HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.1005.TCREM.Packet oq �fl„ NOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE 460, tp SESSION OF THE `e•—lteir 14'that is gill" FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Morgan Councilman McNeill Vice Mayor Hutcheson Councilman Wyman Councilman Kavanagh Councilwoman Fraverd Councilwoman Ralphe WHEN: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2000 TIME: 5:30 P.M. (THE COUNCIL WILL BE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION FROM 5:30 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. THE REGULAR SESSION WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 6:30 P.M.) WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B (to RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL—ADOPTED 1/18/90 It is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting,please adhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1.) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2.) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3.) Please stand,approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4.) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5.) TIME LIMIT—THREE(3)MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6.) Statements should not be repetitive. 7.) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • ROLL CALL 1.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4., VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position in pending or contemplated litigation regarding the Town versus MCO Properties. (itio, 2.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular and Executive Session October 5,2000 • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan thy • PLEDGE TO THE FLAG— • INVOCATION—Pastor Mark Derksen • ROLL CALL Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine, non-controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of September 19, 2000. *2.) Consideration of the LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION submitted by Orhan Kraya for Euro Pizza Café to be located at 12645 North Saguaro Boulevard, Suite 10. The application is for a Series 12 Restaurant license. *3.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2000-48, abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located along the northerly property line of Plat 505-A, Block 1, Lot 34, (15506 East Tepee Drive) as recorded in Book 158 page 40 records of Maricopa County, Arizona (Douglas and Karen Downey).EA 00-27 *4.) Consideration of the PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT for the BJB Casa Properties Condominiums, (11w a .31 acre, 2-unit proposed condominium project, located at 16542 E. Lost Arrow Drive, Case Number S2000-035. 5.) PRESENTATION by Ryan Rhodes of Black and Veach Engineering on the lake liner project and consideration of a change order in the amount of$34,559.99 for additional materials. 6.) Discussion of the ADVISORY COMMITTEE to be formed for the purpose of studying the pros and cons of dual versus single agency law enforcement with possible direction to staff. 7.) Discussion of the CITIZEN SURVEY concerning Parks and Recreation priorities with possible direction to staff. 8.) Discussion of ESTABLISHING A POLICY on public relations and advertising expenditures for mountain preservation issues with possible direction to staff. 9.) PRESENTATION by the Logical Land Use Committee on issues relating to the Shea Retail Center development. 10.) PRESENTATION by a group of Laser Drive Industrial Park users concerning their proposed option for dealing with Laser Drive and the proposed Shea Retail Center. 11.) PRESENTATION by representatives of the Barclay Group on the Shea Retail Center Development, including an update on the subdivision, cut and fill waiver, right-of-way abandonment applications and the economic development agreement. co 12.) Consideration of the FINAL REPLAT for plat 203, block 9, lot 9, located at the southwest corner of Inca and Manitou Drives to subdivide the lot into two lots, Case Number S2000-024. This item was continued from the September 21 Council meeting. Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 3 Last printed 10/03/00 9:38 AM Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular and Executive Session October 5,2000 13.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Loy Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda but must be within the jurisdiction of the Council. All comment is "subject to reasonable time, space and manner restrictions"and the Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public,individual Council members may respond to criticism,ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. 14.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 3rd day of October 2000. Cassie B. Hansen,Director of Administration/Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice)or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. cir Town of Fountain Hills Page 3 of 3 Last printed 10/03/00 9:38 AM MEMORANDUM TO: TH BLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: PA '' 1 11 IN,TOWN MANAGER DATE: SEPT :, BER '9, 2000 RE: MANAGER'S ' PORT FOR THE OCTOBER 5TH COUNCIL MEETING REMINDERS: An Executive Session is scheduled to immediately PRECEDE the Thursday Council meeting. It will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Jury Room. Food will be available. Pertinent documentation will be distributed to you next week. The Regular Council Session will begin at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. A special session for the purpose of interviewing Planning & Zoning Commission applicants is tentatively scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, October 17th. The date (be and time will be confirmed to you after Mayor Morgan's approval. For those of you who attended the League Conference in Prescott, please remember to submit your completed expense vouchers to Sue. CONSENT AGENDA: There are four items on the consent agenda. Please review each item and contact me should you determine any should be removed. AGENDA ITEM#5 - LAKE LINER PROJECT UPDATE/CHANGE ORDER CONSIDERATION: Ryan Rhoades, Project Engineer from the Black & Veatch Corporation, will update the Council on the present status of the Fountain Lake liner project. Also included for your consideration are recommended changes including project contract credits and additions for related work items totaling $34,559.99. Staff is recommending approval. Tom's memo is attached. L AGENDA ITEM#6 - RESOLUTION 2000-49/ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION: The resolution, if approved, would establish a Community Center Advisory Commission. At the September 21St council meeting, I was directed to prepare an action item for the Council for the purpose of establishing a Community Center Advisory Commission based upon the Planning & Zoning Commission model. The resolution, I believe, accomplishes that task. In addition, I promised the Council to prepare two separate schedules including the appointment process of the commission as well as the appointment process for the community center director. Let me discuss the Community Center Advisory Commission process. If the Council approves the enclosed resolution in some form at Thursday's meeting, then advertising could begin as early as October 11th. I would recommend a three-week recruitment process (could be less if the Council would so desire). This process would end on Friday, November 3rd. Council could then consider the applications and interview them on Thursday, November 14th and appoint the commission members on November 16th. That action would establish the commission and they would hold their inaugural meeting anytime after the appointment. The director position would be advertised beginning in October and the recruitment period would end on Friday, November 17th, with interviews scheduled prior to the first of December. The appointment by the town manager could be announced no later than December 8th. I anticipate that the director's first day on the job could be as soon as Tuesday, January 2, 2001. Councilmember Kavanagh has suggested alternative provisions for the establishment of the Community Center Advisory Commission. If it is the Council's desire to make changes or additions to Councilmember Kavanagh's suggestions, this could be accomplished by an amending motion. The draft resolution and Councilmember Kavanagh's email will be provided to you next week. AGENDA ITEM#7 - DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE FORMATION OF A LAW ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Councilmember Kavanagh has requested that this issue be placed on the agenda for discussion. This item was briefly discussed at the Council retreat last month. No information relative to this subject is enclosed. AGENDA ITEM#8 - DISCUSSION OF CITIZEN SURVEY: This item has also been included at the request of Councilmember Kavanagh. I believe this topic is in part pursuant to the conversation held with the Parks and Recreation Commission at our joint meeting. No material is attached. Town Manager's Report October 5,2000 Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM#9 - DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC RELATIONS POLICY AND EXPENDITURES: This item has also been placed on this agenda for discussion at the request of Councilman Kavanagh. No material has been included. AGENDA ITEM # 10 - LOGICAL LAND USE COMMITTEE PRESENTATION: Councilmember Wyman has requested this agenda item. The Logical Land Use Committee will make their presentation on issues relating to the Shea retail center development. Bob Tripp, LLUC Chairman, will discuss issues relating to the Shea retail center. No written information has been included in this packet. AGENDA ITEM# 11 - RESOLUTION 2000-17/LASER DRIVE ABANDONMENT: Firerock residents have presented signed petitions supporting their request to close off Laser Drive to all traffic to and from Saguaro, and Technology Drive at Saguaro with a gate for emergency use only, with the alley left open. To save paper, we have included a sample copy of this petition that the Firerock residents have signed, and a roster including each resident's name and address who have signed a petition. The staff report for this item will be distributed to you early next week. AGENDA ITEMS# 12 & # 13 - CUT AND FILL WAIVER/PRELIMINARY PLAT/SHEA RETAIL CENTER: Information relating to this topic will be available for your review early next week. AGENDA ITEM# 14 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT/SHEA RETAIL CENTER: Town Attorney Bill Farrell will provide information regarding this agenda item to you next week. PLEASE NOTE: • Attached to this packet is a copy of the correspondence from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) I received yesterday. This action brings the Sanitary District one step closer. This is provided for your information only. No Council action is required. L Town Manager's Report October 5,2000 Council Meeting Page 3 of 4 • Also attached is Jeff Valder's report including the Planning & Zoning Commission Lapplications for your review. As stated previously, an interview session is tentatively scheduled for the evening of October 17th. Please reserve the date on your calendars. We will confirm the meeting once the Mayor has had an opportunity to review and approve the time and date. L L Town Manager's Report October 5,2000 Council Meeting Page 4 of 4 Interoffice (110.0 Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Olfral:11 Date: 10/03/00 Re: AGENDA UPDATES FOR THE 10/5/00 COUNCIL MEETING Just so we could have purple agendas, the following changes were made: OLD AGENDA ITEM #6 — RESOLUTION 2000-49 — COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION This item was postponed at the request of Mayor Morgan. Please see enclosed memo from the Mayor. NEW AGENDA ITEM #10—PRESENTATION FROM LASER DRIVE PARK USERS This group has requested to address the Council regarding their suggestions for Laser Drive as it relates to the Shea.Retail Center. NEW,AGENDA:ITEM #11—PRESENTATION BY THE BARCLAY GROUP Old agenda items #11 through #14 were consolidated into one item. Representatives from the Barclay Group will provide the Council with an "update" on the items that were previously agendized as action items. NEW AGENDA ITEM #12—FINAL REPLAT This item was continued from an earlier date. It is the lot split application requested by Greg and Julia Maraston for the lot located at the corner of Inca and Manitou Drive. Please see enclosed staff report from Jeff. Page 1 of 1 September 20, 2000 Agenda Update Last printed 10/03/00 1:37 PM 10/03/00 (ow MEMORANDUM TO: TOWN COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: MAYOR SHARON MORGAN DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2000 SUBJECT: COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM I have had a discussion with Paul today concerning the above agenda item. Staff was not able to complete the draft resolution for our review until today. I believe the League Conference was excellent; however, it has put our staff behind in their projects, this included. I would like to request that we not consider this item on this agenda because staff has not had the opportunity to properly complete it. Therefore, I have asked Paul to remove this item from Thursday's agenda and respectfully request that none of you ask that it be retained on this agenda. I do have some potential concerns about this commission's formation and request two weeks to develop some alternatives for your consideration. Councilmember Kavanagh has made some suggestions that I have asked Paul to work up in a more formalized manner. Therefore, I would like to also request an additional two weeks to give this item some extra work. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. L (iv Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Date: 09/29/00 Re: AGENDA ITEM #2— EURO PIZZA CAFE LIQUOR LICENSE AGENDA ITEM #2— EURO PIZZA CAFE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION Orhan Kraya has submitted an application for a Class 12 Restaurant liquor license for the Euro Pizza Café, a new restaurant that gill be located at 12645 East Saguaro Boulevard, Suite 10. Marshal Gendler has reviewed the proposed floor pl n and application to insure that 40% of the establishment will be devoted to. food service, a statutory requirement of a Class 12 license. His inspection and background investigation revealed that all statutory requirements have been satisfied and he has forwarded a favorable recommendation. The premise has been posted for the statutory twenty-day period and no written arguments have been received at Town Hall. The applicant has been issued business license Le, #4092 for the Town of Fountain Hills. Based on statutory compliance, staff recommends approval. L Page 1 of 1 October 5,2000 Agenda Items Last printed 09/29/00 2:30 PM 09/29/00 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL A0014�`� 400 W Congress#150 800 W Washington 5th Floor � �,, 4y Tucson AZ 85701-1352 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 = -� " . 542-5141 � - � (10, (602) (520) 628-6595 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING Date of Posting: September 6, 7 000 Date of Posting Removal: SPp t Pmb e r 96, 9 000 Applicant Kraya Orhan Name: Middle Last First Business Address: 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd. Suite 10 Fountain Wills 85268 Street City Zip 12074623 License#: (liw I hereby certify that pursuant to A.R.S. 3 4-20 1,I posted notice in a conspicuous place on the premises proposed to be licensed by the above applicant and said notice was posted for at least twenty(20)days. Cassie B. Hansen Director of Admin./ Town Clerk (480) 837-2003 Print Name of City/County Official Title Telephone# C"all'‘J Ok'N . 10/5/00 SignatureDate Signed Return this affidavit with your recommendation(i.e.,Minutes of Meeting,Verbatim,etc.)or any other related documents. If you have any questions please call(602)542-5141 and ask for the Licensing Division. (kw Individuals requiring special accommodations please call(602)542-9051 Lic0119 03/1999 Form 104 Revised 1/84 (my (APPROVAL) 4 s-TOWN OF Fountain Hills STATE APPLICATION NO. 12074623 COUNTY OF Maricopa } ARIZONA -TOWN NO. 079 • ORDER NO. At a Regular meeting of the Town Council (Regular or ; ) (Governing Body) of the Town of Fountain Hills held on the 5th day of October 2000 , the Application of Orhan Kraya for a license to sell spirituous liquors, at the premises described in his Application No. 12074623 was considered, as provided by Title 4, A.R.S., as amended. (kw IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Application of Orhan Kraya be, and the same is, hereby recommended for approval, a license to sell spirituous liquors of the class, and in the manner, designated in his Application No. 12074623 by Series 12 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a Certified" Copy of this Order be imme- diately transmitted to the Department of Liquor Licenses and Control, Phoenix, Az. •=v.::'• TOWN CLERK DATED AT Fountain Hills Director of Admin. this 5th day of October , Of 2000 L Town of Fountain Hills Memorandum (itre TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler DATE: September 15,2000 SUBJECT: Liquor License Application—Euro Pizza Cafe The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a conditional endorsement of the attached liquor license application for the "Euro Pizza Cafe" to be located at 12645 Saguaro Boulevard. It is my understanding that the application is scheduled for consideration the Council session on October 5th. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION: This application is for a new Class 12 liquor license under the specifications of ARS 4- 205.02. A Class 12 license is for restaurant use only. The statutes require that 40% of the business establishment be devoted to serving food and that liquor sales be incidental to the food service. A review of the proposed floor plan, as well as documentation in the application, indicates that nearly 80% of the establishment will be devoted to service of food. A site inspection could not be conducted since the facility is currently under construction. A Class 12 license is exempt from restrictions relating to churches, schools and nearby liquor establishments. However, while the applicant shows only six liquor license holders within a one-half mile radius, there are in fact seven class 12 licenses, a class 7, a class 9 and a class 14 in the immediate area. These licenses are consistent with the area zoning and do not represent a proliferation issue in this case. The applicant, Orhan Kraya, is an Arizona resident under the provisions of ARS Title 28. I have verified that he has no outstanding wants or warrants. In addition, a records check on the other corporate officer and partner, Merita Kraya-Idrizay shows her to be an Arizona resident with no outstanding wants or warrants. The applicant has been advised that a Fountain Hills business license is required in addition to the liquor license application. He is in the process of securing a business license, however, it had not been issued at the time this report is being prepared. RECOMMENDATION Based on compliance with Title 4 relating to the Class 12 liquor license, the fact that the applicant is an Arizona resident with no wants or warrants, I recommend approval by the Council conditional upon securing a Fountain Hills business license. Business License Verification L To: Public Safety Director Steve Gendler From: Bev Bender,Executive Assistant to the Town Clerk Date: C-4` 4 ` [' _�_ a ,R2 Applicant: �' Applicant's address: '67 V.5 /CJ -kZ 416 0()-4 Business License: 1C7T,T112 Business License effective period: COMMENTS: �, ' +,ems ,f (iriyA f r 1'_ -P AY_r J(.F'. // r6/-<'_ L %7 `" /� _ / ' SS LICENSE APPLICATION (C , /"A c% j. C' OWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,L; ,_,,;.1 L ARIZONA ji1"6( �`! ;a ►)a riC applying to s: 0 Resident ❑ Non-resident ❑ New 0 Branch location Atio? BUSINESS NAME AND LOCA TION INFORMATION: A separate application must be filled out for each branch establishrnn: or separate place of business. Go/et- c/r— tie ,4-Y lei (op P d P. -T/oA✓ (0 1 Business Name(Company or Individual DBA) Business Start Date @ this locatio Oet-I- A A) / -fk y /i- ?'zt41J (o 2)Q. -// 1,Et. Primary Contact Person Title �� 1 -7 ,, Business Phone No. Fed. I. Tax# 1) ROE (`ilZ- / BA (zO Li. I (623)5g./-/?2J 2) 4.TZ/ 6C/2-- /ViA (' ',. 820>37,j Names and Phone Numbers of two people to be contacted in case of emergency / �� 12 6 S . cl g/kia/ # /0 F#. y s ZC Complete physical address where business located (2L ,Av - --12 Al f2._. qI10e4 , z (S sD 2 9 Mailing Address if different from physical address List all Towns/Cities where business is transacted OWNERSHIP INFORMATION: (Check One) 0 Proprietorship 0 Partnership pr Corporation Li) /(1) /2-f-ril RR-ii--- .4- ri/tg/S-t, (e6V9?8-//e v/ 320-N‘---Y.7 Name of Owner or Officer itle Home Phone Social Security Number 1:7- i314442 / og )2(1'27- ) ({2 big-- Piloe:.1(7,C 4-.77 S- 02XDriver's License Number Street Address City/Town State Zip .1) t;e-H// A-// k g A-7/4 - '74,.f:t.7 Le_/. .cz--) ( - i,j (6cI74T-/( / 2:6--78—(.; -TO Name of Owner or Officer Title / - Home Phone Social Security Number _' /2 L( 3 ?4 ‘•(262 - 5Y,� ei,,1Y / Z `".7c% Y. Drivers License Number Street Address City/Town State Zip CORPORATION NAME AND ADDRESS: • Telephone No. ( c / 9'-k-'yXt/ Statutory Agent Otey/74--/ i/elq Y/q- BUSINESS PREMISES STATUS co you lease your business premises?co Yes 0 No If yes,Landlord's Name �-L �^�`� /�-'1 ,oitz ,, V �t�e Landlord's Telephone Number Landlord's Address Page 1 of 2 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL G`' �-� RECEIVED'`�`�00 W Washington 5th - 01 �1Y'!!���'- cAt-1' g Floor i ! ' SEP 0 5 400 W Congress #150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 � .5. Z00� (liw �,, = ucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 y 1 ''N FounrraN Hi �� To � 50 (520) 628-6595 CATIc NN O; R LIQUOR LICE �h 01 9 TYPE OR PRINT WITH 1.., A a Notice: Effective Nov 1,1997,All Owners s-P t rr '' kholde Officers or Ma ers acti operations of the business must attend a Depa tinent approved liquor law trai u o -p e` vel involved in the proof of attendance wda itt to da five years. See page 5 of the Liquor Licensing requirements. � hin the last SECTION 1 This application is for a: ems+ t7�1 9-LA-co SECTION 2 Type of ownership v' A~k- Q")'10'� 'To Lou nc� 1 to.'$'.dp ❑INTERIM PERMIT Complete Section 5 NEW LICENSE Complete Sections 2,3,4,13,14,15,16,17 CI J.T.W.R.O.S. Complete Section 6 ❑INDIVIDUAL Complete Section ❑PERSON TRANSFER(Bars&Liquor Stores ONLY) 0 PARTNERSHIP Complete Sectaor ' Complete Sections 2,3,4,11,13,I5,.16,17 CORPORATION Complete Section 7 � ❑LOCATION TRANSFER(Bars and Liquor Stores ONLY) �`'� Complete Sections 2,3,4,12,13,15,16,17 ����`��Ti'CO. Complete Sectz�7 ❑PROBATE/WILL ASSIGNMENT/DIVORCE DECREE ❑CLUB Complete Section 8 Complete Sections 2,3,4,9,13,I5,17(fee not required) ❑GOVERNMENT Complete Sectio0 ❑GOVERNMENTq ) ❑TRUST Complete Section 6 '� Complete Sections 2,3,4,10,13,15,16,17 CI OTHER Explain SECTION 3 Type of license and fees: . LICENSE#: 1. Type of License: 5.-e12-tre/3 /2_3 . , ' ' i� �ZJoarsI'PLICAse: • attached: $_L__4.i 4/27,11____&__L_W.' . . . _ _ JEAND.INTEI?IM PENT FAS(IFAPPLICABLE` ARE . .RE NOT REFUNDABLE .� A service fee of$25.00 will be-charged for all dishonored the . s(A.R.S;44.6852) SECTION 4 Applicant:(All applicants must complete this section) . Pt- 1 C) g__.-7t1 LAritp •hcant/A nt's Nct) `�P ge ame:Ms. AIA A o R },i A) _ one name ONLY to appear on license) 2. Corp./P p/L.L.C.: 6 O R E Ar C -- /cR First )0 Li lo-Q Afiddle artnershi �-- iii- y4 _ (Exactly as it appears on Articles of Inc.or Articles of Org.) ` l 3. Business Name: E (1 R 0 Z Z 4 C . F E g S . + i . (Exactly as it appears on the exterior of premises) 4. Business Address: / 4�, &IX: / i 4f' ...0 bevy ,v (Do not use PO Box Number) (� i�� � r � City COUNTY � —��'r 5. Business Phone: � ~-- Zip (—� 1 '�' 6011/ ` t '�• •Residence Phone: 6 f�L. / 6. Is the business located within the incorporated limits of the above city or town? DYES 7. Mailing Address: Z. I4 2-t l� ONO 8. Enter the amount paid for a 06,07,or 09 license: $ City State Zip . (Price of License ONLY) DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Accepted by: _61_0 . A A . -- @1/4U— L (21- Date: - \-1L1c.# Fees: JO V __._ Application Interim Permit Agent Change Club F.Prints TOTAL PROCESSING APPLICATIONS TAKES APPROICIMATELY 90 DAYS,AND CIRCUMSTANCES OFTEN RESULT IN YOU ARE CAUTIONED REGARDING PLANS FOR A GRAND OPENING A LONGER WAITING PERIOD. ETC.,BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL AND ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. LIC 0100 05/1999 *Disabled individuals requiring special accommodation,please call the Department SECTION 7 Corporation/Limited Liability Co.: EACH PERSON LISTED MUST SUBMIT A COMPLETED FORM "LIC0101", AN "APPLICANT" TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD, AND $24 FEE FOR EAi CARD. (be EV CORPORATION Complete questions 1,2,3,5,6, 7,8. ❑ L.L.C. Complete questions 1,2,4,5,6, 7 and attach copy of Articles of Org.and Operation Agreement. 1. Name o Corporatio .L.C.. t-/t/C ` n- dfc CO ft/VR/1r/t74,04..i (Exactly as it appears on Articles of Inc.. ' l 4.)Q {r\ 12: 2. Date Incorporated/Organized: TA/Ye° State where Incorporated/Organized: T/00 nr- egi 3. AZ Corporation Commission File No.: O 999.20 6rSatt a oii ed to do business in AZ: i0v'/��� 4. AZ L.L.C.File No: Date authorized to do business in AZ: 5. Is Corp./L.L.C.non-profit? ❑YES RNO If yes,give IRS tax exempt number: 6. List all directors/officers in Corporation/L.L.C.: Last First Middle Title Residence Address City State Zip AYA (OR/t/f. 1.101 /2 /beiS'C I(g/f-gd- VCZA.19 tted6 12 9311- - '' / 4/2ICOZ7 vt (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) • • 7 List stockbolccers or controlling members.owning 10%or more:- • • ast East• Middle %Owned Residence _ Address City'State Zip . • : .�� /2 �4� ,�'���� Sbv� �, Z�34 ,ems, �,�.4 R._ gh.,(5e41.47r,4-26rii)p t 2 A ti(69 44-(t/f-- bRIZ A). ki° 2 LI It 2 41 12- (126..QtAL\ 0. ? z/ % (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 8. If the corporation/L.L.C.is owned by another entity,attach an ownership,and director/officer/members disclosure for the parent entity. Attach additional sheets as necessary in order to disclose real people. SECTION 8 Club Applicants: EACH PERSON LISTED MUST SUBMIT A COMPLETED FORM "LIC0101" AN "APPLICANT"TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD, AND $24 FEE FOR EACH CARD. 1. Name of Club: Date Chartered: (Exactly as it appears on Club Charter) (Attach a copy of Club Charter) 2. Is club non-profit? ❑YES ❑NO If yes,giv. IRS tax - empt number: 3. List officer and directors: Last First Nfiddle Title Residence Address City State Zip (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 3 SECTION 12 Location to Location Transfer: (Bars and Liquor Stores ONLY) APPLICANTS CANNOT OPERATE UNDER A LOCATION T' NSFER UNTIL IT IS APPR a VED BY THE STATE. AZ LIQ (by Current Business Name and Address: (Exactly as it appears on license) m 31 I 17 NI ' 0 2. New Business Name and Address: PA AUG 0 A 12: 35 (Do not use PO Box Number) DEPT OF LIQUOR 3. License Type: License Number: Last Renewal Date: 4. What date do you plan to move? What date do you plan to open? SECTION 13 Questions for all in-state applicants: 1. Distance to nearest school: ft. N fee7)77 Name/Address of school: (regardless of distance) _ • 2: Distance to nearest church: '(t? j f,, :Name/Address of church: C6,C4, (regardless of distance) T / /c Lull the: 10 LESSEE . 0&W ESSEE ❑rOwNER .❑PpRtHAsER(of premises) 71- f 4. If the premises is leased give lessors name and address: V. • 4a. Monthly rental/lease rate$ 3f • d . What is the remaining length of the lease? yrs. mos. 4b. What is the penalty if the lease is not fulfilled? $ ' 61/2 orUdert 51-t4/L 'vi 06 ,,J2,7_4,71.64eJ (give details-attach ad oval sheet if necessary) 5. What is the total business indebtedness of the applicant for this license/location excluding lease? $ • Ot Does any one creditor represent more than 10%of that sum? 0 YES 5,t NO If yes,list below. Total must equal 100%. Last First Middle %Owed Residence Address City '� State Zip (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 6. What type of business will this license be used for?(BE SPECIFIC) Rg /4;1_,e,-(0/ ` •-e1/11/4, l 7. Has a license,or a transfer license for the premises on this application been denied by the state within the past one(1)year? ❑YES 01 NO If yes,attach explanation. 8.Cs any spirituous liquor manufacturer,wholesaler,or employee,have any interest in your business? DYES NO 9. Is the premises currently licensed with a liquor license? ❑YES I%NO If yes,give license number and licensee's name: (Exactly as it appears on license) , - ' SECTION 16 Geographical Data: A SAMPLE FOR THIS SECTION IS PROVIDED ON THE BACK OF THIS PAGE. ,st below the exact names of all churches,schools,and spirituous liquor outlets within a one half mile radius of your proposed location. a vl`/l9' RR5Z Pyte.S 12 O 1 2. at'; 34 CI CI kA 1 S 5seyt:es 1 z 0 2- 21.1P Pir.; -;; A NT ,,rr�� 5Grocer, 'yes 10 r17 et,„, , 3. Vl 5 , ��� x �� �r '. ,..,,:„. 1 ,,,!- I IO!!On 4. -r r tic, Rol s. (Lax/tic/ WI•1- ,, tvi e.9 ow, 6 1 O 6. Rtrri e.fit&covvx. /e a..1„C /, 7. 8. of 0 I 9. Ailif eF fi liv774 'r`n, 10. ` 11. a 12. • . Q • 13. 14. , % ' _ y ( ' CH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) c_ . A=Your business name and identify cross streets. y SECTION 17 Signature Block: 1, 0 R P A Ai k +V ,declare that: 1)I am the APPLICANT(Agent/Club Memb` Partnep);making this (Print name of APPLICANT/AGENT listed in Sect 4 Question 1) z,5 application;2)I have read the application and the contents and all statements are true,correct and complete; p •3)that t, application is not being made to defraud or injure any creditor,taxing authority,regulatory authority,or transferor;4)that no other person,lei,or corporation,except as indicated, has an interest in the spirituous liquor license for which these statements are made; and 5) that none of the:owners, partners, members,officers,directors or stockholders listed have been convicted of a felony the past five(5)years. ,, Y P X (- 42- i.c._ 1"1 ••-.1ate o County of G _a�) ._ The fore g ins I was acknowledged (signature) St / 0 ge before me this . •.y Ali_ --�. a u� D. ., Mr , -, , ! '' Year r & ,� ,� / My commission expires onaW © igUrrc' .' .,� ,��,��. 4 ` ,,o'%r`i " �f-'.. 1 1 r M •'s ;l.:) ' ARY 'LIC) 1 `"; :: My Commission Exp law --...1.-,— ma =loom ""AJINIA.DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL • 800 W Washington 5th Floor ,W 400 W Congress#150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 Tucson . A .IQ LW AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141111 ' (520) 628-6595 HOTEL-MOTEL AND RE A ES RECORDS REQUIRED FOR AUDIT OF SERIES#11 &#12 LICENSES MAKE A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT AND KEEP IT WITH YOUR DLL C RECORDS In the event of an audit,you will be asked to provide to the department anydocu to determine compliance with A.R.S. 205.02.G. Such documents requeste ma menus necessary - are not limited to: y include however, 1. All invoices and receipts for the purchase of food and spirituous liquor premises. If you do not have all food or liquor invoices, contact please for the n licensed immediately and request copies of missing invoices. These must b your vendodors the time of the Audit Interview Appointment. If all food invoices are not availablele for p at that at time,you may not be given credit for all food sales, not at 2. A list of all food and liquor vendors • 3.'The restaurant menu used during the audit period 4. A"price list for alcoholic beverages during the audit period • • 5. Mark-upfigures on food and alcoholic products dunng►the audit period . • , : :- -.6.:A.recent;-cxccurate,inventoryof - • ry food and liquor(taken within two weeks of the Audit " "Interview-Appointment) ' ` . 7.;Moodily Inventory Figures -be �' ginning and•ending figures for food and liquor " 8. Chart of accounts(copy) 9. Financial Statements-Income Statements-Balance Sheets 10. General Ledger A. Sales Joumals/Monthly Sales Schedules 1) Daily sales Reports (to include the name of each waitress/waiter, bartender sales for that day) , etc, with 2) Daily Cash Register Tapes -Journal Tapes and Z-tapes 3) Guest Checks P 4) Coupons/Specials 5) Any other evidence to support income from food and liquor sales B. Cash Receipts/Disbursement Journals • 1) Daily Bank Deposit Slips 2) Bank Statements and canceled checks 11. Tax Records A. Transaction Privilege Sales, Use and Severance Tax Return co ies ( P ) B. Income Tax Return-city, state and federal (copies) C. Any supporting books,records, schedules or documents used in preparation returns P of tax LIC1013 05/1999 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor '�'���� ''k= i 400 W Chess#150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 �'c � ���� .� ��' °r 'J Tucson A' 85701-1352 (lbw (602) 542-5141 y '',iry�` L 2 u I? : 50 '8-(520) 65 DEPT 0f. LIQUOR c. " 'i _ 1AURANT O co r-° �e � .o Y J 7 �� 6..e 4 r.✓{' LICENSE# CEPT OF LIQUOR 1. List b Make,Model and Ca'aci of our: Grill ic2j -e . ' 644 Oven ;. 0 I • 4e/V3 ` 'al) C Z-.2-<.. 6-1 (-�t Freezer 2 i' Refrigerator `, i (, A ' -e` U vim... ,./. Sink Ar IlMr, ! a 5 ,c, c '. / c. /• 7 Dish Washing . . r . . o � � `� 3-��y2. Facilities - - .- . Food Pre ' ,�,, a • � . ��,,, paration ,��, - .�� CI � Counter(Dimensions) v �' _ - /'��� /dt4e �� Other r - r +avr ill 5 T — , p . 1-z 7)8 2. Print the name of your restaurant: 0R© P/2 2 3• Attach a copy of your menu (Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner includingprices). P ) 4. List the seating capacity for: a• Restaurant area of your premises i ,80 [ —1. ' ./ yerir ,, b. Bar area of your premises [ + c. Total area of your premises 1 yt90 ? J 5. What type of dinnerware and utensils are utilized within your restaurant? Pir Reusable rif Disposable 6. Does your restaurant have a bar area that is distinct and separate from the restaurant percentage of the public floor space does this area cover). 0 Yes seating? (If yes,what % ftliNo (7. What percentage of your public premises is used primarily for restaurant di ow (Does not include kitchen, bar, cocktail tables or ame area. g g ) � % *Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations,please call the Department Lic0114 05/1999 , Ei5/1,2121:1111d il:db biT2,d'Jb'J44/ -----,_ -,41 " • NAY-12-2000 10:05 ACC CORP FILING 1G.1492, _ P.03/05 WEI71 00 NOT PUBL/SH -•:: .. S.CM.E ot AL . ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION (160,HIS SECION 171:.-F..-0 10 SI S I ' Aug 31 1 18 111 nn s31, t AgncLE 1 ,goo mAy -5 p 2: 0 0 . 1i V OF The corporate name meat oontain a r- ;). 1111 ;Ir. 1 a Ak.s:_3 b corporate ending •: ' . '- , ' • - , t---• ---- — 6°/fitgAr which may be . '. c'Cl —ct-Trii:ja;&91/4/. (An Arizona Business CorpQr4Ac,i,j)rn; mi7, _ I A "I. ' I , "corporation." DEFT OF Lilit,Lti, •`.7 L 4.5 MID-7.Jillei(iJO- 1 "aSSIXillti on." ....,..,” 6 f?a.,:). ;c-r;ia: !,-4::::11;71,&R /!2A limged.- 1. Name.The name of the Corporation is "incorporated"or an abbreviation of any of LoR, po IZ "9 7"/ 4 A./ IN.*. • . these words.If you aro the holda or 2. P;rpOse.assiviet of a iradenarna or The.purpose for which this Corporation is organized is the transaction of any or all lawful business -- trademark.attach ' for which corporations may be incorporged under the laws of Arizona, as they may be amended Declaration of from time tb hide.... Tracking=Holder . , • 3. Initial Busitiejs. . . Aitnct..E 3 The Corporation initially intends to conduct the business of P / Z Z g/ ..q • _ • ' Tbename cannot C 0 4/ 5 7.>f) ,c/ c._ 7( 0 jt/ . / • "raipn i3 - -C-e. . i >f///v*& oripOzed for any . - ' - • . — . purpose'other than: ..' - • • - :. :, • . . . Linitial btainesc ' ' , :.. ' ' • . - . ' ' :, ' ' aced in-thia - : - .'. • ' . , • '' article. • • . • . .. . ARTICU 4 4. Authodusirfailk . ,. The total number of . auth°Tiztai Shilkila The Corporation shall have authority to issue -- • • , 38 shares of Common cannot be'7.eto"or S "Not tOCk. , Applicable." ARI1CLE 5 5. Known Place of Businal. (In Arizona) May be ln care of the ' statutory gent. The street addreiLa a l; known,nlace of business of the C oration is: .,.... :mzi;,. 4/67:41.44,‘ . . _ 4.111 ii, •';:ii ,Y1 Civ v 0 it Nfi- i ART/CLE 6 6. Stattitory Agent. (In Arizona) The statutory agent address cannot be a The name and address of the statutory agent of the Corporation is; P.O.Box. It muat be - ateffe 4/ kit4p. A phyaioal address in - Arizona. 'The agent )2,93 4' 1124/Li must sign the Articles ._ . or provide a consent th a e A Z.465o VI to acceptance of (ii. :moment. . DO NOT PUBLISH 7. Board of Directors THIS SECTION The initial board of directors shall consist of 2— director(s). The name(s) and address(es) A minimum of 1 of the person(s)who is(are) to serve as the director(s) until the first annual meeting of cor is required. shareholders or until his(her)(their) successor(s) is(are) elected and qualifies is(are): • Name: �; H ,�� �� ,-, -7/4- 2000 AUG 10 A 12: 3 b Address: �` j!i �'�.� /�l= l�' AUG 7 — I A 1 -1 1 rT lit ehr('x --,� DEFT OF LIQUOR City.State,Zip: — t - t Name: PT /42 72. / f��F A; Address: /l_ 113 ? /Ai. W . J 4i L City,State,Zip: '', The number of persons to serve on the board of directors thereafter shall be fixed Ethe Bylaws. • r- 8. Incorporators. 4.3 r- The name(s) and addresses) of the incorporator(s) is (are): "' Name: (-17 iZ r i A 'r It A "' Address: '2��� ti' . j�? ti�,) • City.State,Zip: x ,• :=� ` `'%` • VIP.8 • All powers duties and responsibilities-of the incorporators shall cease at the time of delivery of %whip=of 1 these Articles'of Incorporation to the Arizona Corporation Commission. incorporator is • required. All incorporators must 9, indemnification of Officers, Directors, Employees and Agents. sign both the Articles of Incorporation and The Corporation shall indemnify any person who incurs expenses or liabilities by reason of the the Certificate of Disclosure. fact he or she is or was an officer, director, employee or agent of the Corporation or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another Corporation,partnership,joint venture, trust or other enterprise. This indemnification shall be mandatory in all circumstances in which indemnification is permitted by law. 10. Limitation of Liability. To the fullest extent permitted by the Arizona Revised Statutes, as the same exists or may hereafter be amended, a director of the Corporation shall not be liable to the Corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for any action taken or any failure to take any action as a director. No repeal, amendment or modification of this article, whether direct or indirect, shall eliminate or reduce its effect with respect to any act or omission of a director of the Corporation occurring prior to such repeal, amendment or modification. L Utl,12./ I1'.1 11: .i. bk.,Yx!d'Jb'd44/ ---- -_. -.LIANkefidieue0""b""'"""--....... ACE. 01 /// / ACC CORP FILING 602 5424100 F.05/05 (iiie / mi;Y-1.2-2000 1.0:06 --... ....-- DO NOT FITALISti EXECUTED this_LI_day of____ __Y-.1 --c2 '-',.. , by all of the / cri-2(.....) sy)/A2•0 rin*S sEc71°N incorporators, . . • • • .."' of.", ....• . i Z . - ..,...........,,,,-7_. ...--.• .. , 414 numbers are optional I?if-)1,4 m, i ttrift-t4-10. , 4 "74 er-A/C,4 (Print Name Here) . (Print Name Here) ,. PHONE ( CIO Z) 5 49-114/ FAX Th agent may t Acceptance of Appointment By Statutory Agent . content to the appointment by eviler executing the The undersigned hereby acknowledges and accepts the app intrne t as statutory agent of the causing,attaching s above-named corporation effective this 1,9. day of cover letter.or if .. .. - .PaYinf ble'"Pic, . •. r . - . saacuting the daeck. • . Signed . , - 0 rrfili r( . ' . (Print Name Here) The A es ra sticltiathe ' • - . . acc.orapattie4 by a .• " • • , •• . . . . , CettifiWo of • ., . .: . ., • • .• , • . . , • : , •. ; ..' . ••Diseioaure.executed , . ' . --• - .. ' , , .. . thw .within30 days Of• ' - , .. - .. . ..• ... • • ., . , 3::an - delivery-to the , • • . .' :..... s.. -,.... • . . • , . c= . . Commission,bla.11, ' ... • ,., ' •• • • • • .'" • . • . • ., • incorporators; . • -- P. • 1 . -. , . i•,..4 • . . , , . • r— . . . . . . co r--... . --c c-, . ...... . . , 1 CF:0042 (toe Itev.3/00 CARL J. KUNASEK e,y 9 BRIAN C.MCNEIL CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY JIM IRVIN JOANNE C.MACDONNELL COMMISSIONER DIRECTOR,CORPORATIONS DIVISION �nrn ,ARIZ?N3A,COR1 3IJ OI pi S 1 WILLIAM A.MUNDELL COMMISSIONER 7: a t'. ,:.'4'F,� DEPT OF LIQUOR MO AUG 10 A 12: 3b DEFT OF LIQUOR ORHAN KRAYA 12437 N 42ND DR PHOENIX, AZ 85029 „ RE: GORENCA - KRAYA CORPORATION File Number: -0949206-1 r-- We are pleased to notify you that your Articles of Incorporation tt'ere t- filed on May 11, 2000 . You must, publish a copy of your Articles of .Incorporation. The •'i4.li- cagio.n must be in a newspaper of .general circulation in the county of the known place of:. business, for three •(3) consecutive publications. An affidavit from the newspaper, evidencing such publication, -must be delivered to the Commission for filing WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS from -he File Date: , - All corporations transacting business in 'Arizona are required to file an Annual Report with the Commission, on the anniversary of the , date of incorporation. Each year, a preprinted Annual Report Form will be mailed to you prior to the due date of the report. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at (602) 542-3135 in Phoenix, (520) 628-6560 in Tucson, or Toll Free (Arizona residents only) at 1-800-345-5819 . Very truly yours, PASCULITA COLLATETA Examiner Corporations Division Arizona Corporation Commission CF: 04 Rev: 4/97 L 1300 WEST WASHINGTON,PHOENIX,ARIZONA 85007-2929/400 WEST CONGRESS STREET,TUCSON,ARIZONA 85701-1347 www.cc.state.az.us-602-542-3135 • ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL O % 400=W Congress#150 800 W Washington 5th °° =T •+ gr �,��,;�, �/� Tucson AZ 85701-1352 Phoenix AZ 85007-29 (kiw (602) 542-5141 00 -,p (520) 628-6595 UgSTIONNAIRE READ CAREFULLY,THIS INSTRUMENT IS A SWORN DO r n'�I ,`,'a ; 0 A 1. PRINT WITH BLACK INK An extensive investigation of your backgroue vwill-be conducted. False or incomplete answers could result in criminal prosecution;and`the denial or su' 4 enkrevqcktielipia license or permit. TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH OWNER, AGENT, PARTNER, STOCKHOLDER (Dr:, t R'MOE), MEMBER, OFFICER OR MANAGER ALSO EACH PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM MUST SUBMIT AN"APPLICANT'TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE DEPT. FINGERPRINTING MUST BE DONE BY A BONA FIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OR A FINGERPRINTING SERVICE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR THE DEPARTMENT DOES NOT PROVIDE THIS SERVICE. There is a$24.00 processing fee for each fingerprint card submitted. A service fee of$25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks(A-R.S.44.6852) P10 -573 :)-- . i 1. Check appropriate X Owner Agent,Partner,Stockholder,Member or Officer 0 Manager(Only) box (Complete Questions 1-20&24) (Complete All Questions except#14,14a&25) Licensee or Agent must complete#25 for a Manager Licensee or Agent must complete#25 2. Name: 1. Y A ' OR 4- 4" Date of Birth:_0011110W Last First Middle (This will not become a part of Public Records) 3.Social Security Number: 41111ilbfbrivers License#: 0 12 t/ 7 3 6 State: fii'/2 0,47 " (This Will Not Become a Part of Public Records) 4.Place of Birth: 54 2 o/ g z- �'Al 1 Height:..�. Weight /-tom Eyes -2 A'�- Hair: 10' ` City • Mate Country 5. Marital Status ' ❑Single' Married El Divorced[}Widowed Residence(Home)Phone:(60 ). Yqe - " '7 e of Current or Most Recent Spouse: ' ' k ,' .7 A- . • 1/.1 /2 r`7� 7 ae/241Date of Birth:_NSW (List all for last 5 years=Use additional sheet if necessary) ' • Last ' First : Middle Maiden 7. You are a bona fide resident of what state? 42 If Arizona,date of residency: c°�/Z .3/. ,3 8 Telephone number to contact you during business hours for any questions regarding this document.( 6 -) 9 ' 4,1 ' 9. If you have been a resident less than three(3)months,submit a copy of driver's license or voter registration card. 10. Name of Licensed Premises: E U R 0 7/2 ail— C A f Premises Phone:( t L"1 'i tC 4• 11.Licensed Premises Address: 1 Z 6 9.5' /U- J vo/• /' r- License# -z -' Liquor Street Address (Do not use PO Box#) City County Zip ' (If this location is currently licensed) 12.List your employment or type of business during the past five(5)years,if unemployed art of the time,list those dates. List most recent 1st. FROM TO DESCRIBE POSITION EMPLOYER'S NAME OR NAME OF BUSINESS Moo}nth/Year Month/Year ,',c�j� OR BUSINESS (Give street address,city,state&zip) �/ 7 CURRENT U JQ..t2.L%ct& - 2 ) l elz 'y 1 Gvr2 f2- ii-C j z� .-e1-- / e / 4- z, S. 02. . ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY FOR EITHER SECTION 13. Indicate your residence address for the last five(5)years: FROM TO RESIDENCE onth/Year Month/Year Street Address City State Zip / ! CURRENT /2- (/ 3 - iv- (/2 //2 n 6'l r I/ 2 l , 1%/1 d 492, /c'2( cli rY'ii )17 ?-- /1 0 i6- 1( k . Co ‘F`i /111-e t 22 C ?ezpeal,,,,e, A2 ,g530 ,.IC 0101 07/2000 Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations please call(602)542-9051 __.___.______________.____ ___ -- - ---- -- - - - - -- ,,,,,,,,ith ,,,,,,.:.:,;,.. (_,-, .. `.''' isL . 'V•Fi., �,K}r ���.,: `t W • 1 � r .• �A 1� ; x i�p al- �/S U.. z h xx tXEu c9 :44 f' V V y. + < z q M •,--rL•,is v C._ I' t)-tit):),s V V � r?f-:' 0 4 E o w 11,';}> V V r s. ;Tz3 a O • 4 V V .y [273 R 40 z V V 1.. ••,r .� V V Q Ln V V F- a O LC O V V g`r° E- r� F, >- V V >n,n a p vz V N o ,G w 9 d a< c ? 0 ‘/ .t Ak c,� a x ��<, m cai I-t O W V V r— i q �r J g c L 4 g, CY =Y 1--1 V (p V , ►"' N% a N 1l '> C) V ci 10 m s p g asi N E «__' N d u,et o\ lY 4 V i H �� or = J �� w c H m y A «: 1X V N. i WUw=co a d o t1. El. tL V v' o, v, - > ,m' o ,� N 4 Q i/') V ('J ■■ t. :fit w 1— �., „ z r�, 4"'z L }�"L�_Y v. O 1 is o `• cs E S w n m y Z Z ~�- 1.t q F N co - O N O Q CC t� ~- CZ • 0 4 rww 0 -7-•,....407,„.... ; Z 7. =Q ` tom ; ,h < a" f 4 11 • ,if ` 4 :., !!1. ,O= \\] --. I,_r ~ \` 4 `7. f '�..t 3 Q J S ��.r -sue. •y i -n• ,Y'Y _ tea. • • a d Nr '7Z� .• ;,. ,. 2 v- Ate' .,. X AMF •i o fw V V y ? h N t rFeif v W 05._' a;\•t,}ttt ti: V V Z. �. ;tiCA °' nEow V V i.- t k�-: '-.4.. t' v • 2 N Q V V A, ti m �. •, i Cs 1. s�� CC ,,,cc N- a'ca V V V V C`� a E O us, V V g '. u . iE- a O 5 o r- V V LL op g F `' K` -tr.+ i•{, .M :". Q .. n ro > V V N`N °iO1 , `'n. -s x t7 d. a ' < .p Z 0 V t!1 r x _v.pT/Nm p 't N I .► 8 a U m= I-1 CT W U V �— � ,, r Z Z N 2 -- . 4 to V < H V �- G�'p N a s 3a«.. s C,� •n m a w a CO -W V V �Q 41 y N = ::,„•,. p rt,,YT '�i j Q `ao':° .•�"1- ` O = ° J"-C F— Z V 0 • J NWUW2 Q1 � m IZ Q v a 40 1- S o L 0 Xit, . V CT s s L„a•" \ ^ 2 j pr g� 4 2 rc IU o`O e Q 4 H r �': Y '• q D l 1 l ulj •r. = i.3 i0 D ...r.. C� 6 a. V) Wce t •_ ,yv\ (:::) .--....7. - t f o'1► 0V) !2- U4.i..'4-1 1._1.-,7..--g,-i;s-.3--.1 1 m..E..__1 r '7 Frilt'r' '� c � s Q • Ni. 0' _ ley 2 .I (7'4_.._,,\ cr WA ,mob.. I) V v - ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL i1r 800 W Washington 5th Floor ri:(4-ilt,� g � 400 W Congress#150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 " ? �'l Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (lby (602) 542-5141 y�` ,'/`v «.. -, , nn, JUL 214 P 5 CI ' n t�'f it •^•. j i ° `. -; '� QUESTIONNAIRE READ CAREFULLY,TTTIDS hS ,'m „ S A SWORN �,itjlip t. 0, 12: 3 An extensive investigation of your ba t n.Il, 'll0 on.acted. False or incomplete answers could result f hrcriiiiitilliliOsectition and the denial or subsequent revocatio ' r o ' TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH OWNER, AGENT, PARTNER, STOCKHOLDER (10% OR MORE), _ p OEFI 7lt eER LSO EACH PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM MUST SUBMIT AN"APPLICANT'TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE DEPT. FINS PRIM WIG MUST BE DONE BY A BONA FIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OR A FINGERPRINTING SERVICE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR. THEIDEPARTMENT DOES NOT PROVIDE THIS SERVICE. ..-.. r-- There is a$24.00 processing fee for each fingerprint card submitted. 43 , A service fee of$25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks(A.R.S.44.6852) CD I..,- TYPE OR PRINT WITH BLACK INK P t - 1 1. Check appropriate F Owne Agent,Partner,Stockholder,Member or Officer 0 Manager(Only) box (Complete Questions 1-16&20) (Complete All Questions except#10,l0a&21) T.ieencee or Agent must complete#21 for Manager Licensee or Agent must complete#21 la. Name: KR P'/A _ 1'kg.J.�-,�-:i //4')19/'T.4 `"` Date()Mirth: 01111.1111111* Last First Middle 44 2. Name of Licensed Premises: U R 0 ,Piz2 . C f/f 6 Premises - Phone:( ) ' 3. Licensed Premises Address: ' . l 2 6 q 5 //`',: 5,1 t..0 a- 1 vat i0 , quorlicense#' ' Street Address (Do not use PO Box#) V City County Zip (phis location is currently licensed) 4. Drivers License#: 6/ /6Z 7 3'8 State .A Z- Residence Phone:( 0 2) 5)?,8 - 7/9/ 7 (wie ight: 5, 'I Weight: /1 —/: /6 Eyes: b Hair: 131 Place"of Birth: y,G Ai/" A- City State '(�R7/,f/1,1 '"S. Name of Spouse: X"ien.7/41 `� Date of Birth:AllillilliV Last First Middle Maiden 6. You are a bona fide resident of what state? 4-2 If Arizona,date of residency: 0 9, 2 9 3 7. If you have been a resident less than three(3)months,submit a copy of driver's license or voter registration card. 8. Indicate your employment or type of business during the past five(5) ears,if unemployed part of the time,so state. List most recent 1st. FROM TO DESCRIBE POSITION EMPLOYER'S NAME OR NAME OF BUSINESS Month/Year Month/Year OR BUSINESS (Give street address,city,state&zip) / / 6e -- Cam, 6 47 Cry/ 6 vi,/c--,s 12 q 3 9 A/- 412 b iZ f">/t&e,pz-i*x' A-Z 6k2 2„(5.)' :09 9 / Y.?. Coly144-416z. 51/Le4Aztoi... 6le n C1/4.4. (1044 6g, ve_ityrie ee.,7,1 0(4 //' - 6'2 3 i ' :33a , Z_ Rc . (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 9. Indicate your residence address for the last five(5)years: FROM TO RESIDENCE Month/Year Month/Year Street Address City State Zip /°/�Y CURRENT /2 '37 4/., 4'i i) %4�), ,42 5,-"egi 7 /1K2 52 r ?c• ,�7", - /O3 €Q 1 0.z��ti , LIC 0101 042000 Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations please call(602)542-9051 l'N't0i Aril YJ-.� [t"i Y'` •. :,,:`?" C.N't O V ; m w V �� G TY E o f V V• ' fir. f �. �ryy4'' V V N 4' " .. Z •Y'i?��;n�,44. t. 4.,. ,Q 2 cl) '' V , y y fi , 2 u, 0'>7. V V i '9) lf1 V V sO o`; F CD ry c V V sn�gT :� p .. n� A �" V V i p IiJ c V V N o 9� 0 ,� o V L ONx�.rn La z d < >NNm °' , _, .•`o: U d!-'1 0 W C. V e— �(n2� Y O O E" N 7� y W d Z V y _I C w A t Q A Q' .._ 1-4 V 0 NN0mm r Z ^Nm LL b�w'> V V CD =a 'fl z _ oia y p oJ�'� F— 7 V r nN;.= a n p ap. m0 "' E '- to o .Qv� cr < V Xrs. J A'o C e w d 1O °' s°' 2' V �� y = > = E.d7� Z..,,'2° , >Z E 2 Li. 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VVia, ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL .;y,,±: r,': >� �,� 400 W Congress#150 800 W Washington 5th Floor ,; �: Phoenix AZ 85007 -10 - Tucson AZ 85701 (602) 542-5141 7` 9 AUG (520) 628-6595 .111 1101•11.11110111111111111111BilinniblairataggWali6411 :4ii;:;:r;i:i:v:i}:::$ mon ..:.... r. v .. ... ,. ... .... .... .::.:• •.w:: :}. :.......:...:.r.;.:...w;,.•.;...•w..•w;...;n..w;..}...;::n•.:::::.v:4::i.n:$:C nisi::j•::v::::Y:iY�':?::iS;::,:j:r.;:::.}:4}}: <. a �• .v\i::.hi•}}•4;.}:•}}•}•}:yw::.;,�?i::::;:•::h:.•............. .:. v. ::: f4� r.v::w. ::}::•�.....:::x::.:.. r:}}:?,:v:.v::•:;•:•...:...... .r:::::::::,:•::::::........ ......... .. .. .... .. Y v .............. .... v .. ......v;•::,•}:••}}:ti•}:•}}:.i}}}:.C•}v;4'.v. .:}:.}}:::: OBTAIN ORIGINALS OF THIS FORM FROM DLLC-DO NOT PHOTOCOPY,DOCUMENT IS COMPUTER SCANNED. TYPE OR PRINT WITH BLACK INK. 4ALCOHOL}T ININ:�'„'':'r:PROD,::,:,R.A:,.,•;,•,,�,,.1::::R DIVID A I RMATFoN OHftA/ Individual Name(Print) ,•S.. LSZN Individual Signature TYPE OF TRAINING COMPLETED ...Ct7 b 2,1 BASIC *, ON SALE Date Training Completed El MANAGEMENT ❑ OFF SALE 11:/ BOTH 0 OTHER. • - .IP TRAINEE IS EMPLOYE® BY A LICENSEE:..- I. • --- • L • NAME OF•THE LI ENSEE . ' . BUSINESS NAME • *LIQUOR LICENSE NUMBER AEICON L TR ..�`;;:::[; OGRM PR I .R.I MA' :: • Business Council for Alcohol Education (B.C.A.E.) Company or,Individual Name 500 East Thomas Rna.d # 100 Address Phoenix Arizona 85012 (602) 285 1396 City State Zip Phone I Certify the above named individual has successfully completed the specified program(s). T. J. Kuhn Trainer Name(Print) ain r ignature Date T iner ye original of completed form to trainee, photocopy and maintain completed document for your records. Mandatory Liquor Law Training for all new applications submitted after Nov. 1, 1997. A.R.S.Section 4-112(G)(2). C-"letion of the Liquor License Training Courses is required at the issuance of a license. arson(s)required to attend both the Basic Liquor Law and Management Training,(either on-sale or off-sale),will include all of the following: o (s),licensee/agent or manager(s)WHO ARE ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN THE DAY TO DAY OPERATION OF THE BUSINESS. Proof of attendance within the last five years for the required courses must be submitted to the Department before the license application is considered complete. Before acceptance of a Manager's Questionnaire and/or Agent Change for an existing license,proof of attendance for the Basic Liquor Law and Management Training(either on-sale or off-sale)will be required. LIC 1021 01/98 Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations please call(602)542-9051 • '.tn°Iitii�l�Ie r,`t;° (;If t�nel• 11 11, ; 1;1 "1 f elb'se e I�(�l,i.t.� _ :' I (t�0"liar(°,° ' Itd,�le.��1r1 'lfsf»v il lI a�l IaIiVt a�f 'J t ���aIa Isit:ii1"yIeba�rRrla"ifIeli • i f�I/I111 f l ni all 11 t ti tt 1 to Ifl n n'i - t yt it,t 11 ( ° .X.:::: I IA tI ItPaf t i tiif . .. y�iin i t1 evn I ' 1i1 tni11 lt1,n f , r i e i"4n'it (Y /M111 v .. _ .:f rii IrY e° A °5 1 'F Yt ifit 1 i I 1 i ........ ,_.....:,�.. ..._........ ..............._'._....-.... ._..'.:.�L..:.y.i!.':t.°.)��..-�, _.._.... _..._.....:... ..•................ .... -....+».... ........._.,�.....,._..._ ........,_._»_.._... .. ........ . _ .. _1. 1 1 9M ......a_ ;If,x.I 4° ..__ __«..............Mw.,.. .xw.,rr 4..44.4._ _ .___._..e..1 I 111 141 • 5 in in Un ua ll) in In ul �� , to — to to In in N try p s Cn O Q� ti) 4 tf5 4 0 in a to d' 4.1 4 N d' d' N Li = �f ' p �� $ i p '� e ^ Qtl '..) 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Q J "V N C • } U r� vJ C ,5 C4,,,A . i, u J i Q WI 11.M*, U PC Gt_: h..04--. hi. C Pt: 1"*" 6. 1... CC) ci ,... .a rz cp .:$ if3 0) ° a- 14;4 W; Is 0 4, tCtA hi U "hilU cO V tp4 Z8 cZA" C t 4' 0qvii 7) Ix - "4 t ci, ai) . t_ Al.0 L3 w`+N U J :2Oa0 '' U § 4,) C ' v) ';U)cD1*ud'.z... 4) 0 C .L V ,f.a..,l 11.40 PZ, 04i.-y J •U't11 0; s4.) C ...4 0, •-= T W .0.c.4.. ro U i.V V 0 V o y.0 4 1 u .1 C C•.0 ►, E>' Q a: C 1?, .7 2 3 *6*t5''0 *5 uw i*o" VS 4ippeE 0.c ,.. : h. zQ'0� �%V" � VT�T. r: V� 4 '''.. E 0 1 0,0 0 3..\ �� cd.. i � A�.�, z v� Va F �0 4 ar V Loc . 11��.1 1 u. 1• 4 li t1 •�1t (to MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: A Ca delario, Civil Engineer REVIEWED: Thom s . Wale, Interim Town E i er 4 I, Vj. THROUGH: Pa L. din, 1 own Manager DATE: Sep mber 26, 661 RE: Easement Abandonment 00-27; Resolution 2000-48 15506 East Tepee Drive Plat 505-A, Block 1, Lot 34 Douglas and Karen Downey This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the twenty-(20)foot public utility and drainage easements located at the northerly property line of Lot 34, Block 1, Plat 505-A, (15506 E. Tepee Drive) as shown in Exhibit "A". The property owners of Lot 34 desire the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date (Iiiw from the adjacent property owners. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 34 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2000-48. cc: Douglas &Karen Downey K. Padon T. Clawson L G:\Easement Memo\EA00-27,Plat 505-A,Blk 1,Lot 34(15506 East Tepee Drive)Downey When recorded,return to: Engineering Department Town of Fountain Hills (kire P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2000 - 48 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 34, BLOCK 1, OF PLAT 505-A, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORED IN BOOK 158 OF MAPS,PAGE 40,RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA. WHEREAS. The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS. The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means, and (illy WHEREAS. All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain twenty (20) foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the northerly property lot line of Plat 505-A, Block 1, of Lot 34, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as shown in Exhibit "A"; as recorded in book 158 of maps, page 40 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot- to-lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 34 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment of assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Lir PAS'/FAIL / -S—a) ECOND ___..---- OUNT 7-O PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this 5th day of October, 2000. L FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ATTESTED TO: etd/e•'- )olcAA4 Sharon Morgan,Mayor Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk VI WED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: V,j4/ //7 s i'eft,ry, a . or n,Town Manager William E. Farrell,Town Attorney L L Resolution No.2000-48 Page 2 of 2 \ � /, ;1,9, ��- Le'X/7 1/4 63/7 tip . - •‘. \\ 0 q7 D. A,46 47r 3¢ (kw • - o 0 / %v - . \ ® _ ., V\ '• \ % .`i ' ''‘ a . ., -(D\ il4: -- _- i''�i 20 w� 'O.�:fr • i r, P z i ,,de kl Vkil ,9•9 _ --7 7.7‘•r...•, . , .,P' /7' ' 5.N' , \I % ' ft' . ..7":.:.ff 7- N / -moo J O • )7,V.hgviini � $ o a ,ate - - \%,0 0 o a • 4, ��r �.- -z- N --.z,..:\ N a, , 9 --7--,. • /he -,-. . � 'N N_2, . . „, 1 c ... -7 ig ,nli x �- $• .Peso°�� g — i --� -. Zi / --.•:. 1 1 —� - ��'� col -�_��_ �= _ en4ai .T1 ; 01Q of --,,97 El v �. -s,N -y '� o ro� 0. t. ,4 of 4 -q .. • . Q9', _ \i, , ii 911 --... - P 1011 — . • .4'le. • ,.,... ..„... \ - .9 0, - -%__ -,--, : 6J cg, -.....>„, ., ,,, - - P. "...6 '.,:- ... '''.....- fi.. 9,1 loll --- N \ / 1°11. -----.. '1 0„ . % , . ,.. .1,. v Q � oy . . -�, 4' q 011 101. - o ti 4 p 0 , - :,. moo_ ,� w, d U� �. c�- q I �Q �_ . o- - .0,0ion _ y a .9 9 '-? �•�• rl iail IQ� v oo ao y � d9 �- a y 0 o �. oo TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner DR, DATE: September 29, 2000 SUBJECT: Preliminary & Final Plat for "BJB Casa Properties Condominiums", a 2-unit condominium project. Staff has combined the reports for the Preliminary and Final Plats, there are no off-site improvements or Improvement Plans needed for this plat. This plat is a request by John and Barbara Baird, which would condominiumize two-units located at 16542 E. Lost Arrow Dr., aka Lot 7, Block 4, Final Plat 206. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission &Staff report for additional details regarding this request. r L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT October 5, 2000 CASE NO: S2000-035 LOCATION: 16542 E. Lost Arrow Dr., aka Lot 7, Block 4, Final Plat 206. REQUEST: Consider the Preliminary and Final Plat for "BJB Casa Properties Condominiums", a 2-unit condominium project. PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt DESCRIPTION: OWNER: John and Barbara Baird APPLICANT: John and Barbara Baird EXISTING ZONING: "R-2" EXISTING CONDITION: Constructed LOT SIZE: 13,712 square feet SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: (iv NORTH: Colony Wash; "OSR" SOUTH: Duplex; zoned "R-2" EAST: Duplex; zoned "R-2" WEST: Duplex; zoned "R-2" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat "BJB Casa Properties Condominiums" Declaration of Condominium, which subdivides cubic airspace, and is not a land sell project. Due to the simplicity of this request and the fact that this project does not involve any off-site public improvements, a "fast track" process is being allowed. The owners, John and Barbara Baird, have chosen to convert a two-unit complex currently inhabited and record a Declaration of Condominium to sell the units individually. The units will have a maximum livable area of 1,786 square feet, a minimum livable area of 1,182 square feet and a covered patio. Each unit will have a two-car garage. The property was built under building permit number 1998-0997, applied for on July 24, 1998 and received a permit to build on August 21, 1998. RECOMMENDATION: Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of S00-035; Preliminary Plat, and L. Staff recomends approval of the Final Plat for "BJB Casa Properties Condominiums". 4o 1T2 `?� TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS �� ►' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (60, '"-:',.:,-: :°,4, : ::'A-''-' f _CONDOMINIUM Par APPLICATION Y : - -, Dategtiledd 0 Fee Paid i 47 : ('200 ) Accepted By t Pre . Lev) 12 Condominium Name (-c.t• BJB CASA PROPERTIES Condominium Address 16542 E. LOST ARROW DRIVE UNITS A & B FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ. 85268 Legal Description of Lot/Parcel Being Platted Plat 206 Block 4 Lot(s) 7 Parcel Size Number of Units 13, 712 SQUARE FEEL Number of Tracts Zoning General Plan Land Use Designation CONDOMINIUM Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) 6. 4 units per acre Applicant Day Phone _T r1HN m £ R A R RA.RA J_ R A RD BARBARA 4 8 0-8 3 7-8 2 7 2 X 15 4 Address City ST Zip 16542 E. LOST ARROW DRIVE UNIT B FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ 85268 Owner Day Phone SAME AS ABOVE Address City ST Zip SAME AS ABOVE aac...iments (Please list) I7x 6":„&,,,ii_./e )a..6t(Li —(74e4t. ?)u__-/aJf. — /— 1/0.2 x // "--- c- e-e-,--A--) Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date . 4 SEPTEMBER 1 , 2 D 0 0 .i..A.-e,TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscribed an worn before me this day of , 19 My Commission Expires Notary Public ilkisr (Seal) TFH Case Number Fee Schedule Attached ) co 0 __ 03 6 i . ----s 411 OBI !I 11111111;:;' PI i:1111114111:111G %I HI NI 1101;111111: VI P,. • 0 21411112.:11 3 R R r l� i ; rE! N n (l / TIPM °N ,,= rn - 1 !*P!! ul 118 110 0 ! IQ lia:i11,4iirMill • 4 w ilP" WI il 1 1 111411i 1! a K T R R peIRON X i1IIIIi ti BM snsid ; ! , aPM """ Z a = iN a a l Ili! 10! 111.*411 9 R 0 I,l Ilif { 1 1 --l-t p) �p Z w k �i,�l 1 C 77 CIO ..4v1, 4$ O = m F-' /PC 8 FOUND 1/2'REBAR z r- • ' 4411Sip s / • Nte, Will, „, rAIVit461pr: 'I' - 4'2- ..14, kiRq,i; r- p c 1 rp.4/4;4 ,! Q-47.1*, a ek''.1471 --f . F' a.,�r,(�1J pR 31�a a' • g U1 m $4 • / NSA �f� Y' / >�1�� g h,+.r o lei 0 / g g i .T7e n _ /4 biz �> r 0 w it•°,1\ ,g...0\ / (lbw Till'i! 11 Milli . s, III ';:Me 7_,-Mgi, CI)e" \ 'NJ" / ja --Y)5,,- . (Th•'ill:ill \ / 1.1 tO z$ ,....6. ... 4 ;i 141411 / / -a sistiati • Mt 'FIj in ,zr �-4 \ / .a. P 1 ci, 3,,-s\ / .„‘T '71 -0 0 r / C�*1 $�;; *SM• 4., Lir'' rn t1I[ 1[!1t M1 [111 co CID MI . e R%'— ‘x\ / / rill ''' i ; iiiiiiit; filli. tV) / i 11111111' 3: Ito fit Or P.. 7 SS,,,_-,11 , , i 1 i 1 ;11 nil ••-• % t r' N. /i-7/ Liiii II. „ i?, -. i fill ...„..)/.-1) r: , i2 �.fpst o "11111 i i S A $ fig § IA ! q A m iVilt;1 s ri a' li,-, - • - PP i 1; ' er �li! li k 1 11 1 I ri1 ° 4 o i i ii 2 IN i f . [ . I I; g" lqg .$.?922+ig t . I 1 1.1 Ili I; ;g"rili - '1 I 1.1 110 1 i • i p gt 1:i 111 exliv4ir II .6 itliel.m_i \ 1 I 1 fr 5.1111 r tali'T ins 04 '�1 ' .. Ili contitlort Q 1!!!tr x�rmcxr noD4COnwG MMNOO4 M.L L C/ ill'"'L: d.is CA3A PROPERTIES CONDOr1eIMs �� ARH rip8-24-2000 0 ENGINEERP4G a MANAGEMENT,LLC. PLAT 206, BLOCK 4, LOT 7 °�O1A DRM „„K0162 e©© 16716FOUN E.IN HILLS, A IZONA SUITEW AVE. 68 204 �„�AS NOTED (480)837-]843 fax(480)837-136613 "-� T 16542 E. LAST ARROV DRIVE FINAL PLAT 7 e-noiti dnontgoneryl€us■est.net , wr o�xi.na er✓/ ( ... C3 —I M m (i) C rri 111:1 rn M -CI 5*-4 0 CI C Z m rn —I •-•I CI 0 2 -0 i= I= = rn r- t.xr Z 1- --I VI III r 4.30' ill:k WV It miry 01.30' AM I 1 c> Z 3. .. 71 13 NAV I. I i II' 4.11. It 4 4D 51 I, r I ime = !•,,:. m --( No (ire 2.00" r 2.4s • .11 e I r s i P ill:Am ,. . . An, _ ist 4' .7 W7 Z i . m 37.4 e. 111.11I 1 1 CD CD' Z -1 r ... J,.... 3.. = 7, I , (122. .. 4.76 2.4S ft, n i-------i--.:., l' A ., z Vtci 47i ate 1. • . .4v, N.. 0042`• 4 L "....... COPVItteff at IM Ilrf 101TDOCIDI DIODILTRING 1 IWIAGOOR.U.A.,..1(6 V SJE CASA PROPERTIES CONDOMINIUMS...... ARM ,...8-24-2000 — ONTEDMERY V ____. .... 0 i ENGINEERING St MANAGEMENT,LLC, Cr K0162~ Kt ;411, 16716 E. PARK VIEW AVE. SUITE 204 AIii M --.---- — N z PLAT 206, BLOCK 4, LOT 7 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA 85268 AS NOTED (480)837-1845 fax C480/837-8668 16542 E. LOST ARROW DRIVE FLOOR PLAN I SECTIONS -- e-moltt driontgomeryleuswestnet Ha DAM CCSCRIDDOV Ilv....) - BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION MEMORANDUM Town of Fountain Hills B&V Project No. 97021.100 Fountain Lake Liner Rehabilitation Project September 28, 2000 To: Honorable M. • and Council From: Ry n hoade• ►►ject Engineer, Black & Veatch Corporation Through: Pau r41 \• Manager, Town of Fountain Hills Subject: Projec Update a,d Quantity Change Orders The purpose of this memorandum is to update the cost and scheduling status of the Fountain Lake Liner Rehabilitation Project and request approval for a proposed change order for quantity variations typical to a unit-cost project. The Fountain Lake Liner Rehabilitation project is on track for a successful completion within the time and budget allotted for the project. Black & Veatch preliminary projections set a November 1, 2000 critical completion date for this project based on Fountain Hills Sanitary District past seasonal supplies and demands. The lake is currently on track to accept reclaimed wastewater on or before this date. The total project engineer's cost estimate presented at the May 1, 2000 Town Council special session was $2.03 Million. As shown in the cost breakdown below, the actual projected cost expenditure is approximately$1.57 Million. Estimated Pre-Construction Costs (Lake $ 32,500.00 Dewatering, Aquatic Removal, etc.) Sediment Removal Contract $ 208,287.04 Liner Rehabilitation Project Contract $ 1,322,403.57 (Including Proposed Change Order) Estimated Miscellaneous Construction $ 4,325.00 Costs Total $ 1,567,515.61 Attached is the proposed change order accepted by Hunter Contracting and recommended by Black & Veatch for items 1 through 10 for the amount of $34,559.99. The changes incurred cover bid quantity credits and additions for work associated with increased lake bottom area, additions in concrete shoreline distance, decreases in actual use of Page 2 Town of Fountain Hills B&V Project No. 97021.100 Fountain Lake Liner Rehabilitation Project September 28, 2000 L miscellaneous concrete, and other smaller items. This change order involves no work outside the scope of Hunter's contract and unit prices remain the same as bid prices. Please note that the current aggregate total of all change credits and costs to the Town are $24,387.57, which is less than 2% of the original contract cost. Unit-cost contracts are typically chosen over lump sum contracts if quantities are considered variable. Quantity changes are expected for most unit-cost contracts. For this project, a unit-cost project was chosen because of the uncertainty of previous surveys, unknown quantities of sediment, and variable quality of the existing facilities. For example, a 5% increase from bid quantity is associated to the lake bottom area in this proposed change order because earlier surveys by others were estimates of the size of the lake liner while underwater. These revised quantities and costs are an accurate portrayal of the work as now expected. Black & Veatch recommends approval of the proposed change order in the amount of$34,559.99. att. (Ow CHANGE ORDER LOwner: Town Of Fountain Hills Change Order No.03 Contractor: Hunter Contracting Company Issue Date: September 27,2000 Project: Fountain Lake Liner Rehabilitation Project,ENG 2000-01 B&V Project No. 97021.100 The following changes were made the Contract Documents Item Description of the Change in scope from the specifications and drawings for Fountain Unit Price Cost No. Lake Liner Rehabilitation Project,Bid No.ENG 2000-01 Increase 1 Subtraction of 567 LF from the"Temporary Construction Fence"Bid Quantity $3.20 per $(1,814.40) LF 2 Addition of 30 Cu Yds to the"Lake Bottom Stabilization"Bid Quantity $ 101.00 per $3,030.00 Cu Yd 3 Addition of 52,754 Sq Ft to the"Geotextile"Bid Quantity $0.23 per $ 12,133.42 Sq Ft 4 Addition of 151 LF to the"Preparation of Existing Concrete"Bid Quantity $6.05 per $913.55 LF L5 Addition of 624 LF to the"Connection to Shoreline-Type A"BidQuantity $25.09 per $ 15 656.16 LF 6 Subtraction of 473 LF from the"Connection to Shoreline-Type B"Bid Quantity $25.16 per $(11,900.68) LF 7 Addition of 52,754 Sq Ft to the"Geomembrane Liner"Bid Quantity $0.38 per $20,046.52 Sq Ft 8 Addition of 52,754 Sq Ft to the"Geomembrane Installation"Bid Quantity $0.18 per $9,495.72 Sq Ft 9 Subtraction of 40.5 Cu Yd from the"Miscellaneous Concrete"Bid Quantity $380.00 per $(15,390.00) Sq Ft 10 Addition of 460 Sq Ft to the"Change Order 1"Bid Quantity $5.195 per $2,389.70 Sq Ft Total $34,559.99 Net increase $34,559.99 L Page 1 of 2 • A Owner: Town Of Fountain Hills Change Order No.03 Contractor: Hunter Contracting Company Issue Date: September 27,2000 Project: Fountain Lake Liner Rehabilitation Project,ENG 2000-01 B&V Project No. 97021.100 Attachments: (List documents supporting change): Item 1: Survey Information with transmittal letter dated September 18, 2000 submitted to Black & Veatch by Rick Engineering at the direction of the Contractor. Item 2: Contractor Application for Payment, Progress Report, and Progress Payment Schedule submitted on September 7, 2000. Item 3: Contractor request for adjustment of substantial completion date that is dated on September 18,2000. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Original Contract Price $ 1,298,015.66 Original Contract Time: Substantial Completion: October 15,2000 Net increase(decrease) Final Completion:December 22,2000 of this Change Order $34,559.99 Net change from previous Change Orders: 0 Days Aggregate total Lof all Change Orders $24,387.91 Net substantial increase(decrease)of this Change Order: 3 Days Contract Price with all Contract Time with all approved Change Orders: Approved Change Orders $ 1,322,403.57 Substantial Completion: October 18,2000 Final Completion: December 22,2000 RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: ACCE D: by By By • Black&Veatch Tom Ward,Town of Fountain Hills nter Contracting Company /eYwvt I2°' 'es APPROVED: (001 C, OF M s/PI By Paul Nordin,Town Manager Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM (kilkw TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul Nordin,Town Manager FROM: Jeffrey Valder, Community Development Director DATE: October 2, 2000 SUBJECT: Consideration of a replat splitting and existing residential lot into two lots. The applicant for this request is the Greg and Julia Maraston. They are requesting replat of their existing residential lot into two lots. The application does not meet the consistency requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. Staff recommended denial of this replat to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission unanimously recommended denial of the request. At the September 7th, 2000 Town Council meeting this request was continued on the recommendation that staff acquire additional information needed to evaluate for conformance to the (itiw Mower Amendment. On September 25, 2000 staff received this information, and confirms that the proposed Hillside Protection Easement is in conformance with the Mower Amendment. Please see the attached report for specific details. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS (iime PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REPORT October 5, 2000 CASE NO: S2000-024 LOCATION: Re-Plat Fountain Hills Final Plat 203, Block 9, Lot9. REQUEST: Consider approval of a replat for Final Plat 203, Block 9, Lot 9, splitting the lot into two new lots. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Greg &Julia Maraston APPLICANT: Greg &Julia Maraston EXISTING ZONING: "R1-18" EXISTING CONDITION: Lot developed with a single family home SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: (kw NORTH: Single family &vacant: zoned "R1-18" SOUTH: Single family: zoned "R1-18" EAST: Single family &vacant: zoned "R1-18" WEST: Single family: zoned "R1-18" SUMMARY: This request is for preliminary plat approval of a Replat for "Final Plat 203, Block 9, Lot 9" which splits the lot into two lots. The applicant proposes to add a new lot line running north south creating two lots off of Inca Avenue. The applicants, Greg & Julia Maraston, have applied to reconfigure this lot by adding a common lot line. The existing home was constructed in the northeast corner of the existing lot 9. The applicants propose to create lot 9B under the existing home, which would be a 1.03 acre lot with 164 feet of lot frontage on Inca Ave. Lot 9A is proposed to be a 1.0 acre lot with 145 feet of lot frontage on Inca Ave. The new configuration will meet all the requirements of the "R1-18" Zoning District for size and dimensions. However the Subdivision Ordinance requires continuity with 90% of all of the lots located within the same Zoning District within 800 feet of the proposed lot split. Staff analyzed the lots within the 800 foot radius from the proposed lots boundaries. Staff analysis concluded that of the 45 lots found in the radius the average lot width is 175.99 feet with an average lot size of 1.406 acres. The 90th percentile of these lots is a lot width of 158.39 feet and a lot area of 1.26 acres. The applicant could adjust lot 9B to the 158.39 feet in width transferring the lbw extra 5.61 feet to lot 9A. This , however only brings lot 9A to 150.61 feet still short of the 158.39 feet required. In regards to the lot area, neither proposed lot would meet the 1.26 acre requirement. The proposed Hillside Protection Easements must be adjusted to remove the corner of Inca Drive and Manitou Court from the H.P.E. Staff visited the site to insure that the proposed development envelope was buildable and that the H.P.E.'s were accurate. The proposed development envelope appears to be buildable especially for a walk-out type home however the aforementioned corner has already been fully landscaped and therefore cannot be included as a part of the H.P.E. Therefore the slope ananlysis map must be adjusted accordingly. At the September 7th, 2000 Town Council meeting this application was continued on the recommendation that staff acquire additional information needed to evaluate for conformance to the Mower Amendment. On September 25, 2000 staff received this information, and confirms that the proposed Hillside Protection Easement is in conformance with the Mower Amendment. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed this application on July 13, 2000, and recommended denial. The Commission felt that this denial was appropriate due to the recent adoption of the consistency requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance. The attorney for the applicant stated that he felt that this was a rezoning without the benefit a of notice to the land owners and asked that the Commission not consider the consistency requirements as he felt that this was a taking of his clients property. Neighbors addressed the Commission in support of the recommendation for denial stating that they had intentionally purchased land in this area due to the large lots and the low density. RECOMMENDATION: The proposed lots are in compliance with the regulations The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills for lot width and area, however cannot meet the continuity requirements from The Subdivision Ordinance of the Town of Fountain Hills.. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends DENIAL of replat S2000-024" Final Plat 203, Block 9, Lot 9". L 1 i ff `, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT O NT DEPARTMENT (be f ,__._,q_.. . .__ i.._ 5 Date Filed Fee Paid Accepte By 44 y /' p2Qo O ' 9C C! a Plat yame/Number g•GQ S- 3 Ala ,2 �2.E� /^v Bc�o�/(j9 a..�iz...401 O ..`3.2 /9--z.) C �2teec. ' �o,C#.6b c.�ite_A-A ' G•l 6=e..21,eecb,ez,s a. - <co•2* CDO , � e..2c.gA Evv 4-Auscro.4 02i4faocro..3 _ 1. 3.4/ R.la,_ -c). Sw� c �� e.G esr .c2.. 0 Parcel Size Number of Lots c .03 . se_,.r Number of Tracts Zo g General Plan Land Use Designation Density Requested(Dwelling Units Per Acre) Applican ccO✓ e-i c-c A-4 Day Phone C—, ),15/6.,s >.<3_3 Address City ST Zip 41100‘4'Ar . ..--.. "4.41 .4 fre____ •,./. ;#-Ak- 46.§-2 6 8 Owner Day Phone c ,,cue ,f �� 5 �. Address City ST Zip cab41L- A..," k - Attachments(Please list), G ' 5400-e d ff . ;43: f` tz• re of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date AI*/'/ CU.) ') Art c .a. TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. 1 a Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 19 kMy Commission Expires t Notary Public N (Seal) TFH Case Number i •�y '=ee Schedule Attached J, CC C' --C•2 -( N4 '0'1'1 `1N3W3JVNVW V DNIN33NIJN3 AN3WOD1NOW I oo-r-z y"°I r>o '' NO1SVdVW 0360 I !il• 0 5 iWI 5 1 1 1 g ittgeWlelliqi 1 4.D.• li I A 1:122Xplin PI 1 3 111! illi O kill i lg. 1 li II • 1014 u g illii ,L, .1x.:1 .-N102 12151aqiii a)) rii i .. I 1 S i billi ''' I 4 c., ,, 1 . 1144 0 0 q . .d14 • 1144:1161 1 .,: i 41 1 t il I . I i I I 441 l'.1 dy 4 ! ..! .t IHIid WW _ 011424ga T1S 1 C.) b 1 1 us _ ......jiti:ii r-i, I A's ibl § ti q °U°R' a'' P d'i p. e�•oa7 z 00'Sf.b ,G1„U) I N 139.9 i ,s 1_40.19 �`•� .. W=U. a 4.'ads 5VA6C4 `.�C�i.•' i• Q i ViiiiiL. --. ce:0 ":1 \ 1 c— S D 41 • 4 -2 rw'9 a . • . §0\do , iS <''' ' 4 \ WFW-W OaC til R. fil \R\ 4, i- g)I'ii. �r3 1 \------ g -,.,' e .f. n 0 tiR3 E ` 1I Is. `y �x h \�' �i aawt� en: ,V 1n 1..! .+ Y nO o I \ o i : • / \ t C1M� Q i� i b g O W =� 't / \ !� 0 2 0 "'31. \ c. g 4 (WC\2 40 39.1z o I 4 I — — — ' 88.47. \ ' 501'S0'43"E .� r c0 g \ r . o O F4 J ...g I a I; :l s \ b z C W ii 2N Cac,� 86 Ir. sus rC—i < 3 / l+J W l�z N O N a / \ / boy W M 41,911 — — / 15 F+ 1 a N013817'w __/ / 0Z zZ1 o ��< oE N <o $ — —NoS114w—80.00' — o + E •+ 6S < a b QN nN I. 1.2.i PI tr 5 E A§ , co - < o =i4.Bi 1 W U iL��k i T -.3 1 I,1 01 jH wass 1 N oZ �- 41 ,lrt�j I/1,�%, 8 i)E SAMPLE OF ORIGINAL PETITION FIREROCK RESIDENTS WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT At our last meeting 2 years ago we were assigned the responsibility of continuing to follow up and monitor the activities and road conditions affecting our area. Since then we have been working with the town and keeping abreast of this matter. The time has come for us to voice our objectives again. Our favorable referendum victory was overturned when a Special Use Permit was given to the Monks Company allowing their trucks to continue using Saguaro Blvd. onto Laser Blvd. to get to their facility. This change voided our original agreement with them to improve traffic conditions on the Saguaro, Laser and Technology roadways. With the proposed commercial shopping center, we now have the opportunity to gain back our objectives. We are recommending that the original proposal, supported by the majority of Firerock residents, be put forth from us to the Town Council requesting that Laser Drive be closed off to all traffic to and from Saguaro. Also as originally agreed, (111, Technology Drive at Saguaro would be set up with a gate for emergency use only and the alley left open. This proposal has created opposition from some of the property owners in the Business Park. Therefore, we need your help. We will meet Thursday August 17 at the home of Arvid Dennis, 16644 Last Trail Drive at 7:00 pm, to discuss this matter so it can be presented to the Town Council at their Sept. 28 meeting. We would greatly appreciate your attendance at both meetings and look forward to your support in this very important matter. This is the last opportunity for us to have our needs and objectives met. If you cannot attend the meetings, please sign below noting your approval of the original recommendation and return to one of us. Please call with your attendance reply and input. Thank you! Arvid Dennis -- 480- 837 - 3310 16644 E. Last Trail Dr., F.H. 85268 Gordon Riehl -- 480-837 - 1026 P.O. Box 17851, F.H., 85269 Wally Seidon — 480-837 - 5749 16248 E. Powderhorn Dr., F.H. 85268 , YES, I e j cw„te s R .. 4 -e& v Y&c4 4 support the above recommendations. AddressN Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 �c{OZ • ��� �Y'- LIST OF FIREROCK RESIDENTS" WHO HAVE SIGNED AN _ORIGINAL PETI-TION James &Tea McDonald 9402 N. Leo Drive Olaf A. &Dorothy E. Skaar 16446 E. Leo Drive Colin &Trudy Saddler 16532 Leo Drive Suzanne &Buzz Brown 16443 E. Leo Drive Jerry M. Hubbell 9057 N. Leo Drive Richard J. Balaguer 9253 Firerock Drive#223 William C. &Martha L. Whiting 16259 E. Powderhorn Drive Angela M. Guerrerio 9253 N. Firebrick Drive#139 Catherine Henely 16627 E. Saguaro Drive#122 Clarence Walters 16745 E. Saguaro Blvd. #113 Michael Everist 9253 Firebrick#107 Nancy Waggoner 16745 E. Saguaro,#111 Margaret A. Taylor 5253 Firebrick#108 Jacquelina Furfaro 16745 E. Saguaro Blvd. #101 Steve Rutledge Unit#238 Clement M. Martinez (iliw 9253 N. Firebrick Drive#224 Nick R. Hild Lot 47, Firerock Dolores L. Brandt 16655 E. Saguaro Blvd.,#117 Nettie Blackford 16744 Last Trail Drive Larry &Peggy Rogers 9048 N. Leo Drive Mike &Helen Howard 16820 Last Trail Drive Bob &Donna Brunning 9207 N. Powderhorn Barbara & Gordon Riehl 16457 E. Leo Drive (1161, Kenneth B. Klein 9096 N. Firebrick Drive Arvid&Betty Dennis 16644 Last Trail Drive Loriann & Santiago Grado Last Trail Wally & Yetta Seidon 16248 E. Powderhorn Drive Elton &Marsha Noyes 16707 Last Trail Hugh & Amy Estes 16745 E. Saguaro Blvd. #108 Dick&Joan Pilsner 16325 E. Saguaro Blvd. L Lew &Larie Edwards Le 16745 E. Saguaro Blvd. #106 Charles Billmeier 16607 E. Saguaro Blvd. #125 Jan &Bob Reiland 16745 E. Saguaro Blvd. #107 Robert &Lynn Doneff Firerock Resort#141 Steve & Carol Thomas 16655 Saguaro#118 Mary & Gary Nelson 16522 E. Saguaro Blvd. Ellen &Anthony Groh 16643 E. Last Trail Drive Harriet &Frank Finkelman 16745 E. Saguaro Blvd. #109 L Larry & Cheryl Hackathorne 9253 N. Firebrick Lane C-119 Doug Holloway&Debbie Seffinger 9253 N. Firebrick#105 Norman &Priscilla Nuwash 9253 N. Firerock Dr. #235 William&Lucille Olson 9253 N. Firebrick Drive G-133 James E. &Myrna A. Nord 9253 Firebrick Drive Ronald&Katherine Hofhueter 9 N. Strathfield Circle, Madison,WI 53717 Alayne &Bob Jacobs 16745 E. Saguaro Blvd. #112 L Dorothy &Jeff Fazes kbe 16458 E. Tombstone Avenue Stuart&Judy Stern 16239 E. Tombstone Avenue Juanita Eisler&Marc Eisler 16539 E. Saguaro Blvd. T.E. &D.J. Behring 16219 Saguaro Blvd. George &Virginia Becker Firerock Casitas, #216 Mr. &Mrs. James Schumacher 9253 N. Firebrick#209 Dominick & ZoeAnn Parelli 9253 N. Firebrick Drive#117 Henry &Janet Leger 16302 E. Saguaro Blvd. Glen &Joan Owens 16502 E. Saguaro John & Clara Dolan 16745 Saguro Blvd. East Middleton 16655 E. Saguaro#116 Michael S. Kaezm 9064 N. Firebrick Drive RECD ", 2000 (tie ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Governor Jane Dee Hull Jacqueline E.Schafer,Director NOTICE OF THE PRELIMINARY DECISION TO ISSUE A MAJOR MODIFICATION TO AN INDIVIDUAL AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT Pursuant to Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 9, Article 1, the Director of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality intends to issue a major modification to individual Aquifer Protection Permit to the following applicant(s): Public Notice No. 103-00APP On be published on Thursday on September 28,2000 In the Arizona Business Gazette Fountain Hills Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant Aquifer Protection Permit No. P101563 Fountain Hills Sanitary District Attn: Mr. Ronald D. Huber, General Manager 16941 E. Pepperwood Circle Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 (480) 837-9444 fax: (480) 837-0819 The Fountain Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP)is located in Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona, over groundwater of the Phoenix Active Management Area in Township 3 N, Range 6 E, Section 11, Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian. Permittee is authorized to operate the WWTP with a maximum monthly average flow of 3.2 million gallons per day(MGD). The current WWTP is designed to treat an average daily flow of 1.45 MGD. This modification will increase the WWTP flow limit from 1.45 MGD to 3.2 MGD, add denitrification to the treatment process, and disposal by injection wells in addition to consumptive reuse. The treatment process consists of an influent pump station, headworks, a flow equalization basin, aeration basins, secondary clarifiers,rapid mix - flocculation basins, disk filters, and a chlorine contact basin. In case of an emergency, the onsite lined pond may be used for the storage of excess effluent or improperly treated wastewater. Part of the effluent shall be pumped to the Fountain Lake and other decorative lakes for storage and reuse as regulated under Reuse Permit R101563. The remaining effluent, up to a limit of 1.7 MGD annualized average flow, shall be micro filtered and recharged into the aquifer through injection wells. The sludge shall be (1116„ thickened, digested, dewatered, and hauled off-site for disposal. The existing influent pump station, headworks, one aeration basin/ aerobic digestor, one sludge thickening structure, two secondary clarifiers, one reaeration tank, one RAS pump station, one 3033 North Central Avenue, Phoenix,Arizona 85012,(602)207-2300 scum pump station, and one filter pump station will be closed and demolished. The facilitywillproduce denitrified, filtered, and disinfected effluent. All the WWTP units u its will be constructed from reinforced concrete. The emergency storage pond is lined with 30 mil PVC liner. The Fountain Lake will be lined with a 60 mil HDPE liner. The effluent that will be disposed under the Reuse Permit will be used at consumptive rates for turf irrigation and landscaped areas. The effluent that will be recharged will be denitrified, disinfected, and micro filtered. Depth to groundwater at the site is 40 feet at a perched aquifer,however, recharging will occur in the regional aquifer at a depth of 450 feet bls. The direction of groundwater flow is generally to the south-southeast. Ambient groundwater nitrate levels are 1 mg/1 in monitor well FHMW-1 which is located down gradient of the WWTP and the Fountain Lake. To ensure that the site operations will not impact groundwater, discharge monitoring will be conducted at the point of discharge; and groundwater monitoring will be conducted at the point of compliance wells FHMW-1, 2, 3,4, &5. The constituents monitored will be total nitrogen, fecal coliform, enteric virus,methyl tertiary butyl ether(MTBE),metals, &volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The draft permits and related materials are available for public review,with 24 hour notice, Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Records Management Center, Lower Level, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, 3033 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix,AZ 85012. Persons may submit comments or request a public hearing on the proposed action, in writing to (likw Kaumil H. Parghi, ADEQ, at 3033 N. Central Avenue,M0401A,Phoenix, AZ 85012 within ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The public hearing request must include the reason for such request. L 3033 North Central Avenue, Phoenix,Arizona 85012,(602)207-2300 Sy r Town of Fountain Hills L Y ,_,,fi „.;„ l Q$ To: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council Through: Paul Nordin, Town Manager From: Jeffry W. Valder, Director of Community Development Date: September 29, 2000 Re: Planning and Zoning Commission Applicants The terms of four Planning and Zoning Commissioners will expire on September 31, 2000. Those members whose terms will expire are Robert Howes, Judy Dragiewicz, Rod Mooney and Tom Fox. All four have requested that their previously submitted applications be reactivated and that they be considered for reappointment. In , addition, three other citizens have submitted applications to be considered for appointment. Terms for the appointed Commissioners will run from October 1, 2000 until September 31, 2002. Below is a list of the seven candidates. All applications have been attached for the Council's review. In the Mayor's absence, the Town Manager has suggested the evening of Tuesday, October 17, 2000 to conduct interviews. I will confirm that date with the Mayor when she returns. Please let Sue Degler know if you will be available so that interview times can be scheduled. The interviews should take approximately 15 minutes each. Robert Howes Judy Dragiewicz Rod Mooney Tom Fox Steven Wells Doris McClay Gerald Colbert L •Page 1 p o . E N Cr) et Cf) r N N N r N N r ~ y ei L ccE 4 a. cla N. CA Cr) tD 0 CO 0) CD O) N- h. O to O O O O O O O O O to O r r r r r r Ni. r r r r ICS a a a N a a a a r r r r r 0 IS i ti. g L. Is LL Li LL LL LL LE a. u. a. LE LE LE L 0 m w E roe 0) 0) 0) $ 0 CO 0 CO 0) rn rn rn rn CD 0) 0 rn O CI) 0) 0) 0) 0) ItoCO y- r a a a a a & a r a a o r Z .N Z L .-. ..,, ... C N 3 T r'".) Y o E m m c � c m m _', Z 0 a Es. Li =co 3 M U 0 Cl) o> E a so 7) m `. m `� E rn '' °) r -o E > 2 >' LZ Li Cl) w w H = Q CO 2RS E E 0 L < < < < 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 P P. v '2 N N N N N N N L. 03 C4 CO CO al oo 0.5 ors ors ors oa Cd OmmQ COL COL a. a_ a. a_ a_ a. a. N Qw N y Le cl) r r �" N N 0 0 0 0 r r r E O O O O O O O O O O O O Lo o 4 O O O 4 O Oa. C7 C') C�) M \' C� CAM Cr) C`�) C') (1) S r r r r r q) CA 0) 0) G) CA to (kw September 19, 2000 Jeff Valder Community Development Director Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Dear Jeff: My term as a member of the Planning and Zoning commission will expire on October 1, 2000. Please convey my desire, to the Town Council, to continue to serve for another two year period. My resume and original application should be on file at town hall. If any additional information is needed please give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely, Ro ert . owes 15745 E. Mustang Dr. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BACKGROUND AND PERSONAL DATA OUTLINE APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS COMMISSION OR BOARD IN WHICH INTERESTED: "-;;/Q4 464LJA 21:),,1 re)4A1-41A4 4 NAME: uiE S PHONE: g 37'7 17L g.3 ADDRESS: 1 m vs m,1 t-,L.r mi,J 44 LL. S ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN TOWN ELECTIONS?: eig NO PLEASE S YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (Including colleges attended and degrees obtained, if any) s Ti ff ►vG- 7-1 1_0/J6 Cti=ki ��de-t-I 4 4•A • �- ,„ PRESENTLY EMPLOYED BY: AA Cii �� c� �/ eaF ��G S JOB TITLE[ bi?'/?Lr-4-ry N I fil ly t 13 t e ' PHONE: - /5 ek r 7-)cla BUSINESS ADDRESS: gOf) W Ct1 .:s�„�,�� I-113 !t i J yc t� 00''7 PHONE: CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: Gfiae),12d6 AbaU_S 7/-41-0k,,`3 icau A..)7-A4 LLA PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: (16," DATE: .Z 71/9C SIGNATURE: itiOrigreL. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS (1110, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION I feel every person should make a personal contribution to the city or town in which they reside. By serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission, I feel I can make that contribution by providing responsible input and reasoning necessary for the future growth of Fountain Hills. My goal and objective is to keep the interests of the town and its citizens on a path that is compatible with the intent of the general plan. Also, when necessary, to vote for change when it is in their best interests. Growth and development in this community are inevitable. It, however, should be vigilantly guided through this period by our citizens to ensure that we are able to provide the services necessary to sustain that growth. We can see the results of poor planning in some of our adjoining cities and by working with an approved plan and deviating from that plan only when it serves the best interests of the community we can hopefully avoid those errors. L L September 14, 2000 Letter for position of Planning and Zoning Commissioner Dear Jeff, Please consider me as a candidate for continuing on the Planning and Zoning Commission. I've enjoyed serving for the past four years. The learning has been incredible and will continue to be a never-ending process for me. The progress the town has made in the past four years is amazing. I think the Commission has worked well together on the issues we've considered. There are still some very important decisions coming before us. I would like very much to be involved with these decisions. The mountain development is one of the last big projects to come before P & Z and Town Council. I feel I have the background on these parcels to make informed decisions. This land is very visible and requires special consideration in its development. The Town Center will also be developing with the new Community Center and (kw Library/Museum. The groundwork has been laid for the rest of this parcel. This will be the area our residents and visitors will be drawn to by its location and aesthetic appeal. I would like to be involved with its evolution. Please consider retaining the present Commissioners for a smooth decision making process on these two important areas coming before us. I think it's vital we maintain a good cohesive group with a history on these projects to give the Town Council a complete review on them. Thank you for your time and consideration, /e'--6Q?-- Judy Dragiewicz L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BACKGROUND AND PERSONAL DATA OUTLINE APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS COMMISSION OR BOARD IN WHICH INTERESTED: Planning and Zoning Commission NAME: Judy Dragiewicz PHONE: 837-2800 ADDRESS: 10820 N. Middlecoff Ct. ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN TOWN FT.RCI'IONS?: ,' YES . NO PLEASE S YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (Including colleges attended and degrees obtained, if any) Presbyterian - St. Lukes School of Nursing - Registered Nurse - Diploma (are PRESENTLY EMPLOYED BY: Southwest Benefit Systems, Inc. JOB TITLE: Public Relations PHONE: 945-9949 BUSINESS ADDRESS: 1505 N. Hayden Rd. , Ste. J-2 Scottsdale, AZ 85257 PHONE: 945-9949 CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: Chairman of Oncology Volunteers, Mayo Clinic; Member of La Buena Vida Women's Club and Sonoran Community Club; Community Center Action Committee PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: President a n d Treasurer and Secretary of La Buena Vida Women' s Club; Board Member of Neighborhood Property Owners Association, Past Vice-President of Fountain Hills Welcome Wagon Club; President of Park Place Homeowners DATE: — .2 2--9 0 SIGNATURE: d7t.,..esly., Assoc. Application for Planning and Zoning Commission The future growth of Fountain Hills is important to me. I have always been concerned with the area I live in, be it town or homeowners association, and become involved in maintaining and improving the quality of living in that area. The vitality of the community depends on the dedication of people serving on boards such as Planning and Zoning to guarantee a high standard of development in our town. I would like to be a part of this process by serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission. My ability to be objective on all matters before the Commission is a quality that would be beneficial to the group. I have an open mind and intend to listen to and read all information brought before the commission to render an intelligent decision. My opinions will be what I believe to be in the best interest of our community. Listening to the desires of fellow townspeople will help me make informed decisions. The present high volume of building we are experiencing in Fountain Hills is exciting. There are some good quality areas being developed. It does appear to me that at times the developers are not taking the beauty of the area into consideration when platting an area. When my family moved to Fountain Hills we were impressed by the way the houses were built to the land. Lately this seems to (lbe have reversed and the land is being reshaped to accommodate maximum building pads for houses. I know it is difficult to build on some of the lots, but with a little ingenuity it can be done. I believe controlled quality growth will enhance the town of Fountain Hills. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BACKGROUND AND PERSONAL DATA OUTLINE APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS COMMISSION OR BOARD IN WHICH INTERESTED: Planning and Zoning Commmission NAME: Rod Mooney PHONE: 837-0172 ADDRESS: 17016 E. Kingstree Blvd. . Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN TOWN ELECTIONS?: 0 NO PLEASE S YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (Including colleges attended and degrees obtained, if any) University of New Hampshire BS in Civil Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology MS in Civil Engineering (kw PRESENTLY EMPLOYED BY: Self-employed JOB TITLE: Consulting Engineer PHONE: 837-0172 BUSINESS ADDRESS: 17016 E. Kingstree Blvd. , Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 PHONE: 8 3 7-017 2 CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: Amp r i r an So c i e ty of Civil Engineers, Valley High Tech Facilities Manager Roundtable, Mesa Industrial Committee PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity (Treasurer) Tau Beta P: - Scholastic (116w DATE: Aft2AL. / fq 60 SIGNATURE: e(--• • (kw . TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Please explain and describe why you are interested in serving on the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission. Also please state what your goals and objectives in serving on the Commission would be. Finally, please indicate your feelings about the growth and development you now see taking place in our community. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. As a Fountain Hills resident, I have a strong interest in the direction to be taken for our Town's development. I have an extensive background of managing facilities development which provides valuable experience to offer to the Commission. This background and interest allows me the opportunity to make a positive contribution to Fountain Hills. A primary goal in serving Fountain Hills would be maintaining a General Plan that provides a balanced approach for guiding growth. Implementation of any General Plan must avoid a situation where poor planning or lack of planning allows uncontrolled growth. Of equal importance is not to allow a " Controlled Growth" situation to develop that arbitrarily stops growth in the name of unsupportable objectives of special interest groups. As Fountain Hills residents since 1985 we have watched rapid growth occur in our beautiful area , most has been good but, unfortunately some has been inferior. I believe that the Town should take the path of solid growth through careful planning and thoroughgoing implementation. It appears that there is a trend towards uncontrolled growth with the development of an excess of high- density, low-quality residential units which dilute the beauty of Fountain Hills. This trend should be reversed without causing a lack of affordable housing or stopping growth altogether. L Thomas A. Fox 16837 E. Lunar Lane Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Home Phone 480-837-9286 LP, Email zorrozona@aol September 23, 2000 Jeffrey Valder Community Development Director; Town of Fountain Hills 16836 East Palisades Blvd., Building C Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Dear Jeff: Please Reactivate my original application for the Planning and Zoning commission. I consider it an honor to serve and help in the governmental process. Regards, Thomas Fox (11w. l/1. 24 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MAY 2 3 2000 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN I DEPARTMENT BACKGROUND AND PERSONAL DATA OUTLINE APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS COMMISSION OR BOARD IN WHICH INTERESTED: 4' nvia NAME: 77oi cS IOX PHONE: •q2g&8c ADDRESS: fC737 6 Z1-( N4I L'l. ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN TOWN ELECTIONS?: CY7ES NO PLEASE S YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (Including colleges attended and degrees obtained, if any) (// s PRESENTLY EMPLOYED BY: 1-47VO '20 2 SCa!?' agc,c JOB TITLE: S612-Vicc PHONE.. WO q41-2370 BUSINESS ADDRESS:642 4 , /1cZ04, (ZO vco zrs4.9r . PHONE:<4.80 96- C) .. CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: N6 V1'E PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: -4v-Z.,/ve.(;v6 fir G EC ct(.3-1 ,/YSi 4b L DATE: 421 p-0 SIGNAT URE: Thomas A. Fox 22May00 (ow As a resident of Fountain Hills, I have a strong desire to serve my neighbors and help to secure our future. We must take every opportunity to insure that we control the journey we are on. In the years that Maggie and I have lived here, I have watched our town grow from an adolescence to adulthood, as adults we are challenged to control our future. I feel my experience will assist our town government in meeting that challenge. With the development of the town center we are on the correct path to focus growth in the downtown area. Its clear that there will be some level of development at Shea and Sagauro. However, our greatest immediate need is to control the mountain preservation issue to the goals of the town council and citizens. I am committed to using our ordinances to meet the future needs of our community and control change to our advantage. (kw cp _e5 _00 eid.:t TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BACKGROUND AND PERSONAL DATA OUTLINE APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS COMMISSION OR BOARD IN WHICH INTERESTED: F\AI/011\V , NAME: S-kv-ey, (A-`� _ �� PHONE: �7D� 3�. S S C.t.k ADDRESS: -311; E. 5 to 3i, Z6�_ Zo- r � 3 R ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN TOWN PT.R ONS?: NO PLEASE S YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (Including colleges attended and degrees obtained, if any) DoAlverf; v'l \ o¼PtjF. ) a ‘ A. ta1s-4, Dlruvtr s i4\ t W tssfu r i - \<" soti Ct1('1 b ) CAA\\HrS .(41-•\ VA)ScIPAr: klAv‘fkl (4,U1 I •L' /. (MGthrt 4*.X )ptV PRESENTLY EMPLOYED BY: I f 4',% Q' (i tt e n s JOB TITLE: 0 Coln►"S`G` PHONE: Li 9 0 • Sa D BUSINESS ADDRESS: CA g• M, Te*p.t. 55/17 PHONE: CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: /O rb (w 1 V r) W\Os1 I C1 3CAf £wer\ e " Y,(%( S1'A L.aNrvTc rr Celd\CC/Y\Att( {vr L0w e,rl D ( Az (P ) PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: Cr k(1 yin j S lSar WAtvi r kcS\S1aNtz' ( w,1 14, Nf(z. kui reAAR C.vvc hSt L., DATE: Gl- 2' '24 vm SIG NATURE: N9,v, 1; Cliow TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Please explain and describe why you are interested in serving on the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission. Also please state what your goals and objectives in serving on the Commission would be. Finally, please indicate your feelings about the growth and development you now see taking place in our community. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. 1 V4if C c A „ u A w+n to rrrp L C Y s�. \o A 5 s c ki\vtt 1 £ rt..5MG -car ki,.e, `‘ V1Mir w tr '1 (,ate, thm-i\&‘ u.S0 k).>L. '.\ ovtr t)ti C-v c 11„v c, vv. ‘ g 1 l s S'ts 0,A1,4 I wig \c c v`e.; 'v \ C.Wwcpf-w iLit t o r cDrovtivAi^ r Wei v WAY\a-iyq.) (JJt \) w,t l twin e/r. tt1/44i d r vg, �h cinfsin Nolomr11 il ak\a\ -cf wv` OEM ckl5ior\R, \'cs 4 'rial V l elo✓ U t In . •e ok is C dw/JA j s rU.vottnri ctA e ra lw.creASActreltArQ t3A a Qv\r S f N AV\ i S In YVAk.A Yn 1/4/;11 SAT p r ('\SYs G A ("AA r ro �'�rt vv v1 1n� .S v�� �o� �vas Sk . 1-(- •C\se. ..y.A.01/u) r iitt rf#t v\A,uit vo 11A wve Pg .Q ( ,1 \ e '�,o, W r e 1)�Go 1 v` ` 01/41 I v� A, c Scp• a 1.c . " 4\.„ i 'j-c or f l A • Lorna kA P•�v Lt( �e Avcc,,,,„,Ace TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BACKGROUND AND PERSONAL DATA OUTLINE APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS COMMISSION OR BOARD IN WHICH INTERESTED: -T I 4 n�rL L'i/iek 2-b n i rt Cn� s . .Sa NAME: T )t ' � C . Mc C-1� PHONE: g 3 G ail 7 ( ADDRESS: ( 111 E . %â{i vL r % / ,;.- 1hw ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN TOWN ELECTIONS?: NO PLEASE S YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (Including colleges attended and degrees obtained, if any) Dr-4- 11rk- Ut�J 1' k Sch S'{� � 1, A o • Afi3 (AA( AIS Of-- tli 'Cin,artirk 1l > '� ' q vfiL Cs 1( ?e4K-1-- -11 Yh L Ctj urk PRESENTLY EMPLOYED BY: NIA- ( Hb?At cr le(-r) JOB TITLE: PHONE: BUSINESS ADDRESS: PHONE: CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: Mile— .- 4 ASt- `fb F t1 i ti Q�l PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: tle-d204 1 47-k3 ‘,„ai ?Deal/ "A- /1444/ .114- , ;‘,,:,pis of -ram,. �Q�&A L,3(`� 1, 41-e /1 Mit L DATE: SIGNATURE.: • (iv TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Please explain and describe why you are interested in serving on the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission. Also please state what your goals and objectives in serving on the Commission would be. Finally, please indicate your feelings about the growth and development you now see taking place in our community. Attach additional sheet, if necessary. I- � w Ji€ 12ft c+ is r,ut r-tz(1- --tb uc. ‹A.,v( c,•)r` 50%/4. 1 is%e-r4- a,,( -it La),`-- ctc17✓b A‘Jc_ ig,4cd Gig )(efeASi i/fla led", 6 P 44,191 1�sk�s . i Ai - '-(sa ) t-1pc1. pc.sbc-) Cilet PAIO /9-6q/i / I rece.". JC.d `fib fiL44(1-4,^- / itc . k51- i7ine. c.3 c,&DA/4e") 4Ve, • oxS / kxs td ‘itta// (-7`) e)k4-rAd-c4.- /1,01 de4g. ./..5 erP-svocr,j —71a0A__ • //Li" /„Tht4.(64 71-1) 711 P 4/‘/7e_z- -7/7)4- • "9 y r J e_dtg r../cii/7.- a -7‘ ACtie_ 4"—()))e, 1A4, /01)4"ys d-cA"' gStt-4, L4-4N- VIP ir„,„ tA-cfr's /A C" W- , hchs (i Addg?r,..y.f fll 4 Nee, e to c y Doris Callahan McClay 16117 E. Andrew Drive Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (480) 836-2471 Objective: To obtain an office administration position which effectively utilizes my skills and has a potential for advancement. Education: Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Attended part- time from 1994 to 1996 included Accounting I and II. Bachelor of Arts, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 1986. Curriculum concentration in American government which included extensive writing requirements. Diploma, Park View High School, Sterling, Virginia, June 1982. Employment: Community Development/Planning Principal Clerk for the Town of Chelmsford, Massachusetts. January 1998 to June 2000. Responsibilities included typing, budgeting, filing and scheduling all public hearings and meetings for the Planning Board and the Board of Appeals. Used Windows 98 and Excel. (likw Board of Appeals Clerk for the Town of Chelmsford, Massachusetts. May 1996 to January 1998. Responsibilities included typing, budgeting, filing and scheduling all hearings for the Board of Appeals. Requires use of a word processing system with lotus software and attending their monthly meetings. Pepperell Parks and Recreation Commission, Pepperell, Massachusetts. Appointed in January 1995 and elected to two three year terms. Responsibilities include hiring and supervising Town employees, determining fiscal budgeting, setting policies, and managing the use of Town recreational facilities. Purity, Chelmsford, Massachusetts and Nashua, New Hampshire. arch 1989 through January 1996. Position as a customer service manager and cashier for a major grocery store. Kroger, Charlottesville, Virginia. September 1986 through August 88 Position as an office worker for a major grocery store. Initial job position as a cashier. Interests: Member, Friends of the Lawrence Library (Pepperell, MA). Participated in several fundraising and community service programs. Certified youth soccer coach and school volunteer. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS (kw BACKGROUND AND PERSONAL DATA OUTLINE APPOINTMENT TO COMNIISSIONS AND BOARDS COMMISSION OR BOARD IN WHICH INTERESTED: 2A /4' Comm rs.9/e// NAME: G'FR A4 .6 I a OL 8 T J �/7 PHONE: �/4 �� ADDRESS: / 33/ f- /1//e/', us Z . -, y, ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN TOWN FT.FCTIONS?: NO PLEASE S YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (Including colleges attended and degrees obtained, if any) u./V/ CC R g, ,y 4 p / 7A_ 4, g//v g dOti0,0,0 s° L PRESENTLY EMPLOYED BY: K' T/R ‘ PRc v/e sky S Th TE /AF'fl Ihisu,e4ki JOB'IT ILE: V/2 C Pe g S'//a Le- 7 A,¢/AS• PHONE: -- BUSINESS ADDRESS: PHONE: CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS &OFFICES HELD: PRes/ h�A, _ P/1R iS' # eeu,, i4 - CtHa,pCh' ,¢g i(1,s'io ) ikt g7oe Foativ7-/IiA2 1//i 2 /tt rg A�saC (% 7ioti PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS&OFFICES HELD: fib c f ,D/foc Togs -Z/,u TA b W,g x-of/ie, P4,4 N 4/A)4 '4 b 2 O A N l:'Olst/►1, --d w/o Pegs, ,/corc-Q cv,c,'s-t2S 4 s'S Od -/4 4 'TRLt S 7 ~C- a 4,t/ f/Lkt 741 gL,( L/gRA D//io1 ,b/R6C 7-0R -Cf".J7rf Fok ALL, L DATE: Sit f 7 °2 9, d SIGNA'TURF: ,��� (160, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Please explain and describe why you are interested in serving on the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission. Also please state what your goals and objectives in serving on the Commission would be. Finally, please indicate your feelings about the growth and development you now see taking place in our community.Attach additional sheet, if necessary. The Town of Fountain Hills is very unique among all the other cities in the valley. It's important that this uniqueness be fostered and preserved. One of the ways the personality of a community is maintained is through an adherence to the zoning ordinances which helped developed the town's character. My wife and I have been residents of the community for almost three years and certainly are committed to keeping Fountain Hills a special place to live and enjoy life. I have always been committed to public service and being part of the community where the family has lived. I would bring a wide and varied background to the Planning and Zoning Commission to include serving on a Planning and Zoning Commission in Ohio. The Town needs to be very careful as it continues its build out. There will be considerable pressure from some individuals and organizations for a change in the ordinances that have made the Town special. This isn't to say that some change might not be appropriate but any changes need to be given careful and in-depth study to make certain they are consistent with the character of the Town and keeping with the wishes of the community. The preservation of the McDowell Mountains is obviously one of the major development issues facing the Town today. It would indeed be unfortunate if this issue has to be resolved in the Courts. The only winners would be the attorneys and the issue would be decided by a jury of 8 - 12 people with no ties to Fountain Hills. Both sides need to sit down and get this worked out. The greater good of the Town needs to be the issue not the personal agenda of any one individual(s) or organization(s). L