the past year. 12. Does the organization qualify under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (C)(3) as a charitable organization for tax purposes? If so, what is the number? 13. Provide a balance sheet and income statement for your most recently concluded fiscal or calendar year. Show detail of all revenue sources. Indicate whether or not the financial statements were reviewed or audited by an independent Certified Public Accountant. Provide any narrative you feel is needed for any items contained therein. 14. Provide a budget for the next calendar or fiscal year including narrative for items that contain significant changes from prior years. 15. Based on your most recently completed IRS form 990,what percentages of expenses are for administrative expenses? If the amount exceeds 25%, please explain. 16. What is the amount of funding requested? What is the anticipated use of the funds? Have you received funds from the Town of Fountain Hills in previous years? If so,please list the funding history and amounts granted. If the funding amount requested this year is less or more than previous years,please explain the reason for the difference. r _. 17. Provide any additional narrative or comments you feel would be relevant to your request. Would you be willing to meet with the Community Benefits Committee to discuss your application? Community Benefit Application Format 10/99 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS L MEMORANDUM TO: Ma an Town Council THROUGH: Paul . in, Town Manager FROM: Robin odman, Director Parks & ecreation DATE: November 19, 1999 RE: Parks & Recreation Attendance Policy and Procedure On November 8, 1999, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved an Attendance Policy and Procedure for its Commissioners; it is identical to the Planning and Zoning Commission's Attendance Policy and Procedure. Low The Parks and Recreation Commission recommends amending the Town Code, Chapter 9, Section 9-2-3 to add: Three successive unexcused or unexplained absences from any regular or special meeting shall be grounds for termination at the will and pleasure of the appointing authority without the necessity of a hearing or notice and such action shall be final. cc: December Commission Packet Commissioner Orientation Binder Council Comm Binder 12 2 99 Comm Attend P&P.doc PARKS AND RECREATION ARTICLE 9-2 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 9-2-1 Established 9-2-2 Powers and Duties 9-2-3 Membership 9-2-4 Organization; Meetings 9-2-5 Compensation 9-2-6 Removal from Office; Filling of Vacancies 9-2-7 Ex-Officio Members Section 9-2-1 Established There shall be a parks and recreation commission for the town which shall consist of no more than nine members, one of whom shall be appointed from the membership of the Fountain Hills Mayor Youth Council. Section 9-2-2 Powers and Duties The parks and recreation commission shall have the powers and duties to: A. Act in advisory capacity to the council and town manager in all matters pertaining to parks and recreation. B. Consider provisions of the annual budget for park and recreation purposes during the process of the preparation of the budget and make recommendations with respect thereto to the parks and recreation director. C. Assist in the planning of a recreational program for the citizens of the town; promote and stimulate public interest therein. D. Advise the parks and recreation director with respect to the acceptance of money, personal property or real estate donated or offered to the town for park or recreational purposes. E. Perform such other duties not inconsistent with this chapter as may be requested by the council. Section 9-2-3 Membership Appointments to the parks and recreation commission shall be made by the,council from among residents of the town. Adult appointees shall be registered voters within the town arfl eighteen years of age or older. Appointments shall be for a term of three years except for the term of at least one board member, who shall be a resident high school student, and have a one-year term beginning with the start of school. Members first appointed shall so classify themselves by agreement or lot so that each succeeding January 1, the terms of at least three members shall expire. Section 9-2-4 Organization; Meetings 72.2 Rev. 10/96 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul Nordin,Town Manager FROM: Geir Sverdrup, Senior Planner��� DATE: November 24, 1999 SUBJECT: Consideration of a special use permit application for a stealth wireless communications facility for Sprint PCS to be located at 15944 E Rocky Mountain Place, aka Plat 505-A, Block 5,Lots 5 & 6 This request for special use is by Sprint PCS. The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this application at the November 16, 1999 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. After staff s presentation and comments from the public and the applicant the Commission continuued the application to their December 9, 1999 meeting. The applicant wishes to study this site and the alternatives listed in the staff inventory of existing verticality. The applicant wishes to bring back their project after the new year. Staff therefore recommends that the Council continue this application until January 20, 2000. As the Planning and Zoning Commission made no recommendation there is no report attached to this memo. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM L TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul Nordin,Town Manager FROM: Geir Sverdrup, Senior Plan DATE: November 24, 1999 SUBJECT: Consideration of a special use permit application for a stealth wireless communications facility for Salt River Project to be located in Tract"B",Plat 430 This request for special use is by Salt River Project. The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this application at the November 16, 1999 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. After staff's recommendation for a continuance due to a discrepancy in ownership and comments from the public, the Commission continued the application to their December 9, 1999 meeting. Staff recommends that the Council continue this application until December 16, 1999. As the Planning and Zoning Commission made no recommendation there is no report attached to this memo. L L Chron TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Council FROM: To Ward, Acting Town Engineer THROUG '. 1 ordin DATE: 'r.ve ober 29, 1999 RE: Fountain Lake Liner Rehabilitation Project As the Council is aware, the Fountain Lake liner requires replacement. As part of the planning process for this project, staff has been meeting with ADEQ and the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. The assessment process recently included a tour of Fountain Lake and Panorama Wash with ADEQ on November 19, 1999. At that time, it was noted that the flow of water into Panorama Wash had totally stopped. This is partly due to the upgrades done to the pumpback system last summer as outlined in Randy Harrel's August 9 letter to the Fort McDowell Indian Community. It is also possible that the low level of the lake has contributed to the ebbing flow of water into the wash. This could be an indication that the liner is intact at deeper levels of the lake. Staff would like to use a two-phase approach for the Fountain Lake Liner Rehabilitation Project. The first phase would include research, sampling, testing, analysis and evaluation to determine and assess the true condition of the liner at all levels. This work is outlined in items 1 through 6, 9 and 10 on the attached outline of work. The second phase would include the implementation of the Phase I findings and construction of a new liner as necessary. Due to the complexity and scope of this project, staff sought proposals from Willdan & Associates and Black and Veatch for engineering services. Copies of these proposals are attached and outline the proposed scope of work for the entire project. Willdan's proposal, in the amount of $169,124, appears to be the low bidder by $47,396 but did not include geotechnical engineering services. This item is essential for this project. Black and Veatch's proposal, in the amount of $216,520, includes $59,520 for geotechnical services. Because of the additional service offered, Black and Veatch's proposal is the low bidder. Lake Liner Project.doc Page 1 of 2 Chron (Per paragraph 11.2 of the Fountain Park transfer agreement, MCO Properties L. warranty contribution is 12 percent of the total cost for the liner replacement.) Staff recommends approval of $216,520 to Black and Veatch for engineering services. L L Lake Liner Project.doc Page 2 of 2 o d1' OP d' O O N .� d d CO d' LC) - 16 °,?i U} {/} U} U} -ca <1> -ca w o U cd CO cC C.. C(O CEO 0 CCOO (0 co( N Cl --- Cl) C` CC N. InOch- did - d 00 3 {h -ca U? -ca U} <I> Ch cn a � -0 b O° 0 CC � K � apA 0 0 A T +. 01�' a o is . a a) a) a a) ap c� b CP 3 p� t1 0 • � to ? y + a "b V O CC � ° by b4 .. bD O v + U p .a+ U y w p a a o 1 • + . 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CO 1:1) C - Chron 285 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Council FROM: Tom d O l THROUGH: Paul Nordin DATE: November 23, 1999 RE: Electric Catalytic Oxidizer At the September 3, 1998 Council meeting, ADEQ reported they had located contaminated soil caused by underground storage tanks at the former Corner Stop Market (northeast corner of Fountain Hills Blvd and Glenbrook Blvd). Their investigation revealed contaminated soil present above the water table and directly below the pit area where the leaking underground storage tanks had been located. They assured the Council that no contamination of the water table had occurred. In his presentation, Mike Osborn from ADEQ told the Council that a number of technical measures would be taken to rid the area of all contamination but that the process would take between five to ten years. As the first step of the "de-contamination" process, ADEQ is proposing to place an electrical catalytic oxidizer on the north side of Glenbrook Blvd, approximately 150' east of Fountain Hills Blvd (map attached). The catalytic oxidizer will occupy a space of about 6' x 6', and the main unit is ± 6' high with a 12-13' high 18" diameter stack. It will be placed in an 8' high fenced in area of about 10' wide x 20' long. Noise blankets will be installed to the interior of the fence to minimize the noise from the equipment. ADEQ anticipates they will need to operate the oxidizer for 18-24 months, 24 hours per day. This will be a temporary facility and detailed information is attached. The Town is in no way obligated to approve or deny this cleanup operation by ADEQ. However, staff and ADEQ have worked closely to establish a safe location for the catalytic oxidizer that is sensitive to the adjacent area. Staff will keep you informed of this environmental situation and the steps being taken to correct it. bb Catalytic Oxidizer.doc Irtg la 6 1;43 f..: /44 la‘14/ 01 9 e g 9 -4, 4.„...v, to rz NI c nali VA Ab et SNIP ,A4 10" at z ,r____,4 4, G IN =-- AI (lir °Vi e 4b1,70 ce-,=0)1 g gm' Li 11gr r Eu .4 A Ct ti) ._ (V1,444-' •N# , g 4 4-00 e 4 pi 0 Iv V . f4 il° ® t1 ��y o tA it, 4.0 O G®ticAe 444 % 441 m ` '(el IA c''‘G) -4:°-*to 9 03- 'i iNk4tp i e 4V.40 kk 't-Ir AlV 4., 4k � i ' GI e e 9 e i' vigt * Tt4vA :!-:-ti. 44 4;:' % b 0410 --ill'? ti4 „aft 410 . yv - 4 til g 1 leil;• f;st7 t 71 4 040 itoc 4 ir 1 c r 1 E.A - e .7 " 4+ ai, , " gt ;P lir& .--FA •- , Mil ta it_ k A 4, _ .yogi a 7 tire �I re,ri m.ail rit,'-i• . f - ►.a fir- ��_ QV � �- -iewAli .. .ni 41111 4112 (ikw le'i - Attl NII: 44-11:ii L 74Z1 4 0411 : I 1- ve 1 Al o� larg,' O il ez I1 a i1 't tiaLliIMA 41.4) 40.A744 Ly ' ® tacit;' *".-t;,0, 1141:141*-10,. mlvEPARp O^%errrn�°° ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Governor Jane Dee Hull Jacqueline E. Schafer,Director UST Ref No. 99-0019491 October 19, 1999 Jim Leubner 16836 E. Palisades Dr. P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 Dear Mr. Leubner: This letter is to provide some information on the electrical catalytic oxidizer that the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality is proposing to locate north of Glenbrook Boulevard. This location would place the oxidizer approximately 100-150 feet east of Fountain Hills Boulevard, yet within the the right-of-way (completely off of the street and north of the curb) for Glenbrook Boulevard. I have also enclosed some of the manufacturer's information on electrical catalytic oxidizers. This information from the manufacturer does, however, also contain information on thermal catalytic oxidizers (i.e. so called "Direct Fired" units) which accomplish hydrocarbon destruction by actual incineration of the hydrocarbon vapors. I want to emphasize we are not proposing use of a Direct Fired Unit. Please ignore all reference to this type of remediation technology. (Unfortunately, the only information I have available addresses both types of remediation equipment.) The distinction between a Direct Fired unit and an electrical catalytic oxidizer is that the latter accomplishes hydrocarbon destruction by oxidation without the use of an open flame, in much the same manner that exhaust fumes from an automobile engine are cleaned by the catalytic converter. The electrical catalytic oxidizer is to be connected by a four inch pvc pipe emplaced within a shallow trench for a distance of approximately 125 feet to a shallow well located within the parking lot at 15225 Fountain Hills Boulevard, property formerly occupied by a filling station. This well, known as a "vapor extraction well" is screened opposite the highly contaminated soil located above the water table and directly below the pit in which the leaking underground storage tanks for the filling station were located. The electrical catalytic oxidizer operates in conjunction with a vacuum pump which draws the hydrocarbon vapors out of the well and into the oxidizer for destruction. This system(termed a"vapor extraction system") is capable of achieving approximately 90%destruction efficiency of the hydrocarbon vapors. This means that for any 24 hour period (the unit will operate 24 hours a day), a maximum of approximately 23 pounds of hydrocarbons will be emitted out the stack of the unit. (For comparison, the average vehicle in the Greater Metropolitan Phoenix area emits approximately 1.4 pounds of hydrocarbons per hour, compared to approximately 0.96 pounds per hour from the electrical catalytic oxidizer.) Although we don't know at this time exactly how long the vapor extraction system will operate, we expect it may require up to approximately two years. We do expect to have a better idea of the time required after the system has been operating for a few months. 3033 North Central Avenue, Phoenix,Arizona 85012.(602)207-2300 Jim Leubner UST Ref. No. 99-0019491 October 19, 1999 Page 2 The electrical catalytic oxidizer will be located within a locked, gated, chain link fence six to eight feet high. Noise abatement will initially be addressed by the use of slats interwoven into the matrix of the chain link fence. (The electrical catalytic oxidizer is approximately as noisy as a large room air conditioner.) If this proves to be unsatisfactory, additional measures can be taken such as the use of noise blankets covering the fence, or by the use of insulating panels. Thank you for your cooperation in helping the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality begin cleanup of this site which has generated a groundwater contamination plume nearly 3,000 feet long, as well as having impacted surface water in an area of Balboa Wash characterized by a great deal of pedestrian traffic. If you have any questions, my phone number is (602) 207-4269. Sincerely, Sincerely, 2 � l /-e f� �Z ia�-fig ) � � rh, 1<c. L-1-; )ohn Robertson, Hydrologist Mike t atin, Unit Ma ager State Lead Unit State Lead Unit UST Corrective Action Section UST Corrective Action Section JAR/LMRL/sya L BOBCAT 14.0.,-- k DIRECT FIRED . ...s,„:„ . 1 $, .„,......„ .9 `.3u z r `�`� �f i ;'irk? Y '°`y+F'2�,... `� y OR ELECTRIC , �_ „. r ,. . ' 41 .aB�'v CATALYTIC • ,` 'l _hw> >yo-y 1 �''. -,s s b i /. .: % !f v L a> ;a r+uyi`tt` of 4 '� =�- � �, OXIDIZER VAPOR ��� "` EXTRACTION .1H , BOBCAT ''''2iflil .-,, SYSTEM (IIES p : 'i 3 Y •1 The BOBCAT MODULAR VES SERIES is available ,, in`models from 100 to 1,000 SC FM. :The BOBCAT'§ modular design comes standard . with .a heat .: exchanger and catalytic module: .t t R" •.', r ..,n t^ *BOBCAT,Z'$!1$riF .‘�., r, 8 ;;s. ) s ,:7 +Yid Y. `'+ dR tY.,}•} Jte. 5;+. THE BOBCAT FEATURES INCLUDE: I. THE BOBCAT APPLICATIONS INCLUDE: At a r : r ; s ct «'Vi c ,F r 7t Js . a'1' VIgf �, > LEI,Monitor&Contoller with•Ramp Up'Feature for Easter in-Field > Contaminated Soil Vapor Extractwa ` .. A:p .. (7 -:c1 ,, „ Start Up K + . r` ;„; at t -4- >• Industrial Procestoft--Gas Destruc �,' �,a` j ._- s ' s Y Sues from 100 tO 1000 SCFM r t, x -' t �, ,�' ��, .� f 5� ,,>. Industnat Opacity slid 8moke `stnic�c * ' }k�� ;'�"`�i > :Compact Footprint 6 X 6' t,, ,Jr, ,,, 04 F ^ , .t�� �+ {,, ,� , '�,, > Trailer or Skid Mounting .-. :,:, 01: •� 4'f-,..: BOBT EQUIPMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE: ,� ' > Complete Soundproofing and Vibration Dampening,< a Entrainment Separator with External Sight Glass and Floats > •Catalytic Module t d �: � f " > So' lid' Steel Welded Process Piping >- Telemetry System`for.Remote Monitoring �'� xx. >' Automated Control > Class I Division ty jd - �'2 Safe Reted,. 4 > Str • ,,,,,...,::::.., ip Chart Recorder with up to 6 Variables Recorded > Auto Drain Pump for Entrainment Separator::_;;;..,,,:, c • `,, > 50%Efficiency Heat Exchanger > • Heat Exchanger > Catalyst Module > Air Sparge System,-. i F� _ > 1 Year Parts&Labor Warranty on Complete System > NEMA 4 Control Panel THE BOBCAT EQUIPMENT APPROVALS: > Flame Arrestor > Automatic&Manual Supplemental Fuel Shutoff Valve(Dtrect Fired) > Third Party Engineering Test Report > Process-To-System Isolation Valve > SCAOMD Certified Equipment Permit ; > Stainless Steel Tubing on Instrumentation and Sample Ports > LA City Fire Department General Approval > Control Panel&Electrical Conduit Configured for Class I Division 2 > UL Listed Electrical Panels Readiness Li. Alternative Treatment(Carbon,Etc.)Bypass Valve > Acrylic Enamel Finish _ E. STEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC. �-� rrl 2130 E Orangewood Avenue+ Anaheim,California USA 92806 ♦ Tel: 800-504-1112 • INDUSTRIES, INC. • n:. A.s . :; J.r BOBCAT DIRECT FIRED OR ELECTRIC CATALYTIC s. ` • OXIDIZER VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM (yES) 7 (600. iii. 4"*\ $2;'7 VOC DILUTION CONTROL-A Digital Micro Processor(DMP)controller modulates a mechanical valve to ": vapors at a pre-set level to an accuracy., .. ? '`- x, control the influent v :�.< � , of+/-1%of the timer explosive limit(LEL).The maximum i q: rr LEL percentage the oxidizer can process at a 99.9%destruction rate is 25%LEL. The LEL level is monitored by a combustible catalytic bead sensor and transmitter which supplies a signal to the DMP Controller. If the LEL%rises x. above a pre-set level,it will close off the influent process stream valve and open a purge valve. The system will automatically restart by ramping up slowly. BOBCATTEMPERATURE CONTROL-Direct-fired BOBCATs utilize a DMP controller which modul ates a mechanical valve on the supplemental fuel inlet to control the oxidizer temperature at 650 degrees fahrenheit with an accuracy!. of+1-5 degrees. The controller receives a signal from a type K thermocouple in the oxidizer stack. VOCs will not be introduced until the oxidizer has reached the preset 650 degree temperature. The electric BOBCAT utilizes a DMP controller to control the heating element and bring the system to operating temperature of 650 degrees fahrenheit Exhaust temperature will range from between•1,150 71,250 degrees. •.- -: ' HIGH LIMIT CONTROLLER-A DMP controller monitors the temperature of the oxidizer to insure that it operates within the operating parameters i' of the system. If the temperature rises above a pre-set level,the oxidizer will shut off the system until the unit is manually reset .Y• '' ' a VACUUM PUMP/BLOWER ASSEMBLY Based on unit size,pump/blower essemblys range from 100 to 1,000 SCFM,and electnc.motors are,- from 5 to 30 HP dependening on vacuum requirements The standard base unit is capable of providing a vacuum equivalent to 6 inches of r `i.1: BURNER/ HEATER- Direct fred BOBCATS come standard with ran Eclips Thermjet:Burner w ich-,carn,u6Gie either'propane;or na ae,t" • gam,. : supplemental fuel. Electric BOBCATs are standard with a minimum 30 kw heating elementt that ws the end user-aa 5-m 'ate heaat-up u irk Cup. -,, .Y. ,,,r + bF ,l' .'•'� r . :�} .'`3i f •$ Z ` � eye .,.' A. Fa mac. ....4t i. +'-a *�'°r,tT • $ .. A. 6 POINT STRIP CHART RECORDER 'This inst ument w�f chart a large fat of i ems wi r onsiderable a lowin "the,uset� b trfi �, �'f "regulatory required data.'As a standard,the following items may recorded; �Process 7elnperature, B)Stac.i,�emperatura CI o ge�'icinf�th�r K D)%LEL; E)%Oxygen;and F)Catalytic Pretreat lemperahue • • fr 3 44.: `,. �' ` + 'I-`' ; ar ', - >{'�,", �`# If.) c r 4-, t '� t t • ,�. lbw --(..t r a • e. s .1, 1<is e' x Y 2 Jt fir" xr t 1,.% '-4P R., �.r"Y`e .' '' 2�Ii ri.� 41::: x • ,r-rtr`,, 171 ,,i., /f'y `, f ;;, to v.., T+� {c uy� r y ;LS .�€ of• i �, ° �, . xr t - • ^� sir).n P ^ yt�F$.� 't:�� Rv� x'' �ra}r n . � •Tr r s„'' r ......44 , 2 ,�v t o mare `b i •C.a W } Sik F ; sm .. ' MvX, Y N�rrg��. •# —. P_ 'dyL i .. ,A 'i M 4M1 i k , - • ,,, , , . ,` ©u,_ .,,, ,,.„,.,.;.... ,.... , 0, 4N r'tr— '''T ;4.,,..,:,_, ... ...'YT4�T L. 74+ T ^rat ?.w,ti^ i `A i.tgl, . _ ,. . ..., , ; Alr Yt^Tn7.� „. �_ Y b r. icy. 93tv :4'$ }1 Y- '[r ,raw■„ 4,4 'r a °' -��, „• r ' T,... i ° +s, ''' •1-..; 'Y`-"`":+r > S- iF _ • a: J r f ! ,•z to 'Tr 4.h _, yr 4 • , e : 1 ty---- .... is IT, ' .' fir el) - ,._ ,• , -_ LRCENO arr.OAT! t...; -• .. K 1 6 eanerm 4erTeYI bite.L) Mi t YR■.TOT.CL M�-0U .aT1 - GMAT WTALTTC ICI MU otTCO Watt IA I1W6 two..Ma larre.a) TI�IMILL Oxman i KS le/Cm =Wali Wit mamma WALK.aura TKUTgr(00,10.0 r1a■■orraw, Cl WTLVTTc UMW MWR .oroWARM,r■OCTft mono.met Kr .n.r momona.a !cr .Ott I COMM*airs a Men . T n[rnTr Wm en PfeCte u tiTrrutwoT Tamura Pt ruii,Wt'Ttt as C.T■M.ta 110D le.,0.0 ,,• w. PA, 'Tart Wile* Re I K.nu roar. sun n100111 -- - CT IT � now*vox:Wn w/r■ns oatta[a T.Trar.arw Lrt RAM �n.a�1 TWIC TTlt nano ion.mtwn 1 """'^T ii rnan([.nuar[.r raw) Tt rl lwocol.rlt TT WTnTa[Menet' naorocnTir(t.tot wr/In eoTrrot tutamc oar) i rtLt T■■.WirtCICT CONTROLLER a T(TIIIOCOarlt,Ira*to OUT(mass rtr.ur♦ .w Pt tsar T:■I.VI T11 rC 10.0uTTUK coKAICc WI NUM Wan PAPAW. 040) rr ttruaTa War: 111 Duns co.raout■(sire.,) ae„aT,�a,r,y ell woe van M.n■Mum) m MOM ROW VAle .—-- .—I ,t _r�1 STEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC. INDUSTRIES, INC. 2130 E.Orangewood Avenue+ Anaheim,California USA 92806 ♦ Tel. 800-504-1112 (Ivor BOBCAT ALL ELECTRIC CATALYTIC OXIDIZER STANDARD FEATURES STANDARD OPTIONS • Pre-plumbed, wired and sized for up to • Trailer mounted unit with dual axles 1000 SCFM and leveling jacks • Skid mounted with 4 eyelets for lifting • Soundproof Enclosure with Lead Lined and fork lift holes in all sides Sound Mat Material • Entrainment Separator to handle up to • Oxygen Monitoring 60 gallons of liquid with high liquid level • Auto Drain for Entrainment Separator shut-off and visual sight glass • Air Sparging Blower, 150 SCFM and up • Automatic Vapor Control by Dilution • UL Inspection of Control Panel tiiwir Pressure Sensor (VES Blower) • Vacuum Gauge on Entrainment • Blower sized for up to 1000 SCFM @ 5" Separator mercury vacuum • Well inlet flow rate • Flame Arrestor • Flow measurement • 3/16" steel shell oxidizer with reinforcing flanges, lined with high temperature refractory • Emergency Shut-Off Button • Total Hour Meter • 6 Pen Strip Chart Recorder • Temperature Controller • High Limit Temperature Controller • LEL Controller with Sensor For More Information Contact: • Acrylic Enamel Paint to resist corrosion or peeling STEALTH INDUSTRIES, INC. • Power requirements: 230V/460 3530 E. Enterprise Drive 3 Phase, 200 amp service Anaheim, CA 92807 • catalytic Module with Effulent 800.632.1112 • ermocoupie 714.632.1112 • 50% Efficient Heat Exchanger 714.632.1177 Facsimile ?m F?cf Cpol n.;,,�c d7o 1 1 —__—_ THE BOBCAT ELECTRIC CATALYTIC OXII)IZER 9O' F SHELL & TUBE �' HEAT EXCHANGER t' .f i 11 200°F r .w` •" 400°F ! c/ Q ,--, i I,,-.. lit •115 F CATALYST CELL • j i rseesss- s se i�ii�.ss..s 11111111111111•01111111111/111 CERAMIC MEDIA �CO C OXIDATION �7 0r CHAMBER f N. Q,, , INSULATION 9'- F '. 25# 5 .4 ti _ .,— : : a F r r rem _ ' :''3 ` :£'' g{f f 9 ." fly�. _ ' ELECTRIC 1 .; h � 4 '' ` � ELEMENTS +4 �' x r r� t o ,r.�,e: „l , 4• } a, ,r,i, ,I� CERAMIC MEDIA L �P q0.i 8w T- 7 v I • I.^�.d �?`...fl /'avtr! + 'c r - ,{ ,'�'' • L'.LTi-I— INDUSTRIES IN,