HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.1019.TCREM.Packet �1 N.kl :Y NOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE 3 ••i"niu►,, 40 SESSION OF THE 1/4) tST 109 • 14thatise FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Morgan Councilman McNeill Vice Mayor Hutcheson Councilman Wyman Councilman Kavanagh Councilwoman Fraverd Councilwoman Ralphe WHEN: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2000 TIME: 5:30 P.M. (THE COUNCIL WILL BE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION FROM 5:30 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. THE REGULAR SESSION WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 6:30 P.M.) WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL—ADOPTED 1/18/90 It is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting,please adhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1.) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2.) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3.) Please stand,approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4.) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5.) TIME LIMIT—THREE(3)MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6.) Statements should not be repetitive. 7.) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • ROLL CALL 1.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4., VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position in pending or contemplated litigation regarding the Town versus MCO Properties. 2.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular and Executive Session October 19,2000 • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • PLEDGE TO THE FLAG— • INVOCATION—Pastor Don Lawrence from Christ's Church of Fountain Hills • ROLL CALL Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine, non-controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of September 5, 21 and October 5 2000. *2.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION submitted by Kenneth Bowman for the American Legion Post 58 located at 16850 East Avenue of the Fountains. The license application is for a building fundraiser to be held in conjunction with the Fall Festival on Friday, Saturday (9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and Sunday (10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.),November 10 through 12,2000. *3.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST submitted by Gloria Owens for the Fountain Hills Women's Club for their annual Home Tour, Boutique,Luncheon, Bakesale and Raffle. The event, scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 2000 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., will be held at the Community Center, 11445 N. Saguaro, and various homes in the community. No street closures will be required. kw, *4.) Consideration of the PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT for the 44-unit, 2.644± acre Plaza Del Lago condominiums, located at 16715 E. El Lago Boulevard, Case Number S2000-034. *5.) Consideration of the FINAL PLAT for the La Loma 4 at Eagle Mountain Condominiums, units 55 through 82 and Tract "E"of the La Loma at Eagle Mountain Condominiums, Case Number S2000-038. 6.) PUBLIC HEARING ON A SPECIAL USE PERMIT for an extermination business as a home occupation to be located at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard, Case Number SU2000-07. 7.) Consideration of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for an extermination business as a home occupation to be located at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard, Case Number SU2000-07. 8.) PUBLIC HEARING ON A TEMPORARY USE PERMIT for a child day care business as a home occupation to be located at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard, aka Final Plat 604-A, Block 1, Lot 9; Case #TU2000-11. 9.) Consideration of a TEMPORARY USE PERMIT for a child day care business as a home occupation to be located at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard, aka Final Plat 604-A,Block 1,Lot 9; Case#TU2000-11. 10.) DISCUSSION of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District's request to drill a fresh water well on the new community center property with possible direction to staff. 11.) PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION regarding the design features of the Four Peaks Plaza Commercial Center including building elevations and conceptual landscape. 12.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2000-50 abandoning all right, title, or interest in all of Cosmic Drive located northeast of Lot 1, Block 10 of Plat 412-A, Fountain Hills, Arizona, as recorded in Book 158 of Maps, Page 20, records of Maricopa County, and all of those alleys located northeast and southeast of Lot 1, Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 3 Last printed 10/19/00 11:54 AM Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular and Executive Session October 19,2000 Block 10 of Plat 412-A and north and west of Lot 2, Block 10 of Plat 412-A, Fountain Hills, Arizona, as recorded in Book 158 of Maps,Page 20,Records of Maricopa County. 13.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2000-17 abandoning all right, title, or interest in a portion of a certain public right-of-way known as that portion of Laser Drive located northeast of Lots 68 and 69 of Plat 414, Fountain Hills, Arizona, as recorded in Book 287 of Maps, Page 22, Records of Maricopa County. This item will include presentations from various groups including,but not limited to,Laser Drive Industrial Park users, FireRock residents,and the Barclay Group. 14.) Consideration of a CUT AND FILL WAIVER APPLICATION for the project known as the Shea Retail Center, a proposed 36.42± acre development, located south of Shea Boulevard, west of Saguaro Boulevard, and north of Laser Drive, Case Number CFW99-08. 15.) Consideration of the PRELIMINARY PLAT for the 9-lot, 36.42± acre Shea Retail Center, located south of Shea Boulevard, west of Saguaro Boulevard, and north of Laser Drive, Case Number S99-040. 16.) Discussion and POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING APPROPRIATION of$987,000.00 of public funds for economic development in connection with the Barclay project. The applicant has requested that the Council consider an appropriation of funds over a period of time to assist in the creation and enhancement of the economic welfare of the town. 17.) Consideration of the FINAL PLAT for the Fountain Hills Resort, a 59.67± acre, one-lot, one-tract subdivision, located north of Shea Boulevard, east of Palisades Boulevard and south of the Westridge Village subdivision, Case Number S2000-033. 18.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2000-49 establishing a Community Center Advisory Commission and providing for its membership, officers,duties, meetings, and conduct of business. L19.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda but must be within the jurisdiction of the Council. All comment is"subject to reasonable time, space and manner restrictions"and the Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Council members may respond to criticism,ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. 20.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 18th day of October 2000. (444.424 Cassie B. Hansen,Director of Administration/Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice)or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. (Iry Town of Fountain Hills Page 3 of 3 Last printed 10/19/00 11:54 AM ram � l 4ell p NOTICE OF SPECIAL SESSION iN k ...\ rrJS�� ao 4o OF THE `�• tsti969 -thatisAi" FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Morgan Councilman McNeill Vice Mayor Hutcheson Councilman Wyman Councilman Kavanagh Councilwoman Fraverd Councilwoman Ralphe WHEN: MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2000 TIME: 6:00 P.M. 460, WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • ROLL CALL 1.) PUBLIC HEARING to receive public testimony on a set of new development fees that are being considered by the Town. This public hearing is being held pursuant to §9-463.05 C of the Arizona Revised Statutes. 2.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. 3.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 24th day of October 2000. 6444,:_c_q6 By: Cassie B. Hansen,Director of Administration/Town Clerk Le, The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003(voice)or 1- 800-367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. MEMORANDUM (kiw TO: THE ON I RA : E MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: PAUL . �''.i'1 N,TOWN MANAGER DATE: OCTO'1 ,ER 13,2000 RE: MANAGER'S REPORT FOR THE OCTOBER 19TH COUNCIL MEETING REMINDERS: An Executive Session is scheduled to immediately PRECEDE the Thursday Council meeting. It will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Jury Room. Food will be available. The Regular Council Session will begin at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. A special session to interview three Planning & Zoning Commission applicants is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 17th. Please note that this meeting will be held in the front conference room of Building A. Resumes from applicants Gerald Colbert (6:00 pm), Doris McClay (6:30 pm), and Steven Wells (7:00 pm) are included (NY with the agenda for your review. I will be out of the office attending the Institute for Planning. Zoning, and Eminent Domain in Dallas next Tuesday through Thursday. I will return on Oct. 19th in time to attend the executive session/council meeting that evening. Should you need assistance in my absence, please contact Sue or Cassie. There are two public hearings on this agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: There are four items on the consent agenda. Please review each item and contact me should you determine any should be removed. AGENDA ITEM#5 - APPOINTMENT OF FOUR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMBERS: A special meeting to hold interviews for Planning and Zoning Commission membership will be held on Tuesday, October 17th. Mayor Morgan will then nominate four individuals for appointment subject to Council approval at Thursday's meeting. Please see the October 17th agenda attached to this packet. Manager's Report October 19,2000 Council Meeting Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEMS#6 & #7 - PUBLIC HEARING/SPECIAL USE PERMIT/ EXTERMINATION BUSINESS: The first public hearing is scheduled to receive input regarding a special use permit application for an extermination business at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. After the hearing, Council will then consider the approval of this business. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously for denial. Jeff s memo is attached. AGENDA ITEMS #8 &#9 - PUBLIC HEARING/TEMPORARY USE PERMIT/CHILD DAY CARE OPERATION: The next public hearing will gather public comment regarding the temporary use permit application for a child day care business at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. After listening to all opinions, Council will consider this permit request. Please see Jeff s report. AGENDA ITEM# 10 - PRESENTATION BY SANITARY DISTRICT ON FRESH WATER WELL: Sanitary District Chairman Bruce Hansen and President Ron Huber have requested this item to discuss the possibility of drilling of a fresh water well on the new Community Center property. Please see enclosed materials from Cassie. AGENDA ITEM# 11 —DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF thiw REGARDING THE PUBLIC RELATIONS AND ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES FOR MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION ISSUES: In order to discuss this item, a motion to "take from the table" will be necessary. Please see Cassie's memo. AGENDA ITEM # 12 — PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION REGARDING THE DESIGN FEATURES OF THE FOUR PEAKS PLAZA COMMERCIAL CENTER. Several Councilmembers have expressed significant interest in the various design features of the Target shopping center. Such a discussion does not naturally fit under any of the proposed action items; therefore, I thought a separate item specifically for these questions would be appropriate. The developer will make a presentation concerning the elevations and various design features. Please see section three of the developer's proposal included in this packet. AGENDA ITEM# 13—RESOLUTION 2000-50 COSMIC/ALLEY ABANDONMENT Staff suggests these abandonments should be separated from the Laser Drive abandonment. Cosmic Drive and the Alleys are located on the proposed Target property and should be abandoned. Staff views these abandonements as non-controversial and (160, recommends approval. Please Jeff's enclosed report. Town Manager's Report October 5,2000 Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM# 14 - RESOLUTION 2000-17/LASER DRIVE ABANDONMENT: This item includes presentations by the applicant, several citizen groups, including the Firerock residents, the industrial group, and staff. Please see Jeff's enclosed memo. Also attached please find three additional signed petitions from Firerock residents that were not included with the petitions distributed in the previous agenda packet. AGENDA ITEMS # 15 &# 16 - CUT AND FILL WAIVER/PRELIMINARY PLAT/SHEA RETAIL CENTER: The Barclay Group seeks approval of the preliminary plat necessary to begin development of the Shea Retail Center. They have revised the site plan removing one driveway. Also, they have identified hillside transfer parcels in sufficient quantity and slope to comply with our hillside disturbance ordinance. And, they are applying for the necessary cut and fill waivers to move the wash to the front (northside of the property). The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval of both the cut and fill waiver and the preliminary plat, with several significant stipulations to the preliminary plat. Staff also recommends approval of both, with stipulations to the plat. Jeff s report is attached. (Ito New Issue: Today we received a revised traffic report as requested by staff. Due to several changes, as detailed in the report, the number of vehicles using the shopping center's main entrance has increased. Therefore, a traffic light may be warranted at this intersection earlier than previously anticipated. When the traffic signal is warranted, the Town Manager and Mr. Eakin will negotiate an agreement to then be presented for Council approval. AGENDA ITEM# 17 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT/SHEA RETAIL CENTER: Town Attorney Bill Farrell has provided you with the attached information concerning this agenda item. AGENDA ITEM# 18 - FINAL PLAT/FOUNTAIN HILLS RESORT: Council will consider approval of the final plat for the Fountain Hills Resort located on 59.67 acre north of Shea Blvd. and East of Palisades Blvd. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval. Staff also recommends approval. Please see Jeff s attached memo. L Town Manager's Report October 5,2000 Council Meeting Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEM # 19 - RESOLUTION 2000-49/ESTABLISHMENT OF (tio COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION: At the Mayor's request, an alternative resolution is being prepared for Council consideration. All materials will be available for distribution on Monday. L L Town Manager's Report October 5,2000 Council Meeting Page 4 of 4 41100, Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRA Date: 10/18/00 Re: FINAL AGENDA UPDATE Since the agenda had not yet been posted, the Mayor requested that item #6, appointing the Planning and _Zoning Commissioners, be removed from the agenda. Please use the yellow agenda for Thursday night's meeting. (kw Page 1 of 1 October 19, 2000 Agenda Update Last printed 10/18/00 8:45 AM 1 0/1 8/00 thy InterofficeMemo .... ____. ......... ......... _....... ..___. _._........ ....._. ......... ._...... _._... ..._... ....... To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Date: 10/17/00 Re: AGENDA UPDATES FOR THE 10/19/00 COUNCIL MEETING This"mini-packet" includes the following: REVISED AGENDA: Old agenda item #11,,tan+g "item from the table, was removed at Councilman Kavanagh's request. N "c+onsent agenda stein ,#5, .Loma 4 at Eagle Mountain Condominiums, was added by Joan Blankenship. Please see the enclosed"materials on this item. PACKET ITEMS: As promised in the mana s report lam Friday, the packet materials for agenda item #18, the final plat for the .Fo ntain Hilly R o t, nd agenda item #19, a resolution establishing the Community Center ",Advisory Commissi n, are nclude LP' Page 1 of 1 October 19, 2000 Agenda Update Last printed 10/17/00 12:02 PM 10/17/00 Memo 4111w Interoffice .... ......... ......... ........ ......... ......._ ........._. ......_. ........ _..... ......... ......... ......... To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Date: 10/13/00 Re: AGENDA ITEM #2—AMERICAN LEGION SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE AGENDA ITEM #3—WOMEN'S CLUB SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST AGENDA ITEM #2—AMERICAN LEGION SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE Kenneth Bowman, on behalf of the American Legion Post 58, has submitted an application for a special event liquor license for the following dates and times: Special Event Liquor License Friday, Saturday, 11/10,11/00 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. • Sunday, 11/12/00 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Legion, located at 16850 East Avenue of the Fountains, has requested the special event 9q P liquor license during the Fall Festival to raise money for their building fund. While the special event liquor license is in effect, the Legion's Class 14 Club license is temporarily suspended. The special event license"allows ttem to serve the general public rather than members and gusts only. The requested requeited hours Of operation reflect a decrease in what was approved last year. Instead-of extending the=hours of operation to 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, the special""event liquor license'will,be in effect until 9:00 p.m. all three nights. The special event license will cover the same fenced area that has been used on previous occasions and�surity will be posted at the entrances to ensure that no alcohol leaves the site. The attached diagram shows.this area to:include the courtyard and an adjacent area to the north of the building. Marshal Gendler has performed his investigation and has forwarded a favorable recommendation. Staff recommends approval. AGENDA ITEM #3 —WOMEN'S CLUB SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST Gloria Owens from the Fountain Hills Women's Club has submitted a special event request for their Annual Home Tour, Boutique, Bake Sale, Luncheon and Raffle to be held on Saturday, November 4, 2000 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the event is a fundraiser for scholarships and local charities. In addition to the five homes on the tour, the other activities will take place at the Community Center, 11445 North Saguaro Boulevard. No street closures are required and a signage plan is enclosed. Marshal Gendler has reviewed the request and endorses the event. A certificate of insurance is on file and staff recommends approval. (ow Page 1 of 1 October 19,2000 Agenda Items Last printed 10/13/00 11:45 AM 10/13/00 Fountain Hills Memorandum (kw TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler DATE: October 9,2000 SUBJECT: Special Event Liquor License-American Legion The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event liquor license submitted by the American Legion Post of Fountain Hills. It is my understanding that this issue will go before the Council at their meeting on October 19th. I am recommending approval based on the following factors: 1. The American Legion Post has a valid class 14 (club license) in place at 16850 Ave of the Fountains. According to the state liquor department, organizations with a class 14 license are permitted up to 10 days per year in which they are eligible for a special event license allowing public liquor sales. At all other times, the class 14 allows sale to members and guests only. A review of the record indicates that this will be the second such request for the calendar year and will only bring their total to 6 of the 10 days they are allowed for special events in 2000. 2. During the 9am-9pm time frame, the permit covers rally the area specified in the application. This is an important point since the diagram appears to indicate the facility at 16850 Avenue of the Fountains as well as a portion of the parking lot are part of the application. According to the liquor department, including the facility in effect suspends the class 14 in place at this time and replaces it by the special event permit for those hours specified. The American Legion officials apparently understand that since they have included a written statement foregoing their class 14 license during the special event period. 3. In previous investigations, we have found that the American Legion has met all the legal requirements under the Arizona Revised Statutes for a liquor license and temporary permit. This included covert monitoring by state liquor agents and overt monitoring by the Marshals Department to ensure compliance with provisions of the special event license. Nothing has been found which would prohibit granting of this permit. In a matter separate from the liquor investigation, I have noticed that the permit appears to cover "several common use areas" on private property. This includes parts of the sidewalk and walkway to the parking lot. I have recommended that the American Legion get permission from the other owners and tenants in the building. They followed this advice and a "release" is attached to the application package. Based on this, as well as all of the factors outlined above, I recommend approval by the Ls, Council on October 19th. ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor _ OCT 0 9 2000 400 W Congress#150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 r ' Tucson AZ 85701-1352 lerif 'y T FOUNTAIN HILLS (602) 542-5141 ‘ArtnO'r Tovvry cLERK (520) 628-6595 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE Fee=$25.00 per day, for 1-10 day events only A service fee of$25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks(A.R.S.44-6852) PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE FULLY COMPLETED OR IT WILL BE RETURNED. DEPT USE ONLY **APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT LIC# 1. Name of Organization: /4/17. i I C' N c- p S 2. Non-Profit/I.R.S.Tax Exempt Number: g r!n - 0 0 0 I t L/ 3. The organization is a: (check one box only) • 4 ❑ Charitable ® Fraternal(must have regular membershirontkip p istence for over 5 years) ❑ Civic ❑ Political Party,Ballot Measure,or Campaign Committee '2UM gait 4"-' • ❑ Religious 4. What is the purpose of this event? P v 1 Lad I'nig P v N 5 O 5. Location of the event: I' (v' i, �4 v-e- o r= ! i e Fo t.NT74i nt fkl4/4(p_ i cope! p r) 68 IOW Address of physical location(Not P.O.Box) City County Zip Applicant must be a member of the qualifying organization and authorized by an Officer,Director or Chairperson of the Organization named in Question#1. (Signature required in section#18) 6. Applicant: Q o w 04 i4 k/ u Al Last First Middle Date f Birth 7. Applicant's Mailing Address: / 0 S 3 C ALL e 1)el Qf a 1 T A/ H/ZGS fr4 Z &c)t8 Street City State Zip 8. Phone Numbers: (1f 0) -3 7~ 6 Y 11 ('V 8'3'-c9-SSr ('/80) e3 7— 6 1.2 2. Site Owner# Applicant's Business# Applicant's Home# 9. Date(s)&Hours of Event: (Remember:you cannot sell alcohol before 10:00 a.m.on Sunday) Date Day of Week Hours from A.M./P.M. To A.M./P.M. Day 1: f i !O e D 1---la) S)A L/ 19A4 PA4 Day 2: 1/ ► D O 5 ►4-Y 4^/I 9 P.M Day 3: J 1 i. D D cj U/✓ / /9. PA Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day9: • Day 10: Lic 0106 05n999 *Disabled inividuals requiring special accommodations,please call the Department. THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED ONLY BY AN OFFICER,DIRECTOR OR CHAIRPERSON OF THE ORGANIZATION NAMED IN QUESTION#1 18. I, k(C/h( D 1-.. A ?E A)14" , declare that I am an Officer/Director/Chairperson appointing the tililite applicant full name) listed in Question 6,to apply on behalf of the foregoing organization for a Special Event Liquor License. XY P. tG)( EC., Cori ,ill /1/c/ o 0V-S'37-5SWf2- (Signature) (Title/Position) (Date) (Phone#) SLR, State of `25 7--0 A-)6 County of M'912. C a M .."-r IENNETH E.BOWMAN The foregoin strument was acknowledged before me this • ' ow mie- *Mama :� MAMMA COL'±VTY �• '.`�'- - l'!71)6• �' g �a��,s�MY Mmrn.ors Sept 1 a, (� day of O.� f �_ _ ►2 Day Month Year My Commission expires on: :�� ' 1- < cf-A'' (Date) (Signature of NOTARY PUBLIC) THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED ONLY BY THE APPLICANT NAMED IN QUESTION#6 19. I, Kc-iviv•-e.7-11 E, Q 0c-Jri4I/,declare that I am the APPLICANT filing this application as (Print full name) as listed in Question 6. I have read the application and the contents and all statements are true,correct and mplete. i/�y1 �� State of:7"����/V'/-� County of X fAr`.i l _ ` t1.'-_-.------ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .• nun.'! yiiii /fr,, "OFFICIAL SEAL" day of tte-Zc'MF- c, �X- - Virginia LaPenta �4 '. �� Day of Month Month Year (kW �ti. � Notary.Public-Arizona :� ` Manoopa County My co i . =s5:-`:. -kramission Expos 12/11/2001 (Signat of TARY PUBLIC) You must obtain local government approval. City or County MUST recommend event& complete item#20. The local city or county jurisdiction may require additional applications to be completed and additional licensing fees before approval may be granted. LOCAL GOVERNING BODY APPROVAL SECTION 20. I,Aaefi-n r}'l o r'1a,. , trt.. m, re recome 's special event application on (Government dicl) ) behalf o"f r Owr t..-f- rOu Yv w Lliii_N . f o-1 9 - DO (City,Town or County) (Signat of 0 C (Date) FOR DLLC DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Department Comment Section: (Employee) (Date) (110, ❑ APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED BY: (Title) (Date) EXTENSION (,,i' i:F.;.:,i.ilar.,6/:Arl.•1U 1-t,F.,•:I'l (kw • _ * . . . • , ,• . NOTE--: r-ii3): SECURITY Rnmous Li ....,i_. TEmri3RAir? BARRIER 7 Fr t41614 ) NT • , , *--a$ • ------ FARK11,1C, LOT • -- io."- • - it ------ — _ — to . _ • _ 1I . --I 5• —1,-H--1 0' —43 3 5' ---- g t --1 - • - - ------, SIDEWALK ----- •-----------___ .-- I. .......mmrz.=== • . • .1 MEN S ..,- Of . 8AR R EST ROMA 0 '---SERvii4G AREA 0 . 411w . / , 1 -0000()( .)771. - 1. a AMERICAN LEG1OM ESU I Lbi OEN- (-)i•• 1 . I(0 B SO E.AVE 6F TUE PouRYTA)AI 1 I WOMENS , SUITE tt-IO2_ . / OAPPROV. 600/9 Cl.Pr) --4 .- .. II- , , RESTROOM ,/ • r. A , ._ C•J ci • • --2 ( 1:mmull\— , 7..) Cr- , CO - IL- /• ...-...,,, c:3 swirrov1 irom•ro---------(\------"---- -- tsi c..0 Z lilliw ' t= cr) F 7 tu ei - . 1,TW-1AW-11-?. el ' AMERICAN LEGION -- , POST#58 �'� -'!; FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA_ L ,,,=.�-,tea�' 16850 Avenue of the Fountains ���i EG� •`�� (602)837-5958 11 • TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The following businesses located at 16850 Ave of the Fountains have no objections to the American Legion being granted an extension of premises for a special event on the ..- following dates : /l /o - l!I rape SHEAR POINT HAIR DESIGN (itor ,. • ..., ,:.. ---- -- '.: • TIME J SESIGN -� i l .-- .. . . ... • , . . • ... • ...... ........ . • . . . , - . . . . . . t . .. . ANIERICAN LEGION • . : • Ft)Cti*FAIN LULLS. ARIZ(.)NA • , .. i . -.x. ..... ...„.. :„... hoi. •\......,..iv..! ,r.... ! ....,,.1..:n• . . •#;;E-G,107‘ ._ . .,...00.... f“:: S'•-•`','N .. . . . . • , . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Arizonim. , Dept. of Liquor Licenses . . . . The imericcIn Legion Poet 53 agrees to siasptn's heir .. ' . ,,. ..- .. . Liquor. License 14 for the period _IV/4 — 1111Vott . , . •., •. . .. , . , ; iljtraj 4 . , . .. . . . .,. . .. . .., Richard "JR PentA • ,.. -.,. - , ,. .. . ...s. Club Mgr. . '• . ."-r. , • , ,. . . .. . . . . . . -. c --...:-., -. cv a . .. . . . . . . • . . . . . . - - . . . . . . , . . • . . . • - • . _ . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. . . , . . • . ..... . . (tor • .. • . ... ..• .?,...,-. . ,t,t • . . , . .•-• . 1...•,,, .,! - .... . ...-- • • -..•:,/,- - . ••• - ....„ . ,..,,,,,,..-i. „,--: • , , 41/0 Fountain Hills Memorandum TO: Cassie Hansen,Town Clerk FROM: Steve Gendler,Town Marshal DATE: October 9, 2000 SUBJECT: Special Event Request-Fountain Hills Woman's Club The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event request submitted by Shirley Curry on behalf of the Fountain Hills Woman's Club. It is my understanding that this item will be considered by the Council at their October 19th meeting. The event involves the annual home tour which occurs in various neighborhoods as well as fund raising activities that occur at the Community Center. In endorsing this request, I gave careful consideration to the following factors: 1. The event takes place during daylight hours on November 4th, a Saturday.Therefore, there will be no danger of reduced visibility due to darkness on neighborhood streets. 2. The event does not require any street closures,detours,or town resources. 3. The event will not conflict with commercial activities or other special events. 4. There is ample off-street parking for the main portion of this event at the Community Center. The homes on the tour are located in residential districts with no restrictions on street parking. 5. The only effect on public right of way is the placement of signs to assist visitors in finding the homes on display. The Woman's Club has provided a sign plan and has indicated in conversations with us that they will comply with the provisions of zoning code 6.08e reference off premise signs. Based on the fact that this event has been held previously with no incidents, accidents, or complaints, as well as the factors listed in the previous paragraph, I recommend approval by the Council at their October 19th meeting. Steve Gendler LMarshal (kw Special Event Request Page 2 of 2 LIABILITY RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO FURNISH INSURANCE As a condition to, and in consideration of the issuance of this requested permit,the applicant hereby agrees to procure and maintain insurance coverage protecting all aspects of activities involved in the permit. Such insurance shall cover public liability and property damage, including product liability if applicable,and shall include coverage for owned and non-owned autos,for all claims for damages for personal injury or death and property damage arising out of the activities for which this permit is issued. Such insurance to be in limits of not less than$1,000,000 combined single limit personal injury and property damage. The certificate of insurance reflecting this coverage shall name the Town as an additional insured as respects this Special Event Permit. - ` Ca. . &' /D - Signature of Applicant or Agent Date of Application Name of Insurance Company; �.� ✓ / �`-6'T(kw � •' Policy#. 3-�U�-S�.S policy Dates -z- - v o 7z2 cS=.z )1-Q> (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE - OFFICE USE ONLY) Certificate of Insurance Filed: YES NO Approval by Town Marshal. Date. %C Comments. A rag c lZ rn C-iw Notification of Local Fire Department: Date: Contact Name &Title. Arrangements Made: Notification of Sheriff's Department: Date: Contact Name & Title: Arrangements Made: itap, Final val by Council: By. Title•, 111 tor Date: /C-19-0 STATE FARM CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE hi '-s at ® STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois rf ❑ STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois (607ffitcfp owing policyholder for the coverages indicated below: Name of policyholder FOUNTAIN HILLS WOMENS CLUB INC Address of policyholder PO BOX 18721 FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85269-8721 Location of operations FOUNTAIN HILLS HOME TOUR Description of operations FUND RAISER-11/4/0 0 The policies listed below have been issued to the policyholder for the policy periods shown. The insurance described in these policies is subject to all the terms exclusions, and conditions of those policies.The limits of liability shown may have been reduced by any paid claims. POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD LIMITS OF LIABILITY Effective Date Expiration Date (at beginning of policy period) Comprehensive BODILY INJURY AND 9 3—0 4—915 4—2 Business Liability 5/2 4/0 0 5/2 4/01 PROPERTY DAMAGE This insurance includes: ® Products-Completed Operations ❑ Contractual Liability ❑ Underground Hazard Coverage Each Occurrence $ 10 0 0 0 0 0 ® Personal Injury ❑Advertising Injury General Aggregate $ 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ Explosion Hazard Coverage Products-Completed ❑ Collapse Hazard Coverage Operations Aggregate $ 2000000 ® General Aggregate Limit applies to each project El (kW EXCESS LIABILITY POLICY PERIOD BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE Effective Date Expiration Date (Combined Single Limit) ❑ Umbrella Each Occurrence $ ❑ Other Aggregate• $ Part 1 STATUTORY Part 2 BODILY INJURY Workers'Compensation and Employers Liability Each Accident $ Disease Each Employee $ Disease- Policy Limit $ • POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD LIMITS OF LIABILITY Effective Date Expiration Date (at beginning of policy period) If any of the described policies are canceled before its expiration date, State Farm will try to mail a written notice to the certificate holder days before cancellation. If, however, we fail to mail such notice, no obligation or liability will be imposed on State Farm or its agents or representatives. Name and Address of Certificate Holder TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK Si ture of Authorize epresentative 16836 E PALISADES BLVD 4) DUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 Title 558-994 a 2-90 Printed in U.S.A. Date 0 a ' sc •,,., 4' , I . rft •s - .VW31. (it:1• 04 ' .le iti g t' yb etr = * COMMUNITY CENTER 1 -Lat • ' ;1,0• •v �, 1 . 1 5231 E. WESTRIDGE DRIVE . mod► 41 di 2. 1 5737 E. CHICORY DRIVE .� .,t 000 1 V4t46. J `T•' ,,,,,0t a4Pd)..P% 4to.c tp ��+�c sw' 3. 15219 E. FAIRY DUSTER COURT '' .Il' 4t \ fI Vj � ) .. tot y 4. 1 3B 1 1 N. SUNSET DRIVE i:::; Or • (a.„) • ,���`��`�,� ,. 5. 1 4539 E. EDGEWATER COURT „....., t X6 i‘7041),5 1,/ '.. D .. ... ii. .. A , \ . % '• ,. ___-, • 44 a Cr .1 4t•,y ik'C'' O ‘,.‘ +1/ t . / t 4 *Si,. •e 3'• • - ,_•••N',...,... ,,,, . \ fpv,.. :' . ,A1 1 iii. .. , s \z), C4N( ,nt...71Ir ii 1 e 401 AVitra 3, . r .0,40,,., , ibis , jtr: .,4VIGC4D.. It %Cod. tala .41% ''' Agri rj Stoop 4 A 1 G lit 0./ 'V 0 114.447. .. 0,4 AriarT,Z7 C" ' • k‘ *f 40e. %Al. ' ,» .,.. 31, . 5 14140:ci .4r/ e : •-:. I 1 p�, - . F A 4.113 '` g )•,. i )44!) I PrftiolONAI OR Iti :*!FAtioir .9 4110 e("1 t CC (ille 1 • 0 • r• tj, w •r� 1O. 0,0006,4 an 110011446 Wit` 11Z* ..ctiCOPrt *mot on all ila r�t S‘ 0at 4VY \ , . ra �,. \ i N. - , .,...! 7 CI, Ithiplitiiip .14P 0 17;3\ iv ft.. ,,,,,,,,.. .,.. .4...„..44 . ..1 I .41. O. S On Nos• 1/44' \- .. . •,? . , • 4Ns. , ,z, ;.-‘.--Av - (.1.71k4: . . l• ... • 112741\ 0 \.1 01 .e J .. . .. 4 f '4144 h vein M '.. 4 b ocot a.o"4a hQ 71k%4b:',.*:NItz,,,,, •rr,�i `y�'�'�oR 02111406 • 0. 1' ./ 440p fA r• as�, � .. .. 1 6 ." ‘ • _ANA& '. oh :. i-,t..irN.. -74% , • v>,:, . i . , r- KrO • if �'� E ; • (.,,,,• ..a,. ~' .416v COII11I111111 C) w v.,uMso* Center i •>. MP f i SHE "~,,, ti ., Q ., ��, A �� w 1 it 11. Le' , et. .0" • ek" . \ i fe. g O ' ii440111, FOUNTAIN HILLS WOMEN'S CLUB 4. >\., •,s 2O`;00 HOME TOUR °+ Ar,..-, \ 4:: .*.F. • ftst.- • (ow November 4, 2000 Fred &Beverly Johnson 15437 E. Chicory Drive Fountain Hills AZ 85268 (480) 816-0771 home (480) 816-4515 Bev, Work (corner of Chicory&Sycamore) built by owner Bill &Nancy Wolf 15219 E. Fairy Duster Ct. Fountain Hills AZ 85268 (480) 837-9727 (in town in August until Labor Day. July 23`h-Aug 7) Located in Sunridge Canyon Marsha& Hamilton Fairburn 15231 E. Westridge Drive (11w Fountain Hills AZ 85268 (480) 836-9796 Located in Westridge Estates Beverly& Mark Nuessle 13 811 N. Sunset Drive Fountain Hills AZ 85268 (480) 837-3682 (gone May 29-August 14) Office phone(480)948-6870(ask for Sophie) WS(715)595-4271 Located in Sun Ridge Canyon Debra& Robert Burchard 14539 E. Edgewater Ct. Fountain Hills, AZ (480) 837-3912 (Off Golden Eagle Blvd.In North Heights) L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Loy MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner pb DATE: October 13, 2000 SUBJECT: Preliminary & Final Plat for"Plaza Del Lago Condominiums" Staff has combined the reports for the Preliminary and Final Plats, there are no off-site improvements or Improvement Plans needed for this plat. This plat is a request by Sam Gambacorta which would condominiumize 44 units located at 16715 E. El Lago Blvd., aka Lot 17, Block 2, Final Plat 207. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission &Staff report for additional details regarding this request. L L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 4iw PLANNING&ZONING AND STAFF REPORT October 19, 2000 CASE NO: S2000-034 LOCATION: 16715 E. El Lago Blvd., aka Lot 17, Block 2, Final Plat 207. REQUEST: Consider the Preliminary and Final Plat for "Plaza Del Lago Condominiums", a 44 unit condominium project. PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Sam Gambacorta APPLICANT: Sam Gambacorta EXISTING ZONING: "R-4" EXISTING CONDITION: Constructed LOT SIZE: 111,017 square feet SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: New location of Community Center, south 40ac of Plat 208; "C-2" SOUTH: Multiple family residential; zoned "R-4" EAST: Desert Horizon Condominiums; zoned "R-4" WEST: Vacant; zoned "R-4" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat "Plaza Del Lago Condominiums" Declaration of Condominium, which subdivides cubic airspace, and is not a land sell project. Due to the simplicity of this request and the fact that this project does not involve any off-site public improvements, a "fast track" process is being allowed. The owner, Sam Gambacorta, has chosen to convert a forty-four unit complex currently inhabited and record a Declaration of Condominium to sell the units individually. The units have a maximum livable area of 1,450 square feet, a minimum livable area of 1,008 square feet and a covered patio. The property was built under building permit number 1995-0486, applied for on May 4th, 1995 and received a permit to build on October 31 st, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of S00-034; Preliminary Plat, and staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for "Plaza Del Lago Condominiums". Att 08/p/2000 11:40 4803483859 M KASTEN I&JG-02-2o0 16:34 /MIN OF FOUNTAIN H I uJIs PAGE 02 JI - �+,�+� .GEC V.,l t TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS .uru„r10 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Filed Fee Paid on Accepted By-__- - -» Dote Av usT oq0 1 a, 669c) — - Condominium Name PLIV A DEt `-ik2o NQAle -MEN*3 L _ L . C . Condominium Addrssa * 1bZ ►5 E . EL- l.•Rcc) avuLEVARD , 7vc.mv41-+ti \\ ; stAIzI ,ovUa Bs�6a Legal Description of LotlParosl Being Platted k-IcluNi'0,1w ,k;II s AR1zotvA Foy/N.( Plat P t-A T No, 2.07 R PLAT Block a- Number I'7 Number of Units _ „�_ Parcel Size Appvc . 2. 64L( - - - - Li y Number of Tracts Zoning General Plan Land Uee Designation �- '', Ft+v�1 `l M v M r_DIOv+ti Density Requeste4(Dwelling oh)Units Per A - t ego-coo-40 5� A 13.bAo4 LI t4. — iViewIG Clko 5,11 Lou 22j-4;4s Applicant l Day Phone • rA QrAyACoR-+A gLI 2.� � 1 Z 3 91 Address City ST Zip l 2.2. t CLEVELtstrQZ STR EvT LAI;t wvE 4.41:_ L.L 6009 I Owner Day Phone S+aAN. er,-- fw,�acOQ-�A ' Address - City ST 'Zip • t-7..7_ 1 C.LVELAivD ST €ET t.V j Wee G a. L 600 9 I Attachments(Please list) _-o!u P s 4171Ik_Ipc,v.iL Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE(plesee P tint) ... Data '"""' ---71G-1 i7P _ L. 4 , ._ ,.............. ....___.. alwarraimammimmi. ... ... TO PILE THIS APPLICATION. 000 Sub ribed and sworn before me this °i��- 4-e-cate_-s-day of `� Notary Public - _ My Commission!xpl • .."OFF I C I A L SEAL " - SAM GAMBACORTA NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 5/2/2004 '1`PH Case Number - — 411larFee Schedule Attached S Cie- C) -)- ,.... a 0, 3 %,. V. Y"- IP o.,.> 1€a 1R 01@; '1j ' y" 14' it '.{ 'ix PI gr - -""-' P q b �E a 14 q �b� '� t�` i46 1g /2 03/ gE. i 2 qga ct F el; i!' P Rd! E -- E1 Ai 111 I ggg jj¢¢ 99 il ‘Ipe ! 0 ; , :I 1 il tedg; k ! Iggig A lxig i i m 4 g i q IRO, ii! Q Z .r .: i 1gC1XE a q 1600, =si : RR g ! A= ..0 '- , �'� I SEA gi !!JIIIJ XERia s 0'.11 i13 t II � 111 a I M.C.R.F.N. PLAT 207 rap Pq ill q BOOK 147, PAGE 0 '' Ad rap gi....N 111 Eo4 cjgq sg . —-,,,J) Iji 4 '' ......-- - smrcerr lust_ �'is., g;5 ,, ,-_ vERde RIVERDRIVE ill' 1X41 Is•-t 8Q 48�mt-/' 1► eaar rap F ` C1 N f/ 1 11$1 dill ° ' I ±Nd ��1 A m *Ssy i 2W 40' 484 m O 1 iQ,y. 2we".1g ' gbit" O �e< \ --- 1 F i sera,, ° Vg `� c y " .rar3� ` �> v ii / s4 a(� C o �� � 4 I m c20$q 1 i Il i w o I� ,-..<'" z N�• > ,,,,,� e '.� // A r m K 4l 8;m " 1 I \./.S y \ ;-�1/ •,\�..- e e a r '3 = 7 v E a 07 I I1 1 i • f� -�' \\y ,, IS!EV O ay I ; m rA 1 irmil I / ,� „� I 'I m D O 1:zz,.,_ szo ? Ir ._ J t u I i i = p �. ] rSYI , Ir.\ \__ E_. 7, A R� 1' L h _ I II1 i.2 ,, 4'' ,// //,,,,, N ....., ' 0 , ti ilir i l � CO 33- °`,�� / ��I > III _ `sr,. I ; A ' • v o P. ` X P; `, p i . " 'fir A a. w C- lq 11, mi. -,-- . 4.\ Erf+1.71 T-- Como.NM r'' it j, enreroec next ( n Q. m LOT NO. 4, BOOK 147, PAGE 0, M.C.R. I ?o F w 5 ,ig 4pii 1 gips :f _ga P 1 ; 2 id i11111/� ��n -4 y F =P� 1 - 1 q q i 1 il t'�"i fap p;; - F i°gigf q� �q q� t vim ro �1 �j r ' IS Y�} E 1 lit�� I�l>� _ r _s w uw p 1 C7. CD 77E' 11 / 2 „:„.1 tit! ? . f ig .10 r, 8 A 1 =� ' ' �;a a 3 ° Fla plospio . C -1 �1 InIiii iiii _ r F9ate = p io''$c 1 P 31� / 4 M8 Ai t 'Z rr, . . A.4 a g a ass= _ 8 3 .. 2 . Q° s y ' " �A Apr EINEM jAil • s �QI oZ sq �3{ w �-! S a NI j A •i ; pc Ll, n ' '���MN G7 ^' -1 J r i G Q. aN K __'1_ ( ) ‘. . r....: - • y C..1 1 I CO - !- ,` ,, C "e °"n " _PLAZA DEL LAGO CONDOMINIUMS, J R 1! g;' 9mmi al-t". 4447 Eert MaDowNl Road1 g , FIN ,.�� N Dmie4.41/nc. �eZ�1�.a. ..�ao AL PLAT C I-carer "' Oulbsed .AZ . 37* r.a\sse+oA•wVo.a o-na a.r,ra Foshan NIIA AZ NOM g741412..., N 1 F.H. rLAT 207 .-n r, _ _ BOOK 147, PAGE 6 M.C.R. rxD ora II A it wbrrnw 1 l AlW N _v A Ip0N Co 4 'co O W ;, O A , Ai '' II II II - 52038'0B'W 116.53' ifrIbm,N i' r�D �. C RIVER DRIVE �o n�i II a a �I VERDE - A o in 4,, 520'3-'08'W 54.53' r p I"'I ` II II W rn �, /" `:, N / ,/\ A o 0 yycti� .)l / zo' 40'/ (• N o$ I .m ,,os)„,-.\. .,--.I \1/4\ -- N a �EWAUt NO/t1; i' O W i 4,/ \ �, NON-BU NG 42• 1 •a C� O i 7 7'�N.i I \ C11 m oo r !J? ; , V� `q, ^-�\ ' .��� ''y ; \ /�' •>` r 9 m 0 r' rn rn ' j i/ �, Iry>,' \%"� ^� r^ l u .... ,..; , /,>,- .,.- __..,,, . .,...s-c \ /_i /,,,r\\, „...„,„,e GI , 13 PI- /''' \'' i - - t f 1 >a.. { \ -\ ,, • \ u pJ l N 1 I I '•\, Y '/ \\,.—T� /� p` O m r" z v ! % t ),---- ,,,,,, \ ..4, ,::3, x gi it. el r . ... ,.,--- --7----,.,„,_ .. .T. 4 . -.2 m t R 4,,,,,7 'Y Co. �,� ,y.� ono/ \\ = r� I A Ah L! 9 pj 1 -I ...-1 .9 g 8 1 , .(i..., 1 , ,,,,,z .,. ,, .. : : fNi"!'".:,,,..,:' ..".,•'•, , ,,, ' m m I t? 0 ,o n fn ?J WI : \ \ I I �, CD 0 0 a �. ✓/ I` 1 II MI l el 1\ "4 w PI 0") 1 \. a, s m wl;; I ,M, l 0 N Q. m = r!1,11 I/ ,V \ INV", > I g t O % ..i rn 1. CD p +\1 I • • !_ ���A/ rn \ 1 - ' - 2: ''''\k [1=T:'Ff:T'l I T ''.". I C•)4/4" ... 1 N.D TO N2018'08'E 256.90' n '77 z LOT NO. 4, BOOK 147, PAGE 6, M.C.R. ,. ; CA rn 73 II 8 m �i 0 i 0 •�. 4 c G. ihmo, sk I ‘ I it N �T{r d 4"�°" °'R " PLAZA DEL LAGO CONDOMINIUMS .+n s-n-m -\� 1 2 1 ' 0' 1 1: • .!I i 1 Anderson — Nelson, Inc. uat Eat McDowell Reed Pno..r><,Arizona esooa .� l _- BUILDING T Coostatotioe IE MAP +►• ., � •-Computer ; -usher Sulhos,�;.�'15101 7° FaN.ln M.I..At MOM a7+8412 e . 1 • inF F•i TI w LI.' i'� T�,n ♦' r ■ Q IA,CI.ti.���.—y I I =• c� 0 \ r L ....t3 i , D , gi L-- C7 g \W�`.. \�: nj` /' \ o €IY ��r1.1 ,\ , J ,• mot\\..\�\ Ott..\\\.\\ \\��1LY'''\)1\ 1 CD m S n n -n r, — J S 77 \. ..\\` \� C + ,\ [ 7T rid \ o \. \: li ..' rm _b n n 'lir _ ppy]3 > �� I D y 1btlZ. •• wrrr.NR- cuo nao-��•�•• yyl\ u v4Dr. �—'�w.�a.urt-rnsr pool�'�1 I \ ' Wig UK—YC44 i111 �� yI— CAnb y II Li i hi___ -1 . -] ' Y[r cof ii,Ir ... ,...... ,.., ., T, _ n n D 1 . 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II r•• Y I'as. C o fir' .S•i Z ; D sett°.•� 3-+. -- .:veal uar r ; a i §ASS )6 El g r`, 1 I •' $i 'r`_' seal® etr"o.. WI it N — PLAZA DEL LAGO auw ION '� i 0�j CI '�� '"n Anderson - Ne/son, Inc. 1 Eer1 �.11 RotaPharr dx•ArhotiEsoo•0 1 I _ BLDGa FLOOR PLAN - BLDG 3 - -1 Dept- (502) 273-1860 Construction rwnepw•enf-Computer strokes wen...co.,AZ a1e1 764-7371 P. nal fie.»«CO -m .n.ra urt.l.Ms,42 14001 117 t111 ram. • u'-0'O,fJ4t1 • 5-e r 5-t LSoso t0 r. P n. \ Y ?m., ?o S ��\ o o o? 1® m �1 1\ me, II®I� 1. erw 1ge 0. ® ® t ,i ©J t ' w50 .4 \APP ....'Z's'' \\N SX.-----' ,..Z.N.N, 4 2./szsi .,.... ....., NN...........,.......„...,6,,,,..,,,,k,..,,,... _...„. ,,,,..,,, ..,..„,...., ,, \ , nxEo \ `�� \ \\; :•• \x'\—r MIA. nwa _)D CO \ `. .I i X* 4 7-2- II pis. . 9'-0 6'-Q• '.-0' Js_o- 4'-0' II t5'_0- J • {{'-0'000.O. c " f. x pp V,p f) m=0 D p N D rn o= F pp c c cn�ir,' L. m N {{'-Q'OWb, '-e' t'_e•I:� 11-0 �._s..i s•_t. te'-i 4 4— tw 0/ .1.: VI y 1. ,2. o / ,--5 .., . • _ r, > ,... . 7, , _ 7. ' h ,..,,, I r i' [ gell r, w)U L I Fri 1�— N Pat, — l rr1 /-0. it —, r tl 1 2S7( ) '� Z 7 Ifs (=E \'\ a CE /ti �`��\ --•�� -0 'T1 �r k .•tom\\,--\\N ��-\ --C D `\\`\��' Z v`=` wto / 1 ®-1- ,- �� n I u 52 ntm ® t-- ,,`-• Ef— 7*Cr L =; m 11I i•t -I. ar, i� c.2 rirLO wse Fr: ?3C_ Y an • — Off_ c. � O i!•G prl�t1 C U ! e irle-eilrL G. 5•-r z',I s-c' 11•-rr 1 I L f°° � . '\ iMO - PLAZA DEL LAGO � �� 0_, /.� a 4{41 Eut McDowell Road;I .d 14, Anderson - Nelson Inc. . ��• rN C -,, L.. g ! 3 i '• BULDNG NO, 5 FLOOR PLAN *- •Ma�„�.-&Adds*air-r (eoz) 273-1660 Construction/an gw.rd-Canlout r Services suin.d CS*AZ 01,201 71144373 Ins,AZ 14801 • Ja•-.•O.EIFALL I4.-4' ,...._o_ 1 r r_O• Y -9' 1- L It 9 m S II i > I I - L Y14 n `� IJ z D TI - .•_a• :•-,• �• BATH-2 • 8 S Q 8 2 E 8 4 v (-•• • a .-■ ■ z ,, r+� - : +.• , % .7.- )'-• < \ En 1,44r4 s-1 , z f_< # f -. y ` BATH-1 ' I � ( lFA1�Y m ,r ' r i i— 0 N u i 1ll= 1:•-�• %•_�• L._. 19'-.• 7 1F:9," Pi{ "I g —...• Z ifs I14 er I I y 1 Ia N Al cSc > T GI i Ili I. la 51i i 1 a ix i 1 N h-o O.uI.A„ a - 3_10 f . lii-._- p g/ 4 f GI r. 0I tl ] 1 11 m I -0- \. 9 r m 1 1 • 4k I `_J I I-9 —Q _ -- f-.,�i 1 — %' '�....' 1 r L 4 - �J- ;'° �i•�s6 I a70. 1 • f4, \ .L. O - ---- `.\' -�S v:»y� D j t t. rr CLOT-I / /' 72. ,..— ,E,tlFr, r r e._5. �(\ ,+ 1. -n - • 1 .... , , rrr �� OC 21. ; ( is z ...r j e4TH-I -, ilpr r' I - L� 5-0 =e'-a• 5.-0• le 1,-,OKPALL 1 \, / Xiar, 1 `� aa� " ..,, PLAZA DEL LAGO F�y `� CI) � euw lal I Aw'orwNrR 3 I I'd 4441 Ent MoDowal Road ,I ..n Anderson - Nelson /nc. Ph ix.Actions S50011 9 g r air FLOOR PLAN - PLAN A 8 B - - ••s I,a •Wray; (eoz) 273-1850 •..I. 99-3, I.•ui Construction Management-�iWIlpHlt/$Kt 'I! F AZ 1 1 q1 a22i -o-O t r 460 L a' I :-�'� t - I J mug • ti \ rT� •/e o �.y r\r.ti m �{ BAIH-i o �••-+ VAULTED Do. :ICa (1, • 5 N j. b •\V - V \1• �N-o 5——— ► vnuLTEG ?, . ■(- �.-�. DOWN ■ F I n c T-1 .`.h ■ I . _L --- JLJ —i ; I I ` 'V I -, I m 1RI ; r I 3 • 21111 L i I o m ILZJ � _ --1 I 'ti -acjNI— D. �,o.� . '•3 \ 6-io- 3 T-3. 1''-U•1 r.to- l 77.1 1111 Pii :gq p . ...,, , 1. r Yi illi iii _.... ,. G rLA , , Id ,k (kW z z ;N2 igrN i> "rt 0.1 Pi ' ' io si\ii. c N ash 8 sil 1 P i i i I i I 1 1 F 1 71-:e- i 4 0 d 1 : /4 .I • i i 1 I lE o I ; Z q ` ro i w a ! z . , . 0 1 ? 0 1 1 o 13 CD T�C Ln Z h r-t• '�-' I r-t r"t• ..d. r t 1S i r§ 1 ? ; ii g f I i g pl I c WNW C• I% j (,) ..� IIMINCIIIII °"� PLAZA DEL LAGO ,�, v f. ..7. �.�,�-� ;I , Anderson — Nelson lnc. 'A w"' 0eA 1g s ,> UNIT FLOOR PLAN - PLAN C; •�•"so. „-$1.Gadle Pim'a�a ■a w- ' (oot) 273-1 50 Construction Maniysnwnf-ConpuM Sonia* Wheal CAA AZ cta.t 7644372 nob WI...a-r.-0o ..1 as. Feulo6r Ib A2 IYOt -fl72J - r l r` MOM T—7 ) (ow ,, ~�� �1s�,w , Writ,' _ i ;»w w.a.a), rw •! ►w i � r..uart ^_� u.rwa n 1 1 — A L ) :—=-7------1111) 1((, ,)o))3S1 v. P w — ---- II :176.1.% H i).l• H ' Met \\ . —_ roar 1:ttt:t oar urrr \N-77.='-' E —7 I' .rr I IDil}t I .l`w.rr. — I— r r=..■r ---. w aw tar rat �ii`:� .Crr.‘r _ wwl.wr Km' irtit, _. j�j�j i(f) 7 1 \ p:a.r u■r..ri AA/I r 6.rr.)I )m I Ii I i) ..a.ui.( _1 r *lii< CD ,____2 1 E:0 I :MAW li 1111111 i �`�:;::.':� '.rr.r.../ =i — w...rrr. :ww...rrJr Q _I aAAA r.a.ai 1Ii t[�itYitti Xfw�Y' f ' -.ta.i.rrl ::r:rl _ o..a,..r-r 1 c •I',I _ : .r.►l �'�, r.rrrr.rj 11 t., •.r.. w1 ►1 C NEM _ �iCd�l �I r.1�.wr, 11. : iWI:::1 I E 1E1 :1,,,,,...:,::::.:.,, , _ ...„.....:::, .11•i , ,,.. , 1 /% MY!/ ,..„.).: _ ra./ .r wa.wur ,/ : Rttntl �- 1 �_ r �i'' s 71:rr.)�1 lir II + —� .__ � ',' . a 1 r n. iEmmink..—.� .,`.rai..■, w .1C.r.Ra.•.I r. 4 .�.�, rprir..■ri itt�l4/,_tlilirti "r ` t�`+,ttltltt , i ..rll-r..►..I ,_ `7C:(t 1 u■a..1 2 .Mill. i1 .Y'IL !A gi IIIII _ I ;k FF _ 'rw., 3 nN b �' ls I I IIIII__1 Fi 1 r 1 1 y -, . ( s s"r \ks, .17-61/•• m tr"r . r` (lise �' '�!m °"� " PLAZA DEL LAGO i�I jR�. ~" _ Anderson - Nelson, Inc. `� elloosoi 6 s BUILDING 1 EXTERIORS - - •- �»anlgorlwlet1-*,anise (11502) 273-1660 Construction rwn prnwir t-computer Sonless M++r+cnr.AZ NMI 754.rsra .w 6w6a1 OF61:. •.0 r� nimbi 102,AZ 14101 gT.gi2 • L • ram. HN' _ O.. �,*�. ■ -Lc ,? l. ..r. ..\ r-) 1,-_-:,I 1:F__—,11 ,...‘ WI,'\ H - _ im rr Yr\\ .��i uww�wi� .:.:.0 '-_—_---,.,- :LIZ: a D �11rourr� D )e.,.l ..rrrrr•I .....,...,, L ,,,.., Imo SR mai i-,,„7„ '-1 i\�iri il f i.iw....i1, ■.,..,I.I. y1 �rll YY YY\�Yr• L • I U I I I f 1 I .ii.1,1 ii. ... I . .......................... \---, Rs\--E.L. glei -=----,,R iiiiii-‘ :;'J 1 ') -==-111. L--- --•IIII_-- —MEr .____, + Air r, _ ..._/ _.... 1. --1 i - HHHI . i Li — ililigiY,E .--------E .,___-=---1:1 ii .=.,-.__ _. ::::s.,, C7 _'. ter./ 1 , z —0 E.74 plc -< N -n ,r- 2 yid �g -.- Cr z I Q IS-3- WF - I N.:!, P I:-s yr 4 V r\J s ,:r� Id PLAZA DEL LAGO 9 I , 1' 4;I . Anderson - Nelson inc. 'A 'Weil t I f -� BULDINGS 2/4 - EXTERIORS a- -8.ea.lrv,rrr,.-s�elrnra. - (aoz) 273-1e80 r� -- Construction Management-Computer sonless .u.ed .AZ (@01„*- „a,•G..9:,1.. .w La FwrW MA AZ IM01 p7A132 (--. (;itio i II____—__ _Illik. a, _., ra' 1,1<717:-.A---- ' 414,14 A---,,- 1.,_- -:_-----• V.- i •••=1 ss-r• 1. " •mod ■ ._s • I= •K.--_.ej me ,wIV.wrU■■1 . •.rrN••1 g y _ •rIVr•r oN•rw•1 : : * U rw 1 -■ ' \ I 1Y I Z li=r11111119111111_ Ilm ..!ii. * MI •IVr riir: r- Ell m.... , rr• •■.rwrwrl m r� :1tSYJ C = - 4•::L.1•1, M \ C D i l.Nw•wn fTl !mid 1» _-, J 1‘,...,..,D ❑ •w•N.41 `) i4.NNr v --I IIII«��;;11 I -- 1 '4r�rA�ti :wrwsp.r\ 1 Z\iii�■::i� I 1:1 I- —, 7 I ■��iil lIII ::::: =i ni1'rw.1.Ni1 im::i/ I�� _'� ��l •wiltii��:ii,� rrw./rrIV• Fahlt,amidiar'/vN.1 yosa•rr/•rrr 111111♦ • ,—___ aI ••.rr.ri 4 i:/ 1 y ti r/r••.,I i,.r::lit' »r it m ) ft.: :i ___ ...., •...,,,, --- I III III •,..,A. /741% . I — 7. .:w:i:il;r 1III1IIIII11 146I--,I A. I IN �F•rrrrrw1 .wNN••rcr,l II attlreZNI I ;l s :::::::::::.:::::I'I I , ' • ..i.T1.7::::::;1; sr-e u7• •:i,W:7/ 0 lillei ILL� .r.'/.rr/11 11 rr•r. ...w.r,r, 11 • .rOrrr/ri r/ 'r"'/, 11 i1rwar•.• / --.7--.-"'_-'iF_ W-i-C----7-' cal 1.-: IL "ATAimmumummimi ■M, 1_'II-_III— II vl 1.., O O to * 1, C z 1 t N.. I . ) Tt 7F Yes O IX, O /1 11 f 1 C n-e yr N 1 :T_7 1.•_• ^:, Z: 7 r p g yatr U A sq S • 1 1 L `— C;It; 1:1.. Gn " PLAZA DEL LAGO {� WwAIlli li ,j �" Anderson - Ne/son, Inc. "" E"`"°°°,�'"°'° Jill g i g 1 EXTERIORS - BULIMIC 2/4 4.- -8Nr sr•+�r•Lo..8r.1"a .,,,�, cooz)Tfk 1 Lie --e1 �� I „To\■■III■enrol :________________7_,..., ,,, ._ _ 1._=_, _,. t,,,, „ ____:__,_-,,- __-_-__:_-, .., ==.._=_-_-._ / =___- , i .. . ,/, , A I \ ■ I 1au■■... r\ J ■ \ •, H ._..._i .i�iiiui� r 1:e , ,A V 1 _.: '\ D 1 si::i.s it -- I II C- :::.\ r'\\\ 'rn r •r �I ■aaa 1 � 'r•/r i �`.}■■■■■i t gS1YY:41�r ' D11 D .a..::'; IC s»wwwu.l1rzr ,.r\i.w\ ` u .wr a ii 1 1 [rnEnniJ t ;,..;/ ■ aaaa warmi. - a w■r.trtl r wYraw M ii ! IIII I=III. ____-,,__E 7.7 , aar _ (IIIW' II 41 1 -) _ Vei Y'-R i ' ❑ livw u u J r; Y rn Q • N.) v-e v. 1 y � Z g'A r 0 i iimas j �1 ; �aN WI PLAZA DEL LAGO iQ9) EXTERIORS - BUILDING 3 �, ,,�, �, oa��:,,,1nc. ieo���zT3-1e o Construction Management-C yl� wow GM Az tY01 7a4sm e.G+Sw a�if ab w rx .4MIN ppM� AZ 14001 p1.�ii2 4 (11110f • 3. Ali, ru■. ,i MINV '- •r/au,i1 I ,I •. I • •_ ,, .\.17.----, 41'\-_--111,711:_,,It=j1 ! 1 ,_v—:;-,__\_____v__:.......-t7:: ET:iiii \----.,,,--..il----,-----V.-,_--...T--,-.----.I r II I1— 1= 11= _I �awwui OZ — b m = July.I p il 0 0 -E,0 iq---zi weekitimeasi —{ :::i 1•�whiil .u.r1 . iO �1.`:ril:■1 MAUS• . iA�. y■ 1).. 1i. I $71 \ .■■ru.:wuo. IIMI LI ■47:u■Yr ill \ :'fir I .v. /t/ . (11$00' ir�i■.p./ W ll I _ :YRZ Su:.Yi /r/// /i// .,wu . j ...... ji______, . ■ a... • / ❑ ; 1.:'? Ir 2s-'' Ilan fa ci '• /■r::pI •aa..�/.■/• � 1I \'1, _-_-.__'‘_'-__‘—‘1 ,7Z-;;:-_".',:•1:: itifill a =111•1111=111j rr=' ■�■ si■� ��� p ,, I-:.:n (nni i flu IA IX P _ . 1 1 L.TI P 2,2 Imo• i b iv g Q yy; J y_ q A sq tl v .1 ` as " PLAZA DEL LAGO 7 r, i 111011 (( 1.11),,) -- 4441 East McDowell Road ,I 4/W Anderson Nelson Inc. Phoenix.Arizona .5000 g 1 s_ � EXTERIORS - BULDNG 3 ►�- -sib Graft •-8•+ :.,t-Hydro*, MOM z7a�sao � ..r a■L....e�.I w r�. CaJl6Yed(oq Management Co/1putK SI/Y1CII Fount.'�w AZ I41110/1137-11272 - a /"% LI 11 ,) EILLI 1::\,:: J■� tint '.: \ t�tt'� fTl �wwwww. ri � �)....\ Z Z j MAW ■■ram• •r:,%::/k: �:::r)))/ r:ire`:, r�*rn 4. 7/ Wirt m tttt'i ill' i.;� :/1.1771 iiJ r1! NV ■/ 0 / Yli / •/ K !/ �4! 2r_.• ii —a f,g 5 i ' :7Y1'1'';',:•,\ 7 i .,,,, ........\ -....,...:, i woo., 1 Z "±' ] ca m '' min ... ; i% rn YAttl WI - H i :■w■rrr\ ..-Ir. fllw/ ■ww■■:k Z 71 r■.rrrwi —I O :::i, .tint' ; :' 2 w::ter:/ t��:�f c-r) g ,.,, ,,, - . ,.rn O 0 ice•/ i ii \! ::.:,, ..:: ry 1 I Z 6 r_,. . • f•_f yr y ,,r-r 13_2- :r.• 4 i s 1 i , 11) V $i !fail�+-L� = ' *OATS n (.7.4,,� �� PLAZA DEL LAGO,, aI d;! . ''� Anderson — �;tr,�°°°,�'Ilunisol r : BUILDING 5 „�,,,,,,. Nelson, IncoELEVATIONS a"' ,1►.-Sadwa. 1_HATA;,,, :.....6(321Z s-,eaoN. ..t.wa .,...�. Canrbac A�►�prnwr�l-caAor+hrS i a� Town of Fountain Hills L To: The Honorable Mayor and Common Counc'I From: Joan Blankenship, Planning Technic' Date: October 17, 2000 Re: La Loma 4 at Eagle Mountain Condominiums Eagle Mountain Investors, LLC is the applicant for this 28-unit recondominiumization of a portion of the La Loma Condominiums located in Eagle Mountain. Please see the staff report attached for a full review of the project. Staff recommends approval of the final plat, Case Number S2000-038, with the stipulation listed in the staff report. L •Page 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS (111Y STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 17,2000 CASE NO.: S2000-038 LOCATION: Eagle Mountain Parcel 15, aka La Loma Condominiums, located northeast of Eagle Mountain Parkway, east of the Eagle Mountain Golf Course driving range. REQUEST: Consideration of the Final Replat of La Loma 4 at Eagle Mountain Condominiums. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Eagle Mountain Investors L.L.C. APPLICANT:Eagle Mountain Investors L.L.C. EXISTING ZONING: "R-3" PARCEL SIZE: 22.195 Acres PROPOSED NUMBER OF UNITS: 28 units with this replat SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Unplatted land within the Firerock Country Club development,zoned "R1- 18 PUD." e SOUTH: The Eagle Mountain Parcel 14 and 10/11 subdivisions zoned"R1-6A." EAST: Unplatted land within the Firerock Country Club development, zoned "R 1- 18 PUD." WEST: The Eagle Mountain Golf Course driving range,zoned"OSR." SUMMARY: This request by Eagle Mountain Investors L.L.C. is for approval of a "shrink-wrap" replat of twenty-eight (28)existing land condominium units to their final airspace configurations. Last year the Planning Commission and the Town Council approved the La Loma at Eagle Mountain Condominium plat. This plat condominiumized 82 pieces of land. At that time the developer was unsure of the exact future unit types and their future exact locations within the subdivision. As was stipulated with that approval, no building permits would be issued units until secondary "shrink- wrap"replats of those individual airspaces occurred. The developer has now sold or committed to sell these 28 units,and the exact floorplans and building heights can now be exactly described. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the final replat for La Loma 4 at Eagle Mountain Condominiums, Case Number S2000-038, with the following stipulation: 1. Prior to final plat recordation, the applicant shall provide the Town with two copies of the declaration of Condominium for the subdivision, if that declaration has not already been recorded with the County Recorder. yt a h♦iii J: : ' ~ = <u O ;III; Si RZ__ to E. d 1 1 L 1 d- z i = W a gg , w vgm ¢ _r V o r r H , = z „s O jiet` d. a o ,, ,ts, -.-, Wt� E W 12 co Ylgt <1 Hm Z x W g,d-� =d o x N � Oz : s I : ! aId W d od v z� � UE. I > a W o<Wa;oo W IQ yo: F oc! d�¢ r I QZ s W a . ' E a. ar .O a A s <Q oW 0N w €Wx x al u4!ii O ¥ :zn !4° „'„ C\2.1 U LL a o3zy< ,'t " U ": E NlwiWW'Q C. <xm Zg g Njng U g :'"> ia w' 8 ' .o'rwi i Nau W m� oNw Cl) Nx d - U < 3 bmt$ o mo� W wd o x mog m = d 0 o d _ co cv Cn I I C/1 a d 1 Q COO 6 0 2� �Up...,. aY UWW d � n.:-„° xo ooa oaoo.x o/I E" z O x o om o w �� -d E~ � co ›-. 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Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner S-3- DATE: October 13, 2000 SUBJECT: Special Use request by Sam J. Matiello, aka Artezan Pest Services, for a pest control service as a home occupation, located at 15214 E. Palomino Dr.; SU2000-07. This request is for a Special Use Permit to operate a pest control service as a home occupation on Plat 604-A, Block 1, Lot 9. On October 12, 2000, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended denial of this special use request with a 6-1 vote. The primary concerns of the Commission were the number of protests they received from the neighborhood residents. Staff has found this request to meet all applicable zoning criteria if approved with the attached stipulations. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission &Staff report for additional details regarding this request. If you should have any questions, I can be reached at 816-5138. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 4r PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT October 19, 2000 CASE NO: SU2000-07 LOCATION: Plat 604A, Block 1, Lot 9, 15214 East Palomino Drive. REQUEST: Consider a Special Use Permit which would allow for a home occupation pest control business, including the storage of "hazardous materials", as defined in Section 1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT: Sam J. Matiello, Artezan Pest Services EXISTING ZONING: "R1-8" EXISTING CONDITION: Existing single-family residence in an established single- family neighborhood. PARCEL SIZE: 11,151.36 square feet(0.256 acres). SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Developed single-family homes, zoned "R1-8". (Ow SOUTH: Developed single-family homes, zoned "R1-8". EAST: Developed single-family homes, zoned "R1-8". WEST: Developed single-family homes, zoned "R1-8". SUMMARY: This request is for approval of a Special Use Permit which would allow for a home occupation pest control business, called "Artezan Pest Services", including the storage of hazardous materials, as defined in Section 1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance, to be located at 15214 E. Palomino Drive. According to Section 1.12 of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, "Hazardous Materials"are defined as the following: Any substance characterized as flammable solids, corrosive liquids, radioactive materials, oxidizing materials, highly toxic materials, poisonous gases, reactive materials, unstable materials, hypergolic materials and pyrophoric materials and any substance or mixture of substances which is an irritant, a strong sensitizer or which generates pressure through exposure to heat, decomposition or other means. The subject residence has also requested a temporary use for a child day care in conjunction with this special use request for a pest control home occupation. Staff has received several objections from residents of this neighborhood to both use permit requests at this location. (11110, On October 12, 2000, the PlanningZoning& Commission recommended denial of this special use request with a 6-1 vote. The primary concerns of the Commission were the number of protests they received from the neighborhood residents. Commissioner Combs felt this was an appropriate use, and voted nay on the motion to deny. Please find these SU2000-07 Staff Report October 19, 2000 Page 2 letters of protest attached to the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning & Zoning Commision recommends denial, staff recommends approval of SU2000-07, Special Use Permit for "Artezan Pest Services", a home occupation pest control business, with the following stipulations: 1. The applicant shall comply and remain in compliance with Section 5.14 of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, titled "Home Occupations." 2. All chemicals must be stored and locked either on the applicant's business truck or in the applicant's garage. 3. All chemicals shall meet the handling, storage and disposal safeguards set forth by the Town Fire District, as described in the attachment from Todd Bruin, Deputy Fire Marshal. (Ow Attachments: 1. Stipulations from Town Fire District 2. Special Use Permit Application 3. Narrative and correspondence to Town from applicant 4. Site Plan 5. Letters of Objection 6. Rebuttal to letters of objection from applicant L lirv1.1',1'.'I�ti Fountain Hills/Rural Metro Fire Department ��r FE I:;?:( -•L It s li ;;h MEMO .,,,,,, ,h11ILlS. t,,,8.,, To: Sam J. Matiello Owner, Artezan Pest Services From: Todd Brunin, Deputy Fire Marshal, cc. Scott LaGreca, Fire Marshal Date: Sept. 15, 2000 Subject: Special Use Permit TFH case# SU 2000-07 Stipulations for use and storage of "General Use" Category III pesticides, bait traps, powders and a maximum of three 12-16 oz Category II aerosol cans. Owner shall: Meet all requirements of the Structural Pest Control Commission. 1. Allow for"Safety surveys" of premises by the Fountain Hills Fire Department. (iii„ 2. Will store all pesticides in locked cabinets as stipulated in letter from owner. 3. The amount of pesticides will not exceed two cabinets as specified in owners letter. 4. Both Cabinets shall be labeled "Caution Pesticide storage" 5. Have ready absorbent material that is compatible with product. 6. Mount 51b ABC extinguisher next to work area. 7. Have washing facility separate from residential living area. S. Use proper Decontamination procedures of clothing prior to entering residential living area. 9. Secure garage at all times. 10. Maintain good house keeping in work area. 11. Maintain MSDS book on all pesticides stored in facility. 12. Use proper disposal procedures per manufactures directions. /' 5.-.. ...,szzer: // , 1...c.)-- .._ 1Z-C----c....e.., j Permitteea �u-F if-qz..-. K ,k&` Applicant Date c-Nk-- 'A-(Q Date //9/ZooQ L STATION#1 Phone:(602)837-9820 FAX:(602)837-1446 STATION#2 PHONE:(602)837-0804 Fax:(602)837-6167 • ►, z TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 'I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �'z '" DEPARTMEN T NT ` _ ' - } " S ?ECtARZE P-E - - - ��: ° � RM1T�A�QCtCAT10NV kAi�=4 : Date Filed Fee Paid 07/ Ov �, 5 OzJ Accepted By LvkiA Type of Special Use Requested Address of Subject Property Zoning i S'2iy &--- /° Co",,/vv kg--Cipt 4-L Legal Description: Plat Block (� d[f,1 / Lot(s) Applicant ��� Day Phone "9-T/6-7-4-v aaii T�-Z.74/ first-S-&-gk.c--s yeo - 3‘3-2-cc y Address l Sa/if Of�L v,,,,WO I Cfi¢..✓ «,r s�Z I Zip6Owner �s2 Y Day Phone ..5-r4,‘,1 Ti- G c riv.4 /1,/#1-7—/e,t.co y _ Address / SZ� Ci � - � ` `'yy.3 Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE(Please Print) Date 1 '► T- A.07 7`ir4t d 7/TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Oco b Subscribed -n /a?orn bef re me this T day of �OB C)„�}g .// / OF 94?5/0240/3 Notary Public �� LtNDA a� Expires Notary Public-State of Arizona L"Y,;' MARICOPA COUNTY �'_►d My Comm.Expires Sept.25.2000 Please Provide the Following (attach additional sheets): (Seal) 1. Mailing labels with names and addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the subject property. 2. 3 full size prints (preferably 24"X36") of the site plan showing minimum zoning requirements and the proposed development if the Special Use Permit is granted, as well as the exterior elevations. 3. 1 8.5" X 11" photostatic reduction of each of the above referenced exhibits. 4. Describe the proposed use, the operations of the use, and the facilities proposed for the land use. 5. A narrative describing any adverse impact the proposed land use may have on the surrounding properties and on the neighborhood and what steps will be taken to avoid these adverse impacts. e Schedule Attached TFH Case Number A 15214 E.Palomino Fountain Hills,AZ. 85268 480-363-2008 24 hrs.,7 days 4516 ARTEZAN PEST SERVICES Prevention,Elimination&Structural Tactics September 12,2000 Town of Fountain Hills Community Development Department RE: Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services I am requesting a special use permit to operate a pest control company from my residence. I have enclosed a copy of the letter I wrote when I requested my business license which should answer the issues that need to be addressed with this application. Since my letter of August 28th,I have been accepted by the state of Arizona Structural Pest Control Commission and my business license has been granted. My business license number is C5729B and my Qualified Party number is 3144B. The name of my business had also been accepted as Artezan Pest Services. I just want to reiterate that I will ensure my surrounding area will not be burdened with my business. I will make every attempt to keep my vehicle unmarked when parked in front of my house. I will not have any signs out front advertising my business. But most important,the types of pesticides I use have low libre toxicity and are stored in a locked environment with all the safety materials in place. I have had a pest control company for nine years and have not had any adverse incidents with either a client or pesticides. I attribute that to my concern for not only doing a job right but to be concerned with the environment and public safety. Once again,thank you for reviewing my application. I will look forward to obtaining permit from the town so I can my license and �~begin a valuable service to this community and the surrounding areas. I also appreciate that the town will stand behind my business and I am proud to be a part of this community. Thank you. Sincerely, _LL� Sam J.Matiello President L A 15214 E. Palomino Fountain Hills,AZ. 85268 480-363-2008 24 hrs.,7 days .116 ARTEZAN PEST SERVICES Prevention,Elimination&Structural Tactics Date: August 28,2000 Town of Fountain Hills 16836 E.Palisades Blvd.,Building C-P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ. 85269 RE: Town Business License for Artezan Pest Services Bevelyn J.Bender Executive Assistant to the Town Clerk Dear Bevelyn, I am requesting a business license from the Town of Fountain Hills to operate a pest control company from my residence. I have met all the requirements from the Structural Pest Control Commission and am awaiting my business license from the state. I am already certified to apply pesticides in the state of i Arizona. My pest control company will be operated by me and all pesticides applied by me. I have no immediate plans for any employees. There are many rules regarding a pest control business that the Structural Pest Control Commission administers to ensure the safe use of pesticides. One of the things that I believe the town would want some information about is pesticide storage. I have met the guidelines under Article 3 R4-29-313 of the laws and rules from the state of Arizona regarding the pesticide storage facility. Specifically,I have a fire extinguisher,my pesticides are locked in two vented cabinets, lighting,absorbent material,washing facility and my garage is locked and , I have adequate l The nature of the pesticides I will be using are all"General Use"pesticides,not"Restricted Use." These are considered,a Category III pesticide which bears the signal word"Caution"on the label. These are the least toxic pesticides. The pesticides any home owner can buy at Home Depot bear the same signal on the label. Actually, words you can buy over the counter some termiticides that bear the signal word "Warning"which is category II being more toxic than what I use. Most of my pesticides are not flammable but the one or two that are bear no difference than the pesticides purchased over the counter, gasoline,paint,etc. Being that I am trained in the storage and use of pesticides,my facility is safer than the average homeowner. My storage facility consists of two locked cabinets about 28"X22"X31". These dimensions should indicate that I store minimal quantities. Most of my pesticides are in aerosols for insect control and no mixing is required. In addition,I have bait blocks for rodent control and a couple of different powders for outdoor insect control. I also carry some bait formulations for roaches and ants. I may have a dozen or so aerosols stored at one time,two pails of rodent bait,a pail of powder,and various application equipment. My application equipment does not contain any motorized parts and are completely manual and hand held. I have no drums of liquid pesticides and I do not carry termiticides since I will not be doing work in that area of the business. Termiticides are typically more toxic and you need to carry large quantities plus motorized equipment to apply. Anyone from the town is welcome to inspect my facility. Just call me a day before so I can make myself available. L A. _ri��� 15214 E.Palomino 211 Fountain Hills,AZ. 85268 480-363-2008 24 hrs.,7 days jilf6 ARTEZAN PEST SERVICES Prevention,Elimination&Structural Tactics My vehicle also meets the rules for pesticide storage and the pesticides are locked in the vehicle at all times. My vehicle carries enough pesticide for 3 or 4 jobs at any one given time. My vehicle will be parked in my garage most of the time but there may be a situation where it will be in my driveway. The signs for my truck will be magnetic and removable so neighbors do not have to look at a pest control vehicle in the driveway. No equipment will be stored in the bed of the pickup. I understand that there may be a need for me to obtain a special use permit If this is required after reviewing the information I have provided in this letter,I would like to have a complete copy of the ordinance for my review. I have seen the application and most of what I read on it appears to be overkill for my business. I would also need detailed instructions from Zoning and Ordinance on what to provide and what can be omitted to avoid delays in processing my permit In other words,please have them tailor the application to my specific business. As you are aware,Leona is in the process of starting her Day Care business. When she is ready,please add her to my town license since we will both be doing business out of our home and she is an officer of my corporation as indicated on the application. In conclusion,I believe my business will be transparent to the town and neighbors around me. I have taken all the precautions necessary as required by the state of Arizona I have been in the business for (ilito nine years and operated my own business in the state of Illinois. Thank you in advance for processing my application and I look forward to providing a valuable service to this town and neighboring communities. Sincerely, / _ , / y Sam J.Matiello President ."." . d..... dir...- ..OP . 'eq ..: gr • ..... ar . -.4 .1. _ -.1 • c ....„„ - . ...„.... . A ....... 42. iici --'-----7 . 17 1 ir, .4, ; 1 e • It. 1 I 44' I X . -"Z I 1. Z. f IS 0.• 116 ••4 I i , . .. + ..-, I— t _—.... ri IC- 15. r...„/ g n ,,,, ..,Its, , vi $ _ i ,. ..,..., ,..-, ?.... .... , io• : L.., 1 t zs 1 /.../ A 1 It'' 'I'lliN, "'1::). 4111:41°,4)°4 1'4 4... -1c -it 4 is, / . . . n C -•..• ' .4*."- . .7....--.';•.....,2',-- ''....,'.r.,.-- ' ' .. - ..",-., " "*"I --,,,,„4"r- -,-A,7 .'".'',..":` ..;-''''. . ',,. '• , •r'• ••• .i.'"(•---.4.- ;.'..--..-_,-, .. _ -..(4 w .....• , N. __. . , .,,• .. .., „ ,<, • -• ,-... ..•--/-•,-:••• •• •-, • - , ........,,_...„ , - • ,..-.•50...- --c--..-•--,:-.L..: ..-4 • -, .. .— :. .f. 5 1%. I 2t CA §Ciesor • , i 7i. ).•, to I i I T t , iiiiv ,..t _v., . AL• t 1 ev, • P, Ni....- ---•• • ill Zit t: '• ' — - 1. ..........___.___—. ..... , 1 ... ., 70 T.- 1 -.C. 4 "'lel Ci er, • -4 ..s. ....,, 'Z.... A ilk gn, •• .:. -... tt 11 11)1k tr It?. k 1 IN ft% L . , • , I i 1 I ,- . • . . ..l. ,64.. ' 7—.--'.-' 17,77-::::-: :-.7;:::..jc 44.7er•-.4:4.,'..'1, .T.'''.: th.. . . ... - PUBLIC NOTICE - _ JWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS REVISED MAP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, October 12, 2000, at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers located at 16834 E. Palisades Boulevard, Fountain Hills, Arizona, the Fountain Hills L Planning&Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a Special Use Permit application for a proposed home occupation to be located at 15214 East Palomino Dr. aka. Final Plat 604-A,Block 1, Lot 9.The proposed home occupation is for Artezan Pest Services, a pest control and extermination service. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, October 19, 2000, at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers located at 16834 E. Palisades Boulevard, Fountain Hills, Arizona, the Fountain Hills Town Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a Special Use Permit application for a proposed home occupation to be located at 15214 East Palomino Dr, aka. Final Plat 604-A, Block 1, Lot 9. The proposed home occupation is for Artezan Pest Services, a pest control and extermination service. The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in these meetings. All interested citizens are invited to attend and provide testimony on these proposed amendments. Published: September 27, October 4, and 11, 2000. *. A . .b... • 1 . . co . • • . .. . . • , • , .,144. > :- • (iiiip. . . 141 i . • • : Project Site ... . . : : f... -t :lb: • . • Aiii #4. .., _ ...., .. . : 4.: : : . • . . , 44%tiiiii -iiit, p . . . . • . , •or • • • : • • -,..... ,,,,,,,, t,,,• , -. .. . _ , . . __ . _ . • .2 . : ,i- -op • . • • ., • . .. . . . • 0- . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . _. . . . 00-• • • 4. • - • . . . . : 5-A : 1 . . : • . :0,, _. • . . • : 6( : 'le .0- �- • � •• � : • • I 4%, : g . -cr,.....4 . . OP ‘ : qc - . - * : .. 4.). .. 7 . issih: . • :‹ . DR/ir: : to - • A • 1640 • ; • h, : 04C:S.iVa--• - :Q„, 1 -4," • • . • • • • : '• ' • ,S - •w t vim' : 4 ‘ \ _ _ • • . - - ..... -z-.- -, _ T - - JAMES L. PARKS 11629 SPOTTED HORSE WAY FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ, 85268 (480) 837-9882 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Attn:Dana Burkhart PO Box 17958 Fountain Hills AZ,85268 Town Council Members I am writing to register my protest regarding the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit to one Ms. Leona S.Matiello to use the residence located at 15214 E.Palomino Blvd.as a TEMPORARY DAY CARE CENTER. The reasons for my protest include: (1)The home was built to serve as a single-family residence and that is the singularly highest and best use for the property. (2)The home is located in the center of a well-established neighborhood that has residential not commercial zoning,and as such does not include any accommodation for a private business of any kind.(3)Neighborhood residents do not need to be disturbed by the conversion of a private residence to a commercial enterprise and it's attendant attributes. The owner of this residence is also requesting a Special Use Permit to use the dwelling for a Pest Control Service. I believe this is an inappropriate use for private residential property and trust the Planning &Zoning Commission will readily deny it. In this regard,it appears to me that the party involved in these requests has demonstrated poor judgment in his/her desire to combine a Child Care Center and a Pest Control Service under the same roof,regardless of the properties location. There are plenty of commercial properties available in Fountain Hills that are well suited to house these businesses. Let's keep businesses (other than home offices)in the commercial sector and the population in private residential areas. To change these fundamental divisions of property is a disservice to the citizens of Fountain Hills. Indeed,I am dismayed that such requests can even be made? Thankyou for considering my remarks as you review these requests. Sin. ly, 40, James L.Parks L L September 29, 2000 Dana Burkhardt Town of Fountain hills • P. O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, Az. 85269 RE: Leona S. Matiello & Artezan Pest Services-Request for Permits to run 2 businesses from 15214 E. Palomino This letter is to protest two requests noted above. The objections are as follows: 1. Day care-We do not know how many children will be in home. 2. With day care activity, there is no question that it would create more traffic on Palomino which already has a traffic problem being one of the main connecting streets between Palisades and Ftn. Hills. Blvd. 3. Artezan Pest Services-My major concern is having day care activity in the same home where a large amount of chemicals/poisons are being stored, has to be an unhealthy situation. This simply does not make sense. 4. I think the neighborhood would be more receptive to just ONE business and one that would not involve the public activity at the home. 5. Day care activity in a residential area will affect property values on the street. I also want the City to be aware that many residents are upset (myself being one) that the notice of requests above were not mailed to ALL residents on Palomino, but only to those around the property in question. We feel it should have been sent to all residents on Palomino, as it does affect our street as a whole. 2dem.t.-e--G,IA-) L46 Ok-C12-- Shireen and Fred Rhoades 15639 E. Palomino Ftn. Hills, Az. 85268 (480-816-3801). L October 3,2000 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Attention: Dana Burkhardt P. O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ Dear Sir: RE: 15214 E.PALOMINO BOULEVARD,FOUNTAIN HILLS AKA Lot 9,Block 1,Plat 604A We PROTEST the issuance of: • a Temporary Use Permit for a Child Care Center,and • a Special Use Permit for a Pest Control Service to be operated at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard in Fountain Hills. We firmly believe that the above mentioned activities are detrimental and completely out of context with ftliv the residential nature of our neighborhood,causing additional traffic,noise and pollution problems in the immediate area. Furthermore,your acceptance of these permits/applications will set a precedent for other home-based businesses in the neighborhood. It will also devaluate surrounding properties and represents a negative factor insofar as the surrounding environment is concerned. Respectfully submitted, e 4 0). Chandler Roesch ;len Roesch 15121 E. Ridgeway Drive Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Telephone: 480-837-2142 L Lire October 3,2000 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Dana Burkhardt P. O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 Dear Sir: RE: 15214 E.PALOMINO BOULEVARD,FOUNTAIN HILLS AKA Lot 9,Block 1,Plat 604-A I oppose the issuance of: • a Temporary Use Permit for a Child Care Center,and • a Special Use Permit for a Pest Control Service to be operated at 15214 E.Palomino Boulevard in Fountain Hills. It is my firm belief that the above mentioned activities are detrimental and completely out of context with (lbw the residential nature of our neighborhood,causing additional traffic,noise and pollution problems in the immediate area. Your acceptance of these permits/applications will set a precedent for other home-based businesses in the neighborhood. It will also devaluate surrounding properties and represents a negative factor insofar as the surrounding environment is concerned. Yours truly, • Stewart 15113 E. Ridgeway Drive Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Telephone: 480-837-5391 L . j2.-tf-ic,ki-i• i CY---i•z--c( t ,,' ,-z---0,-4 ri-tt-E44-t-4-4.,:-e';..-, .,• 7,2 7i7-7.1.;1.. I /Z1-0....,( ,L_(_,,.._, ..6(2.1,1_, _ L ./6:zq ce //2 _ , _ - 44,,..A.1--ei--eLL'd l)--t.,:r-Zt_Zi_A -4,... L./ '3. ,.- ''' .21 ".'- ./:) n ' ,. x-1 4- /,/ 9� p k l J /s.") 4,i,L..//,_..,!)7,,...., (1/LI- /I A (Z., C: ' I?'1.1<„Q_ �fl�p , a �,_..C�uICJ Cam;,. -t.._ 6 L.J i-C '1-4- �., i C.i1-� /..4.--trt-1.-- e1,14-&—' �- -'y'� 1•� i? 's "-�1•r`'"`� _L .. �i`" , �� 4 /6_, f-� -1 AL--- 02i 71 , ��-�i-�1u f-� / �_-( �, . '; z. ',eA...l�lL-t-c 6( -t.� L •2? . //, L. : .J �C.f-'-'�'i-r(-3 PL.....-----7/1-'?-" ' El.--t- ."1- '-e-)L. '1.- 27-Z 3214-/?-d• , ' /4-a-}..L.--,Le._ d-e-r-,?-/ , / ,.�,; Imo `'�L.� I ,i {_�:, -1-- %�•<.Lir fir C-C e L (I L-----/--)Tar, -._-, " id-4-1.(Jj: /6':2_4:--t).-ie e-i-i- 7.1-1-e--4/2 -t- /14-A:-'91Y1- /6 71' q I ,7_,-71( ./4-4.7,ci- pt.,y,ti - , ,. ,•/_,Z1J-. Aitt //c.tz..2, c,!.) it_eid-e d--r(-'' L ,. 1 ..,L . , i i ' , - e'4' C-4 ,' i 1 G� j./ .-v im"-- L. P �— , /� Ii; is / r cl , 12,Zir_.,,:_1,t-tc) r - ,. .../2A/Z.,ei g:_.) 4:74...- i '' IC. !,(",t).../.1.--1,1- -- • ,c.. ..,0/44(C,-/ Pr4r-A-- -.1--Zik, ""ti"CZ- . /X-I 6 ' 1-'-i-i-l.--4...:--‘ ).,,i Ag--1,6 kil/kr ---ir-- ,.--...._' 0 j-.)'9-9- Ltd „4.-t,c) e.c- _itly2/ .47, Aj_d_Lift_4__c 0..,, rivi.a ez-A-1-- erinAv-A24-e-S aae..) _7,4L--atz _ zc_ ,_e ..-i _ 71'._,,-L. Kam-`- i--,L_ ,,e.:__,_ • ' -/C--L4- 1----"-,C--, ‘-/-eVc-e_...: ' _ii---4-27-' ;-,--4---'2' .1 1.--) 0.--kE.....-P c_. " ,,i,<_,;....",z- :; /(.AZ-1_&t___, r...: _ 7-1:----1.2.-,_ . AL.....2_,LA:_,.2._ v • "*. ‘."--.i-L-7,- 11, Le*-0..-- r_. / --tr-;,:_/"..L.-. -,A.i; - 2.7-4..41-1,(,--• •-- -• • - ,' i , ,2, -•---C7 /ISA:- 1`() 7_6-1( :-(II..t 77_,_.4- — /7_;:-,12:, _. t--,..:-C"--. --, Z, .. 1 so.. 1. " C-i--C f- 11--'1..--.4- 41. (if ,e t i(:___,,,_ ii l /e.,0e ,/,,_c_ / be n "7..._ 1._ C.1 1. I_ et-i 4,17*.i.c.,-,i ; 40 •, /? - ; •L'L .2.- a_..L e- lL t�C . .4_,/o /c__, c --.t_...., `l 4_.�C/..2 L; i'z`i ,lit___:, 2 /^ ' .fit L- /�CX ^. '//y;��/( /01."1 J./ /6 .. ,•_.ii Vt.) 7L zi-' L i- ,, 1(:,/,, ,- f,/....____ __,.:._ ,-;,6. ,:... _ L.. ,./e., 7,17, z . -r dzi..., October 4, 2000 Town of Fountain Hills Mr. Dana Burkhardt Fax: 480 8371404 Re: Special Use Permit Requests Day Care Center Pest Control Service 15214 E Palomino Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Lot 9, Block 1 Plat 604-A Fountain Hills Town Council: I am writing in regards to the two special use permits noted above. I have concerns about both of these permit requests and believe that they are Inappropriate for the neighborhood. I do not believe that the requests should be granted. This is a residential area which does not need, or want increased traffic on the street. As state law allows home child care without requiring a license, I presume that the permit is to allow for more than four children to be cared for in the home. Another major concern is the appropriateness of allowing ANY child care where pesticides, pest control chemicals, and pest control equipment is in the same building. This seems to be a hazardous and reckless combination at best. How many day care centers can you think of that run a pest control business on the side? A pest control service should be housed in a commercial setting, not a residential home. I am requesting that the Town Council deny both requests. s� ti Sandy Goodall 15648 E Ocotillo Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 telephone: 837 8393 day telephone: 391 4384 4110, T •_I Tf-07,•"1 1 r1 1/1T 1 U�1♦1 ^T1�r1 1 n� 1 r i i-i. r-��.-��.A • .. JAMES L. PARKS 11629 SPOTTED HORSE WAY FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ, 85268 (480) 837-9882 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Attn:Dana Burkhart PO Box 17958 Fountain Hills AZ,85268 Town Council Members I am writing to register my protest regarding the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit to one Ms. Leona S.Matiello to use the residence located at 15214 E.Palomino Blvd.as a TEMPORARY DAY CARE CENTER. The reasons for my protest include: (1)The home was built to serve as a single-family residence and that is the singularly highest and best use for the property. (2)The home is located in the center of a well-established neighborhood that has residential not commercial zoning,and as such does not include any accommodation for a private business of any kind.(3)Neighborhood residents do not need to be disturbed by the conversion of a private residence to a commercial enterprise and it's attendant attributes. The owner of this residence is also requesting a Special Use Permit to use the dwelling for a Pest Control Service. I believe this is an inappropriate use for private residential property and trust the Planning &Zoning Commission will readily deny it. In this regard,it appears to me that the party involved in these requests has demonstrated poor judgment in his/her desire to combine a Child Care Center and a Pest Control Service under the same root regardless of the properties location. There are plenty of commercial properties available in Fountain Hills that are well suited to house these businesses. Let's keep businesses (other than home offices)in the commercial sector and the population in private residential areas. To change these fundamental divisions of property is a disservice to the citizens of Fountain Hills. Indeed,I am dismayed that such requests can even be made? Thankyou for considering my remarks as you review these requests. Sincerely, 4v AI Aphr James L. arks iozoziv ---/T12i4 "914J gi'let32)2 _ T / 5.‘7/--erAlt—la,Liz,v,,` riy✓ a— 9-24-2000 (10w, RE:Special Use Permit For Pest Control Service on Palomino Blvd. Town of Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning Commission To Whom It May Concern; I hope that you will see that on its face that the request for Artezan Pest Control to run a pest control service in a residential area that will also maintain a child care facility is ludicrous. What are these people thinking! It is bad enough that they are requesting a child care facility at this residence, which I addressed in an earlier letter, but now we are being asked to allow toxic pesticides into our neigh- borhood, and they are asking you to allow them to expose the children that will be attending their care facility to an even greater danger than their neighbors will be exposed to by these children being in daily contact at a home where pesticides most certainly will be stored. Even if these toxins are stored else- where, the trace amounts brought into the home on a daily basis will expose the children to unacceptable levels of known carcinigons . As for the rest of the neighborhood, we should not be asked to accept the risk of accidental spills or other r'ISIts=aisaciated-with (iww, a business that deals with hazardous chemicals . Who will monitor the groundwater for contanmination? Who will be responsible for inspecting this location to assure they are handling, storeing„ and maintaining these toxic chemicals according to EPA, state, county, and city regulations? Who will be held accountable for any accidents? Will we be forced to evacuate our homes in the event of a spill or other accident that might happen? A residential neighborhood is no place for a business that deals with hazardous chemicals no matter what lengths Artezan Pest Control g:a .a ► _ to assure us they are maintaining a safe and non-threatning business. Even trace amounts of some insecticides can contaminate the soil and groundwater for years without a costly and lengthy clean-up. Are we going to take the risk to our health, the value of our homes, the quality of our groundwater, and the quality of life we enjoy living on Palomino Blvd. , for the convience of one person. Or are we going to accept becoming a Superfund site? There are plenty of unoccupied buildings for rent that this business can locate at in Fountain Hills, or are we being asked to allow Artezan Pest Control to save a few dollars in rent at the risk to all of our health and peace of mind in this neighborhood. We should not be asked to accept any risk for any period of time to allow Artezan Pest Control to become an established business in Fountain Hills . Thank you for considering my argument against this proposal . William McCormack 15270 E. Palomino Blvd. 816-6350 L September 25, 2000 15039 E. Palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Tel: 837-2025 Robert Howes Planning & Zoning Commission Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Dear Mr. Howes: As a nearby resident, I protest the granting of a permit for a pest control business at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. This is a residential neighborhood and a pest control business implies trucks and the potential of extensive storage of chemicals on the premises. I wonder if the fire department has ground rules as to storage and distribution of chemicals and will they be adequate in a residential area. Finally, pest control and child care do not mix as the residents of this property have applied for both permits at the same time. Sincerely yours, 5-e4 Hilda Lyons L (akv ( ied4t/z .,4e:; zzeeti 4,44d tilf; ez../--i5 / ,2_ze, e,y., RAJ,/ oizz, pi? iG cc1-(Ificr)/ / S232 rnL ) /ra/ No /jL dA / Ui✓TfJi/V /f/LLS fIZ P)6-4QG� 6)patY,_), feqd — g3 7- / D‘Z 1. r^. tkas, 'M. TRITSCHLER MIS RIDGEWAY DRIVE (k1W FOUNTAIN HILLS. AZ. aasss—Vi5a 7 ki,,t-:' , ;42)D Z ; i:7/a- — er'-ile;frril- , 71.v7L-11 ir 091,LA et9-71.4A 1 i -4-1. 1)1,/-/d-rl_efri?- ie.:4=VyzA--e-V41:-- oi 72,a-ALT,Ly ,de- A,-.0 6)44-teied-- ZGLe..___7k2.-/-4,- 1,t- _) /Le_ — C b"- ,-C.- : G/i vC e-e L" éLEL 6tjti-141:"fi 16-.? 6I- l&I-- G"-- „� /-/,d -Ztigti Si ',11- Z-TA. iLeri"--' 4-/6L7R.,i. h-e_ettel 4_ e— /.5;2 i-e/ 6 _ (4-z- (0,-/ ii-Le) ieti--6 4 e_,,,_ ,,, ,,,,t--e7,,,,,,,0-e- Z---1/-6' ste--t..L_ i A_e_c-7. ,-.4.1`,__- i-i__ /Ale. 0 6 lb-TALL ��..� a� jc..�-�:�!r� .L ct �,L_,e_ -�yc�_ .d-Cj�. fir_ tr A- � -d 4-1- he &.. ...'"2-fi'..."-t j , . L�.e._.i ...4-..,_ i-,,,,,;,,,,, 7 v- 1,, 4,-,4 f7y ,d_4"... (.2_,/,,- 4/..,t--- .4 ,L-A---1--. - L-e.. A.,,,e..tie.A.4>te dA....tet.-/, GZ-3-4---,x.,71,,_.e) ,e-t t.....Z.- (460 (-) ,ii ! , /' I z r4___ __ Gk"e'fie Lt '8�...,c '� c---( i"-___ c/ ,/t iL.,c' €.!-: , `c--L 'C` -,C/./ Vic. 10 4 .- G-.,4x 7/,frt g-e- 4 -te-// ./07,14/2_ -,..4:4e---A___ ;0Y-et_ ,<--e le, 7/N-7/- f_i_e_i . '''':' 4 pLe.,p,-, A-iv2<24-a--,Z06,,, , -'7-Ceilicr,1- Ae- 'Zi--% 'i-l- Z-i--6 i 'f 4.-24-- e,eye:_teez. -1. e/7-t-f:(eti_:// ( __ _ • /' -,_ A_, ,,,,,_, o-e,,,,,,,p/ C-,- gi.c ' t7/A-e-t:i /:-le e, /<2 "e_,c_ -e/ l'e_//t-'d 4 'al-4,e dz.- / , A-e__ 4.4 i y,i , a- 71-E---)aa-7 ee./1-44.---t- ,_l '7;e7;- , /e/_ /2 -X-ei i 1? (' -/,,--- AA LL- 7>1 .E r1. LC.- ;'/4%. G�-/i t-rila -, ( ,J e. f.�,-e. "'A- "G-'-✓ d'72I /11. -�,,f//_.Z 1 !/l it- —/l.. e Lam_. ,i,LP' ,.//;-,,I,*/(yi.i).-77,-_A,-•.?z?e•••-- -6-t-e-(.,L•t c—e-/*//t:-c--.Z:"L r_./----. .� -4 - 41,(1-4C �'i' 742_tC_. l"j 'I.'L r'Q 41. i.z , ` ,�,� �, 2 a, E-A-= 'Y� - /,`-2,t-,,Li-1z_�.�_ ( ✓C-,e fc- -11:--:_ .e- �1-l_f_P2t--1'4- , - , -i- /lit& .4_e-,ri, --it,L,,,/ ;‘,72,/ ,-,6",,k .-t 1 I 1 L September 24, 2000 Town of Fountain Hills Dana Burkhardt P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is in response to your notice concerning the proposal for a temporary use permit to be issued for a day care center in a residence located at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard. We the undersigners, owners of our residence, located at 15226 E. Palomino Boulevard, are informing you, we are vigorously objecting and protesting any permit for a day care center,temporary or not. (trio We are also objecting and protesting the special use for pest control at the same address located at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard. Sincerely, it/tti ) Walter C. Leverenz t-\`le\A.Att.A4,4,' Lorraine Leverenz 3 15226 E. Palomino Boulevard Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 480-837-0306 708-448-9277 025 z.00v /S 037 /c5-)vt‘-i4.7) 6/vc/ S>3'? _20 cz.,,A_et.; /3,...&72.4 A lO011 - /-/t119 45 63 7 9 7,41,-,410.44 c atotelia, pet_J-Li-c? V et, AD---wx-01-107 La I ect,s,„ ),47R/ e PeL-Pc4-7t.tit-0 OLP cal, c0 c — et.447� . „„, 31 441&c Ce As,_44.e.-da-eAb t-pc... 0...))/11,44.011.1--?") a_itLeit. f - caJi c>i. 6y,erti-e. ,Ales eta- L 15307 EAST PALOMINO BOULEVARD FOUNTAIN HILA ARIZON; 85266 / i; �/ , i'uL. L. . ... =45/7'/"/"Q' 7 , /// • / /-49 //Y-2-rn 4j : #1‘,/ /u„ 4,. /o 1 itz htLe ; 4?- /74/PFI7 , / dio404i'vvi ‘ vxm7., ./49 tvQrtz/:„7 , az, 4/..7:_ertiek9.1 . .-----• - .....—/--- ----- / i rviti4 CA44-al`11-71% 4 peX/1/542. 6.11 ‘L.//1 /// , 111,_‘ TZL / /5 1-4 t /-`7/ /' ifac 11 / rd• i / ,. ,/ /7/4 /4 ///' (460 iit ' /%52/47- - I' - i / eAeLdh,,,cm; , ai.ggi it / - I * (A/a 1 ' Z:/ fil idl+fir Wiod4 /01,,, , i AT 0 ' ‘ OrIPJ. V/044; ;;;��// J/� rikl y274)4n' Yi 7(j' I ,ZrY0,4414/Werger ct,v.", 0 ,/0 60,74‘I tAays,10 f ir /11/ ---". Lii-l--4 z / do4i4ta Alleii- a-ail-,fvsn& „� JOHN T.BOWMAN LILLIAN K. BOWMAN 15239 E. Ridgeway Drive Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 1/416of Telephone: 480-837-3443 September 23, 2000 Town of Fountain Hills Dana Burkhardt P. O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Gentlemen/Mes Dames: Re: 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard, Fountain Hills AKA Lot 9, Block 1 604 A, Plat Please be advised that we are in total opposition of the Special Use Permits under consideration for a (1) Day Care Center, and (2) Pest Control/Extermination Service to be operated at the above location. We feel both of these activities are detrimental and out of context with the residential nature of our neighborhood, causing additional traffic problems, noise and chemical pollution problems in the area. In addition, we firmly believe that your acceptance of the abovementioned Special Use Permits will set a precedent for the operation of other home-based businesses in our area in the future. It will also devaluate surrounding properties and represents a negative factor insofar as the general environment is concerned. In summary, we emphatically PROTEST the issuance of said Permits, as described in your recent Public Notice mailed to our home, copy of which is attached herewith.. Sincerely, 14_07, Ori- • • n T. Bowman Lillian . Bowman Attachments (2) L C f) J3f,LQ- ) aze,„ 6„.rtL, ��v(r L' rae-N. 4- ga_ - e_L,a - )7/-12- 1/4-e-1 eirf • I , i 5- i E. JAMES NOREN COUNSELLOR AT LAW jb-,a'Q �'. (faLo/41A/O fLVP. 1=Ocht/Mr(r iYeGCs /1-� TS2.6 '--tiLft� �6o "te3Q—a'Lcl6Zs c7 20/0c7 G T4 ur t'i G=O vu7-4101( S PA AM tl'9' I)T' Po. 6N( i9Q 'f o unvVfV to us, 41., gs"�6? PehA <14s(461),9,0 l v614 5rib iv -Y o 1 J? (( 7 b Tte /WWi977O A( (3 F. A- FeAF UL PR! V4rc J 2t /0- &y R. 1_.LZsu i {- d cfv� 0 rz Two eiv ,o aciA t._ a us./Art ss P 2,c u (Ts _Are Di, t. /)- leMP0A W AY j 4-?' e i)sec e --n,V o 2 PE. r Q o I rr ao t, S tat/1c G- re) tvicbuc-r-c---0 6-r EA-s7 phinki(ire OR(lfq- PdP_ rq ?'d\ca eo$uc Nbrec a S cre:5 e giti pa M6qlL. 1,S A- pi g 6-62ib c: r Ti'kK l �"' AT TE VJ OPeTzAl (-(/LLS iat u Lit) Loi1/4m.ipc- __ & u c dl A- h'lwc17Y Dc GSAp K6- Fr - -- !/ ftcE, T )' 1 & ufikft US�r �11� IIIQVcaTØ,\[ 1t1yb 11I O UJCg iv 0110S, )a 0-1-0 BusKSS xT ra yOeS/(?I1Cy 1 �CNres , • e ni&e-r- P v7- 7--144?---s- 441., *61() 1)(1c-L,Rca4e-- i&y )-{emec- i4-6)P sr-oop (i — Ce ; HO OR# L September 25, 2000 15038 E. Palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 837-8632 Town of Fountain Hills Dana Burkhardt P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 To Whom It May Concern: We protest strongly the granting of a temporary use permit for a Day Care Center by Leona S. Matiello to be located at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. The objections are based on the following: 1. Palomino Blvd. is a highly traveled thoroughfare and is the main link between Fountain Hills Blvd. and Palisades Blvd. and is not a suitable location for a Day Care Center. Further, it is on a curve for which there is limited visibility. 2. At the same time the residents of this location are also petitioning the town for a home occupation for Pest Control Services. It would seem to us that the two applicationsare not very compatible with the likelihood of the presence of chemicals and trucks. We would appreciate it if you would convey this protest to the Town Council members. Sincerely yours, l �c� arles W. Humes j/cot+,),A, Marilyn A. Humes L /? ACa- 6LL 470-)(- er." (Lt-erf-,1-et4e/ ‘aaGa 3O / 9,57 a D,2,y 7&' ce-,geZe-e eL t7/t_e_ ziltf Day 41 M -.I 04-/21 6. Aie EA) P3 .2- 2- 9 o L 7• .2/ e-c) (kW _ )(Zt: _ 4. 5 , /'sic j /.) , / l� . y vGU�. L 11A-e. 71:4. d-.7 6.4(4...t„ 44? 4-.4— eL >4"&,L • wtXr_ .1 L /42-7, >he.4-70a... - ‘0, ‘4.Z" /.0% h9v576,...,7 AA.) A ,P.: yfQ f4k.e,)e L r r.. October 9,2000 To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission From: Sam J.Matiello-President,Artezan Pest Services Leona S.Matiello-President,Leona's Day Care,Ltd. RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino Dear Council and Commission Members, On October 12,Planning and Zoning will be holding a public hearing regarding the Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services. On October 19,the Town Council will vote on this permit as well as the Temporary Use Permit for home day care. My wife and I have reviewed the letters sent in protest of our two businesses and,needless to say,we are discouraged by the lack of open-mindedness. We do believe in letting people speak their opinion but we also believe in constructive criticism. Two of the letters were from neighbors that came over to visit one night to ask us questions. They left that night very positive about how we plan to operate them and yet they still felt it necessary to send letters in protest. All we can conclude is that the majority of neighbors are opposed just to be opposed. On October 6,we obtained copies of 23 letters. There was also one letter that appeared to be a petition with 31 names on it. I will not even address that one because all it stated was that they were opposed with absolutely no reasons documented. As far as we are concerned,no consideration should be given to the petition. We compiled a summary from the 23 letters of what the issues are and provided a rebuttal to each item. We are confident that this will address each and every concern. Issue#1-Increased Noise and Traffic Day Care Business-Four children are the restrictions for this business already. We do not feel that this number will generate any significant increase in traffic. The designated play area is in our back yard which would be no more noise than any other family with children. They will also not be outside for the entire day. We think the term"Day Care Center",as listed on the permit notices,contributed to a misunderstanding. This will be a day care home catering to just a few families who choose to place their children in a home environment. Pest Control Business-No increased traffic or noise than what I already create just being a homeowner. I will be the only technician in my business,so no additional trucks will be noticed. L (NW Issue#2-Large Amounts of Pesticides Being Stored The storage facility and size of the cabinets has been documented on my initial letter to the town. I signed off on a list from the Fire Marshal agreeing to store only what I can fit in these two cabinets which measure 28"X22"X31". This should indicate that small amounts of pesticides will be stored at any one given time. I will not be doing termite work,so large equipment and large volumes of pesticides are not necessary. Issue#3-Chemical Pollution The nature of the pesticides I use are"general use"and carry the same warnings you would find on over- the-counter types. Most of what I use are aerosol cans in the Category 3 classification which are the lowest toxicity pesticides. The Fire Marshal also gave me a restriction that I will not store more than 3 cans of Category 2 pesticides,and I signed off on that as well. Currently,I have only one can of this type. I do not mix pesticides so there are no issues of spills. Quite frankly,what pollution is this going to create? I feel that documented facts would be needed to substantiate this issue. Issue#4-Presence of Trucks on the Street Totally false. As I stated earlier,I am the only technician. I own one truck. I would also add that my signs on the truck will be removable so that won't even be an issue. My truck is also not parked on my driveway or in the street overnight. Issue#5-Not Zoned for Business We are not really sure what the issue is here. All we can say is that the town provides ordinances that allow home occupancy businesses. We believe this is just a lack of understanding of how the town works. Issue#6-Negatively Affect Property Values We have heard this statement used before for anything that people just don't want. This is purely subjective and I would challenge anyone to prove this. Once again,the town has ordinances that allow home occupancy businesses. There are several businesses being run out of homes already so if property values were a real concern,then they have already been affected and ours will not make a difference. When last we heard,property appreciation was 7%per year,so it does not seem that this ordinance has had any negative affect on property values. Issue#7-Combination Day Care and Pest Control Business are Incompatible(pesticides around children) On the surface this appears to be a valid statement. However,as reputable business owners,I would ask that the town leave this one up to us. In Illinois,we operated a home day care for over 15 years and a pest control business for 9 years. There is not one negative thing documented in the State of Illinois about us. We had no incidents that would indicate an incompatibility. These are totally separate businesses,and they are run that way. All the necessary precautions have been taken to prevent accidents and we have complied with every restriction by the state and town. A child would need to get through three keyed locks including a deadbolt before any risk of pesticide exposure. If need be,we would be happy to provide character references from past clients. We are trained professionals with many years of experience in our occupations. Anyone who challenges us based on an issue such as this is just being insulting. L Issue#8-Pesticide Storage Should Not Be In a Garage Why not? Other potentially harmful things are stored in a garage. I would submit that being professionally trained in pesticide usage,I store them more safely than the average homeowner. Issue#9-Neighborhood Residents Do Not Need To Be Disturbed By a Commercial Enterprise We believe we already addressed this in Issue#1. Issue#10-Businesses Would Be Two Houses From Mine We believe this is a typical response opposing something just to oppose it. This individual seems to place the emphasis on close proximity to them with no real issues. Issue#11-Not Compatible With the Peace and Quiet It was documented by fellow neighbors that Palomino is a busy street. One even commented that they clocked cars doing 70 miles per hour. Our question is,"Where is the peace and quiet?" But more to the point,we believe we already addressed the fact that our businesses will not disturb anyone. We are also not responsible for any ongoing problems on Palomino. Increased traffic is just a normal sign of growth in any thriving community. Fountain Hills is not designated as a retirement community. (Ow Issue#12-The Area Has Wildlife The concern here was that a child in day care could be torn apart by a pack of coyotes,bitten by snakes, etc. This is a concern for all parents living in Arizona,not just for a business. There are several families with kids who play on our street. The fact that the area has wildlife certainly does not seem to bother these families. I would also point out that even a commercial day care facility is subjected to the surrounding environment. I would also point out that there are several home day care facilities currently in operation,even with all the wildlife dangers. How many incidents have been reported? Issue#13-Ruination of a Private Residential Area There will be absolutely no changes to the appearance of our home,and we feel this is another purely subjective statement. Since there are already several home occupancy businesses in this town,we don't feel we should be penalized for this. Issue#14-Foul Odors Coming From a Vehicle of Someone Else Who Runs a Pest Control Business Why should we be penalized for what someone else may be doing incorrectly? Again,I emphasize the nature of my pesticides as stated in Issue#3. I also emphasize that my vehicle will not have pesticides stored in the bed of the pickup. My truck is also located far off the street,so I challenge anyone to argue that my vehicle will be a nuisance. Issue#15-Risks of Spills,Underground Water Contamination This was addressed in Issue#2 and Issue#3. To further support our case,we would emphasize that during this process we have met several people who have indicated that this town has many home occupancy businesses. We also learned that two pest control companies either have or still do operate from their home. Sam holds a valid state pest control license and is fully trained in the operation of such a business. At a Neighborhood Watch meeting two weeks ago,several people asked questions about our businesses,and they did not indicate any negative feedback from the answers given. We have talked with all immediate surrounding neighbors to ease any of their concerns. Please keep in mind that 15214 E.Palomino is our home and we would not jeopardize the health and safety of our own family. We signed off on a list from the Fire Marshal,and he said our businesses would be recommended for approval to Planning and Zoning based on the documented restrictions. We agreed to allow the town to inspect our businesses unannounced. Sam is also subject to State inspections. We sincerely feel that being new to Fountain Hills,we have done everything possible and more to be considered assets to the neighborhood and town. We believe we should be commended for wanting to do things the right way and not go against the rules of the town. This is a fact that everyone who wrote letters is missing. What about the value that should be placed on honesty? We opened up our home at the request of two neighbors and in return they opposed us anyway. However,we think it is important to note that of the five bordering neighbors,three of the five have no issues or complaints. We have always believed that the true face of a town is the people who represent it. We also believe the decision on our permits must be based on facts and not emotions. We encourage copies of this letter be made available to the public. In the wake of all of this negativity,we have provided signed statements from several town residents that do not have any objections to our permits. We are one family and have only lived here for a few months and have done our best to befriend as many people as we could in such a short period of time. We have been cordial,courteous and respectful to the town administration. No matter what the outcome,we are proud to know that we have risen above the negativity,have been honest with everyone we have come in contact with,and our integrity can stand on its own. Thank you. Sincerely, CL3- 7-447-71 /re1-7'i-f 7 Sam J.Matiello Leona S.Matiello L 1 .. (kW October 7,2000 To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino From: The Residents Located at: Dear Council and Commission Members, (lbw We believe the proposed permits for the two mentioned businesses will not have any adverse affects on the town of Fountain Hills. We also believe that it is the right of a homeowner to operate a business from their home as long as they are in compliance with any town ordinances. We fully approve of issuing Sam and Leona their permits for Leona's Day Care and Artezan Pest Services. Thank you. Sincerely, JcL.' 'UR-� r Z e. L 4111W October 7,2000 To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino From: The Residents Located at: 6O// El S`obRVnl�� Feuni/�in) /-/ills. Az Dear Council and Commission Members, We believe the proposed permits for the two mentioned businesses will not have any adverse affects on the town of Fountain Hills. We also believe that it is the right of a homeowner to operate a business from their home as long as they are in compliance with any town ordinances. We fully approve of issuing Sam and Leona their permits for Leona's Day Care and Artezan Pest Services. Thank you. Sincerely, • L (Ow October 7,2000 To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino From: The Residents Located at: /��� d( )/(/•-eAe .�.3 p- L `"�/d /92 /cf Dear Council and Commission Members, We believe the proposed permits for the two mentioned businesses will not have any adverse affects on the town of Fountain Hills. We also believe that it is the right of a homeowner to operate a business from their home as long as they are in compliance with any town ordinances. We fully approve of issuing Sam and Leona their permits for Leona's Day Care and Artezan Pest Services. Thank you. Sincerely, • //0„,,," Gz L (60 October 7,2000 To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino From: The Residents Located at: ,(, q'4- lgl,}mnsF' Ave FUvnr*ln 1A1/1, 14z ,c;ffiS Dear Council and Commission Members, (111w We believe the proposed permits for the two mentioned businesses will not have any adverse affects on the town of Fountain Hills. We also believe that it is the right of a homeowner to operate a business from their home as long as they are in compliance with any town ordinances. We fully approve of issuing Sam and Leona their permits for Leona's Day Care and Artezan Pest Services. Thank you. Sincerely, )271.ctty TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner DATE: October 13, 2000 SUBJECT: Temporary Use request by Leona S. Matiello, aka Leona's Day Care, for a Home Day Care Facility, located at 15214 E. Palomino Dr.; TU2000-11. This request is for a Temporary Use Permit to operate a Home Day Care Facility as a home occupation on Plat 604-A, Block 1, Lot 9. Staff has received several written letters of protest from the neighborhood residents during the ten day posting period. Please find copies of these letters attached. If you should have any questions, I can be reached at 816-5138. L L (kwTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 19, 2000 CASE NO: TU2000-11 LOCATION: 15214 E. Palomino Blvd., AKA Lot 9, Block 1, Plat 604-A REQUEST: Approval of a Temporary Use permit for a Home Day Care facility. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Sam & Leona Matiello APPLICANT: Leona S. Matiello EXISTING ZONING: "R1-8" LOT SIZE: 11,151.36 square feet PROPOSED USE: Home Day Care facility SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Single Family residential; zoned "R1-8" SOUTH: Single Family residential; zoned "R1-8" Single Family residential; zoned "R1-8" LEAST: WEST: Single family residential; zoned "R1-8" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow a Home Day Care Facility to be located at 15214 Palomino Drive. Under normal circumstances Temporary Use Permits are issued by staff after the required 10 advertising period. In circumstances where a written protest is received within the posting period the request must go before the Town Council for action. The Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance requires that under Chapter 2, Section 2.03.D.4"If there is an written objection received by the closing date of the advertising period, the Council shall consider the application at the first regular meeting held not less than fifteen (15) days after the receipt of said protest. The advertising period for this application ran from September 21, 2000 to October 4, 2000. Staff has received several written protests during this advertising period. The October 19, 2000 meeting would be 15 days after receipt of all protests requiring the placement of this item on the Councils October 19, 2000 agenda. The proposed operation would be a low intensity use due to the constraints required by the Ordinance. At a maximum there could be ten additional people in the residence and two additional vehicles. The proposed site is approximately 11,151 with indoor/outdoor play areas and a fully enclosed pool. There will only be a slight increase in traffic. This residence is concurrently requesting approval for a pest control service L page 1 of 2 home occupation, which may also slightly increase traffic flows to this residence if approved. Temporary Uses are valid for two years upon approval of the use. CODE REQUIREMENTS: SECTION 10.03 Uses subject to Temporary Use Permit A. Day Care Center for the Care of More Than Five (5) People. A day care center for the care of more than five (5) people is permitted by temporary use permit only. A day care center for the care of more than five (5) people may be operated in these Zoning Districts with the following minimal stipulations: 1. The Day Care Operator must reside in the house. If a non-residential facility is legally used for another purpose, such as a church building, this requirement may be waived. 2. No more than ten (10) non-residents may be cared for in a residential structure. 3. Only one non-resident employee may be allowed and one (1) additional on-site parking space shall be required for this employee. (116, 4. One non-tandem parking space shall be required for each five (5) persons, or fraction thereof, allowed in the day care center. 5. Any operation of a Day Care Center prior to 6:00 A.M. and after 8:00 P.M. is permitted only by Special Use Permit. 6. Only one sign not to exceed two (2) square feet in size and mounted flatly on the wall of the residence shall be permitted. 7. The play yard must be fenced with a minimum five (5) foot high fence. 8. No playground equipment and ornamental figures or designs denoting a Day Care Center shall be allowed in front of the house line. 9. Any Day Care Facility with a swimming pool or other applicable body of water as defined in Section 5.09.D. of this Ordinance must meet the requirements for a pool enclosure described in that Section. 10. Any Day Care Center which cares for more than five (5) people shall be licensed by the State of Arizona. FINDINGS OF FACT: Lor 1. The proposed use has been stated in the application to not have more page 2 of 2 than four children on-site. Because this proposed location contains a swimming pool, a temporary use permit is required, as established by section 10.03 A. 9. Of the Zoning Ordinance. The site plan provided with this application maintains the minimum pool enclosure requirements for a Home Day Care Center. 2. Several written protests have been received by staff within the required posting period. RECOMMENDATION: Based on Town Ordinance Section 10.03, Uses Subject to Temporary Use Permit, staff finds that this request is consistent with the intent of this section of the ordinance and therefore recommends approval of this Temporary Use Permit for a period of two years, with the attached stipulations from the Fire Marshal. It is also stipulated that the pool enclosure requirements, as established by Section 5.09 G. of the Zoning Ordinance, be maintained throughout the duration of this temporary use. Attached, Please find: 1. Copy of Fire Marshal Stipulations 2. Application, narrative and site plan 3. Letters of objection 4. Rebuttal to letters of objection by applicant L L page 3 of 2 • '~�,'` ,,, `, Fountain Hills/Rural Metro Fire Department it f tl ‘,„.„ - R,:i \ ill 1 „..„,),,, Ak /,,,,, 1r, V I \ , , { To.- Datta Burkhardt Planner / ("7/ From_ Scott.La Greca. 9i2)/191 Asst.Chief/Fire Marshal Subject: TU 2000-11 Date: September 19, 2000 Applicant has requested a Temporary Use Permit for a-homey care"home business.." It must be noted that per Code, should the business take in-more than-five(5)children;this-would now be considered a Group I Division I.I. occupancy. C. The following stipulation&are to be met: I. Maintaintwo(2) and 2 secondary exits. primary t�f } e�o-� Fy 2-. Maintain home escape plan. 3. Keep 2a 10bc fire extinguisher in kitchen area. 4.Keep pool area locked and maintain self-closing gate devices.. 5-. Garage service door must be kept locked with a keyed dead bolt. 6. Have portable phone, for outside recreation time. T. Conduct annual"Safety Survey,"- Note With the-request for SU 2000-07, If all stipulations are met, we believe that both request can be rec- ommended for approval. The key stipulation; authority be granted to the Fire-Department to-inspect and conduct"Safety Surveys." cc: File (1111•0 +" - STATION-PT PHONE:(480Y at 6 5139 FAX: }8 7 646s7 STATION#2 PHONE:(480)837-0804 FAX:(480)837-1446 r,,... . , . ektvaNN, p . , . v.......„,.._ ,4„ TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS '°ew. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT S --i4S,..7:::,- - _`,, ,My:P.7 7, 7,,„),:-4",-%11.1,0„.j, : -- 11-,..'!',.'lf.: -x. 41 Date Filed9_ i t_. co I Fee Paid I Accepted By i 07,3,?5 C70 _/)/0 4 Type of Temporary Use Requested Date(s)Temporary Use Will Occur From: To: Address of Subject Property Zoning Arai L� P,v zo/-ti J0 x61 Vim✓ . _ Legal Description: Plat 0 174 4 Block Lot(s) Applicant / Day Phone i d—e7•AJ4/'. ' 417 C 4/Q E. -7-‘) .�� Addres s l ���' _ � 9((ff� / -♦ prli l o/14 J/v 0 /vd f . S4 Z . 8-�..Zip r Owner d Day Phone L "/ 6d A /� 7 //o (`A 2) d 9Address f � ��� T�(/.� /6-.2-/Y &2• PA Z-6/VI//Ut7 &' 'cflCity ST/Z• Zip gi_ Signature of Owner I H RBY AUTHORIZE(Please Print , Date /7/L)A- , A 1 A// -///,) ciAT//: Uri) 4- 7.-----'1 -1. TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Sub ri ed and sworn before me this 5" day of 3‘2(2.-fie4 01 ' 49a0 .-4 aibt& M Commi Notary Public igi2nlvir s _ D 0 MAMA BOOM . #1Q.;7 kialliCOPS C Please Provide the Following(attach additional sheets): .. .. � , •404 1. Site Plan showing location of the temporary use and the orientation of surrounding properties. 2. Mailing labels with names and addresses of property owners within 300 feet of the proposed temporary use boundaries. 3. Description of the proposed use, the operations of the use, and the facilities proposed for the land use. 4. Describe any adverse impact which the proposed land use may have on the surrounding properties, and on the neighborhood. Lae 5. Describe the steps that will be taken to avoid or lessen these adverse impacts. TFH Case Number Fee Schedule Attached September 11,2000 L Town of Fountain Hills Ms.Bevelyn Bender 16836 E.Palisades P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,Az. 85269 Dear Bevelyn; I am formally requesting the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit to enable me to operate my business,Leona's Day Care, Ltd.from my resident at 15214 E.Palomino Blvd. The nature of my business will be a lawfully unregulated Home Child Day Care facility. I will operate from the weekday hours of approximately 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. My group size will be 4 or less children on the premises at any given time. Then will be no signs or exterior evidence from the street that such a business is in operation. I have ample driveway space at all times for my clients to be provided with off street parking I do not forsee any negative impact on the surrounding properties,or the neighborhood. The children's outdoor play area will be an enclosed yard at the rear of the residence. They will always be accompanied and supervised and will be kept to a minimum. I have recently had my swimming pool enclosedare ' noise fir�ther ensure the safety of all my she nature o} bygulation pool fence,which will nor auy o�6. er ac$vityw iTi'cT' �� e for����es N�l$gncthe integrity of a residential area. I see my business as a very positive attribute to Fountain Hills. Being a fast growing community,there should be a great need for a service such as mine. Many parents prefer in-home care as opposed to a commercial facility.I would also provide that service close to home. I previously operated Leona's Day Care,Ltd,from my former home in Illinois. I took great care in those 15 years of operation to always follow the rules,regulations and safety guidelines as mandated by the State. I would continue to do so in Fountain Hills. I look forward to bringing a needed service to a thriving community,and to my own neighbors. Sincerely, 4,214(....,. , r ter_,/ , , - ° , , - - , t t ° ,°;'04'. ..,',,11 '..: - ' ''''':' ts:' Leona S.Matiello Owner/President Leon's Day Care,Ltd. i L . . . , , , . • • . , . . •:;',.;,-;:.,,.)!. ' 0 . -.. , ,1 : 4{ : 31 (tie 1,... . ! • A i q! , 0! .. a! i \U ; IS• i * NC Z.. .= alpet- cts . . Z.. ... -t—u t: • _ cz. ,,„ ' .›.... 2. ,..., , .,..., .1..- . ---- ->, l4.1 V N 4) • .2 • T ‘‘.. 41""' ..) •.)J • csi .4-• '4) dik.i f cz- . . i•-• 44 (ow %.) '. 49 CL ID/ .05.0,.. .,1 I.. --------( .—_, .1 0 ...„,„:„; \cer , - -J ' I , tram ct: 4.Zo. N ,. effip. •,.. ., , . ..., Illto , , ...,- .... to e T •.b 1/4s S — .. i ..., • ,.. ct . i 4..... 1 : ....S , - 1 ,IC :,to 1 I 1.-..', dio ,,..,111, y Z. ..J ..s A , •.% ir 3 a., itlit ----, 1, . , . , • , •Qs 1-70,/ L ' 1 -5- ..L Jr --4i> -6 -7' ...• 1 7:.• ‘1.) . Z. Va, 1Cie„r— (111rnw MEMO 9-28-2000 To: Dana Burkhardt Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ.85269 From:Verlyn and Marlys Heldt 15Priki:)**1'' 15220 E. Palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills,AZ. 85268 Tele. 480-837-6705 Re: Temporary Use Permit for Day Care Center at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ. 85268 We have received notice that Leona S. Matiello has applied for a Temporary Use Permit for a Day Care Center to be located at her home at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. Palomino Blvd. is a residential street of individual homes approximately 1 1/2 miles in length. . We are concerned that if a business is allowed to operate in our neighborhood and next door to our home it will negatively affect property values,and generate increased traffic and noise. In addition,her husband has applied for a special use permit to operate a pest control business at the same address. We feel these businesses are incompatible with the residential nature of Palomino Blvd. and certainly not what we expected when we purchased our home in this area. We do not favor approval of this permit. If,however the Town Council chores to ignore the concerns of the neighborhood and grant the temporary use permit,the permit should be restricted in writing in the following ways: 1. That no more than 4 children below school age be allowed. 2. That the hours of operation be limited to 7AM to 5:30PM on weekdays. 3. That no signs advertising the business be posted on the property In all other ways the business must comply with Town Ordinance section 10.03 -Uses Subject to Temporary Use Permit, Section A-Day Care Center. Thankyou for your consideration in this matter. copies: -Town Council • ; (�-/,. `�� I _Zf's' r �t' �i.v Kr ••a. . y � `y a ' •• ` ...x,ZIM.4.."111‘.*. 4b6t° lyy II-- : v� • it4;., ,tom 2 rc*.c1 to • to—T,.. at— , ,.c. � e. i6 ,2-(q • C b•% • � -_ ,1.7 if• • .0 (14-n-44P-J-127-94.4_,..4.0.1.„_3 ' /(goyn . w .a, -.1�.. , .. a . . 32,.....44.t iikviii)t. g'37- z7a3 L1 .fortif , 1 IS .. , :..,,,, .. .....,, . . .. ,.,, .,,,„,... . .4„ ..e..„ , A. .. .,., A.._, ..:.,.,. _,..-.......:....:,...,. •::F....„7, ...„•,„4,...,•„•,•,;.s.,.. . .. w •,._.:1, •.., ...,.•.•..,.,.. :..• • • . ,. „t , s , we.* . , 41/4 . ;.....:::, _ .1, • • , , lg., • ,_ f% • i ,-J --I •• 6,,; .,.,t').,,_: • • 07, • +Ey 4 .. 7;'T'''1: ', :',A,';,',**m4:,"" — ,...;...., - (kw - _.,7----- .zz„,),...4.........-... ,-0 - 4.14_17 7 s-I- . . c=2/.....,..;__Az........__,t,' hi-c-47—. ±(-*—_ : - .. /51 C. • tt--,---#44A-a-v--.--•e- kt-i....-g— _ AIA-z- d d-411-4.4.....4. 0/_ 4... 74.„.„? /Litz. _34,..___A__/„<„, . . f./.---4_ x.f.„-,..„ 4- t e- t.r,I_...s t-.0-._/-•e..A-,p t.4--c-e-, ,,,,,.,._ 4.„...., . ,...,.....„........, ____„, ......, _.,,,=2. --- pt...,.....,..z. e.,..e.A...)4.....:.-..67 A,....t,...„.4.... ... 40...,!_..47.4._ ,4 &ILL.._ , . ‘.,. ,..;, _.... .,:,--.. L, - . . . _ September 29, 2000 Dana Burkhardt Town of Fountain hills P. O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, Az. 85269 RE: Leona S. Matiello & Artezan Pest Services-Request for Permits to run 2 businesses from 15214 E. Palomino This letter is to protest two requests noted above. The objections are as follows: 1. Day care—We do not know how many children will be in home. 2. With day care activity,there is no question that it would create more traffic on Palomino which already has a traffic problem being one of the main connecting streets between Palisades and Ftn. fills. Blvd. 3. Artezan Pest Services—My major concern is having day care activity in (kirw the same home where a large amount of chemicals/poisons are being stored,has to be an unhealthy situation. This simply does not make sense. 4. I think the neighborhood would be more receptive to just ONE business and one that would not involve the public activity at the home. 5. Day care activity in a residential area will affect property values on the street. I also want the City to be aware that many residents are upset(myself being one)that the notice of requests above were not mailed to ALL residents on Palomino, but only to those around the property in question. We feel it should have been sent to all residents on Palomino, as it does affect our street as a whole. Shireen and Fred Rhoades 15639 E. Palomino Ftn. Hills, Az. 85268 (480-816-3801). f 1 L October 3,2000 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Attention: Dana Burkhardt P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ _ Dear Sir: RE: 15214 E.PALOMINO BOULEVARD,FOUNTAIN HILLS AKA Lot 9,Block 1,Plat 604A We PROTEST the issuance of: • a Temporary Use Permit for a Child Care Center,and • a Special Use Permit for a Pest Control Service to be operated at 15214 E.Palomino Boulevard in Fountain Hills. We firmly believe that the above mentioned activities are detrimental and completely out of context with Ls, the residential nature of our neighborhood,causing additional traffic,noise and pollution problems in the immediate area. Furthermore,your acceptance of these permits/applications will set a precedent for other home-based businesses in the neighborhood. It will also devaluate surrounding properties and represents a negative factor insofar as the surrounding environment is concerned. Respectfully submitted, 1Z4 Chandler Roesch elen Roesch 15121 E.Ridgeway Drive Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Telephone: 480-837-2142 L (kw October 3,2000 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Dana Burkhardt P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 Dear Sir: RE: 15214 E.PALOMINO BOULEVARD,FOUNTAIN HILLS AKA Lot 9,Block 1,Plat 604-A I oppose the issuance of: • a Temporary Use Permit for a Child Care Center,and • a Special Use Permit for a Pest Control Service to be operated at 15214,E.Palomino Boulevard in Fountain Hills., It is my firm belief that the above mentioned activities are detrimental and completely out of context with the residential nature of our neighborhood,causing additional traffic,noise and pollution problems in the immediate area. Your acceptance of these permits/applications will set a precedent for other home-based businesses in the neighborhood. It will also devaluate surrounding properties and represents a negative factor insofar as the surrounding environment is concerned. Yours truly, Stewart 15113 E.Ridgeway Drive Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Telephone: 480-837-5391 L /, n Z ��t-ox, �''/"re4�o„��.-:� �..� 3 leer o ‘6w /We-/ le 4(2_,e_eLe,4 ito-.'1-.-t's_ 1✓ 42/2e6/ (1.; a'S 2_6E /o lul&L dz- ��� &caw q ah-7,ce_ l J_ _,Ript-1- F //..- a�r�.<.t wjam=,, am. n. , l�e �D1.�. .. E/� zt._ , ie(t2,A,t &-t-- ei,, ,Yr& It_ 4..e,z*fi At /6--a/v eved„, 42,4k„oul /4,1,.. ._,t dl--riff 7-zu74. ae.t.L. , _e;J ,x,,,z7it_t_;4 t74, , , , , i_e_6_,22.,A.e. 0.__64. , ,t, , , frt- ytet/? .. 2, . 7 , / ,4,2,,, i, ‘0.45, ,,,_;Le_ 0__A__) 10,._h_ivue X 1./).t.,,e a-5--7_,Leidi 1-1---e a - 1Z/.' ,. ),-et- -f2- 1-4-Lti- a-2-er tit-14 24-6e.L , kt (.1'2&-/t)(67e/ Zo,l_z_z4.4e--- ei,‘,,. %g‘,,, Alf_ar4-iiiah- f 1 1 9( K /ct AsitiAi., w a�de L u_�i.Lesst-ts:?c, , I. 7--",ite, A , / 4__ ALt,, i v ii-xt .,_y. _,frri- A=k, p,wue. f/Le. - j 6.iti; ,0 a-6--Jd zn 61-i- z:_e' _ � /4--,9__t_ i „t,t,c.)' a., 3 A-1--d-2144- • riefLa etA--a-- ef,tfAiAot r r. e �-;-, f-4;71-1( .,_ , h.-J �� v>� >a� ye �+-�-�P �'� _,_[ ,,,z,, ,i, O___/ ,,,z,e • a_,J de-n4.<..fi_et_4. t6-42--,-- fe,1Z-6 -04-44, ' (1 92-1(. 1,,e__. 6-Ge-11- 41/‘°-U7 erilL4jQ ./-lar IS&p-e-r6 7ite 71-1-1- , & fp' U.--4_,A. C-A-c. -LPL) c. ,,_ itt t A7-4.fl-aL .1-4-2vt-&- ,--",.. ti-e, " c-a-Q101,6 _aa?L_,,,, 7 Cr-1 4/,_.le.1.,,, ,. a__.-1,, ai---V-0-AL,6---- VO (f,e-c_ --;,,_) 31-',-4(--) 77_12__ /12 /1 (:^tx. 3 ,e<2 , •e-*-^,-, /4-&_ c?9 A-i t- '6'1 vim« / October 4, 2000 Town of Fountain Hills Mr. Dana Burkhardt Fax: 480 8371404 Re; Special Use Permit Requests Day Care Center Pest Control Service 15214 E Palomino Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Lot 9, Block 1 Plat 604-A Fountain Hills Town Council: I am writing in regards to the two special use permits noted above. I have concerns about both of these permit requests and believe that they are Inappropriate for the neighborhood. I do not believe that the requests should be granted. kay This is a residential area which does not need, or want increased traffic on the street. As state law allows home child care without requiring a license, I presume that the permit is to allow for more than four children to be cared for in the home. Another major concern is the appropriateness of allowing ANY child care where pesticides, pest control chemicals, and pest control equipment Is in the same building. This seems to be a hazardous and reckless combination at best. How many day care centers can you think of that run a pest control business on the side? A pest control service should be housed in a commercial setting, not a residential home. I am requesting that the Town Council deny both requests. Sandy Goodall 15648 E Ocotillo Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 telephone: 837 8393 day telephone: 391 4384 co, t• ZAA•OM SNOI IH-13? 0I1Htld SOd Wd50:2 0002.0 '100 JAMES L. PARKS (kw 11629 SPO'1-1'ED HORSE WAY FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ, 85268 (480) 837-9882 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Attn:Dana Burkhart PO Box 17958 Fountain Hills AZ,85268 Town Council Members I am writing to register my protest regarding the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit to one Ms. Leona S.Matiello to use the residence located at 15214 E.Palomino Blvd.as a TEMPORARY DAY CARE CENTER. The reasons for my protest include: (1)The home was built to serve as a single-family residence and that is the singularly highest and best use for the property. (2)The home is located in the center of a well-established neighborhood that has residential not commercial zoning,and as such does not include any accommodation for a private business of any kind.(3)Neighborhood residents do not need to be disturbed by the conversion of a private residence to a commercial enterprise and it's attendant attributes. The owner of this residence is also requesting a Special Use Permit to use the dwelling for a Pest Control Service. I believe this is an inappropriate use for private residential property and trust the Planning &Zoning Commission will readily deny it. In this regard,it appears to me that the party involved in these requests has demonstrated poor judgment in his/her desire to combine a Child Care Center and a Pest Control Service under the same root regardless of the properties location. There are plenty of commercial properties available in Fountain Hills that are well suited to house these businesses. Let's keep businesses (1111w (other than home offices)in the commercial sector and the population in private residential areas. To change these fundamental divisions of property is a disservice to the citizens of Fountain Hills. Indeed,I am dismayed that such requests can even be made? Thankyou for considering my remarks as you review these requests. Sincerely, r James L.Parks J L • (*) September 22,2000 GAGE ode OF FouR -f-• - PA&E mPP giviLwr Town of Fountain Hills Dana Burkhardt P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 We the residents in the area of the proposed Day Care Center and Pest Control Service at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard Drive object to any issuance of a temporary or permanent use permit. �f-f u vh E"S 1 g 5o3 E. PA[.o m mivo aLvL . illiam J. He k. Ock i A/ N H i c..Ls, AZ $S26g 17180-837- 8C32 Sandra J. Herbst 15203 E. Ridgeway Drive(kiw , �/ , Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 �`• Y • 480-837-1277 n . Bowman C-- deA;c0Imag-7-N./ cAtfEra tke-Rg. Lil an R. Bowman P4-1.d‘ jij - )-51jN/ 15239 E. Ridgeway Drive Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Telephone: 480-837-3443 cap' IPPLONt ° FOOKYT0413 1711.u,‘, Ai/ "L'8 Ae,../7„ 4?),DS"si-o-yis- //N win•eAcs'lt,+Z fa,QffiL � _ - Ygo $3 1A7 6 Alz. ViffA H v"Cs acA.(111 \.„0 Ya4A:w„.4,, Da.2 co, r 3F 0- �5'zb g gam- 8� - �r '�' -� 7 qo�'7 (7' Town of Fountain Hills September 22, 2000 (lbw Dana Burkhardt Page Two o r FoV IZ P.O.Box 17958 Fountain 1-fills,AZ 85299 Ve rl yhq/vlur� k/s He / 4'- '-242 I5-2.qb e. Palvrninv 8hYal. datol7 "-' 641w14-urn Hills . /1Z. a52l8 118'3i (,�'d AA, LtSG- S37-6705- 12, 1+,9717.4,41-iegt- -471kv -yap-t7e7 �Cf'� fi✓.�id& • ,r (.//c)c 7--E Cro -o3 7- 7c7ra aZrc.;- _ei94LeAt4, <5 za p 5v‹.4,44, ,,;� (Thcb0:0.4t j KRA-T�fAK) 65164-/v leR:A-sr/10K) C. / .'dier/Vr, 1414 —7-01-6 ><Ge ?S"-24'r ( ,, Vcp&L) ; .-v644;•, ,g7h/ pf-4- 62�i-ST3C" (codrilluer.) ✓ n Town of Fountain Hills September 22, 2000 (lberi Dana Burkhardt Page Three OF FAIR P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85299 ktedt'll-:&- ;. '"c-t. . , -- --1. M2—Q-e-- /tC/i1 - /.44,-07f ae,-ve . 1 1gv1 -77 ‘ jr,--;t_ -.,zsrfre'ci fie.av i 1-2 . -1.4-r- c-:--- a-,:te-4 , A--z- i.rcp‘r 1 5 2.62 We, g3,7.... iiicy i t go - S'37 - g,..70 1 1 ,r,, .w.,,, ._ B., i.,0 ..,_ ,,,,7----- receive/7444 /kits/ 42 - ---'----- -1\c- . .-7) --sA2.6E..3 - / 1 6� /3i ,2 L tiro . 8'3 7- 5-30 1 °-e — L' t gei7 'era 54ep ityor, -fewekticeArik--„,„.„, 1��5\ Pao�\�b�\ ,, S/al�n -o13.1ect , .0c/r)icAlil /41441 4a- ‘A--kcl:i(A 0 f\S P\--2- d" 7S3a( 'if i k Ct#'I -4.-St).-c01 ---x3 i.,-- ‘----i-.7 \ ,Doll fia (nAN / 5N o La , jALbm'N° D 0 wr,v4 ,LLs, AL, y6ii - fr) Pix,1,60A-. L „: 15-110 , 6 pit to 0/no v,vc, A gs-c.)kg- fou11 Pe ,LA-_. (con/Tinalez) . • (11w. Town of Fountain Hills September 22, 2000 Dana Burkhardt Page Fov R o f RN-0Z P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85299 M 1 ,,, --jesc,( 5- dfAL-..--'/Va... 1‘ '2' - -'-'''''j ' 1.4,-fri,...; )77Ai l.�iLl G I- • i� )LL.' iI ' iL.k,• 66 . 44.461/1"k dari*"'-' l` .3/(� ' AA,, FG J,.I tt Ct %.tJ -i 0 L--C-S I O___ , 1 , .9,5-O -I37-/7e7 • 1 kl 7,--5,,..„0/ t...4.2....,• ,(:. G--27- -..-!--/-14/ - frACeArGe., Z #7aZed-,-; r .--- 7,,,--, 44 c.,c2- 13- e-z- /,(,),,:u--)z4,, - / , / - i .i.,-.,e_ z ...z/z; a4- -, ' A,QA Ac? /0IAgif, t.,1.. „.„-...,_,:,.-_, ,.... , _ i . --, g-c-,, k7,---yo l /( 9,2--r X) . a//t)C#EC TE e 0 4 -2_37_ 7c2Jac.lo 8011 , 1 Slc)4 E. 814 ,,Zre.;- _ePil.tvuit, 0 1,5 2.0 I e. ptoe-r- ,49.it. -fp-i4ce-1:". Itt-The l(1-1-' 't Fsa 6 d' 0-f-4-4--a.-‘,3- 7%,z4zea, , .4z g5.26,r . orb - 8 (co --/g1L AM- 4'3 i- q2?5" &jiltac- ,-C.:Arn-Vt kre g.„,t,dc,4,1,._ /56z6 Pa id* iko rtf, ii--2_ tcz(agr , 7 s ''( 2 2 Gi /ate f /0 g/t/i_ ,gD 'z1 to f rm. //1 // $ g . , S C2 e r .9(.....,-- -77,,,— 4' O .- ,'6- < s31 0--- ,L6 e. a h,,,,..., ,_ . L flif, 2 a- sz‘� `lam ` F/6 --a 16,E MEMO (law 9-28-2000 To: Dana Burkhardt Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ.85269 From: Verlyn and Marlys Heldt 41/A+, 15220 E. Palomino Blvd. cz,46,ge=7 Fountain Hills,AZ. 85268 Tele. 480-837-6705 Re: Temporary Use Permit for Day Care Center at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills,AZ. 85268 We have received notice that Leona S. Matiello has applied for a Temporary Use Permit for a Day Care Center to be located at her home at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. _ Palomino Blvd. is a residential street of individual homes approximately 1 1/2 miles in length. . We are concerned that if a business is allowed to operate in our neighborhood and next door to our home it will negatively affect property values,and generate increased traffic and noise. In addition,her husband has applied for a special use permit to operate a pest control (Ow business at the same address. We feel these businesses are incompatible with the residential nature of Palomino Blvd. and certainly not what we expected when we purchased our home in this area. We do not favor approval of this permit. If,however the Town Council choses to ignore the concerns of the neighborhood and grant the temporary use permit,the permit should be restricted in writing in the following ways: 1. That no more than 4 children below school age be allowed. 2. That the hours of operation be limited to 7AM to 5:30PM on weekdays. 3. That no signs advertising the business be posted on the property In all other ways the business must comply with Town Ordinance section 10.03 -Uses Subject to Temporary Use Permit, Section A-Day Care Center. Thankyou for your consideration in this matter. copies: -Town Council L t (- JAMES L. PARKS thw 11629 SPOTTED HORSE WAY FOUNTAIN HILLS AZ, 85268 (480) 837-9882 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Attn:Dana Burkhart PO Box 17958 Fountain Hills AZ,85268 Town Council Members I am writing to register my protest regarding the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit to one Ms. Leona S.Matiello to use the residence located at 15214 E.Palomino Blvd.as a TEMPORARY DAY CARE CENTER. The reasons for my protest include: (1)The home was built to serve as a single-family residence and that is the singularly highest and best use for the property. (2)The home is located in the center of a well-established neighborhood that has residential not commercial zoning,and as such does not include any accommodation for a private business of any kind.(3)Neighborhood residents do not need to _ be disturbed by the conversion of a private residence to a commercial enterprise and it's attendant attributes. __ __ The owner of this residence is also requesting a Special Use Permit to use the dwelling for a Pest Control Service. I believe this is an inappropriate use for private residential property and trust the Planning &Zoning Commission will readily deny it. In this regard,it appears to me that the party involved in these requests has demonstrated poor judgment in his/her desire to combine a Child Care Center and a Pest Control Service under the same roof,regardless of the properties location. There are plenty of commercial properties available in Fountain Hills that are well suited to house these businesses. Let's keep businesses (kw (other than home offices)in the commercial sector and the population in private residential areas. To change these fundamental divisions of property is a disservice to the citizens of Fountain Hills. Indeed,I am dismayed that such requests can even be made? Thankyou for considering my remarks as you review these requests. er. Sincerely, An i• . AO, .dI /1 or ,.. 4/09,r James L. 'arks Ally 1:2),:e 2- ---- 46/0 ice'' 0 6.� 5fif:24ji--"772214 9914/ g'4( € 6144•1-7-%cil sCI-ite-a-)2-- .. p4/2114j--) fzer,O , A2-4-11 /1-91C‘C‘47 cw, ir_pri a 7:21.. ..teeen.../ei_japitti, . e- a....... Aczifoef256.1 ...it / , /LcJ From:Mike Nagel To:Fax#8370427 Date:10/4/100 Time:9:29:34 AM Page 1 of 1 411W Memo To: Dana Burdhardt October 1,2000 Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 From: Michael and Karen Nagel 15221 E. Palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 480-837-4988 Re: Temporary Use Permit for Day Care Center at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 We have received notice that Leona S. Matiello has applied for a Temporary Use Permit for a Day Care Center to be located at her home at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. We are concerned about the noise and increased traffic in our neighborhood. Palomino Blvd has become one of the busier residential streets in Fountain Hills. We are concerned that if a business is allowed to operate in our neighborhood it will negatively affect property values, and not what we expected when we purchased our home. We do not favor approval of this permit. I will be unable to attend the council meeting October 19t to express my concern in person, but should the council chose to ignore the concerns of their constituents, I feel the permit should be restricted in writing in the following manner: 1. That no more than 4 children are allowed. 2.- That no signs or advertising be allowed on the property. 3. That the hours of operation be restricted between 7:00Am to 5:30PM. Thank you for yo r consideration in this ma Michael Nagel Ceti Karen Nagel L C.) JOHN T.BOWMAN •{ LILLIAN K. BOWMAN 15239 E. Ridgeway Drive Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Telephone: 480-837-3443 September 23, 2000 Town of Fountain Hills Dana Burkhardt P. O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Gentlemen/Mes Dames: Re: 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard, Fountain Hills AKA Lot 9, Block 1 604 A, Plat Please be advised that we are in total opposition of the Special Use Permits under consideration for a(1)Day Care Center, and (2)Pest Control/Extermination Service to be operated at the above location. We feel both of these activities are detrimental and out of context with the residential nature of our neighborhood, causing additional traffic problems, noise and chemical pollution problems in the area. In addition, we firmly believe that your acceptance of the abovementioned Special Use Permits will set a precedent for the operation of other home-based businesses in our area in the future. It will also devaluate surrounding properties and represents a negative factor insofar as the general environment is concerned. In summary, we emphatically PROTEST the issuance of said Permits, as described in your recent Public Notice mailed to our home, copy of which is attached herewith.. Sincerely, -06rro,)etaee n T. Bowman • 417-71-coor Lillian . Bowman Attachments (2) L (re. (kw September 24, 2000 Town of Fountain Hills Dana Burkhardt P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is in response to your notice concerning the proposal for a temporary use permit to be issued for a day care center in a residence located at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard. We the undersigners, owners of our residence, located at 15226 E. Palomino Boulevard, are informing you,we are vigorously objecting and protesting any permit for a day care center,temporary or not. (law address We are also objecting and protesting the special use for pest control at the same located at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard. Sincerely, /465) Walter C. Leverenz Lorraine Leverenz 15226 E. Palomino Boulevard Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 480-837-0306 708-448-9277 (ow t2L A67 „, /34JL ri-L7 a-7-13 /2i7i /2._ i7'/e7RF>1 / 2A9c2/19X /11/4M e 9/4/ S 19,2. 671/J/2Z 6927—/ ‘ -(7) ,,- (7'? tvlas, E,M. TRITSCHLER 15215 RIDGEWAY DRIVE FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ. 135262---V697 - (1160, ( ; i, etrx.ddifi ?iii9---/driz_e-v- eitzv*te-ti-L. /- -/-)-4- (..1/4, ,„rn--0 p--m--e-i 2zir 4-it-,--e--64-47 ).: -.4. 61_ ..„, 11-17-711-- //d-.6-Ai_ Le_ette 1 Z4,- /5:2/1 ,Lez4z._--6/1-e2g e 6,--e-- 471-1) t-g-I.Z..__ I-/c_e-172 171)-4741-ii-t— I Igt-t-57 -- 1:4di ___ d , 1,/, iy,/ Lib-- Z-lftX44-14 _ d...::_-.4P-, 1 - / ---- - `'' " ._, / • t.,/ - lt,-7,- •_. g-t-1 i , ), ,,,e "--- -,-/cie -/ z7i. - 16, ,/(..:,,„,,,z,,,,-0.,... _ii-,..„...„.. le,1:42,,"6___.e.__ -24-e--i7e./ -,--1-6-7-- ---e,-4__„ --._ , ,2-1-1(--C ......- ,/,_ __z•X.0,, ' ,, 6,-- v.,_&_11.7,1-6_/__e e.... /0/6/1--,17-e-g-----4-- ,-A---L--- , 27:c.e.d., 472--74.1-d ' a-01-1l-P-1 a le7 ()I_ -4/-A_, - A1/4-t- 0-t__•e41 ,.-i- gie ,, , ,A-e-t__ j,„?., -2..6 t____ _..e..,-/,..,..",,3 ..,n/- elLe- -!: ,, ,,_ - ? /z-z,e/ /2 i,7(,J.:/ • - — • „ / , /7- 7i-ft- 211-1---/ _ .-,/;) _•,',, / /IA_ bk/...„,,t 40-721 i ..1-e", .„,/,:./._,/t,/-- / / J i ---/- A /I. -77 el I 1 IL 7::--A. r-(e--b___,, I,L , - ,,,(:,,i, e, ---- ,, / - :2 „,/,%.--icy--j"-:7,,,,•*-71-,-- 1'-g AI 1.->*---• 7.;:- 71/9"W(-4--'i 0 / ; •/ 1/, ........... , . 4... /- • 1 (lire -tec_c_.- 11... ...._ -64, -.6/t-k--,--- ‘IL. 4, , .... -Z f_.// • 1-t164,ii_e--cie ?II./ -etil hrzji : 4., k ir /17) Pf /a_ 4 4/9 i4,:ii," 1/,...4_,if_ 71_, i,. , f-62 , /2/,-) "/ .•zt7z, i; I if,/ 1/ /7 --...., )",A-1"(,..44. 9-22-2000 (lbw Town Of Fountain Hills ATTN: Dana Burkhardt P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 RE: Temporary Use Permit. For Child Day Care at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. Dana Burkhardt; I strongly object to Leona Matiello' sz' request for a temporary permit for a Day Care Center on Palomino Blvd. First and foremost Palomino Blvd. is a residential neigborhood with high quality and mostly custom or semi-custom homes whose owners for the most part take great pride in their appearence. We have seen our homes greatly appreciate these past two years and I strongly feel that allowing even a temporary permit (two years) would diminish the values considerably, especially those homes that border Ms. Matiellos home. Another major concern would have to be the noise generated from the center. One only has to drive by any day care center to experience the noise that can be generated from the children at play and when they are dropped off or picked up by their parents. Which brings up the most important issue I feel and that is one of safety. Palomino Blvd. is an extremely dangerous street in that drivers feel (611, that a speed limit is non-existent. We have clocked cars going as fast as 70 MPH morning, noon, and at night.ii'ave°had peopple use the bike lane to pass me on the right as well as use the center divider as their persoal high speed lane. The thought of children arriving and leaving on a daily basis on this race track brings worst case scenarios to mind. Also as we have witnessed on our local news lately, their have been several instances of children wandering away unnoticed by day care workers. I am sure they would not go unnoticed by one of our resident coyotes for long. - Just this past Sunday a coyote had jumped up on our six foot fence where he proceeded to make himself at home. Imagine if you will a child going into the back yard to find himself facing an animal that considers him prey while the child is intrigued by this puppy. Our neighborhood is also home to rattlesnakes, javelina (who some- times can be done right nasty) , and the ever present scorpions whose numbers seem uncountable. I have had to dispatch an average of five to seven of them on a weekly basis both inside and outside my home, And I use a professional exterminator, How often will our Fire Dept. be responding to this day care center for stings, snake bites, and the unthinkable, a child carried off by a coyote or even a bobcat. Even they have visited our neihborhood on occasion. The idea of a day care center on Palomino Blvd is ludicrus for the aforementioned reasons as well as it just is not compatible with the peace and quiet we have been accustomed to, with the exception of the ever present speeders barreling down the road even ignoring those of us trying desperately to back out of our driveways. I doubt they will give parents droppin4 off or picking up their children any (1111mmore consideration than they give us . The only ones who will benefit '' from this scenario are the attorneys handling the inevitable lawsuits. t I strongly urge you to reject Ms. Matiellos request for any permit 461", that would allow for a day care center no matter how temporary that permit would be in effect. I feel that if one is allowed , others would soon follow.Please do not make Palomino Blvd. a place that would become known for frquent tragidies and a nuciance to its neighbors. We have all worked hard so that we may enjoy the peace and quiet our neighborhood offers and wish that our little peace of paradise 4 not altered for the benefit of one individual . That last thing I want to experience is that of a child being torn to shreds by a pack of coyotes. Do not think that this is some scare tactic being used to sway your decision, but just last week I had to experience the horrible death of a small dog as it was torn limb from limb as its paniced owner could only stare in disbelief . Noise, traffic problems, property value considerations, wildlife that could present safety concerns, and just the incompatability of a day care center in an established neighborhood of quality, well kept homes are more than enough reasons to deny Ms . Matiellos request for any permit that would allow her to run a day care center from her home. There seem to be a rather abundant number of vacaht facilities available in Fountain Hills that surely would fit her needs. Or is she attempting to save costs associated with leasing an appropriate facility at our expense. Thank you for your consideration of the issues I have raised and hope that you will come to a just decision that preserves our little bit of heaven here on Palomino Blvd. (1111, Sincerly ,, -, pi, ( / //(: William C. McCormack 15270 E. palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (480)-816-6350 E. JAMES NOREN COUNSELLOR AT LAW I b-2aq �'. eaL04!/t/o 'LV©• d=odA/Mtrlr iYeLLS ,u. TSz6V ri�6 (60 3Q-apt q6a 4 20/0-0 row m (-' GouLr7 (A( DR n(A- tsaRty-o9 RAr Po. ioX t 9gce 1=O unr!ttiN c�irr[.�s, 4 .) gs"16? i AR (R sm6 l t 1/6 s e) HAY ow- c( "7-6 T tec RU<14M-T(DA( F L h tin Fat_ PR l t/A rc y I...Zesty/ Ar-6__ 6 stiv _ o (& TWO CDmi0eacI4L us1Arss P(J2sU trs ,�r. DJ, . & l� pe PAY Q sec- e& 7 2 ono) ©2 ipLPELT SJ2U(C G- rd tvicDucii i r rg ? J eAs1 PkLu1 fi ((rq -� PL rife: Two .ev$uC NDrec t-S v o UNP8).4( n2 I y mi34(L• g 6-kb ro PorK T1M-7- Fp'TJ )I (-(/LLS kL)) L_N•M & UCdW L'Dfotaw•cf7 ) 11)GGAM> 1K6- P1(2.6 P6- 9 Pt5 77z) wis/ o Ulfc-1 L e.soWS psi a Prs a iSc U s. e K ' 6 Jd?O U�(l� 1�R (Kf, S, �U'LO �'�J U qni[ C � _ U S ka-z _s�S exr- re) yoo ,ciiffYcL prbrilepuler VE .7"--a- �� Pur rtO's- r(-WYK01 c L:-=/yrs ispy thy iibik f-i4-64) vibe - s-oop /0-7,&94g Cc : Hot ogRw_ > 41). fi54H/h1AG , 1f' \la< n rr R oil Ivi /-e\A k t�,0_00445k5 - L 45; 9 S. 2 /A71e7zo / /6-ae? A>- /? ezu- er- /Lai) a j)e 4f,_,/,2 ad_re-0162- 11 - Ceot-d it , ) a_ f,-- a/g41 -Day at - -- 2L4 azJ, /-0-e- dal iv,11 (?= 6. Aim E.A) P-(37- 2- go (7) L September 25, 2000 15038 E. Palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 837-8632 Town of Fountain Hills Dana Burkhardt P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 To Whom It May Concern: We protest strongly the granting of a temporary use permit for a Day Care Center by Leona S. Matiello to be located at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. The objections are based on the following: (low 1. Palomino Blvd. is a highly traveled thoroughfare and is the main link between Fountain Hills Blvd. and Palisades Blvd. and is not a suitable location for a Day Care Center. Further, it is on a curve for which there is limited visibility. 2. At the same time the residents of this location are also petitioning the town for a home occupation for Pest Control Services. It would seem to us that the two applicationsare not very compatible with the likelihood of the presence of chemicals and trucks. We would appreciate it if you would convey this protest to the Town Council members. Sincerely yours, arles W. Humes cJ4 Marilyn A. Humes L �5 o?sro0 /5 03 ( � � I £l elc 'Q P.3 -2o �.s "tom,c.a.,. 6_ qG v-vt`4-e_ti- I/t119 e•47-W6 714 D-U-4 (3-4-141-evi-0 C. )4,-74,1- et. A-t-f-i-k(i_tfol cY c /5 I ye d' Pc,t tit-0 et,A, 41-4 mt.c41.- tri--e-e-zi cq-0--e-POL 4-4-12Lt jri-e- 4 et--prt-C-= ,../LS.-14-1--- 17---(----14--c-';61 (LA4' OL:p.c-rirtiyel 0_Ac-e_A ve_e_o iff) L., n n 15307 EAST PALOMINO BOULEVARD FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA 85268 (kw 0/20,-/7 4 ,7t,i eiti,641-‹, -4)%145-7q /2//.4)/e;fiv Lit101/ v614 45,v, 14 (/,‘ /444::;41/6-fitA/, 0 el 4/,la ,/;;‘,, ci. / ,i /1"1.// c.>/i 4 111444:, . t/11 , / / ; /A7, 14a0.1,1" i dd. /9 /47 Li/ .0(,V7711q , / 1 /A ' I L Za�� / 'i1A9á, 5-- �(7-oi . , , 44 &Z. /051'.//t6 ' /— ° A � 7, 0.,,,/z. ,- 'mil / tor6/e/yviw.� 4 1 Ael , i - , -- ,2‘1 , ,,,,,,,,, ,A /32/y 44, , , ,‘,.,,L iii: , ,,,,,,, L. frt."4 u 4e/f37 '43•Ji of cw, ippio, 407.1te•vi "/ ita(AA1(4.... C 1 LAdimnia-/rAffe -44 M.rAO US . iletm viv rR i : .y,.. --< - nrx -^ca3 ;.,`„fit• ?. .•- +x �'- '.+. ' • �,. 1 L September 25, 2000 15039 E. Palomino Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Tel: 837-2025 Robert Howes Planning &Zoning Commission Town of Fountain Hills V P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Dear Mr. Howes: (titw As a nearby resident, I protest the granting of a permit for a pest control business at 15214 E. Palomino Blvd. This is a residential neighborhood and a pest control business implies trucks and the potential of extensive storage of chemicals on the premises. I wonder if the fire department has ground rules as to storage and distribution of chemicals and will they be ad uate residential area } , ' ry f r Yjy ... �� �� ^l �.j IC" �- i' A� �3 i.✓ Finally, pest control and child care do not mix as the residents of this property have applied for both permits at the same time. Sincerely yours, .5Ze_to Zer_ Hilda Lyons 4„.w _ try. , 2_ ,tka, /„) E6- )"/ ( - g LiLet /1'4) .7"-e1 0121410 i‘Q-oc-42-L. 'IL6---61-%'J a-1144 I'LL /4±/a-lk c7LwelL- /&‘-tae-Li /*W4v—J1) „(24-r -et rwL-41-- is- la ,/ ff2z ( -J• S'3 7 - /..S- t' .* (7) n 15307 EAST PALOMINO BOULEVARD FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONL, A 65266 � `/ ,��, 4� eiol -441q �L� �J /37 ," ' WA g 045 : #i0/9 06‘, /.‹.) 4 i 20- sLe 17 4 A d41 /712 le/10I '° 1X 4‘A 1 g • pn y 1" p 1/, . .., ....41.0.04- --• ' ----r--AA_dilt‘...----••'' / i %.4., rivi‘ C 11414 -‘fr 4 / ( if/X/117/42- S j/r. ‘./41. 1/1 I //Zfil TZL , ' /5 fit �a/ � , 1,52.- fti , �- , Z41 //4 L , , 4, , # ° ' / ei/ZOL- /MI ij 0 I , . ' /fil‘ all j / ‘ vo4, / 14&1-4' 4A. ' ' *1 Z:/fty,ieefri ,fifiy, Itt neit),5 it„ , Aff ° - ‘d f4f - t.i/4m,10e; ' ' 41/(1)? / . 4' 7(11//I ye �'3�Y30J' • ce--) M. • • N. .• • \ .. 4601V • • • 2/r i 4 ffidfr*411, 1, toieft.t.15.4/14421ffaii/41 m IOW Gib y ;1/4_44,;(/„.. .L .z,v .• 44,/z poriCtioia G La� � 9-24-2000 L RE:Special Use Permit For Pest Control Service on Palomino Blvd. Town of Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning Commission To Whom It May Concern; I hope that you will see that on its face that the request for Artezan Pest Control to run a pest control service in a residential area that will also maintain a child care facility is ludicrous. What are these people thinking! It is bad enough that they are requesting a child care facility at this residence, which I addressed in an earlier letter, but now we are being asked to allow toxic pesticides into our neigh- borhood, and they are asking you to allow them to expose the children that will be attending their care facility to an even greater danger than their neighbors will be exposed to by these children being in daily contact at a home where pesticides most certainly will be stored. Even if these toxins are stored else- where, the trace amounts brought into the home on a daily basis will expose the children to unacceptable levels of known carcinigons. As for the rest of the neighborhood, we should not be asked to accept the risk of accidental spills or other r-fskszassaciat€d-with a business that deals with hazardous chemicals. Who will monitor 4Ww the groundwater for contanmination? Who will be responsible for inspecting this location to assure they are handling, storerng„ and maintaining these toxic chemicals according to EPA, state, county, and city regulations? Who will be held accountable for any accidents? Will we be forced to evacuate our homes in the event of a spill or other accident that might happen? A residential neighborhood is no place for a business that deals with hazardous chemicals no matter what lengths Artezan Pest Control 4(14a !: to assure us they are maintaining a safe and non-threatning business. Even trace amounts of some insecticides can contaminate the soil and groundwater for years without a costly and lengthy clean-up. Are we going to take the risk to our health, the value of our homes, the quality of our groundwater, and the quality of life we enjoy living on Palomino Blvd. , for the convience of one person. Or are we going to accept becoming a Superfund site? There are plenty of unoccupied buildings for rent that this business can locate at in Fountain Hills, or are we being asked to allow Artezan Pest Control to save a few dollars in rent at the risk to all of our health and peace of mind in this neighborhood. We should not be asked to accept any risk for any period of time to allow Artezan Pest Control to become an established business in Fountain Hills. Thank you for considering my argument against this proposal . William McCormack ‘1", 15270 E. Palomino Blvd. 816-6350 October 9,2000 L To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission From: Sam J.Matiello-President,Artezan Pest Services Leona S.Matiello-President,Leona's Day Care,Ltd. RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino Dear Council and Commission Members, On October 12,Planning and Zoning will be holding a public hearing regarding the Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services. On October 19,the Town Council will vote on this permit as well as the Temporary Use Permit for home day care. My wife and I have reviewed the letters sent in protest of our two businesses and,needless to say,we are discouraged by the lack of open-mindedness. We do believe in letting people speak their opinion but we also believe in constructive criticism. Two of the letters were from neighbors that came over to visit one night to ask us questions. They left that night very positive about how we plan to operate them and yet they still felt it necessary to send letters in protest. All we can conclude is that the majority of neighbors are opposed just to be opposed. On October 6,we obtained copies of 23 letters. There was also one letter that appeared to be a petition with 31 names on it. I will not even address that one because all it stated was that they were opposed with absolutely no reasons documented. As far as we are concerned,no consideration should be given to the petition. We compiled a summary from the 23 letters of what the issues are and provided a rebuttal to each item. We are confident that this will address each and every concern. Issue#1-Increased Noise and Traffic Day Care Business-Four children are the restrictions for this business already. We do not feel that this number will generate any significant increase in traffic. The designated play area is in our back yard which would be no more noise than any other family with children. They will also not be outside for the entire day. We think the term"Day Care Center",as listed on the permit notices,contributed to a misunderstanding. This will be a day care home catering to just a few families who choose to place their children in a home environment. Pest Control Business-No increased traffic or noise than what I already create just being a homeowner. I will be the only technician in my business,so no additional trucks will be noticed. L Issue#2-Large Amounts of Pesticides Being Stored The storage facility and size of the cabinets has been documented on my initial letter to the town. I signed off on a list from the Fire Marshal agreeing to store only what I can fit in these two cabinets which measure 28"X22"X31". This should indicate that small amounts of pesticides will be stored at any one given time. I will not be doing termite work,so large equipment and large volumes of pesticides are not necessary. Issue#3-Chemical Pollution The nature of the pesticides I use are"general use"and carry the same warnings you would find on over- the-counter types. Most of what I use are aerosol cans in the Category 3 classification which are the lowest toxicity pesticides. The Fire Marshal also gave me a restriction that I will not store more than 3 cans of Category 2 pesticides,and I signed off on that as well. Currently,I have only one can of this type. I do not mix pesticides so there are no issues of spills. Quite frankly,what pollution is this going to create? I feel that documented facts would be needed to substantiate this issue. Issue#4-Presence of Trucks on the Street Totally false. As I stated earlier,I am the only technician. I own one truck. I would also add that my signs on the truck will be removable so that won't even be an issue. My truck is also not parked on my driveway or in the street overnight. Issue#5-Not Zoned for Business (kw We are not really sure what the issue is here. All we can say is that the town provides ordinances that allow home occupancy businesses. We believe this is just a lack of understanding of how the town works. Issue#6-Negatively Affect Property Values We have heard this statement used before for anything that people just don't want. This is purely subjective and I would challenge anyone to prove this. Once again,the town has ordinances that allow home occupancy businesses. There are several businesses being run out of homes already so if property values were a real concern,then they have already been affected and ours will not make a difference. When last we heard,property appreciation was 7%per year,so it does not seem that this ordinance has had any negative affect on property values. Issue#?-Combination Day Care and Pest Control Business are Incompatible(pesticides around children) On the surface this appears to be a valid statement. However,as reputable business owners,I would ask that the town leave this one up to us. In Illinois,we operated a home day care for over 15 years and a pest control business for 9 years. There is not one negative thing documented in the State of Illinois about us. We had no incidents that would indicate an incompatibility. These are totally separate businesses,and they are run that way. All the necessary precautions have been taken to prevent accidents and we have complied with every restriction by the state and town. A child would need to get through three keyed locks including a deadbolt before any risk of pesticide exposure. If need be,we would be happy to provide character references from past clients. We are trained professionals with many years of experience in our occupations. Anyone who challenges us based on an issue such as this is just being insulting. L (la" Issue#8-Pesticide Storage Should Not Be In a Garage Why not? Other potentially harmful things are stored in a garage. I would submit that being professionally trained in pesticide usage,I store them more safely than the average homeowner. Issue#9-Neighborhood Residents Do Not Need To Be Disturbed By a Commercial Enterprise We believe we already addressed this in Issue#1. Issue#10-Businesses Would Be Two Houses From Mine We believe this is a typical response opposing something just to oppose it. This individual seems to place the emphasis on close proximity to them with no real inter. Issue#11-Not Compatible With the Peace and Quiet It was documented by fellow neighbors that Palomino is a busy street One even commented that they clocked cars doing 70 miles per hour. Our question is,"Where is the peace and quiet?" But more to the point,we believe we already addressed the fact that our businesses will not disturb anyone. We are also not responsible for any ongoing problems an Palomino. Increased traffic is just a normal sign of growth in any thriving community. Fountain Hills is not designated as a retirement community. Issue#12-The Area Has Wildlife The concern here was that a child in day care could be torn apart by a pack of coyotes,bitten by snakes, etc. This is a concern for all parents living in Arizona,not just for a business. 'There are several families with kids who play on our street. The fact that the area has wildlife certainly does not seem to bother these families. I would also point out that even a commercial day care facility is stljected to the surrounding environment. I would also point out that there are several home day care facilities currently in operation,even with all the wildlife dangers. How many incidents have been reported? Issue#13-Ruination of a Private Residential Area There will be absolutely no changes to the appearance of our home,and we feel this is another purely subjective statement Since there are already several home occupancy businesses in this town,we don't feel we should be penalized for this. Issue#14-Foul Odors Coming From a Vehicle of Someone Else Who Runs a Pest Control Business Why should we be penalized for what someone else may be doing incorrectly? Again,I emphasize the nature of my pesticides as stated in Issue#3. I also emphasize that my vehicle will not have pesticides stored in the bed of the pickup. My truck is also located far off the street,so I challenge anyone to argue that my vehicle will be a nuisance. Issue#15-Risks of Spills,Underground Water Contamination This was addressed in Issue#2 and Issue#3. To further our support case,we would emphasize that during this process we have met several people who have indicated that this town has many home occupancy businesses. We also learned that two pest control companies either have or still do operate from their home. Sam holds a valid state pest control license and is fully trained in the operation of such a business. At a Neighborhood Watch meeting two weeks ago,several people asked questions about our businesses,and they did not indicate any negative feedback from the answers given. We have talked with all immediate surrounding neighbors to ease any of their concerns. Please keep in mind that 15214 E.Palomino is our home and we would not jeopardize the health and safety of our own family. We signed off on a list from the Fire Marshal,and he said our businesses would be recommended for approval to Planning and Zoning based on the documented restrictions. We agreed to allow the town to inspect our businesses unannounced. Sam is also subject to State inspections. We sincerely feel that being new to Fountain Hills,we have done everything possible and more to be considered assets to the neighborhood and town. We believe we should be commended for wanting to do things the right way and not go against the rules of the town. This is a fact that everyone who wrote letters is missing. What about the value that should be placed on honesty? We opened up our home at the • request of two neighbors and in return they opposed us anyway. However,we think it is important to note that of the five bordering neighbors,three of the five have no issues or complaints. We have always _ believed that the true face of a town is the people who represent it We also believe the decision on our permits must be based on facts and not emotions. We encourage copies of this letter be made available to the public. In the wake of all of this negativity,we have provided signed statements from several town residents that do not have any objections to our permits. We are one family and have only lived here for a few months and have done our best to befriend as many people as we could in such a short period of time. We have (lbw been cordial,courteous and respectful to the town administration. No matter what the outcome,we are proud to know that we have risen above the negativity,have been honest with everyone we have come in contact with,and our integrity can stand on its own. Thank you. Sincerely, • o Sam J.Matiello Leona S.Matiello L 1r October 7,2000 To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino From: The Residents Located at: i& 44- • f3/itmns,q Ave . Fc'vnn4-m btato, fiz $s,68 Dear Council and Commission Members, (kw We believe the proposed permits for the two mentioned businesses will not have any adverse affects on the town of Fountain Hills. We also believe that it is the right of a homeowner to operate a business from their home as long as they are in compliance with any town ordinances. We fully approve of issuing Sam and Leona their permits for Leona's Day Care and Artezan Pest Services. Thank you. Sincerely, • ()/1 wo L r) r) October 7,2000 (1111w To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino From: The Residents Located at: /..73...3 ie.--- ,571- �`%,14 )/(10e /---;ze?gil#1,41, /44 j 12 4---„,y, Dear Council and Commission Members, (iiir We believe the proposed permits for the two mentioned businesses will not have any adverse affects on the town of Fountain Hills. We also believe that it is the right of a homeowner to operate a business from their home as long as they are in compliance with any town ordinances. We fully approve of issuing Sam and Leona their permits for Leona's Day Care and Artezan Pest Services. Thank you. Sincerely, " 4/7- kat, L R' ) (` • October 7,2000 To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino From: The Residents Located at: )U"o// Fpu n la in) ,L/j/ISM A z Dear Council and Commission Members, (111., We believe the proposed permits for the two mentioned businesses will not have any adverse affects on the town of Fountain Hills. We also believe that it is the right of a homeowner to operate a business from their home as long as they are in compliance with any town ordinances. We fully approve of issuing Sam and Leona their permits for Leona's Day Care and Artezan Pest Services. Thank you. Sincerely, itlia • 4fig grd Airliq L October 7,2000 (kw To: The Town of Fountain Hills Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission RE: Temporary Use Permit for Home Day Care and Special Use Permit for Artezan Pest Services at 15214 E.Palomino From: The Residents Located at: Dear Council and Commission Members, We believe the proposed permits for the two mentioned businesses will not have any adverse affects on the town of Fountain Hills. We also believe that it is the right of a homeowner to operate a business from their home as long as they are in compliance with any town ordinances. We fully approve of issuing Sam and Leona their permits for Leona's Day Care and Artezan Pest Services. Thank you. , 4 Sincerely, • (ow Memo Ire tern ae To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Date: 10/13/00 Re: AGENDA ITEM #10—SANITARY DISTRICT REQUEST AGENDA ITEM #11 —TAKING FROM THE TABLE THE MOTION REGARDING MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION ADVERTISING AGENDA ITEM #10— SANITARY DISTRICT REQUEST As part of the ground water recharge project, the Fountain Hills Sanitary District acquired a production welt from Chaparral City Water Company. In exchange, the District must locate and pro t# dace nt. Two attempts at locating the replacement well have been unsuccessful. �'"' The:;"Distric;t's h ..di: olo ist has .indicated that the Town's 13 acre parcel in Plat 208 would be an ideal location fora"productive"production well. Sanitary District Chairman'Bruce Hansen spoke to the town manager on Wednesday, October 11, and request the Council on this issue. Mr. Nordin agreed to place this item on the agenda so that Mr. Hansen and:Mr. Huber could make a brief presentation to the Council and 'here was a ver y t�e $itu�t�t�� preliminary discussion with Rob Dietz regarding the possibility of siting the;well on ate property. The District wants to insure that the well structure ',enhances-,‘ not detracts from the community center and library/museum facilities. Mr. Dietz felt the.Structure`cduld be easily and aethestically incorporated into the building that will house the mechanical equipment. The item is agendized his a„discussion item with possible direction to staff. If the Council is amenable to proceeding oh this request, a motion could be made following the District presentationpreelitatiOrito.Jdiroct staff to work with the Engineering Department, the Sanitary District, the town attorney"and the architect to prepare an appropriate package for presententation to the Council that would include a conceptual design, a site plan and any necessary legal documents/agreements. This item would then come back to the Council on the November 2nd agenda for approval. Please see the attached letter of request from Ron Huber for additional information on this item. (lbw Page 1 of 2 October 19, 2000 Agenda Items Last printed 10/13/00 4:14 PM 10/13/00 October 13, 2000 (tior AGENDA ITEM #11 — TAKING FROM THE TABLE THE ITEM REGARDING MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION ADVERTISING Councilman Kavanagh requested that an item tabled at the October 5 Council meeting be agendized for the October 19 meeting. This item read "discussion of establishing a policy on public relations and advertising expenditures for mountain preservation issues with possible direction to staff". In order to discuss the item, there must first be a motion, a second and an affirmative vote of a majority of the Council to "take from the table" the item that was tabled. A motion to take from the table is not debatable nor can any subsidiary motion be applied to it. If the Council votes to take the item from the table, the item becomes immediately open for discussion including possible direction to staff. If the Council does not vote to take the item from the table, the item remains tabled and the Mayor proceeds to the next agenda item. More information on motions to table and motions to take from the table can be found in the 0. Garfield Jones "Parliamentary Procedure At A Glance" publication that serves as the official procedural manual for the Council. If you do not have a copy, please let me know and we will make sure you get one. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. L Page 2 of 2 October 19, 2000 Agenda Items Last printed 10/13/00 4:14 PM 10/13/00 FOUNTAIN 111118 SANITARY DISTRICT 16941 E. PEPPERWOOD CIRCLE LFOUNTAIN ruts,Al 85268-2901 "''" 480 83 7-9444 FAX 480 837-0819 October 13,2000 The Honorable Sharon Morgan,Mayor& Town Council,Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 Dear Mayor Morgan and Council Members: As you are probably aware, the Fountain Hills Sanitary District is obligated to find a replacement well in exchange for an existing Chaparral City Water Company production well which will be taken out of service when the District's recharge/recovery facilities are started up this December. To date, two unsuccessful attempts have been made to locate this replacement well. Both attempts were made in locations suspected of being on the outer limits of the water bearing strata which lies beneath a portion of the Town. The District could continue to drill in other "fringe locations" spending additional tax dollars and not find an adequate well for exchange with Chaparral. The District's hydrogeological consultant has advised us that we are assured of finding substantial water in the general vicinity of the new Community Center. It is with this advice that the District comes to you for assistance. The District requests that the Council consider incorporating a well site on the new Community Center property. The exact location would be determined through the Council and its architect and would be designed to blend with existing or future facilities. Any architectural or other fees incurred would be borne by the District. The time line for drilling this well is very critical. There is a need to start drilling this well in approximately three weeks. The District respectfully requests your assistance in solving this community problem. Sincerely, Ronald D. Huber,P.E. General Manager L /cjm (lbw Town of Fountain Hills Memorandum DATE: October 13, 2000 TO: The Honora Mayor and Common Council FROM: Jef ey ald r,Director of Community Development THROUGH: Pau ,Town Manager SUBJECT: Resolu 'on 200 17, abandoning a portion of the Laser Drive right-of-way, and Resolution 2000-50,abandoning all of the Cosmic Drive right-of-way,and the abandonment of alley rights-of-way in Plat 412-A. In order for the Shea Retail Center development to be developed as planned, several Town-owned rights-of-way would need to be abandoned. Those rights-of-way are as follows: • Laser Drive between Saguaro Boulevard and Technology Drive • All of the Cosmic Drive right-of-way • All of the right-of-way for two alleys located in Plat 412-A. The Laser Drive right-of-way is the only right-of way proposed to be abandoned that is currently developed and in use as a public road. Due to the fact that the developer of the Shea Retail Center will develop and extend Technology Drive north to intersect with Shea Boulevard, staff believes that this portion of Laser Drive is no longer necessary for public use. If this abandonment were approved and subsequent emergency gating of Technology Drive at Saguaro Boulevard occurred(as is stipulated to as a part of the preliminary plat),all of the industrial traffic that currently utilizes Saguaro Boulevard would then use Technology Boulevard,from Shea Boulevard,to access their businesses. These proposed changes in the vehicular circulation patterns on the roads south of Shea Boulevard will benefit the residential property users south of Shea Boulevard in that no commercial or business park traffic,including heavy truck traffic, would use Saguaro Boulevard. In order to facilitate the timing of the development,and to maintain public ownership of Laser Drive while Technology Drive is being developed to Shea Boulevard, separate abandonment resolutions are necessary. Resolution 2000-50 will be recorded with the first of two final plats for the development. The first final plat will not include that portion of Laser Drive proposed for abandonment in Resolution 2000-17. When Technology Drive is completed and open for public traffic to Shea Boulevard,the Town will record Resolution 2000-17 and will record an amended final plat for the development that will absorb the abandoned Laser Drive right-of-way into the remainder of the subdivision. Staff recommends Town Council approval of Resolutions 2000-17 and 2000-50. L When recorded,return to: (ikaw Engineering Department Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2000-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PURSUANT TO A.R.S § 28-7201 ET. SEQ. ABANDONING ALL RIGHT,TITLE, OR INTEREST IN A PORTION OF A CERTAIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF WAY KNOWN AS THAT PORTION OF LASER DRIVE LOCATED NORTHEAST OF LOTS 68 AN 69 OF PLAT 414, FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 287 OF MAPS, PAGE 22, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY. WHEREAS, A.R.S. § 28-7201 et. sec. provides for the disposition of unnecessary public roads; and WHEREAS, A.R.S. § 28-7203 provides that a roadway orportion of a roadwaybe may exchanged with an abutting owner for all or part of a new public roadway; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of the Town; and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That a portion of Laser Drive as shown in Exhibit "A" and legally described in Exhibit `B", located northeast of and abutting Lots 68 and 69 of Plat 414, Fountain Hills, Arizona, as recorded in Book 287 of maps, Page 22 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be no longer necessary for public use as a right-of-way. SECTION 2. That the public rights-of-way as shown in Exhibit "A" and described in Exhibit "B"are vacated by recordation of this Resolution. IL I — 9 RESOLUTION 2000-17 SECOND rr—o-v Page 1 of 2 COUNT 7_ 0 SECTION 3. That upon recordation of this resolution in the office of the Maricopa County Recorder and pursuant to A.R.S. § 28-7203, title to the property shall vest in the owner of record of the property, as determined by the records of the Maricopa County Recorder on the day of recordation, that is located adjacent to and north of the abandoned right-of-way in exchange for the dedication of a portion of Technology Drive right-of-way as depicted on Exhibit "C" and as dedicated by separate instrument. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of October, 2000. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTEST: at'L C1_44.A.:LC.6 Sharon Morgan,M yor Cassie B. Hansen Town Clerk / REV D1': APPROVED AS TO FORM: Paul L. ordin illiam E. Farrell Town anager Town Attorney L RESOLUTION 2000-17 Page 2 of 2 September 22, 2000 „„ on/E of FOUR -1 a- P&&E MAP 7rACf1M Town of Fountain Hills Dana Burkhardt P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 We the residents in the area of the proposed Day Care Center and Pest Control Service at 15214 E. Palomino Boulevard Drive object to any issuance of a temporary or permanent use permit. MAiel y �rfavhES 150 3z E. PA[..o m.iv o ,r3 L v 1) . , William J. Herbst 760Q;A N H/c_c_s, AZ 8.S2‘E Sandra J. Herbst `'��'° -837- n‘_j 2. L., 15203 E. Ridgeway Drive �. ,ter• Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 ►,•__ JC .L'.01,e. 480-837-1277 • i s . Bowman (7- Seif; ;;Arnua_„,/ (AL-fe-RT L K. Bowman /Metal 15239 E. Ridgeway Drive Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Telephone: 480-837-3443 66.ci) IPALON, C: &i...",/Lcfe3) FOOt3`rktp3 OIL& Ay SS.)(1,8 ?(A cum eAcS�UL 2i._. 774)(„t`/ I ljetVV 0ttiL- rn. WrgS z 8'S:16e Ygo $31-,A7 t. 00-epte-det 1; Aizjzz, V Hv 71" ;_a-cAPsdi c , 7 �.,d tN 7 1i1/,vv+ DiL-. (Eitaw nz ,7.6-4 6, d-,y-r-r),, 7., -s-z_Le 7- qaq 7 -A-ST — O4/7-7✓Ll J Town of Fountain Hills September 22, 2000 Dana Burkhardt Page Two o P Fo&J P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85299 Ver1p11y 5 He ) 15-2.gb e. 1 alcrnitio O/vc. .4‘,514/etei. c Fc7-wnfa 1 th1/ . 4 Z 444 -137 /707 '27 -Z" O 6 & fLee_Ar,{_. jsz aair, 11 .92 If) Ai r-E -0 -037- 70ra _dc4t-ut-tA.- /5 2.0.7 e 5L z , Az gs�Cor 'f Po- r31- g275• (-7-nar ,ter oa�c 6s1.-sA- v e2,-4-+r'if'K) / da:e..er/w-3 ,ZIA • 5k/e-Z-4., ?•S"-210.e (:7;� „L .d-,tV1iP&L)o AVE- (( Om'77tI'JE.D) Town of Fountain Hills September 22, 2000 � Dana Burkhardt Page Three of �vR P. O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85299 /24odt4,e,e; . ,_,t __,;;-, ___ ;._....„.....L, __ . — /i/ ief, _ idece,,,,,,e __,. /6L__i , . _ ._ / i z‘J 1 71 , _..i. _._-,,:,-,_L-_-,- ---- ---7-rze-it/e,e,-z.t/ 74-- , / /12 ._1-b, „.._1„,_:_,, 1-1-,Lk....,,. A 7-- I.c. e r ,,-->2_1„.2 We- - g 3 7- /1(5-y --/-EL: _ 2 :2,7 - ,z_.-7„ -.), 'H..,,,f‘.. LL.. -,-K-c, / ` j 1 �v �" Ag:ile-leg 144/4 0 10 57 6 g Ai°ex it." /4 ih.):-'‘,".;;-:,--/C,-.7- / Q.-/( ...(,4 '\k-:.7' rent A) A-i 4) t tz - -,\\ `-,-L-1-- /ge/A7 oedege)A1 (Al eP Zpoi AiNctlikk_ cokr --", Nio I J� /SIat Pgricyiwn Q - 1 C:;Jkt�lam`\ \i �� \.C-'. A 1 urlic4,141 gliti icid- TT'. • - • , . . _ fg2- r57-s,3a( ` -`.� `'74a Ofrl 4Z'c. - -' - 00/V fie (1) 4 A) / J 110 La . rAL° mirJb f ,.J-7i3r' Jj iLL`) Az_, p(),f24 r, 1 ' A.,vir:toir,-- 460 ti- f f ,1)��1-> >-1 . ,/ - - ,e, 0 irc ',kid ;silo i_, ,,�. ,�i��S �` g5� << ;z /- f:C IA1Cz,t__-- (G o n/TINIJ t) Stantec Consulting Inc. 8211 South 48th Street Phoenix AZ 85044-5355 USA Tel:(602)438-2200 Fax:(602)431-9562 vuuvwstantec com Exhibit "B" Coo LEGAL DESCRIPTION may, r ' FOR Stantec LASER DRIVE ABANDONMENT • BEING A PORTION OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA PLAT NO. 412-A AS ' RECORDED IN BOOK 158 OF MAPS,PAGE 20 MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDS AND A PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 26 AND A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST OF THE GILA AND SALT RIVER BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE MONUMENT LINE OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD. AND THE MONUMENT LINE OF LASER DRIVE PER SAID PLAT; THENCE NORTH 36° 02' 29" WEST ALONG THE MONUMENT LINE OF SAID LASER DRIVE,A DISTANCE OF 42.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE FOR A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, HAVING A RADIAL (0„. BEARING OF NORTH 36° 02' 29" WEST, AND A RADIUS OF 842.00 FEET, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03° 19' 31", AN ARC LENGTH OF 48.87 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE FOR A REVERSE CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 86° 40' 29", AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.26 FEET TO A POINT ON THE Buildings': SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF LASER DRIVE AS SHOWN ON SAID FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA FINAL PLAT NO. 412-A; Environment THENCE NORTH 36° 02' 29" WEST, ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 24.45 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE FOR A TANGENT CURVE, industrial CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY,HAVING A RADIUS OF 370.00 FEET; Management Systems THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21° 57' 31", AN ARC Transportation LENGTH OF 141.80 FEET; Urban Land THENCE NORTH 58° 00' 00" WEST, ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 365.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE FOR A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY,HAVING A RADIUS OF 370.00 FEET; C w:\job\survey\legal description\legal description 81561097 10-12-00.doc Exhibit "B" tie THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 86° 40' 29", AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.26 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE FOR A REVERSE CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 842.00 FEET, SAID POINT BEING ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA FINAL PLAT NO. 412-A. THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALON( SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03° 19' 31",AN ARC LENGTH OF 48.87 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 49,817 SQUARE FEET OR 1.14 ACRES MORE OR LESS. (liv" #0 LAND S� V O 0.4 LIJ 33856 0 cc JAMES A. 31 • EKBERG hP/ :44_ 04)ks' Stantec L w:\job\survey\legal description\1egal description 81561097 10-12-00.doc Exhibit "B" LASER-NEW Curve Length: 30 . 26 Radius : 20 . 00 Delta: 86-40-29 Tangent : 18 . 87 Chord: 27 . 45 Course : S 07-17-45 W Course In: S 53-57-31 W Course Out : S 39-22-00 E RP North: 1864 . 7487 East : -4979. 1898 End North: 1849. 2867 East : -4966. 5041 Curve Length: 48 . 87 Radius : 842 . 00 Delta: 3-19-31 Tangent: 24 . 44 Chord: 48 . 86 Course: N 52-17-46 E Course In: S 39-22-00 E Course Out : N 36-02-29 W RP North: 1198 . 3342 East : -4432 . 4397 End North: 1879. 1688 East : -4927 . 8468 Curve Length: 48 . 84 Radius : 842 . 00 Delta: 3-19-24 Tangent: 24 . 43 Chord: 48 . 83 Course : N 55-37-13 E Course In: S 36-02-29 E Course Out: N 32-43-05 W RP North: 1198 . 3342 East : -4432 . 4397 End North: 1906. 7429 East : -4887 . 5453 Curve Length: 30 . 22 Radius : 20 . 00 Delta: 86-35-17 Tangent : 18 . 84 Chord: 27 . 43 Course: N 79-20-07 W Course In: N 32-37-46 W Course Out : S 53-57-31 W RP North: 1923. 5864 East : -4898 . 3294 End North: 1911 . 8190 East : -4914 . 5012 Line Course : N 36-02-29 W Length: 24 . 45 (Ww North: 1931 . 5891 East : -4928 . 8868 Curve Length: 164 . 80 Radius : 430 . 00 Delta: 21-57-31 Tangent : 83 . 42 Chord: 163 . 79 Course : N 47-01-15 W Course In: S 53-57-31 W Course Out : N 32-00-00 E RP North: 1678 . 5902 East : -5276 . 5815 End North: 2043 . 2509 East : -5048 . 7162 Line Course: N 58-00-00 W Length: 365 . 00 North: 2236. 6714 East : -5358 . 2537 Perimeter: 1893 . 32 Area: 49, 817 sq. ft . 1 . 14 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0 . 0014 Course: N 58-57-15 E Error North: 0 . 00071 East : 0 . 00119 Precision 1: 1, 366, 824 . 07 (--169 LANDS ,'����carF,y 9�33856 O cc JAMES A, 13 EKBERCro- - i s'. Page 2 �,d I4 0 lrid AUVNiwfl3ad ' (goon 0111 MOM A •� CIS °° TNOZRM'snw NIY1Nno� , _ --- -.� V h i• .s �j o aavnTnae omen/maim vas r ,../ \ Q- WO �. ,,,�, „ 1l31N30 '11d13E1 V3HS �►_�► hid I mmi■••Ste.Mw1.M 01....1w M11 OM w.NYWM MMINI 1111 1IIMINmI1r a.u0.01 INS wwM.w11011.=w.•l..11.w vArw w.111w.Iwr aaY.Ilan Minim AO Ills-OWNS N 11w.r Y mow.w,r MM.=••w•r••.0.r11•01.!` (teir, /"/" � .I / / /" � i ` 011 /• ! !':,..-_,;./...:* %'` / / { Ay.,'"� 0 � / , ,...4„,7 'a\ !r/ • % ,7!/ s, _ C ! - J h 1/ -;; Vof / L ,JI f ` ti / 1 �i ! /i 'l L ® j !! 1/ 1/1 fl�f •j d+ r 1 r , W \, / f J / % '!;�I �f f !*j R • !�! ! >` / IN / • r!. if J;1 r 11/ !/ /N. / r�J A ;! J t / ,Ai! .//////..ii1/4' UJI ii ,...// //, . , a 1 vs �,, ' .l , ('khP 0 I___ Z Ca / / h Ilitirit\,./,, ,°'/'f 1. Ca_ j 1 11 ... 2 7 ' i.., r W f - Jr; 7 . si I 04 / /`/ •' r�./;;" 'f r� IIIf I l'i-i, L.1 i I �r --" NORTH 2oo.oa / / BSI '`` e / •r4� ''��' 4•`' �� AJOIONHJ31 � Jr' i �� ��'� / no i c. jt J r ,;: / J /!I / !%! i / tiR ��■ wL�' ww • / t! ik. JJJ rir~ l?G �1�; all II Illi rtillki / f 15`� ilihilif� ••t w, , �`r �.�• it / 1 j j i 'a, ' �� �� �� ,w'll"�Ili !`l1 wl1 I f 1 iiiiiiiiii f L 'RI? VII F ii !!! 711111911p Exhibit "C" When recorded,return to: Engineering Department Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2000-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PURSUANT TO A.R.S § 28-7201 ET. SEQ. ABANDONING ALL RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IN ALL OF COSMIC DRIVE LOCATED NORTHEAST OF LOT 1, BLOCK 10 OF PLAT 412-A, FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 158 OF MAPS, PAGE 20, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, AND ALL OF THOSE ALLEYS LOCATED NORTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST OF LOT 1,BLOCK 10 OF PLAT 412-A AND NORTH AND WEST OF LOT 2 BLOCK 10 OF PLAT 412- A, FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 158 OF MAPS, PAGE 20, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY. L WHEREAS, A.R.S. § 28-7201 et. sew. provides for the disposition of unnecessary public roads;and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of the Town; and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That all of Cosmic Drive as shown in Exhibit "A" and legally described in Exhibit`B", located northeast of Lot 18,Block 10 of Plat 412-A,Fountain Hills, Arizona, as recorded in Book 158 of maps, Page 20 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; is hereby declared to be no longer necessary for public use as a right- of-way. SECTION 2. That all those alleys as shown in Exhibit "A" and legally described in Exhibit "B", located northeast and southeast of Lot 1, Block 10 of Plat 412-A and north and west of Lot 2, Block 10 of Plat 412-A, Fountain Hills, Arizona, as recorded in Book 158 of maps, Page 20 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; is hereby declared to be no longer necessary for public use as a right-of-way. SECTION 3. That the public rights-of-way as shown in Exhibit "A" and described in Exhibit "B"are vacated by recordation of this Resolution. RESOLUTION 2000-50 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 4. That upon recordation of this resolution in the office of the Maricopa County Recorder, title to the property shall vest in the owners of record of the adjacent property as determined by the records of the Maricopa County Recorder on the day of recordation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of October, 2000. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTEST: (14/111A"... jsit/IA-1-4 Sharon Morgan,Mayor Cassie B. Hansen Town Clerk REV D BY: / APPROVED AS TO FORM: i 47&((6 g/ALL, roc,ra, Paul L Nordin William E. Farrell Town Manager Town Attorney L RESOLUTION 2000-50 Page 2 of 2 • Exhibit "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ALLEY ABANDONMENT BEING A PORTION OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ARIZONA FINAL PLAT NO. 412 A AS RECORDED IN BOOK 158 OF MAPS,PAGE 20,MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDS WHICH LIES WITHIN PORTIONS OF THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 26 AND THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH,RANGE 6 EAST OF THE GILA AND SALT RIVER BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF THE BANK OF AMERICA PARCEL AS RECORDED IN BOOK 407 OF MAPS,PAGE 10,MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE EXISTING CURVED NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR SAGUARO BOULEVARD,CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 758.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 08°19'16",AN ARC LENGTH OF 110.09 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04°01'07"AN ARC LENGTH OF 53.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF CUSP FOR A CURVE LCONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND DEPARTING SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR SAGUARO BOULEVARD,THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 98°10'44"AN ARC LENGTH OF 34.27 FEET; THENCE N.32°07'00"W.,48.28 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 315.00 ; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 51°14'00"AN ARC LENGTH OF 281.67 FEET; THENCE N. 83°21'00"W.,313.34 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 485.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 19°00'19"AN ARC LENGTH OF 160.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE FOR A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 83°39'19"AN ARC LENGTH OF 29.20 FEET; THENCE S.32°00'00"W.,236.74 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; L \\phxserv07\Proj data\24204901\fi eldsur\docs\cosmo-alley.doc Exhibit "B" THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00" AN ARC LENGTH OF 31.42 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP ON THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR LASER DRIVE; THENCE N.58°00'00"W.,70.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF CUSP FOR A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND DEPARTING SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR LASER DRIVE,THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00"AN ARC LENGTH OF 31.42 FEET; THENCE N. 32°00'00"E.,233.85 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88°23'22"AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE FOR A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 485.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 19°52'22"AN ARC LENGTH OF 168.22 FEET; THENCE N.36°31'00"W.,551.89 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 78°17'00"AN ARC LENGTH OF 27.33 FEET; THENCE S.65°12'00"W., 148.92 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY (1111W' AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THRO UGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00"AN ARC LENGTH OF 31.42 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP ON THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR CEREUS LANE; THENCE N.24°48'00"W.,90.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF CUSP FOR A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND DEPARTING SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR CEREUS LANE,THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00"AN ARC LENGTH OF 31.42 FEET; THENCE N.65°12'00"E., 185.47 FEET; THENCE S.36°31'00"E.,613.01 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 455.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 46°50'00" AN ARC LENGTH OF 371.92 FEET; THENCE S. 83°21'00"E.,313.34 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 345.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 51°14'00" AN ARC LENGTH OF 308.50 FEET; THENCE S.32°07'00"E.,73.78 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. \\phxserv07\Pro j data\24204901\fiel dsur\do cs\cosmo-al ley.doc Exhibit "B" (11160, THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 68,325 SQUARE FEET OR 1.57 ACRES MORE OR LESS. (lire 0 LAND P WICATF SG,9 co ti CC �OHAEL N. INER `/, � L \\phxserv07\Projdata\24204901\fiel dsur\docs\cosmo-alley.doc COSMO-ALLEY.txt Exhibit "B" L Parcel name: ALLEY North: 4391.3374 East : 8836 .3462 Line Course: N 32-07-00 W Length: 73 .78 North: 4453 .8266 East : 8797. 1214 Curve Length: 308 .50 Radius : 345 . 00 • Delta: 51-14-00 Tangent: 165 .42 Chord: 298 .32 Course: N 57-44-00 W Course In: S 57-53-00 W Course Out: N 06-39-00 E RP North: 4270 .4091 East : 8504 . 9177 End North: 4613 . 0880 East : 8544 . 8700 Line Course: N 83-21-00 W Length: 313 . 34 North: 4649.3740 East : 8233 . 6382 Curve Length: 371 .92 Radius : 455 .00 Delta: 46-50-00 Tangent: 197. 05 Chord: 361.65 Course: N 59-56-00 W Course In: N 06-39-00 E Course Out: S 53-29-00 W RP North: 5101.3128 East : 8286 . 3290 End North: 4830 .5620 East : 7920 . 6529 Line Course: N 36-31-00 W Length: 613 . 01 (lbw North: 5323 .2282 East : 7555 . 8772 Line Course: S 65-12-00 W Length: 185 .47 North: 5245 .4325 East : 7387. 5117 Curve Length: 31.42 Radius: 20 . 00 Delta: 90-00-00 Tangent: 20 . 00 Chord: 28 .28 Course: N 69-48-00 W Course In: N 24-48-00 W Course Out : S 65-12-00 W RP North: 5263 .5880 East : 7379 . 1227 End North: 5255 .1990 East : 7360 . 9671 Line Course: S 24-48-00 E Length: 90 . 00 North: 5173 .4990 East : 7398 .7178 Curve Length: 31.42 Radius: 20 . 00 Delta: 90-00-00 Tangent: 20 .00 Chord: 28 .28 Course: N 20-12-00 E Course In: N 65-12-00 E Course Out: N 24-48-00 W RP North: 5181. 8880 East : 7416 .8734 End North: 5200 .0436 East : 7408 .4843 Line Course: N 65-12-00 E Length: 148 . 92 North: 5262 .5084 East : 7543 .6705 Curve Length: 27.33 Radius: 20 .00 Delta: 78-17-00 Tangent: 16 .28 Chord: 25 .25 Course: S 75-39-30 E L Page 1 COSMO-ALLEY.txt Exhibit "B" Course In: S 24-48-00 E Course Out: N 53-29-00 E RP North: 5244 .3528 East : 7552, 0596 End North: 5256 .2540 East : 7568 .1333 Line Course: S 36-31-00 E Length: 551. 89 North: 4812 . 7089 East : 7896 .5390 Curve Length: 168 .22 Radius : 485 . 00 Delta: 19-52-22 Tangent : 84 . 96 Chord: 167.38 Course: S 46-27-11 E Course In: N 53-29-00 E Course Out: S 33-36-38 W RP North: 5101. 3114 East : 8286 .3257 End North: 4697 .3940 East : 8017 .8564 Curve Length: 30 . 85 ` Radius : 20 . 00 Delta: 88-23-22 Tangent : 19 .45 Chord: 27 . 88 Course: S 12-11-41 E Course In: S 33-36-38 W Course Out: S 58-00-00 E RP North: 4680 . 7376 East : 8006 .7855 End North: 4670 . 1392 East : 8023 .7464 Line Course: S 32-00-00 W Length: 233 . 85 North: 4471.8232 East : 7899.8248 Curve Length: 31.42 Radius : 20 .00 Delta: 90-00-00 Tangent : 20 . 00 Chord: 28 .28 Course: S 77-00-00 W Course In: N 58-00-00 W Course Out: S 32-00-00 W RP North: 4482 .4216 East : 7882 .8639 End North: 4465 .4606 East 7872 .2655 4 Line Course: S 58-00-00 E Length: 70 . 00 North: 4428 . 3663 East : 7931.6288 Curve Length: 31.42 Radius : 20 . 00 Delta: 90-00-00 Tangent : 20 . 00 Chord: 28 .28 Course: N 13-00-00 W Course In: N 32-00-00 E Course Out: N 58-00-00 W RP North: 4445 .3272 East : 7942 .2272 End North: 4455 . 9256 East : 7925 .2663 Line Course: N 32-00-00 E Length: 236 . 74 North: 4656 . 6925 East : 8050 .7193 Curve Length: 29 .20 Radius : 20 . 00 Delta: 83-39-19 Tangent: 17. 90 Chord: 26 .68 Course: N 73-49-40 E Course In: S 58-00-00 E Course Out : N 25-39-19 E RP North: 4646 . 0941 East : 8067.6803 End North: 4664 .1224 East : 8076 .3394 Curve Length: 160 .88 Radius: 485 . 00 Delta: 19-00-19 Tangent : 81. 18 Chord: 160 . 14 Course: S 73-50-50 E Course In: N 25-39-19 E Course Out: S 06-39-00 W RP North: 5101 .3088 East : 8286 .3229 End North: 4619 .5719 East : 8230 .1580 L Page 2 COSMO-ALLEY.txt Exhibit "B" Line Course: S 83-21-00 E Length: 313 .34 North: 4583 .2859 East : 8541.3898 416w Curve Length: 281 .67 Radius : 315 . 00 Delta: 51-14-00 Tangent : 151. 04 Chord: 272 . 38 Course: S 57-44-00 E Course In: S 06-39-00 W Course Out : N 57-53-00 E RP North: 4270 .4051 East : 8504 . 9116 End North: 4437. 8733 East : 8771. 7063 Line Course: S 32-07-00 E Length: 48 .28 North: 4396 .9817 East : 8797 .3741 Curve Length: 34 .27 Radius : 20 . 00 Delta: 98-10-44 Tangent: 23 .08 Chord: 30 .23 Course: S 16-58-22 W Course In: S 57-53-00 W Course Out: S 23-56-16 E RP North: 4386 .3488 East : 8780 .4348 End North: 4368 . 0691 East : 8788 .5496 Curve Length: 53 . 16 Radius : 758 . 00 Delta: 4-01-07 Tangent: 26.59 Chord: 53 . 15 Course: N 64-03-10 E Course In: N 23-56-16 W Course Out : S 27-57-23 E RP North: 5060 .8710 East : 8480 . 9955 End North: 4391 .3260 East : 8836 .3454 Perimeter: 4470 .29 Area: 68, 325 sq.ft . 1. 57 acres 4111w, Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0 . 0114 Course: S 03-57-02 W Error North: -0 . 01134 East : -0 . 00078 Precision 1: 393, 303 .10 eoLANOa, c,A, 61. v# 0 2n47 W MIONAEL N. tt G MYER 1� df 1,01 L Page 3 Town of Fountain Hills Memorandum DATE: October 13, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council FROM: Jeffr: der, irector of Community Development3 THROUGH: Paul L in wn Manager SUBJECT: Town Col1/4 it consideration of a cut/fill waiver and a preliminary plat for the Shea Retail enter,Case Numbers CFW 99-08 and S99-040. Please see the attached staff report for the Cut/Fill Waiver and the Preliminary Plat for the Shea Retail Center. Staff recommends Town Council approval of both of these items, with the stipulations listed at the end of the staff report. (bre (41110, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 13,2000 CASE NO.: S99-040,CFW99-08 LOCATION: Immediately southwest of Shea Boulevard, northwest of Saguaro Boulevard and east and north of Technology Drive. The property consists of Lots 1 and 2 in Plat 412-A,the Cosmic Drive right-of-way,the Laser Drive right-of-way,an alley right- of-way,and an area of land that is currently unsubdivided. REQUEST: A cut/fill waiver and a preliminary plat to subdivide the property into 11 lots and 3 tracts. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: MCO Properties L.P. APPLICANT:The Barclay Group GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: "C/R" EXISTING ZONING: "C-2 PUD" PARCEL SIZE: 50.831±acres (kw SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Developed and undeveloped residential lots in Plat 403-B,zoned"R1-35." EAST: Developed commercial and residential uses within several subdivisions, zoned "C- 0","C-2","R-3","R-5"and"R 1-43." SOUTH: Developed and undeveloped industrial, multi-family and single-family lots within Plats 414,412-A and 412-B,zoned"IND-1","IND-2","R-3"and"R1-43." WEST: Developed and undeveloped industrial unsubdivided land and lots within Plat 412- A,zoned "IND-1"and"IND-2." SUMMARY: The Barclay Group has applied for several permits in order to develop the site as a commercial/retail shopping center. This staff report includes staff's review of the proposed cut/fill waiver and the proposed preliminary plat. Each of these applications will be reviewed separately as follows: CUT/FILL WAIVER: The site is currently divided by Cereus Wash, which flows generally from west to east. The applicant desires to fill in Cereus Wash and relocate the wash generally along the Shea Boulevard frontage, or the northern property line of the site. Cereus Wash is, at the deepest point, approximately 17 feet deep, and the new alignment of the wash will be between 10 and 15 feet deep. Therefore, a fill waiver of approximately 17feet is requested to fill in Cereus Wash,and a cut waiver of approximately 15 feet is requested to relocate (kile the wash. (tap, Town Council Staff Report Case Numbers S99-40 and CFD99-08 October 13,2000 Page 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT: The applicant desires to subdivide the site into eleven developable lots, two major drainage tracts, an open space tract and several smaller tracts of land. Please see Attachment "A" to review the proposed preliminary plat. The site will be mass-graded as a part of the subdivision improvements. The grading will include moving Cereus Wash,and developing the pad grades for the proposed retail stores and parking lots. The site will be generally lower than Shea Boulevard, with a gentle slope up to the south side of the site where the major anchor stores will be located. The applicant will be responsible for a large amount of perimeter road improvements and the development of Technology Drive north to Shea Boulevard. Please see attachment "B" for a list of these improvements and their estimated costs, which have been agreed upon by the Town's Engineering Department. While the applicant is financially responsible for the on and off-site subdivision improvements, the applicant will request Council approval of a sales tax sharing agreement to finance a portion of the off-site improvements. This agreement will be addressed in a separate item at the Council's October 19,2000 meeting. Access into the site will be largely taken from Shea Boulevard. In addition to developing Technology Drive, the applicant will develop three additional driveways and will redevelop the existing driveway from Shea Boulevard into the Bank of America parking lot. In total, there are five roads or driveways proposed from Shea Boulevard into the site, and one driveway from Saguaro Boulevard. This is a reduction from six proposed driveways that had been proposed earlier by the developer. One of the two driveways that had been located west of Technology Drive has been eliminated. In addition, the developer has added deceleration lanes to the two driveways proposed between Lots 1 —2 and on the northeast corner of Lot 6. The applicant will be responsible for installing a gate at Technology Drive and Saguaro Boulevard to eliminate commercial/industrial traffic into the Firerock residential area south of Shea Boulevard. The Saguaro Boulevard driveway has been a sensitive topic for some who live and work in the area.The applicant proposes to develop a one-way right-turn only driveway on southbound Saguaro Boulevard into the site. Southbound Saguaro Boulevard will be reconfigured so that there will be two travel lanes from Shea Boulevard to the driveway entrance into the site. Hillside Disturbance: The developer has been successful in meeting the Town's Hillside Disturbance regulations in the Subdivision Ordinance. The applicant is proposing to disturb 100% of the developable portions of the subdivision, and will preserve all of Tract "C", the open space tract on the east side of the project, west of Technology drive. Please see Attachment "C." Attachment "C" is a summary of the hillside disturbance calculations for the property. The developer has chosen to utilize the Hillside Transfer and Protection Option in the Subdivision Ordinance to meet the Town's Hillside Disturbance regulations. Due to the fact that the developer is proposing to disturb more of the hillside slopes on the property than the Ordinance allows, the developer is requesting Town Council approval to transfer hillside disturbance from five off-site parcels of land that now (or- have unprotected slopes to the Shea Retail Center site. Please see Attachment "D" for a location map of these lands and Attachment "E" for graphical slope analyses and individual slope calculations for each Town Council Staff Report ,,. Case Numbers S99-40 and CFD99-08 October 13,2000 Page 3 parcel. There are currently no Hillside Protection Easements, Open Space Zoning on these lands, none are now owned by the Town of Fountain Hills,and all are located within the Town. The developer will be required, prior to final plat approval, to either acquire these lands and dedicate fee title to the Town, or at a minimum will be required to provide to the Town Hillside Protection easements on these lands. The applicant can acquire these parcels either by purchase or with the assistance of the Town through eminent domain. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Town Council approval of the proposed cut/fill waiver,Case Number CFW99-08. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-1 to recommend Town Council approval of both the cut/fill waiver and the preliminary plat, with several significant stipulations to the preliminary plat. Please see the cover memorandum for that list of plat stipulations. Staff recommends the approval of the proposed preliminary plat, Case Number S99-040 with all of the following stipulations: 1. Prior to final plat approval,the developer shall either: A. Acquire those lands depicted in Attachments "D" and "C" land and convey fee title to the Town of Fountain Hills,or B. Convey to the Town of Fountain Hills Hillside Protection Easements over those lands depicted in Attachments"D"and"C". 2. If the applicant requires Town assistance to meet stipulation Number 1, above, the applicant shall provide financial assurances that are acceptable to the Town Attorney in an amount sufficient to pay all costs,including but not limited to land acquisition,attorney,appraisal and court costs for the Town to acquire these lands through eminent domain. The applicant shall be required to pay all costs associated with the Town assistance in acquiring these lands or Hillside Protection Easements on these lands. Once acquired, the developer shall dedicate hillside protection easements on these parcels of land to the Town to meet the "Preservation Requirement" for the Shea Retail Center. If the applicant desires the Town will accept ownership of these lands. 3. The road cross-sections do not match those cross sections contained in Exhibits 8 and 10 of The Subdivision Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills. 4. Provide Non Vehicular Access Easements on all right-of-way property lines except for where driveways are proposed. 411160. Town Council Staff Report Case Numbers S99-40 and CFD99-08 October 13,2000 Page 4 5. Prior to Town Council approval of the final plat submit and gain approval of a landscape/revegetation plan consistent with the landscaping regulations of the Town Center Commercial Zoning District and Article VI of The Subdivision Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills. 6. Provide soils report with final plat submittal. 7. Continue the 8' sidewalk along the entire project frontage on Saguaro Boulevard. 8. Provide a copy of the 404 permit prior to preliminary plat approval. 9. Revise Technology Drive cross-section(major collector)to show a 16' landscaped median,all appropriate turn lanes, and 10' sidewalk easement to include the 8' meandering sidewalk. (Include dual northbound to westbound and single westbound to southbound left-turn lanes at the Technology Drive-Shea Boulevard intersection. 10. Add a second southbound lane and appropriate turn lanes to the Saguaro Boulevard section. 11. Include a"General Notes" section on the grading and drainage plans. (kw 12. The timing and sequencing of the right-of-way abandonments shall be consistent with Staff s October 13, 2000 memorandum to the Town Council regarding the Council's consideration of Resolutions 2000-17 and 2000-50. Preliminary plat approval is contingent on the approval of Resolutions 2000-17 and 2000-50. 13. Show the drainage areas in or near what is now Laser Drive as separate tracts. 14. Abandon the 20' public utility and drainage easements within Lots 1 and 2 and the 25' public utility and drainage easements in Parcels D and E. 15. Process all easement abandonments prior to final plat recordation. 16. Show a specific cross-section of the new proposed shared driveway with Bank of America. 17. Provide a taper length/design for the Shea Blvd westbound deceleration lane based on the traffic report recommendations. 18. Provide a public utility easement for the 16"effluent line(show on plat). 19. (Add this note to the preliminary plat): "Upgrade the existing traffic signal at the Shea/Saguaro intersection." 20. Install a new traffic signal at the Shea-Technology intersection,in accordance with Town standards, and synchronized with the Saguaro/Shea signal. Include dual northbound to westbound and a single westbound to southbound left-turn lanes. Town Council Staff Report Case Numbers S99-40 and CFD99-08 October 13,2000 Page 5 21. The traffic report needs to make the findings and recommendations for the design parameters for all deceleration lanes into the project and also onto Technology Drive. 22. Once Technology Drive has been developed and opened for public use,remove the existing pavement on Laser Drive. Install new VC &G on Saguaro and Technology across openings. 23. FEMA-LOMR required for new channel (Laser Drain). 24. Comply with all Engineering Department Technical Review drainage comments. The final drainage report shall be approved by the Town Engineer prior to final plat recordation. The final drainage report shall include calculations,exhibits and data to address the following specific conditions. • Show the 100-year flood water surface elevation on all channel cross-sections. • Provide a Laser Drive drainage channel cross-section. (Show drainage easement and 100- year water surface elevation. • Provide and show drainage easement required for Laser Drive drainage flow—contain within 100-year flow boundary. Provide hydraulic calculations and details showing how Laser Drain runoff is conveyed and contained flowing across Saguaro Boulevard. • Show profiles of the new Cereus Wash channel. Show all pertinent drainage structures on these profiles such as drop structures,box culverts, % slopes,flow channel elevations,etc. • Show cross-section(typical)of driveway crossings at Cereus Wash. • Provide a 20' minimum wide drainage easement on the final plat for a drainage pipe near Saguaro Boulevard. • Submit a detail of drainage outlets at 2(30"extension). Could use typical detail on all similar cases along the wash. 25. On the improvement plans show the development of a gate and Knox-box to close Technology Drive at Saguaro Boulevard. 26. Hydroseed all undeveloped pads prior to final refund of subdivision construction assurances or the opening of the center to the public,whichever occurs first. 27. Design all driveways and streets accessing Shea Boulevard to minimize headlight glare directed toward the residential areas north of Shea Boulevard. 28. If the Laser Drive abandonment is approved,Laser Drive shall not be obliterated nor closed to public traffic until Technology Drive is developed to Shea Boulevard and open to public traffic. 29. Provide a conduit and pull boxes at the main middle driveway in the event that conditions beyond Year 2005 warrant signalization at this driveway. 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' ill .sl ' 2;8 s p.; i NI —t--, II pi 1 °°¢ €ia J� N g �pa 6 = -i$�f �tl trii �"SNEEER���=x 6T f y 41 .-3 1g 11W W -U O 1 MI 1 a L°^i vli'l o W':° C^ : p 11=1I ilitili f oo 9 ',.v $ r w ww° y s n k II=11 � �' 8-� ,,1' 7 7` ��• 1 IIII-1'11;4 11 �.��� � :Ili ° -s1 11 1 s11 ii 1; 1s 1k a @ „I,�O O O p C 4 y q II, i d A 8 8� 8 7 8 8 8 ��n l II=1= QJf� 1/ a . —Ix ell.t61l Pagg.'81. -kfiE- 12_ z8_ ei_ d1 =i! •i it u:._II- Qgq 152110 -II-'ll `$p r9 5 1V b ! -II-1111 28 ��fEf ��•I�'�a E y �ii y`T I C _Yf 1 f 1' � E 1f _IIIIII 11 ii1 NIP' IE i ° Attachment A v I t, ' a i .1 r l �}paay� n 5r�L2O I° SZ Sgg �L ��yyl I Il i ri a ! tl ill li• II li 1101421. wl Ip ip glel III'11 Ndld 3115 •mrmniw� ° Q YNoziar'snIH Niv�110.1 , o aarnoe onion/aarn�noe VMS Ea w � al cv .�, „ �, N31N30 11d13S d3HS ��° �r w w�waw wuw w wrYn+•w�rw rw a w wwwwr w vr�w wuw w uwrl r rr www wr ter•nr•rww�r��urn w yr+rw rww w�wri a��w� _ 1�/lwr Oa wow Tr r�� wr Lrk fwr awry OS ' 1 . Attachment "A" �� 1 /7 I / 4474)%\\ \ 1 ,i OP, \v, .„•• . •or\ ,, \ y .1.1 4,4, ..., , ... i •, iP/, / ‘.:','''',''' / 7 � M / w 1// ,„/ ...• ' gya ' //7i : ' ' L , ".74.- ) Ab.- W -_-ij li RI 7 on I Me�.- / i'r Y i /141444444w5 ' ii 11 i iii I i I i(------1 -,(106., / / , s li I z / ee s i I/ \\ lr'ld A IYNIWI'13Hd 'gym.• • (33I1J wi ONY ONION Adrg3Nf38d) • •'�"� �}. o 11NOZINV'STUN NIVINf10! ��wrw�+ v o ammo o clams/ammo r3HS tA. ^1 O Scow \ 3 IL 112 ,, ,,,�„ a d31N33 1Ir13d r3HS 101° ' NW IC" ._ iihl 1.��.��r+M rwrY�Ww a•w+na�.r•W�n��.ii w1�70 rwW�uw as�+���rr�•rv�Yl.W�aw+..w Y.W.'mow rwuY�.rSrw...�.s�eYw-�w.rawr Aw�w•wrl���r•��•.•.rw•�M ,,,,,. 'ti •-.2*•, I41(§ t. O% \ ,t4,,,, /4,014,- 1 1-11 ).. [ ,/ . ``` -' I' li .. ill w ' / • ,c,' 1 i '1\ ity , ,a..1 e1 / • 2 Sl,'/_---'''' ' • . � \ \ l / / , j /\I' /• ' liri i % // C b F%. / � / / // t / /o,.// /' /4..i;^ V . 1� rf`/ / �~�' ill bl / / • -• /,---- I Si/ f / / - !NORM"200.00' � .`k / k� / A0010NH3I1 14// / / / ,. �``4ettle„ .--i-----'_, 0.4. " 0. ikt ,,,, / // straw �+�� a,�_", I / /,/,' warn 11 tT/ '/ ii. , ,!,/,,i/ /14, // ' 0 / ' // // 1 /, ,, / // ,t / / / I / /, co ,, Ii r / // ,'/ i 1 / // N /'/ ''`` i P " i 1 / i / 11 // / r 1 1 / 411 II ' 11 1 1 / i ., Attachment " 2 / A L .. / ,\ / V. 11Id AUYNI11I13 ad ca3unln Off onmrav Aavwl13 a m VNOZir'S1U4 Nnunoi mom ors/maim s E31N33 111113H d3HS "" °"•.' 74g'qs •l•. •wr / x w .d V* I rOw J. / ti !Lo •w wr�ww rwr.��.r,.wr.w�w�an w.wwwr�.w w.w�wu w wrw,s+aw w.ww w��.w•w�r,�rw sa wvw a�a�+.w�^�wr s��r a n.��w�.wr.w-.�..sr nw.r w�ww•w w.a�.a.a w♦r.nw�•rww.., Li / A., / ar,N, / /' .\o / ,,,c3, // \ \\ 0 ., • � ':;71 4.5**V4 23, � • r - /� // .L /fir/', 0 / I, 7 $` t �3 /• �i �f i'i 4' o 11 / I II • + \S89. 1 Cr//7 1111 ill +j ,,, a , j �/ r i Ii /1///, t f+ I! X e /j/fie-'/'� / ' j rt l d @ /Q�: Z , C / ,�rli✓ 1�1 t t/Ir b 'A // 8 . / .f , ., ,,, „.„... ,,,,, , , , ,-.:...., .:. N. „,/,,4/ r, 2§ iji MI / / / ,' rrf/ '/,, "-Z`,. / ..'/!Y. K J g / �j�irF:. //'� ~�.I� �J �;�/' ,f7 Qo O w f(��yp/� tt /././ 'm lii 4I rti r',", �y t r' j a j r/ A, 11 -'�•° `t $� �,- NC soo.cc -I\ / b '- `�;1 J� �\ 1 J0 i0NH�31 $ :jc:::;:::. / • t / a ad ,�r , ',-.--,-/ e N E,,, fl, / Z 4 .,,,2;-'' r li / Iii ;: , ,,,,„'4,1,je IIIH ril i / rj $ / r � i/ r t t .,rr r % LR w7 A ill jI'll iiiiiiii / e- :17. ..711 m 5P410Alk-Pt: Iltirr40 , / ,:pi , ...i, ii imillii ilil,,,, v i 1 gi e / 1 'I IE'' f V. 1 1 ill l•i- ii MEM! 1 III R II 1 TIEITI L Attachment "A" 0 1V�d A8YNI II13Nd ' c:3L1in Off WIQYHO aurrw�um .. • '�" 0D rHoziav vim.Nnlrmo� � ••-w t::::4 ) a oLo OtivA31nOBoavnovs/a8vA1oe V HS �Z ilia! a31N3� 1IY.L3� ti3HS °`a"`3 r wr�w•rti���.r�•wr rr �n ruir.ww ���w�•rr a►w w.r w�*rrr5..�a•r� ra�r�wrrs �.�• w -�wwswr arMs�ww•w,...- rr rwr, 101/0. IV 4�"'�wr,yK •• Q s j f s "tee ,4 Y ` l,,..,1,:,:.:Ip /:. 1... ,', .,.,.-,;,/,',.,,,,,.:,:..:.,::;/ 1 i al _ i9 i I'�j�' q r � rL. =3 �• P S oY Y�" �l t : f F11 « `'" Y n �.;P gyp/ ! / \� `. `:I f i « .5t'r `,. ,i ' T- r Jf�' z? /. . `� + d 'f � T"" ^~ � `gym �� •k .!S ///ii:, // �; ,� 11, �c\., ..°'. Fla. �c`�%`- J.�'`- AC:. �3�\.A'vim.. � ,., � + � �''.. ,. f s sa'x: s 5 s ((( , t;4: ,£ f x>' .. '• . 1�,x)$ 4 `a\i \ '.,\ a '/>w.'. ''\7., ..y a „� • I�',,:„..:., ,,,,,,: , : ,7,,,,t i ,': A 1:„.),1 1....t.:7::' 1./1/7" ,..,..,. , /7/::,, ii .. , , xi,,,,,,,c..,, X.„::,..... ,'...., a .I ; a" f $"�.:1 , .7 s3 'rx, ''\ ,N..,'::.' // 1.....:.;/7/1....:.:,....:*4...? '....!....?,..',',.",(,.•• •k,'. \-, .., 4,'„.,.. ..,,,::.::,,,,..;,.!,, \\.... '. 1,,', --,,,,,,, ti • ,, r f . : _...,, , . . sis \\ i i ' I, , I i'l,;,,,,,...,p1,/ ).„›,-.1;.,•,,,(...:‘,: ic,:i.:1----)ifti: •-•:':',',' '. ..;'),':?:/''',;,', .2,,,,:5'.: / .,,7' S' /tk--"\\, ''',., ''''1,-,.i f,','''''.... 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I i''."'!7..1' �t- I ,,,:: MATCHL/NE SEE SHEET 7 ,toi, (ta, :,../..,,i'...,,,,.::.'i...,,,,'..1.'„,,.,.....jj ,1.11,::-77. 7,7 4.,,,,,...,2„ :1 0 0 1Vld ANVNIINI13Hd ra�so MIN' I! cr,unun a�nr'mane AUV d) ""••�' '�" CO vnonav'snw Nnlruwj W-r*�-•*-�+ .1 iii 4 •Er— � o cao oavnnnoe oavnovs/oavn�noe vis ;� / � d w ,�, �, d31N30 11V13H V3HS 1o1 n`:mng.a • r�r,uw PM NM w r in r r urr r w w.r w w w,r rr.r E�rrr uwr�w�wn�re r rfw r�wr���r�rr.r-wrsr Ma w r r rwr TV r�a�r�r w..eE rw� u.�r.R. ill a 9 133HS 33S 3N/7H.21 dW rt"'-- 7 --- -., , ,/....,-,74„•,. :'17.7.7-F,A 7 I',.:.,:.:,,,777".,-7 74 � y L � I f _I Ey i 1„i,. I I�� P,r �i 1 , }�_�, !.�� i/1 l�f 4 F � I I i ', Iif, 1- 1 r �. �� tl if1 .� 1 :. f ¢rr j } Attachment A F 1, ; j • :J ; I ps'aal1` '4 ' I17'1 �• f i j/ 'mow 1.(` A I,j .. t 1 �.�, � I ,.. 1 6 133HS 33S 3:77;7. �` �s '.I `�, ,. _ 1 1I—�-. - i r L_;' r : 11: - �F-9�;t--' 4' r' •�V i. p k L.):1,,.1 11 _:,.., \ ,._ -.:;,„,,A, 1 1 ; 1/ ; s t ; F�I /! , f II tI + '> ' Y k�I I I 1,•.'tI , \��'s I 4 � r !fi :;1 ''.‹,, I IF Ul t.. I1 r ' , I li ' ? 4. y /r , f l ' �I ` ✓f a ' \ � 1 I � • j , • ,i .. 1 \ : - (i S, i• I ♦js1Lll'i '' am= I / 45. Ii ,.• 1 s .2 it , II :1` . ''''''':ile:,,,,.'f.)";',',1. 't ii 1 A.J....1..-il i , '':,::,.'"' .. _7'... ::/.;.., ...,.4!,:,.:. ,:.' t. ,,r,, .'...., ',,: I: ::,4,..... ::.;, „.,e, )tf,, r, ,, 9 f' 4,e..-..,', ,,/..,.fl iiii � (=r� � 'iC ,,:t. I ti 9 �':�i ' � � _. ..� air t }\ ¢�.:. 017, tl \\(.'a.:11,,/..../ si ,-,-. .,:;,7 ...,.:,.:.4.,7.,',. i//4..: . 3, I `•i+ 1 �• `, {11 e ".. :1 'am. 3"'''.. t '',. l' \:,:i q.„1.-'‘:„. 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Roads) SLOPE BAND 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30%+ TOTAL TOTAL AREA 27.885 13.912 6.59 2.444 50.831 DISTURBANCE %ALLOWED 100% 30% 20% 10% DISTURBANCE AREA ALLOWED 27.8850 4.1736 1.3180 0.2444 33.6210 PROPOSED DISTURBANCE 24.5800 6.2010 3.2210 1.7480 35.7500 PROPOSED PRESERVATION 3.3050 7.7110 3.3690 0.6960 15.0810 EXCESS (SHORT) 3.3050 -2.0274 -1.9030 -1.5036 ADDITIONAL PRESERVE NEEDED -6.7580 -9.5150 -15.0360 -31.3090 Proposed Off-site Preserve PLAT 512 TRACT A 2.2677 1.5761 1.3300 2.1746 7.3484 PLAT 508 TRACT A 10.6233 2.9453 2.4377 3.4194 19.4257 GOLDEN EAGLE ESTATES TRACT A 1.5400 7.1500 12.1000 3.8000 24.5900 GOLDEN EAGLE ESTATES TRACT B 2.2500 4.4700 4.7600 0.9600 12.4400 WESTRIDGE PARCEL 8.1550 3.5845 6.1377 5.3065 23.1837 EXCESS OFF-SITE PRESERVE 24.8360 12.9679 17.2504 0.6245 55.6788 Buildings TOTAL OFF-SITE PRESERVE = 86.9878 Environment Industrial Management Systems: Transportation Urban Land Town of Fountain Hills (iilpier Attachment "D" 0 8 8 0 ! _!._!. ! _! go0;,_ : . .4 .4 ei .ri 1n n . .n vi vi ri Yi 'ft" f 1 76,800 a`' . .. `�� :r Par 0/ / ,a it (16600 1 riL�i 4P VF... , ` J j lJ• AIM ia '.. 1 16400 : _ .ry ' DR.,�Ip .! �_ T _ tt�o�6,6o i .9r. 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Farrell Town Attorney DATE: October 19, 2000 RE: Barclay Economic Development Agreement (ire Attached to this memorandum is an Economic Development Agreement between the Town and Barclay which provides for the possible payment of up to$989,000 by the Town to the Barclay Group over a period of years,beginning with the opening for business of an anchor tenant(Target) having a store of at least 100,000 square feet. Arizona Revised Statute 9-500.11,a copy of which is attached,provides that upon a finding by the Town Council, a project will assist the Town in the creation of jobs and/or will otherwise improve or enhance the economic welfare of the inhabitants of the Town,the Council is empowered to appropriate and spend public monies for and in connection with economic development activities. The attached agreement makes the required finding. The staff recommendation on the amount of the economic development contribution is tied, in part,to staffs' estimates regarding the total cost of the development and the projected economic impact that it will have in a positive manner on the community. The method for determining the payment is a bit complex in that it requires the Town staff to measure the amount of money in the form of local sales tax that the Town receives from all retailers in certain standard industrial classification brackets (SIC). The brackets selected by the Town are those dealing with retail sales and taxes generated from restaurants and bars. The brackets selected most closely match and for all purposes are identical to the retail stores that will occupy the project known as the Barclay Project. r Memorandum thio, Re: Barclay Economic Development Agreement Page 2 October 19, 2000 Once the anchor tenant starts doing business in the Town of Fountain Hills,Town staff will measure the then existing sales tax base that all other retailers have upon the Town. That number will be considered as a baseline number. Each retailer who operates at the Barclay Group Project will be asked to sign a document releasing to the Town only, the confidentiality of their sales tax information. This will allow certain Town staff to track their sales tax payments on a quarterly basis. One-half of the amount of sales tax paid by all stores operating in the Barclay Group Project will be eligible for repayment to the developer provided that, at the end of the first 12 months,the other retail sales tax collected by the Town has either remained the same or increased. Should the amount of money collected from other retailers decrease over the 12 month period after the initial opening of the anchor tenant, then the amount of contribution by the Town will be decreased in proportion from 50 percent to not less than 25 percent of the amount collected from the project. At no time will the Town receive and retain any less than one-half of the sales tax generated from the project. The Town reserves the right to make the payment to the developer from any funds available to the Town, and does not in the instrument create any debt or lien upon the Town's sales tax. Annual reports will be included with budget material presented to the Council at all future anniversary dates and budget hearings. Respectfully submitted, 6d, William E. Farrell Town Attorney WEF:pf (be Z:\W PDATA\Fh\MayCouncil-Barclay.mem.wpd ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT L THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into this day of ,2000, by and between the Town of Fountain Hills,a municipal corporation in the State of Arizona,hereinafter known as "Town" and Barclay Holding XVII, L.L.C., an Arizona Limited Liability Company, hereinafter known as "Barclay Group"hereby agree as follows: WHEREAS,A.R.S. § 9-500.11 provides for the Town to make a finding that a project will assist in the creation of j obs and/or will improve or enhance the economic welfare of the inhabitants of the town; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council hereby makes such findings in relation to certain real property,more particularly described in Exhibit"A"attached hereto and hereinafter referred to as the"Barclay Group Project"; and (limy WHEREAS, the parties wish to reduce to writing the terms and conditions of this agreement. 1. That the Town may reimburse Barclay Group a sum of money not to exceed Nine Hundred Eighty-Nine Thousand Dollars($989,000)over a period of time as and for the development of retail sales and other business activity on the real property described in Exhibit"A"and known as the Barclay Group Project. 2. This agreement shall be effective beginning on the first day of the month in which an "Anchor Tenant"commences business with the general public at its place of business on the Barclay Group Project land. An Anchor Tenant is hereby defined as a national chain retailer occupying at least 100,000 square feet of improvements. (kw, Barclay Holdings XVII,LLC-Economic Development Agreement Page 1 of 5 3. The Town shall then establish a baseline amount effective the first day of that month in which the Anchor Tenant opens for business,which baseline amount consists of the total amount of local sales tax paid by all retail businesses within the Town outside of the Barclay Group Project in Standard Industrial Classification codes 52-59 4. The Town may make the payments called for hereunder from any source of funds legally available for such expenditure and does not create,by this agreement,any lien or reservation of transaction privilege tax funds or other funds that would not be available for economic development. Payment of the Economic Development Compensation referred to in Paragraph 1 may, at the written instruction of Barclay Group, be paid directly from the Town to the Anchor Tenant referred to in Paragraph 2. 5. The Town and Barclay Group hereby agree and acknowledge that after the initial starting date,the annual anniversary date can be established as of March 31 St in the year following the commencement of business by the Anchor Tenant, and shall be the 31'day of March for each consecutive year thereafter. The Town Shall collect the required information from confidential records provided to the Town by Arizona Department of Revenue and shall make its estimate of payment according to the following schedule: Transaction privilege tax received in January, February or March shall be tabulated and payment due, if any, shall be made on or before May 25th Transaction privilege tax received in April,May or June shall be tabulated and payment due, if any, shall be made on or before August 25th Transaction privilege tax received in July, August or September shall be tabulated and payment due, if any, shall be made on or before November 25t" Transaction privilege tax received in October,November or December shall be tabulated and payment due, if any, shall be made on or before February 25th L Barclay Holdings XVII,LLC-Economic Development Agreement Page 2 of 5 Town and Barclay Group agree and understand that the information,which shall be used as (kip- the basis for determining this payment,is confidential by the laws of the State of Arizona,and that each and every occupant retailer, whether an owner or tenant, in the Barclay Group Project, shall be required to sign an appropriate waiver of confidentiality to the Town for the purposes of gathering the statistical information necessary. Failure to sign the confidentiality agreement disqualifies any sales tax collected and paid by that merchant from inclusion in the Town's calculations. 6. The Barclay Group shall be entitled to an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the local sales tax collected and paid to the Town by merchants doing business on the Barclay Project. 7. At each March 31 St anniversary date, or as soon thereafter as possible, the Town shall determine whether or not transaction privilege tax collections from all other merchants in the retail classification have increased or remained constant. Should the determination be made that the base (160, amount has increased or remained constant, then the Town staff shall recommend that the fifty percent(50%)payment continue. Should the results on the anniversary date show that the baseline amount has decreased, then the amount of the decrease shall determine a dollar-for-dollar proportional reduction in the obligation of the Town to the Barclay Group provided,however,that in no event shall the contribution from the Town to the Barclay Group be less than twenty-five percent(25%) of the transaction privilege tax annually collected from Barclay Group merchants. 8. The payment shall continue until the earlier of(i)that date Barclay Group has received the full amount of economic development compensation referred to in Paragraph 1 or(ii)ten(10) years from the Effective Date of this Agreement as described in Paragraph 2. L Barclay Holdings XVII,LLC-Economic Development Agreement Page 3 of 5 9. The amount set forth in Paragraph 1 above shall be reduced if and in the event that an (16.4, adjacent land owner either reimburses Barclay Group directly or otherwise pays for or makes physical improvements in relation to the technology road improvements that would otherwise be required to be made by Barclay Group. The parties agree to meet upon the dedication and acceptance of the Technology Road improvements and to determine whether or not any reimbursement,payment or donation has been made and the amount or value of such action. The parties shall then amend Paragraph 1 of this agreement to reflect the reduction in the amount of the economic incentive. 10. This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement of the parties as to the matter of economic matter incentives, and shall not be amended or modified except by written agreement authorized and executed with the same formality as this agreement. 11. This agreement shall be interpreted under and controlled by the laws of the State of 410, Arizona, and is specifically subject to the provisions of A.R.S. § 38-511. DONE the day and year first above written. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: Sharon Morgan, Mayor r Paul L.Nordin, Town Manager L Barclay Holdings XVII,LLC-Economic Development Agreement Page 4 of 5 L A t A A Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk William E. Farrell, Town Attorney BARCLAY HOLDING XVII,L.L.C.: By: STATE OF ARIZONA ) )ss County of Maricopa ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me, a notary public this day of ,2000 by , an individual authorized to sign on behalf of Barclay Holdings XVII, LLC, known to me, or sufficiently proved to me, to be the person whose name is subscribed to the agreement attached hereto. Notary Public My commission expires: L Barclay Holdings XVII,LLC-Economic Development Agreement Page 5 of 5 (labse TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Planner DATE: October 13, 2000 SUBJECT: Consideration of the Final Plat "Fountain Hills Resort Subdivision", which is a proposed 1 Lot, 1 Tract subdivision; Case #S2000-033. Due to information received late Friday 13, 2000, staff has not had time for a complete review of this application. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Staff reports will be distributed on Monday October 16, 2000. L L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin,Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt,Planner DATE: October 16, 2000 SUBJECT: Final Plat for"Fountain Hills Resort", a one lot and one tract subdivision. . This application is for Final Plat approval for "Fountain Hills Resort". Staff recommends approval of case # S2000-033 with stipulations. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission&Staff report for additional details regarding this request. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT October 19,2000 CASE NO.: S2000-033 PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt LOCATION: North of Shea Blvd&east of Palisades Blvd. REQUEST: Consideration of the Final Plat "Fountain Hills Resort", which is a proposed one (1)lot, one (1)tract subdivision. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Vladimir Hulpach APPLICANT: Vladimir Hulpach for Fountain Vista Properties EXISTING ZONING: "L-3 P.U.D. &OSR" PARCEL SIZE: 59.67 Acres PROPOSED#OF LOTS: 1 Lot& 1 Tract 411, SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Developing single family lots within Westridge Village, zoned "R1-10 PUD". SOUTH: Developing FireRock Country Club South of Shea,zoned "R1-18 PUD". EAST: Undeveloped and unplatted land,zoned "R1-43". WEST: Summit Estates,zoned M-1. SUMMARY: This request by Fountain Vista Properties is for approval of the Final Plat for the Fountain Hills Resort Subdivision which is located north of Shea Blvd. and east of Palisades Blvd., in a previously unsubdivided parcel of land. On September 21, 2000, Town Council approved this application for Preliminary Plat with stipulations. This plat application was preceded by case #S1999-014, which expired after one year of preliminary plat approval due to the Town not receiving a complete Final Plat submittal prior to the August 5, 2000 deadline. PRELIMINARY PLAT: The Town Council approved the preliminary plat at the September 19, 2000 meeting with the following stipulations: (irow Staff Report S2000-033 Fountain Hills Resort October 19, 2000 Page 2 1. Show 12'wide third lane, 4'bicycle lane, and vertical curb and gutter on westbound Shea Blvd. for the effective length of the property's 1300' ±south boundary. (This improvement is considered by staff to be well within the proportional traffic impact, estimated at 7000 vehicle-miles per day, on the Town's arterial street network. Our conceptual level estimate for this work is $100,000.) The Town anticipates commencing design of a large length of bike lane widening along Shea Blvd. later this year. If you wish, the Town would incorporate these improvements into that project at a$100,000 developer participation amount. 2. Consider moving the driveway entrance to align with the existing median cut for SRP. 3. Provide and show on plans the sight easement area if any, for the proposed driveway entrance location. 4. Provide and show on plans the proposed median cut for a left turn at the proposed (tio, driveway, a deceleration and an acceleration lane, storage, and taper lengths. 5. Provide and show on plans the right-turn deceleration lane onto the site, storage, and taper lengths. 6. Provide and show on plans the driveway entrance classification, configuration, and storage lengths for entering and exiting. 7. Provide a Final Drainage Study Report with the improvement plans for review and approval. 8. Provide a Geotechnical Report with improvement plans for review and approval. 9. Provide landscape and irrigation plans with the improvement plans. All existing rock cut slopes along Palisades should be color treated (Permeon or equal). 10. We question the feasibility of the sewer on-site alignment; it bucks substantial grade in hard rock in several locations. 11. On the Infrastructure Design Plan show/provide; (a) RipRap at the outlet of proposed catch basin and storm drain. (b) Revise Legend. 12. On the Hydrology Analysis,Drainage Report, and Resort Site Plan; seal, sign and date. 1/409 Staff Report S2000-033 Fountain Hills Resort October 19, 2000 Page 3 Staff has agreed to accept a participation agreement in the amount of $50,000 for this projects portion of the future improvements for the proposed widening of Shea Blvd. The applicant has submitted improvement plans for review and approval by Town staff. Recommendation The issues remaining from the improvement plan review of this project can be handled as stipulations. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat"Fountain Hills Resort" Case#S2000- 033, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Provide a participation agreement in the amount of $50,000 for this projects portion of the future improvements for the proposed widening of Shea Blvd. 2. Provide a construction assurance bond for proposed Palisades Blvd. improvements, drainage, and all off-site improvements prior to final plat recordation. (kr' 3. Provide a Final Drainage Study Report with the improvement plans for Town Engineer's review and approval. Delineate 100 year storm water(run-off) surface area with a drainage easement. If the drainage sub-basin exceeds 100 cfs, a separate drainage tract may be required. 4. Provide a Geotechnical Report with improvement plans for Town Engineer's review and approval. 5. Provide full landscape and irrigation plans with the improvement plans. The improvement plans shall include but aren't limited to sidewalks along Palisades Blvd. and all median cuts as approved on the preliminary plat. All existing rock cut slopes along Palisades should be color treated (Permeon or equal). 6. We question the feasibility of the sewer on-site alignment; it bucks substantial grade in hard rock in several locations. 7. On the Infrastructure Design Plan show/provide; (a) RipRap at the outlet of proposed catch basin and storm drain. (b) Revise Legend. 8. On the Hydrology Analysis, Drainage Report, and Resort Site Plan; seal, sign and date. L • f o� it? TOWN .,� ._ OF FOUNTAIN HILLS • `' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (110, r= PRELIMINARY PLAT_=APPLICATION' _ Date Filed I Fee Paid August 25, 2000 $200 Accepted By , Plat Name/Number ( v '/ Fountain Hills Resort Parcel Size Number of Lots 59 . 67 Acres 2 Parcels Number of Tracts Zoning 2 Tracts L-3 and OSR General Plan Land Use Designation Lodging Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) 250 Room Destination Resort Applicant Fountain Vista Properties, LLC Day Phone 480-816-5523 Address City 13014 N. Saguaro Blvd. Suite #202 ST Zip cr; Fountain Hills AZ I8268 Owner Vladimir Hulpach Day Phone Address Same City ST I Zip Attachments (Please list) Site Plan (Hillside Study, Phase I Study, Traffic Study and Preliminary Drainage Report were submitted May 26, 1999 and are on file) Signature of •wner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date A)/2 C/00 TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscribed and s ' •rn before me this day of AIP 1 OFFICIAL SEAL My>9)tivel_ Commission �' , � ► •RY A. WHEELER, Notary Public "'`�_. Notary Public-SUte of Arizona r' r 050 MARICOPA COUNTY My oomm..zolreU June 0,2004 (Seal) LI Fee Schedule Attached TFH Case Number ()C,J00- G n 4,600 •••• 1111111 far�tlll�'iltt mplie �iilin,1 lint; ;(.., 11111iii gliDrlit`rititil,;;•-k{i!W.D; ;F ,Ef.[1 •lip •l! n ; t„ ,.,, iirlig 1 1;q it r:i li:c , •ti•�[[,.N�11. #.0111'!!II I i,JJØflIIJJJIi ;1;5 �i 1`111iid.11011t41 al [;l�l}1:1g1g lr •,3J•a•�. , 1' . Trap! li !ii ili it pt{1;1e1,1.11g1U 1:1,4 M)' . ( [ t 11xsi I aiiii:Iiii ti sit, pl.pi 1 'h''!itiiiii • li 'l ' g .:,‘ 4%It i ‘,.:,, . . .1'.1/ Iiii Ili: iPilgiiiridl'i \ : . . 1 16 1 1.1.1 1 ii if li % „ , gui g lisiiiiiiita 1 ,,,,,.„,,,,,,,,,,.,:,,,.,,,,,,, .7.., _,:g.,:-:::,,,,.:.,,Ia. ..i ii. . .m i Et0 C 4'41 .'.44);. ri a ! I; Z c Y = :',It 74 "44\ 1 44 . ;, � i• `' kw, -. i r ,. I33 ..:,,- 414).4. \ ls Nikirkh i 1 ` � tbili .s'4`r I{ ' II g !;ipe 1!! 11111IJØi'I f JIII 1 r1rvlj x 1;;11; I i I 1 8 i i 4, s ig1 1 7411 ' II 't11 ( ° l'la of iiro!!1 iii144111 : L I r ii I 'IC -11Ld I gaily !Pt! it 1 I s , Iii ` 111114tg a II F 1g iii 111 I Al :II' v i A V % 1 / 5 r � jCl I igi � TAB\ NOTICE OF JOINT MEETING OF THE 1 COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION "31 o�. � AND THE at is A LIBRARY/MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMISSION WHEN: MONDAY, OCTOBER 16,2000 TIME: 3:00 P.M. WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 EAST PALISADES BOULEVARD,BUILDING B FOUNTAIN HILLS,AZ Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Community Center Advisory Commission, the Library/Museum Advisory Commission, the Town Council and to the general public that the Community Center Advisory Li:ommission and the Library/Museum Advisory Commission will meet on Monday, October 16, 2000 at 3:00 p.m. in the own Hall Council Chambers located at 16836 East Palisades Boulevard,Building B,Fountain Hills, Arizona. The meeting is open to the public and the agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1.) Meeting called to order. 2.) Presentation of all items relating to the Community Center and Library/Museum including colors, finishes, elevations, furniture/fixtures and equipment as well as the courtyard amenity designed by the Community Plaza Courtyard Committee. (3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.) 3.) On-site tour of the facilities located on La Montana Drive. (4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) 4.) Adjournment. DATED this 13th day of October 13, 2000. By: Cassie B. Hansen,Director of Administration/Town Clerk (ow MEMORANDUM Chron 199 TO: Honorable Mayor an Town Council FROM: T m s L. , In i- '►' Town Engineer THROUGH: Pa ! 1 0 ` , Town Manager DATE: Octolr 13, 2000 RE: LASER DRIVE ABANDONMENT This report is a status update regarding the analysis and conclusions from the initial and most recent traffic reports. Staff concurs that the Laser Drive abandonment is the preferable traffic design. Two key traffic intersections were evaluated in the overall traffic study. 1. Saguaro at Shea vs. Shea at Technology. 2. Laser at Saguaro vs. Laser at Technology. co- Saguaro Boulevard at Shea Boulevard: The major concern at this intersection is the inability for large trucks to execute a westbound to southbound turning movement within the designated lanes. By constructing this same turning movement at Technology Drive and Shea Boulevard, it will provide large trucks the ability to turn safely into the new business park entrance. Laser at Saguaro: The intersection of Saguaro Boulevard at Laser Drive was constructed previous to Town Incorporation. This resulted in an adequate street design for small vehicles but a reduced turning movement pattern for long vehicles. The proposed street design for Technology at Laser Drive doubles the curb radius and pavement width to accommodate the Business Park's industrial traffic. Staff has reviewed the traffic data and reports, and concur with the results and recommendations made by the Barclay Group. The new Technology Drive and associated intersections are designed to be safer for the traveling public. Staff recommends the approval of the abandonment of Laser Drive. cc: Randy Harrel Jim Leubner G:\Easement Memo\Staff Report 10-13-00 L FIREROCK RESIDENTS WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT At our last meeting 2 years ago we were assigned the responsibility of continuing to follow up and monitor the activities and road conditions affecting our area. Since then we have been working with the town and keeping abreast of this matter. The time has come for us to voice our objectives again. Our favorable referendum victory was overturned when a Special Use Permit was given to the Monks Company allowing their trucks to continue using Saguaro Blvd. onto Laser Blvd. to get to their facility. This change voided our original agreement with them to improve traffic conditions on the Saguaro, Laser and Technology roadways. With the proposed commercial shopping center, we now have the opportunity to gain back our objectives. We are recommending that the original proposal, supported by the majority of Firerock residents, be put forth from us to the Town Council requesting that Laser Drive be closed off to all traffic to and from Saguaro. Also as originally agreed, (kw Technology Drive at Saguaro would be set up with a gate for emergency use only and the alley left open. This proposal has created opposition from some of the property owners in the Business Park. Therefore, we need your help. We will meet Thursday August 17 at the home of Arvid Dennis, 16644 Last Trail Drive at 7:00 pm, to discuss this matter so it can be presented to the Town Council at their Sept. 28 meeting. We would greatly appreciate your attendance at both meetings and look forward to your support in this very important matter. This is the last opportunity for us to have our needs and objectives met. If you cannot attend the meetings, please sign below noting your approval of the original recommendation and return to one of us. Please call with your attendance reply and input. Thank you! Arvid Dennis -- 480- 837 - 3310 16644 E. Last Trail Dr., F.H. 85268 Gordon Riehl -- 480-837 - 1026 P.O. Box 17851, F.H., 85269 Wally Seidon -- 480-837 - 5749 16248 E. Powderhorn Dr., F.H. 85268 441161, YES I/We ' �U�� support the above recommendations. Address/ D-3 ? t C.C/4/ U LU7 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 FIREROCK RESIDENTS WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT At our last meeting 2 years ago we were assigned the responsibility of continuing to follow up and monitor the activities and road conditions affecting our area. Since then we have been working with the town and keeping abreast of this matter. The time has come for us to voice our objectives again. Our favorable referendum victory was overturned when a Special Use Permit was given to the Monks Company allowing their trucks to continue using Saguaro Blvd. onto Laser Blvd. to get to their facility. This change voided our original agreement with them to improve traffic conditions on the Saguaro, Laser and Technology roadways. With the proposed commercial shopping center, we now have the opportunity to gain back our objectives. We are recommending that the original proposal, supported by the majority of Firerock residents, be put forth from us to the Town Council requesting that Laser Drive be closed off to all traffic to and from Saguaro. Also as originally agreed, Liy, Technology Drive at Saguaro would be set up with a gate for emergency use only and the alley left open. This proposal has created opposition from some of the property owners in the Business Park. Therefore, we need your help. We will meet Thursday August 17 at the home of Arvid Dennis, 16644 Last Trail Drive at 7:00 pm, to discuss this matter so it can be presented to the Town Council at their Sept. 28 meeting. We would greatly appreciate your attendance at both meetings and look forward to your support in this very important matter. This is the last opportunity for us to have our needs and objectives met. If you cannot attend the meetings, please sign below noting your approval of the original recommendation and return to one of us. Please call with your attendance reply and input. Thank you! Arvid Dennis -- 480- 837 - 3310 16644 E. Last Trail Dr., F.H. 85268 Gordon Riehl -- 480-837 - 1026 P.O. Box 17851, F.H., 85269 Wally Seidon -- 480-837 - 5749 16248 E. Powderhorn Dr., F.H. 85268 YES, I/We, 4, , support the above recommendations. Address �?��3 ��� Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 L FIREROCK RESIDENTS WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT At our last meeting 2 years ago we were assigned the responsibility of continuing to follow up and monitor the activities and road conditions affecting our area. Since then we have been working with the town and keeping abreast of this matter. The time has come for us to voice our objectives again. Our favorable referendum victory was overturned when a Special Use Permit was given to the Monks Company allowing their trucks to continue using Saguaro Blvd. onto Laser Blvd. to get to their facility. This change voided our original agreement with them to improve traffic conditions on the Saguaro, Laser and Technology roadways. With the proposed commercial shopping center, we now have the opportunity to gain back our objectives. We are recommending that the original proposal, supported by the majority of Firerock residents, be put forth from us to the Town Council requesting that Laser Drive be closed off to all traffic to and from Saguaro. Also as originally agreed, (10..., Technology Drive at Saguaro would be set up with a gate for emergency use only and the alley left open. This proposal has created opposition from some of the property owners in the Business Park. Therefore, we need your help. We will meet Thursday August 17 at the home of Arvid Dennis, 16644 Last Trail Drive at 7:00 pm, to discuss this matter so it can be presented to the Town Council at their Sept. 28 meeting. We would greatly appreciate your attendance at both meetings and look forward to your support in this very important matter. This is the last opportunity for us to have our needs and objectives met. If you cannot attend the meetings, please sign below noting your approval of the original recommendation and return to one of us. Please call with your attendance reply and input. Thank you! Arvid Dennis -- 480- 837 - 3310 16644 E. Last Trail Dr., F.H. 85268 Gordon Riehl -- 480-837 - 1026 P.O. Box 17851, F.H., 85269 Wally Seidon -- 480-837 - 5749 16248 E. Powderhorn Dr., F.H. 85268 • YES, I/W ,,e;e- �' , support the above recommendations. Address ✓ ' /U -ft1.-1 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 •s.-#�:�'t +,,,,ry, y, ,t: t r 4'*„'S`k !� "2 --Ilef--;4----)Y-4-.. ---447--64- A-A--- --)12-4-,-- _e_...0-A.Z.._e_. .. s7144-04.4_4______,flow _ 4.....„,.........„....,, r v_. z.,„ 7 - - _�"��� R..._ 4.....„6._0_4,_#(._-- _----- _ _ ._. _.__ __ ......, ii}A- .... ..,74.........- A .. __ izz.../e....„...„..4.27,...,___ ___ ....4.e.2—....,_,.......)___‘. _ __ __ __ __ ....... ...7- _ ..... • 3"-4.4---- 44--"--4- •_ • (11,r, s.,...' - i...,,_„,x„..... _ -___ _ . _ -.-...----,:, ,...,,-:-..,-,::: - 6. - /...„.........,,,) - ;‘,--- .--:. r /./......, — Az-,,,, ,. 1' ., , ,.....,,....->:.:4‘„3-.' _ _. ... .- ... _ - ----- ' '-'-'7 - -- - --'''. --,-.47-- .,,, - A , :44:7,,y ,,,....,,,,,,,,,--:.........:,,,........,A, - ,-.‘,..,', ...'..,7.- .----...,ki-4 i< 4 • L i l/-C __ (AZE 6 /il i.-:, 7 d 2 ) . x.L.gA)g /Ili zi.eif. ...._.. . ____ - r ‘111100 , s.